tv News Al Jazeera May 1, 2015 9:00am-10:01am EDT
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>> welcome to the news hour from doha. >> medical workers try to prevent the spread of disease in nepal. >> the yemeni capitol tries to recover after a deadly air strike. >> demonstrators around the world mark may day. protestors in turkey are met with tear gas and water cannon. >> floyd mayweather's father said his son's fight against
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manny pacquiao is as good as over already predicting a quick knockout for his son. >> we begin this news hour in nepal where the death toll from saturday's earthquake has each more than 6,200 people. almost 14,000 have been injured. the government's announced it will give every family which has had a member killed in the quake around $1,000 in compensation. meanwhile, bodies are still being pulled from the rubble. search and rescue teams are using their bare hands as well as machinery to clear debris. now there's a threat of disease because of a shortage of clean water and toilets. we visited one remote medical team and have this report. >> around the village locals line up to get treated by a team
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of doctors. this is the first medical team in the village since the earthquake struck on saturday, destroying most of the houses here. this woman and her daughters have been suffering stomach cramps. >> the water is thick and smelly, but we have to drink it. >> many patients have diarrhea and have been vomiting. some in the queue seemed to be dazed. this 2-year-old has skin infection. behind him, a 2-year-old stares on. >> he has bad diarrhea. our house is too dangerous to go back too. >> we are providing support so one week or more, this support will be continued.
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with chronic diseases, we need long term planning. >> the collapse of the health care system concerns medical officers working in the field. the army has been coordinating all the international medical teams which have come to help. >> quite a few of the villages the health force, the hospitals have been totally destroyed. now the foreign medical teams here in nepal, i think they will start moving out within a week or two. our plan is that other medical teams which can come here and stay for a longer duration, two to six months, so probably we will be sending those teams to those areas where the hospitals and health services have been destroyed. >> back in the village, those not physically sick are in shock. many are afraid to sleep. they hope to get some medication from the doctors who will be here for one more day, but once the medical team leaves, they will be left to fend for themselves once again. >> even at the best of times the health system in nepal has been rather poor.
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for this village, the only health post is half an hour further up. >> not everyone has toilets and people defecate in the streets. water has been contaminated in areas like this, increasing the risk of epidemics. al jazeera, nepal. >> we are joined live from katmandu. the major concern now is getting help to the survivors. the government is talking about compensating families if a member has been killed in the quake. is that really going to help? >> well, the government is trying to show they are doing something, offering about $1,000 for every victim of the quake thus far but it's only small comfort for the families. now just a few months ago the country's finance minister held a press conference saying they are still in need of aid.
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they said that a lot of countries are promises so send aid. they are claiming now they haven't gotten things, basics like tents and blankets they need and are still appealing for that. this is a tough time for people here but we've had a bit of good news. 67 people were found alive in a remote area. this area was cut off since the quake. the army and police just went there today and found the 67 people unharmed, so a bit of good news through all this tragedy and devastation. >> they face a lack of sanitation and water and there is a fear of disease being spread. what's being done to prevent that? >> well, international teams have arrived with water fewerification-purification tablets. we were at a main bus station and people were leaving by that
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the thousands worried about disease, saying if they weren't getting help here, there was no reason to stay. the government are trying to distribute, private businesses are helping, as well, but really the country will need more international aid to get medicine to say prevent disease outbreak. >> a second earthquake has rad would new guinea. the 7.1 magnitude quake struck with no immediate reports of casualties or damage. a tsunami warning was quickly lifted. a 6.7 quake hilt new guinea on thursday. >> in yemen a and you had led coalition has killed 17 people in the capitol area of sanna. >> this is a residential area in sanna. there used to be nine homes
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here a saudi-led coalition air strike reduced them to rubble. >> we heard the explosion. my aunt and i were rescued from under the rubble. we found body parts of my uncle on another street. our neighbor's home, the whole family died and women children and elderly all died. >> sawed military commanders say the airstrikes targeted houthis and fighters loyal to former president ali abdullah saleh around sanna's airport. survivors are angry frustrated and scared it might happen again. >> we don't have weapons or houthis here. they destroyed our homes. this is our neighbor's home, seven girls were killed and this other home, two elderly people were killed. what did they do wrong? this is my house and my uncle's house. we spent 18 years building it brick by brick.
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whos going to reimburse us? we are homeless now. >> this is a poor neighborhood in the middle of the war zone. there is no heavy lifting 20 to look for the dead and injured. people use their hands or whatever else they can find, but it's often hopeless. pro government forces are backed by the saudi-led campaign to restore yemen's president in exile at-bat to power. until the two sides reach agreement, people enyemen fear more of this. >> the u.n. is warning fuel shortages are threatening to stop all relief efforts in yemen within days, following revelations about a secret report which reiterated past claims that iran has been arming
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houthi rebels from 2009. the findings are presented to the security council iran's sanction committee last week. the u.n. is trying to broker an end to the saudi-led air campaign in yemen. >> meanwhile the u.s. navy will escort commercial ships traveling through the strait of hormuz to ensure they encounter no interference. the new policy is implemented in response to what the white house calls provocative iranian behavior. >> saudi arabia is restructuring the world's large evident energy company and leading oil exporter now to be run by a 10 member council headed by the newly promoted deputy crown prince. that separates the state oil giant from control by the oil ministry. a major reshuffle of the government was announced a few
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days ago. >> it is voightal to the saudi economy with crude reserves of 260 billion barrels, by far saudi arabia's biggest employer with more than 60,000 staffs and generates a billion dollars in revenue every day. the middle east director of the ash more group explained the significance of the restructure. >> it's very historic, again part of a larger reform system, reform momentum that has been highlighting the last four months of the king's reign. it's substantial because it's important to separate the oil ministry for transparency and oversight and for these institutions performing
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independently. it is a very effective institution, but yet again it doesn't mean that this is the only way of doing it, so i think now we're going to see a more efficient and proper oversight of saudi aramco, something we haven't seen for many decades. i don't think there is anything to be concerned yet i think that there is more coming and it's for the good of the country. >> at least 21 people have been killed in baghdad following a series of bombs across the iraqi capitol. the explosions happened thursday night. a car bomb killed five and wounded 12 people. in the northern baghdad neighborhood a car bomb outside an ice cream shop killed four people. >> european aviation giant airbus announced it will file a criminal complaint over allegations against germany's foreign intelligence service suggesting the agency has been
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involved in industrial espionage at the request of the united states. we are live from berlin. what more do we know about the background of this case and why airbus is filing this criminal complaint? the german media report you're referring to is in the magazine which talks about the possibility that the german security intelligence system had been eavesdropping upon european companies on the european commission and other organizations inside europe, and to for the purpose of gaining information. there has been a parliamentary commission looking into this but there is no official investigation so far. cot, airbus has deplore this incident and is talking about legal action to try to find out what may have happened. they talk about pursuing action against an enknown source. the article said it's the group.
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the question is who is responsible for the decision who allowed this to happen. the media said it may go up as high as the interior minister, but for the moment, the interior minister said no, that is not the case and there has been no i am pro priority. there is a lot of media interest in this story. >> it does beg the question is there likely to be any wider political fallout from this for the chancellor. >> well, indeed, there may well be. this is the headline that was printed in one of the bigger newspapers in germany. this is the interior minister with a pinocchio nose, the newspaper saying that he lies with impunity. he is the interior minister, the man who would be accountable and responsible for the b.n.d. and
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if there was any surveillance taken in operation. he says absolutely not. he says that he has followed the rules. he is important to angela merkel because she is very close to him. historically his uncle was the last east german prime minister from the same party as angela merkel and she wants to stay by him. he could be portrayed as a loyal lieutenant to angela merkel, so for her if there was any suggestion that he would have to go over there it would go a blow of considerable significance to her. >> dominic, thank you. plenty more still to come on the news hour, including buy israel jews are marching against the police. >> three times in eight days, the volcano in chile erupts again. >> the chicago bulls on a ram pain in the nba playoffs. we'll have all the details coming up in sports a little bit later.
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turk irleash have used water cannon on may day meme problem straighters in istanbul. security forces used tear gas against protestors trying to get to texan square. over 10,000 police were deployed around the area. the center of istanbul were also closed. this is the first protest since the government gave police more powers to crack down on demonstrators. workers in hong kong international workers day saw demonstrators demand better working conditions. similar rallies were held in indonesia, cambodia, the philippines and south korea where workers are demanding better wages and living conditions. we have more from the protest in seoul. >> the union organizations behind today's events are protesting against what they see
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as an attempt by the government to further deregulate the labor market here in south korea. in particular, they're opposed to attempts to make it easier for companies to dismiss workers and changes to the public sector pension system. they want to see a doubling of the minimum wage to nearly $10 an hour by the end of the year. this is the first big mailings protest in several weeks. there was a general strike on april 24. there are protests to the government hodge of the ferry disaster on the first anniversary. there are 15,000 officers on the streets today. >> trade union members in south africa gathered in johannesburg to pressure the government for labor reforms. charles stratford spoke to some of them. >> i am outside johannesburg and
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members of the trade unions are gathering to celebrate labor day. it's important to recognize that the trade unions in this country have played a pivotal role in the struggle against apartheid and wield a lot of power here. they are the largest group of trade unions, the congress of south africa trade unions is making some very real demands on the government. it is suffering a split in its group but wants wage increases for. sector workers. >> the government is saying if it would meet the demand for the minimum wage, it would cost them $7.1 billion next year and they don't have the money. the government is under huge pressure on a wider level in this country around 40% unemployed over 50% of the
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country living in poverty vast amounts of inequality and a huge disparity of wealth here. it's important to recognize it is suffering at the moment and there are questions here as to whether the split could compromise workers rights in the months ahead. >> in greece, thousands joined a may day demonstration demanding the government should act on its promises to end austerity. trade unions have called a 24 hour strike. the government which is running out of money is under pressuring to agree on a new deal with international lenders. >> at least 13 people have been injured during demonstrations in jerusalem. israeli jews accuse the police are brew tallty and discriminating against blacks in israel. we have this report. >> they came out in the hundreds mostly israel jews of ethiopian origin.
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they are angry as police brutality against a black israeli soldier. medics say more than a dozen were hurt when scuffles broke out with the police. >> we are against police brutality. the police is acting with force and unproportional force. >> in an incident last week, an israeli of ethiopian descent was attacked by officers who thought he was an illegal immigrant. the policemen were seen beating the soldier showing a policeman pushing him to the ground after every didn't initially obey the policeman's order. another officer tried to help his colleague. >> activists say deliberate policies have resulted in an almost 50% decline of eat yepian jews in israel. the soldier picks up a rock and
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threatens the policeman before police backup arrives. in 2010, wikileaks released a report showing 65% of households relied on welfare to survive. the next year, a t.v. program sparked protest that revealed many 10:00 a.m.s in the southern city have signed agreements no the to sell or rent properties to eat yepians. in 2013, the israeli government admitted to injecting ethiopian women to keep them from bearing
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children. >> aid is provided to ethiopian groups. larger detention centers have been built to house those seeking ref final without the required paperwork. the protests might be over for now but unless race relations are improved, that anger is likely to continue to boil over. al jazeera. >> police in the u.s. city of baltimore have completed their investigation into the death of freddie gray, the black man who suffered a fatal spinal injury while in their custody. it could be weeks before the findings are made public. the protestors in baltimore have been demanding the police reveal the details now. the report is with the chief prosecutor who will decide whether to charge the six officers involved. >> more demonstrations against police brutality have been held around the united states. hundreds marched in philadelphia in solid dart with protestors in
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baltimore. as the protests continue, the obama administration announced it will provide police departments with $20 million to provide body cameras for officers. >> roman catholic church leaders say mexico is the most dangerous country in the world to be a abbreviate. they are becoming victims of the war waged by drug cartels. we have this report where one priest was murdered early this month. >> the father gutierrez the latest priest killed in mexico was shot in the head two days after easter. father martinez served under gutierrez. he reported his mentor missing. >> it was premeditated. they knew he was picking up money that day. >> killed apparently by thieves most priests murdered in mexico seem now to be victims of the raging drug violence. some may have accommodated
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criminals or allegedly crossed them in had some way. >> i've heard about priests who definitely were offered great amounts of money to perform certain favors or to stay quiet. obviously that is a big temptation. it's easy to say i would never do that, but priests are humans like everyone else. >> drugs may have had nothing told with the killing still shows no one in mexico includinging priests are untouchable. >> mexico has a history of anti clericalism. in the past two years alone at least 10 privates have been killed in mexico. the vatican said it's the most dangerous country in latin america to be a priest. >> in the past, vocal priests may have been willing to accept money from cartel bosses that just ran drugs to the u.s. experts say that's not so easy now as cartels extort, kidnap and kill their fellow mexicans for money. >> the church realized that they
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couldn't keep doing that because this was not a good thing to do to receive money full of blood and try to convert it into something better. >> priests are particularly vulnerable in states like this. for now they agreed he should be stay put. we asked him if it was time to take special precautions. he said no. >> it's the state of things. they killed jesus so we all like christ have to offer our lives. if any blood is killed for christ it will be the seed for something good in the community. >> those we spoke to said more private's blood will surely be spilled before mexico finds peace. al jazeera in mexico.
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>> the emergency isn't over for people living near a volcano in southern chile ordered to leave their homes again after another eruption. >> the fury erupting for the third time in eight days. the volcano in chile belched out bursts of ash and hot rock. the thick clouds were visible from miles away. >> it was impressive. i have never seen anything like it. poor people. >> the latest eruption prompted the evacuation of a 20-kilometer radius around the volcano. people in surrounding areas had just begun to return to their homes following the two blasts of last week. those blanketed the region with ash and disrupted air travel. >> we are here in the shelter because of the volcano's eruption. we are a bit scared. as soon as things improve, i believe i'll be able to return
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to my house. >> it had been dormant nearly 50 years before rumbling back to life last wednesday. >> the seismic intensity of this is lower than the two others, particularly the first. the ash cloud reached no more than four kilometers in height. the first reached 17 kilometers. it will affect areas south of the volcano. >> although thursdays eruption was not as paul, they warn of rain which could lead to volcanic mud flows capable of wiping out anything in its path. al jazeera. >> let's get a check on the weather with richard who has details of severe flooding in australia. >> that's right. you might think i'll be telling you about our tropical area moving in towards western australia, but in actual fact, did he say spite the fact of the wind and very heavy rain, it's not that. it's this much less spectacular
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looking trough of low pressure which could produce rain. earlier rainfall had reached 100 milliliters. it looks very close to what they are suggesting. there have been three fatalities from the torrential rain. >> the situation is likely to improve considerably. they could do with some of that rain in california over in the united states. dry once again. indeed the forecast for the next three months suggest it will be both dryer than average and warmer than average. 33 millimeters of rain in april will generate a total of
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73 millimeters so the period is dryest in more than 170 years. it looks really bad in the future. >> thank you. still to come here, the smuggling hub at the border of somalia and ethiopia where migrants desperate to travel to europe are increasingly arriving. >> the electric carmaker has unveiled a solar battery to power homes. >> find out the first pick in the nfl draft. we will have much more in sport after the break. stay with us.
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>> doctors in nepal are worried about disease in camps following the earthquake. more than 20,000 homeless people are in camps in katmandu. the number which dead is now more than 6,200. >> new saudi-led airstrikes in sanna have killed 21 people in a residential area. the airport was targeted and a military base for houthis and loyalists of former president ali abdullah saleh. >> turkish police used water cannon and tear gas against demonstrators. they were driven back by security forces. >> thousands are stranded and awaiting help in remote communities in nepal. andrew simmons traveled to a village and sent us this report.
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>> the mountain roads would normally take you to one of the most seenic places on earth. now the journey shows you misery despair. for some of those who survived, this is what remains of their lives. this small village hasn't one home left standing. people are in a forlorn state. no one's here to help them. officials say around 1600 people have died in this region. unofficial estimates put the figure at beyond 5,000. two more deaths are recorded here after a search that's lasted three days. the bodies of a woman and her baby lying together are recovered. >> deeper into the region, the needs get even greater. some aid is getting through but it's a drip feed. aid workers arriving here say the region has been neglected. >> the need is quite huge. initially, there was a lack of
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proper communication in the sense if you seep the data for the first three days, the number of dead people were 100-120. the number which dead from this area rose up to 650. >> this is the town with no power, no sanitation, and very few tents. >> it is a town that's devastated and the humanitarian needs are colossal. the few search and rescue workers who have reached this place say it's dangerous to be in the town, because the buildings that are intact are unsafe. >> this man lost his wife and is left making due in a school looking after his baby son and little girl, who has an eye injury that needs more attention. >> the government has not provided relief to such an extreme situation. it's range wet the tremors continue and we are having to take shelter in the school.
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>> the weather is making things worse. normally this would be the dry season but there's heavy rain. aside from washing out already crowded shelters, it causes landslides more fear for the people with after shocks making the landslides more frequent. they want to know when the suffering will end. no one has an answer. andrew simmons, al jazeera nepal. >> in somali land, the autonomous region of somalia many are trying to leave the region forced to take a perilous journey across the sahara desert. the governing taking action to stop them. >> a smuggling boon town and key entry point. a checkpoint in different parts of the town, police search
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vehicles carrying such passengers. >> we have arrested more than 300 i didn't get youth trying to migrate illegally this year alone. we have arrested smugglers too. there ever international efforts to combat it. >> despite controls by authorities, migrants cross the borders daily while on their jen knee to europe. many don't think of the risks of crossing the desert or the sea. although know is what they are leaving behind. >> near the border, another human trafficking hub. smugglers put migrants in safe houses here before handing them over to their european counterparts. soon one of them is reluctantly speaking to us. >> i have been wrongly arrested. everyone knows who the smugglers
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are. they have houses where they keep the people they are trafficking. the police know who they are. >> it is a story the authorities are not buying at all. >> we have the biggest smugglers around. they are part of an international cartel. let them not deny it. >> officials believe the problem is far broader than a border control issue. they believe joblessness is driving many to take the perilous journey through the sudan before reaching libya with the hope of reaching europe by boat. >> unless opportunities are created for the youth and they are also given access to quality education, we will keep talking about this problem. it will never go away. >> here the task is not to provide aid or jobs or schooling, simply to stop people leaving. >> in mali, swede issue peacekeepers say they repelled two separate rebel attacks in
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the last week. the incident in the city of timbuktu battles were reported in some towns. a peace deal and ceasefire between the government and northern based separatist groups was signed two months ago. >> human ritz activists say that at least 400 people have been detained in burundi this week trying to stop street protests against the government. malcolm webb joins us live. bring us up to date with the latest on these arrests and protests. >> the protests are still going on actually. large groups of protestors have gathered behind us saying they don't want the president to run for a third term.
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they are chanting in the name of the independent popular radio station here which was taken off air a couple of days ago. meanwhile, it's may day here, so the president's been giving a presentation for the may day celebration, labor day cell braces. hes people have done good work over the year. the workers unions not extremely blissful it does have a large number of members. >> the president has been speaking. what more has he been saying? >> there has been violence on the streets. the police held a press conference yesterday and some of the protestors are armed and
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throwing grenades. we vice president seen evidence of that on the streets. he says people should turn out in large numbers for the presidential election in june. his supporters say there are peaceful resolutions to have a free and fair election at the end of june would bring the country peace with its outcome. the opposition say if he is running, the elections won't be free and fair and won't be meaningful. several he key opposition presidential candidates have said if he does run, they will boycott the election. >> pilots flying for portugal's main airline started a 10 day strike affecting more than a quarter of a million passengers. they are demanding privatization pay as the portuguese government tries to sell off the carrier. the government said the stoppage
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could ruin the airline and lose millions of dollars in tourist revenue. >> in myanmar, armed group's have begun talks with the government. the government wants a nationwide ceasefire before elections in november. we explain how armed groups have put aside their differences. >> the people have been fighting the government for decades. more than 60 years you have strife takes this the longest running conflict in myanmar. more than 100,000 people have been displaced many living at refugees in neighboring thailand. there's little economic investment here because of the instability, leaving the population poor and facility asks in that my bells. a peace agreement was signed in 2012 but there's still sporadic fighting and peace is made more complicated because the ethnic
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group is with armed and unarmed factions. for one day this year, they were able to forget the violence. >> everybody wants peace but i don't really know if it's for real for not. i don't know when we'll have a chance to play football with the other ethnic groups again. >> the council together with hand shakes for peace a non-governmental organization arranged a friendly game between two warring sides. the star power was provided by former international footballers who held drills for the players not only to pass along tips, but as a way of bringing the two sides together. the myanmar army pulled out at the last minute, but the government's border guard forces are there. >> for us, it is good, because we don't shoot each other like we did in the past. >> for the villagers the match was an enjoyable event. >> compared to weapons
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footballs are much better. >> turnouts was lower than expected, because of reports of fighting nearby. >> away from the pitch and the front lines the difficult work of negotiating a peace deal goes on. the government and 16 armed ethnic groups agreed in principle to the ceasefire agreement. that number does not include allayings and a final agreement has to be reached before a political dialogue can take place. clashes still go on in some parts of myanmar. al jazeera myanmar. >> police in thailand found 32 graves believed to be the migrants from myanmar and bangladesh in an abandoned trafficking camp. many are likely to be muslims forced to flee myanmar escaping religious percent skies. they were often put in camps and demanded heavy ransoms to take them across the border.
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>> a disruption i have a united nations conference and a human rights record. james bails has the story. >> chaotic and angry scenes at the united nation, it all started when a north korean diplomat demanded the right to speak at a meeting on human rights in his country but the ambassador said he should wait his turn. >> you are discrediting yourself further by interrupting the proceedings. we will contain our panel and you can speak when the panel has concluded. >> the north korean would not back down, so samantha power seemed to relent. >> i think the audience will agree he should be allowed to speak since it is a self discrediting exercise and we will resume our panel. conclude your statement and we will go back to our panel.
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there is no need for the microphone. >> he alwaysed with his microphone switched off amid occasional jeers from the crowd. someone decided to turn the microphone back on. >> please shut the mic down since this is not official. please assure the microphone is not live. thank you. >> he continued with what he says is human rights abuses by the u.s. the u.s. ambassador who organized the meeting lost her patience. >> we are calling u.n. security. sir, you are either conclude your remarks or you will be removed from the room. >> the crowd continued tier. >> the north korean and there was applause as he finally stopped just as u.n. security officers arrived. >> it must be chilling for those of you who have been subjected to the terror of the regime to
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be con from thed with bullying and disruption and the kind of behavior that we saw today. >> what happened in the committee room shows north koreas determination to counter any criticism of its human rights record, however that subject is now on the u.n. security council agenda and is the subject many nations want to continually raise here in new york. james bays, al jazeera at the united nations. >> time for a short break. when we come back, all the sport. >> the countdown begins to what is build as the fight of the century in las vegas. we'll look at the impact on north america's entertainment capitol.
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at working in america. "hard earned". >> more protests are expect in milan. this was of the scene thursday when hundreds of students marched through the city center, angry at what they call a waste of public money and corruption scandals that marred the event. the fair which foam cusses on food and nutrition brings together more than 140 countries. >> the chief executive of electric carmaker tesla motors set his sights on the electricity market. the billionaire elon musk wants to power homes with solar batteries. it might be too expensive for most households, coming in at 3,500 u.s. dollars each.
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a senior analyst joins us via skype from the u.k. what's behind this move by tesla and how ground breaking are these batteries? >> well, thanks for inviting me on show the but i mean, really what tesla has announced today is not them the product itself, but the vision for the product is going to be profound in terms of the effect that it can have. essentially what he has done is announce a battery that you can install in the home and it will who can into the home power supply which means that when your power goes out you don't need to reach for the candles anymore. on the other hand, the product is veil for businesses and utilities where you can scale the number of batteries to effectively an infinite number, and so really, all what he's introduced is an uninterruptible power supply.
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that brings in the prospect of what we call a smart grid. >> ok. so will these batteries allow people to get off power grids or perhaps bring energy to remote areas not on existing grids already? >> both, actually. i mean, elon musk has a vision for these batteries to combine with solar power and obviously the sun only shines for a certain number of hours every day, so you need a storage capability to make use of solar power throughout the day and that is one really good possibility for this technology. on the other hand, in less developed regions a lot of power is still generated through diesel generation, which is extremely bad for the environment and costly, as well, so they can take advantage of this product. >> other companies make solar
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battery power. how is this different? >> you will be able to combine with the smart grids. what we have at the moment is a valuized power delivery, power coming from a single source in one direction. when you bring in this product you basically enable homes and businesses and so on to contribute to that power grid. every business, every home has the kind of possibility to become a micro generator and contribute to the overall power supply. that in turn will enable the onboarding of more renewable energy where at the moment, it's difficult, because for example the wind doesn't always blow and so on, so it's difficult for power companies to predict and have enough power in conjunction with renewable sources at the moment. what the battery will enable is a change in that, in the sense that you can bring on energy
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reserve by the use of other parts of the grid. >> thank you for talking to al jazeera. >> thank you. >> time for the sport. >> it's a fight that's been six years in the making, but floyd may whether and pay pacquiao are finally set to face each other. the fighter's two coaches have been having their say with mayweather senior saying pacquiao has never recovered from being knocked out two years ago. >> i'm going to be honest with you, it's not going to be much of a fight. >> short? >> pretty much. >> thank you. >> why has it taken such a long time to make this fight happen? both have accused the other of running scared. there have been arguments over drug testing and racism and mayweather has served time in
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prison. >> the journey to this fight has been a rather long and tortious one. mayweather and pacquiao have won 20 world tights and earned a combined total of $757 million. how have we got here? for a while it seemed floyd mayweather wanted to fight everyone apart from pacquiao. he beat britons ricky hatten, then retired. pack ewe then beat de lahoya in 2008 a win that made him a global superstar. in may 2009, he demolished be ricky hatten, arguably his greatest performance. on the day of the fight mayweather announced he was
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coming out of the retirement. negotiations broke down after pacquiao was accused of using performance enhancing drugs. pacquiao then sued mayweather in a federal court for defamation. a racist rant by mayweather in september, 2010 directed at pack ewe led to him apologizing for his outburst. over the next four years the american racked up the victories. his record in the ring remains unblemished, but outside is anything but having served three years in jail for domestic battery. in january the pair finally met in person at an nba game in miami. it seemed that meeting led to new negotiations and saturday's big fight. >> it will be the most watched fight in years and thousands of fans are arriving in las vegas ahead of the bout. what about the economic impact on a city hard hit by the financial crisis? we have this report. >> it's the neon city in the
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desert a place where just about anything goes, but even here, the buzz surrounding the fight again floyd mayweather and manny pacquiao has las vegas excited. pound-for-pound, mayweather and pacquiao are consider road the greatest boxers of their generation. this has been a fight years in the making, bringing in thousands of fans who between them will spend millions of dollars. >> i need a cab. >> at the lucky transportation company, business is booming. the firm has more than 200 vehicles, not enough to cope with the influx of people. >> i have been booked solid for the weekend for the fight. >> the company's owner said the fight is one of the biggest events the city has seen. >> this has a huge economic impact. it has also huge impact that las vegas is back and it's going to be economically great for our community.
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>> at betting shops, it's a similar story. it's estimated that $100 million will be wagered on the outcome. bookies say there is more than money at stake. >> i'm rooting for a great fight. a great fight spurs interest for another great fight. if it's a dull fight or something doesn't go right boxing is in trouble. >> for las vegas, it is hoped to restore the city's fortunes. >> during the financial crisis las vegas was one of the hardest cities in the u.s. house prices fell and thousands lost jobs, but this is a city uniquely built for larger than life events and this could be a billion dollar weekend. fans are excited for what is billed as the fight of the century. >> look at them go at it. both raring to go, we are raring to watch it.
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>> boxing may not draw the crowds it once did, but this is expected to be the biggest money fight of all time. al jazeera, las vegas, nevada. june the chicago bulls are through to the second round of the nba playoffs after a huge win over milwaukee. the bulls taking the series 4-2. pau gasol scoring 19 points, also got eight rebounds. the bulls were out of sight by half time. derrick rose netting 15 on the night. chicago going on to win 120-66. that is just four points off the biggest victory margin in playoff history. the bulls will face cleveland in round two. >> they're a great team. we're going to have to play, play very well, play for 48 minutes. we're going to have to be ready right from the start. they're well rested, they are sitting there. they've got a lot of weapons. it's a lot more than just lee
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problem and kyrie. they play very well as a team, share the ball, they are got competitors. we're going to have to be ready. >> in the western conference playoffs the clippers beat san antonio level that series 3-3 the decider coming up on saturday. >> the biggest events at the nfl off-season the draft saw jameis winston heading to the tampa bay buccaneers as the overall first pick. >> the tampa bay buccaneers select jameis winston. >> the quarterback didn't attend the event choosing to watch from his alabama home. already a controversial figure be he has a civil lawsuit pending alleging sexual assault. he has been punished for shoplifting and shouting obscenities. >> the challenge is just with the nfl player period.
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i'm just worried about living this new lifestyle and it just developing into a great man, you know, for the tampa bay community and for my teammates because this is all for them, this is all for the success of this franchise. >> roar mcelroy has made it two out of two. he has defeated snedekor. jordan speith sealed a 4-3 win here over matt every. >> more on our website. >> we'll see you then. thank you. stay with us here on al jazeera. i'll be back at the top of the hour with another full bulletin of news. thanks for watching al jazeera. ra.
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medical workers in nepal try to prevent the spread of disease in the aftermath of the earthquake. ♪ hello i'm darren jordan live from al jazeera's headquarter higher in doha. also ahead how one neighborhood in yemen tries to recover after a deadly air strike. and the u.s. companies take the high road towards silicon valley as technology in the industry shifts up a gear.
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