tv News Al Jazeera May 1, 2015 10:30am-11:01am EDT
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can be used to replace, sales assistants celebrities or even news readers. a reminder you can keep up to date with all of the stories on our website. that is stay with us. new reports into what may have caused freddie gray's death as the state's attorney is set to speak about the case any moment now. we'll be bringing you that event live. rescue workers in nepal find more missing residents, but the biggest threat now is the spread of disease after the earthquake. and may day rallies turn violent in turkey and south korea as workers demand better treatment. ♪
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this is al jazeera america live from new york. i'm stephanie sy. we are awaiting a news conference in baltimore, where the state's attorney is set to speak in just a few minutes about the latest into the investigation of the death of freddie gray. she has now received details of the autopsy a day after police turned over details of their investigation. john terrett is live for us in baltimore. john what is the latest you are hearing? and bring us up to speed about what is known about the investigation at this point. >> reporter: well good morning, stephanie. let's start with the news that is breaking at the moment. we are expecting within the next ten minutes or so a news conference from marilyn mostby who is the state's attorney and she received the interim police
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report by baltimore police into the arrest and transportation of freddie gray. let's come back to that report in just a second. because what we're hearing now is the medical examiner has passed his report to marilyn mosbey as well. we're expecting her, if that is true to mention that in her news conference this the next couple of minutes. we were told earlier in the week the report could take up to 90 days to be processed and then to be made known public. and then the newly elected governor intervened and asked to expedite the report. and that seems to be what is happening now. also i was hearing earlier today that the medical examiner was slated to brief the gray family on his findings sometime within
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the course of the next 24 hours. so that's the medical examiners report. and that's the bit we're expecting marilyn mosbey to comment on. what she is also likely to comment on is what happened yesterday, 24 hours sooner than what we had anticipated, that was the interim police report. you remember yesterday he surprised everybody by handing that over a full 24 hours earlier at about 10 to 9:00 eastern, instead of friday. and that was also the report in which anthony and his colleagues had an extraordinary revelation which was that there was a fourth previously unknown stop in the journey that freddy gray made that day, april 12th when he was arrested and transported in the back of the wagon. the fourth stop was in fact the second stop on his journey.
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but that was something that was unknown until yesterday, and it appears as many the six police officers who -- five of whom have given depositions in the case one has taken the fifth, but it does seem as if the five officers who have given depositions, did not talk about that second stop. so it's a complete mystery to everybody, and in some sense the police have left us all hanging. we'll have to wait and see if she says anything about that in the next few minutes. so the interim police report and what we're hoping to hear about now that the medical examiner has delivered his report the autopsy on freddy gray to marilyn mosbey. >> there have been a series of leaks regarding what those reports may be saying. isn't it up to her on whether or not to press charges against
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these six officers? might we hear about that? >> reporter: no i don't think we will. there is a tremendous amount of weight on her head now. she is 35 years old. she is married to a local counselor named nick mosbel. he is campaigned on a ticket of inclusiveness. trying to bring justice to the people in the area. right now this entire case rests on her shoulders. she must shift through all of the information and decide whether or not to bring charges against those six police officers involved in the arrest of freddie gray. she has a big team to back her up. what happens here in maryland is she'll take the police report the medical examiner's report. she has already said stephanie that the police report
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containing in knew to her and her team. and she has a team of lawyers who will back her up now. she will effectively carry out her own investigation, and then and only then will she decide whether or not publicly to bring charges. we're not going to hear charges today. i think it will be a very short press conference. [ overlapping speakers ] >> she hasn't released any information, in fact she has urged the public to remain patient, peaceful and to trust the process of the justice system. but didn't you just say, john, that freddie gray's family will also be getting results of the autopsy. so isn't it possible that we'll also hear more details from them? >> reporter: i think you'll get some cursory details. but the mayor of baltimore has made this a theme in the last couple of days. she said on our air, you know,
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that this whole situation, she feels people will have a misapprehension abu hammam al-shami what is going to happen. this has been eked out over two days because the police went 24 hours early. but she said people seem to think charges will be brought on this day, and you will know all of the details, and she has said that is simply not the case for the reasons i just outlined that the state attorney has to take her time. and billy murray who is one of the attorneys for the gray family he is a partner in the company they have engaged. he has said multiple times that if you rush justice, you miss something, and he has also been appealing to people up at the epicenter of the riot on monday he said please don't expect any information to come out on
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friday unless the police choose to tell you and he is making the point people here should understand that there is a process. it is the law of the land and anybody in the legal community here, they all say the same thing. you can't rush it. you have to take your time. you have to be patient. >> but at the same time john you have been talking with a lot of protesters with what they consider a lack of transparency into the details, and you have multiple media reports and leaks happening and rumor and speculation filling the vacuum which has not been filled with actual fact. >> reporter: well one of the biggest leaks so far comes from the local abc affiliate here and they say they have seen part of the medical examiners report and they are reporting, and now other sources are reporting as well that the medical examiner says that the injuries that
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caused freddie gray's death were not picked up during the arrest process, but happened while he was in the back of the police wagon, and according to multiple reports that he had an injury on his head or neck that is consistent with a bolt that sticks out in the back of the police van, but we have no way of noing that and that is something that marilyn mosbey may address. we don't know. we'll have to wait and see what she says. >> can you remind us john what is happening with the six police officers quickly. they are under suspension, correct? hold on we're about to here miss mosbey speak. >> in just a few seconds, state's attorney will come out to speak with all of you. i want to make it clear that before she speaks she will be
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joined by members of her executive team which does include members of the police integrity unit as well as two independent investigators. the state's attorney will take questions, but keep in mind this is an ongoing investigation. so that means that the answers may be limited if they can be answered at all. the correct spelling of the state's attorney name is m, as in michael -- >> okay. john let me just have you answer that question while this person briefs the media. remind us what the status is of those six officers that were in the van with freddie gray. >> reporter: yeah there were six of them. and they were all involved in that video that was taken by the passerby. they are off duty but they are being paid. of the six, five have given dep
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depositions. one took the fifth, who he has refused to speak, which is that person's right. >> john i'm going to cut you off there. the state's attorney is at the podium. let's listen in. >> first and foremost i need to express publicly my deepest sympathies for the family of the loved ones of mr. gray. i had the opportunity to meet with mr. gray's family to discuss some of the details of the case and steps going forward. i assured his family that no one is above the law. so the thousands of residents, community organizers and leaders that chose to march peacefully throughout baltimore, i commend your courage.
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i support the men and women in uniform who have stepped up monday night to protect our communities from those who wish to destroy it. i have been sworn to uphold justice and treat every citizen equally and fairly under the law. i take this oath seriously, and my administration is committed to creating a fair and equitable justice system for all. no matter what your occupation your age, your race your color, or your creed. it is my job to examine and investigate the evidence of each case and apply those facts to the elements of a crime in order to make a determine as to whether individuals should be prosecuted. this is a tremendous responsibility, the one that i sought and accepted when the citizens of baltimore city elected me as the state's attorney and it's precisely what i did in the indication of freddie gray.
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once alerted about this incident on april 13th, investigators from my police integrity unit were deployed to investigation the circumstances surrounding mr. gray's apprehension. over the course of our investigation my team worked around the clock, 12 and 14-hour days to canvas and interview dozens of witnesses, view numerous hours of video footage. repeatedly reviewed and listened to hours of police videotaped statements surveyed the route, reviewed voluminous medical records, and surveyed the information made available to us. definings of our comprehensive, thorough and independent investigation coupled with the medical examiner's determination that mr. gray's death was a homicide which we received today, has lead us to believe
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that we have probable cause to file criminal charges -- >> yes! yes! >> -- the statement of probable cause is as follows. on april 12th, 2015, between 8:45 and 8:15, near the corner of north avenue and mount street lieutenant brian rice while on bike patrol with officer garretts miller and edward narro, made eye contact with mr. freddy carlos gray, jr. mr. gray subsequently ran from lieutenant rice. lieutenant rice then dispatched over departmental radio that he was involved in a foot pursuit at which time bike patrol officers and narro -- officers miller and narro also began to pursue mr. gray. mr. gray then surrendered to officers miller and narro.
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officers miller and narro then handcuffed mr. gray and moved him to a location a few feet away. he was placed in a prone position with his arms handcuffed behind his back. it was at this time that mr. gray indicate thatted he could not breathe and requested an inhaler, to no avail. officers miller and naroput mr. gray in a seated position and found a knife clipped to the inside of his pants pocket. the knife was not a switchblade and is lawful under maryland law. these officers subsequently removed the knife and placed it on the sidewalk. mr. gray was then placed back down on his stomach, at which time mr. gray began to flail his legs and scream as officer miller placed mr. gray in a restraining technique. while officer naro physically held him down against his will
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until a wagon arrived to transport mr. gray. lieutenant rice officer miller and officer naro failed to establish probable cause for mr. gray's arrest as no crime had been committed by mr. gray. according mri lieutenant rice, officer miller and officer naro illegally arrested mr. gray. upon arrival of the transport wagon, lieutenant rice officer naro and officer miller loaded mr. gray into the wagon, and at no point was he secured by a seat belt while in the wagon. lieutenant rice then directed the wagon to stop at baker street. at baker street. lieutenant rice officer naro and officer miller removed mr. gray from thing we gone placed flex cuffs on his wrists placed leg stack ls on his ankles, and completed required paperwork. officer miller officer naro
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and lieutenant rice then loaded mr. gray back into the wagon, placing him on his stomach, head first on to the floor of the wagon. once again mr. gray was not secured by a seat belt in the wagon, contrary to a general order. lieutenant rice directed officer goodison to transport mr. gray to the central booking and in-take facility. following transport from baker street mr. gray suffered a severe neck and head injury as a result of being handcuffed shackled by his feet and being unresdlan unresdlan -- unrestrained in the wagon. despite stopping for the purpose of checking on mr. gray's condition, at no point did he seek nor did he render any medical assistance for mr. gray. officer goodison returned to his driver's seat and provided
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towards the intake facility with mr. gray still unsecured by a seat belt contrary to a general order. several blocks later, officer goodison called into dispatch that he needed to check on the status of his prisoner and requested additional units at dolphin street and drew hill avenue. officer william porter arrived on the screen. both officer goodison and officer porter proceeded to the back of the wagon to check on the status of mr. grey's condition. mr. gray at that time requested help and indicated that he could not breathe. officer ported asked mr. gray if he needed a medic, at which time mr. gray indicated at least twice that he was in need of a medic. the officers physically assisted mr. gray from the floor of the van to the bench. however, despite appeal for a medic, both officers assessed
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mr. gray's condition and at no point did either restrain mr. gray per general order nor did they render a request medical assistance. while discussing the transportation of mr. gray request for additional units was made for arrest at the 1600 west north avenue. officer porter left the vicinity of doll if tin street to assist in the arrest of another prisoner. despite mr. gray's obvious and recognized need for medical assistance officer goodison and a grossly negligent manner chose to respond to the 1600 block of west north avenue with mr. gray still unsecured by a seat belt in the wagon without rendering too or summoning medical assistance. officer goodison arrived at north avenue to transport the individual arrested at the location of north avenue and pennsylvania avenue at which
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time he was again met by officer naro miller porter and lieutenant rice. when the wagon arrived officer goodison walked to the back of the wagon and opened the doors to make observation of mr. gray. sergeant alicia white, officer porter and officer goodison observed mr. gray unresponsive on the floor of the wagon. sergeant white who was responsible for incest gaiting two citizen complaints spoke to beback of mr. gray's head. when he did not respond she did nothing further despite the fact that she was advised that he needed a med sick. she made no effort to look or assess or determine his condition. despite mr. gray's seriously deteriorating medical condition, no medical assistance was rendered or summoned for mr. gray at that time by any officer. after completing the north avenue arrest and loading the
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additional prisoner into the opposite side of the wagon containing mr. gray officer goodison then proceeded to the western district police station where contrary to the bpd general order, he gain failed to restrain mr. gray in the wagon for at least the fifth time. at the western district police station, the defendant arrested at north avenue was escorted and secured inside of the police station prior to attending to mr. gray. by the time officers zachary novak, sergeant white and an unknown officer attempted to remove mr. gray from the wagon, mr. gray was no longer breathing. a medical was called to the scene, where the medic determined that mr. gray was now in cardiacer arrest and was critically and severely injured. he was rushed to the university of maryland shock trauma where
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he underwent surgery. the manner of death deemed a homicide by the maryland state medical examiner is believed to be the result of a fatal injury that occurred while mr. gray was unrestrained by a seat belt in the custody of the baltimore police department wagon. all events occurred in baltimore city state of maryland. while each of these officers are presumed innocent until proven guilty, we have brought the following charges officer goodison is being charged with second degree depraved heart murder involunteer manslaughter second degree negligent assault, manslaughter by vehicle by means of gross negligence manslaughter by means of criminal negligence misconduct in office for failure to secure prisoner failure to render aid, officer william porter is being charged with involunteer manslaughter
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assault in the second degree, misconduct in office lieutenant brian rice is being charged with invol tarn manslaughter, assault in the second degree assault in the second degree, misconduct in office false imprisonment. officer edward nerro, is being charged with assault in the second degree, intentional. assault in the second degree negligent. misconduct in office false imprisonment. officer gar rot miller is being charged with intentional assault in the second degree. assault in the second degree negligent, misconduct in office and imprisonment. alicia white is being charged with manslaughter second degree assault, misconduct in office. while i am committed to transparency, what i have revealed here today is now a
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matter of public record. however, the evidence that we have collected and continue to collect cannot ethically be released to the public. and i strongly condemn anyone in law enforcement with access to trial evidence who has leaked information prior to the resolution of this case. you are only damaging our ability to conduct a fair and impartial process for all parties involved. i hope that as we move forward with this case everyone will respect due process, and refrain from doing anything that will jeopardize our ability to seek justice. to the people of baltimore, and the demonstrators across merck merck -- america, i heard your call for no justice, no peace. your peace is sincerely needed as i work to deliver justice on behalf of this young man. to those that are angry, hurt or have their own experiences of injust disat the hands of police
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officers, i urge you to channel the anger peacefully. i have heard your call for no justice, no peace, however, your peace is sincerely needed as i work to deliver justice on behalf of freddy gray. to the rank and file officers of the baltimore city police officer, please know the accusations of these six officers are not an indictment on the entire force. my father was an officer, my mother was an officer, my recently departed and beloved grandfather was one of the founding members of the first black police organizations in massachusetts. i can them you that the actions of these officers will not, and should not in anyway damage the important working relationships between police and ros cute -- prosecutors as we continue to reduce crime in
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baltimore. thank you for your courage, commitment, and sacrifice for the betterment of our communities. lastly i would like to thank my team for working around the clock since the day we learned of this tragic incident. we have conducted a thorough and independent investigation of this case. this independent investigation was lead by my deputy state attorneys, my investigators, and the hard-working investigative team that were here and still are very much committed to pursuing justice. i would also like to thank the baltimore city police department particularly major brandford, and rodney hill for providing us with hard copy of their investigative materials yesterday. information that we already had. and lastly i would like to
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thank baltimore city sheriff's department as assisting us as an independent police department. to the governor of this great state of maryland thank you for expediting the autopsy report. last but certainly not least, to the youth of this city i will seek justice on your behalf. this is a moment. this is your moment. let's ensure that we have peaceful and productive rallies that will develop structural and systemic changes for generations to come. you are at the forefront of this cause, and as young people our time is now. >> that's right! yeah! [ applause ] [ cheers ] >> i'm going to take a few questions. hold on one second. ashley go ahead. >> reporter: thank you. [ inaudible ] factored into your
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decision to go forward with these charges and how much is strictly your independent state's attorney investigation. >> we have been working with the police department from day one, and from day one i also sent my own investigators to the seen. we have been being brief on what has been going on with the police department. what we received from the police department yesterday we already had. we independently verified those facts and everything that we received from the police department. so it's a culmination of the independent police investigation as well as what we received from the police department. >> reporter: were the officers cooperative with your investigation? >> yes. >> reporter: all six? >> no. they gave a statement. and i can't get too far into the facts of the case. >> reporter: how many officers have been arrested and are they in custody? >> a warrant has been issued for their arrest. >> reporter: have any been taken
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into custody? >> reporter: i can't tell you that right now. >> reporter: [ inaudible ] expeditious way, thorough given what we [ inaudible ] the riots [ inaudible ]? >> from the beginning we knew this was a serious case. and i can tell you i put all of our resources to make sure we were pursuing and leading where the facts took us in this case. >> reporter: a special prosecutor because of your close ties with the police department do you care to respond to that? >> the people of this city elected me. and there is no accountability with a special prosecutor. from day one we independently investigated. >> reporter: do you think that race was a factor in this arrest? >> i can't tell you that. i can't give you my opinion.
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[overlapping speakers] >> reporter: -- spoken a lot about the riots, and he said i have been telling the protesters [ inaudible ] are you worried about the appearance of any conflict? >> i don't see an appearance of a conflict of interest. i uphold the law. my husband makes the law, and i will prosecute any case within my jurisdiction. [ overlapping speakers ] >> i can'ts than question. >> reporter: can you tell us about the investigation [ inaudible ]? >> i thought it was very important to have an independent analysis as to what took place and transpired from the very beginning. we are independent agencies from the police department. >> reporter: what do you think [ inaudible ]? >> accountability. >> how are you going to get there? >> you are
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