tv News Al Jazeera May 2, 2015 5:00am-5:31am EDT
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inspiring. entertaining. "talk to al jazeera". sunday, 6:30 eastern. only on al jazeera america. with bodies being recovered and aid trickling in some nepalese are demanding the government do more hello, i'm martine dennis. you are with al jazeera, live from doha. also to come - six police officers charged with the death of a black man in the u.s. state of maryland fighting intensified in yemen's port city of aden. hospitals struggle to cope nigeria's military rescues
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women and children kidnapped by boko haram, but no sign of the chibok schoolgirls taken last year. >> well it's been a week since a magnitude 7.8 earthquake hit nepal, and the death toll is continuing to rise. more than 6,600 are confirmed dead and almost 14,000 are injured. while international help trickles in rescue teams are searching the rubble looking for survivors or bodies. the cost of the damage may top $10 billion, and remote towns and villages are yet to be reached, to assess the devastation there. nepal's minister of information told al jazeera that foreign aid is slow to arrive. >> as to now, in terms of help received only $4 million.
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we have not received a penny beyond that. we are hoping we'll mobile as large an amount of $1.8 billion. >> al jazeera's sabine shrestha lives in nepal. she takes us around her home town and shows us how it devastated her neighbourhood. >> reporter: this is a square one of the most beautiful places in kathmandu. generations of my family have grown up in this neighbourhood. this is where my children come to feed the pigeons, and run around the square, just as i did when i was a child. nobody is here to feed the pigeons now. a few hours before the earthquake struck i was here talking about the importance of preserving our heritage and now, as you can see, there's not
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much left. there has been major temples that have just gone down. up north, the ruins of temples are being cleared. >> up there is a very good friend responsible for saving many of the architectural sites over here. >> translation: we thought there was nobody buried so we just cleaned the roads. there may be some underneath here. >> reporter: my home town is a maze of narrow alies. on the day of the earthquake our team went out to shoot in the neighbourhood. these are some of the scenes.
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my grandmother's old neighbourhood had several people buried in the rubble. we tried to go there now. the alies are all blocked. we wander through the houses and gardens with people have taken shelter. on every other corner there is a collapsed building blocking the allies. they found 10 bodies in the neighbourhood. here it is really dark and scary. >> translation: there were many people here including police. our certainly, arms full of wounds survived. she's staying in a shed. >> reporter: this 8-year-old is very scared, and huddles with his mother. she tells me she lost her husband and other son.
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my aunt, my uncle, my cousin too. they have gone far away. >> and every morning i hope that it was a nightmare. but it's not. i mean you don't wake up. it's a continuation. we have no choice but to rebuild, and hopefully i can give better that moving account from sabine shrestha al jazeera's correspondent from kathmandu. we can go to another correspondent there, sehail rahman. the heavy rains are on kathmandu, making the task
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onerous. >> indeed. don't be deceased by the lovely sunny weather. the clouds are coming in we've had rain every hooechg -- evening. yesterday i spoke to the minister for communication, who confirmed that yes, the bottle necks on the road and in the air have been cleared. a common who is able to get a broader view is ms ammo the humanitarian chief, and this is her first impressions of the situation in nepal. >> we have made progress. i was concerned at the beginning because of chaotic scenes. it's always like that at the beginning of a crisis like this. our hearts go out to all people
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who lost loved ones it's a terrible tragedy. getting supplies in and out is a tragedy. we have one international airport with one run way. how we organise ourselves and how the teams make use of their skills and expertise is what we are working on. our challenge now it to get it better. two updates, the death toll in terms of civilians and police officers - in the process of trying to help civilians in the earthquake zone. what you have behind me is a famous monument a tower, which
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collapsed on saturday. it's been a pile of ruins. we are live through the week. it is cleared. perhaps you can see behind me. what the ministry of archeology said is with all the historic sites around nepal, the day brie will be taken to secure areas, where it's protect by the police and the army, to where the archeologist can sift through and try to find the valuable relics. >> thank you for now. sehail rahman live in kathmandu now it united states a march in baltimore is being considered a victory march following the charging of six police officers over the death of freddie gray. a few protesters were arrested. maryland's state attorney said the death of freddie gray will
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be treated as whom site. police union says it's a rush to judgment. tom ackerman has more. >> reporter: a day after police turned over findings into the death of freddie gray after an autopsy determined what killed him, baltimore's chief prosecutor laid out the evidence against officers involved. >> mr gray suffered a severe and critical neck injury as a result of being handcuffed shackled by his feet and ub restrained in the wagon. the first of the six officers was were freddie gray carrying a knife. charges ranged from assault, misconduct. the officer caesar r. goodson is accused of second degree murder for gross negligence in how he handled gray and refusing to heed his cry force help. the baltimore police union issued a statement saying the
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officers were not responsible for gray's death, accusing them of a conflict of from and demanded it be turned over to a special prosecutor. >> i have never seen a heavy rush to fire charges which i believe are separate and apart from the application of law and the facts of this case as we know them. >> president obama said the federal government would help to see that justice was served. >> those individuals charged are also entitled to due process, and rule of law. and so you know i want to make sure that the legal system runs the way it should. >> in the neighbourhood residents welcomed the indictments, a move some hope will remain confidence in the justice system. >> we are satisfied with the charges. these are an important step in getting justice for freddy. >> reporter: the mayor issued a warning to the police force.
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>> to those of you who wish to engage in brutality, misconduct racism and corruption let me be clear - there is no place in the baltimore city police department for you. >> the charges may help diffuse some of the anger in the neighbourhood, but the city-wide overnight curfew and state of emergency remains in force for at least the next few days. at least 27 have been killed as fighting in the southern yemeni city of aden continues. houthi rebels and troops loyal to the exiled president are battling for control of the main airport. we have more. >> reporter: as fighting escalates there's few if any safe zones left. in this hospital one of a handful open, staff are struggling to cope while houthi
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fighters clash with committees loyal to country's president. as more injured arrive news of the death of a doctor killed during an artillery site. two weeks earlier another during was killed by sniper fire. >> translation: the situation here in our hospital is miserable. we are under huge pressure. staff are also under pressure we are no longer able to deal with this. there's a shortage of equipment and medicine. >> reporter: this boy is not one year old. he was with his grandfather when a bullet pierced his head. surgeons removed it. his family blamed houthi fighters. >> he was peacefully sitting at home after the incident hopped. what do -- happened. what do we do now. >> reporter: war led to the destruction of family homes. an air strike reducing them to rubble. >> translation: we heard the
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explosion. my under and i were rescued from under the rubble. we found body parts of my uncle in the street. this is a neighbour's home. the whole family died women, children elderly. >> reporter: saudi commanders say the strikes targeted houthis and those loyal to the former president ali abdullah saleh. this poor neighbourhood was also hit. there's no heavy lifting equipment. people use their bare hands to look for the dead and injured. >> pro-government forces are backed by the saudi-led campaign to restore abd-rabbu mansour hadi to power. as they battle the houthis for control of sanaa and other cities. ordinary people suffer. >> saudi arabia and its partners said the air strikes will continue until the houthis military capabilities are diminished there's more to come on al jazeera, including connecting
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6,600 are dead, 14,000 injured. police in riot gear enforced a curfew after police were charged in the death of freddie gray. it was described as a victory march after the prosecutor announced the death of an african-american in police custody is being treated as murder at least 27 people have reportedly been killed as fighting in the southern yemeni city of aden conditions. houthi rebels and troops loyal to the president are battling for control of main airport. >> 17 civilians have been killed in a u.s.-led coalition air strike on a syrian village. the syrian observatory for human rights said the target the strike is bermelli in the
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north-east. close to the town of sarrin in aleppo province. battles have been ongoing between kurdish forces and fighters from i.s.i.l. the romanian prime minister has been speaking to al jazeera, and told us that europe should do more to solve the ongoing migrant crisis. over 10,000 trying to reach the e.u. have been rescued in the mediterranean sea this year alone. >> i think that all the european countries can afford to take migrants because migrants within the european union and outside are bringing added value to the society. this is my experience. extremist politicians use the migrants theme in political fights. i think it is against european
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values whoever comes and lives and respect the european values it's a good citizens of europe. >> thousands make a perilous journey across the mediterranean sea to north africa. cyprus is not one of the favoured destinations. the government has a tough stance on immigration, and it means that asylum seekers face years in detention centers, without a guarantee that they'll be granted refugee status. we have this report. >> reporter: they didn't die at sea. they say they have not been alive since arriving in cypress. that man and others are on a hunger strike, after months of protests outside the ministry failed to pressure the authorities to grand asylum. they are syrian kurds that came to cypress 10 years ago. only now have they been given subsidiary protection. it is not enough. >> translation: what can i do
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with subsidiary protection. i don't have a passport. i'm a prisoner. we live in insecurity. >> reporter: sub-sid ya yea protection means they have passport and can work. they say their biggest mistake was to apply for asylum. many that apply end up in detention centers like this. 170 have been here for months, waiting for the application to be studied. >> we are not allowed to film inside where palestinians are among those rescued off the coast of cypress lives. they are worried about the future. >> it's important for me to get asylum or i won't be able to bring my family. others men, women and children were given shelter in a church.
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it's been seven months since they were rescued on the way from italy. >> i didn't apply for asylum. because i know where to get it. >> it has a tough stance on immigration and rarely does it grab nationality. this is why some day there hasn't been a wave of immigration in years. a reason is a restrictive policy. the second is even if you get residents and protection in cypress, you can't move freely in other countries. >> cypress may be a european member state, bout it is not a place for refugees. they can't return to syria. their travel documents can't get them far.
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>> for me and my friends it's no good. >> reporter: they tried a number of times, but failed to be smuggled out of cypress. they say they have reached a dead end new pictures have been released by nigeria's military showing the rescue of more than 230 women and children held captive by boko haram. they were reportedly freed as part of an operation carried out to clear fighters from the sam beesa forest. according to the military none are the chibok girls taken last i don't remember. the army rescued 450 women and children in the same region. >> we are still on the mission. let the operation go through. we'll be able to see. every expect of that forest will be combed. every aspect.
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i am sure you already no that it's not just a small side. it was considered massive bombardment, and a lot of passion. to the maldives. police arrested three opposition leaders and 192 others after an anti-government protest turned violence. demonstrators demanded the resignation of a president, and the release of former president who has been gaoled. the government is accused the organizers of the protest to topple the government. former president was sentenced to 13 years in prison which the u.n. says was arbitrary and disproportionate. we can speak to a person joining us via skype. he was minister of state in the former president's government. thank you for talking to us here
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at al jazeera. the government is claiming ta you, the opposition is orchestrating the protests is that true? >> the opposition has been out on the street since the arrest of former president. and as you have mentioned, the united nations - many of the organizations, and the trial was not free and fair. therefore, it is the beauty of the opposition to voice out and tell the counter regime that this sort of injustice cannot be tolerated any more. >> i think the government is accusing you of provoking violence. i am sure there were observers here local media. you've not seep any sort of violence that you would see.
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the security forces that gathered in protest. there were some clashes, nothing serious. if you look at the way the police have dealt with the general public it's force on the people. people have been injured. and i do not - i note that two police officers who got into the crowd after they have charged - they charged a pick up at high speed into the crowd. two of them got - you know, some level of injury. this is usual. there's no reason to claim that this was a violent protest. >> okay. let's look at the root cause of the protest. that's the president, the demographic gapes in 2008 have
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been -- gains in the 2008 have been lost. >> exactly. two days ago the european parliament passed a resolution. it states that the violation in the maldives things deteriorated. international community, deep concerns. the local public are more concerned than anyone else. >> okay. can i ask you - what is your strategy to return the maldives back to the democratic values that it experienced a few years, peacefully. what is your plan? >> we yesterday through the protest and the last few months we asked the government to sit and talk to us. we are three political parties and we cannot be disregarded. we are part of the state.
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and the government cannot ignore us. they should talk to us. we asked them to sit with us and they should resolve these matters. and the government is repeatedly refusing to do that. and disregarding that. and this is for the maldives and this is not going to get us anywhere. >> okay. thank you very much. opposition leader from the maldives. thank you very much now, the government of senegal says the ebola outbreak in neighbouring countries tarnished its image as a safe holiday destination, $400,000 visited the countries, a low number for a nation that relies on tourism as a main source of revenue. [ ♪ music ♪ ] >>reporter: they do this for every newly arrived visitor to the royal club hotel. most are french and for many it's the first time in africa.
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they ignored the government's travel warning, booked the holiday online and enjoyed the sun shine, food music, and good company. >> translation: we were looking for good weather, safe and exotic destination, and a safe flight from paris. >> more than 10,000 people have died from ebola. there's no cases in senegal, but fear is travelling faster than the virus itself badly affecting tourism. >> reporter: many hotels this to close. we were badly hit by the global economic crisis. with ebola we fixed booking cancellations. some resorts went bankrupt. >> next door a casualty of the ebola crisis. several tour operators pulled out. because of ebola, the country
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could lose 1% of g.d.p. senegal's government is putting into place drastic measures cutting the airport taxes and scrapping fees. all of this is to make this an attractive destination and chairer for tourists. >> reporter: flying to senegal is expensive. the government is hoping to attract low-cost carriers. senegal closed the border with the ebola-affected countries. authorities screened visitors and any symptoms of the virus. we are taking all necessary safety and medical precautions so that those that chose to come feel safe. >> reporter: they don't want more tourists it's the extra essential they get here that makes this destination so
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special. don't forget you can keep up to date with the developing stories. in particular we are looking at al jazeera - a week on from that devastating earthquake in nepal. that's would a guessed that a lot of american schoolkids live in poverty, we have known for a long time that poverty has a lot to say about where you go to school and who is at the desk next to yours. this of the last few days a striking number emerged from the nation's classrooms, a survey from the southern education foundation reports that a majority of american public schoolchildren life in poverty. 51% of students attending public school were from low income
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