tv Weekend News Al Jazeera May 2, 2015 2:00pm-3:01pm EDT
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inspiring. entertaining. "talk to al jazeera". tomorrow, 6:30 eastern. only on al jazeera america. this is al jazera. hello, i'm lauren taylor, coming up, bombed boy all sides civilians are hit by chlorine gas, rebel shelves and airstrikes and, one week, as the death toll keeps rising, and you meet one family, struggling to cope. over 1,000 my migrants, and,000 sages are launched from water. dom nation the headlines
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around the world mayweather, and, pacquiao, are just hours away, from the fight of the industry, and the latest. 24 hours syrian civilians have been bombed, by all sides. victims of four years and u.s. led coalition. government planes dropped chlorine gas, in a town, leading to 50 cases of suffocation. a u.s. led air strike, has killed 52 civilians. syrian rebels, she would several districts and twelve civilians and injuries dozens more. ands from, open opposition fighters want to capture the strategic city and backed by turkey,
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cutter and, saudi arabia, when that chlorine attack took place and, they are trying to get the heart land. medics wash the body of a man they say was exposed to chlorine gas. syrian activists say government warplanes dropped barrels containing the toxic gas on the town, in the province, it's the second alleged chemical attack on the town this week and, it's not the first time, the syrian opposition has raised concerns. in 2013, the u.n. confirmed the use of sar run nerve agent outside of the capital, without establishing who carred out the attack. the u.s., and many other countries have repeatedly
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accused of government of asad, of attacking the syrian people, with weapons. and accusations dismissed by the government. the u.n. security council were shown this video doctors trying to reserve 3 child victims, over a chlorine gas attack, it was too late. rebels say chemical attacks have increased in northern syria, following major gains in the province. this is the military parade on the outskirts of the capital. the biggest shell force by syrian rebels, only weeks after they captured the city. the army of islam, is fast with securing the capital once the regime is toppled. today, we stand united
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against the iranians, and they want to spread their influence here and have a persian state established here and, we will fight them and defeat them. across the country rebels, are shifting tactics and, to the north and burst under the army and to capture it. and now their eyes are set on an attack here. stronghold. the u.s. has in the past, refrained from arming syrian opposition fighters, and it was concerned about the weapons landing in the hands of al-qaeda but, they are now joining moderate groups in that fight to repel isis from syria, saudi arabia, quit tar and turkey
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provide major supplies. more rebel groups are now considering joining forces to defeat isis. as you mentioned earlier a u.s. led air strike has killed 52 civilian groups, and they said the target was the village of isis and children were among those killed and not at single isis fighter was injured. and they say they are investigating. joining me live, thanks for being with us. the situation with syria, are we getting desperate measures by the acaasad regime? well, i think that there are two points. syrian army, have suffered some
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major setbacks, and in just a short time, and it it was as stratequick target. and the second element is that the first time in two years the opposition is fighting, under a unified com man,. both the army, and, it is the official arm. and, this, particular co-organization has made a big difference, on the battlefield in addition to also receiving major federal support, from turkey and, saudi arabia, and the syrian army is exhausted and lacks manpower, and the opposition is coordinating, and receiving very very critical support from the neighborhood. some of those groups would be groups, like saudi has a problem, with al-qaeda linked issues. and how do they overcome their doubts about these groups? i think that is newell lament. it is that you have the help
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between turkey, and, saudi arabia and they are working with cutter, to work with them, the attrition of the armed forces and it is producing results. while at the same time, keep in mind, the army is exhausted and it doesn't have the skilled manpower to face and confront the rising of position forces. q.why did they create something that's a problem for later down the line? is that possible? that's happened sometimes with people funding groups and turn against them. very very much so. you might end up with them leaving the stage and, the official arm of dwawd and being the king-maker. but before we do so, this is really not a you might say again, a change, even though the army, is facing major i mean, setbacks and remember, a year
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ago, what did we say? we were saying the asad regime was winning and now there's the opposite tendency to say, they are collapsing and it's a matter of days and weeks and, there's a lot of fire-power, and the government. the mid-term it remains co hair rent. the civilians are paying the price. absolutely. most of the victims are civilians and you have more than 430,000 syrians have been killed and a million injured and, displaced and refugees, that is long fight, the odds against the syrian regime, in the long-term, is it five years? six years? it remains truly the same. this is the tipping point. i have not heard anyone who knows syria and, know how civil wars get, i mean, say that this
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is the game-changer in the fight. thank you very much. in yemen the battle for the southern port continues to intend physicianer 27 people have been killed,. rebels and troops, loyal to the president are battling for control of the airport and dozens of families have fled, of a houses were she would and fired. and, many are in their homes and, running short of supplies. [cheers] . while in the captain center, the supporters have rallied to condemn the regime and it hit a residential neighborhood, saudi arabia have been targeting them
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since late march. u.n. is warning that fuel shortages are going to have a devastating effect po, yemen. we see a worsening situation, in yemen and it's alarming. the eska lacing over the past six weeks has worsened, and what was a situation, has now become the lack of fuel, and lack of food has risked that population, and, the staffs, and, the lack of fuel means that house can no longer work, telephone will come to a standstill, and the water pumping systems will no longer function and if we do not see fuel and food and all the commercial commodidies and
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coming into the country we have to fear for the worse. if a week since the earthquake hit nay policy, and the count is rising. rescue workers are pulling more bodies, from the rubble. more than 14,000 people were injured. and, more than one million people need food aid and reconstruction is half of the economy. help still not reaching some isolated villages and more helicopters are needed and andrew simmons reports where families are struggling to cope. through the him make nays, to the chinese border, natural beauty is scarred, one week ago. with all the ruined
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buildings, and now a way of life, has been extinguished. and without their homes and farms, how can they plan ahead. and without loved ones, how can they cope? that's a question going through the mind of a girl wearing the pink coat. they are both buried, in this rubble. she's 11-years-old, standing with her grandparents wishing her mother and brother could still be alive. for three days, they have watched. a chinese search and rescue team has now taken over the operation. but, with such an odor in the air, they are not expecting to find anything. and, the grandmother feels that all hope is lost. mymy daughter-in-law and grandson were so beautiful, this is unbearable. i'm not sure how we'll manage.
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we lost everything. my son has reacted really badly. he doesn't have work and, i feel i lost him. it becomes too much for him her father is in shock and taken to drink and, he hasn't been seen for hours. the searching goes onto the night, and the darkness can't fade out any of the pain. the chinese search team, plan how to tackle the next day. the grandfather wants to hear some news and, the only development is, his son. slurring his words because of the alcohol but clear in his thoughts. it's a dire situation and my wife and baby son are buried here what is the government doing? we have nothing. would he hardly have anything to eat. not far away, the flames of
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protest, people demanding food and shelter. she is spending another night under plastic sheeting, surrounded by relatives. the grandmother is unwell. what goes through mind of an 11-year old? her cousins try to lighten the mood. but daylight brings reality it's the start of another day and the chinese search and rescue team are back on the ground and they may have found a body. mother and baby son are found huddled together, it was never going to be a rescue. the family moved down the road away from the crowd trying to seek some private vasty. and this earthquake doesn't allow dignity, with the lives it takes. mother and baby, don't get a
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car, for the injuriesny for their cremation. and the family can't absorbing what the shaking earth took from their lives, and a father can't face up to what happened, and a girl who faces an uncertain future. let's go live, and in katmandu bring us up-to-date with the aid operation. well, the aid teams have reached more and more remote areas and there's still many more to go, and as we saw, one thing to keep in mind, when they do arrive, it doesn't solve everything. they are first responders and they get medical aid and search for people and most times it becomes more after recovery operation. and, as the gentleman in the story said, you know, they could help please tell the government
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we need food. and they are still struggling and, sleeping outside and, they need the basic necessities and these are very vital here. the government has now said, that they distributed about 47,000 tens and 400,000 are needed to help a the people. in terms of priorities, for equipment or for aid what is the government looking to get? well, the government is still looking for the basics, and 10ths and blankets, and non pirrable food and medison and again, the government, and many aid organizations are asking for, donors, in neighboring countries to give them material and not the money. if you send money there's nothing here to buyer so send the actual materials. because, as we're fining each in the city itself is, the capital a lot of people are not getting
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what they need. thank you very much. more later and joined by an emergency gene response. and, tell us how relief operations are going. also ahead niger e a rescues 234 women from the stronghold. and in snorts we hear from the last man to beat floyd mayweather 19 years ago on friday the coast guard picked up 220 people and they now arrived, on the island and according to officials they are all men and from africa. this is unprecedented numbers.
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the migrant service has started a mission, the aid station, is working on doctors without borders and funded by a wealthy couple. italy has been on the front line of might go grant influx, and, 3,000 people were rescued. spoke to the director, and he says they're getting more support now. the support have increased i have to say it has increased. unfortunately, it has taken, another tragedy for support to increase. there is more -- it's definitely more on people, and i have been in the u.s., last week, and the u.s., when you talk to people about the problem, they know exactly what you are talking about, because of the tragedy
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and, yet, there's more awareness and, i think it has always compelled europe to do more, to come together, and, at least put politics away, and politics from search and rescue is and saving lives at the top of the agenda, we hope that this interest will go beyond europe, because we feel that, what is happening in syria and libya and, should not only concern europe, but everyone. what is the scale of your operations and how do they compare to other national operations or european rescue mission says in. well, we have a four leiter boat and, that allows us, sometimes, beyond imagination. we can patrol, 900 square kilometers, and six hours and
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they can 67, and miles away from the boat and still provide us with a picture of what is out there. what would you say for those that argued, the fact that there are people out there prepared to might go grants encourages them to take those risky journeys. q.i think would he need to talk about fish factors and, i think the myth that search and rescue operations, are a factor, have been shattered because once they are finished in, october people did not stop crossing and not only they crossed even in the winter months, and before they used to cross only in the summer months. so even though the biggest operations, that was in the here people still crossed in january, february, and march and they died at sea.
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we need to talk less about the factors and, talk about factors and, we're had syrians on board and, we say were syrians about 65% and these are people who would, crisis in syria and they would have never left their hold land and these are people, that they feel compelled and no option but to the crossing. and to the restoration they'll take anything out there including, adjournny which is expensive, and organized, and by boat. they say they have rescued hundreds of women and children. the army has vowed to continue the fight. which is reported to be the group's last fall out. military commanders say these are two some of the 293 women and children rescued on tuesday, and now another 234
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have been freed. and that's more than 680 over the last few days and the military also says, they were held in inhumane conditions and trying to work out who they are. too much, and get that information. the military is not ruling out the possibility that some of the rescued, could be the school girls, they were abducted in april of last year and 219 are still missing ♪ campaigners have been demanding that the government. more, to free the girls and publish the names. who are those people? we didn't know. and it shouldn't have been, the case because they have a name. and the government, and the military, they should do more than what we just heard and
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people have been announced. the commanders say their operations against it, is going well and they expect to free more prisoners. in the next few days. we can't verify what the military are saying about the rescues, there are restrictions on the media and how man rights organizations, in the rescue areas. but many are hoping that the military's claims are accurate, and will lead to the girls being found and freed. and. al jazera. three people have died, in grenade attacks against the president's decision to seek a third term. killing two policemen and a civilian. the government spokesman says 17 people were wounded and they want to put a stop to the protest. now, let's get the latest.
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so, what did they say? well they said, they confirmed that one soldier had been killed earlier this week and, it was widely reported and they didn't say how but the local media reported that, that soldier was shot dead by a police man between the army and the police and, the protest and that hem the relationship. and they said, one other thing they said that the army would continue its work, in accordance with the conka taketution. and the peace deal, from 2005, and that ended 13 years civil war and they said that all political activists should uphold these judicial documents. he was trying to run for a third term they say, that the constitution does allow it.
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there's some argument about whether the constitution would allow him to or not his critics say, that he can't and when it comes to deal,. the peace deal is clear, he can only serve two terms. o the army is saying, that they'll continue their work to up hold that peace agreement and it implies that they're not supporting him for a third term. they are not saying, that directly but the implication is that they're urging him and everyone else, to follow that peace deal to hold the country together and that's quite likely going to kawts further tension. you mentioned, what the expressing is, what's the army's role in the protest last week? well, they have been out in the streets in small groups, and they haven't been joining in with the police.
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and, shooting as well and the protestors and throwing rocks and, small groups, and scening things and sometimes we have seen them negotiating with groups of protestors and sometimes, you have seen the police use more restraint and less force and they're seen as being fairly neutral. and, quite respected here, and na is not taking political sides and at the moment, people do steam have quite a lot of confidence, in the army. thank you very much. live there. still to come, this hour, a weekend of celebration get underway in the u.s. city of baltimore, after six police officers are charged, in the death of freddie gray. they hope the government will breathe some life into the economy. and football, has run riot, in spain.
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details coming. pop-rock, new wave icon kate pierson. >> woo! woo! woo! woo! >> revealing the secrets behind her biggest hits. >> i can express myself in a different way. >> her latest controversial track. >> i was very taken aback. >> and making a long lasting impact on the world. >> i have to just be myself. >> every sunday night. >> i lived that character. >> go one on one with america's movers and shakers. >> we will be able to see change. >> gripping. inspiring. entertaining. "talk to al jazeera". tomorrow, 6:30 eastern. only on al jazeera america.
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it comes as the u.s. gates claims that they have killed dozens of civilians and 27 people, have been killed, around yemen. and rescue workers are still trying to recover the bodies of those killed, in the earthquake and, many people still haven't received any food supplies. well, the humanitarian problems and basic health, and sanitation things and some groups are taking matters into their own hands. tired of waiting they've decided to act. they're going to relief missions and reaching hard hit
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areas. this building, they're charting the extent of the disaster and collecting donations, deploying, in order to deliver medical supplies, food and much more. what's happening here, is truly remarkable,. students and others, they taken matters into their own hands and, they are doing all they can to, make sure they can deliver aid who need it most. going to areas, that the police government, and other aid groups haven't yet reached, and anyone is welcome to join, for one reason. there's no problem with the youth helping. it's why their mission is so vital, suffering can still be seen almost anywhere you look. one reason, anger is only growing. this group resists.
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stick together, and thus we will stick together. with street scenes like these, a new reality, it's a homegrown message of hope and resolve, needed more than ever. now, he has a response, the british red cross and we heard about some of the challenges, on the ground and describe a little bit about the resource, has been. so, one week, on from the disaster we have it, and we know about 8 million people have been affected and about 6,000 people or more are now confirmed dead and and certain areas that have been affected. and, the police, and help that,
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and, obviously, some of the receives are now doing search and rescues and escalating, and, the food, is contained in certain areas and certain others and we're working towards that. the coordination been good enough, or does it still need to be improved. there's, we need time to understand, what is the scale of the disaster. so we have to find out more what is happening. because the airports, is not operating normally because there's damage to the runway and, a lot of the readers destroyed. and i can imagine they're offer for help is huge, and reaching the people, and it's very, very difficult, and,. what is your concern you
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have it, was it, is that likely to get worse? it is, one of the main concerns that, we have right now, is the water and sanitation when the rainy season starts, in june, it will escalate and the epidemics and things could be a lot worse. what about the state of the voluntary effort? and will volunteers, and, in the area? when we started it, red cross, and when disaster hits, we had 400 volunteers and, we have 2,700 volunteers on the ground. they want to help. also, there is varied number of people coming from the international field tech that cal people, and the health teams that are in the country and, the red cross is, deploying it, and that is going to be at least
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25,000 people and hygiene and they have been deployed to help, with the difficulties and, of course relief people, and when the items come into the country to be distributed quickly. thanks. 49 men have appeared in afghanistan court accused of an attack in which a woman was beaten to death. she was kicked to death by a crowd, in march and then set her body on fire. several police officers watched, and, the trial is expected to last two days. police are out on the streets as a mass rally gets underway. it was organized to protest against the death of fred guy gray and it is now celebratory after the police officers were
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charged. and, now, live in baltimore. over to you. there is a way to describe it, it is a celebration and that's when pea here were asking for, the officers charged and there are thousands of people here the original estimates as many as 10,000 people would be here and we don't know how many people are here and we won't know but you have people holding signs,and giving out tee-shirts and it's an atmosphere of celebration and we have people here, they're not so anonymous, when they have the masks up and i have someone who i want to talk to here. he's a activist, and he's been here since the beginning. and we're talked about how things have changed and from the beginning, so, let me ask you how have things changed since yesterday? i think the people understand that that is important, and, good thing that
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happened, with the officers charged and it not yet justice we are looking for systemic change and it is important that these six officers do go to jail and, it's been a corrupt police system. what happens after this movement, there are marchers around the country what do you do? i think the people will watch this trial closely and it could be a model trial. i think that this will ab entrance to getting into the corruption of this police department and then, the protest will continue. and it will continue, until there's real change and, this is not yet that, but this could be the entrance to that. well, thank you for talking to us. and, you heard it there these protests won't enand charges were not the last word in this
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case. we're hearing the same and, i should add three of the officers charged, mountain and one with the most serious charge are african-american. and we asked people, does that matter. no, this is a matter of blue, the color they are wearing and they say that, they will continue to press against police brutality and these protests, will go on. thank you very much indeed. and in ukraine, they have been marking the first anniversary of a fire, that left many injuries, and thing laid flowers, and lit candles, where the blaze began during the fighting last may. and, there are conflicting allegations about who is to
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blame. a week ago before the u d. general election, and the outcome is, uncertain it's neck-and-neck, with the center left labor and, it's the popularity of the national party which could change the landscape, and now and p. is gaining more support. 6:30 north morning and, they are trying to get themselves on the news and, linking arms, refusing to move, and the block indicated is outside the home of the u.s. fleets of submarines and make the case for free scott land, the national election issue. and human beings, and we have been campaigning now for a couple of years, and we started
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off, with the idea, that, scott land can lead the way to a nuclear free world. those that thought it was dead, have been proven wrong. the new leader, has led the party to a huge surge in support it's one of the potential shals, that causes upsets, 20-year-old university student is leading the poll, if she wins, she will beat the man who would, in a labor government be the foreign secretary. and, she. add row cat and, cut in education and, all the while paying money for weapons and he has his prior oiter i wrong. , and the biggest city, which voted for independents now find westminster seats and this
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, and, of course,. the professional fight and just two short of the great heavyweight rocky and, second best once, and he was an amateur, at the time, and 19, 96, at the olympics to, do it, and bulgaria, at 45-years-old and, he is no doubt about who he will be cheering for. oh, i want floyd to win so that i remain the only one who beat floyd mayweather, and that's why i want him to win and, only the man in bulgari reaction beat floyd may weather. of course, boxing, and the headlines, there is football, to bring you up to speed and the crowned champions and, they won against san torre a and, the
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coach, and spain and they are all in action and barcelona will go to put some more daylight, and, absolutely ruth less against cordova and scoring a double, and they completed a route and, five point clear, at the top of lalee ga. and, the gap in spine right now, they're in action, and leading 2-nil at halftime and madrid played there and both athletic cal. and, it could be decided with the next 24 hours and on sunday, garage them, the trophy, and, opinion in places and, back on track with a late win and cour if ay of one stef vent, and missed a chance to go six and matters, and while they lost the west a little earlier and
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he will start his opener, in spain, from pole position, and at the circuit in southern spain. and a slow start to the season and third world title and, becoming the first rider to, be the one rider to, get the track and rossi and scotland. and now england has ut themselves in day two against the west indies, and england chippy in the morning and, the new one and the three, and the homicide 17, and for 7 and 129, and short of england's first, and that's the sports for now. thanks very much, and that's it for me, and barbara will be here, in just a moment, with a full round of the news, and thanks watching
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changing tactics, rebel groups shift their focus the president, and try to defeat the government. hello there and you're watching all and also, up with week on, as the death toll keeps rising and we meet one family, struggling to cope. nigeria, rescues another 234 girls, from the stronghold. and the boxer nick nate money prepares for the richest
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