tv News Al Jazeera May 6, 2015 9:00pm-10:01pm EDT
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>> sealing the deal. israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu clenches a new agreement with neftali bennett to form a new government. a first for syrian president bashar al-assad, publicly admitting to set backs in the battle against forces trying to top oftotop topple him. bl judgment day in afghanistan. four men get the death penalty
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for the brutal killing of an average woman. snow and ice the economic impact of global warming on melting glaciers in new zealand. good evening. this is al jazeera america. i'm libby casey. >> i'm antonio mora. we begin in israel, where benjamin netanyahu narrowly beat the dead 39 form a influence government. the jewish home party neftali bennett. he starts his fourth term in a diminished position at least in the knesset. >> heading into the election netanyahu was seen as vulnerable but despite a convincing victory he put together a ruling
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government, and he was forced to make concessions being be convincing lawmakers to join. >> the slimmest being majority, 61 of 120 seats many believe it will stay in effect for long. mike hannah is in jerusalem with the story. >> reporter: it went to the wire. only at the last moment was an agreement reached with the jewish home party. its leader neftali bennett making concession, throwing in his eight seats that gave the israeli prime minister a majority in parliament, a slim majorities of one. the full concessions made will only become apparent in the next few days as netanyahu finalizes the composition of hissing cabinet. jewish home has its roots in the settler movement and its leader
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has called for creation of more settlements not less along with the expulsion of palestinians from portions of the occupied west bank. the government will also be at the mer sieve two mercy ever two ultimate orthodoxultraorthodoxparties. the increase in state expenditure will put turn on the state finance minister who brought his party back into thinging l likudingthethe likud fold. at the mercy of the settler movement and two small religious
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parties. and coincidentally on this evening it is an annual religious festival that has added spring in the step of these dancers as they also celebrate the resurgence of ultraorthodox is religious movements in israeli life. >> let's bring in doug waxman, a professor ever being being jew irk studies. netanyahu has cobbled together this barest of majorities to form a government. mike hannah says it is unlikely for this kind of government to last very long or to do very much. do you agree? >> absolutely. i think this is a government that is simply going to be unable to govern. netanyahu is going to be constantly subject to the demands and whims of even one member of his government. as such i don't see any possibilities for this
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government to last its time in office let alone even past any kind of effective legislation. i think the real pressure is going to be on netanyahu to expand this coalition as soon as possible. >> on the one hand one of the parties is not a part of the coalition nor is one of the centrist parties. so isn't it likely that they will end up supporting most of what netanyahu wants to do? >> well, he's going to try and bring either this issue of or the zionist party, he will have to the question is at what price they are going to demand for that. he is now in a very weak position. he is going to be ahead of a very vulnerable government and they know that. they are not going to be rushing to help him out. both his rivals on the right and the left are going to be happy to see netanyahu in this
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position. at the extortion of the left and putting him in an unpopular position with the israeli government. i think there's going to be a lot of pressure on him to seek out new coalition partners but i don't think they're going to be rushing to his rescue any teem soon. >> will this lessen the pressure between him and president obama? >> no in the short term, i think obama administration, at least while the iran deal is being negotiated, want to make nice with netanyahu want to assure passage of the deal through congress, but absolutely, if this right wing religious government remains if it's committed to expanding settlements, subject to a lot of influence by the settlers the obama administration has repeatedly condemned the expansion of israeli settlements, this is also a government that is not committed to a peace process that is opposed to a palestinian state so i think that's a recipe for
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conflict down the line, if not in the near future then down the line, if not with the obama administration but with much of the international communities as well. >> not a good sign for peace process. with this weak coalition what about israel's neighbors will they see the government as being weak? >> i don't think so. it's not likely to affect israel's foreign and defense policy in the way it's going to have the impact defensively. they see it as a strong country militarily, the egyptians the jordanians the saudis will still be able to work with them. it is still really the strongest state in the region. >> final question -- get a final question in about netanyahu. by july he's going to become israel's longest serving prime minister longer than david ben
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gurion when his career was written off in 1999 after his first term as prime minister. do you think he will continue to succeed? >> netanyahu not other than a good political survivor. a cunning operator, i wouldn't put it past him. we should expect him to look for ways to bribe other people to join his government, to pull them in if possible and to ensure his own political survival. i think he's shown his ability to do so, the problem is at what cost, to israel and israel's international standing. >> good to see you, thank you. >> john kerry wrapped up his tour of east africa today first secretary of state to make an official visit to djibouti. the people of yemen need all the
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help they can get. >> we are deeply concerned about the humanitarian situation that is unfolding in yemen. shortages of food, shortages of fuel shortages of medicine. the situation is getting more dire by the day. and we're deeply concerned about that. >> kerry's next stem was riyadh, saudi arabia. meanwhile, yemen sent a letter to the u.n. security council pleading for help. al jazeera's mohamed val explains. >> yemen's letter to the united nations comes at an interesting time. u.s. secretary of state john kerry is in saudi arabia, asking for be humanitarian relief to be channeled, the letter is asking the u.n. to give its blessing or to send troops to the ground that means a ground invasion. saudi arabia has been launching
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these strikes for about six weeks now without very clear results. the oivets of objectives of those strikes were to expel the houthis from be many cities such as aden, and come to the table for peace discussions which hasn't happened. they have been able for the first time to strike inside saudi arabia and to reach civilian areas like we saw in the southern city of najram. saudi arabia now in front of some very difficult choices. a stop in the fighting means a failure to achieve the goals that they have set in the beginning. and escalation means going against the desire and the will of the international community there. and humanitarian organizations which are asking for being humanitarian be ceasefire. and that means more deaths in termination of receivables and more suffering for people of
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yemen. >> mohamed val in riyadh. saudi arabia says five many civilians died when yemen lobbed be bombs across the border. omar al saleh reports. >> these people are fleeing for their lives. the latest wave of people trying oleave yemen's southern city of aden by sea but their boat was shelled as they were attempting to leave the port. speaking from riyadh, being saudi arabia blamed the houthis for the attack. >> this is nothing more than genocide. it is a war to cleanse the residents of the city and destroy all its properties. the houthi militias and forces loyal to al saleh are carrying
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out varying attacks in lashing against civilians who are defenseless and unarmed. >> reporter: aden has been under houthi fire and bombardment for weeks. the hughts latest attacks seems to be concentrated on el tawai not far from the port. force he loyal to abd rabbu mansour hadi are put up a tough fight. in the north of aden there is a fierce battle in the city of ta'izz. over the last weeks fighting has destroyed many parts of the city. and those defending the city accuse the houthis of carrying out random shelling. tens of fighters are in the city of muka lfertiona and their
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declared enemies are the houthis and their lies and this could turn the tide genetics the heuferghts. from the sky the saudi led coalition carried out more than 30 strikes in the last 24 hours hitting houthis near the saudi border. those air strikes appear to be in retaliation for a houthi attack on tuesday on the saudi border town of pedran. three people were killed there by motor shells and rockets. it is the first time the houthis hit an area inside the kingdom since the being campaign over a month ago. omar al saleh, al jazeera. ayatollah ali khamenei said, called on iran's nuclear negotiators to make a deal but not to accept humiliation. >> translator: i said during the term of former u.s.
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president george w. bush who was threatening us with the military attack at the time, that the era of hit and run attacks is over. it is noots you not that you strike us and run away. no your feet will get stuck and we will follow you. the iranian nation would not let go after anyone who invades it, we will go after them. >> negotiators have until the end of june to reach a final agreement but they have repeatedly extended other deadlines. suspects accused of founding a right wing group they call the old school society. investigators said the group procured explosives to attack islamic targets and migrants seeking asigh legal in germany. two arrested are believed ton among the group's highest officials. why outcome of an election could make it difficult to
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interin coming text tonight the u.k. elections it's now down to the wire in tomorrow's carlosly watched race that will determine the new prime minister of britain. >> voters are expected to start casting their ballots in polling places across britain. dana the polls give an edge to david cameron's conservative party but i'm sure people in london realize ttys slightest of leads. >> all bets of off. and in fact, the book makers, there was a bookmaker outside parliament telling me how they calculate this, antonio and they say it's about a 50-50 chance
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for the labor against the conservatives. as the votes get counted in more detail, through early friday morning they will give us interesting results but they probably won't be very definitive. >> hi, hello how are? >> 22 years as a british member of parliament mike gate says this election is like no other. right up until election day he is canvassing in north london trying to get people to vote for labor. only a few hundred votes apart running neck and neck. >> nationally it's totally unpredictable. >> never before have british politics been quite like this. prime minister cameron's tories andesgot a majority by voting
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mutually with the liberals. but not for a clear victory. >> most certainly not. there's not going to be enough party that has enough members of parliament, to pass a majority in the parliament. and parties have to team up with one another to do a deal. >> all of the indications is that none of the parties will get a clear majority on voting day here. so the question is: who decides who wins? under the rules, at a party that gets the most seats that is first crack at foorming coalition. forming a coalition. but talks can go on for a week or more. labor on higher taxes on the ritual to fund affordable housing, but many fail to capture voters hearts. u comfortip antieuropean union
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antiimmigration union is set to steal votes. capturing up to 59 seats in britain 650 seat parliament. labor's ed milliband needs them to become a coalition prime minister. >> you have a political party scottish nationalist party which could be in a position in 72 hours time where it's bargaining to become a member of the coalition government yet it disagrees in principle with the united kingdom. >> ahmed hamed says one government seems like the next. >> they don't have a really strong item about what to do in the future. >> mike gate says there's a worst case scenario. >> i'd say no, neither labor nor
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conservative can easily form a government and we end up with months of uncertainty with potentially david cameron trying to squat as a kind of care taker. >> some are predicting if a government emerges in this election it may be so shaky another election could be necessary soon. >> and antonio, i don't think you'll see any quick projections 50 television networks here tomorrow -- by the television networks here , as soon as the polls close at 10:00. we'll probably hear from some of the leaders of the political parties and they may claim some victories but it could take days or weeks before we really know for sure who won -- who will win this election. antonio. >> parliamentary maneuvering in both israel and britain. so we could hear one of the parties claim victory and then not succeed at forming a governing coalition. >> there are some similarities
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between those two political systems by the way. there is a fragmentation fragmentation of these parties because a lot of the electorate feels very dissatisfied with the economy and the way things have gone on, but certainly you could see, if the conservatives for instance get the most votes win the most writings, they have the ability to do what's called a queen's speech, they get to lay out their agenda for the next year, they could be voted down and swung to the labor party. it could be a very long process. >> dana lewis in london, thank you for bringing date. >> we asked what's been driving voters in the campaign's final days? >> it's one question, really, the economy who do you trust to run it?
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it's an incredibly exciting election. we have die metrically owned situation. a candidate who's promising to increase the taxes on rich people and the other is promising to cut taxes. is it more important to see the economy on a safe track or make sure services and people are well looked after. >> how are the conversations going? are you getting a sense how that's affecting votes? >> well, the contest last been hugely contentious. it's been vitriolic yet the polls are exactly the same as they were at the start of the campaign. >> what happens if we see a hung parliament, as happened in 2010? >> well, the 2010 scenario looks incredibly rosy. if only it was so obvious that one of the parties had a bigger
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number of mps than other and you had to lop on a couple of liberal democrats frankly happy to do deal with anyone. then you have to decide who gets to be the prime minister, who gets to try and build up the government from the other party. >> ed milliband said he would not do a deal with the other party, where does that leave guessing about coalition-building? >> that's been the real story of this election. that the scottish national party, which up until now has had a maximum of six seats in the parliament which governs all of britain is on course to gain 50 seats. >> niko it wouldn't be politics without optics and mud slinging. the conservative papers like the sun owned by rupert murdoch are trying to humiliate ed
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milliband. >> it's always been a debate, hasn't it, how much does the media actually change how people are going to vote? what's hatched in this election here is there's been a hugely really aggressive attack on ed milliband. two explanations, one there's been no influence whatsoever of the newspapers. the other thing, there is some evidence of this as well, that there's been a backlash. people are saying hold a minute, why should these newspapers decide who's going to be our priements? our prime minister? we don't think ed milliband is as bad as you think he's going to be. >> how does this affect the relsesrelations with the u.s? >> the different between ed milliband and david cameron.
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when hit back against president assad, he and david cameron reached agreement that they would begin bombing within a week of this agreement having been reached. cameron rushed to house of commons which is required before you can launch any military strikes. ed milliband launched a strike geans hadagainst the deal,ing as a result, britain had to pull out of the assad action. >> again, polls open in a few hours, 7:00 a.m. local time. curious findings about the germanwings co-pilot. >> andreas being lubitz might have rehearsed his tragic
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>> welcome back to al jazeera america.. i'm libby casey. >> i'm antonio mora. coming up in this half hour, a record number of people are now displaced by conflict or violence in their countries. >> and elton john's message to congress. in baltimore the mayor is calling for the department of justice to investigate baltimore's police department. maryland's governor lifted the state of emergency mean week after rioting over a black man who was injured in police custody and later died. >> oklahoma city, a series of
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tornadoes ripped a town, at least a half dozen twisters were spotted, threats are expected to continue throughout the night. >> the federal government will begin testing drones, path finder program today the agency will work with private companies to study flights in urban areas they will also look at grown flights that go beyond the operator's line of sight. >> disturbing new details about what happened before a germanwings plane crashed in the alps. andreas lubitz practiced sending a plane earlier in the day. lisa stark has more from washington. >> lib yeah and antonio it's been clear for some timer that the co-pilot of this germanwings flight deliberately brought that plane down crashing into the mountains killing everyone on
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board. but now there are chilling new details that indicate that he apparently did a dry run on the previous flight that day. information from the flight data recorder shows that on that previous flight from germany to spain, the captain stepped out of the cockpit for a short time, about five minutes. lubitz the co-pilot was left alone. the plane was flying at about 38,000 feet. air traffic controllers twice asked him to descent to a lower altitude. what lubitz did was set the altitudealtitude to 100 feet, he apparently did it several times seeing if the plane would respond to that altitude, and it did. they never noticed anything was amiss and neither did the captain when he returned to the cockpit. >> they asked the plane to desernd from 21,000 feet.
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they see the plane is going down to 21,000 feet, there is nothing strange, there is no possible for the control nor for the captain. >> maybe we can compare the system to a cruise control in a car. if you quickly change the speed from 100 to 150 back to 100 nobody else than you would be able to recognize the setting. >> setting the amount attitude altitude to 100 feet is exactly what lubitz did when the pilot was out of the cockpit. he never changed it back and it slammed into the mountains and all 150 on board were killed. antonio, libby. >> thank you lisa. syria has suffered several set backs in its fight against rebels a serious admission bashar al-assad also warned his troops are making moofts of moves
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of their own and he's confident they will be able to eradicate terrorism in syria. >> faith in the soldier and his belief in ultimate victory. when set backs occur it is our duty to boost the morale of the soldier and not wait for him to raise ours. it is a mutual thing. >> last week, governmental fighters withdrew from be l idlib province after being attacked by you i.s.i.l. >> doing so would be possible but challenging. >> doing something like that would be something that would be contested both by i.s.i.l.
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forces and other al nusra and others on one hand and by syrian forces on the other would not necessarily be supported 50 neighbors or supported militarily in a strong way by the neighbors and therefore something we would do ourselves. that is a combat mission and a major combat mission. >> senators john mccain and lindsay graham have sent a letter to president obama urging him to create a safe zone in syria. >> internal displacement monitoring center found in alt 38 million people around the world have been forced from their homes. at least 11 million of them in the last year alone. more than 70% come from just six countries. syria with the most more than 7,600,000 displaced. colombia more than 6 million. iraq and sudan have more than 3 million displaced people each.
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democratic being republic republic of congo more than 1 million. >> at least according to the u.n, there is 140,000 that have fled the recent fighting and have ended up in baghdad and other areas but what the report doesn't get into is the fear a lot of people are feeling here. there is fear that anbar residents, revenge attacks against anbar residents we have seen eight bodies in the last two alone in the streets of baghdad also across social media. there's been a huge fear that anbar residents are attacking shia residents here in baghdad. if you speak to people here if you get their stories what
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they'll tell you is no matter how much help they're getting from the government, no matter how much help they are getting at international aid agencies they would rather be back at home and in peace. >> imran khan, thank you. more than 500 migrants rescued in the mediterranean are in naples italy. rescued near lampedusa. stefanie dekker was there when they landed. >> 98 people are just being brought into the cystian sicilian port. their engine was not working, at the mercy of the sea. we're hearing these stories all
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the time. the coast guard saying only one operation taking place dinghy was taking on water 80 men 10 women, that relatively speaking is a small number for daily rest accuse but if we look at the bigger picture just over 9,000 people rescued in the last week. shows you the amounts of people taking the risk to cross the mediterranean. there is the question as to when they get here of course being rescued is good news but still uncertain future. these young men have been here phenomenon ten months. one of them tells us, i want an education, i am going to be afather one day i want to be educated. i need an education for myself and my children. waiting for some sort of paperwork which would mean they could work or move. one of them told us with no paperwork you are an animal. it gives you a sense of yes people get rescued and that is good news but still an
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incredibly difficult situation for them once they arrive. >> stefanie dekker reporting from catania in italy. four confirmed dead in the disaster in west java. the landslide also caused an explosion when a gas pipe broke. dozens of residents have left their homes and are staying in the village fearing another mudslide. about half of indonesia's population lives in areas that are prone to land slide. the murder of an afghan woman wrongly accused of burning koran. four were sentenced to death the judge released another 18 people due lack of evidence. caroline malone has be the story. >> the murder has been closely watched in afghanistan. the trial was broadcast
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nationally. four have been given the harshest punishments. >> we have sentenced each of you to capital punishment, death. our decision on these four people is not definite. they have the right to appeal. >> the 27-year-old was wrongly accused of burning a koran she was brutally attacked in central kabul in march. they beat her kicked her and set her body on fire. some people recorded it on their phones. that evidence was being presented in court. her family says justice has not been served. >> translator: the real criminals are still free and i don't believe it was a fair and free trial. announcing the death penalty or imprisoning or letting free most of these people was a very hasty
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decision. >> successfully convictsome people in mass violence. >> this case was taken very much seriously, that we have lots of cases, where women were strongly strong and killed and nobody was brought to justice. >> in central kabul a shrine was put where she was burned. thousands of people demonstrated in afghanistan and he other other parts of the world calling for justice. that it happened in public where the police were present 19 people are on trial some called for backup but none came. their verdicts and possible sentence being are due on sunday. carey loon malone, al jazeera. >> a why in judge in mumbai has
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sentenced a popular entertain store five years behind bars. be convicted of running over five men sleeping on a sidewalk killing one of them. the hit and run case has lasted for over five years. he was released on bail while he appeals. khan says someone else was behind the wheel when the accident happened. >> claiming that the west promotes homosexuality. >> parts 2 of my interview with you youuganda's president. >> burundi antigovernment protests.
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destroying boko haram camps. about seven women and children have been rescued in the past week. shot dead a deputy district commissioner in his car in mogadishu. the gunman escaped and just norts of there the armed group bombed a convoy of african union soldiers. it is unclear how many were injured. the government confirmed the attacks and shabaab claimed responsibility. >> it sat down with the ugandan president yoweri museveni. we spoke about laws, particularly an antigay law if loud to stand could punish homosexuality with life in prison. >> the only problem we have with the west is to promote homosexuality. other than that we know how to live with homosexuals.
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>> but you've had a problem because of that law some western countries reduced aid and there was very strong criticism you uganda. why have that law at all . >> there are provocations by some western groups who come through ngos provoke the society. those groups would behave as if homing owe sexuality is, there are two ways of life. you can either be a homoswam homosexual or you could be what we caught a normal person. the provocations are not so much. >> almost 30 years ago you took power this uganda. you have since said the people of uganda are entitled to democracy. why stay in power so long if -- does that the that not feel anti-democratic when one leader holds power for so long in one country?
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>> well, if you are being lifted how can you be antidemocratic. how can somebody who is being delifted? >> be term limits then you influenced or pushed for term limits to be taken away and they do not exist anymore. >> those forms of democracy what is crucially the substance of democracy? the forms depend our body to different situations. in africa our struggle is to deal with the what, what is to be done? the who is nots not what worries us. >> your record is better than many african countries but there have been periodicals that have been shut down, some attacks on journalists, some limits on freedom of assembly. are you committed to having
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human rights as we see them in the west? >> there are no limitations to freedom of assembly, freedom of expression. the law which we passed was simply to regulate that you shouldn't assemble in a market where people are selling their products, that's all. you can hold a meeting any time, just being the police they regulate that meeting that's all. >> what about women? they have a lower status on many different levels on uganda. >> we are the pioneers of fighting for women's emancipation in uganda. yes, women's rights, we are the pioneers, we are the ones who started the emancipation process in the whole of africa. >> you stilt have a way to go -- but you still have a way to go . >> we have achieved a lots, we
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have education we have done very will. political empowerment we have done very well. >> do you ever think the west goes too far in trying to impose its -- the way it sees the world on a different society on africa, which has had different traditions? >> well, they definitely make a lot of mistakes. because they try to take a position that be preindustrial societies should behave exactly the same way as industrial societies. that's a fundamental mistake because liberal ideas are a consequence of socioeconomic transformation of societies especially the emergence of the
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middle class. where you have a society which is pre-middle class, it is not serious to think that those people can have the same liberal ideas as the middle class society. those are mistakes for sure. >> do you want your son to succeed you? >> why -- uganda is not a monarchy why he decide to succeed me as a process of how succession can be done. >> what people would say of course is that the government holds tremendous power and can influence elections. >> but why would i push my son? i've got so many sons, all the people in uganda are my sons and daughters. >> one of the longest serving leaders in the world almost 30 years, strong ally of the united states especially in the fight against terrorism. >> peace from the be president of burundi the election in june
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will be his last but he still plans to seek a third and he says final term in office. weeks of protests have erupted after a decade in office, opponents say the third term would violate be the constitution. towrngturning to johannesburg. police fired rubber bullets to disperse protesters, piling rocks up to the house of the late nelson mandela. no arrests have been reported. >> elton john addressed congress today, today he told lawmakers that the u.s. needs to fund efforts to combat the spread of aids. >> i'm here today with a simple
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message. the aids epidemic is not over and america's continued leadership is critical. there is a window of opportunity before us, a window through which we can very clearly see the end of aids within my lifetime. we cannot afford to let the window close. >> john created a foundation that works with the u.s. to provide health care and aids education. what scientists are learning from the shifting patterns of glaciers in new zealand. >> and a wandering l cool la koala takes a walk.
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the united arab emirates unveiled plans for unmanned mission to mars. projects goal is to produce dynamic pictures of the red planet's atmosphere. scientists would piece together how the layers of disappear fit together. >> in our global view segment financial times of britt an asks why prime minister david cameron isn't reaping the results of the recovery, u.k. joyless recovery poses poll challenge for cameron. people have not seen growth in wages and quality of life. >> germany's deutsche vella takings a look at the first months ever you you alexis tsiprasof alexis tsipras'sgovernment.
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the paper blames tsipras for slamming shut doors and leaving little hope for economic recovery. >> and the asian correspondent writer says when he arrived he saw oglut of supplies so much so it would take days to deliver. he goes on to say that what neebl needsneeblneblthat nepalneeds. gls disappearing in new zealand. >> glaish years are one of nature's most awe-inspiring features. constantly change and in the case of the fox glacier retreating quickly. >> really there is a pretty dramatic picture going on,
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starting to see quite a dramatic change, moving into the valley and it's all happening at a pretty incredible rate. >> the rate of change was highlighted when a group of university scientists released a series of images taken over ten years and this time lapse shot over just a few months shows how ais the ice melts the valley walls become unstable and collapse. now for safety reasons visits rnd loued to climb ton glacier from the bottom. it's meant some tour operators is had to adapt. >> we've had to adjust our business most of our trips fly up on to the upper ice fall. >> since the late 1800s as the earth has warmed up the fox has retreated 3 kilometers overall but it fluctuates. in recent, changes have sped pickup a clue as to yb new to why
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new zealand's glaciers are so sensitive to change. >> combine that with high levels of rain or snowfall and any changes on top are magnified down below. >> scientists know i it was it was about the same size in 1983 but then it had a huge growth spirit once spurt once again. >> we know these glaciers retreat, advance retreat advance, but iflts possible we won't seeit's possible wewon't see it readvance to the level of 2009. >> decreasing temperatures and increasing snowfall. wayne hay, al jazeera at the fox
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glacier new zealand. >> hospital emergency rooms are notorious grim places, in hamilton australia a koala wandered in, after a few minutes, it left. >> a basketball lesson at the vatican today for pope francis. his teachers, the legendary harlem globetrotters the players presented him with a number 90 jersey and made him an honorary member. >> earl brown leader of the band hot chocolate. ♪ i believe in miracles ♪
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♪ where you from you sexy thing ♪ >> brown was the voice of several hits, including that one, "you sexy thing". a remarkable 15 year run and the band performed at the wedding reception of pris prince charles and princess diana. that's it for this being hour. >> skynews with the help of marvin gaye asking who could get it on, form the coalition government. ♪ trying ohold back this feeling for so long ♪ ♪ and if you feel like i feel, baby ♪ ♪ come on ♪ ♪ come on ♪
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♪ whoa lets get it on ♪ ♪ i said ♪ ♪ let's get it on ♪ ♪ lets love baby ♪ ♪ let's get it on >> on "america tonight". what keeps a dream deferred. >> kids who group in low income distressed neighborhoods on average had lower levels of completed scoring lower status jobs and lower earnings as young adults. >> "america tonight's" adam may with a close are look at the challenges facing baltimore's poor neighborhoods and what really holds them back. >> it sounds like what you're describing is white privilege. >> we call i
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