tv News Al Jazeera May 7, 2015 8:00pm-9:01pm EDT
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hi, this is al jazera american, i'm john, disconnected, a federal appeals court slams the n.s.a. spy phone programming. deaf in venice beach. pulled out his i.d. and they shot him. they killed a homeless man the new questions about lethal force. coffee talk. the truth about k. comes pollution and a major reversal.
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plus eric, actor activist, and author after 0ing new book on the genocide. it's a huge crime this genocide and i think many people felt they couldn't live, if they continuer in some way answer what had happened. we begin with the spy program that collects the phone records of millions of americans. it is secretive, and not always selective and, it must operate under the rule of law. the federal appeals court said they went too far, it is illegal. the reaction, lisa, in washington. well, the appeals court soundly rejected the rational used by two administrations to
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justify this phone data, the three judge panel said there is no authorization for such a program under the anti-terrorism law. it was shortly after the 9/11 attacks that the bush administration under the patri at act began collecting a massive probe of phone records a program signed off on, by a court. it continued under president barak obama and then in 2013 the exstep of the surveillance was revealed, when snow den leaked n.s.a. document he is indicating that the government was sweeping up records of every phonecall made in the u.s. the a.c.l.u. sued. the court did not rule on that can constitution al issue but said the program is illegal. because it goes beyond what congress intended. this is pretty enormous
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ruling today, for the court to hold this a program that the u.s. government was implementing for over a decade was unlawful, under the law. under the program, the government collected time, date and length of fen calls and not the content. the government has argued, that could be relevant to future tear roism investigations and the court rejected that, such an expansive concept of relevance is unprecedented and unwarranted. the ruling could have a broader impact. do you think there are other programs that they may have to halt. we don't know, but it's been pretty strongly indicated that the phone records program was not the only program. so there may be other collection programs. yes. which now would not hold up in court. right. on capitol hill, they are in a heated debate over what to do.
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the section of the pate tro on the act used to justify it, experts on june 1st. some contend programs like this must continue. why in the world would we think about rolling back the tools that are the only tools that put us post 9/11 versus pre9/11, the threat is greater today, than it's ever birch ever been. but others argue, the dragnet collection of americans phone record says unnecessary. and ineffective. in other words it doesn't work, to help keep americans safe. now the white house says it is still studying the ruling, but point out, that the precedent has already indicated he wants to modify this program and he wants it held by the phone companies, not the government, and then the f.b.i. could have access to it, on a
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case-by-case basis. jen for now, all eyes on congress to see how they will move forward. all right. thank you. the collection of phone data was revealed in 2013 by snow den and, he shared the information with glenn greenwald and i asked him about his reaction to the ruling. it is an amazingly significant decision, the second circuit court of appeals is the most important court after the supreme court. and it's the very first court to look at the question of whether or not this program that snow den came forward to tell us about, was legal and it unanimously said that it is extreme, not evening the patriot act can justify collecting communications and telephone data, and that it's illegal.
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but it won't stop the government from collecting this information, will it? no, i don't think that's accurate. what the court said is that in this kind of a case they would issue an injunction, ordering the program. an illegal program can't couldn't, but they said, it seems very clear that congress is on the verge of either appealing it, or significantly restricting it so that congress, is likely to stop it. but if they don't, it is very clear that the court will. so what impact will the decision have on a move by congress? it was pretty cheer that there was widespread bipartisan support, by congress, to have the government no long store and collect the data, there was as house committee vote on a bill and it passed by 25-2, and very large margin, that would have said, the telephone companies
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will continue to hold this data, but the u.s. government no longer will, and i think a court decision saying it is illegal and unprecedented invasion of the privacy can only help that, what already was pretty significant momentum. do you think it's worth worth giving up any fro dom or not. i think it's a false choice. the way that you get better security is by giving out freedom. i think one of the most dig russ thing is begin to collect billions and billions of pieces of data, because there's no way when they are looking at everybody, do they find the people who are plotting a bomb to blow up. or trying to blow up a plane over detroit. i think the targeted surveillance, you go to a court and these are people who are dangerous, and now we're going to monitor them, is a much more
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effective way of effecting it. how do you think this decision is being seen overseas many. it has been a huge story for two years almost overseas pause people feel like the u.s. government is invading everybody's privacy. and it is more or less true. and i think that, i have seen here in brazil, where i am, the press treat this as significant but a very welcome decision and i bet that's the same reaction throughout europe and latin america, and asia. as you know, the french par make meant approved sweeping new rules after the charlie attack. today's decision in the united states is the opposite of what france has done. what is your reaction to that? governments are very, very adept, and they always have been at exploiting fear, it's a
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potent human reaction and, the founders of this country have warned if you put people in fear, they will act kues to any abuse of power. and the french government did which was exploit the fears of terrorism. and you saw the same think in canada in ottawa, but i think there's a very healthy and vi brandie bait in the west about whether or not we should continue to allow our fears to be hyped, in order to give the government whole in you powers and, it is good that the united states we seem to be going in the reverse direction. so given that you have done all this report, with sne den and worked with him that made public what the government was doing, so this, and i have asked you this question before, but does this case, is it another step, in your vindication on this issue?
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i think it's a huge vindication, of the choice that snow den made to come forward. income, this was the very first program that we, reported on, on june 5th. this is the first article i wrote, was reporting on this program, that the government, that the court said was illegal. and snow den said, what pushed him over the edge, was watching james clapper the senior national security official, go to the senate, and lie to everyone's faces but the american public, where he falsely denied, if this program existed, and it is now clear that he not only lied to the public, about a program that he said didn't exist but lied about a program that a court has found illegal, so, i don't see how anyone would say, that it would be better if he had remained silent, and left us all in ignorance about this illegal
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program. good to see you thank you. great to be with you. now, to syria where u.s. trained forces will be taking on isis. the u.s. military is e dwipting members of the oppo section in a secure location overseas. ash carter says, they are training and more on the way jamie has that story. just as soon as enough of the volunteers, had passed they're back ground and loyalty tests and today, the pentagon said the initial phase of that training is now underway, but it will be many months before any of those forces are deployed. as rebels continue to battle
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forces loyal to the president the pentagon says the first foreign trained forces will be ready to fight the more than 3,700, who have volunteered, the first 90 are now being trained. not to overthrow him but to retake syrian territory held pie isis. many are motivated by the fact that isis has taken over and mistreated the places from which they came. and so their commitment is something that we have a very good idea of, as part of the vetting process. pentagon sources say they are being trained in jordan and another group of fighters will soon begin training in turkey and, training, and equipping them is a long-term project is months if not years away. we still have the
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fundamental challenge of finding moderate syrian opposition men to train to be a stabilizing influence and, on the side of our diplomats there's the issue of finding moderate syrian opposition to establish a political structure to which the force, that we're building can be responsive. meanwhile she the war goes on and while the pentagon says it's only training anti isis force, the u.s. could provide support, to soldiers fighting government troops,. their mission is to fight isis. so that's the combat we expect them to get involved in, and we do expect to support them. if they are contested by regime forces, again, we would have some responsibility. while he is not the target,
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the syrian president looks desperate, as his forces seem to be losing momentum. i believe the situation is trending less favorably for the regime, if i were him, i would find the opportunity to look to negotiate. in the past few weeks the government has facinged a string of losses, in the province. he has acknowledged the recent setbacks, speaking to supporters, he insisted the ups-and-downs were normal and that the war was not lost. so wheel the pentagon says it does have an obligation to back up the new force it hasn't decided how far it will go. one decision is no anti aircraft shoulder fired missiles will be provided to the new fighters because they will be facing an enemy that has an air
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force. thank you. lawrence was assistant secretary of defense, in the reagan administration, and he he's a senior fellow, and he's in atlanta tonight you're critical of this training program. tell us why. well, basically, by the time it gets there, what impact is it going to have? right now you have a situation, where isis and the al-qaeda offshoot are fighting you a sawed, and the question becomes who will they get involved with, they are getting stronger there. and, it looks like they may end up beating isis, interestingly enough to, if you will, to muslim terrorists, fighting each other. and so i wonder by the time they get there what role are they going to play? who are they going to fight? what happens if al-qaeda wins, are we going to fought
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them? what happens is you a sawed is still there if he should be able to prevail and, our allies and, saudi arabia are getting very frustrated that it is taking us so long. so it is too slow, but what about the training itself? well, i think the training is fine, there's no doubt about it. we initially a lot of troops that were fighting you a sawed we were providing non lethal equip minute, and the saudis were giving them equipment and they went over to isis. so now we're vetting them to, make sure that the people won't go to the other side. but, the fact of the matter is, you can vet them, but if they get in there and they see that isis is winning and al-qaeda is winning, why would they not go other, to that side, and the question becomes how long will it take you because you're
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trying to stop isis from causing problems, in iraq. and if isis is not losing, and in fact, they're gaining ground, this makes it more difficult. this is very compliitkad with many different sides if is the weakening of the government a gel for the united states right now? well, it is a goal, but the fact of the matter is, weakening and then who wins? who gets stronger? if isis gets stronger would we prefer that? and al-qaeda? because al-qaeda is much more of a direct threat to the united states since they have a global reach and, isis is just trying to maintain control in the so-called area. so what does the u.s. do? again, what i would prefer,
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negotiated solution, in which there's a power sharing arrangement, that doesn't preclude you a sawed but maybe some of the people there but you are going to have to give some power to al-qaeda here because you do not have the other forces in there, who can take control given this schedule. it's always good to have you on the program, thank you. a ratio of by par tar san ship in washington dc. the senate passed a bill, that would give them power over the iran agreement. tom cotton was the lone hold out, it would require president barak obama to send final text of the agreement to congress. and the measure now heads to the house of representatives. coming up next, more choice for consumers and less weight inland fills, a big reversal on k. cups.
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it was supposed to be a close election, but it may not be. hi, not as close as expected but just as murky and hard to navi date these numbers. first of all we start with that 326 number, which is the magic number. an american election, one party wins or loses. not here. no one party is going to get to that number of 326 on its own. if look at the exit polls when it closed and the conservatives
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come you mean with, 316 votes and so they're ten short. and labor comes in with 239 votes, and they were in preelection polling thought to maybe 1 or 9% close to the conservatives and, they came in way below. the scottish national party and this is the party that wants to take scotland out of the u.k., and leave the union, they had 6 seats five years ago and they surged to 58 seats, according to those exit polls, and the liberals, which were the partner in the marriage of the coalition government, with the conservatives with the last five years, they lost a huge number of seats and they come in with at any. what is clear is that prime minister cameron was very, made big gains and he is clearly out in front and he is probably the
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favorite party to try and govern the country but he is short of a majority. and all bets are off and we get some very clear numbers to see how far the other parties are in terms of marrying the conservatives and, whether they can do it. just how did david cameron manage to defy these expectations and get close to the magic number? well, two things, and it is pretty simple, they scared voters a lot in the last few weeks of the election by saying, look this country was bang rupt five years ago, after the economic collapse, if you don't support us, the social list government will bank rupt the country again, and the laborer government would have had to count on the scottish national party wants to leave the uk, and
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that scared a lot of voters and they thought it was unholy. all right dana, thank you. now to new york. a new approach to the minimum wage, the governor has been unable to persuade them to raise it, and now, he will ask a state labor panel to consider raising the wages he could buy pass the legislature and 180,000 fast food workers and it is 8:75. a major reversal, from keurig, they have faced a backlash over its new single coffee machine. now with the stock price plunge, they are shaking things up. well, gren mountain is the company responsible for bringing these coffee cups into millions of homes and businesses and
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it's been under fire this year, and now customers are forcing the company to change. these single serve comes are everywhere, available in practically every fly vor, you can brew dunkin donuts. and for awhile you could brew your own special blend. but that ends with a new model in 2014 and nen using it was cut off. i was a little it is appointed and bitter, for doing this. it was also the only official solution for consumers worried about the waste. nearly 10 billion are sold around the world, so many they could circle the globe more than twelve times and all of those little comes end up inland fills. this year, an online video went viral because they are not
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resiable. and it is connected to petitions, that have 100,000 signatures demanding them to create a recyclable k. cup. last month, when we met up with the man he said he wishes he never created it in the first place. fy turn back the clock and look at what happened, and that will be a problem 20 years from now, i would not have done it. it's not just about the envone minute. they come in another real cost. a pound of ground coffee costs $12, and k. cup that comes out to $50. so, whether it is blow back for the waste or the new model doesn't work, the impact is deemed south. company's stock fell pie almost 10% after announcing a drop of more than 20% in first-quarter sales.
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the c.e.o. responded saying, would he heard loud and clear from commuters who wanted it back. we underestimated the passion and we shouldn't have taken it away, and we're bringing it back. now, the k. cup, that we spoke with, has not worked for many years, he sold his stock he believes the drop in sales is all about the environment and the rising cost of coffee, not the reason, that they gave about the reusable k. cup. and well, the company is promising to create that recyclable k. cup in the next five years. thank you. coming up next l.a. police shoot and kill an unarmed homeless man the police chief suggests it may not have been justified. it is a fish versus bird battle on the columbia river with human beings calling the shot, we'll tell you why this island could soon become a
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fatal shooting, and black and, killed by police. i heard two claps and, i was like, what was that? and all i see is this dude fall to the ground. unanswered questions about the use of force in, los angeles. cost of living, san francisco, evictions on the rise we will fight to stay! how landlords and rents are pushing long time residents out. taking aim at thousands of bird's the west coast, the plan, pitting one species against another. personal history actor and author, on his new book about genocide.
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tonight the questions about race, and force turn to los angeles, a homeless man was shot to death by police on tuesday. officers say there was a struggle many but today, the chief said, he had serious doubts about whether it was justify he. jennifer is in l.a. right now. john, good evening, all day long people have been coming to this spot, writing messages of condolence for homeless man, you can see they've been writing messages in the street. and today community leaders and local civil rights activists have many unanswered questions including why was deadly force used? a makeshift memorial, candles, flowers and a photograph remembering the life of a young homeless man shot and killed by police. to shoot a young black kid
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who was so troubled, and just wants his mom. the m.e.'s office has identified him as 29-year-old brendan glenn friends describe him as a kind man, struggling with addiction. hours before, staff at the teen project, say he visited the shelter,. there was a group, and he was crying and, he was upset and, he was pretty low. according to the police officials two officers confronted him after they saw him struggle with a person on the sidewalk. when this the officers approached, and tried to detain glenn, one of the officers fired. i heard two claps. q.and, all i see is this dude fall to the ground. the officers were not wearing body cameras and, there is video, taken by surveillance cameras, the police said, he has
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row vowed the footage and very concerned about the circumstances surrounding the shooting. anytime an unarmed person is shot, it takes extraordinary circumstances to justify that, and, i have not seen that. they have been criticized by the president of the protective league the union representing the police officers. a statement released, said, it is completely irresponsible for anyone, much less the chief to render judgment on an incident that is in the early stans of the investigation. the premature decision renders the investigation process void. i think it's important that the chief does that a position of concern. he as community acta i have the have, and president of the urban policy round table. i would expect now anytime you have a questionable shooting and this was
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questionable, that the police chief, would not make that. would make that kind of statement. the next logical question has done that, how is that going to transplant on action. so many reasons deadly police encounters involving young black men have led to protests and debate over race relations and. l.a. chief says, while the investigation into the death of brendan glenn is still in the early steadges, he doesn't believe it was motivate had by race. he disagrees,. they are never going to think race is a factor. that's always what police chiefs and officials they always say but there's one thing, we can't get wrong you will at the pattern of shootings, and, use of deadly force, and year excessive force they are almost alls unarmed
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and, african meals. they're call on the l.a.p.d. to let them review the surveillance footage so they can see what happened in the last moments of his life. in less than an hour, police officials are holding a town hall meeting to discuss the shooting, and it will be the first time the public has an opportunity to ask questions about what happened, although it is not expected that police chief will attend meeting. all right thanks very much. we move up the coast you new york city to san francisco it has some of the highest rents in the country and that is due to an influx of wealthy tech workers. evictions are on the rise, which means thousands of residents are fighting to keep their homes. now, with more. john we're in france's mission district, it's the center of the housing supply
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crisis and tenants who live in rent control have no intention of ever leaving and yet, the eviction notices are come. 2,000 eviction notices were filed in the city just last year san francisco residents take to the streets of the city they consider home, but fear, they will have to leave. we will fight to stay. ♪ ♪ rents are skyrocketing here, a result of the latest tech boom one landlord asked a tenant of a rent increase of 400%. headlines everyday, that are leading to eviction, and lawsuits and headaches and heartaches. close it. she is one of those caught in the crosshairs, she has lived, there, for nine years.
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soon after a new owner bought the bcialtion she received an evision notice. i had an instant panic. and i started and looking at, wow, 120 days it move, and find a place right. she's no the only one, the san francisco rent board says a number of eviction notices has gone up, 55% in the past five years,. the new landlord works for google, he did in the respond but it's a common story here where the tech economy is bringing in new residents and big sums of money. under the ellis act can't he buy a building and, move in it. well yes. to say that i'm a tired landlord and i know longer want to rent. manages 2400 rental units
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and the city benefits from the new money pouring into the tax base and restaurants and businesses. if goaling goaling get foes pa point where they can't house their employees they're going to move,. and the state of california can't afford that. searching for a compromise, the mayor welcomes the new residents but says he's trying to keep current san francisco people here too. we're trying to make sure the property owner, and the tenants get some arbitration. are there policies before it gets to arbitration? of course. i think, for example, we are saying that we need neighborhood stabilization that we want property owners that recognize there's a value in long-term relationships. this is one of the solutions new housing construction, but most of these units will be for sale and rent at market rate and
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that won't alleviate the housing problem for people like claudia who are evicted and can't afford these. that's because she's used to paying 1600 a month for her apartment. market rate, is now 3-4,000 sand dollars a month. how can the person, who owns the burrito shop afford to live in that neighborhood. i don't know how to answer that. we have 30 years. cloud dea, agrees with that, she's fighting her eviction in court. i feel this is more than just, you know, me leaving my home and my way. she knows her neighborhood is attractive to those in san francisco, because of its culture, that she helped build with the intent that her little boy would grow upright here.
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there are tens of thousands of units in new units in development, in san francisco but, this city doesn't make it easy, it can take years to get through the permit process and developers are not building fast enough, to keep up with the demand. john. all right, thanks very much. let's keep moving up the coast, to the columbia river, in the pacific northwest and a battle between two different species, federal sharp shooters could take aim at thousands of birds to save the salmon and opponents want to stop the government from killing the birds. a listen is on the river. john a very complex issue, and very emotional issue for some, it's a delicate balance, and a fight for survival, pitting sea birds versus salmon and, right
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now there are 11,000 birds in the crosshairs. these black birds are double crested, and this is their nursery, the biggest nesting colony in the west. about 50 yards yards off-shore from the island and we're not allowed to shoot video, this is federal land. they have told us, we are not allowed to go on sure. they don't want it disturbed. even as they begin an operation which, means killing 11,000 birds over four years. the bird problem is real afish problem they eat 11 million young salmon, every year. do we need to kill 11,000 of these birds? yes, the short answer is
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yes. they're going to be shooting them over water with shotguns? they're going to be shouting them at night while they take care of the young and their nest. there were 100 nesting pairs, on the island and now there are 13-14,000 pairs. and the army corp wants to cut that down, boy more than half and keep it stable. the island, just a few miles, from the pacific island is, a low lying 0 acres and some natural and some created by army corp dredging. and they nest on the west end already set up for research, will provide access for scientests and for teams of shooters, and new fencing has been added to make counting easier and to limit disruption for the birds left alive. we have two passengers, on this boat ride and one says
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shoot and one says shot. this is a slaughter. bob's organization, has sued in federal court to prevent it. i don't think would he should be killing native wildlife when there are man-made factors that are far more important. tom works for a commission, protellinging fish on the river where 13 different species of salmon and steelhead are listed as threatened. and they mean so much to the areas' people. the creator gave them salmon and they were asked to protect and honor as well as eat the salmon. it all comes back to dams, the largely federally run system on the columbia, which could be deadly and mature salmon heading up stream. the kill is just one small part of a effort to comply with the endangered species act to
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boost salmon survival and to address federal court ruling, that agencies do more to protect fish, and to show they're doing the right thing. this is an action that's a part of a larger picture that's being done on a scale that people aren't used to, and, it is perhaps more visible. other efforts include an expuntive program to convince them who also nest on east sand to move elsewhere. some have, and some haven't and that work kofnts. meanwhile, salinger blames human beings, and the hydrosystem, and says the birds are just scapegoats. don't we need management of wildlife? they say they're working on the dams, and spent 1.7 billion in the last several years. i would say, they haven't done enough.
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it's an unfortunate step, but it is the next step. unless they get at stay of execution, that killing could start within weeks. now besides the shooting, they will be oiling eggs, to keep them from hashing and destroying thousand he of nets. do the math and you come out to 6 million program 11,000 birds and 545 per adult bird killed. so, maybe you can explain this bird killing who does the shooting? well it's a specifically trained division of the department of agriculture that sends the teams out to do this, and a spokesperson, says because of the looted, they can't give us any information on the timing. there's a hearing in federal court tomorrow, we may get a
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ruling and it may be delayed and we don't know how long it might be after that, before these teams go out and begin it. so if it begins and what do they do with all the dead birds? great question. some will go to museums and schools and so will go to researchers and most of them, just going to the nearest landfill. all right allen, thank you very much. conservationists in florida won a big victory and they approved a initiative to restore conservation land, among them, the ever flaked, but now they say project is being hijacked by florida lawmakers. joey has more. deep in the river lies a dark secret. the shimmering waters of the everglades have long sustained. mick could you sue key people
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who warned the people of the danger of the surface. florida is the next california and california has a situation, where they don't have water, and florida has a situation, they have water but you are not going to be able to drink that water. because it is too polluted, and the everglade says being used as a vast sewerage system. the source flies some 80 miles north in the agriculture heart of the sunshine state. the land around the lake. farming interests control the flow of the lake, and the water is kept in, a reserve for sugar far contain growers and not enough water is allowed to follow its route south into the everglades in 2008, then governor charlie christ cut what looked like a sweet deal to rescue the everglades. the state would buy land,
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from u.s. shock guarantee, to catch, and clean the waters, before sending the flow on south to the everglades. q.valuable lands are under threat, and if the state doesn't acquire them now, they'll be lost power. will heads the water and land legacy. he spear headed amend men one, an initial tough that earmarked more than 90 million a year for the next 20 years so the state could buy and conserve land for critical environmental projects all paid for with an existing real estate tax. amendment passed passed, but now, with just days left the deal looks doomed. the ballot language, and the text of the amendment says, to acquire land, in the everglades, which is where the u.s. sugar land in question is. they're funding a lot of
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existing programs. the governor, and other key lawmakers declined our request for a sit down interview so america tonight tracked down house speaker and asked what they will do with the amend men. i think we need to be focused on the land management side of things. that means no sugar land deal, back in the everglades the bad news echoes, the sawgrass and the cyprus trees. what was once billed as the biggest conservation program now lies nearly dead in the water. you can see more of the report, on america tonight at 10 eastern. afghanistan is expected to set a record, this year for production of heroin, that despite efforts by government to discourage the drug trade. john cultivating poppies for opium dates back thousands
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of years, and the money that can be made, means they are popular for farmers in afghanistan, so much so, their the key to the economy. the government has been trying to counter it, and said it is making progress. providing al jazera to its secret drug court. we never take bribes and do honest work, we do it. this is because we know, afghanistan is under severe threat from drugs. coming up, how the system works and, in some cases has failed and, we'll look how farmers are not likely to stop producing it. thanks. coming up next, actor and play right eric on what inspired him to write a book about the general that side
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he has written a new book called operation mem na sis about the assistance, two hadn't head down the master mines of the genocide. thanks for having me. what drew you to the story other than the fact that you're an armean knee enman? wanted had to do something about the experience, and i heard about the the the asassies nation. and in 1921, and this was a young engineering student who saw on the street of berlin, and, felt he just was compelled to shoot him, he killed him, he was acquitted. and i thought this would make a great movie. so i -- it was a movie that i could write, and talk about the
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genocide and tell an amazing story of this assassin that was acquitted. but story was bigger than that. that's way found out, it turns out that he wasn't just some student, he was a member after assassination squad operating out of massachusetts and, they had agents all over europe and, in 1921, they tracked down all these leaders,. abandoned assassins. the full group probably included 20 people, but the key killers, the guys with guns, numbered about six or seven, and then there were spice and other people working and they knocked off six major turn ker leaders. etcetera very personal, when you start talking about you talk about your grandfather. yes. and how, and the warnings he gave you my grandfather, was a
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survivor, he somehow got out of asia minor, with his life, he was about 20 years old and when i was a little kid he used to sit me on his lap be and say if you ever meet a turn, kill him and, i mean, i was really little. and, of course, as a little kid i didn't know what to make of this, and evening the stories he told me, from what had happened. they didn't call it genocide, in those days. over time, i had to rethink what was he talking about? what happened over there? for me there is a personal part of it, to learn more, and really get the details and turned out to be a complex tapestry, it's not as simple, as good guys and bad guys,. are there good guys? are they the heroes of your
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book. they are the heroes of the book because they are heroes to the people. they did something that was necessary. this huge, huge crime had been committed, this genocide and, i think many people felt they couldn't live, if they couldn't in some way answer what had happened. and, also, memorialize those who had been so brutally killed. to this day turkey doesn't acknowledge officially that there was this concerted planned killing of all the civilians. why? i would say, that they don't, admit it, because they don't have to. they are a strategic ali of the united states. the white house doesn't call it jen no side either. there's a state department ript that we feel does what turkey wants them to do and
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they don't need to do it. i think it's -- i hate to i don't think word cowardly, but i don't see why the thirds, the most powerful country on earth needs to do what turkey wants them to do. so what do you want people to take away from this book? i think this is an amazing story and anybody interested in history has to know the story. i never heard of anything like this. is it finish can tell me, about a group of people, who remove an entire government, please show me when this has happened. and i think if you're going to be interested in the jen no side, you have to know about this story. because this is as punctuation point to the genocide, just like the arrest of iceman, after world war ii, brought a lot of focus on to what happened with the holocaust and this is part of the genocide, because this is part of the armean knee
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9:00 pm
>> counting the votes. exit polls suggest the conservatives may have won the day in britain. it's not sure the victory is convinced enough to guarantee david cameron will remain prime minister released on bail. >> whatever anyone may think of cotter, he's served his time a former teen soldiers found guilty of killing an american in afghanistan goes free break in the bombing. >> no bombing, movement of troops.
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