tv News Al Jazeera May 8, 2015 8:00pm-9:01pm EDT
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>> hi everyone, this is al jazeera america. i'm john siegenthaler. seeking the truth. mothers told their babies had died. did the hospital give the babies up for adoption? new details from st. louis. federal investigation into baltimore police after the death of freddy gray. the new u.s. attorney general steps in. warning signs accusations of a cover up behind the deadly ice cream listeria outbreak.
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plus susan sarandon the award winning actress, talks about her mission to help the people in nepal. and we begin with an almost unthinkable question: was someone at a st. louis hospital secretly selling the babies of black mothers? since our first report more women have come forward saying they gave birth at the same hospital and were told their newborns had died. were they lied to? if that is true, what happened to their children? the state has opened up a special hot line for potential victims. diane eastabrook reports diane. >> reporter: hi john, the city has been flooded with calls after it heard about a st. louis woman who was recently reunited
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with a daughter she thought had died at a st. louis hospital 50 years ago. one other who called was another st. louis woman who said something very similar hatched to her at that very same hospital. >> this is daphne. this is patrice. >> a grandmother and great grandmother wants only one thing this mother's day. >> i want my child. i want to be united with my baby that i missed almost 51 years. >> on june 24th, 1964, just before this picture was taken 16-year-old stewart poor and unwed, said she went to the former homer g. lewis hospital and gave birth to a girl she named janine. >> i saw her move, she cried they held her up at the end of the bed, at the end of me so i could see her. >> reporter: but minutes later
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she said hospital staff delivered devastating news. she said, your baby's dead. my baby's not dead. i felt in my heart that she was not dead. then when someone i think it was a nurse she said you was too young to have a baby anyway, you know, and that your parents it's just another mouth for them to have to feed. >> reporter: stewart's story is similar to that of zela jackson-price who recently reunited with her daughter via skype, 50 years after she gave birth at homer g. price. >> it came back 99.997. gloir, i said that's my baby. >> reporter: price's story has stunned and rivetted st. louis. >> this one is from france, this one from stockton, california,
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this one st. louis missouri. >> more than 50 calls this week from women as far away as france from women with stories strongly similar to price. >> it remains my opinion that what happened to zela 50 years ago couldn't have happened you without criminality having occurred. period. >> reporter: the city's health department has stepped in setting up a hot line so people can request records from the hospital that closed in 1969. haven't started an investigation into the former hospital yet starting speculation that price's child was taken. >> shouldn't that warrant investigation alone? >> that does, to look for missing pieces. >> combing through family
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pictures. >> this is my son larry. he's the one i had him after danine. >> stewart never got a chance to take a picture of danine. she is hoping some day she will. >> do you think she's out there? >> yeah, i think she's out there and i think i know and i feel in my heart that god's going to grant me my wish. >> and stewart has said all these 50 years even though she was told her daughter died, she has been convinced that she was out there somewhere and she's very much hoping that she'll be able to find her john. >> diane we've had an an amazing response to this story. you are saying the city isn't investigating. ashley cook wants to know is anyone investigating this? >> reporter: at this point no one is investigating. i did contact the department of justice and haven't heard back from them yet.
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>> the mothers were supposedly told their babies were dead. victoria s. jackson asked this question, did not one mother ask to see her dead child? >> we haven't asked that yet stewart said she did ask this, but she was denied access, her parents came to see it and were told they could not see it. >> stanley yard asks, who organized this and why? some assume an adoption agency must have been involved, do we know what the motive was? >> reporter: you know john, we don't. until we get birth and death certificates back from the state, nobody has a paper trail and if it happened, why it happened. >> there is a question from jocelyn gardner, if the hospital is no longer opened, who receives the repercussions cs who
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gets punished? >> the city of st. louis could potentially be on the hook. >> diane thanks very much. rahrasheed abdul salaam, an investigator, is in st. louis how difficulty is -- how difficult is this to investigate? >> it's going to be quite difficult. the hospitals now being defuct defujt. defunct. it's going to be difficult but not impossible. >> where do you start? >> of course you start with paper trail. you try aget the birth certificate records the death certificates. there's two certificates involved in hospital birth the certificate that the hospital itself would issue and of course you would have the documents
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that are filled out and submitted to the state. so the hospital should have a -- they should have a record. they should have a repository of all births at that hospital. so you would start not just looking for births of the children involved in this incident. what you want to do is try find the births of all the children during that time period. and then, when you see that the im-- the differences going on with the records, this is when you start walking it back and start asking those probing questions as to where are the birth certificates for these particular births. >> since it's probably decades ago it means boxes and paper and not a lot of computers to help figure it out so obviously that hurts as well. how easy is it going to be able to find out if there are death records for the babies at that the hospital says were dead? >> well, as i said, if the records are definitely there then you try to establish the
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pattern. what was the pattern of the births and deaths where there were no -- there were no questions about those particular births and deaths? but what you need to do is, it's very tedious and you need to get all of those records for that particular time period. but also at your disposal there are going to be other employees. there are going to be custodian people. there are going to be lab techs there are going to be tons of people that were working with the nurses, nurses aides so someone is still around that worked at that hospital and may have seen something. but maybe they didn't understand how significant it was what they saw. >> you know, you heard the viewer question, i'm surprised that the hospital -- that the city isn't investigating this. are you? >> i'm very surprised. but you know one thing that's unique about st. louis city. st. louis is a city and a county. so not only is the city of st.
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louis on the hook but it's the county as well. and this is where our governments are supposed to protect the citizens. so there should be an investigation done by the county. if not the state attorney general's office should look into this matter. >> rasheed it's good to have you on the program, thank you. tighter security is on hand because of social media. jamie mcintire is at the pentagon jamie. >> alpha to bravo the second lowest comes on the orders of the four star general whose job it is to protect the home land against foreign threats. his message: this is no time for complacency and security personnel need to be on their a game. while citing the recent garland
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texas attack on an exhibit of car toons of thecartoons of the prophet muhammed, there was no specific identifiable threat but rather an increase in social media and internet based discusses that has suffered what he termed a generally high threat environment. the military protection level moves from alpha to bravo from increased general to more predictable. the next level charlie says it's likely and the next level means it's happened or is imminent. >> if you are a radical jihadist in 1950s level in peoria, you might have gone the whole life without finding someone who shares your views now it takes ten minutes to find someone who
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shares your views. >> the one thing you should look is the engagement of people on our social media needs. and it's laughable. three retweets, two retweets. >> reporter: but the government can never compete said mubin sheik who went under cover to help canadian authorities to thwart attacks. he testified that the battle must be fought at the community level not at the government. >> at the end of the day, if you want to fight back against recruitment of 15-year-old kids, you need to work with 15-year-old kids. >> the other challenge is separating opportunistic prap beganpropaganda against threats. this purports to be a i.s.i.l. claim to, quote attack any
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target we desire. five states, virginia, maryland, illinois california and michigan. even though the pentagon believes lone wolf attacks are inspired by these things, they must be taken seriously. >> they draw their inspiration from i.s.i.l. and finally it is yet another reason why the defeat of i.s.i.l. is important. >> the pentagon says it should be obvious to anyone who pays attention osocial media, the kind of communication that gives law enforcement the cause for concern and says the u.s. government see lot more than the average american. john he said the temperature of the water has gone up a degree or two. >> all right, jamie mcintire, at the pentagon, thank you.
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unemployment is at its lowest level in three years. triple the number of jobs added in march. the unemployment rate tropped to 5.4%, just before the 2008 financial crisis. millions of americans remain out of work. many who have a job say it's still not enough. we want to introduce you now to one washington, d.c. resident who works in the senate cafeteria but lives on the streets. lisa fletcher reports. >> around the corner from the nation's most famous residents charles gladden wakes up before sunrise, with the sounds of the commutes. >> people on their way to the to work, commuters, they don't want to look my direction. they turn their head, walk past and didn't hurry up downstairs on the escalator.
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>> reporter: gladden is one of nearly 8,000 people living in the nation's capital. he spends most nights outside this downtown metro station. >> i sleep two blocks from the white house and the president doesn't even have a clue. >> reporter: but unlike many in his situation gladden has a job at one of the last places you might expect. >> i work in the office building of the u.s. senate. the nation's lawmakers. and i'm out there in the street, panhandling asking for nickels and dimes. >> reporter: >> reporter: behind these gleaning walls, there are many who don't make a living wage. during a good week, gladden takes only $350, barely enough to pay for his food, clothes and the medication he needs for his diabetes. >> i'm an embarrassment of the
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nation working for those who make the laws and i'm sleeping in a subway station. >> reporter: during the eight years that gladden has worked in the exam things have changed a lot. most dramatically he says when the federal government privatized senate food service jobs. typically a worker would bring home $37,000 a year. now contract workers are lucky to make half that. last year president obama issued an executive order. that established a minimum wage of $10.10 for federal contract workers. but gladden says 10.10 isn't enough. >> he's a good president. i support him 100%. i even voted for him but he's not done enough. >> hey hey ho ho, on strike. >> we went through the capital here and tried to draw the
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attention of the media the president and everyone else to get involved in what was going on. >> reporter: but for now gladden's daily journey remains the same. the familiar path between the world's symbol of power and opportunity and the subway station he calls home. lisa fletcher, al jazeera washington. >> you can see lisa's report at 10 7 pacific time. dozens have been singled out by the u.s., and oscar winner susan sarandon talks to al jazeera about the earthquake in nepal and the need for the united states to do more.
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general election. there are big challenges ahead for cameron and his labor party. >> reporter: david cameron still prime minister. confounded every one of the polls, that's allowed him to tell the queen he can now form a government. an election that was supposed to involve weeks of negotiations ended up over by lunch time. >> as i said in the small hours of this morning we will govern as one united kingdom. that means ensuring this recovery reaches all parts of our country from north to south from east to west. >> reporter: it was primarily a disaster for the main labor opposition its leader, ed milliband. the labor party now searches for another identity and a new
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leader too. >> britain needs a strong labor party, britain needs a labor party that can rebuild after this defeat so we can have a government that stands up for working people again and now we need someone to take forward the leadership of this party. >> wounded by their presence in coalition governments nick kleg too resigned as leader, nor did the u.k. independent party break through. it got a lot of votes but only one seat. nigel became the third party leader to go. >> i know you are used to party leaders making endless promises that they don't keep. i'm a man of my word, i shall be rising saying i am standing down as leader of ukip. >> not in its wildest dreams
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could the conservative party have imagined things turning out this well for them, free rein to cover their objectives, for the labor party and the liberal democrats that means months if not years of regrouping and for the u.k. independence party they only have one mp and many of the people in the streets would not recognize him. scottish nationalists swept all in front of them. all the talk in westminster is the prize will be full control over their finances as the conservatives try ostop another push for independence from the u.k. so the british political map has new fault lines. new political forces replacing old ones. david cameron says he wants to forge one nation but with england placing right wing
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politics and scotland the other a very disunited kingdom. al jazeera london. >> foreign minister, abdel aljubeer, made statement with secretary of state john kerry said the ceasefire will last five days but may be extended. to allow for the delivery of humanitarian aid. recently some immigrants say the u.s. has made it impossible for them to travel. one civil rights group blames the u.s. embassy in sanaa. >> he spent ten years work flg a chrysler factory his entire life is around the united states. >> an american citizen since
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1978 wants his passport back. the u.s. embassy in sanaa confiscated it. >> he's not provided with any official written explanation of what has happened. he has not been informed of how he can appeal what happened at the time u.s. embassy or provided with any alternative method to return to the u.s. >> omar had gone back to yemen to process the paperwork required to bring his youngest daughter who is foreign there back to the u.s. after six month wait embassy officials interrogated him and pushed him to sign a document, what he signed acknowledged his use of a false name but omar says he didn't understand the paperwork at the time. >> translator: at the embassy there's no one to translate for you when they ask you questions or help you with your needs. when you speak to them it's as if they are not listening to you. when they took my passport and asked me so many questions i
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didn't understand what motivated them. >> left him stranded for one year before giving him a one way travel document back to the united states. >> mr. omar, you are an paper you happen to be in yemen and the embassy treats you like this. >> translator: i felt devastated. i would never have expected something like this to happen. didn't make sense. i didn't understand what motivated them to do this. what they said felt like empty words. i don't know what they were thinking. >> reporter: omar's experience doesn't appear to be isolated. actively rights groups say that dozens of yemeni americans have been treated this way in the u.s. embassy in sanaa. feeling that they are americans and then yemeni americans second class citizens. amin worries about his children. >> my kids in yemen i'm trying to bring them here for the last
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seven years. still doing the papers. they only had one interview at the embassy. and the first question is, why do you want to go to america? to see me, to be with me, i'm afraid i'm going to die before you see you. >> he says he calls his children every day. they wouldn't need that had the situation worked. passport revocations from the embassy in sanaa in the last few years. >> i'm just wondering if there are numbers that you can give us about. >> i'm not sure there are. >> how many there are? >> i can check, i don't know. >> when the government is able to make decisions closed door, quietly and nobody knows about it then that's where it's very dangerous. but if you can bring it out and bring a case against them and get before a federal court which you have a right to do then you might be able to break this up
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and have these cases proceed a lot faster. >> reporter: the passport revocations come on the heels of an earlier lawsuit against the state department filed by yemeni americans, though state department points out it has issued travel warnings on the country for years. still, the community feels beleaguered. >> you can't violate someone's rights and not feel some sort of accountability after that, when you have heard so many stories where people who have lived in the united states for 40 years like mr. omar hardworking people to think they would go to an embassy seeking assistance with some routine application and then be subjected to this outrageous treatment just because of where they are just because of who they are. >> omar says the legal battle could take years but he has filed his lawsuit for his family
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activist susan sarandon on her new role helping some of nepal's neediest. plus flying high, a vintage celebration of ve day 70 years in the making. loretta lynch was sworn in as the new u.s. attorney general last week. on the same day the streets of baltimore erupted in violence. the arrest situation followed the arrest of freddy gray. today, attorney general lynch said the justice department is stepping in launching an investigation into baltimore police. lisa stark has more. >> reporter: john, the department is launching a pattern and practice investigation on baltimore whether they violate the civil rights of those they are sworn to protect.
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just days after her visit to baltimore the attorney general made the call. the dpanch department of justice is launching a comprehensive investigation of the baltimore police. >> this investigation will commence immediately and focus on whether baltimore police officers use excessive force conduct unlawful searches and seizures and engage in unequal policing. the family of freddy gray and residents convinced her there is a serious erosion of public trust in the police. the justice department has been working cooperatively with baltimore pd for six months to institute reforms but lynch decided that was not enough. >> as we look more at the issues facing the police department itself, in terms of the needs that they have and in terms of the issues the residents were raising, they essentially were much more serious and they were
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more intense than when we began collaborative review process. >> reporter: in the last five years is justice department has dramatically ramped up its investigations into police practices. it now has nine active investigations including one in ferguson missouri, begun after the police shooting death there of michael brown. and there are currently 16 departments from new orleans to detroit where justice is overseeing police reforms. public policy professor john van says it is wise for the just department look at the baltimore police. >> people tend to trust the justice department perhaps more than the local authorities. it also means that there's a second entity looking over the same set of facts. and so it provides a second bite at the apple so to speak.
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>> i'm requesting the department of justice conduct a pattern and practice investigation into the baltimore police department. >> stbsstrsstephanie rawlings blake requested the investigation. freddy grayfreddy gray's family's attorney says they areography. >> these questions need to be answered fairly and impartially and measures have to be developed that will eliminate these problems. >> reporter: there is no timetable for how long this investigation will take. and as for any needed changes
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no one believes that the problems will be dealt with easily, problems did not arise in a day and changes will not come overnight. the baltimore police commissioner says he welcomed with open arms the justice review and looks forward to heal the wounds of the city. but it's clear there is a lot of animosity. the union suggested that the justice department also investigate the mayor and her oversight of the police department. john. >> all right lisa. disturbing video of an officer kicking a suspect in the head. it happened during an arrest in 2013. the officer has been identified at tom webster. the man was left with a broken jaw. last year a grand jury chose not to indict webster but this week a second grand jury indicted him for assault. webster is on leave without pay.
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police in san francisco are facing charges of sexism and racism. now district attorney is looking into thousands of criminal cases for possible bias. lisa bernard is in san francisco with more on that. lisa. >> reporter: john, in a city that prides itself on its progressiveness, authorities are reviewing 3 to 5,000 arrests and prosecutions for evidence of police bias based on race and sexual orientation. outside the san francisco hall of justice word that the san francisco police department is being investigated for racial bias is welcome news to mandy shabaz. >> the investigations are long overdue. >> the task force will investigate arrests the
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district attorney wants to know if there is a deeper cultural bias in the department. >> if there were people that were wrongfully convicted or they were wrongfully arrested, we have both a legal and a moral obligation to address it. >> the city's public defender jeff hidachi says hundreds of his clients could be affected. former officer ian ferminger in one an officer asks do you celebrate kwanzaa in your school, the response was yes we burn the cross at our school and then we celebrate whitemas. hidachi says in a city where the african american population is 6% yet 56% of the people in jail are african american, it at least appears that there is
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racial bias. >> outwardly bias? no something called unconsciously biased which permeates all of us, the residue in our minds to prejudices and stereotypes and the officers are immune to this. what we find in law enforcement is judgments will be made who to arrest and when to pull the trigger based on skin color and the perception that somebody is more dangerous or more criminal so that affects african americans in a way that causes them to be arrested and jailed at a higher rate. >> mandatey shabaz says, she was harassed whether she was pregnant. >> i wouldn't let them into my house. i was scared of the police. >> greg says he supports the investigation. >> having known what is in these
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text extion medicine, messages, i would say you would have to err on the side of bias. >> there are at least 60 more. >> action he of a few have undermined the public face-to-face in the system and in the integrity of the many who were sworn to protect us. policing is in infinitely more difficult when the community you are policing doesn't trust you. we must increase the trust of law enforcement. >> i should be having somebody to trust if they protect and serve i should be able to have the confidence. >> the probe will also look at accusations that sheriffs intuts forced inmates to fight one another and they bet on the outcome. john. >> lisa bernard, thank you.
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scientists have been studying the effect of unconscious bias and they say it affects more than just police officers. jake ward reports. >> the students of u.c. berkeley might seem like the last group of people more likely to shoot an unarmed black man than an unarmed white man. but according to a simulated experiment you will find the same bias here as the controversy gripping the nation. ♪ >> as troubling as the implications are for what's going on in policing in america today, it's a compelling demonstration of the power of these implicit biases. >> would you be okay shooting the black guy we are looking at their behavior so we are look at
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differences in mill seconds. milliseconds. >> the participant is told to shoot all armed targets and not unarmed ones. they decide not to shoot an unarmed white man sooner and more frequently than a black man. >> i was trying to consolidate what i was thinking, obviously this is right thing to do. but then sometimes -- i mean -- it's tough. i'm not a police officer but i can only imagine the stuff they go through. >> perming in this task does not make you a racist person. >> even researchers see their own unconscious biases affecting their actions. >> are you still shooting unarmed black men? is that -- >> and failing to shoot armed white men.
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my unconscious makes me feel white men are safer. >> i was shocked by my own reaction. >> just shot an unarmed black man. can't believe i did that. >> the brain stores about 11 million pieces of information but we can only process about 40 bits at any given time. bias is like a mental shortcut. but this isn't like abstract research. these social scientists are trying to bring out unconscious bias, not just in the lab but bring it out in people like police officers. professor glazer is building a justice database in cooperation with 40 national police departments that can track the signs of bias. >> an officer will be the first to tell you it's terrifying when they come under fire and the question is can we get them to the point of focusing more on the hands of the suspect not
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listeria. >> now we're learning from the fda that the contamination dates back two years. meantime federal health officials are insisting they are not aware of the problem until their own inspection this year. >> tainted ice cream has forced blue bell to shut down three of its plants as it works to thoroughly sanitize them. finding extensive violations in the broken arrow plant outside of tulsa. blue bell new of issues years ago, saying you failed to demonstrate your cleaning and sanitizing program is effective. the report lists more than a dozen areas within the oklahoma facility where listeria contamination was found. as recently as january of 2015 and dating as far back as march of 2013. listeria is a bacteria that causes food poisoning and can be especially dangerous for children, the elderly and
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pregnant women. the report said that blue bell continued to ship out ice cream from those plants even after it found contamination. as for alabama federal investigators did not find signs of listeria but contamination with two people handling food while wearing dirty clothes. but in texas the home of blue bell investigators found contamination dripping into areas of food contamination. >> no food contact surfaces tested positive. >> 2013 it did several swab tests at the broken arrow plant that showed presence of listeria on nonfoot surfaces. it cleaned and then tested
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negative. added we thought our cleaning process was effective but it was not adequate. that is why we are conducting such a comprehensive reevaluation of all of our locations. as to when blue bell lovers will find their products back in stores we believe it will be several months at a minimum. at least eight million gallons of ice cream have been pulled from the market as bru bell tries to clean up its act. the fda told me today it continues to work with the company to ensure its practices john comply with safety laws. >> erica, thank you. coming up on this broadcast actress humanitarian susan sarandon she talks about her efforts on behalf of earthquake victims in nepal.
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>> aid is finally starting to arrive in some of nepal's remote communities. basics like food and shelter have been in short supply since that devastating earthquake last month. volunteers have been busy creating tarps out of a material normally used to post advertising. the makeshift tents last about 20 days. they won't help much during the upcoming upon soon season. at a sikh community this group has been cooking food to distribute to the hungry, nepal's finance ministry says it will take more than $10 million to rebuild. the u.s. has pledged $26 million million. academy award winning actress susan sarandon.
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stephanie sy sat down with them. >> what was your reaction when you heard about the earthquake? >> it was very shocking. obviously, everybody talks about there will be some kind of a terrible earthquake in nepal. many of my friends around the world, they wanted to send army aircraft to evacuate them. especially my nuns. the nuns volunteered to say we are not going to anywhere. we are going to volunteer over here to protect the people, protect the you know, the house and the temple and then the villages. >> so if we look at the immediate needs that we are seeing in nepal, what are those needs that you see? what kind of aid is needed? >> well, my friend who's there they don't have water. she's got 48 kids in her orphanage and they're under a
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tarp that's protecting them. it rained quite a bit after the earthquake so it's cold. >> she's talking about a social worker in nepal she runs a day care for parents who are in prison. sarandon featured her in a documentary called waiting for mamu. >> the children are very frightened so they don't want to go back in the house. they can't go back in. so she's -- it's hard. you have 48 some of them babies in the middle of a field. and so she needs everything. and i think one of the problems has been trying to get her things. >> what would you like the u.s. government to do or the international community to do? are they doing enough? >> i think first you have to find a way within nepal that if aid is sent, i mean you don't want to repeat some of what happened in other places, where everyone's so moved and they send money. but it doesn't get used. so i think you have to figure
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out first where it's going and if it's getting there. i think people feel really badly for ten minutes and then they forget about it. and i think this is going to be a rebuilding that goes on for a very long time. >> how concerned are you that perhaps somebody might think well that's an earthquake over there. why should i care over here? >> well, you know the internet has a lot of bad things going for it. but one of the things it has done is made people more aware. people looking for justice and people who are fighting a power structure that's been unjust for them are identifying with people in other countries. i mean that's completely true. when you see what happened in baltimore and you got the messages from other place. >> the galwan drukpa was in baltimore thursday, meeting with community leaders he offered his condolences over the death of freddy gray.
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>> the media came, very much in the mode of helping and to build the -- to build whatever the confidence again. >> reporter: what are your general thoughts about what's hatching there? >> it's very sad but the good news, baltimore is just one incident and you see, you have to look seriously at the militarization of our police and the frustration that our people have that have been fighting economically for so long and have been living in fear because of the complor of their skin. it doesn't mean that all police are horrible but there definitely is a systemic racism that has to be dealt. >> that's roxana saberi reporting. libby casey has more.
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>> the strength of the conservative victory was really a shocker . coming up, what awaits david cameron's government, an exit of european union and the question of scotland as part of the european union we'll look at the elements that led to the conservative party's winning. >> labor don't really seem to be getting it. they would rather be right than in compromise in power. >> founder of the u.c. independence party he'll talk to us about britain's future. john. >> okay libby casey, thank you. three months later japan would surrender and world war ii would be over. ceremonies were held today across europe to mark the ve day anniversary. dominic kane has more. >> 70 years after nazi germany
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capitulated, marking the anniversary. the speaker of the parliament, reminded people of the horrors that aadolph hitler an the vermarch. >> today we remember the unprecedented situation, against slavs, against jews. >> that job was left to the big four war time allies. the ussr, britain u.s. and france. the u.s. secretary of state john kerry joined his french counterpart laurent fabeuse in laying a wreath, the french
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president francois hollande said the defeat of nazi germany was about the fight for freedom. there were similar scenes in london, where fresh off the election britain's parliament stood in solidarity. this memorial in the center of berlin is a reminder of the enormous losses the soviet union celebrated in world war ii. victory day on their patriotic war on the 9th of may in moscow. dominic kane, al jazeera berlin. ve day was commemorated by a gathering at the national mall. planes of war with romantic names such as must taken hell cat, super-fortress. here is what it looked like now and then.
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>> the future of great britain. >> we will govern as a party of one nation. one united kingdom. >> david cameron promises to unite the u.k. but scotland may pull that apart. ve day. 70 years after the victory in europe, america pays the price to those who paid the ultimate sacrifice. breaking down barriers. >> open the walls open the doors to the
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