tv Weekend News Al Jazeera May 9, 2015 2:00pm-3:01pm EDT
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inspiring... entertaining. "talk to al jazeera". tomorrow, 6:30 eastern. only on al jazeera america. >> this is al jazeera. >> hello i'm mary ann namazi. this is the newshour live from london. coming up in the next 60 minutes. the saudi leadership top houthi leadership and say they have not answered their offer of a ceasefire. hosni mubarak is sentenced to a term in prison. 70 years on, russia shows
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off its military might as it celebrates victory day against the natsthe nazis. >> lewis hamilton claims pole position in barcelona ahead of the spanish grand prix. hello, saudi military says houthi leaders in yemen have nowhere to hide. the saudi led coalition has staged more than 100 air strikes in the past 24 hours against houthi targets. saudi jets bombed areas close to the international airport in the yemeni capital sanaa, as well as areas in saada and haja province. ceasefire tuesday so long as the houthis agree to take part. so far there's been no response from the houthis as fighting rages on.
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this is a spokesman speaking a short time ago. >> translator: yesterday the coalition forces and saudi forces conducted more than 130 air strikes which targeted more than 100 areas inland and near the border of yemen and saudi arabia. it also targeted the leadership centers and the offices of the houthis, targeting more than 17 leaders. >> judge in cairo has upheld hosni mubarak's sentence for corruption. he's allowing the former leader to go home, because he has served time in detention and a military hospital. the judge reduced the tense sentence of the former leader's two sons, allowing them to go free because they have already served the full term in detention. since mubarak was ousted in 2011, the former leader was faced
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trials the trial of the century, where the former leader sentenceed dissidents. the second case was one of corruption mubarak was accused of squandering public funds on renovating his private residence. the court found him guilty sentencing him to three years in jail he has already served that time so he can walk free. mubarak already was tried in other corruption cases one of them didn't make it to court. all charges against mubarak and his sons were selected strategically. >> anybody could see clearly that the charges had been carefully picked and also, that seeds of acquittals were planted, indictments of course it was not surprising that they
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were all convicted at the first stage of the trial. and i believe that the objective of such convictions were to appease the rising feelings of the revolutionaries and the public. but they new very well that in the next stage of the trials, they were going to be acquitted. in my view, it hangs primary and basically to kill future chances for mubarak's sons to run in any upcoming presidential elections. >> the retrial of two al jazeera journalists in egypt has been postponed to june 1st. baher mohamed and mohamed fahmy have been charged with supporting the outlawed muslim brotherhood which they deny. the judge had dismissed the charges against them but ordered them to stand trial again. 55 inmates and 12 policemen have been killed during a prison break in iraq's dialla province.
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are a fight broke out near near baquba. after activists have reported a series of chemical attacks, if it force hes the opposition president bashar al-assad's aloite district could be cut off from the capital. in a separate area near damascus at least 15 syrian soldiers were killed. dozens of soldiers were also injured. well antigovernment groups say that they are making more gains in syria. bernard smith has more now on that story from the turkish
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syrian border. >> this is desserted talk an alliance of 18th government group just three days to take this city from government forces after a standoff of three years. almost all of idlib province in northwestern syria is now under the control of this alliance that calls itself the conquest army. it includes the powerful al nusra front and affrar el sham. >> in the last months we tried to take just al shegura bus buttra but we couldn't. now allied we could. >> it's what really matters controlling jushra shahur,
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idlib, from here we can launch assaults towards the coastal areas. >> reporter: those coastal areas are the heart land of the minority alloite community to which the president bashar al-assad belongs. the main port in syria and along with damascus is one of the most important government-held areas in the country. one former frearm free syrian army contact tells us as this new alliance prepares to move towards latakia just on the other sides of the mountains it seems like they're equipped and coordinated. bernard smith on the turkey syria border. crash of a military aircraft which killed at least eight crew members, came down just north of
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seville's san pablo airport which is now closed. between eight and ten were on board, thought that there are no survivors. the plane was undergoing flight trials before being delivered to spain's military. heavy battles in instability in the former yugoslav republic, tim friend reports. >> the police action began in the early morning in the suburb about 40 kilometers north of the capital. it's an area that saw fighting during an ethnic albanian insurgency in 2001. gun fire was heard throughout the morning and at least one explosion. the government said that the attackers entered from an unnamed neighboring country. >> this morning macedonian
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forces started the action of finding and eliminating the armed group which according to our intelligence is aiming to attack the government forces. >> deepened concern over instability of macedonia. >> the most important thing now is to help the population and to provide and guarantee their security. this dark scenario will not succeed. >> reporter: there have been street protests demanding the resignation of the prime minister. the fear is that political leaders on either side will stoke ethnic tensions as leverage. it's estimated that 30% of macedonia's two million people
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are ethnic albanian. tensions sometimes flare. tim friend, al jazeera. >> still ahead on the al jazeera newshour the democratic alliance prepares to have its first ever black leader. also a high profile pardon for indonesia. is it just pr for the president? the semi finals in madrid, where a spaniard is planning to war up. two global aid agencies have evacuated their international staff from a region of south sudan. they are concerned about the oil rich area, fighting broke out in
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december 2013 when salva kiir accused his former deputy riek machar. >> we estimate that the population benefiting from the services in the hospital is around 200,000. this year, alone we have carried out more than 25,000 consultations, at the time of the evacuation we had more than 30 patients in the hospital. we have treated more than two and a half thousand children for malnutrition this year alone so the medical needs in the area are great and this hospital is the only secondary health care
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service they can access. >> the world health organization has declared liberia ebola free, the source of the outbreak is now known to be a two-year-old toddler who died in december 2013 in southeastern guinea. nine months later the virus was in guinea, liberia and sierra leone but is a establishing who all died is difficult to determine. the parts that were hardest hit are the lighter patches. in each of these areas at least 500 deaths were record he. again, though, the real figure is probably much higher. the world health organization estimates over 11,000 died of the virus. nigeria was also affected. caroline malone reports. >> reporter: these students are the picture of health as liberia is declared ebola-free. the virus has not been seen in
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this country for 42 days. that's twice its incubation period. >> translator: i lost my father to this deadly ebola virus but now i see my country getting back to normal. i'm so happy i will get to see my friends to play, joke, shake hands, things i have not been able to do for six months. >> but people in guinea and neighboring sierra leone are still dealing with ebola. both countries reported nine new cases in the last week. that's the lowest weekly total this year but it means ebola is still spreading. new cases in sierra leone and guinea puts more at risk. >> we know there are porous borders especially with sierra leone and also with guinea. >> the disease has killed nearly 11,000 people since it was first detected more than ayear ago. people with ebola get fevers,
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diarrhea and often bleed internally ebola kills nearly half of those it infects. >> avoiding catching the disease is what helps the most. >> despite warnings from medical aid groups like doctors without borders who dealt with some of the early cases. there are still lessons to be learned in the health communities but doctors in liberia are feeling confident. >> if it happens that we have an upsurge of cases coming back, it means that will be a new
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outbreak. which we don't wish for. but if it should come, from the case management point of view, we are very well prepared. >> 4700 people have died from ebola in liberia, more than in any other country. it is now got rid of the disease and although there's still a threat of a new outbreak, people are hopeful they've seen the end of ebola in liberia. caroline malone, al jazeera. >> joining me now is chloeie brad the director, hope the expectation is that liberia has seen the end of ebola but nevertheless the country's neighbors, guinea and cyril are continuing to battle the outbreak and we know the borders are still open. so i suppose that creates uncertainty, doesn't it? >> yeah, i mean we're obviously thrilled oannounce that liberia today is ebola are fee but we are approaching it with caution. that is not to say that it won't
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come back in. we sincerely hope it won't. looking to the future, helping liberia get back up on its feet and kind of cope with the after aftermath of the cries i. >> you say your work really begins now in many ways. what needs to happen inside liberia to ensure that it stays ebola-free? >> sure. i mean education has been at the heart of getting it to the stage it's at now. and people must just keep practicing these same protocols. if someone's sick, don't touch them. and be cautious. and yeah, like you say our work really is just beginning. the economy's really struggled. children aren't able to go to school because families have been torn apart. they can't afford to send their children to school. we worry that the number of street connected children is going to raise enormously.
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the work is just beginning. >> as you say you work most closely with street children. they have been affected more by ebola along with the elderly. what can be done outside the country and inside the country to help these two sections of society that are most vulnerable? >> i guess my message is really to the world not to feel that ebola's done, just because the medical crisis is in liberia over and hopefully the other countries, but actually keep funding, keep support and keep the attention on helping to rebuilt and providing particularly for the children who have been hugely affected. >> and presumably there are a vast number of children who they may have been sick, perhaps they've survived. but many children have also lost parents, relatives. care-givers, are are you now expecting a spike in the number
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of orphaned children? >> absolutely, our focus has been on those who are been orphaned. those who have lost one or both parents. and really now our job is our responsibility to make sure they're settled with the new caregivers hopefully relatives and that those caregivers can be supported through business grants and savings schemes so they can afford to get these children back in school and help rebuild their lives. >> thank you for giving us insight into challenges that still lie ahead despite the fact that liberia has been declared ebola-free. thank you very much. thank you. >> the shape the parties image that has been dominated by white libltion. liberals. haru mutasa reports.
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>> democratic alliance will have a black leader, how do voters feel about that? >> let south african people are scared of being led by a white person. but i don't think it would actually even make a difference. >> the outgoing leader has been praised for bringing more black people into the democratic alliance and for diversifying the leadership of the main opposition. the departure ushers in a era of white leaders. going up against 18th pawrd antiare apartheidanti-apartheidleaders. will that mean that more black south africans will vote for the party? it's a party that still represents white interests. >> just to you know put the black people in front knowing
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that obviously they will be maneuvered by these white people behind. that my point of view. i'm not so sure, that's how i see it. so i really wouldn't vote for not in this. not now. not in this lifetime. >> not in the next coming lifetime hey? >> reporter: suspicions aside political analysts say it's a good move strategically for the democratic alliance. >> so really become a significant factor in south african politics the potential winner of government, they are going to need a black candidate to front their campaign for that significant proportion of south african votes. >> reporter: some say the political terrain in south africansouthafrica is getting more interesting, but it could be years before the south african
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congress is removed from power. haru mutasa, al jazeera port elizabeth. >> protests calling for the resignation of president otto perez molina. after afternoon aide was linked to a multimillion dollar scandal. victoria gatenby reports. >> reporter: in guatemala age are and frustration directed tortstowards roxanna baldetti. resignation was announced by the president. >> the vice president after talks in which we analyzed what was taking place in the country
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i reiterate courageously made the decision to present her resignation. what i think is that everything has its time. there are processes here which i insist should be followed. there are processes established by law and processes that all quawntguatemalans should respect. >> investigators issued a warrant for his arrest while he was on a trep to south korea with the vicetrip to south koreawith the vice president. two days, guatemala's supreme court, called to remove her immunity from prosecution. others have been implicatein the bribery ring including the head of the tax authority. when president molina was elected in 2011 he promised to combat crime with an iron fifth.
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this scandal suggests limited success. molina is not standing for office this time but with four months to presidential elections, some fear the damage has been done. its presidential candidate has withdrawn from the case and some protesters are calling for president molina to resign too. victoria gatenby, al jazeera. a crash in pakistan military chiefs and government officials gathered to pay their respects. the wives of the indonesian and malasian ambassadors were also killed. the pakistani affairs said pakistani air force said a technical difficulty caused the crash. successful launch of a missile from an underground submarine.
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north koreannorth korean kim jong-un is shown here watching the launch. political prisoners after 12 years in jail. recent execution of eight drug smugglers including seven foreign nationals. step vaessen reports from the province of papoa. five political prisoners convicted of stealing weapons to support the independent struggle were granted clemency. serving life sentences they were freed after 12 years. a small armed movement has been fighting for independence since papua became part of indonesia in the 1960s. for decades indonesia has ruled the territory rich in natural resources with an iron fist.
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president joko widodo now wants change. >> translator: we have to write on a new page. all of us. we want to free all political prisoners and ask them to help the old papua. >> reporter: he denies the prisoner release is a pr stunt after executing political prisoners just a fortnight ago. >> translator: no, we have prepared this since december and we talked to all the relevant parties since then. but it takes time and it needs to be done in phases. >> reporter: despite their release the prisoners are unhappy. instead of a pardon they wanted amnesty which would clear them from all wrongdoing. but amnesty can only be granted by parliament. >> translator: i really regret that i only now know that i have been given clemency. nobody told me before. >> reporter: human rights organizations estimate that more
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than 90 political prisoners are still behind bars. most prominent is phillip carma who has been secretly filmed in jail in papua. he refuses a presidential pardon and also wants amnesty. >> translator: if he is a real democrat he will honor freedom of opinion. difference of opinion is no problem in a democratic country. i want to be the last one to be free after all my friends are released first. >> reporter: hopes are high that president joko widodo would bring change to indonesia. this gesture today is seen as an important first step but hopes are seriously tampered, now most of them are still behind bars. the president did announce one important change: after decades of severely restricted access for foreign media president
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joko widodo says journalists will be able to report from indonesia. >> translator: from tomorrow, we will open the area to foreign journalists. i've told the police chief to the military chief all of them. >> reporter: however it's not the president but the military which has ruled papua for a long time. president joko widodo must do something to ensure the promises he is predicting. step vaessen, al jazeera papua. upcoming the nepal earthquake update. and how to preserve the kazakhstan language.
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>> welcome back. and update of the top stories for you 94. a saudi coalition has waged over 100 air strikes in the past day against the houthis in yemen in anticipation of an upcoming ceasefire, but the houthis have not responded. hospital neehosne mubarak's sentence has been affirmed. more in the situation in yemen. iran's president has blasted saudi arabia for its air campaign in the country accusing the kingdom of a lack of understanding of international
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issues. hasan reufn rouhani responded. >> it is not our goal to deliver aid owrs or to advertise our or to advertise our claim. our goal is to help these people. >> thank you so much for taking time to speak to us. if i could ask you about the iranian prime prime president hasan rouhani's comments. how would loo plan a plan like this work? >> this would have to be discussed with my colleagues in tehran and in sanaa the principles of neutrality and
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annual crescent. i'm assuming this aid would need to go to all those in need no matter on which side they belong and that would be the same for instance if the kingdom of saudi arabia decided also to send aid through the red crescent society in yemen. >> do you know if any discussions are under way? >> do i not know about this yet no. >> talk to me about the humanitarian crisis in yemen how are people dealing with major shortages in food and water? >> well, the humanitarian situation in yemen today is catastrophic. it is something that we have been saying for weeks and it's becoming worse by the day. there are indeed extreme fuel shortages now that are just happening, any kind of movement inside the country the ambulances cannot work, the hospitals cannot work when you don't have electricity and you don't have fuel to use for the generators you cannot pump water
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either. this has been difficult even more difficult and more complicated now not to mention that food stocks are running extremely low. whatever is, remains in the country cannot be transferred from one area to the other. and then the prices have just skyrocketed. this is in addition to also the fighting that has been ongoing in some areas and people who cannot move to safer areas. so the situation is extremely difficult. it is catastrophic and a solution needs to be found very quickly. >> the icrc said that it was very concerned about damage done by recent coalition attacks on sanaa's international airport. how might that impact the ability of humanitarian aid grops togroups to actually respond to the situation in the country? >> sanaa was the last remaining life line in yemen so we could have aid also humanitarian aid workers coming in.
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it was targeted just a week ago and again today. we need at some point to leave some opening in this country so that something can come in. and i'm not talking only about humanitarian workers and humanitarian aid. other airports in the country have also been destroyed either by the fighting or by the coalition aish air trying. strikes. we cannot suffocate all means of coming in not just fuel but also food. >> the damage done to yemen's infrastructure the airports the sort of channels to any potential aid delivery how -- what is the single -- if you had to focus on one thing that would alleviate the crisis, ease the suffering of the people there that could be done what would it be? >> it would be a humanitarian pause to the combat, humanitarian pause to this entire conflict that is
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happening, be it the air strikes but also the fighting on the ground and then everything else comes after. once you have a humanitarian force that is standing and is respected by everyone, you will be able to get food in, you will be able to get fuel in and maybe if we get the fuel in, we would be able to fix water pipes and pump water to the places where it's most needed. >> thank you very much for painting a picture of what life must be like there maria claire figale, life for us in sanaa. several children have been injured in fighting in the yemeni city of ta'izz. those loyal to former president ali abdullah saleh shelled residential areas in the el ukwa district tried to shell with tanks but forces loyal to harnld pushedabdrabbu mansour hadi pushed
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them back. demonstrators gathered outside the headquarters of david cameron's conservative party. unhappy with the conservatives majority victory in thursday's general election. cameron is committed to continuing their austerity policy. any possibility of resuming peace talks, benjamin netanyahu's home party has specifically rejected a two state solution, mike hannah reports from rah ramallah. >> under discussion how the
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palestinian authority will deal with the right wing government. >> the most likely scenario is we are going to continue as-is. >> whether they can have a say in their own destiny. >> translator: there is no chance for peace because it's afternoon extreme right-wing government that aims at expanding settlements. >> go to the international criminal court palestinians should express their attitude by popular resistance. >> we have no option but unite because standing up divided we can't stand up to them. >> demonstrating the extent to which palestinians remain divided. representlessrepresentatives representing hamas. >> in the wider palestinian community the vote sent a sharp
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message to the plo and the palestinian authority demonstrate that a vital demographic is waning. there's been a large pa security, an unknown number of hamas speakers have been detained once again putting in jeopardy reconciliation between fatah and hamas. >> if you want to absorb the internal problems you need a strategy basically. we don't have a strategy. we don't have an outcrop what are we looking forward for? negotiations? we're not going to have negotiations under the circumstances. >> reporter: and the question on campus and further afield: whether the palestinian authority has any role to play at all. mike hannah, al jazeera ramallah. >> the debt toll to the nepal
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earthquake have risen to 7,900 people. with the tourist climbing season cancelled, sherpa guides are worried about their livelihood. sahil rahil raman reports from kathmandu. >> he should be guiding mountaineers and trackers across the peaks of the himalayas but nepal's earthquake has cancelled that. his wife has to plan carefully how many meals they will have in a day. >> we have a problem here, to live in kathmandu is very expensive. so financially it's very very bad. >> reporter: while he reminisces with his daughter he is worried about his family far
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away some are alive but cut off from the outside world. no help has come yet. his cousin died in the earthquake, he wants to go, the journey is unsafe, roads are blocked and bridges are out. it is a worry for him and others who depend on foreign tourists. the community is still recovering from the deaths of a dozen sherpas a year ago killed in another avalanche. that tourist season came to an abrupt end when their earnings plummeted. now this earthquake has brought more hardship. this is a funeral for a sherpa killed in the quake. his family and community gathers to pay their respects. it's hard to bare for bear for any community. >> nepal has come to a standstill with last year's disaster and now this. we are trying to help the sherpas as much as we can but we
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need the government to understand this and help too. >> reporter: the disasters of the past 12 months have affected the ability of the sherpas to earn a decent living. the focus is to help in the rescue and recovery effort because the knowledge of the earthquake zone is imperative for search team. the country's fracture all but destroyed, it is hard to believe that they will be back and running in the next 12 months. the importance of having a sherpa guide with them. >> we feel safer because sometimes it is difficult to find the way and it is easier with the guide. >> sherpas hope to earn as much as $1:,000 $1,000 in the regular season, which is usually enough but praying is all they can do now. sahil raman, al jazeera
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kathmandu. >> a leading indian fishing company is accused of treating nearly 300 workers as slaves, forcing them to work without pay and beating them, and housing them in unsanitary conditions. >> it was poverty that drove katy sinoa first to thailand then to indonesia. >> we are a farming family but it is no longer profitable to work on the farm. oarpd we have no money to start another business. my son said the farmers were losing money and he needed to work somewhere else. >> reporter: he told his mother he was working on a boat, and he would be back in three years. those days have come and gone. katy has just found her son is safe after being rescued by
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indonesian authorities. and will soon return to myanmar. her son could be among thousands of migrant workers forced to work on fishing trawlers. thee men many of whom are from myanmar were paid a pittance and abused until they were rescued by indonesian authorities last month. among them, al jazeera met him in indonesia last month where he is waiting to be repatriated it is a small comfort to his mother. she didn't know if he was dead or alive. >> i have relied on my two sons, i wish my younger son would come back soon. >> all she has to do now is wait. myanmar police and immigration officials say they are in the midst of confirming the identities and processing the travel documents of the hundreds of fishermen rescued in
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indonesia in april. they hope to bring them back home later this month. many more men and women hoping to leave home, eeg are egger eager for better-paying jobs. >> the government of kazakhstan are worried not enough of their citizens can speak the language properly. now it's paying millions of dollars to project a strong national image worldwide. robin forester walker is there. >> reporter: if you've ever tried learning a language you'll know that songs can help. >> this course is also keeping alive an ancient tradition. anna in the pink dress worries that the kazakh language is in trouble.
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>> we linguists are worried about the type of language that is being learned not just by these but other kazakhs as well. >> casting is underway for a lavish period drama marking 500 years of kazakh history an order from the president of kazakhstan himself. >> translator: there's no doubt that the projects about kazakh history is as vital as the air we breathe. if we want to move forward we have to look back and remember our history. >> reporter: he's been given lots of money but less than a year to shoot a ten-part series. it's all about authenticity the first episode will be broadcast in december and one of the most important things is that it's
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going to be in kazakh language. so why the urgency? kazakhstan's leadership wands to form a national identity and after ukraine it's anxious about its own sovereignty in ethnic kazakhstan many don't speak kazakh ethnic russian or a hybrid of the two. i showed a linguist the popular kazakh video. >> kazakh girls would never throw their hair back that way. >> but she's impressed with the lyrics. getting a following has he tells me, unexpected benefits. >> a lot of people say they want me to understand what i'm singing about to interpret and
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learn the language. i'm delighted about this. >> reporter: so its top down directives won't bring the people of kazakhstan together, pop culture might. robin forester walker, al jazeera, kazakhstan. >> sparks fly over russia, as it celebrates 70 years of defeat over germany in world war ii. and sunday's spanish formula 1 grand prix.
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welcome back. they call it the great patriotic war. world war ii still resonates strongly amongst the people of russia. no other country suffered as many casualties. a massive source of national pride, rory challands reports from the russian exam. it's a sign of political position. >> reporter: russia's biggest ever victory day parade to mark 70 years since the nazi surrender. 16,000 service men 200 units of hardware 140 planes. this for the speaker who argues against militarism. vladimir putin speaks about the
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citizens who perished in the war and against western governments particularly the u.s. >> translator: in past decades paix basic principles of cooperation, trials of war have been neglected more and more often. we have seen attempts to create a unipolar world. >> reporter: ten years ago putin sat next to george w. bush for this event german and french leaders attended too. but ten years on leaders are absent ukraine's cries so badly souring relations. but russia is displaying new relationships attempting to mitigate olders ones. expieng was evidence.
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xi jinping was evident. battle tanks from before the soviet union fell, russia is modernizing its armed forces, trying to build a more better equipped industry. defense spending here in russia has increased significantly. watching the parade were some of the few remaining people who actually fought against the nazis in what russia calls the great patriotic war. perhaps it's the last major anniversary where this will be possible. >> i feel pride for our model which we served during the war now i'm so proud. >> i'm satisfied that there are people who can defend the land that we once defended. >> victory day has multiple functions. it displays military might it
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shows off global friendships but perhaps most important the sacrifice and victory. rory challands, al jazeera moscow. >> zoe is here now. >> spanish grand prix first pole position and second behind his team mate and defending world champion louis hamilton. hamilton was second, ferrari sebastian qualified in third mercedes celebrating another 1-2. >> of course i needed sooner rather than later that's for sure, it's just one step in the right direction to winning the race here this weekend. and yeah, it was a good day in the office for sure. >> anything else on the back foot, i didn't have the pace
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today. mico did a good job and didn't have the balance that i would like it but i did my best with it and i think tomorrow still there's a lot to play for. >> confirmation ahead of sunday's race, spanish fans hope he can cap a podium place lanza qualified threand 13th for mclaren. >> rafael nadal won full house down the line. he closed out second, 6-1 to maintain his place in the final. and nadal will face the win are of the match between andy murray
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and 3-2 down the first set. after a two-nil win it took bas tirvetion rvetiona, to confirm their chances pedro rodriguez securedriguez. real madrid, down 2-nil desperate for the points, in the late kickoff to try avoid relegation. english premier league, denny scored the only goal, 4 into that drop zone, with only two games to go, bernie is seven points hin.
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goals from danny graham, and jamil they got three less games against lester arsenal and chelsea. >> it was not a great game, i was sad but in the other hand it was very effective and that's ole what counted everton outplayed us, they did really well including the goalkeeper. obviously sunderland did awful awfully
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well. >> dropped to 17th after their draw. england cricket coach peter moores has been sacked hours after andrew strauss was made new national director of cricket. following a dismal world cup and a draw series with the west independent eas. indies. >> leading for long periods coming from jeremy thrush put the hurricanes ahead and two late penalties sealed a 32-24 win. and that's the sport miriam. >> mary thank you very much. remember you can find everything, on that's all for me but my
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>> the saudi military target against houthi rebels in yemen and say they have not yet answered the offer of a cease-fire. >> this is al jazeera live from london. also coming up, egypt's former president hosni mubarak gets a three-year sentence for corruption but sent home because of time already served. after decades of harsh restrictions major concession
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