tv News Al Jazeera May 13, 2015 5:00pm-6:01pm EDT
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>> good to have you along with the al jazeera news hour. i'm david foster, and this is somewhat what we're looking at in detail. the people of burundi celebrate as the army says it ousted the president. and in yemen there are reports of houthi shelling. the train that crash seven people is said to have been
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>> innews of the president's overthrow was greeted by celebrations on in the capital. >> protests against the possible third term is growing. police use tear gas as they struggle to contain protesters. the senior army officer announced he was taking over. >> the president has been relieved of his duties. the government has been dissolved. the permanent secretaries will have minimum duties in their ministries.
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>> the burundi army has been seen as neutral an as been popular in the protests. minutes after the announcement from the army soldiers overpowered the area and said this man was a member of the ruling party's militia. they said he tried to stop the advance of soldiers, but they killed him. a short while area the army and crowds of protesters arrived in the city center.
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>> the independent radio station that was closed down, now a crowd of protesters are here to protest and cheers. the police here were told to locked door, and protesters forced it open and now the radio is open. now they're outside of the radio buildings where they broadcast and there is a celebration going on. >> protesters and activists are happy with what has happened. the new military rule said that they would restore democracy. the president said he wants to come back. the people don't know if all of this will lead to peaceful elections. malcolm webb, al jazeera.
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>> simon adams joins us, executive director simon adams. >> it's very interesting to see that there is some level of support in this attempted coup in the streets. but it appears at the moment that the army is not completely behind the move, the sections of the army still apeep a little bit unsure. what will be the role of the police will be unclear. it's still in its early days. it's very important for maximum
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restraint by the security forces and protesters in order to de-escalate the situation. it's a potential there pretty horrible to happen. >> certainly there are things to worry about. in the civil war 350,000 people died. it has narrowly missed genocide, and it's government has led to widespread mass atrocities. it's reasonable grounds to be deeply concerned at the moment, but now it really depends on the key actor in burundi in pulling back the country from its
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precipice. >> people in burundi are human beings. certainly their past has plenty of dark chapters in it. primarily it was comparable. things would have a chance to get dark and deadly, indeed. in terms of region it's a small country. but it's important in terms of its neighbor rwanda which has an ethnic mix. but it's important in terms of the democratic republic congo and other countries in the region that have had their share of problems. but these countries have a vested interest in a positive solution. they play a very important role in the peace process in the
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1990s, and one hopes that they can play an equally important role in defusing tensions in burundi today. >> i'm sure the next few weeks will give us include. simon adams, thank you for talking to us from new york. now in maiduguri there have been shooting on the outskirts. one man said that he was trapped in an inside an university by gunfire. in afghanistan's capital a number of people have been taken hostage. it's unclear how many are being held by the attackers al jazeera's jennifer glasse has been updating us.
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she's pretty close to what it's been happening-- >> hello, tony harris live from new york city. we're breaking away for this update right now on last night's deadly amtrak derailment from the national transportation safety board. let's listen in. >> well, good evening i'm a board member with the national transportation safety board. ntsb is an independent agency we will investigate accidents and determine probable cause and then try to keep these accidents were happening again. before i go any further, i would like to offer our sincere
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condolences and our thoughts and prayers are surely with them. investigators began to arrive this morning. the majority of the team was in place in philadelphia by 9:30 this morning. upon arrival on the scene we coordinated with the local officials with the first responders and we conducted a thorough walk through of the accident site to be able to get an idea of what we're dealing with. sort of the lay of the land. at noon we held an organizational meeting where we discuss protocol. the investigator in charge is mike flanagan. mike has however 40 years of railroad experience and he has
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more than 15 years of accident experience with the ntsb. he's leading a multi disciplinary team of active investigators who will be looking into the track, the signal the train control system the train mechanical condition of the train record recorders, survival factors and emergency response. in decision to our investigative team they are there to help facility the needs of the victims and their families. here's the factual information that we presently have.
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last evening amtrak 88 a northeast regional train part of philadelphia's 33rd street station at 9:10 p.m. bound for new york city penn station the train consisted of one locomotive and seven passenger cars and according to amtrak there were 238 passengers and a crew of five for a total of 243 occupants of the train. at approximately 9:21 p.m. the entire train derailed. just moments before the
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derailment the train was placed into engineer-induced breaking, and this means that the engineer applied full emergency--full emergency brake application. the maximum speed was 55 per hour. when the brake was applied the train was traveling at approximately 106 miles per hour. three seconds rate when the data terminated the train speed was 102 miles per hour. i will indicate that these are preliminary figures of speed subject to further validation but we're pretty close to that. it's a complex thing. you don't just press a button and it spits out a speed.
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you have to measure the wheel speed but we're confident that the train was traveling pretty close of those speeds within one and two mile per hour. the train had recorders. it had forward facing video cameras and it had an event data recorder. both of these recorders are being sent to our laboratory for analysis in washington, d.c. we did get these initial speeds from an initial download of the event recorder. we'll release the track to amtrak and they'll begin rebuilding it very soon. the locomotive and all but two of the trains passenger cars are currently being moved to a secure location where
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investigation can occur. we'll gather factual information, we will will be doing more documentation of the rail tars. we plan to interview the train crew and other personnel we would like to interview a passenger of the train. we would conduct a distance test of the signal control signal, the braking system, and a detailed analysis instead of first-read analysis that i mentioned earlier of the recorder we'll be doing a detailed analysis of those recorders. our mission is to find out not only what happened but why it
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happened so that we can prevent it from happening again. that's really what we're here for, to learn from these things so we can keep them from happening again. i suspect that our investigators will be here on the scene in philadelphia for about a week. we're here to determinewhile we're here, we're not here to speculate the cause of the scene, we're here to collect information that will go away with the passage of time. we can go back and do the analysis later but we have to capture those data very carefully now. i feel like we're just arriving on the scene this morning i feel like the preliminary information that we have is robust, but we
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still have a lot to get. i know you have a lot of questions. we have a lot of questions. our commitment to you is that we're discovering factual information we will be releasing it. i would be looking forward to a press conference this time tomorrow to tell you what we learned tomorrow. that's how we'll work our investigative route in the field, doing the jobs during the day and they report back to me so i can report back to you. i would encourage to you follow us on twitter, our twitter handle is @ntsb. as i wrap it up i would like to thank responders for their efforts. they've been out there through the night in the early morning and trying to secure this area. we want to thank them for their hard efforts. now i will call for questions. what i would like you to do is to raise your hand. i will call on you.
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[ >> they did not comment on what occurred. >> have we talked to the engineer? the answer to that is no. but we plan to. this person has gone through a very traumatic event and we want to give him an opportunity to convalesce for a day or two. the top priority for us is to interview the train crew. >> you talked about the 106 mph on the scene. how long did it take to get up to 106? did he progressively get faster and faster? and also was there anything going on in the cab? >> the question is at what point
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did the train reach 106 mph. our initial examination the data we have not gone back that far because it is a very detailed analysis of reading those data. we wanted to find out the speed so we can report those to you. we'll be coming up with the timeline. that's one of the things we will do. but we don't have those figures at this point. any alarms in the of the locomotive we'll discover that information. >> are you confident that all of the fatalities have been accounted for? you say most have been removeed. are there any more fatalities? >> the question is do i know if there are any more fatalities and the n concerning the
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fatalities, i don't want to sound bureaucratic, but we're here to investigate the accident. the release of the information been the injuries and fatalities, that is the domain of the philadelphia office of emergency management. they will have those--that information that's the answer to that. >> you mentioned that the engineer applied or pulled the emergency braking did that bring this-- >> the question is the mean appliedengineer applied the emergency braking, and then in the next three or four seconds the speed of the train decreased 102. we know it takes a long time and distance to decelerate the train.
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how long would it take to bring the train speed down to below 50 mph. you're supposed to enter the curve at 50 mph. we'll take the question right here. >> is the black box the data recorder, is that an amtrak? we took it to--that's the question. we took the event recorder to amtraks' facility because they have the equipment to download it. we took it there for the preliminary look, now we're taking it to our own labs in washington, d.c. >> a question right here. >> how many event recorders are
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there? there is one event recorder. in addition to the event recorder there is a forward-facing camera. >> was the train equipped with any kind of system that should have slowed the train prior to this? >> was the train equipped with any type of device that could have or should have slowed it down to keep it within its limits? amtraks good part of the corridor has ass. ac es. it's not installed where this derailment occurred. that system is designed to keep
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the train below its maximum speed. and so we have called for positive train control for many, many years. it's on our most wanted list. congress has mandated that it be installed by the end of this year. we're very keen on positive train control. we feel that had such a system been installed this accident would not have occurred. >> isthis "s" this train equipped with an emergency alert? >> is this train equipped with a dead man switch? some trains have it, some trains don't. an alerter will activate in the cab of the locomotive, and then the engineer makes a throttle
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movement that will deactivate. we want to know exactly what was in that car. >> let me call on you. i'm going to take a question right here. >> when was the last time that the rail was inspected? rail went over the track yesterday. there has been a lot of activity out there right now. cars have been piled up out there. our real thorough examination of the track will begin after those cars are thoroughly removed and i expect we'll be out there documenting that tomorrow. >> were any precautions being taken?
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>> there are rail tank cars that were very close to the point of derailment. i'm told and i'll further verify this, but i'm told they were not full at the time of the accident. [ inaudible question ] >> do we know how long the engineer operated this route and how long had he been with amtraks? that's data we can get to two weeks from now. what we're trying to do right now is get out there now and measure everything that won't be here in two weeks. i can't tell you right now because i don't know. which want to interview him. we want to review his training records and employment records that's standard. >> when did the train start moving faster than the speed
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limit? >> the question is when did the train start moving faster than the speed limit? >> we have not gone back far enough in the data to see when that occurred. we're seeing the speed limit through the curve is 50 mph. however right before the curve the speed limit is 80. so 80 mph speed limit and then to enter the turn, enter the curve the engineer is supposed to slow the train to 50. but we will be putting together a timeline. we've got good data from the event recorders, the priority is to get an idea of what the speed was at the derailment. question here? >> could the speed alone have caused this crash? >> that's our analysis, could the speed alone have caused the
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train to derail? [ inaudible question ] >> are there any obvious mechanical or signal difficulties that we found? we have not--again, we just basically got here. a lot of the emergency response has been going on since 2:00. we have not been able to get that thorough, up close and personal view of the track. we will be downloading the signals to look at those. we'll be doing the break test of the train. we'll be doing a test. there is a lot of work that needs to be done that will be done. and we will be letting you know periodically how we're going. again, look for another press conference tomorrow. i want to thank you for your time. we'll see you tomorrow. >> boy, there was a lot of information there provided by robert simult from the ntsb.
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let's bring in lisa stark off the top of this. let's work through a lot of this together. >> hi, tony. >> yes, let's work through this. so much information. look, i think the first thing that strikes me, and you know about this, and we'll backtrack but the big take away for me initially is robert saying there that this advance civil speed enforcement system. >> say again? >> the advanced civil speed enforcement system. right? i think we've. >> positive train control. >> yes we've talked about that. >> we have. >> the first big take away is robert simolt mentioning if that system were in place if it were on this train that he believes this accident would not have occurred. that isoccurred.
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that's a massive take away for the ntsb. >> the positive train control is a highly fit kateed system between the train, rails, track and speed what it would do is take control of the train if the engineer is not running the train at the appropriate speed. it would say wait a minute. this is not the right speed for this section of track i'm slowing the train down. it helps prevent train to train systems. amtrak has been installing it on the northeast corridor, but it's not on this section of rail yet. so it was not in use on this train, and obviously did not come into play in this accident. but if it worked as expected as
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robert simolt said, it probably would have prevented this crash. >> another huge take away. this train was clearly traveling too fast. >> absolutely. absolutely. the train left for philadelphia 30th street station at 9:10 p.m. about 11 minutes later it was making this left-hand curve and the engineer running the train realized at that time that the speed was far too fast, tried to apply the emergency brakes. let's hear what he had to say about that part of the accident. >> maximum authorized speed through this curve was 50 mph. when the engineer induced brake was applied the train was traveling at 106 mph.
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three seconds later the train speed was 10 mph. i102 mph. i will indicate these are preliminary figures of speed. >> what he's say something that the engineer tried to apply the brakes. the train was traveling at 106 mph. when the data ended on the recorder, in other words, when the train impacted, the train was going 102 mph and it should have been going 50 mph. and robert sumwalt said that the posted speed limit on that portion of the track was 50 mph. the train was going too fast not just going into the curve. we don't know why at this point but that is a big question that investigators will have to figure out. what was going on--why was the engineer, why was the train crew running this train too fast? >> have you--while the news conference was ongoing, we had a
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lower third that essentially said that the train's engineer has refused to talk to police. is that your understanding well? >> right i have talked to the philadelphia police department they confirmed that the engineer has declined to make a statement to the police. i'm also told that that is not uncommon because there could be criminal charges. now the ntsb, of course, has no criminal authority. that's not what they're in business to do. so the ntsb will want to talk with the engineer. they do have subpoena powers. and as robert sumwalt indicated they have not talked with the engineer. they say the man has been traumatized, they want to give him a few days, but it's on the list of must-do interviews. >> lisa, look, you've reported on so many of these investigations, you can walk through how some of these investigations actually unfolds. the go team responds. the go team is on the ground now
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in the philadelphia area. and listening to robert sumwalt and he said that they have to take time to examine the tracks, tracks signals, you can take it from there. >> as in many of these accidents people want to know exactly what happened. we have an incredible amount of information about what happened because of that event recorder that is on this train. amtrak downloaded initially the data but the event recorder is on its way to washington, d.c. to the ntsb lab, and they'll do a full download to have a comprehensive look to see when did the train get up to speed and how did the brakes work. they'll be testing the brakes, and they'll look at the tracks.
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he said that the tracks have been inspected yesterday. they ran the device over to check the rails. they'll be looking at that. they'll test the signals. they may do a reinactment. i've seen them do that. they'll go out at night. they bring another train out there and get a sense of what did the engineer see? what signals were long the rail? was there a signal that had a speed limit? i haven't been at that section of the track so i can't tell you, but they're going to look at everything. even though you and i as a layperson could they've solved this. well that's too easy of an explanation. you heard the question at the news conference, how long has the engineer been with amtrak? has the engineer been on this route before? those are critical questions and they'll get all those records. >> because the engineer might not have been on that particular route for very long, right?
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>> we don't know. now there is a conduct doctoror on the train as well and it's the conductor's responsibility to make sure that the engineer is going the right speed. they'll also want to talk with the conductor and the other crew members. >> wait a minute, before i let you make that point there was confusion about that this morning, wasn't there? the mayor mike nutter, he apologized and said that the conductor was running was actually driving the train and then there was clarification actually the engineer. maybe you can talk to that relationship. >> as i understand it, and i would like to clarify a little further, but as i understand it, the engineer can be the person at the controls. they're the ones in that front cab, they have their hands on the throttle, the brakes, but the conductor is over all boss of the train, and my understanding is that ultimately the responsibility lies with the conductor to make sure that
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everything is operating properly. i'm not going to take that to the bank, but you know, this is a joint responsibility, and clearly the conductor is very important to interview as well. they have not done that yet either they'll want to interview every member that have train crew, and they'll want top interview all the passengers who they can gather information from. it's a comprehensive investigation. it could take a year before we get some kind of final determination although i will say if the ntsb learns anything during the course of this investigation that they think would help prevent another accident in the very near term, they will issue interim safety recommendations and things like that as they go along even though they have a final determination. it will be comprehensive. >> that's interesting that it could take more than a year. i was asking the team where are we with that metro north
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accident that took place three months ago that killed six. they got back to me that they still don't have a final report on what caused that accident. >> no, we don't. but i want to bring to you a commuter accident that is similar to this one. there was an accident in the brooks in 2013 and in that accident the engineer essentially dozing at the switch-- >> i remember that, yes. >> he went into a 30 mph curve at 82 mph. and the train derailed, and four people died in that accident. and the ntsb did find that the engineer had sleep apnea. he had a changeable schedule. this was a fairly new route and there were contributing factors to that accident, that led to that mishap, and no doubt when they get through all the information that they will be collecting on this accident it will be a chain of events. it's not usually one simple thing. and so it will be a whole series
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of things that led to the point where this train was going too fast for that track and we saw the deadly results. >> just as a point of clarification as lisa was talking about the 2013 incident which were seeing the incidents from valhalla. let me ask you this question. robert sunwalt said that the track had been turned over to amtrak. that felt to me to be a little too early. and that the cars are being rebuilt. >> he indicated that the investigators have not had a chance to get a close look at the track but he suspected that would be tomorrow when they move all but two of the cars. the two cars will remain, the locomotive and other cars will be moved to a different area for them to examine. what this says to me is two
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things. this is a very heavily traveled corridor, as you know, and they want to edit things back up and running when they can although they said that the investigators could be on the scene for a week. the other thing that says to me that it's not the tracks. they won't come out and say that because maybe there was something going on with the tracks as well, but you have a track and the way it's graded there to handle 50 mph. the train is going more than twice that speed. you know, you could have a pristine track and it's not going to make a difference. what that says to me that they're not as concerned that there may have been some track defect that led to this accident. >> lisa, if you would stand by. look at this encyclopedic knowledge that you have. let's go to john terrett, a couple of points. you were able to hear the news conference as well. a lot of information there and let's have you sort of talk us through the key points as you
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heard them clearly the train was traveling too fast at 106 mph through a turn where the speed limit is set at 50. >> well, i think that's the most shocking thing of all. ever since we got here in the very early hours of the morning people have been pointing out the fact if you look at the pictures you can see most clearly that the engine of the train, which is the drivers cab has been separated completely from the other carriages. it's gone straight ahead as if if wasn't going to make the turn. clearly now according to the ntsb, that's exactly what happened. as you've been reporting the train was doing 106 mph going into a steep curve where the rules say it should be going in at 50 mph. so that's much, much more than it should have been doing at that point. even after the engineer applies
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the breaks just seconds before the derailment the train was still doing 102 mph at the point that the data stream on the so-called black box or the event recorder as they call them on trains, were cut off. we know that this train was going too fast. the question is why was it going too fast? and that is going to take a lot of time, probably to find out. you heard i think that the police have interviewed the engineer. he was treated for his injuries. he actually refused to answer any questions from the police. we're told, but he will now answer questions for the ntsb in due course. the other question for people who use this line regularly it's one of the world's busiest commuter routes is just how long is it going to remain closed? the answer to that seems to be about a week. you heard from the ntsb board member. they said that they've handed the tracks over to amtraks.
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they're already looking at a very busy stretch of line. >> walk us through what's been a pretty long day, a couple of news conferences as you mention the early morning late night news conference with the mayor. there was one a few hours ago there was a news conference where the two senators spoke. >> yes there are two state
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senators. senator bob casey and the other pat toney. pat was particularly heartbroken in his approach to this. his words were quite striking. he spoke about seeing the train he spoke of a heartbreaking scene. the support from washington went further from that. just after the early morning news conference given by mayor president barack obama called the mayor to offer support to get this cleaned up as soon as possible. but as ntsb representative spoke, to find out what want wrong, to stop it from happening again. >> yes we also learned that
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look, he was there to do an investigation. if you have questions about death toll, what the medical examiner is doing and if members of the family have been contacted, you have to go to the city managers and police for that. but we did learn something on a personal level, it was confirmed in that second news conference that seven people have died in this crash. >> that's the thing we must never forget in all of this. we're told by the city authorities there were 200 people treated in hospital, mostly for injuries to their limbs. some of them critical. but for seven people who started out their journey probably i think in washington, d.c. some of them may well have gotten on the train in philadelphia, it was a pretty ordinary commute. it happens multiple times a day
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on this line. people traveling up and down the cities--i think the train started in virginia and then came up to washington, d.c. and then it stops in baltimore and philly and trenton and then finely new york. people do this all the time. it is completely routine. you do not expect to lose your life. yet there are seven families in the united states tonight who are mourning seven people who didn't make it beyond just north of philadelphia's station. >> all right john, if you would, stand by, we're trying to link up with our friends in london with a.j.e. but let's take a look again at the pictures at the scene. we just heard from the ntsb, and the ntsb confirms the initial analysis from the event recorder. what we learned is that particular train we're talking about amtrak train 188 as it was leaving 30th street station from philadelphia, and traveling into a left-hand turn just way
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too quickly. way too fast. it was traveling at 106 mph into a turn designed to be taken at 50 mph. that was one of the first, and shocking revelations coming from the ntsb. there you are. there's the map of the trip. and washington, d.c. port richmond is where this accident took place. the ntsb has expanded its investigation right now. it is looking at all kinds of things from the track where this accident occurred, the signals the technical condition of the train, the ntsb will be on the ground investigating for another week and lisa stark mentioned it could take a year before we get the final report on this accident, and what the ntsb is designed to do is to decide what the probable cause of the
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>> the defending champions real madrid 3-2 on aggregate trailing 3-2 on the first leg ronaldo gave the upper hand. real looks to finish the season without any major silverware. that match could be real madrid's last of the season along with the rest of of spain's domestic football. there is still weeks of the league season left to play, but the spanish clubs and players are unhappy with the proposed new laws of the change in distribution of the tv money. the league is fighting the
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strike. lee joins us from madrid. lee, how much of a surprise is real's defeat? >> the level of expectation is high. they're the european champions. they do expect to win trophies every year, and this year they won't be winning any trophies. it did look that's how it would play out. this is where credit needs to be given to juventus. italy has been through a bad
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period juventus could change that and now can they beat barcelona in the final. >> there is much talk about what is going on off the pitch in spain with the wranglings of the tv rights and impending strikes. what's the likelihood that that match could be real's last of the season? >> it really could. they're trying to prevent that. they're confident enough to have the backing of the government, that he could find a way to stop it, but he has had acknowledge that there is a chance that he won't be able to stop it, the strike will go ahead and that will jeopardize the league completely.
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real madrid looks like they're not going to win anything. they want the finish season to finish. it's not good for spanish football at all. >> there is more trouble off the pitch for barcelona in a straight court case the judge has ordered the league leaders to stand trial for tax charges. barcelona is accused of declining to declare fees paid in order to avoid taxes. nadal lost the final to andy murray on sunday, but he's back
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on track in rome. well murray is the current foreign player on clay. he considered missing rome but he decided to play in rome and won his opening ranch to move through to the last 16. another word sport mans is considering his professional future after returning to his home country. manny pacquiao received a hero's welcome in the philippines. the reason for his delayed return, surgery in the united states on an injured shoulder. he's still facing potential legal action in the states for
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not disclosing his injury before the fight. the u.s. came second to the jamaican team in london 2012. gay turned in his medal last year after testing positive for banned anabolic steroid. now his three teammates who ran in the rely final and two squad members who ran in the heat will also have to hand theirs back. the first athletic in doha on friday. mow farah the champion at 5,000 and 10,000 meters he'll be running in the 3,000 meters as he starts his build up for the world championship in beijing earlier later this august. >> this is one of the strongest fields. i just want to test myself. it's going to be my first race.
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it's quite exciting, but at the same time it's all about the world championship in august. but at the same time i want to test myself. >> and you're better known for running your 5,000 and 10,000 meters there in london where you won the double political medals but you're running 3,000 meters here in doha. what preparations do you have to make to change to a shorter distance both in preparations and rest tactics. >> it's all about working the speed. and doha has some of the best in the world in this seller answer. we'll defeat at 3,000 meters and then back again in portland, oregon i'll compete in the 10,000 meters. i'll test myself, see where i am and go there and enjoy it on friday. >> and then finally there is another new lead, another first-time winner in stage five of the grand tour of the year. the riders had to tackle the mountains for the first time in this year's race. and the winner was always going to come from five-man breakaway.
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ten kilometers from. contador would come in fourth. the 23-year-old is celebrating his first professional win. >> thank you very much, indeed. and heading to the south of france where the cannes film festivals open and it's where high art and the film market complied bigger than over with 12 shoes professionals there and 2,000 film buyers. tell us what we can expect in the next 12 days. >> flash bubbles film stars this is what cannes does best. as many lined up on the red carpet, the stars walking up the
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red carpet will soon be sitting down to a very different film to what usually opens this film festival. it will be a gritty french drama drama. directed the story of a troubled boy. the first female director opens the festival in 30 years. it just so happens that i'm a woman but i'm honored by the selection of the film and not at all by the fact that i was given the gift of this pre- prestigious spots that is normally given to a man, not a woman. the olympics of the film world. >> it is our mission and duty to put new names on the map. we have that balance between
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intimate stories and social content. we have that too. >> this festival is about celebrating the big screen, but there is an increasing cross over between cinema and internet, and that is threatening the big athleticcal releases. >> migration of talent to tv is something that is very much on film. distributors minds. netflix, digital, the way people are consuming content these gays means that the likes of netflix have more and more power. the actual distributors are worried about that. >> over the next two weeks the city will swell to 200,000. and it's what's plays inside at cinemas will what we see about the world today. >> if you want to flick through our website all the top stories that's okay i'll be back in a moment with more of the day's news.
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>> the army in control of the burundi's capital after the army removed the president after weeks of protest. you're watching al jazeera. one person died as gunmen stormed a guesthouse in afghanistan's capital. u.s. investigators say that the train crashed killing seven people was going more than twice the speed limit for that track. and the cannes film festival starts these are some of the themes and movies due to feature over the next two weeks.
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