tv News Al Jazeera May 13, 2015 9:00pm-10:01pm EDT
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>> second in command. the iraqi government says a coalition air strike has killed a top i.s.i.l. leader. burundi coup? president pierre nkurunziza has been released of his duty, the government has been dissolved. >> trying to reloof if president relieve the president of his duty when he is out of the country. the citizensing celebrate.
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the ebola virus and reappearing. and up close and personal. chile's talika volcano erupting in a thunderous roar. good evening this is al jazeera america, i'm antonio mora. we begin tonight with the reported death in iraq of one of i.s.i.l.'s most important leaders. abu ala fri, it is believed afri assumed leadership of the group
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when its leader al baghdadi was ill. jamie mcintire has the latest. this video released from the front line, showing a ferocious fire ball. destroyed more than 1700 buildings in a list it released of more than 6,000 targets hit since the air campaign began nine months ago. while the pentagon cannot confirm either the supposed wounding of anu bakkar al baghdadi last march it does admit to killing 10,000 i.s.i.l. fighters lloyd austin recently told congress has degraded i.s.i.l.'s self proclaimed
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caliphate. killing top commanders is not as significant as the battle now raging at the strategic baiji oil refinery which the u.s. central command confirms is in danger of falling to forces. >> if they do take it, we have no doubt they will exploit it as a victory. they give the illusion of strength, they need a win in iraq, they currently do not have the momentum they once had. >> pentagon sources say right now iraqi forces are currently cornered with i.s.i.l. in control of more than 80% of the territory inside the perimeter fence. i.s.i.l. also controls the area outside the fence to the north east and south with iraqi forces holding parts to the west west. meanwhile several hundred fresh government fighters are trying
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to break through i.s.i.l. lines to reinforce the embattled iraqi troops. but even as the pentagon admits beiji is important, its value as a prize has been diminished because it's reduced all the fighting to rubble, as one pentagon official puts it, a pile of junk. the u.s. estimates it could take the refinery up to a year and a half to get up and running again. one thing the pitched battle shows, is the long awaited retaking of mosul will be awaited a lot longer. >> kalil jehan very good to have you with us, kal inkl. the u.s. had offered a $7 million reward on afri's head, but an iraqi official told news week that afri is actually more
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important to i.s.i.l. than baghdadi, at least now, do you agree? >> not necessarily. i think that's basically the view or the perspective of the iraqi government in the sense is he the acting if you will executive of islamic state right now, in the absence of al baghdadi who was injured a few months back and hasn't been able to fulfill his duties. so he is in a way from the iraqi government perspective dysfunctional, so this guy is more important in the sense that he is running the day-to-day affair of the islamic state. >> report that other i.s.i.l. leaders were killed in the attack along with dozens of other i.s.i.l. members. how important is this to i.s.i.l? >> we don't know yet until we know the identity of them. skeptical about the iraqi report
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to start with. definitely the killing of many al afri is significant in the sense that is he the current leader, de facto leader of i.s.i.s, and -- but in terms of the others we don't know who they are yet. and frankly considering the nature of group most experts would tell you that this has happened in the past, and they were able to overcome the loss of one leaders or two leaders or more. and chances are the leaders killed with him tended to be local leaders that belonged to the islamic state in iraq itself. >> how much do we know about the condition of baghdadi? because that air strike was months ago. so it's been a while for him to have recovered. so what is the sense that this really 11th him motionly
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incapacitated. >> i think that was the sense. it was mentioned he took a bullet to the stomach. more recently reports point to the fact that he suffers basically from injuries to his spine. so he's not able to move around at all which necessitied necessitated his removal from the group. we do not have knowledge of the extent of his injury but clearly he has sustained a serious injury. >> what about jamie mcintire's report, talking about the beiji refinery, they have been fighting over that a long time. is the coition coalition successing? >> the fact it's not succeeding fully. it definitely has succeeded in stopping the fast advance of
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i.s.i.s. towards baghdad and other areas that were threatened only a few months ago but in that sense their power has been degraded, they haven't been able to expand their territory as in the past with the same speed we have witnessed over the past couple of years. put they may be down but they're not out. >> the coalition has been bombing since august. what do you see as the road ahead for this fight against i.s.i.l.? >> most experts will tell you i'm not a military expert, bombing is not the solution, this is afternoon issue that has to be tackled down the road. i think we'll continue to degrade their power with air bombardment but eventually if as poimpresident obama mentioned
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declaring the objectives of this campaign to eventually destroy the destruction part would require ground troop on the road. >> good to have you with us, thank you. an american has been killed during an attack on a hotel in afghanistan. the u.s. embassy confirmed the man died when the hotel was stormed. afghan security forces eventually killed all three gunmen and rescued those trapped inside. no one has claimed responsibility for the attack but afghan officials do confirm that taliban have attacked guest houses before. shia passengers to bow their heads before shooting them. police say the bus was bound for a shia community in karachi. meanwhile, shia muslims gathered
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tonight in karachi for a candlelight vigil to honor the victims. while shias are often the targets in pakistan this is first large scale attack on the group. al shabaab is accused ever capturing 14 members of an iranian fishing boat today whether the vessel washed ashore on an al shabaab stronghold. the fishing boat was having technical problems. president obama today welcomed delegates from the gulf cooperation council to the white house. fowkfocusing on issues including iran's nuclear policeman. patty cul hainl has more. >> as they arrived for dinner, one by one on the south lawn of the white house the king of saudi arabia and bahrain decided at the last minute to stay away. despite that in the oval office
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with saudi crown prince mohamed ben naif, president obama stressed the countries' strong alliance. >> we are pleased to have them here today. >> that any potential deal with iran and its nuclear program wouldn't put them at risk. but as one of the president's top foreign policy aids ben rhodes told me when it comes to a new defense treaty that isn't going to happen. >> well i think a treaty is not something that we're looking at. that is -- that takes a long time onegotiate, a long time to develop. it took decades to build up our nato alliance and our asian security alliances. what we can do is we can provide a clear insurance assurance that if our gcc neighbors come under threat we will defend them. >> the white house hoping that a
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white house dinner and a day at camp david will be enough to earn their support. patty culhane, al jazeera washington. >> king abdalla says he has no intention to send troops into yemen. the monarch's priority is to insure the issue of saudi arabia. >> i.t. not just about daesh but boko haram and al shabaab these situations cannot be approached in isolation and we have talked about how we create a holistic approach in dealing with those issues in africa, middle east and beyond. >> abdalla asked for aid to millions of refugees who have fled syria.
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the humanitarian ceasefire appears to be holding. as aid finally revise a permanent solution seems to be a long way off. hashem ahelbarra reports. >> in the old city of sanaa life appears to return to normal. on the first day of the ceasefire. but not everyone is optimistic. >> translator: the yemeni people will never agree to a truce with these. use force to confront them because they can only be stopped with force. >> reporter: the truce is an attempt to help ease the suffering of yemenis after weeks of conflict. it is hoped that the halt in fighting will help aid agencies to deliver food and medicine, a
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cargo vessel carrying supplies and journalists. the iranian military has said it won't let the saudi led forces to inspect the ship. coalition forces insist vessels entering yemen's territorial waters will be inspected. the saudis accuse iran of arnlg thearmingthe houthis. witnesses in several cities say the houthis are continuing to shell neighborhoods. >> the houthis are divided. there are a group of houthi fighters that very much would like to accept the ceasefire and move on but there is another group that is probably under the influence of the iranian government that is not necessarily happy with the terms of the ceasefire. >> reporter: the united nations special envoy to yemen arrived in the country on tuesday night. he says the ceasefire must be unconditional and safe passage must be given so aid can reach
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yemenis. >> translator: we came convinced that there is no solution accept a humanitarian one. both sides sit at the table. human rights watch is demanding the houthis symptom recruiting child soldiers. the group accuses the houthis of intensifying their efforts to get children to join their fight. the international community hopes the ceasefire holds long enough for aid to reach the millions of people who need it. and for all sides to stop political talks to -- to start political talks to end the fighting. hashem ahelbarra, al jazeera riyadh. >> fighting along the lebanese border today. syrian government troops added by hezbollah battled with syria's nusra front and retook
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the hill recently taken by a rebel group. a u.s. marine corps helicopter haste disappeared the helicopter has just dropped off supplies near the hard hit rule town near kathmandu. on board were six marines and two nepalese. in the rubble of nepal's cities and towns rescue teams continued their difficult tarveg, at least task. the earthquake of yesterday. >> later a look at how france could now be washington's best foreign policy ally.
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ojudge an attempted military coup is now under way in burundi. today a senior army officer dismiss, saying he is taking over the country. the coup declaration follows weeks of pierre nkurunziza's insistence that he is running for a third term. >> the protest against pierre nkurunziza's third term in power, has been growing. police often seen as against the rule party then on wednesday
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afternoon many while nkurunziza was out of the country the senior army officer announced he was taking over. >> president pierre nkurunziza has been relieved of his duty, the government has been dissolved. permanent secretaries will have minimal duties in their ministries about. >> burundi's army is seen as neutral and it's been popular among the protesters. they have not joined in the violence. minutes after the announcement from the army, hundreds of jubilant protestors came running into the center too. >> translator: now the president has to go. whether he wants to or not he has to go. >> reporter: some police units loyal to the president fired at the advancing demonstrators but
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soldiers overpowered them. on this corner, people said this man was part of the rule party's militia dressed in police uniform, they said he tried to stop the advancement but they killed him. crowds of protesters arrived in place de la pendance. outside the building, the independent radio station that was closed down on the second day of protest now crowds are celebrating and cheering. as soon as the military officer is now the control of burundi has made his announcement that he was taking over the police here we are told locked the door with a padlock then ran away. then soldiers came as protesters smashed it open. for now many supporters gathered outside the radio buildings and where they broadcast and there is a celebration going on. protesters and activists are
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happy the army stepped in. they thought they couldn't do it by themselves. police helmets or anything else to hand out for trophies. the new military rulers said they will restore democracy. nkurunziza has said he wants to come back. people still don't know if or when all of this will lead to free fair and peaceful elections. malcolm webb, al jazeera bujumbura snrpra. >> as the protesters were unfolding, malcolm webb's reporting from earlier today. >> right now we've e-just heard some gun fire from other side of the square and a lot of the protesters are running this way hundreds of thousands have been celebrating here in the square for the last few minutes and we don't know if this is people clearing a crowd or somebody shooting in anger. we're getting down in the
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ground going to leave the camera right there running. we've heard quite a lot of gun four infire in the last couple of hours when the soldiers first came in the city. there was shooting, engaging a bit with some police, the police jeaj sogenerally have been loyal to pierre nkurunziza. others were not so they fought a bit with the soldiers who were advancing. now some gun fire in the square. we don't know if it's crowd control or some people are actually fighting. >> in context tonight we're taking a look at the political and ethnic unrest behind the situation in burundi. joins us from tampa florida tonight. kara good to have you with us. what is your sense of what's happening here, despite
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protestations, the military has taken over? >> i believe that to be the case. so this all is a quickly and rapidly changing situation that began early this morning our time. it is unclear where pee 8 nkurunzizapierrenkurunziza was this moment but there was a coup, a take over of many organs of government by the coup-starters. >> there are some reports he tried omake it back into the country from tan tanzania but wasn't able to do so. we've seen this kind of story play out before, a leader takes a trip and get overthrown. given the current amount of protest why would nkurunziza have the confidence to take that trip? >> you know i would love to be able to ask him that question myself. i believe there was a fair amount of pressure from other
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leaders to have nkurunziza come to this emergency meeting to help solve and resolve the crisis in burundi. obviously, this was a very bad choice as we can see 50 coup demonstration but --by the coup but that remains to be seen. there are reports on social media that he has been allowed back into the country and there are conflicting reports otherwise that says he has not. it remains to be seen. >> burundi has the same ethnic tensions of its neighbor rwanda, between hutus and tootsis. is there fear that it could plunge the country back into that abyss? >> there is fear that there could be last violence in
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burundi. that being said, the situation is much different than yesterday afternoon. now you have what seems to be a very pro-democracy coup that will help alleviate violence between the pro-regime fighters and those protesting against the third term. as for the ethnic question, what's interesting is to note that the protesters have always been multiethnic. it's never been one side against the other. now there have been agitators on either side who have argued for the ethnic conflict angle but until this point you have not seen a catalyst to push it towards that kind of violence. i think many analysts myself included are sincerely hoping that the coup and protesters have included on this trajectory. >> you have observed nkurunziza,
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is he emblem attic for leaders who cannot release their hold on power? >> i've done work in this area for some time and he was definitely a democracy activist at first and now it seems like obviously the lure of power has become too strong for him. he does think that he's ordained by god. he does imagine himself to be people's president so i think that probably plays into his desire for another term as well. >> has democracy taken strong enough hold in burundi had a the military will move quickly towards elections? >> we'll see. coups are traditionally undemocratic but we hope this will transition into a democratic government. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> up next why eu nations are failing to reach an agreement about what to do with the flood
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>> welcome back to al jazeera america. i'm antonio mora. coming up in this half hour of international news how churches and mosques are working together to combat the ebola crisis in west africa. but first a look at the news in our american minute. a train derailed in philadelphia, engineer refused to give a statement. the same injury that found dzhokhartsarnaev guilty in the boston marathon bombing is now
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deciding his punishment. closing arguments ended today. jurors are deliberating whether he should receive the death pent or receive life in prison. congress has taken a major step towards ending the nsa's bulk data program. the house voted 338 to 88 to pass the u.s.a. freedom act it would require phone and internet companies to retain thain taken their customers data. the bill has to be approved by the senate. today, the british navy rescued mieg migrants from the mediterranean. quotas are already proving to be highly divisive, with the u.k.
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one of the first to declare it won't take part. jonah hull reports from brussels. >> the eu, migrants crossing and drowning in mediterranean waters. its response a multipronged strategy aimed at every level of the problem from the root causes of poverty and conflict in the home countries and possible military action against smugglers in plagues e-places like libya taking asylum seekers in. >> what will make the situation worse is doing nothing. maintaining the present system, not envisaging steps forward. >> we are facing an unprecedented situation. an exceptional situation that requires an unpress dendedprecedented
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and exceptional action. >> reporter: there is division in the ranks. the overall strategy will be presented to european leaders at a summit in brussels in june. in particular, some aren't entirely happy with the mandatory quota system. the hungarian minister describes the plan as mad. teresa may says blanket resettlement plans would encourage more people to make the perilous journey. economic migrants she said should be sent back. >> we need to deal with the trade in human beings, callous criminals who are trading on people's aspirations and profiting from trying to move them across africa into europe and we need to deal with that in a variety of ways. part of that is ensuring that people can be returned to africa. >> better processing measures
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will ensure that some are repate rated. but helping countries to cope like i.t. li italy.and malta and greece. jonah hull, adges al al jazeera brussels. authorities provided the refugees with fuel and provisions and then sent them back out to sea. government officials southeast asian countries need to press myanmar to amend its rohingya policies. blainbrainstorming, kerry says
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they all want the ukrainian ceasefire upheld. >> that means the reforms the work groups this is an enormous opportunity for the conflict there to find a path of certainty and resolution. >> kerry says nato mints also ministers also talked about the iran nuclear deal and i.s.i.l. some analysts say that france may have surpassed britain as america's best ally. al jazeera's patricia sabga reports on how the french are becoming number 1. >> reporter: step aside, great britain. when it comes to key nato allies the united states has france to stand with.
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>> france more than any of our nato allies has had an ability to act overseas but an interest to work at our sides. >> turmoil at home and in traditional french spheres of influence have eclipsed those impulses. >> interested in working with people who are serious about defense, serious about working abroad serious about intervene ago broad, that is aintervening abroad, that is a very small club. >> stop armed rebels from taking over malli. france continues to keep thousands of troops in the nation. costly campaigns in iraq and afghanistan. >> the british experience in
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iraq and afghanistan is simply fatigue, fatigue with overseas adventures, with the cost of it. >> reporter: cost concerns are also forcing tough choices in the u.k. over whether to spend a shrinking defense budget on conventional forces or upgrading its fleet of trident nuclear submarines. pledging to increase defense spending by over $4 billion after the charlie hebdo attacks in paris. it is not just boots on the ground paris also postponed a sale of two helicopter carriers to russia last year, problem problem proving when it comes to collective security, there are blows that france is not willing to absorb. patricia sabga, al jazeera. the united states may challenge china over its
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reef-building project in the south china sea. the spratley islands. >> the vatican is on the verge of recognizing palestine as a state. palestinian president mahmoud abbas is set to visit the vatican on saturday. >> a very positive development not just politically but in modern terms in human terms in legal terms and it prepares for a whole new event which palestine will be seen by the whole world as a state. >> the treaty makes it clear that the holy see has switched
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its diplomatic recognition from the palestine liberation organization to the state of palestine. west bank ramalla followed the establishment of the state of israel. the u.n. says more than 700,000 palestinians fled or were forced out during the fighting between israel and surrounding arab states. activists want an investigation in a massacre of uzbekistan. proartsprotesters jammed babur square. some international organizations said the death toll was actually more than a thousand. a religious opportunity in west africa in the face of the ebola outbreak. coming up next, christians and muslims working together to
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>> italian health officials say a nurse that returned home from sierra leone last week, has tested positive for the ebola virus. the man has been transferred to an infectious disease hospital. last week cyril sierra leone reported a two additional cases. al jazeera's nina devrees reports from freetown. >> whether you're at a mosque or a church service your religious beliefs are respected. religious tolerance is very unique in sierra leone because in so many other parts of the world christians and muslims are fighting. >> this tells the people in the world, clever understanding of
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what religion really is, that religion is not there to create any kind of animosity or any kind of problem between people but is there to bring people together. >> bringing people together is exactly what it's doing now in the battle against ebola. >> imams and pastors use specific examples from the koran or the bible. teaching people not to wash or touch corpses one reason why ebola was spreading. the virus is spread through direct contact with bodily fluids and most contagious right after death. >> islam is against anything, if you are going to wash this body cpped bringing you into problem then islam is against that act. >> preaches ebola awareness and prevention.
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>> we see in the word of god says in that is 123 no contact with dead bodies. >> the work of the religious leaders is having a strong impact especially communities like this, one of the most impoverished areas of freetown. for a long time people were in denial of ebola but listening to the religious leaders talk about it things started to change. crew bay was one of the hot spots for ebola and in denial that the virus even existed. when her nephew amadu got sick recently, it could have been a recipe for disaster, but she got him treatment and he survived. mixed religion within family is accepted and normal. >> we are all serving one god. at the end of the day, we are all doing service for the same
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god. religion doesn't matter. >> reporter: what does matter is eradicating ebola. religious leaders here say they will continue their work on raising awareness through religion until sierra leone is declared ebola-free. nina devrees, al jazeera, sierra leone. >> a doctor who contracted the disease survived, only to have it show up months later in his eye. >> this is a much broader and emerging problem as we obviously are very fortunate, it is remarkable that we've got down to zero cases in liberia recently but this is a three-country outbreak. you don't put out 99% of a fire and it's not over but as we move towards the end we must begin to pay attention othese long term
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survivors and their issues. >> you are not contagious. we have also reported on a man in africa who was found to have eeblebola in his see semen months after he was cured. >> we have found in a few cases that ebola can persist longer than our classic six weeks in what we call sanctuary sites. semen in males very few patients give us a paucity of data that suggest semen can have culture positive virus 82 to 101 days buy molecular test called pcr. we don't think the fluid in the eye which is another sanctuary site will be important for transmission for contact the
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outside of my eye is negative the tears are negative but inside the eye there was teeming virus. >> now that ebola gets pulled back from the public eye, that the focus will remain on ebola that we will find ways to treat it that vaccines will end up being created so they will protect people? >> it is very true that mid stream in an epidemic it is very important to pay attention oanything other than the urgent right? i do believe and many believe that if we don't sort of crunch the calculus and the long term lessons of this particular epidemic it is entirely possible that it will happen again something we don't know about yet, we must learn those lessons and we must learn those lessons well otherwise we'll be caught flatfooted again. irwas in canema for just a short
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time. and i'm uncomfortable because of the attention i received. there were many guinean and sierra leonen and liberian staff that went in resolutely and entering walls in which they had seen many patients and colleagues and sometimes friends die. and in doing so, that group of national staff has displayed really an uncommon heroism that we don't talk about enough. and i think we owe it to them and to their memory to make sure that we learn these long term lessons well and don't get caught flat-footed again. i really believe that. >> i know you said you are haunted by those who did not get the care you got and who did not survive but you certainly were heroic in your efforts to save people and it is really a
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>> my name is imran garda the show is called third rail, when you watch this show you're gonna find us being un-afraid. the topics will fascinate you, intrigue you... >> they take this seriously... >> let me quote you... >> there's a double standard... >>...could be a hypocrite >> you're also gonna get a show that's really fair bold... never predictable... >> the should be worried about heart disease, not terrorism... >> i wouldn't say that at all... >> you'll see a show that has an impact on the conventional wisdom that goes where nobody else goes... >> my name is imran garda i am the host of third rail and you can find it on al jazeera america
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>> up to 60 people are feared dead in a facultiary factory fire in a philippines. in a suburb of the capital manila. the fire started when welding flames came in contact with flammable chemicals. firefighters took 15 minutes to get to the scene. heavy smoke blocked the entrance. global news segments, commenting on the coup in burundi, under the headline mind the coup, such conduct remains
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mindlessly common. the leader may find he enjoys his new powers too much to give them up. under the headline, snubbing the salesman, daily star of lebanon, says it shouldn't have been a surprise. goes on to say that saudi arabia and the gulf allies can rely on the united states to sell weapons systems but not to help minimize threats in the region. finally toronto's global mail editorial cartoon. it imagination group therapy where middle eastern participants are fighting to the death. a therapist saying, in second thought let's not get in touch with our inner most feelings. the kansas cannes film festival is bigger than ever, charlie angela
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is there with more of what we can expect in the next 12 days. >> flash bulbs film stars that's what cannes does best. the cohn brothers lines up. very different films to what usually opens the film festival. a gritty french drama where normally you see hollywood blockbuster. standing tall is the story of a troubled boy as the first female film maker to open the festival in just 30 years. she was quick to point out it's tokenism. >> it so happens that i'm a woman but i'm honored by the selection of the film, not at all by the gift of this
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prestigious spot normally given a man not the woman. >> this is an international film festival, the olympics of the film world. >> it is our mission and duty of putting new names on the map of world cinema. for the rest, we have that balance between intimate stories and film which are much more involved in termination of political content or social content. we have that too. >> this festival is about celebrating the big screen but there is an increasing crossover between cinema and internet and that is threatening the big theatrical releases. >> on film distributors minds. netflix move to digital the way people are consuming content means the likes of netflix have more and more power. the distributors are worried about that. >> this city of 75,000 swells to 200,000. it feels like all eyes are on
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what's happening here. but it's what's played inside cinema that tells us the most about what we live with today. charlie angela, al jazeera cannes. joins us now from cannes, gregory good to have you with us. so much pomp and circumstance there. how important is the film festival these days? once you look beyond the parties the red carpets and the prizes? >> well, you know, film making is a global industry. and cannes is still the center where tons of deals get made. the cannes market is arguably just as important as the film festival itself. the film festival is arguably where oscar starts, foxcatcher, no country for old men premiered at cannes and eventually went on to win best picture. while are there are tons of film
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festivals each year, it sometimes begins in cannes. >> you talk about how it is a worldwide market and in fact the largest market by box office in the world are the u.s. china and japan, the biggest producers of movies are india japan an the united states. which have little representation in cannes. has it moved away from cannes and is cannes losing importance? >> actually i would sort of disagree with you in that respect. there are films in competition and in certain regard from countries all over the world. and you could certainly say that compared to many of the other premier festivals that happen on the calendar, there is more of an international representation here especially for asian films than other festivals. chinese film has always been supported at cannes for decades even when the communist regime
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was more pressthan they are these days or this century. but the pressure of the market is that american film makers or independent financiers make their money off the independent film market, only get green lit because international distributors are willing to put money up front to acquire those films in their native territories. that helps the subsidized films cost that can go anywhere from 40 to 50 o$100 million. >> in the story we just aired we heard how a film directed buy woman opened the festival, that's only the second time that's happened. in the u.s. this week the aclu asked federal and state agencies to look into whether there is widespread discrimination against women directors at the hollywood studios at the talent
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agencies. is the agency getting attention there? >> i think the fact that cannes opened with a female director accountant have to happen. this film could have been in competition any other night but they wanted to make a statement. i think that was a smart thing to did. there are a number of female film makers in the festival. i don't know if it's at top of mind as perhaps your report you know brought up but certainly in hollywood the importance of female film makers is something that's discussed all the time. it's really been brought to the forefront and the fact that ava duvarnay didn't get nominated for best director for selma and elizabeth banks which is directing pitch perfect 2 worldwide release, things are not good, things are hot even
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okay but you can see slight glimmers of hope that equality might sort of come behind the director's chair. >> the skate annual cannes film festival runs may 13th to the 24th. nicaragua's talika volcano came to life this week explosively. visitors just regards from the crater captured this video after the eruption began on monday. dark clouds of ash have covered homes and farms in the rural region around the mountain. so far no reports of damage or injuries. tomorrow night mexico's major offensive opening a new front on the war against drugs. 10,000 troops deployed to fight a rising cartel that is feeling the take down of the government's other major drug gans. that'sgangs.
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that's it for this edition of international news. i'm antonio mora. i'll see you again in an hour. >> on "america tonight": learning lessons. a radically new approach to higher ed and metrics to see whether it works. >> this is not even possible this a standard classroom. >> exactly right. this is to me the magic. >> "america tonight"'s adam may on the minerva project and whether this experiment in education might make even the ivy league reconsider its approach. also tonight chilling effect. a warning shot about the impact of nsa sno
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