tv News Al Jazeera May 14, 2015 7:00pm-8:01pm EDT
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>> techknow's team of experts show you how the miracles of science... >> i'm standing in a tropical wind storm. >> can affect and surprise us. >> wow! some of these are amazing. >> "techknow", where technology meets humanity. monday, 6:30 eastern. only on al jazeera america. >> this is aljazeera america. live from new york city. i'm tony harris. the search for amtrak passengers is now over. the final victim in the crash is identified. and the now the focus is on the engineer. president obama says talks on iran and yemen and isle. during a camp david summit with his partners in of the gulf. jeb bush and iraq. the likely gop candidate reverses his position on the invasion and the drone near the white house as the lawmakers accuse the agency of
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having a dysfunctional environment. so we begin tonight with the investigation into tuesday's deadly amtrak derailment in philadelphia. the officials say that the death toll stands at 8, and all passengers and crew are accounted for. and the investigators want to know what the engineer was doing before the crash. lisa stark is live with us in washington, and lisa, they just held a news conference, and any information? >> there is indeed, tony. we have new information about the train and what was happening about a minute before the accident. we know the train was going into a 50 miles per hour curve at more than double that speed. and what the ntsb has now discovered, and this is based on the forward facing camera on the front much that locative, it has a speed stamp on it, and
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about a minute before the crash, it was allowable but for some reason, the train sped up. so instead of slowing down as the train went into the curve it sped up to over 100 miles per hour. and of course the engineer applying that emergency brake far too late and the train and all of the cars derailing off of the track with deadly consequences. now, what the ntsb said today they don't know if the train was increasing speed because the engineer was manually increasing the speed or because of some other input. they hope to get that answer when they talk to the engineer. he has agreed to talk to the ntsb, and the investigators hope to speak with him within the next few days. >> we appreciate the opportunity to interview him. and we believe that it will provide us a lot of information. >> now the engineer has been
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identified as 32-year-old brandon bossty an. and his attorney said that he suffered a concussion and other injuries and doesn't remember the accident. >> and they made a statement about improving safety. and what can you make of that? >> they have been talking about positive train control that's the system to slow the train down when it's going too fast. and ntsb spokesman joe spoke to the press and he promised that they would have this system in place. here's what he said. >> today i'm committing to meeting the requirement of positive train control that will happen on the northeast corridor by the end of this year. >> now, we should point out
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there is a federal mandate to have this system in place on the main railroads by the end of the year, so in a sense they're just agreeing to meet that mandate. but the railroads have been pushing for a five year extension. so what amtrak is essentially saying today if they grant that extension we're not going to take it on this part of the rail. we're going to have this system in place. right now in the sections from dc to new york, positive train control is only in place on 50 miles of that section, more than 200 miles of rail, and so let me tell you one other thing. the ntsb today also indicated in this press conference that so far anyway, they have no evidence that there was anything wrong with the rail, the brakes on the train or the signals alongside the track. obviously their investigation continues. >> all right, lisa stark for us in washington, and thank you. aljazeera has been investigating trains and
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where derailment took place using the track on train online feature. of the 132 trains that passed that curve in philadelphia, the vast majority traveled at or below the 50 miles per hour speed limit. 45 were recorded with speeds of slightly more than 50 miles per hour. and only one aside from tuesday night's train traveled faster than 50 miles per hour. there was another train in pennsylvania today. officials say 13 cars of a freight train derailed this morning a couple of miles from downtown pittsburgh. the train was negotiating a curve when it derailed. make sure that you watch derailed how safe are america's trains? leading representatives
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from six gulf states gathered in the woods of maryland today for aid summit with president obama. he invited them to ease fears over the potential nuclear treaty with iran, and not long ago, mike viqueira asked the president some questions and mike, was the president able to sell his iran deal to the gulf states? >> well, the first thing that the president said, there's no deal to show them. this was an opportunity for brainstorming, as one attendee put it, to talk about all of the ways that they can counter what iran is doing. it's not simply about the nuclear deal. but in the final negotiations, we know that the deadline for that is june 30th but to get on the same page of what they characterized. all of the participants
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characterized iran's activities and it's not simply about the nuclear program. the united states talking with the gulf council countries here at camp david. and military cooperation not only between those countries and the united states,, the security, and cooperation on cyber terrorism and counter terrorism operations. so a whole host of subjects on the table here. but make no mistake. the president announcing the summit on the day that he announced the interim agreement on the part of iran and in the gulf region, what the united states is talking about in those negotiations. >> gotcha, and so tony, you asked the president about chemicals in syria and we have seen reports on that recently. and i want to talk about it. and the president was snarky.
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>> i don't know why you're here, but i'm here because of what happened in syria a a couple of years ago and i'm here because we have extraordinary challenges throughout the region, not just in syria but iraq and yemen and libya and isil and our interests to make sure that we don't have a nuclear weapon in iran. >> okay, so mike, what did the president actually say about the report? >> well, you know, it's interesting. the way that i framed the question to the president, tony, one of the reasons why the summit was called, continuing anxiety and yes frustration and even anger but some of the gulf nations documented after the president did not retaliate militarily after the chemical weapons two years ago, and we know the story there working with national organizations through the good auspices of russia to have those chemical weapons
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removed, a process that's now ongoing, but a process that's using chorine bombs again against his own people. the president says it's not technically chemical weapons but here's more of what he had to say. >> it's true that we have seen reports about the use of chlorine in bombs that had the effect of chemical weapons. chorine itself is not listed as a chemical weapon, but when it's used? in fashion can be a prohibited use of that particular chemical. so we're working with the international community to investigate that. >> . >> and as the president said, working with the international community, he specifically mentioned russia to see what they could go to set al get him to
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cease and desist. >> working with the middle east and the persian gulf, arash good to talk to you and let's dive in here. what were gulf nations the leaders looking for from this meeting with the president? >> the leaders showed up to camp david. we're not talking about the king of saudi arabia or the king of bahrain or the united esharab emeritus, the only one that had a legitimate excuse was the king of am an, who was ill. but the deputy prime ministers showed up. the crown prince and the deputy crown prince, who was the defense minister, they showed up. and the only two who came were
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qatar and kuwait. so what they really want, the arabs of the gulf region are afraid of two things. first off the iranian nuclear program, but second, iran's expanding influence in the region, from beirut to damascus and they are terrified of that. and they want the americans to make sure that the vacuum of power that's now felt after an american departure, the beginning of the american departer, is not going to be filled with the iranian guard. >> this becomes important. why are the gcc nations those leaders so terrified of an iran that comes back, more or less, into the international community?
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>> i don't think that they're afraid of an iran that comes back to an international community, but an iran that has lifting of sanctions to have deeper pockets for lebanon and syria. shiites in syria. >> great so push back against this. the president says, wait a minute i hear your concerns that an iran that has more resources will become even more meddle so many in the region, but the president comes back and says, an iran right now low tech and low cost activities, and if we do what we need to do on the security side on the control side, if we do more of that, we can scuddle those seats. >> you know, there are two schools of thought here. a group of people would say
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that by bringing iran into the international community and giving them a nuclear deal, iran would start behaving better, and i would like to be in that camp. saying iran, if they're not cornered, they will let go of this 35, 45-year-old revolutionary model and start acting more like a responsible regional power one that gets along with its neighbors, and with the united states and the region. it the other school of thought would say that iran, -- what's the other school of thought? >> the other school of thought would say that an iran that is no longer under sanctions and the iran that's only a year away from getting a nuclear weapon would be much more aggressive. it's unclear, no one really knows what's going to happen in iran. it's clear that iran's supreme leader is very anti-western,
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very anti-american and he has deep mistrust for the saudis and bahrainis, and all of the kingdoms within the islamic prebble who are much more modern and willing to work with the west. so we have to strength the hand of the moderates and at the same time, let's not forget that iran is a young country and an educated country and the vast majority of people in the urban centers are not necessarily anti-american. >> so do you take the president at his word? he's essentially saying that if we strike the deal with iran that links the past to a nuclear weapon, that's verifiable with all kinds of inspections in place if that is a deal that the gcc should be able to live with.
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>> you know, if the president is saying all of that, and it's verifiable and endorsable, it's a pretty good deal. but the question is this, can we verify what we want to verify? is iran going to open up some of its military facilities? there's already a lot of back and forth going on in the iran media, a high ranking iranian general a couple of days ago said that talking about opening upper anian military facilities is treason. so it's hard to enforce this agreement. but i always and people, even in my camp, people who are at times critical of this agreement. what other alternative do we have for sanks? iran is going to go underground, and we'll have a north korea on our hands. a north korea with oil access. what alternative do we have if the president is able to fully enforce this deal, and get a
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global agreement to enforce this deal. it's not a bad deal after all. and let's not forget that russia is not going to stick around much longer and play ball. whether the deal falls through or whether it doesn't go through, for reaches that you and the audience know well. so this is the right opportunity. and the president, let's not honest the president was very flexible toward iran. no other president is going to offer them such a good, flexible deal. >> i love the give and take, ar ash, national security analyst focusing on the middle east. always a pleasure. in an interview with aljazeera arabic, former president, bill clinton was asked about ongoing problems in the middle east. and he said that isil is inconsistent with the culture of the region. >> what the united states and others should be doing is try to empower people to defend themselves to stand up against
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it, but also, the rest of us should be giving a model of the future that is more inclusive and leads to better prosperity and opportunity. and i think that we just have to be prepared to fight this out until it's resolved. i do not believe an exclusive negative violence-based movement is going to prevail if the rest of us are not passive in the face of it. >> and former president clint on said meetings like the camp david summit should help the u.s. to move forward and set a positive example. isil said that it has proo of that it's leader is still alive. baghdadi. over the past months, rumors have circulated about his fate. and a recording says that there's no excuse for any muslim not to migrate to the islamic state. and he said islam was never a religion of peace.
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[beeping] ooo come on everybody, i think this is my grandson. [lip syncing] ♪little girl you look so lonesome oh my goodness. ♪i see you are feeling blue ♪come on over to my place ♪hey girl ♪we're having a party happy birthday, grandma! ♪we'll be swinging ♪dancing and singing ♪baby come on over tonight [baseball crowd noise] ♪ ♪ [x1 chime] ♪ ♪ [crowd cheers] oh! i can't believe it! [cheering] hi, grandma! ♪
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>> fast track authorities to negotiate a deal. ali velshi is here, and what's going on here? >> i don't know if most people are paying attention to the partnership. but there's a fast track that the president is trying to get. senators from both parties voted today to begin debate on the trade deal. and today give president obama the so-called trade promotion authority. that's what we call this fast
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track authority, authorizing the president to be negotiate a deal with pacific rim countries. and that deal is called the transpacific partnership. it would set up the world's biggest free trade zone, and this authority that they're debating would give the president the ability to present the treaty to congress for a straight up or down vote. the president wants on the iran negotiation, it prevents lawmakers from introducing amendments to any treaty and this is important. because the president's trade in foreign policy is the purview of the president and what they don't want is every last congressman and senator mucking with the whole thing. so the problem with the president is those opposing this fast track authority tend to be democrats constituencies of the president, including liberal and labor unions, and they don't want the fast track so there's this weird bed
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fellow thing going on. the president and the republicans. two days ago senate republicans blocked the move for authority. and reach bid lawmakers, they passed a bill to crackdown on the countries to military their currencies, and that was part of the deal. the vote allowed the fast track debate to go forward. and you're excused if you can't keep track of it. >> why is it so contentious? >> for the same reason that nafta is contentious. business wants it, because it removes barriers to terrorists around the pacific rim. and it would take up to one-third of the world's trade. and it would make up 40% of all global trading activity. 12 countries u.s., japan canada and mexico, and others, and china is not in it. so this is a way to sort of
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strengthen asia without china. would wouldn't like this, tony? organized labor environmental activists. they hate it. they say that the deals cost american jobs, and they erowed u.s. regulation, and drive wages down. u.s. manufacturing sector, and the other side says no way. >> ali what else do you have on ali velshi on target tonight? >> this is a fun show. we're talking about a handful of states, be nine states across the country, where supreme court judges get elected on the basis of party affiliation, and they accept campaign contributions when they run for the supreme court. which means that big businesses and trial lawyers give a lot and it makes it impossible for
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the judges to be impartial. and i'm taking that on tonight. >> a security scare at the white house when a man was arrested for trying to launch a drone in a nearby park. it happened on the same day that yong launched a hearing on impaired secret service agents. and libby, what do we know about this? let's start with the drone. >> reporter: tony, a man was flying a drone just north of the house and the secret service agent stopped him and detained him. and this was something that you can buy commercially, get it on a retail website. it costs about $500. and it has a camera attached and photos, but the secret service said that it's not a laughing matter. it's not a toy in its launched near the white house. it was put on lockdown, and the president was away at comp david.
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this has the first time that the secret service has had to deal with drones near the white house grounds. you recall four months ago an employee was playing around with his drone at night outside of his window, and he lost control of it, and it crashed on the white house lawn. he said it was an accident, but this is a serious concern. just yesterday tony, the federal aviation administration launched a campaign to say that drones are illegal in washington d.c. no drone zone. and the message to tourist leave your drone rat home. it went out yesterday. and today a high-profile incident tony. >> libby today's hearing focused on a march incident at the white house where two agents were probably impaired by alcohol when they drove through a secure area. and what did the lawmakers have to say to that? >> even as the secret service were dealing with those issues,
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they were under scrutiny because of incidents that happened, this one in march. the inspector general of homeland security has put off a report saying that the two off-duty agents, they went back to the white house grounds and drove their car and went through an area where agents on duty were trying to deal with a suspicious package. well the inspector general today said that the problems didn't just end there toney. >> both agents were required to report their conduct up the chain of command. but failed to do so. each told us that they did not believe that what they had done amounted to a reportable incident. the failure to report reflects either poor judgment on their part or an affirmative desire to hide their conduct. >> one the agents has retired and the other is on administrative leave. today, the house oversight committee pushed hard to get a lot of their questions
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answered. chairman jason chafe chafe us is under a lot of scrutiny. >> we expect a lot. and we expect people will make mistakes but not under such egg be region consequences that puts us in danger and certainly never the president in danger. he's our president. i don't care republican or democrat, he's our president and he has to stay safe. >> he has been on the job since the fall, tony, when he stepped down over scandal. you remember the white house fence jumper managed to get all the way into the building, and it was sort of -- those lax issues can't happen, tony.
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>> the nfl players association suspended the new england patriots quarterback, tom brady. he was suspended for four games without pay and the league found that brady was at least generally aware of the deflated footballs in the game last year. they have given him a fine, and two forfeited draft picks. >> . >> an oil rig just arrived in seattle. and so have the kay activists. and the moments just before the amtrak train derailed in philadelphia.
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the crash site today? >> we got a lot of information here today tony, including one from the ntsb, saying that they're concentrating now on the 60 seconds before tuesday's accident. wondering why the driver was speeding up to much at that time. the driver is bostian from new york, and he said that he wasn't drunk and he will speak to the ntsb in the next couple of days. and amtrack saying that they're going to install the positive train control system, which is prevalent in the whole northeastern corridor except here in new york. and that will be installed in the end of the year. and the derailment, the last one was 28 years ago. the sad day came when the
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cadaver dogs on the tracks discovered the eight victim. and there was somebody else. and the maryland company said that it brought to eight the total people that died. >> what is amtrak saying about restoring the service on that hugely popular line? >> well, it is hugely popular. 11 million people use it a year and hundreds of millions of dollars in revenue comes in every single day. and of course it's out completely, so they have to get it back. today, they began the process of removing the last two carriages from the scene and now people will work all weekend to clear up the site and restore the tracks, and amtrak hopes to run a partial service on monday, and a full service on tuesday. on tuesday evening and this
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whole thing will take about a week to clear up. >> john in philadelphia. jurors trying to it decide if dzhokar tsarnaev should get life in prison or be executed for the boston marathon bombings, the first full day today. and aiding and abetting in conspiracy for the verdict. the panel plans to resume operations tomorrow. there are new concerns about the next generation of american war planes. lost morning aljazeera dug into a report about the f-35 planes, and now residents who live near where the jets could be speaking out. as sheila macvicar points out one accident could turn the city into a hazardous waste site. >> never before the airports put a brand-new fighter bomber at a commercial airport. er usually they go in airport spaces in remote areas and
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they do that purposely because new aircraft crash more. >> the plane she's talking about is the f-35 fighter. from its stealthy design to the millions of lines of computer code inside that act as a kind of artificial intelligence, it's being hailed as the future of combat aviation. but many residents of this town see it as a very real danger. >> the people were here first. >> did not greco is leader of the group trying to keep the f-35 out of the local airport in vermont. the vermont national guard is scheduled to receive 18 f-35s by the year 2020. it will be the first in america to get the plane replacing the aging f-16.
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consider the record of the f-16. since its introduction in 197 5, the u.s. air force has lost more than 320 of them in crashes and mishaps. out of a fleet of 2,230 that's one in seven. >> if something happens with take off and landing of the f-35, it's probable that it will land in this area here. it's a recipe for a colossal disaster. >> greco is not just an activist. she's also a former air force colonel, a highly decorated officer. she specializes in strategic intelligence and arms control. she says that the f-35 poses a threat far greater than earlier generation war fighters. like the plane, it's largely made of composeit material,
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carbon and graphite, held together with resins and glues and those materials are also said to be highly toxic when burned. in the 1980s and 90s several workers at the secret air base, area 51, reported falling seriously ill after being exposed to what they say is burning stealth material. two of them are said to have died as a result. we wanted to speak with someone, anyone about the decision to base the f-35 in burlington, but the pentagon, the air force the air national guard, senators, and even burlington's mayor all turned us down. as for greco. she's left fighting the military she served so proudly for 30 years afraid that their new expensive weapon may spell disaster for her town. aljazeera, burlington, vermont. >> you can watch sheila's full report tonight.
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there is a new report about -- according an internal mem oh the va is riddled with fraud and abuse and waste putting veteran's lives at risk. >> we're talking about big dollars here, and this report is packed with explosive accusations and uncompromising criticism. it accuses the agency of wasting millions of dollars of taxpayer dollars and breaking the law. >> today i find himself in a position that i never envisioned myself to be in, in testifying as a whistle blower. >> that is jan frye, the deputy assistant secretary at the department of veteran's affairs, speaking to the house subcommittee on veteran's affairs this morning. >> i will no longer be a party to these va games. >> frye was on the capital to
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talk about the scathing memo that he wrote to mcdonald back in march reported today by the washington post. frye says that the va has been illegally spending $6 billion a year, buying services and supplies from outside vendors without proper contracts competition or oversight violating the agency's own rules and federal laws. in the memo, he describes a culture of lawlessness and chaos, gross mismanagement and a mockery that he says could lead to serious harm or death to america's veterans. doors are wide open for waste and abuse he writes, in the system that has 9 million veterans. frye places the blame squarely on top brass accusing va officials of ignoring his concerns and deceiving congress. no persons were held
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accountable for these violations of law he writes, but swept under the rug and my office to approve an institution al ratification for thousands of commitments worth hundreds of millions of dollars. >> you can't treat veterans like this. >> frye's memo marks the latest scandal in an agency already wracked by a series of scandal. revelations of long wait times by veterans seeking care led to congressional hearings. >> working together and really meaning it. working together for the good of our veterans, that's what the public expects. and that's what i'm -- >> look what 40 veterans died. >> and the resignation of mcdonald's predecessor. when mcdonald took over, he vowed to change course. >> right now, the department of
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veterans affairs has before it the greatest opportunity to enhance care. >> frye is a retired army colonel, who has over sinakcisions since 2005. and the problems that he describes shake the bedrock of the agency. as a boy i worked with my father in the construction business, he writes, and i've seen in my own eyes that with out a strong foundation for it to rest upon, the foundation will oninstruct. he said it's struggling with rapid growth and urging congress to pass legislation that would help fix the problems. >> now frye says that he has managed similar problems at other agency and that the mess at the va would not be tolerated anywhere else. he said ultimately, the institution is not to blame but the people running it, the people at the very top. >> there are more levels on this paul, good to see you and thank you. seattle has just begun
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ground zero for the fight against climate change. and live pictures now. and those are the kayaktivists. i think that i have the word right. a huge oil drilling rig has arrived at a at the facility there that has set the stage for the showdown. live in seattle. and do i have that right allen? are they calling themselves activists? >> you have it absolutely right, tony. kai actvism is what we're seeing, and they wanted to draw a single line in the water of elliot bay and that's what they did. the oil drilling rig that's parked on the way sailed right across that symbolic line. that's the huge yellow and blue object that you see behind me, parked at terminal five at the port of seattle.
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look at the kayaktivists today and by some of my counts, some of them greeting the huge rig to explore in the arctic circle. it's an enormous rig and it's one of two that will be brought into seattle. and it will be provisioned and fixed and sent north later in the summer, way north in fact, and they will be it drilling up there, drilling some exploratory wells. mike viqueira talked today with the president at camp david and asked him about this week, shell alleys long-term plans for explore foredrilling up above the arctic circle. >> despite the fact that shell had put in an application for drilling several years ago we delayed if for a very lengthy period of time until they could provide us with the kinds of
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assurances that we had not seen before, taking account of the extraordinary challenges, if in fact there was a leak that far north. and in that kind of environment. >> now the mayor asked shell not to come. and the city council asked them not to come, and they asked them not to come. and shell said, we signed a contract to come do this work here, and we're coming and they did that today. >> tony, how does the business community feel about all of this? >> well, a lot of concern here. mostly about the city planning department saying rather abruptly in the last ten days or so, wait a minute, you don't have the right permit to perform that work. that's what they're saying about the local marine services company that has the contract with shell. so there's a serious concern
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among business leaders about the kind of message that the city is sending to other people who might want to do business in the port of seattle. there is a $2 million contract. and there's some concern about the way this responds, not necessarily from the kayaktivists and the protesters, which is expected in the city, but from the city itself. and some of the regulatory hurdles that have been brought up very late in the process. >> and just a world of concern from the kayaktivists, remind us again, there was a bit of a training program for them, made available if they wanted to participate, correct? >> absolutely. and hundreds of people have shoulder up to parent in those training sessions, those drills, and they say as everybody involved, what they're most concerned about is safety. that the kai october visits want a nice big symbolic picture of small boats versus
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big oil. and that's what we want to show to the world. but they don't want anybody hurt or anybody out on the water who shouldn't be out on the water and they're taking pains to train people up as much as they can how to handle a kai on the and what to do when they're out there. >> allen in seattle. and thank you. focusing on climate change, meeting at a conference in copenhagen for steps that cities can take to save the environment. emma hayward has more on that. >> reporter: a little piece of caribbean paradise. green space is at a premium here and this communal garden is on top of a shopping center, not far from the eiffel tower. >> >> interpreter: there are no spaces in paris to grow things so proofs are this and
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to stop global warming. >> tiles are being replaced by grass and plants and soil. this is not just a growing trend. under new law all roofs in commercial buildings will have to be partially green. the whole idea behind this is not just to make everything look a bit nicer but to try to improve biodiversity. pollution can be a problem in paris. the smog sometimes forces the authorities to ban half of the cars from coming into the city. green roofs are being sold as one fairly inexpensive solution. >> green roofs are important to the development because they improve our quality of life. because in paris we don't have much green space compared to other european capitals. it's by diversity and there's an impact on pollution some
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plants even capture heavy meantime. >> some believe that this green roof floor could have should have gone further. >> these fine particles are no way absorbed by a few green roofs in commercial zones. it's completely ridiculous. >> it may be some seasons before the full results of this new law are known. emma hayward aljazeera, in paris. >> u.s. forces in napal have added a drone to the search for a u.s. marine helicopter. other military choppers scouring the countryside. the chopper disappeared on tuesday after delivering supplies. the people of napal are trying to get their lives and cities back together again but in kathmandu, some buildings that survived the quake are posing new threats to residents.
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>> even after the earthquake, kathmandu looks beautiful. but when you look closer, the cracks appear. this large complex was evacuated during the earthquake and it's now a threat for those living in shadows. [ unintelligible ]. >> he and his family have lived here for 30 years, and the building, he said, is more frightening than the earthquake. >> it was like [ unintelligible ]. >> next door, the local butcher tells us that he was too afraid to reopen for business after the earthquake, but after nearly three weeks with no income, he had no choice. >> i really worried because the
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building may fall done on us, but we have no choice. >> these people fear that another aftershock could bring all of this crashing down. up the road, chipping away at the long list of damaged buildings, municipal engineering teams carry out spot inspections. >> there's a lot of bad news. >> but there's also good news for those afraid to enter their own homes. building inspectors say that it's safe. but for those who are safe, the risk remains. this building is not just a menacing reminder of the earthquake but if it were to collapse, it could devastate the entire neighborhood. the apartment complex has been declared off-limits. it should not have been built in the first place. and while corruption in the
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construction industry is an open secret, there is no crew, but the high-rise building now in ruins does represent a threat to the surrounding community. and the government is too busy to address the problem. homes around here are abandoned. he said it's too much for him and his family, and it's forcing him to leave his childhood home. now, with uncertainty looming over their heads they must carry on with their lives. aljazeera, kathmandu. and coming up next on the program, the iraq war started in 2003 and how the impact could affect the 2015 presidential election, plus ♪ we are the world, we are the children ♪ >> we'll be right back with more on this.
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>> jeb bush has come up with yet another answer about the invasion of iraq. he walked back to what he said earlier this week, and david schuster joins us with the latest. >> reporter: tony, jeb bush is still weeks away from becoming an official candidate. but today he engaged in the ultimate damage control a deliberate verbal flip flop. after a week of flip flop, jeb bush said that based on information he knows now he would not have launched the iraq war. knowing what we know now what would you have done, i would have not gone into iraq. >> bush's statement marks a dramatic reversal on monday to a question that he insists he
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misheard. >> knowing what we know now would you have authorized the invasion? >> i would have. >> most americans deeply regret the iraq war and for days, the florida governor tried to back ped and will simultaneously avoid any criticism of his brother, george w. bush. >> what we ought to be focusing on what are the lessons learned? >> he even pointed to u.s. troops. >> going back in time and talking about hypothetical, what would have happened, i think does a disservice to them. >> but according to to republican reporters mr. bush recognized that it was not working and he was sinking in political quick sand. all of bush's rivals were on the attack. >> knowing what we know now would you have authorized the invasion of iraq. >> of course not. >> i thought that it was a mistake, and i thought it was a
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mistake at the time. >> tom conservative radio was on fire. >> you can't still think that going into iraq now as the same human being was the right thing to do. >> even audience members at town has challenging it's defense over hypothetical. >> don't you think that running for president is hypothetical, if i run for president, do the dopresident dot dotdot? >> he tried to clarify his position. he said as florida governor, he would called relatives of soldiers killed in the war. >> it's very hard for me to say that their lives were lost in vain and in fact, they weren't. >> later in front of reporters he said that criticizing his brother's decision making, even directly, is not easy. i don't go out of the way to disagree with my brother and i'm loyal to him. i don't think that it's
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necessary to go through every place that i disagree with him. but jeb bush may have to face more disagreements with his brother. george w. bush's policies have been criticized, from medicare to [ cat meowingtokatrina, and on iraq. it has made jeb bush struggle. >> for a look at what's coming up at the top of the hour, john john seigenthaler is here. >> another body found today. and amtrack is making a new pledge. and tonight we'll hear from a survivor of the crash on how he escaped. and the group called move. after the police bombing and fire in philadelphia, killed and dozens of homes destroyed. and we'll hear from a survivor of what happened that day. and plus, it has been almost two weeks since baltimore
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burned. but it's not the first time that the residents of that community dealt with adversity. it's the same place where a 1990 social experiment went wrong. >> when you talk about building a house in an urban area, and you have infrastructure that's old and falling down, and when you talk about how businesses start to invest in them in terms of loans. when you take every one of those and add them up -- >> on a lighter note, the story of an iranian man who dreamed of being a dancer only to be stopped by iran's morality police. it's a real life foot loose set in the desert outside of tehran. >> and who says nato foreign ministers can't have a little fun? ♪. >> well, there you go. the prime ministers singing we
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. >> hi everyone this is al jazeera america, i'm john seigenthaler. no recollection and no explanation from the engineer at the center of the deadly train crash investigation move 30 years later - a police bombing that killed 11 and destroyed a neighbourhood. we talk to the soul-surviving member of that group. saving san town we return to the baltimore community to find out what happened
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