tv News Al Jazeera May 14, 2015 11:00pm-11:31pm EDT
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part-time working hire more police officers, pay them better money so they don't have to pay them part time and that is our show for today. i'm ali velshi thank you for joining us. we want to know his account of what he recalls leading into that tragic offense. >> investigators turn their attention to the train engineer in the deadly amtrak derailments. >> the united states will stand by the g.c.c. partners. >> president obama promise gulf leaders more military cooperation amid concerns over iran. the secret service arrests a man for flying a drone near the
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white house as congress puts the agency itself under the microscope. an environmental activist takes to the water to protest shell's oil exploration plans in the arctic. good evening, i'm antonio mora this is al jazeera america. we start with the latest on the amtrak derailment in philadelphia. investigate scores now say the train accelerated quickly in the seconds before the derailment instead of slowing down. n.t.s.b. officials hope to find out if the train engineer played a role - when they get a chance to interview him. lisa stark reports. in the interim amtrak is taking responsibility and promising new safety measures. >> reporter: shortly after the last body was pulled from the mangled first car of the train, amtrak's c.e.o. made a pledge that the railroad will finish installing a system.
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they are required to have the system in place by year's end. >> today we are committing to, i am committing to meeting the requirement of positive train control that will happen on the north-east corridor by the end of this year. >> reporter: positive train control is a sophisticated technology that can slow a train going too fast. like amtrak train 188 - barrelling into a 50 miles per hour at 106 miles per hour. amtrak has installed the system on all 156 miles of rail between new haven connecticut and boston, but on on 50 meals of the 226 mile track between washington d.c. and new york. it is not in place at the location where the sent occurred. amtrak chief joe boardman defended the company's progress on positive train chrome. >> i believe we'll be the only railroad to have positive train
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control in the northern hemisphere. the national transportation safety board said the man at the control of the train has dread -- agreed to talk to investigators. >> we look board to talking to him. we feel that will provide us a lot of information. >> reporter: one thing investigators don't know is was the engineer 32-year-old brandon bastian, manually agreeing the speed prior to the accident. his attorney told al jazeera america that the crash left him with leg injuries 15 staples in his head and he has no memory of the accident. >> he does not remember deploying the emergency break. we know that it was deployed. the last thing he remembers is coming to looking for his bag. >> his attorney was not on drugs or alcohol or on the cell phone.
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as of now there's no explanation for why the train was travelling so fast. philadelphia mayor criticized the engineer as reckless. thursday he was asked to justify the comment after the n.t.s.b. called it a rush to judgment. >> i was expressive in my language. i don't think any commonsense person would think that it's okay to travel at that level of speed. according to the linked in profile he has been with amtrak since 2006, and an engineer since late 2010. his attorney said his client is hope to talk to investigators. when the n.t.s.b. is ready and his memory returns. >> al jazeera looked at amtrak data for the past 2.5 months and found that before tuesday crash, the fastest a regional train went on that stretch of track on that curve was 55 miles
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per hour a few miles over the speed limb lisa stark in washington. thank you. all the passengers have been accounted for and all the victims identified. eight died. the last was found earlier today. john terrett reports from philadelphia. >> good evening from port richmond, where it's been a mixed day. lots of new information cleaned from the various news conferences that happen here at least three times a day, but the discovery of the eighth and final body. with it so began a massive weekend-long clean-up operation to return the crash site to some normalcy. >> reporter: it was another grim say the the crash site in port richmond. warm and sunny. but sad innocence ever cad av ever dogs dooghted an eighth -- caddaver dogs discovered an eighth body. >> we found one further body.
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we used hydraulic tools to reach the person. >> reporter: the eighth fatality has been confirmed. there was a name missing from the list of dead and injured. now the discovery. eighth body means all passengers and crew are accounted for of the dozens are cared for in hospitals throughout the city. >> people were hurled against each other and there was luggage flying around, and some of the injuries were people thrown against seats and the sides of the train compartments. >> along the line crews were removing the last two railcars from the track. such was the devastation after the crash on tuesday, some cars are almost unrecognizable. so too. this part of the country on this busy commuter route. work will go on to wrap the
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on-site investigation, clean-up and repair the site. amtrak says it's on course to bring back a limited service on monday. the hope is to restore a full service by tuesday's rush. as amtrak gears up for next week's full service. the company is keep to point out. the last significant derailment was 28 years ago. >> an amtrak employees has become the first person to file a lawsuit related to the derailment. and accuses amtrak of failing to safely operate the train and failing to provide a control system that could have prevented the derailment. the employees is a dispatcher on the strain heading to new york. he's hospitalized and according to the suit his injuries include traumatic brain injury, he's seeking $150,000 and punitive damages. amtrak will not comment on
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pending actions with an eye on iran. president obama promised to defend nations. it wasn't what gulf nations hoped for. >> reporter: the aim to calm worries among gulf allies as the u.s. reaches final stages in nuclear talks. >> i was explicit as reflected in the joint statement released that the united states will stand by g.c.c. parters. and will deepen and extend what we have. >> reporter: the president counted the prospects of a deal with iran assuring leaders that sanctions would not be introduced until iran complies with an agreement, if it can be reached before the june 30th deadline. >> if we get a comprehensive
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verifiable deal cutting off the pathways to a nuclear weapon that that would be in their interests and the interests of the region as well as the world community. >> reporter: the summit was about more than nuclear talks. on the table iran's destabilizing actions throughout the region. president obama said the u.s. would increase defense assistance with more joint military exercises and training and work to streamline the delivery of weapons system including missile defense technology. president obama bristled when asked about reports that syria's president bashar al-assad used chlorine gas against civilians, and whether, when bashar al-assad used chemical weapons, the u.s. would respond. >> reporter: what did you tell the leaders that were disappointed last time and will you use a military response if it's confirmed he used chemical weapons again. >> if we have the confirmation
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that we need, we will once again work with the international community and the organization charged with monitoring compliance by the syrian government. >> reporter: participants described the talks not as a negotiation, but a brainstorming session. >> this meeting was about the relationship between the u.s. and g.c.c. countries and how we can work together to elevate to a new level. >> reporter: that, said president obama was the goal. >> i'm reaffirming the iron clad agreement to security of our gulf partners as declared in the joint statement the u.s. is prepared to work with g.c.c. states to deter and confront threats to the g.c.c. states that is inconsistent with the u.n. charter. thank you very much the u.s. and cuba are set to hold high level talks next week. the state department said both sides would met on may 21st in
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washington to discuss reopening embassies, tackling broader issues like migration, security and the environment. it comes six months after president obama announced thawing relations between cuba and u.s. the situation in burundi is precarius, a day after a coup president pierre nkurunziza claims he's back in the country. he has not been seen in public. the military is divided. gun fire and explosions have been heard across the capital of bujumbura. protests erupted when pierre nkurunziza announced he was seeking a third term. opponents said he's trying to stop a deal that ended a war and restricted presidents to two terms. next, lock down at the white house as someone launches a drone outside the grounds. security concerns and how they
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a security scare at the white house when a man was arrested for trying to launch a drone in a nearby park the same day as congress held an issue about impaired secret service agents. >> reporter: the secret service said a man was flying a drone over a park a block away from the white house. the white house wept wnt on lock down for an hour. the man was arrested. >> i was aware of this the secret service released a photo of a commercially available drone. it has a camera and can take video. it's illegal to fly a drone over washington. a public campaign was launched a day earlier. there was a message to tourists - leave your drones at
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home. it warned violators face fines and penalties. four months ago an off duty employees crashed a drone. he said it flew out of his control, he was not charged. as the secret service did their work, the agency faced scrutiny on capitol hill, for something that happened in march, when to off-duty agents drove through the scene of a suspicious package activity on the grounds. >> when something goes wrong, we have to learn from it and fix the problems. >> a report from the department of homeland securities says two agents were at a co-work retirement party and it was likely they were impaired by alcohol. >> the two agents displayed poor judgment. >> reporter: one has retired. the other is on leave.
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>> we expect a lot. we expect people to make mistakes not of egregious consequences that it puts the mission and others in danger and can never put the president in danger. >> reporter: jo clancy took over in october after a previous director resigned. a white house jumper scaled the fence and made it to the white house building. he pledged to fix the matter for more on the drone security we bring in a drone expert from seattle. he cochairs the american bar association committee on robotics and joins us via skype. ryan this is the second drone incident at the white house in a couple of months, and raises the issue of whether drones could be used in a terrorist attack. is that not a legitimate concern. >> it's a concern, but i note that lots of other devices could
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be used in a terrorist attack. if you are not - you could attach explosives and throw it on to the lawn. people are nervous about drones because it's a new technology that we are not accustomed to. >> it's technology that is different to throwing something tonne the white house lawn. you could be a good distance away fly these things with cameras on to the white house or anywhere else and commit, you know cause serious dank. -- serious damage. >> there's no question. someone landed a manned plane years ago on the white house lawn. we had remote control planes for some time. the difference is that there's about 15,000 of these drones that are easy to fly, that are getting shipped and we are using it in all kinds of ways some of those ways are not wise, they are foolish.
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i have yet to see the evidence that we are facing a unique terrorist threat. so far the problems another the white house have been people have not followed the news and acting irresponsibly. >> there are concerns about drones bringing down a plane, there are rules to keep them away from airports the f.a.a. is looking at coming up with a comprehensive set of rules by next year. do we need tougher rules. >> we need tough rules. at present we have the toughest rule of all. drones are basically banned in our air space except or subject to certain kinds of exceptions. one of which is an exception for a hobbyist a person flying a drone with their kid, and in a park. even there you have to keep it blow a certain height you have to be away from airports and people. and as you said at the top of the story. the washington d.c. air space is
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restricted. you can't use a drone at all in the air space. we have rules... >> someone up to no good wouldn't care about the fact that drones are banned in the area. i know attempts have been made to have drones programmed in ways to keep them away from certain areas. is that a reasonable thing to do. with the ubiquity of g.p.s. couldn't they be set up to not go near airports or sensitive sites. >> in theory they could. my understanding is the company that built the drone that landed on the white house lawn the first time responded to the incident by updating the firmware the software to prevent flights in d.c. but it wassing about buggy and led to unintended consequences and they had to role it back. it's hard to do right. making it impossible is an option. it's not the best option. >> what is the best option?
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>> i think the best option is to educate individuals with drones as to what the rite and wrong uses are. one recommendation i could make for anyone that is a drone enthusiast to get an app like air map, that explains to you what air space is okay to use it in. if the individual in this case had been using air map he would have seen you couldn't flyit in los angeles. >> that does not protect against the issue of someone wanting to cause harm. >> no. >> it's a fascinating topic. the law will have to catch up to the technology it will not be easy to do. ryan great to have you with us. thank you damning statements from a self-described whistleblower with the department of veterans affairs. the senior official told a congressional committee that it is rife with fraud, waste and abuse to the tune of millions. >> today i find myself in a
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position a never envisaged i would be this. >> reporter: this is the deputy assistant secretary for acquisition and assistance at the department of veteran affairs, speaking to a house subcommittee on veteran affairs. >> i will no longer be a party to the v.a. gains. >> he was on capitol hill to talk about the scathing 35-page memo written to robert mcdonald in match. reported by "the washington post." fry says da has been illegally spending $6 billion a year buying services and supplies from outside vendors without proper contracts, competition or oversight. violating the agencies own rules and federal laws. in the memo he describes a culture of lawlessness and chaos. cross ms management a mockery that he says could lead to harm or death to veterans.
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doors are wide open to waste, fraud and abuse at a sprawling health care system ta tends to 9 million veterans much and he places the blame on the top brass, accusing officials of ignoring his concerns: you can't do veterans like this. you can't treat veterans like this. fries member marks the latest scandal for an agency rocked by a series of scandals. revelations of a cover up led to congressional hearings. >> working together and really meaning it. working together for the good of our veterans. that is what the public expects,
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and that is what i'm committed to. >> the public and 40 veterans died. this is what the public got. >> the resignation of secretary mcdonald's predecessor. when mcdonald took over, he vowed to change course. >> the department of veterans affairs had before it the greatest opportunity to enhance care for veterans. >> he is a retired army colonel overseeing acquisitions since 2005. the problems shake the bedrock of the agency: the v.a. issued a statement about the allegations in fry's memo saying it's struggling with rapid growth and urging congress to legislation that would help
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armed with kayaks and paddles are in a stand off with a shell oil rig that will head north. the protest coming after the white house approval of oil drilling in the arctic ocean, president obama said the decision was not made in haste. >> no one is more mind of the risks involved and the dangers. that's why despite the fact that shell put in an application for exploration in the region several years ago we delayed it for a very lengthy period of time until they could provide us with the kinds of assurances that we have not seen before taking account of the extraordinary challenges if in fact, there was a leak. >> more on today's protest from allen schauffler in seattle. >> it's a david and goliath scene on the water as the polar
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pioneer sails into elliott bay. small boats versus big i will. it's the image they want to show the world. >> it's huge. it represents something so much bigger. >> we are the mosquito fleet, little bugs racing around the huge oil-sucking behemoth coming into the harbour. >> reporter: shell is bringing the rig and other vessels to provision them for oil explore agency above the arctic circle. dave gaering runs an um breler group and says people need to realise this is an industrial city and oil is a big part of it. >> i hope we get through the political theatre, everyone makes their point and we can maybe have a serious discussion been what to do as a community. we have not had the serious discussion. >> reporter: this has become a political circus with the mayor and city council not putting out the welcome map.
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>> they say the contract looks valid, they intend to honour. >> so we reviewed it, the permit is for a cargo terminal. this is not cargo. that is clear. there is a whole appeal process they can go through, that they are planning to. they are ignoring the laws. >> reporter: as well as taking to the kayaks, a lawsuit has been launched. the city planning department and mayor says this is not suitable for terminal five. today is not about rules and regulation it's about the symbolism of the moment. >> we can't stand for it. >> we can't do night. it remind me of decades ago when we protested the vietnam war. it made a difference. >> despite the protest and challenges, shell is here in a big way. >> the polar pioneer will be joined by nobel discoverer and a fleet of support vessels.
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shell is hoping will be at work in the arctic by the middle of july. a company spokesperson told me they are glad to see people express their opinions, but hopes everything proceeds legally and safely in elliott bay thank you duke energy admitted to illegally discharging 39,000 tonnes of coal ash into a north carolina river. the cap agreed to pay $102 million, the largest federal criminal fine history. the company admitted to ignoring warnings from employees who this concerns about the condition of a plant, and duke's chief legal officer pleaded guilty to nine violations of the energy act. patriots star tom brady was found guilty and a report found him generally aware of plans to deflate the football in the championship game.
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an appeal was filed on tom brady's behalf. and commissioner roger goodell will personally hear the appeal. they've called for an independent arbitrate scror. that's it for the news i'm antonio mora "inside story" is next. [ ♪♪ ] you've been convicted of a crime. and you've done your time. when you fill out job applications, there it is. the box that asks - have you ever been found guilty of a crime. tell the truth, and the odds are pretty good you won't get the job. ex-inmates say it would help them restart their lives and stay out of gaol if companies would just bend
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