tv News Al Jazeera May 19, 2015 5:00am-5:31am EDT
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emphasize the following, the absolute unconditional support presented in the president of the republic of yemen and hadi working by all considerable means to put an end to the coup and all the results to ensure the reenstatement and restoration of all the states' authorities and institutions. total support to their efforts exerted by the united nations as the gulf cooperation council namely those exerted by the monarch of saudi arabia and his brothers the rulers of the gcc countries and others arab brotherly neighboring countries who heeded the call of president hadi to intervene, to put an end
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to subversive coup and stand by the yemen people as the humanitarian conscious dictate. all the participants emphasize that all efforts must be intensified to provide relief aid to yemen people namely in aiden and provide them with armed, logistic support, training and coordination. fourth demanding the security council to put into limitation the resolution number 2216 together with other related resolutions as to pave the way for the peaceful resolution in yemen. urging the united nations to take the council and legal park states and gulf corporation council for joint arab force to provide security to the key
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cities and exit points of yemen, to ensure the withdrawal of the submersive malitia from all the cities. six, participating members endorse that the government should start towards providing compensation to the relatives of the victims and pave the way for the return of the displaced. and emphasize the necessity to swiftly put into action a humanitarian program that will accommodate and meet all the humanitarian necessities and needs of the yemeni people who are realing under the barbarian, ferocious attacks and those loyal to president saleh and the government should continue to work towards following up with these declaration of riyadh and
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start functioning within the homeland. the parties to the conference reiterate that the stance taken by the arab staltstes namely saudi arabia came to put an end to the submersive houthi malitia and the ousted president and this stands as a living proof that the arab leaders are adamant to maintaining the security stability of their brotherly country yemen. we reiterate that we are calling for peace which cannot be achieved until the u.n. security council resolution 2216 is put into action including the total withdraw of the houthi malitia and forces loyal to saleh and
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putting aside the activities and all the states to function and operate and the state spreading its authority in every corn tear to put in implementation the national dialect. we demand the government to form an sumreme committee for relief and we will deliver the aid to yemen people and return of the displaced, set up camps to the displaced and provide necessary care. the conference culminated by the adoption of the declaration of riyadh deeming the document as one of the transitional period documents. at the end we extend all appreciation to the gulf corporation council secretary-general and the coordinations committee for the
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efforts exerted in preparing and organizing this conference. we pray to god almighty to accept in his mercy those who have fallen as martyrs, speed recovery to the ones and swift release of all prisoners issued on yemen in may 20 in riyadh. mr. president, all the participants' delegates as we have listened to the final communication of the conference allow me to admit that our dreams are simple to restore our home land not from an attorney invader, yes, from misguided
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misguided dreams and it's simple for what was stolen in broad daylight and we dream to restore our armed forces from being satellized by a dark man with ideas and it's simple to restore confidence. >> closing statements we are listening to at the riyadh conference. we are awaiting president hadi to address the conference and we have been hearing how it has given the riyadh declaration supporting the exiled president hadi and calling for relief aid into yemen to intensify and we are live in the saudi capital of riyadh following all events of the conference and we have the
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conference wrapping up and we have the riyadh declaration, where does that leave the situation in yemen? >> basically the key political factions and tribal leaders meeting here in saudi arabia riyadh call the international community to use force against the houthis. one of the interesting points of the final communication is basically they are asking gcc and arab league to be deployed in yemen to secure main cities implement the united nations resolution 2216 and pave the way for the exiled government to return so it's a very aggressive approach and asking the international community basically to ask the houthis to use all necessary means to ask the houthis but the international community doesn't seem to have an appetite for force against the houthis and say it's the only way out to the
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crisis in yemen is basically political settlement and why the u.n. is hoping to have all the political parties negotiate a settlement in geneva by the end of this month. >> that is a u.n. position but what about the gcc and arab league and what about them providing a joint force in yemen? >> well, nick saudi arabia has been saying over the last few days that the houthis have been manipulated in one way or another by i ran yanukovichs to destabilize yemen and the region and the kingdom saudi arabia will use all the necessary means to put an end to instability including the use of force. basically leading air strikes for quite sometime and they say they have a mandate with the international community and mandate by the government of president abd rabbuh mansur hadi and they will continue bombing houthi positions in yemen until the houthis pull out from the
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areas that control this ban and recognize the legitimate government of hadi and if it doesn't happen they will continue with use of force and most endorse that view. countries in north africa like morocco also endorse that position but now they have to convince the international community this is the only way out. the international community, the u.n. has been saying in the past that while there is another path to explore which is basically give the yemen a chance for diplomacy. >> just as a bit of context in this give us the latest situation as you know it on the ground in yemen as far as the fighting and the air strikes are concerned. >> well there has been violence across yemen. saudi-led coalition bombed saudi position in different parts of
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the country. the saudi-led coalition said they intercepted the movement by houthis to deploy some missiles here the border with saudi arabia warning this is a very critical development. same concern was brought by the united states secretary of state john kerry. on the ground also there has been a new development which is president hadi has appointed a new chief of the staff who is going to reorganize the fight against the houthi and lead that fight but the problem that pro-hadi forces face on the ground is they are outgunned and outnumbered by houthi fighters and forces loyal to deposed president saleh and say unless we get potential support from saudi arabia and gcc countries there is absolutely no way we can cope with the growing number of houthi fighters expanding south of the country. it's a very delicate situation,
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the biggest concern is if you don't have a political settlement any time soon the potential for an explosive situation in yemen is almost there, a situation that is not only going to effect the yemen or millions of people in the country, they could spread in the region. >> all right, thanks very much indeed and you were talking there about the gcc and arab league and providing joint force in yemen and have the secretary-general of the gcc speaking right now so let's have a listen to see what he has to say. >> fellow delegates, the kingdom saudi arabia together with the countries taking part in the coalition swiftly heeded the call to provide support to the legitimacy presented with abd rabbuh mansur hadi providing assistance and protection based on the self-defense principle to protect and serve god, the resources of the yemen people as
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per the gulf initiative and outcomes as endorsed by the u.n. security council 2216. this comes in line with our efforts on our determination to maintaining yemen security stability and sovereignty so that it would impede enlisting ground for terrorist organizations based on our role the operation was launched with the aim to restore security paving the way for rebuilding and development in yemen. as we are key on improving yemen, living in the kingdom of saudi arabia, we have handed down directives to rectify and improve their conditions
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allowing them those yemeni citizens who are pardoned and given the opportunity to find job opportunities. we will continue to provide relief and humanitarian aid ensuring the delivery there of the yemen people. we have also directed necessary funds and be proficient to provide yemeni people stranded abroad to return home safely. all the world's eyes are set on the outcomes from of this conference. it is a historical responsibility. placed on your shoulders, all of you, which mandates you should spare no effort to live up to the aspiration of the yemen people to conclude and we continue to reiterate that the
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kingdom of saudi arabia will stand side by side supporting yemen and the yemeni people. i pray to god all mighty to god your steps forward until yemen restores security and prosperitys, may god's peace and blessings be upon you. this is the message from the monarch of saudi arabia king solomon and the cousin -- custodian and the monarch of saudi arabia. >> so we just have been hearing from a g.c.c. secretary-general says the eyes are on the country and living up to the aspirations of the yemeni people.
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let's bring in abraham in the studio and director of bookings in doha center so what do you make of what we have heard so far? the end of the riyadh conference and have a riyadh declaration that supports exiled hadi and endorses gcc against the houthis and support against houthi forces and 2216 resolution, but are we any further forward? >> well i'm afraid probably the only thing new in this outcome of this conference that we are seeing is the problem of terminology. >> i'm going to jump in there because abd rabbuh mansur hadi is speaking right now so let's listen to what he has to say and then we will talk about it. >> translator: secretary-general of the gulf corporation council, prince
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turkey mohamed, the foreign affairs secretary and the state minister of the united of emirates mohamed, under secretary for the state of qatar, mr. mohamed under secretary for foreign affairs, your royal highness and excellence and the g.c.c. to yemen, the heads and members of the consultive committee of the conference your excellence and your ambassadors and your ladies and gentlemen, may god's peace and blessings be upon you all. it is with pleasure that i
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welcome you on this exceptional day in the name of the yemeni people and in the name of our friends and guests who were adamant to be present among us here today as we stand in triumph supporting our popular resistance endorsing the rights of the yemen people of dignified life. this is a very significant conference that has gained international recognition, giving out a message to the international community that the yemeni people of all political after -- affiliations and all walks of life and social spectrum are standing on one, standing up against the coup representing all the political forces political forces
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n.g.o.s, women and young youth, representatives from all the yemeni provinces are here today and you may recall my message at the beginning of this conference, this conference has no alternative but to succeed and only to succeed. simply for the reason that the magnitude of the pearls hovering above our people and yours mandates that we altogether should adhere to the aspiration and this was the fact of your discussions, deliberations and inputs lived up to the occasion. the conference has listened attentively to the remarks,
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reservation and deliberation. whoa have such a great deal of honesty and i direct the government to intensify their efforts to speed up the humanitarian aid process to help the yemeni people within and without yemen. these members of the conference the mandatory resolutions contain in the declaration of riyadh will act as an instrument in restoring the state authority, state institutions and all the yemeni people are required to observe and respect the outcomes and continue to provide support to the popular resistance on the ground. who are sacrificing their lives
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and we call on the resistance fighter to hold to their ground stead fast and will continue to support until we drive over the dark idealism. dear members of the conference we have drafted this declaration and it will stand as one of the documents as reference to the transitional period of yemen as reflected in the gulf initiative and the national outcome document. also, the u.n. security council resolution number 2216 this document will be submitted to the united nations to be added up to the previous documents submitted to them. again, we reiterate that we
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support all the international efforts in line with international resolutions for supporting yemen and the yemeni legitimacy. we are for the proving this as we have paid and are still paying the price. re reiterating that dialog is the only alternative and yet the priority today is putting in the resolution 2216 without any hesitation. this will pave the way and lay a solid foundation for resolving all the issues. members of the conference ladies and gentlemen, the houthi malitias and the forces loyal to
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the ousted president saleh have miss read the concept of the truce and this was reflected in the continued violations of the truce. they continue to destroy and kill preventing relief aid from being delivered to the human citizens and we hold them totally responsible, not only for that but also for all the blood shed. we cannot tolerate and we cannot continue to allow them to violate and to perpetrate these violations. and i appreciate the efforts exerted by the countries taking part in the coalition to conclude i in the name of yemen leadership and people extend all appreciation to the king of
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saudi arabia under the leadership of the saudi mother king solomon. you have and still are true support to yemen and the yemeni people. from our side and on behalf of the yemeni people we extend all appreciation to you. similarly we extends all our appreciation and gratitude to the g.c.c. countries and the countries taking part in the coalition poles. also i extent all the appreciation to the secretary-general of the g.c.c. and to their envoy to yemen. also, the efforts exerted by the consultive committee and other organizing committees of the
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conferences. similar appreciation is extended to the u.n. envoy and the efforts exerted by the international communities to support the political process. i reiterate that despite all the hardships we will continue honestly and genuinely by the grace of god and by the support of our brothers and friendly states towards restoring the state authority and sovereignty, restoring legitimacy, the building the country, putting into action the state institutions ensuring security and ability across yemen. we will usher into a new era by the grace of god. if the yemeni in the past have
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built one of the most outstanding civilizations, they today, will be able to restore their sovereignty, build a better future a shared one after we neutralize the axis of evil restoring and rebuilding all that what has been destroyed by the sub -- submersive of the coup and we must not fail to remember to congratulate the yemeni people of the 25th anniversary of the yemeni unity as we are all obligated to bring it back in to the right course the state of justice, equality and good governance may god
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save yemen and the yemen accept his mercy the fallen martyrs and speed recovery to the freedom and prison and may god's peace and blessings be upon you all. >> so that's president abd rabbuh mansur hadi addressing the riyadh conference welcoming the riyadh declaration which he says will stand as one of the documents in the transition of yemen supporting all international efforts and for the dialog it's the only alternative and we will bring in the correspondent who is live for us in the saudi capitol of riyadh and abd rabbuh mansur hadi he said the conference has no alternative but to succeed and only to succeed. >> absolutely and when you see the rhetoric of the conference it basically says that this gathering is not going to offer
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an olive branch to the houthis. they want the international community to use force. they want the arab world to send troops in yemen to protect cities and to protect the government when it starts operating there. but then it says if the houthis band put out from the areas they control and denounce their coup and then at that point abd rabbuh mansur hadi can start talk about a political way out to the crisis. >> and so as far as this reference to a potential joint force between the g.c.c. and arab league within yemen, is that something that is likely to develop? >> it's definitely going to be a mammoth task. they have to convince our countries to send troops to an area where houthis and forces
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loyal to saleh have an upper hand, very delicate situation and egyptians tried that in the 60s and thousands of egyptian soldiers were killed in yemen because of the mountains and terrain and it's going to be extremely easy for houthi fighters to just hit-and-run. you can only deploy troops once you have control over the ground but i think the international community at the same time is going to force or convince all the parties to explore different alternatives and particularly try to give diplomacy a chance because air strikes are not going to make significant impact on the ground. what we have seen over the last few weeks and despite the air strikes and forces loyal to saleh houthis still control areas in aiden and others and have absolute control of the
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northern part of the country. the international community says now i need to see extended ceasefire and the power of political process to put an end to violence in yemen. >> more as the day goes on and thanks, in the meantime we are in riyadh and we will bring in a policy director in doha center what are your thoughts about what we have seen the riyadh conference wrapping up with a so called riyadh declaration? >> watching closely and trying to find something new actually to come out of this conference and probably the only thing that is totally new is probably the terminology that has now been changed and we have seen a new term emerging of the debate of saudi strikes in yemen and by the terminology i'm
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