tv News Al Jazeera May 25, 2015 2:00pm-3:01pm EDT
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>> a personal theater experience brings a unique experience to the arts. >> and the french open tennis. >> a tunisian sociologist engineer hassoldier has openedfire on his colleagues. the soldier was shot and killed. tunisia's defense ministry said he had behavioral issues. nazanine moshiri has details. >> the military says a corporal stabbed to death one soldier grabbed his weapon and opened fire. the man had no known connections to any armed groups.
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the military insists he must have killed for personal reasons. >> this soldier had family problems. he suffered from behavioral disorders. he has been recently transferred to a less sensitive unit where he was not allowed to carry weapons. now this is an individual case and the motives will be under investigation. >> his motives will be crucial the base is in the heart of the capital close to parliament and the bardo museum. this is where 22 people were killed in march. most of them tourists. the two men responsible were you tunisians who had received weapons training in libya. what happened will do nothing to reassure people already stunned by the bardo museum attack. be the army is supposed to be one of the most trusted institutions in the country it will it's responsible for protecting tunisia's borders
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from the instability and violence in libya. people will want to know why and how a soldier was allowed to turn on his own comrades. nazanine moshiri, al jazeera tunis. >> more light has been shed on the people-trafficking trade. more than 140 suspected graves have been found in the young l nearjunglenear the thai border. florence louie reports. >> police suspect people were held captive here by traffickers who were trying to extort ransom money from their families. children's toys, cages to hold prizprisoners and.
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>> we also discovered one highly decomposed body and we will also bring that down. we will conduct postmortem on those remains in which we found to get to the cause of death. >> reporter: around 28 abandoned arebodieswere found. traveled by boat to indonesia thailand and malaysia in the past two weeks alone. thousands more are thought to be trapped at sea. most are thought to be rohingya who are trying to escape persecution at home in myanmar. they and other economic migrants
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resort to paying smug lersz to smugglers to get them to other countries for work. the area is used known to be used for traffickers and smugglers. >> the only surprising thing is that the malasian government didn't find these camps earlier. now malaysia really has to investigate what was happening there, whether there was official complicity involved in the running of these camps by officials and others, and investigate and prosecute everybody who is involved. >> reporter: human rights watch says there needs to be pressure put on the myanmar government. until the rohingya feel safe enough to stay in myanmar it is feared many more will expire in
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camps such as these or at sea. >> joining me be live from geneva. thanks for being with us. tell us what you think might have been going on at these camps. >> what we know is there is appalling torture of these smuggled victims. when they get there to probably the last transit point where they get into malaysia, that's where the final spaiment due. payment is due. if the family can't pay then they simply let them die. let them -- and we in iom have treated over 60 people for beri beri, a disease you are a walking skeleton. so what we are seeing in the excavation of these mass graves is the result of the appalling bad treatment of the victims of
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the smugglers. >> we know the similar camps have been discovered on the thai side of the border recently. is it your impression we are just getting the scaifl this? how much more of this can we expect? >> i think if you cast your mind to the camps of the wars in bofns yah wherebosnia you had people in photographs, skeletal people, we're talking the say sort of situation as the nazi death camps in world war ii. people starved so they can't even support their body. the smugglers have no sympathy and no humanity and their treatment of these victims these migrants whose only offense has been to seek a better life has been absolutely profound and shocking and with the coni'vance of theconnivanceever local authorities
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. it is only to be expected that there's going to be a degree of conivance. we'll see optimism and hope now that the countries in the region have decided to come together and give them at least temporary refuge. >> there's been an appeal from the malasian government to help, do you think that's what's needed? >> of course. international help is absolutely what's needed to protect the migrants to make sure they are not further exploited but also help in the countries of origin, to reduce the qualities and give people a reason to stay for
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their families and their lives. >> thank you very much indeed for be joining us. i.s.i.l. fighters have reportedly set the biggest oil refinery on fire. the capital baghdad iraqi security forces are now advancing towards beiji. to retake it. from baghdad imran khan reports. >> reporter: fighters from the islamic state of iraq and the levant who are inside the refinery have set fire to parts of it in a bid to stop advances by iraqi security forces. i.s.i.l. have set off at least nine car killing many is iraqi security forces. say the destruction is hindering their efforts to recapture the refinery. >> translator: we are about two kilometers radius from the
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refinery yet it is in open terrain in which i.s.i.l. have rigged it with boopy trapped trenches sand bakers and road sigh bombs. the enemy is desperate and lost manpower and fire power now and therefore is trying different methods to hold our advance. >> reporter: the facility has been hard fought over for nine months different times claiming one side or the other is in control. major source of income whoever is in control of it. it is unclear why i.s.i.l. would set fire to it. we have seen i.s.i.l. use these type of tactics before particularly the car bombs in ramadi when they took this city just ten days ago. this might be a direct push to keep the security forces out for good. imran khan, be al jazeera
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baghdad. >> i.s.i.l. controlled city of palmyra, killed 200 people in and around the ancient cities city since capturing it last week. the war in syria has force ed empeople the look for safety in lebanon but the fears are growing the risk of disease in the refugee camps there. omar saleh reports. >> took his livestock with him. some died on the way to lebanon. others were sold. only seven sheep and goats from his herd made it. >> translator: how can i leave it behind? it's part of my grandfather's tradition. we earn our living from them. how can i leave it behind. >> reporter: it's been estimated there are 60% rise in
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the number of livestock in the area near the border with syria. some of them have brought their livestock with them. because the war has stopped the delivery of animal vaccinations, the risk of animal transport of disease has increased. large number of animals arrived without proper health checks. some farmers have reported new diseases over the past two years. the most common foot and mouth which causes ulcers. the alarm is over a influence disease known as lumpy skin. the united nations food and agricultural organization says it has killed some cattle. >> lumpy skin disease has appeared in syria iraq and
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lebanon. a large number of cattle in lebanon, especially dairy cattle are very small growers they own two, three four cows they are landless and poor and if one cow dies that is one-third of your herd. >> reporter: these cows are now immune but they need to be closely watched. cross border phrasing between syria and lebanon existed before the war started. it is impossible to follow the herd and its instinct. for him going back to syria is a dream, if it happens he's taking his wife and children along with his goats and sheep. omar saleh, al jazeera. >> stolen by gunmen and moved to
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one of the city's neighborhoods. houthi gunmen had reportedly been fighting over the tanker. form he israeli prime minister ehudeeehud ol metro. ol merltolmert has been sentencedto prison time. stillto come, a bakery offering solace to former at least ten people have been killed after a tornado hit
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the mexican border city of okuna. hundreds of thoams have been destroyed --homes have been destroyed. adam rainey is live in mexico city. give us an update on the latest from there. >> reporter: this was a category 4 tornado. that's a strong tornado. winds were in excess of 300 kilometers per hour. tornadoes like this are extremely aware in mexico and that's why civil protection in mexico has told us they really weren't prepared for this. even though they are across the border from texas most of those are taking place in the northern part of texas tornado
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alley. win car wrapped a bit around the house, so it's a big storm and it caught people by surprise. >> and how bad is it at the moment in terms of you mentioned they were unprepared. are they starting to cope with the aftermath? >> reporter: well, the governor of the state of couela the state this tornado was in, is visiting right now. it is deemed as a natural disaster and clearly there are resources being handed over to the state to deal with this. although it is a big storm resources are isolated. although the death toll might rise, so far we haven't seen dozens of deaths we have seen out of tornadoes in the.united states. it is created a great of hafng
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in a city of only 100,000 people. >> adam, thank you very much indeed. one region in oklahoma which has been hit had been experiencing a serious drought. residents say the damage caused is the worst they've seen and they fear more harsh weather will be ton way. gabriel elizondo has the report. >> reporter: underwater, that's how they felt by being battered by pounding rain and flooding. a few people have died. thousands have been evacuated hundreds left their homes in the wake of the storms and there are people missing. small towns in central texas bore the brunt of the damage like in wim wimberly. his wife and two kids are still missing. >> we have whole streets which have one or two houses left on them and the rest are slabs.
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>> when you walk down here you can tell, it will take months to repair these houses. >> people have been warmed to stay away. >> there are power lines down, debris in the roadways. bridges undermined. this is not the time to start moving. this is the largest floods in the history of this region. it is significant in this impact. it is different from any other flood we've ever had. >> in.clairemoor alabama a firefighter was swept into the flow and drowned. the area was suffering from a serious drought. no more. now people are hoping for an end to the rain but no more, forecasters expect another storm
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to hit in the next couple of days. gabriel elizondo, al jazeera. huge queues at the petrol pumps. new government due to be sworn in in nigeria in just a few days time. people this abuja say they have been faced with sleeping in a queue. >> i slept overnight. >> .i wish to feed my family well thrts no money. >> i have never noticed until i do since yesterday just i was in a queue. i even slept here and up until now i've never got to fill and i cannot say what is the reason. >> al jazeera's ahmed idris is
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in cano and the strike has taken its toll. >> this is one of the few stations selling the commodity in cano. no matter how long it takes they can still get a little bit of fuel. what is hached happening here as well as other petrol stations across the country is reflected in other areas of life in nigeria. he electricity which was down to 3,000 megawatts is down to 1500 megawatts for a huge population. all strike by oil workers union for current predicament. there are also outings outstanding issues. airlines banks hospitals and even telecommunications companies are considering shutting down their operations or scaling back, simply because of the energy crisis in nigeria.
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transportation cost has gone up and cost of goods and services are also on the rise. fuel cues and power cuts are no news here, people have gotten used to them but this threatens to closing down all the business in nigeria just days before a new government comes in office. >> rallies in bujumbura burundi. protests against the president's decision to run for a third term. haru mutasa from bujumbura. >> people seem more adamant and defiant this time the plan is to eventually get into the city center. the police know this and they are on the ground in pretty much
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every neighborhood. they'll try to block them from the city center. people are trying to get as many people possible involved in this process. they have gone to the markets and they're telling the women in the market to shut down the market they can't sell, they want them all to come onto the street, that is the strategy for now, when you get a lot of people gathered you can march into the city center and that's where the big protesters will actually take place. it seems people are defiant despite the people being on the rates to and they have one message for presidents: they don't want him to run for a third term. >> preliminary election results will be released in a couple of hours from the ethiopian elections. the opposition has accused the ruling power of using repressive
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measures to really in power. a siege in hell mundmonde province in afghanistan. jennifer glasse has the story. >> according to the distribute police chief the headquarters are surrounded, seven afghan soldiers and nine supplemental been killed in this fighting that is now still going on. if his forces don't get help they might move the headquarters themselves. we understand the siege has been going on for practically the entire day. the taliban has captured a lot of area and have the headquarters surrounded.
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>> remind us why this area is so important. >> it is a big drug producing area the taliban has invested very heavily in hellmond, and not known this district but all along helmond proafns the province,th the taliban forces have kept the taliban from capturing any district centers. that is a very, very serious certainly escalation in this. very fierce fighting season since the taliban launched their spring offensive last month. they are fighting in ten provinces across afghanistan not only in hellmond but among the east and the south. very very fierce fighting, the
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first year that afghan forces are not fighting with nato forbes. they don't have the he logistics and air support they had last year. >> okay, thank you jennifer glasse. india severe heat wave. in the states of telengana and utra pradesh. forecasters say it could continue for another two weeks. still to come on the newshour. we'll tell you who has benefited more from a political campaign in spain. plus. >> i'm allen drew simmons -- i'm
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>> hello gen a reminder of the toptories here on al jazeera. a tunisian soldier has shot dead seven of his colleagues at a military base in tunis. the man was then killed. the administration says the attack was not linked to terrorism and the man had social issues. 139 graves believed to contain the bodies of human trafficking victims discovered on the border of malaysia and thailand. dozens of homes and cars have been destroyed in mexico near the border with texas. it's been a month since the magnitude 7.8 earthquake hit nepal, killing 8,000.
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a momentum of silence was held to remember the victims. those who were involved in the owner effort of recovery formed ahuman shield. the government estimates that reconstruction could cost $7 billion. more than a million private homes and public buildings have been destroyed. a lot of the country's money come from tourists. climbing routes are closed, half of nepal's historical attractions have been flattened. harry fawcett is in kathmandu with special coverage one month on. >> the most severely hit 95% of villages all but razed to the ground.
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the news wasn't good, they'd been killed. he went back to see how reshma and her family were coping. >> the last, can't hide the pain. what this area last been going through test the.endurance. this is what passes for aid handsout some shelter. a mother and her baby were buried in this rubble. for three days, the family watched as the search continued. reshma kept clinging to the hope that her mother and baby brother were alive. her grandmother feared the worse and when the bodies were found there was no dignity. just a crowd watching an earth mover take the bodies in front of their family.
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a daughter disstrawt. they wentdistraught.they went through traditional 13 days of mourning. >> i'd love to get my life back but the repeated tremors have affected the mental state of everyone in the village. it's not just me with my loss. it's difficult to think of a plan to rebuilt. we fear another earthquake. >> reshma looks to her grandmother instead of her mother now but what was left of her childhood may have also gone with her loss. she makes sure grandma stays her medication. >> translator: we don't have a home and we're compelled to live like this. the rains of coming and i don't know who will help us. >> reporter: reshma also makes sure the lives stock next door are fed on time.
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there's little difference between the animal shelter and what has to serve as the family home these days. neighbors are determined to change that. .are demolishing what used to be their oppose. self-help is the only commodity in good supply. good use but only temporary shelter. reshma's father knows that there's hard work ahead. this isresham's parents house needs a rebuild, and this is his house the entire second floor has collapsed and it's going to have to be dmom ished and rebuilt. demolished and rebuilt.
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they do have the inner resolve to rebuild. there are bound to be moments where reshma must feel discouraged. but her family is determined to overcome the destruction and loss. andrew simmons, al jazeera nepal. >> the months after the natural disafs my colleague sabina shreshta spoke to some of the children and find out what's being done to take a look care of them. >> all of them lost their homes in the earthquake and the be avalanches that fold. this is what's left from their village seen from the air.
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rooms -- wounds are still raw here. both physical and mental. they girl is ten. she has not been able to cry. my heart hurts she says. my mother grandmother and brother got buried. nema had a mother but she's gone. >> translator: my uncle went to look for my mother, they only found her shoe. >> my mother left us when we were young. now my father is zed. .dad's brother and brother are dead. my dad answer stir and her husband are dead. my cousins were at school and are alive. most of the children study in kathmandu, the district headquarters when avalanches and
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landslides swept the valley many of them lost their parents many still don't know what happened to them. people in the community don't know how to break the news to the children. >> children who were at school here have been told that their parents are in the village. they will go into a shock. anything can happen to them. >> reporter: spaller avalanches and landslides haven't stopped yet, make recovery efforts difficult. villagers are still counting the dead. these people have nowhere to return to. the children who lost their parents are yet to realize that they've also lost their place in the world. sabina shresta , al jazeera
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kathmandu. people are doing everything they can to look after themselves, look after each other even if they're still trying to go to work and form some sense of a normal life for their children. that has been celebrated but in many instances people have seen i.t. as a sign that the help expected from the country as they try and cope with an an whoimg an overwhelming disaster. back to you. >> i understand you've been helping some of those who are most vulnerable. can you tell us about that? >> yes. that's true. away we have done, we have set up 15 daycare centers in kathmandu valley in areas that
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were hard hit so that the children don't have to play in the rubble all day. and they are being taught by the teachers in the -- volunteer teachers from the area schools and they have art and singing around dancing and a big meal every day. we have established shelters in the villages that have been hard hit in the gorka and doloka district because some people have lost their parents and they have no shelter no food, nobody to help them. we'll take care of these children -- >> we understand that sorryto intruvment you. i understand some traffickers tried to get hold of some of these children. tell me what happened about that. >> well, last week the police called us and said we have just
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rescued 35 girls from these vulnerable villages, and we've arrested the traffickers and we don't know what to do with these children. can you shelter them. and so we took custody of them and they actually camped out in my garden in tents for a couple of days until they were reunited with their parents. the police say be ready to have this happen again because it is a real problem. >> you were there when the earthquake struck and was your house damaged as well? >> well, i was there. my house is damaged but it's still standing. and i actually, i sheltered 50 people because i have a large garden and there were lots of people very little open space in kathmandu it's very crowded and people knew i had a big garden. and so they came and they stayed for several days, actually. and it was -- the earthquake
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happened four hours before my 90th birthday party was supposed to happen. so no party. >> no indeed. >> but people -- yeah i was about the only person in kathmandu who slept indoors because i'm a california girl and accustomed to shaking. everybody was terrified terrified. >> you must be concerned about the monsoon season starting soon. do you think there's enough profession -- provision for peoplehelping people with that coming on. >> actually the premonday as soon as have started the situation is going to be terrible because if people are shell terk in tents can't stay in tents during monsoon. the rain is so intense, it is impossible. shelter during monsoon is an
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absolute necessity and we're trying to work on that by providing metal sheeting that they can put up. and we have a plan to rebuild to legal homeowners rebuild a thousand homes their own homes. >> okay, olga murray, thank you very much indeed. >> the monsoon will be very difficult. >> thank you very much indeed aboutolga murray. after four years of severe spending cuts and a string of corruption scandals, tim friend records, the test of national mood after the owner elections in november. >> reporter: the established parties were punished by the electorate for austerity. and the newspapers predicted a
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new era of austerity. it quickly became clear that this man would play a be lead role. be the leader pablo iglesias. >> translator: to continue our part of the political transformation of this country. >> reporter: from barcelona to madrid there were celebrations as candidates from the smaller parties triumphed. >> discontent has driven voters to other groups to rectify the other problems. >> reporter: people have spoken and will continue to do so. i'm proud that madrid and barcelona have marked the beginning of a new phase. >> what we have here is a new
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trend. they must come down from the clouds negotiate talk and find new solutions. >> reporter: the prime minister marriano mahoy and hi party, will face a run-off in november. >> the big question for me is whether they'll be able to form a government and what kind of government will they form? will it have to be a coalition government or rule in the minority? >> after just a few years it could be on the brink of holding the balance of power in spain. tim friend, al jazeera. >> poland party celebrating its national election win. andre duda answer party won by
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52%. less business-friendly or civic party. a few years ago the unemployment rate of young u.s. soldiers returning from combat was nearly 30 years. years -- nearly 30%. kimberly halkett reports about one jesuit priest who is trying to start combat that. >> reporter: scott baker fought when he was 19 years old when he came back to the united states he couldn't find a job. >> when someone thinks of a veteran they think of a ptsd veteran. >> scott wound up at the dog tag bakery. the name comes from the dog tags that soldiers wear.
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father rick curry helped create the bakery after he learned that many u.s. veterans needed hem. >> i ran a small mail order bakery business in maine and i saw how the disabled veterans loved the bakery and i thought that's it i'll start the bakery. >> the soldiers said father cushy will be their inspiration. >> he is such a mentor. >> and he's helping these veterans transition their battlefield experience. >> i was a paratrooper which basically means i jumped out of airplanes with explosive. >> there is a shared work ethic and camaraderie at the bakery.
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>> you go to the bakery to be happy. i wanted this turned into an sphere that would be happy that entertaining between the ved be rans with disability and the able-boded word, to convince that into something happy. >> reporter: sales are increasing every month. kimberly halkett, al jazeera washington. >> up next sport. sport.
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>> hello again for the theater lovers in new york watching a play often means sitting inside a large room with a lot of other people but it may be ang intimate experience kristin saloomey reports. >> follow the red carpet to see one of five free shows lasting around three minutes and performed just by you. >> i was very badly injured shot 74 times. >> reporter: it's called theater for one. the space is designed to be a very intimate experience for one. the idea is to make you more
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comfortable in what can be an unconfidentably int pat environment. >> they don't know how to react not to deflect them. >> it was very nice, not what i expected at all but i thought the arbitrate was very interesting, trawg me in. >> he was very good, very good indeed. >> the stage manager runs the show award winning set designer christine jones came up with the idea. >> when you go into a booth with someone, it's like holding a microscope up to that individual and we thought it was interesting to be in this transient place and bring an audience member into this sort of portal where everything slows
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down and becomes more intimate and focused. >> the actors perform their pieces anywhere from 12 o20 times a day and never know what to expect from the audience. >> sitting there there's no other cares it's not that communal feeling you get when you go to a traditional theater it's just you. so number 1 do i participate? number two do i pull back because i don't want to get in the way? but we've had varied experience, where people want to speak with us. >> i can see you weren't expecting me. >> each play is inspired by the phrase, "i'm not the person you think i am." kristin saloomey, al jazeera new york. >> breaking news from real
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madrid. >> getting rid of their coach fired by real madrid. club president making the announcement the last hour. angelotti, gaining that job last year. be assignment toissues to. >> the be directors have adopted the decision to be relieve carlo angelotti from his position as be manager of real madrid. carlo angelotti has been well respected, he is the trainer who got us to the tent european cup.
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but as you ho with real madrid it also demands the best and we think it's time for a new chapter to win new tournaments in the new era. >> alvez out of contract next o says he will make a final decision about his future after the champions league against aventis. >> not at any price i'm not talking about money. i deserve respect. what i've done not a lot of people have. that's why i deserve that respect. if i'm not respected i'll look for another place where i will get the be respect i deserve. >> mareno's team, parade thrust west london. they won the title with three games to spare.
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chelsea manager says his team can also get better. >> thank you for everything, for all the support. enjoying the players in the place they love so much. book another place for the parade of next season. i hope we can give you that. >> unbelievable, we've waited five years for this. thank you you're the best fans and we love you. >> norwich will be joining chelsea next year. promotion to the league worth $185 million. the palestine liberation organization says israeli security restrictions are limiting the movement of palestinian players and visiting teams.
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visited the region last week to try and broker a compromise. the issue is supposed to be discussed at a fifa meeting later on this year. >> the israeli football association has chosen to continue being a tool for the apartheid rather than one for peace. i have to say the israeli association is fairing the political agenda of their extremist government. if. >> thid seed andy murray, has just was an early loser. the span yeard going out in straight sets to world number 74 74 thoams b rurvetion --
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burrdish is safely into the next round. >> waiting store me trying to improving smiex i'm feeling well i'm feetle physically, mentally strong and that's the best possible start i can have and just now be patient working for two weeks and try to go as far as i can. >> highest ranked woman to exit this time, beat the 14th seed in three sets. first time advanceka singles 2007. >> she's not really my favorite one. and i gis its not not getting better even when we are trying
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the do everything. so i just want to forget about that and focus on grassy guess. >> defending champion maria sharapova, seeded 2 behind vienna williams. -- behind be serena williams. >> closing in on a series win over houston best of 7 series with a comfortable win on saturday. know team has come back from ooh a 3-1 deficit.
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>> whenever you can show up at big games and when it matters most, we still are a lot of work to do so hopeful we can keep our focus and get our wins. >> broken ankle coming up with one crew member as be james davis ran into two of his crew members. math toyomattoya lynn. >> that's all for me, mary ann will be here with more news for
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>> a tunisian soldier guns down seven of his colleagues inside a military barracks. hello, i'm mary ann namazi, you're watching al jazeera from london. also coming up. mass graves and prison cages found in jungle. fuel shortages banks shut down and businesses in nigeria. plus. >> i'm wayne hay reporting from
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