tv News Al Jazeera May 26, 2015 7:00pm-8:01pm EDT
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>> this is aljazeera america live from new york city, i'm tony harris. remaining the police, the justice department plans to overhaul cleveland easy police force. deluge in texas. several have died and many more missing, and time running out. we talked to one of the architects of the freedom acts about curbing governments eavesdropping.
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and we begin this evening with a major overhaul for the city of cleveland's police department. changes that will significantly limit an officer's abilities to use force under strict new guidelines from the justice department. the deal comes just days after a cleveland police officer was found not guilty of manslaughter in the fatal shooting of an unarmed black couple. the judge's decision to acquit that officer prompted some protests. and cleveland's mayor spoke today about the new rules. >> today may 26th 2015, marks a new city of cleveland. one built on the foundation of progressive change, and sustained trust and accountability. as i said in the past, our goal it 1 to have real reform that will be sustainable. >> bc joins us now from detroit with more on this.
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and bisi, tell us tell tell us more about these new rules. >> tony, there will be a number of changes under 24 new agreement for one police officers will have to follow new protocol when it comes to using excessive force and they also plan to put an emphasis on community policing, as well as biasas-free missile. today's announcement comes five noz months after the doy released a new report that showed that the police department had a history and pattern of using excessive force. bonita gupta said that the change is on the way to cleave clev and this agreement 14 serve as a model for other cities in the country. >> mural constitutional policingpolicing is the key to building back trust. but what is remarkable about cleveland and this agreement is that it reflects the decision of community members, law enforcement leaders and city
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officials to do the difficult work that's required to address systemic issues that can undermine cooperation between the police and large parts of the community and there by reduce public safety for all of urt us. today cleveland demonstrates to the rest of the country that people can come together across perceived differences for a safer and more just city. >> today's developments comes a few days after a cleveland police officer was acquitted in the undeaths of two unarmed black people back in 2012. as i know, this is one of the several high-profile cases in cleveland. and i'm said that told that an independent monitor will be named in a couple of weeks. >> bisi, the clock is running on these and how long would could it take for these reforms to be put in place. >> according to the player, tony, it could take a while. and it could be an expensive
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process, and it could take up to five years to really get the ball rolling on this, and there seems to be an understanding that bridging the gap between the police and many of those in the black community will take time. >> that this agreement addresses, it didn't rise in a day, and we're not going to get rid of them owner owner. compliance with in agreement which means truly systemic change, and i say this as a clevelander, it's going to be hard work. >> and i also want to point out that it's important to notes that cleveland 1 still waiting to hear what's going to happen with a couple of high-profile case. one of them with the shooting death of 12-year-old samir rice, who was shot and killed by a police officer last year. he was playing with a toy gun. again, we're waiting to see
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what the decision will be with that case, and i'm told that that can that can ham any day now. >> bisi with us in detroit. and thank you. joining us from cleveland 1 patrick lachland, the district attorney for the northern district of cleveland and good to talk with you. let's start here. 105 pages chalk full of recommendations, and this is not the first time that the department has been investigated by the justice department but am i right to say this is the first time that the city has entered into something like this, a consent ki country with the doj? >> that's correct tony, and by the way i remember you from your days in cleveland. nice to be with you. that's correct. ten years ago the department investigated the city cleveland but it was not subject to a consent decree or monitor but this one is.
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a 100 page decree was found with the district court. very detailed and specific, and once the court signs off on that, the parties have, by the agreement, 90 days to agree on an independent monitor and if not, other steps have to be taken, and the court will select. >> what is the rule of the monitor here? how much time to actually find a monitor? >> well, as i say the parties center 90 90 -- have 90 days to agree or the court will appoint one, but it has page after page of the duties of the independent monitor. very specific, and very intense in terms of records to the court for the community meetings in the community meetings with both sides, 10 the job of independent monitor
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will be very important. >> you know, patrick if i'm in the finance department of the city of cleveland today and i look at 24105-paged report and recommendations, and i'm looking through and saying, boy, it's going to cost us 24 month much, this can be expensive stuff, correct? >> mayor jackson made that point today at the preference, which was attended by the u.s. attorney and the attorney general of the civil rights division. and the mayor was very precise in pointing out that the city of cleveland which is not a wealthy city, does not have the money right now to implement a consent decree, which he said would cost millions of dollars. he's reaching out to the business community and he indicated to the charitable, perhaps the foundation community in the greater cleveland area to see whether or not they mime assist the city in implementing this decree. >> i kind of leave this to you
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here. the department concluded in december the practice of using reasonable force force violation of the 4th amendment, including shootings head strikes with impact weapons. recall tall tore use of force tasers chemical sprays, fists as well as force against people who were mentally ill or in crisis. now, you change policy. is it possible to change a police department's culture? >> absolutely. and i believe we're going to find out in cleveland to the extent those allegations are warranted. i have to say that from the beginning, the mayor of the city of cleveland has stated that the city does not accept the allegations and in fact, the statement was also made in the joint motion today with the court. but the city 1 1 committed to
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the reforms and the city is saying we're not agreeing with everything in the doj report, but we're agreeing to all of the reforms in the agreement. >> patrick i worked there for a lot of years and i love the city, and i love it a lot more now that lebron james 1 back. but how did cleveland keep it together in the aftermath of officer brelo on a manslaughter charge? >> tony, on the national and international stage this past weekend, i think cleveland acquitted itself quite well. but that's due to a lot of hard work by the chief of police, the law enforcement and the civil rights organizations and the pastors and the black community, and all of the various 10 called minority
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groups. everybody worked hard to make sure that cleveland did not become a baltimore or a ferguson, 10 i take my hat off to the members of the cleveland community, that ensured that we did not turn violent. >> yeah, patrick great to see you, and here's hoping that you get that deposition as monitor there, and watch over 24 case. patrick mclaughlin, the former district attorney of ohio. and totally unsolicited. thank you for your your time. police in baltimore are reassigning officers in the community after nine people were killed in gun violence over the communities. that brings the terms to 20 injuries also reported over the three-day weekend. it is the deadliest month in 15 years, and angry protests over freddie gray who died of injuries after his his arrest. chicago saw a spike in violence
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over the weekend. 12 people were killed. and the city has frequently seen a rise in violence over the memorial day weekend throughout the summer months. 130 homicides have been reported in chicago since january, and now to isil and the fight to take back the city city of ramadi. they have fought to get isil fighters out of anbar press of an of anbar province. >> the security officers gathered on edge of ramadi to. it is likely to be a long operation. there are reports of isil fighters preparing to meet the government security forces. backed by shia militia, many of which are supported by iran and led by the united states. the iraqi army 1 also gearing
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up with other operations, with border crosses from syria to anbar. it's feared that isil fighters could push into baghdad. to prevent that from happening this man 1 securing the outskirts of the capital. the town 1 just 30 kilometers from baghdad 1 being fort filed. >> we're fighting a psychological war. isil 1 having an effective media campaign against us, has been accused of retreating, and we're not. we are preparing for the fall of ramadi. since the president brought them under the command of iraqi government each militia has it's own identity. but all fight under this banner, including this. fortifying bag ball comes with many challenges. the last place in anbar press conference from baghdad.
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it's likely that we'll see more scenes like this, and fears of what comes next are common here. as long as we sunnis are marginalized it will take a long time. there are sunnis willing to join the fight. >> they have opened and closed this bridge, concerned that isis fighters will enter disguised as displaced people. iraq has a huge challenge on its hands securing the press conference and defeating isil, but also securing baghdad as well. many say that if baghdad falls then isil will have won. and that there are other challenges finding homes there for these people, fleeing the violence and making sure that they get back home eventually. aljazeera, on the bridge on the outskirts of anbar press conference. >> so let's look at closer at this with our national
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correspondent, jamie mcintyre. how much faith does the u.s. really have in this operation given the comments days ago from the defense secretary that the iraqi forces lacked the will to fight? >> tony, there has been a lot of finger appointing, and iraqi forces on the ground and named the problem of lack of support from the shiite government, giving them what they need, including simple things like ammunition. yes, there are shortcomings, but they say that the iraqi forces in ramadi have a 10-1 numerical advantage over the attacking isil forces, and they had a substantial combat advantage. they were 7,000 iraqi security forces in the city and 3,000 additional forces, including
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federal police and special operations, and they were attacked by about 1,000 isil attackers, and yet, there were some things that sort of scooped the defenders including a series of devastating car bomb attacks and a stand storm that raised questions about air cover but the government said nothing would really excuse the way that the forces retreated. the courthouse white house 6 -- the white house said that non-none of them were train by the u.s., recently trained u.s. forces, and that's something that the white house was quick to point out. >> we would expect that forces that are augmented by u.s. and coalition train troops, forces that are august mobilitied by local fighters from local sunni tribes and from the popular mobilization force will be able to improve the performance performance of the iraqis on the battlefield against isil. >> 10 the pent gone officials
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are telling me, tony, that these troops, despite the fact that they had a big advantage psyched themselves out and they begin began to think that isil was winning and there was nothing to get the troops to stand up. once one elite unit began to leave, others followed suit. and that's what they believe happened in ramadi. >> okay, i want to ask you what the u.s. 1 doing. i know that the training 1 going on. but what did the u.s. do to help this particular operation jamie? >> well, you know the forces have amassedda try to retake the city. and they will give the u.s. air power, but the sand storms on the ground mr. not affect them. and they're also, by the way rushing 2,000 anti-tank weapons, and they think that's significant. because one of the things that demoralized the iraqis 1 a truck bombs. it killed about 100 in ramadi,
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and that really sort of demoral island some of the troops there, and they should not have, for a force that size, the anti-tank weapons to stop those kinds of bombs that can do that much damage. >> jamie mcintyre for us, and houston has been nearly paralyzed by floodwaters. a food of rain fell overnight and trains are shut down, all pass transit shut down, and drivers are encouraged to stay off the roads. the flooding has devastated the small town of in w when. hemberly texas just west of san marcus.
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it caused a significant loss of life. i have, as governor declared disaster declarations from literally. >> what more are they saying today? >> well, tony, you just heard governor abbott describe it as a tsunami and that's what it looked like. over the weekend a wall of water, 46 feet tall, hit this bridge behind me. miraculously the bridge survived but the wall of water took 72 homes with t just on the other side of the bridge 1 the small town of wimberley texas, and you can see a vacation home that was once on the river and there were two families staying in a similar home upstream, and they're plunge the missing. 13 people in all are still
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missing, and witnesses describe that home being torn off of its foundation by the wall of water before crashing on into the bridge and breaking into pieces of the. of the 13 people, several are unaccounted for three of them are young children, two bodies have been found in the county, but they're currently unidentified. and as you heard from governor abbott, he has declared the disaster conditions in 47 counties in texas. in houston which saw the brunt of rainfall overnight, more than 11 inches hitting in just a few hours. and there was massive flooding hitting every part of the city. more than 500 people rescued from the water. and they had to abandon cars, 2500 vehicles left stranded after the drivers fled. now there are three dead in huse and many others missing. >> that's pretty nasty stuff in the houston area.
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heidi, we're going to check in with kevin in just a moment here, but it looks like there's more rain in the forecast. what are the officials saying about that? >> reporter: that's right specifically here in wimberley we're looking for a respite of a couple of days, but there's forecast more rain next weekend. and the problem is, because of the ground, the rivers, the lakes in texas are 10 saturated. and any additional rainfall, tony will once again heighten the danger of flooding. >> heidi zhou-castro in wimberley texas. and basketball fans riding out the storm in wants toyota center in last night's game. but the rockets, there were a number of those who stayed in the arena some cars overturned and there were 130 water rescues overnight. and then there's a high school senior.
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alissa ramirez star athlete homecoming queen, she was swept away while driving home from her prom. just a couple of weeks ago per we were talking about texas income the grip of the drought. kevin is here now and kevin we get to this place with storms and they're just one after the other. >> that's right, we have been locked in place in the atmosphere and it's causing texas and oklahoma to 10th so much rain in the last weeks unprecedented. and i don't know if i've senior seen this before in my career, but we roll this back to last evening. let's put it into motion, and you see how the line of thunderstorms really developed across the area, and then it came over to houston. some of the heaviest rain was just to the southwest of the mainly area of the city. up in houston 10.9 inches of rain and down in richmond, we
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saw 11.35, and most of 24 area is still, a lot of the highways and the local roads are still underwater making it very difficult to get from one place in the city to the other. we have seen a lot of rain in the area, and it's moving to the east, over toward parts of alabama, and we have seen very heavy rain showers across that area. we're not 10:the severity of the weather. but we're seeing a lot of downpours across the region. as we go back to texas we're seeing very active weather up here to the west of dallas, tornado warnings have been shul in that area right here. and we're going to be watching northern texas carefully for severe weather. but down here, we're still looking at flood warnings and watches in the area, and as heidi said, we see more rain as we go into the week. >> thank you kevin. and congress goes on recess. without a deal that lets the
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is here. >> $55 billion charter's deal would create a new u.s. cable giant with 24 million photo customers, and that will be second in size to comcast. the combined company. comcast, which has 27 million homes on its own walked away from a $45 billion deal to buy time-warner cable. 10 billion dollars less. and that fell apart because of pressure from regulators, who didn't like the fluer one and number two cable companies merging. the government was worried that they would be able to undermine netflix and the bigger comcast would have more than half of the country's high-speed internet customers and when comcast bought nbc universal years ago they made promise that's they didn't entirely keep. 10 the regulators were not too happy about the comcast
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time-warner deal, and they might be happier about 24 one. >> what are the odds that they meet with the approval of regulator? >> they met largely because the bined company won't center as much clout in the broadband marketplace. they will have 25 mega bits per second. and that's important because that's the fcc's new benchmark for broad band. comcast time partner warner would have controlled at least 57% of that market. and that means that's fcc1 a lot less worried. the chairman, tom we'llened said that everything in the public interest, to see how american consumers might benefit from this sort of deal, they clearly showed some interest in it. >> who else 1 on the program?
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>> they have pumped into iraq since the u.s. invasion of 2003. it's looking like the return on investment 1 a little worse than we thought. i'm going to talk to experts on whether the iraqi military 1 capable of taking on isil ill. you will remember 24 weekend the secretary of defense said that the iraqi army seems to have lost it's will to fight. >> you can watch ali velshi on target at 7:30 pacific here on aljazeera america. >> behind closed doors. an american jailed in iran. and student debt can be crippling, but one woman found a way around it.
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national security agency's own collection program 1 stalled in the senate. justified by the program it expires on sunday. and today president obama urged congress not to let that happen. >> this needs to get done, and i would urge folks to work through whatever issues can still exist. and make sure that we don't have on midnight sunday night this task still undone, because it's necessary to keep the american people safe and secure. >> while the president urged the house to pass the bill, a rare session on sunday was called to see what to do about it. u.s. congressman jerry adler coauthored the u.s. freedom act. and i asked him what led to the standoff. >> we have this unacceptable mess with surveillance, and we want to stop it.
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the house after two years passed a very good bill. one of the authors of it. and it basically was the u.s. freedom act. many things that i don't agree with but we have a very good bill. senator leahy introduced the same bill in the senate. and senator mcconnell -- they want to renew it for five years, and of course the section that was misinterpreted to authors most of the surveillancix spires may 30th 30th. may 31st. 10 the senator called a filibuster in an attempt to extend it. and the house is not going to vote to extend it by a day or an hour. >> 10 no extensions. not a day or a week. >> 24th -- they are going to
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come in on sunday either to adopt the u.s. freedom act or let it expire >> so we're talking about three provisions that would expire that are key here. >> one 1 key and two of them aren't. but the section 215, it was misinterpreted the courts were misinterpreted to authorize surveillance expires may 31st. >> 10 back to the original question. why is this happening? why 1 senator mcconnell and his group holding us up? >> i can only speculate. number one i think they were invested psychological plea in the mass surveillance. anything that reduces surveillance increases risk 140 to national security, which 1 anonymous, because you provide for u.s. security more than adequately in the u.s. freedom
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act. as they saw that we will not budge, and we will not extend it, at this point i think it's a question of saving face. >> does the u.s. freedom act vindicate with an act of congress because of the disclosures made by edward snowden? >> it certainly vendcates some of them. snowden did a public service by telling us about the illegal surveillance unconstitutional, massive surveillance that was going on. >> the usa freedom act does it give the court the kind of of feet that we thought it was going to center in the beginning where you had to demonstrate real probable cause? >> it makes two changes. the problem is, the problem was one, it was a secret court and it only hears the argument -- >> from the government side >> so the government comes in,
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and me say, you want to have a warrant on joe blow because we think he's a spy or a terrorist, you don't want to publicize that. >> you don't want us to know that you're observing him. and secondly, they decide that section 215 authorizes surveillance. nobody authorized that, and nobody can appeal that because we didn't know it. under the usa freedom act the novel decision, any significant decision of the court must be made public within a few days. and had that been in effect, even with the court having heard the argument against it, saying section 215 authorized the surveillance, they would have published it. and congress would have known about it, and people would have appealed to a higher court, to a different court. and congress would have known about it and said that's not what we mental. >> 10 final word on 24.
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the usa freedom act gets passed on sunday by the u.s. senate. >> i certainly hope 10. if it doesn't the what you will ex spire, and section 215 will expire, and the surveillance will expire anyway. i hope that it passes because it does 1078 things besides this. and it's a very very well thought out compromise bill. >> the irs today confirmed that cyber criminals have gained access to information from more than 100,000 taxpayers. the i.d. thieves use online applications get transcripts which calls up from previous, and the agency says that it will now strengthen security measures.
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jason 1 facing espionage charges in tehran. jonathan betz joins us. >> jason finally appeared in court. the 39-year-old journalist faces charges of espionage accused of working with a hostile government. he was arrested at his home in july, and since then, he has largely been in isolation and he has only seen his particular once. he faces one of iran's most most notorious judges. his family is worried about his health and the state department says that it's absurd and blasted them for the lack of transparency. >> he should have never been detained or put on trial in the first place. >> now, many are demanding that he be released immediately.
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and he could face up to 20 years in prison. defenders say that it's a bargaining chip for leverage as the u.s. and iran try to work a deal over iran's nuclear program. >> jason has not been allowed to speak publicly, but an idea of what he's experiencing. several years ago, she was held for a number of days in the same prison, and she was also charged with espionage. and she's with us now. you know what, roxanne a. he has not been able to speak publicly. you were able to call a press conference and interview with journalists from your cell. who spoke for you on your behalf? >> political prisoners are kept from the outside. and my captor said that i was a spy, which 1 very frustrating when you can't share your own side of the story and counter
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their lies. but after some weeks my parents were able to come to iran. >> thanks for your story by the way. >> thank. >> and the state departments came forward and president obama as well? >> and yes and then the japanese government, because my mom is japanese, and the european union and france, and i was very lucky. >> he's charged with espionage and you were too and were you able to participates in helping to prepare your defense? >> well, 23 you call it defense, because the trial was pretty much a farce, i would say. >> a show trial? >> yes and i'm not the only one that had that kind of experience. other former political prisoners would say the same thing, but basically i felt that the decision had been made before the trial even started. they were going to say that i was guilty, that i was a spy. i had an attorney, but not every attorney can be approved by the authorities there. they only allow allow you to
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have certain attorneys and my attorney said that he was under pressure, and they presented a false confession that i had given and later recanted. >> which happens often in these cases. >> it does often that political prisoners are pressured to make false confessions about themselves and others, and these are used as political propaganda. and they say they're not fames we gots the statements out of them. >> we heard jonathan talking about it a moment ago did you feel that when you were being held ur you were a political pawn? >> well, when you're in the situation, you have a lot of time to think, 10 i had a lot of time to think of why they took me. and i was arrested shortly after president obama was inaugurated for the first time, in 2009, and he had been
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calling for better relations with tehran and outreach. and there were hardliners in iran and today, they want better relations with iran, and my captors could have been related to that group and the same with jason. >> if you were able to speak to jason now, what would you want to say? >> i think one of the hardest things right now 1 his psychological state. physically, it's very hard to be isolated physically, but psychologically it's difficult. and i would want him to know that there are a lot of people calling for his freedom and a lot of people who know him and don't know him. and they want him to be released. and i think if he knows that, he wouldn't feel alone and he would feel empowered and he doesn't have to stand up for justice by himself. >> solitary confinement. he was held in solitary, and i believe these out now and you were held there and just in the remaining moments, tell us what that experience is about.
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>> well, you can see the cell now, and my cell was just like that, and jason's may have been like that too. it's difficult because you need human contact and you need to talk to people. you don't hear anything. you don't get anything to read except i got the koran, 10 i put my ear to the door to listen to guard's conversations to hear what they are watching on tv. and you pray a lot. and you think you're going to go insane, and it's the time they put maximum pressure you and if they're going to get a false confession out of you that's when they will do it. >> how long was your trial? >> my first trial was about half an hour. i didn't have a watch and as i said, it was pretty much a sham. and then i was sentenced to eight years in prison, and then later i had an appellate trial. and that was a little longer. >> that was longer? >> yeah. >> relax ona, thank --
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>> in europe, a migration group 1 urging the eu to take in more silence asylum seekers. the head of migration said that that should be a starting point and he says that the world needs to go much further. more than 80,000 migrants are coming each year. people fleeing persecution in myanmar are putting their lives this is hands of traffickers but foretour and killings at the trafficker's camp. now from malaysia. >> in the shallow unmarked grave, the forensic team soon finds something. human remains wrapped in what was once a white cloth now yellowed with dirt and time. >> we're still digging up the graves and the human remains and we can't tell you how many
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bodies there are except for the ones we found today. >> the police search 40 graves in the area. they don't know who these people are or how they died, but they're likely migrants or refugees trafficked into malaysia. there's a camp, it's inhabitants long gone. the authorities think that they have been abandoned for at least two years. much of the structure is already in ruins but it's probably big enough to hold about 200 people. all around the camp, there are signs that people lived here. plates crocry, thrown into a pit. and pieces of cloth that may have been curtains. crudely built cages where they kept their human cargo. to prevent any escape, they used barbed wire. less than 5 feeters from the thai border, it's one of 128 trafficking camps found by the
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malaysian police over the weekend. less than a week later the tie authorities made a similar find. this is where they hold prisoners while they demand ransoms from their families. the majority are the hinn jas an ethnic pry minority. they escape by sea and are brought over to malaysia. thousands of them are thought to be at sea. the malaysian police at first denied the existence of these camps, but now they say that they're investigating what happened. the camps may be abandoned but there's no evidence that the caverns have been broken up. >> well, amtrak is adding more inside of the locomotives to report record the engineer's actions. it's in response to the deadly derailment this month.
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the enemy said that he doesn't remember what happened. student loan debt in the united states has reached a staggering number. $1.2 trillion. most of the debt 10th 1 owed by people under 30 years old. >> melissa found a way to beat the student loan system. she did it by following a simple piece of counter intuitive advice. >> 10 as a strong student from a low income household she qualified for grants at some of the most expensive universities in the u.s. university of chicago for graduate school, at a cost of nearly $50,000 a year. >> i came back to chicago -- >> now 32 years old, 14th still owes about $35,000 in student loans but they're deferred while she's earning
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her ph.d. butlers is a rare story. >> for many, it's the only way to make it on a campus like these, and it's hard tore pay them off. >> increasingly, the students are paying them off later in their 30s 40s and even 50s, and they'reoing more. the u.s. federal reserve said while those in their 20so just under $20,000 those in their 30so just under 30,000. that trend is true in canada. the reason 1 in two worlds. >> compound interest, right? 10 the older you get and the less able you are to pay your loans, that compound interest is going to build and build and build, which makes it a lot harder. >> they link skilled graduates in washington d.c. and chicago with companies that pay off their loans. companies like 24 in a
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non-profit technology center. >> we have students that are one small digital skill away from being employable. and what we try to do 1 work on that side to make sure that we reduce the debt 10 they can take on more risks. >> with more than one in four graduates in the u.s. behind the loans mill melissa said her loans will impact her lifestyle for years to come. >> i think that growing up in a low income household that places sprawl on material things, 10 learning to manage a very small budget for a long time. there are things that i continue to do with out. >> and the job she takes after she finishes her latest degree will be determined largely how long it takes her to pay off her student loans. >> coming up next on the program, one woman's journey from rough neighborhoods to winning a goal in the boxing ring. and plus, it's a long awaited
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rio. >> it's like any in the african-american community that has progress. everyone wants that last dollar. >> their most famous female boxer 1 no strange tore the hard knocks life. but she beats the odds, her father was behind bars and her mother struggled with alcohol. and she also says that a family member abused her. >> i was molested as a young child. and some have a story that i was raped. and that's not it. ming raped has nothing to do with why i'm boxing. >> 10 what do you want to define you? >> overcoming my obstacles resilience. it doesn't matter what your father 1 your mother is, ire they're not you. >> at 17, 14th made history by winning the first gold medal in women's boxing after beating
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arb russia's fighter 19-12. >> you won gold. and how does that feel? >> when you put that medal around my neck, you got to lift it up. oh, my god! >> at 56 and 1 she's the number-one middleweight in the country and the world. and she's already qualified for the 2016 olympic trials. but it's a tough road for women boxers. even 23 you win gold. there was no wheaties box with her face on it or any major endorsements. and there haven't been any star-studded bouts bouts like the mayweather pacquaio fight for her. she recently launch aid go fund me page, to raise money to cover her expenses for her second olympic run. >> i think that my dream will be their dream. >> what is it about boxing that you love so much?
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>> . >> i love a lot about boxing and i love fighting and i loving able to contend and i love getting my hand raised. i want people to know that i'm not cocky i'm confident and i'm a hard working worker. follow me to rio 201610 we can do it again. >> sarah boiled, aljazeera flint, michigan. >> with that winning smile you can watch sarah's full report today. for a look at what's coming up at the top of the hour, john sig sig 1 here. >> coming up tonight at 8:00, the supreme courts agrees to cake take up a case with potential major consequences. should illegal immigrants be counted when election districts are drawn up? some say yes and others say that that's unfair to legal citizens.
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plus, here's the story. >> there's no saving face. the community 1 terrified. >> somali american mothers fearful that their sons will be recruited by isil. what they're doing to keep that from happening and religious art. the museums that house them will be closed. and lus skyrocketing real estate prices, and through a master's lens. the terrifying photos of mary ellen marx, who died this week. >> the piano is a classic an instrument that has stayed the same for centuries but now a conductor's dream of a new and improved piano has come true. charlie explains. [ music ] >> though the keys look like they have for hundreds of years, the style they is slightly
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different. pianist and daniel has performed on pianos his entire life, it's a piano designed by franz listz. he wanted to combine its style with the power of the modern piano. from the outside it looked like a modern concert grand 350 patio. but inside the differences lie. you see the strings run in straight lines rather than at an angle and that creates a of warmer sound what composers would have had almost 200 years ago. daniel 1 considered one of the world's greatest all around musicians, and as a conductor he wants tried to build bridges through music. with his orchestra the israeli musicians. he has repeatedly condemned
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israel's occupation of gaza on the west bank he likens his role as pianist to solving a political problem. >> each note is there for itself. and you the pianist has to give them a feeling of solidarity and home own genty. homojenty. >> listening to him talk about the instruments buildup it sounds like there's still some tweaking to do. so far, this is one of only two in the world. a rare reinvention that will be kept understander wraps until
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