tv News Al Jazeera May 28, 2015 3:00pm-3:31pm EDT
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education rah a first by riot police. >> hello, refusing to resign despite the deepening crieses. he is told the opening of fifa's congress can that he can cannot be held responsible for the corruption scandal which can saw seven officials arrested on wednesday. the head of uefa says he asked him to step down, a vote on friday will decide if he get as 50 term as the president. a majority of members are expected to back his only rival. but the russian president has defended him criticizing the u.s. for meddling in affairs. reports now predominately the headquarters.
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actions of individuals bring shame and humiliation on football and demand action and change. from us all. for the first time he said he would recover can with him in charge, after all, he was not to blame. >> we, or i cannot monitor everyone all of the tile. if people want to do wrong they will try to hide it. come cans in the face of unprecedented criticism from many many courses.
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that was the delegation arriving for an emergency meeting. they preferred candidate will stand in opposition. of the most number that they have to stay. but -- can i think we already lost. >> with a separate inquiry underway in the 2018 world bids this saw directly the alleged corruption can with a lack of rights for workers which has come under heavy scrutiny.
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if the event since wednesday is not enough, then perhaps nothing will. it is really difficult to see how they can now escape from this with any kind of united global voice assume for a second that blatter is re-elected again that would be met with with absolutely division in the united states much of your, countries like australia and yet in other parts of the world, russia, asia, and africa his reputation seems absolutely undiminished. of course, the nuclear option, france, and others to break away that would signal the end not only of fifa but of the world cup too. in the end many would argue that fifa would have no one to blame but themselves. lawrence lee al jazeera. >> he says that seth's role
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in expanding the game outside of europe has helped him garner support. >> extraordinary global rise, popularity which can is behind these astonishing numbers but it is the poison fruit of the success of the game. and while the game is growing and distributing revenue there seems to be enough reason for countries in developing world especially africa can and asia, to keep voting for hill. ten in my mind, the big sadness of the subjectuation is the lack of alternatives to blatter as a proud european, i would love to see europe enganging with the other consistent innocents because there is a justified fear uh-oh in the rest of the world, if you let them back in again there will only be
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the european clubs treat the world cup with the champions of various continue can innocents with a certain to represent the national teams in africa or in south america, and so on. what i think at the moment is there's a real need, for europe to come uhl with an alternative program and which persuades enough of the membership of 209. tins the scandal broke quite remarkable he remains defiant, he is rejecting calls for the resident ignace what's the reaction been?
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inosose prior as these comments he has made? >> he has been here for 40 years. he has been president for 17 years. he is a political survivor, he has tremendous guile. and all those skill cans are being on show today. his speech today wasn't as belligerent as we have heard in the past, there were moments of contrition. but he was also saying that he could point held responsibility for the actions of those that have been arrested and that he was the man to take it forward with and he was the man that could reform fifa. now, we have heard this before. four year ago on the eave of a presidency election. he was charged with bribery allegations because he was trying to buy his way to victory, but we heard blatter
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saying i am the man that can reform fifa and get rid of construction, four years later we don't just have one person we have seven of the top in swiss custody. >> we know that blatter will be running for a first term as president the europeans are very keep for a change can in leadership that's not likely to happen given the strong support that blatter still has outside of the u.s. and europe. what happens now. >> tomorrow we will hear from blatter again he will have a 50 minute keynote speech, from defending what has happened over the last couple of days and try to convince those that he is the man to take fifa forward also of course we will hear from the prince of jordan. interestingly, in the last hour or so, we just had a prez release from his team,
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and effectively it was just -- it was a resume of his achievements as if we needed to be remountained of who he was and that is one of his big problems he doesn't have a huge profile he is a young man he has some work in building up the reputation of football in west asia, he was instrumental in overturning on women wearing head scarfs but he has a relatively low profile around the world. that is the man that up against this political survivor who has been in charge for 17 years. he has around 50 votes. but has to be remembered global football is made up of six con can federations and in five of them, blatter still has overwhelming support. for him to not get a majority would be a huge surprise. >> that puts it all into context for us, thank you very much. >> now a rebel coalition has
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taken another city in the north west province. a monitoring group says there was heavy shelling and robert fire and government armored vehicles were seen withdrawing, it was the last government held city in the province which bordered turkey and provides access to president's home province meanwhile, iraqi forces are battled to retake the biggest oil refinery from -- isil fighters hold large sections in iraq's north. the government forces captured in november, before losing control of it again. in the anbar province, earlier this week.
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it is still suspicious and angry, the government has ignored them, and why it is a sunni led operation. the air bass, they are officially joining the fight against isil. after criticism for deploying militias to the sunni province the government is trying to recruit can more groups. they have long been suspicious of the government which is accused of discriminatory policies. they say it was sunni fighting forces which won the battle seven years ago to get rid of al quaida and iraq, a predecessor to isil. a f that victory they say it re-negged on the promise to bring it into the national army and abandoned them, that led to the rise of isil. this tribal leader says government policies are going to make the fight.
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the current government is deliberately not helping the community to retake their province. they are biased and deal in sectarian methods. the only solution is to arm the sunnies and ask for international help. there is no hope from this public government at all and the battle for anbar won't be over any time soon. tribes are suspicious of militias because of the tribal politics. militias have been blamed for revenge attacks in the areas they are cleared fighters from if that happens tribal leaders say they won't be able to stop their people, from joining isil. militia leaders deny carrying out revenge attacks and the government is keep to show that the latest offensive isn't about sectarianism. >> all over baghdad you will see posters like these and the popular mobilization forces otherwise known as the militia, now they are boo it to you by the government,
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some would say they are propaganda the government says they are about information, they are promoting the idea that the fight is a fight for all of iraqis. >> but just a few meters away political parties linked toshiya militias have put up their own posters highlighting the involvement of iran, and promote sectarian language, it is this kind of imagery that has the p posterlation both worried and angry. at al jazeera baghdad. >> still to come can the government tries to secure it's border but winning hearts and minds of the local people is proving a challenge. also too little food we will tell you why these protected species could be killed on mass.
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welcome back. let's take you through the top stories. he cannot be held responsible for the corruption scandal in the world governing body. the head of uefa which represents european association says the number of the majorities are expected to vote to replace as fifa's president in a vote on friday. iraqi forces are battled to retake the biggest oil refinery from the islamic state.
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paymenting which visa will reassess it's sponsorship. >> the tipping point might be the negative publicly. so large that fifa become as tockic brand it may be they can't afford to pursue this kind of relationship. for the big brands if i family is big business. last year's world cup broke viewing records in key territories like the u.s. and europe. the final alone was watched by fans worldwide while it is carried by social media user homicide the hundreds of millions this may explain why many companies have stomached the hints of scandal before, but perhaps not any more. >> the government
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politician athletes, fans, associations have said we want to reform, they have just refused to engang, and refused to listen, so the only people that have the power to make this happen, are the sponsors. some names have already dropped out so called second tear sponsors opted not to renew their deals for the 2018 world cup in russia. but it is the top tear names that fifa will worry about most. without all of them there may be no more of this. 58 al jazeera. the our states are the worst effected. the temperatures close to fit
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degrees celsius. >> this woman with dies because of sunstroke. most of the people who have died here, are workers. they do small jobs and they have no financial security. the government needs to help them. >> it has been hardest hit by the heat wave. india's department says temperatures have risen quickly, and unexpectedly. catching resident ms. the regions hottest areas by surprise. people are doing waythey can to keep cool, and localth goes are trying to raise awareness about illnesses like heat stroke. but in some areas there are fears these public service announcements are little too late.
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hundreds of millions are also struggling in hot conditions. >> i have to cover up well, it's easier for people with air conditioning in cars i also try do go out in the morning or in the evening. >> the heat is great for my business. people are buying a lot more and drinking cool drinks like lemonade to stay hydrated. >> here in the capitol temperatures have consistently risen over 45 degrees celsius. frequent have compounded the misery and led to credit can similar of the state of the country's infrastructure. >> the first rains aren't expected until the forecast approved in northern inyeah. al jazeera, new delhi. >> the european union has suspended the observer mission, saying the conditions are not right for a credible vote to be held. there have been weeks of
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violent protests, in the bid for a third term, elections have been due to be held next tuesday, but have been postponed for ten days. there is a heavy police presence that some neighborhoods ahead of the planned vote. >> the trees are teaming with troops. they are on the trail of suspected al-shabaab gunman who attack add con can i have of police vehicles patrolling the border. >> during the fight. we are following the trail of blood and footsteps. we will pursue them everybody into somalia. >> the shells of police vehicles destroyed during the
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attack are eerie reminders of the massive violence that took place here. villages and settlements along the somalia border on the front of al-shabaab attacks. al-shabaab flats have been hoisted in some kenyan towns. residents say the gunmen are asking for recruits and support against the kenyan government. authorities say they are working on clearing al-shabaab militias from the north eastern border region. >> securing the largest region in kenya is not an easy task. there are no p proker roads here something that is prying an obstacle and officials are finding themselves relying more on aircraft. by the government comes back.
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we want to be able to get the opposition. we want to win their hearts and minds. because the disconnect can in the security personnel. troops in somalia and the attacks. now al-shabaab leaders say they want to move other to kenya. along the boarder, they cannot afford to relax. the opponents attack the region, one village as a time. al jazeera. >> britain's prime minister is in france, on the second
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leg of a tour in your. he is trying to drum up support for the u.k. to negotiate the member shin of the e. u. cameron sunday pressure from within his own party to stop migrants claiming welfare payments. by the end of 2017. but, the french president has warned against the u. k.'s plans. >> well, of course, france hopes that britain will remain in the european union. a referendum has been announced and it will be the british people that decide on their future. we with think it is in europe's interest to be together, but we respect the people. >> jackie has more on how the visit was received in france. >> this have been warnings here that they may be pursuing a very risky strategy with with this tour, of european capitols during
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which he is warning the leaders vote to leave the e.u. in the referendum if there isn't fundamental change can to some of the aspects. in fact, one member of the ruling socialist party here in france actually went as far to describe what mr. cameron was with doing as a threat. blackmail if you like to leverage his position in negotiations to gain more room from the news by warning threatening. to the counter parts if there aren't changing than the u.k. might lead. so a certain ant of concern can about with with the british prime anyonester may achieve. now the next stop is germany, and there he may find more of a meeting of minds. certainly the german point of view and the british point of view and the economy are
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more closely aligned. however, they have said there's no question of renegotiating some issues like freedom of movement within the e. u., the right of european citizens to work throughout the e. and of course, it is the whole issue of movement, people from eastern europe coming and working in the u.k. can and claims benefits in the u. k., which are some of the issues that mr. cameron is most keep can to address. >> demonstrators have clashed with police in chile as the protests for educational reform continue. in the capitol high school students will ed the protests there, the university students are due to tear their place later in the day. they are demanding free education can and better conditions for staff. >> don't bedeceived by their
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age, they are highly motivated and very very well organized. they are marching towards the palace to protest against police brutality during previous marchs, but this march has not ben authorized and they know that just up the street, riot police equipped with with water cannon are waiting for them. >> the confrontation has begun. but there seems to be a difference this time, the police are being very generous with their acid lace water cannons but they are being much more careful at how they use it. last week a student was with thrown into the air and tossing against a wall by water cannons and is in critical condition right now in a hospital in the city. ,. >> the students are also demanding a better voice in the on going enganging case reforms. the government has agreed to maybe public education can free, and the responsibility of the state rather than of the municipalities. but these reforms will take
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place over a ten year period, and the students are saying clearly they want more reforms and that they want them to take place now. >> closer to the presidential palace where the police force has regrouped but this is only the beginning a much larger demonstration the students for this evening and the security forces are concerned that there could be much more violence. under the cover of darkness. >> now animal well with fair lobbyists are fighting want against a possible kuala kill in australia. is being arecessed for ill health this week, there are concerns many are undernourished as the population outgrows it it's supply of leaves. they are a protected specieses with around 43,000 left in the wild. >> you can can see dead kualas in the base of the trees the whole forests and just a kuala in the bottom of the trees dying the whole
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area smells of dead kualas. >> what we are observing on the ground is about three to four as a minimum and up to 20. >> more on that story and everything else we are covering on our website the address for that is right there, as the president credited with stoping the slaughter and putting the country back together, paul kagame is also accused of brutally suppressing dissent. so is kagame a savior or a dictator? we sent journalist sorious samura to find out. >> for centuries the tribes of this country lived together without tribal atrocities, and nothing like the rwandan genocide ever took place. then in the 1920's, rwandans were measured. this is how the belgian
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