tv News Al Jazeera May 28, 2015 5:00pm-6:01pm EDT
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ica. "hard earned". which is al jazerra. hello i. this is the news hour live from london. coming up in the next 60 minutes. fifa president sepp blatter steps up to face the music but insists he won't step down. syria's opposition forces capture the last remaining government-held city in idlib province. more than 1400 deaths blamed on india's heat wave with high temperatures set to continue for a month. angry scenes in chile as school students demand free
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education are disbursed by riot police. in sport with those fifa presidential elections less than 24 hours way we examine the credentials of the only man left in the race to stop sepp blatter claiming a fifth term. ♪ fifa boss sepp blatter is refuse to go resign despite the deepening crisis at football's world governing body. he's told the opening of fifa's congress that he cannot be held responsible for the corruption scandal which saw sefo visuals arrested in zurich on wednesday. the head of uefa which represents european football situations says he asked blat tore step down air. vote on friday will now decide if blatters gets a fifth term at fifa's president. a majority of uefa members are expected to back his only rival. jordan's prince hussein. but the russian president has defended blatter criticizing the
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u.s. for medaling in fifa affairs. lawrence lee reports now from the headquarters of fifa, zurich. >> reporter: if you have been on the moon since tuesday night you would be forgiven for thinking the opening if fifa congress in europe was nothing but happy. they organized a party with music and dancing but not even sepp blatter could admit that everything was fine. this hat brought shame on football and demands action and change from us all. >> reporter: but for the first time he said fifa would recover with him in charge. after all, he was not to blame. >> we, or i cannot monitor everyone all of the time f people want to do wrong.
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they will try to other hide it. >> reporter: his refusal to step down comes in the face of criticism from many, many quarters. this was the uefa delegation from europe arriving for an emergency meeting which demanded blatter go. their preferred candidate prince hussein of jordan will stand in opposition though it's not clear if he can get enough votes against the loyal support blatter enjoys in place says like africa and asia. >> look at the democracy. the democracy of the most number that we have say we say and we stay. but i think we already lost, fifa already lost. >> reporter: with a separate inquiry underway in to allegations in to corruption in the 2018 and 2022 world cup bids this process sought directly to link the alleged corruption of fifa with a lack of rights for workers in qatar.
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which has come under heavy scrutiny over the number of people who have died on construction sites. >> fifa is too corrupt to care. they have given the country to -- they have given the world cup it a country that has rampant slavery and made qatar notice a time line for reform, it's all words and no action. >> reporter: you have to think if the events haven't gotten sepp blat tore step down, perhaps nothing will. it's difficult to see how fifa can escape from all of this with any kind of united global voice assume for a second that sepp blatter is reelected again as president, that would be met with absolute did he rinse in the united states, much of europe countries like australia. in other parts of the world russia asia, and africa, his reputation seems absolutely undiminishs. the nuclear option are for countries to break way. that would signal the end not
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only of fifa, but of the world cup too. in the end many would argue that fifa would have no one to blame but themselves, lawrence lee, al jazerra zurich. >> al jazerra's ali richardson has more on the vote to sepp blatter has to survive on friday. >> reporter: sepp blatter has had a fifa career lasting four decades, for 17 years he's been president, he is a political survivor and we have seen all of those skills on show this week. on friday, we'll once again here another keynote speech from blatner which he attempts to convince this congress that he is the man to take fifa forward over the next four years. we'll also hear from his rival prince hussein of jordan. interestingly in the hours leading up to to that vote. his press team released a statement reminding of world exactly who he was. it was almost like a resume, a c.v. that's one of his problems he has a relatively low profile in world football. he does have the support of
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european governing bod a uefa, they have said they will back him and bring with them around 50 votes. but that is nowhere near enough to win this election. world football is made up of six continental confederations and in five of the six blatter still has overwhelming support. for him to lose this election on friday would be a huge surprise. well the scandal at fifa has led to several major international sponsors threatening to withdraw their support. the deals are worth hundreds of millions of dollars. jonah hull explains. >> reporter: fifa may be learning to its cost that in the billion dollars world of big brand advertising bad publicity can be the most expensive. the current corruption scandal threatens to rub off on fifa's world cup sponsors. ♪ ♪ >> reporter: and they are not happy.
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this lengthy controversy has tarnished the mission and the ideals of the fifa world cup says coca-cola. the company expects five to address the issues thoroughly. mcdonald's says it takes matters of ethics and corruption very seriously expressing extreme concern in saying it would monitor the situation closely. card payment company visa expressed disappointment and concern saying it expects fifa to take swift and immediate steps to address the issues. failing which visa will reassess its sponsorship. >> the tipping point my be the negative publicity becomes so large that fifa becomes a toxic brand. it might be that the companies think it's i cannily they can't afford to pursue this kind of relationship. it might be that they feel they have their own legal liabilities if they are giving moon toy fifa, which is then used inappropriately. so there are a whole host of things that might make the companies think again. >> reporter: for the big brands, fever is big business. last year's world cup in brazil
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broke viewing records in key territories like the u.s. and europe. the final alone was watched by more than a billion fans worldwide while official fifa content is followed by social media users in the hundreds of millions. this may explain why many companies have stomached the hints of scandal before. but perhaps not anymore. >> it's only the sponsors that fifa are going to listen to. there are meant i of other people in the community politicians, government, athletes fans, associations, who have said we want reform, sepp blatter and his cronies have refused to engage and refuse today listen, so the only people that have the power to make this happen are the sponsors. ♪ ♪ >> reporter: some names have already developed out. last december so-called second tier sponsors cass troll continental and johnson & john an opted not to renew their deals for the 2018 cup in
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russia. but it is the top tier names that fifa will worry about most. without all of them, there may nobody more of this. jonah hull, al jazerra. let's take a closer look then at the business of football. stefan is the coauthor of the book soccer gnomics and a professor the sport management at the university of michigan, joins me via skype. good to have you with us. looking to the vote tomorrow, blatter is running for a fifth four-year term at hedda fifa. why does he enjoy such strong support from football associations in asia, in south america, but particularly in africa. >> reporter: well, i think there are two obvious reasons, one is -- one of the reasons is kickbacks from bribes and there are -- there there is lots of evidence and allegations about money being fed through to fifa delegates. which in a way he's supported. but it also has to be said there
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has been a lot of good things done since blatter and his predecessor took over at fifa in the '70s. what happened was really a redistribution of income from the world fifa nations of our enough to asia and as you mentioned particularly africa. and that money has gone to the development of the game. and we have seen the rise of particularly african football, a lot of great african stars emerging. and so i think a lot of people in africa, especially feel beholden to blatter. and his regime. >> and that in itself is interesting, isn't it. you speak about the redistribution of income, moving fifa towards the developing world, perhaps making it much more of a global brands. why is that money and that investment in the facilities, pitches, youth academies in the developing world in countries in africa, why is that associated so much with sepp blatter the individual and not fifa the
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institution? >> well, because fifa has to have a policy and the policy is set by the president really and the executive committee. and that -- and the point is that blatter and his supporters have consistently campaigned on a platform of redistribution and helping the developing nations. and what those delegates will fear amongst other things is that if blatter is removed and say a uefa friendly leadership takes over, then that redistribution will come to an end and the soars of funds will dry up. whether for those are illegal transfers or perfectly legal distributions of money which have gone to the development of football in the -- >> i was going to ask you much of the investment and the money and the encouragement for the football and all of that in the developing world in particularly africa, the mechanism through that has been through fifa's goal development
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program. how much transparency is there around how those funds are spent? >> very little. and so, again, it's not difficult to find examples of corrupt practices and moneys promised that don't seem to materialize on the ground. i am not trying to say there isn't a real problem with corruption at five a there really is. but however, there are substantial sums flowing which do seem to to go in to development in one form or another. opening up the books with help -- would certainly be a help in the longer term, although i don't really think that's very likely to happen. >> of course sepp blatter himself now is under increasing scrutiny. from what we know of the longstanding allegations and the current corruption charges brought against hess high-ranking fifa officials, is it possible that he had no knowledge of their active is? and really how much longer can he survive for? >> anything is possible, i
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suppose. it sounds really unlikely. but in my view, he will survive at the head of fifa as long as there are no allegations tying him directly to receiving bribes. i think that is the only thing that is going to get rid of him. real hard, concrete evidence that he would have to defend in court that he personally benefited from these contracts. until that happens i think he's safe. >> but you see the interesting thing is that even -- he is now portraying himself really remarkable comments we heard from blatter today he's portraying himself as a reformer he's saying he's the man to fix the problems within fifa. how is it that he is able to survive, even though there might be nothing directly linking him to what happened? these are allegations, of course. but how is it he's able to survive when, if this was the ceo or the head of any other global body he would have been made to resign by now? >> well, you say that, i mean, it'sit's not clear that any other
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ceo would have been made to resign by now under these circumstances. you know if you look at, for example, what happened in the banking crisis, a lot of the people that ran the companies that were engaged in activities which to the ordinary man and woman in the street look tpraupblgfraudulent are still in their jobs. i am not sure that fifa is a special case in this. i think what matters here is the way in which these individuals are appoint today their jobs, and as long as it depends on the 209 delegates in the fifa congress and not your opinion or my opinion then i think -- >> it's not just that you have the likes of david cameron and michelle platini calling for sepp blatter's resignation and he's managed to resist. >> right. and but you -- i mean, you know, again, if you think there are lots of crises where politicians call for the head of particular individuals and they don't go. the prime minister of great britain can't just suddenly decide who is going to run
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global football. it doesn't work like that. it has to be based on the structure of the organization. what really needed is the duh mock rah tie saying of fifa, but that's a reform that have to come from the inside unless governments just nationalize global football and i think that would be a problem in its own right. >> stefan, thanks very much. still to come for you on the news hour, britain's prime minister embarks on a whistle-stop tour of our up to sell his items on changing the e.u. also the kenyan government tries to secure its board with somalia. but winning the hearts and minds of the local people is proving a challenge. find out if alberto continue at that door charged towards the youryour owe de italia. and the rest of sport coming up later on.
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the syrian military pulled out of a town. syrian affiliate al-nusra us, it was the last remaining government-held city in idlib province which borders turkey and provides access to president is sad home country and the coast. iraqi government forces backed by shia fighters are battling to retake iraq's biggest oil refan are you from isil. isil fighters hold large sections of the beige i complex north of the iraqi capital baghdad. iraqi government sources captured the refinery in november before losing control of it again. meanwhile, icing says it's killed at least 110 110 eye iraq troops and shia militias in just 24 hours in the battle for anbar province. earlier this week anbar enlisted more sunni fighter to join the battle of but many sunnis are still suspicious and angry they
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say the government has ignored them and the fight should be led by a sunni operation and not run by the shia militias, imran kahn reports. >> sunni fighters take an oath. they are officially joining the fight against isil. after criticism for deploying shia melitia to dominant sunni province, the government is trying to recruit more sunni groups, they have been suspicious of the government accused of discriminatory policies. they say it was sunni fighting forces that won the battle seven years ago to get rid of al qaeda in iraq aircraft predecessor isil. but after the factory they say the government reneged on their promise to bring them in the national army and abandoned them. that led to the rice ofize ill. this sunni tribal leader says iraqi government policies are going to make its fight with isil difficult. >> the current government is not helping the sunni community to
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retake their profit. they are biased and deal in sectarian methods. the only solution is to arm the sunnis and ask for international help. there is no hope from this pup it's government at all and the battle for anbar won't be over any time soon. >> reporter: tribes are suspicion us of shia militias because of anbar's tribal politicsessal. shia militia have been blame today revenge attacks f that happens in anbar tribal leaders fear they wasn't be able to stop their infuriated people from joining isil. shia militia leaders deny carrying out rah general attacks the the government is keen to say this isn't about sectarianism. all over baghdad you will see posters like these promoting the iraqi army and the popular mobilization forces otherwise known as the shia militia. they are brought to you by the government. some would say they are propaganda the government says they are about information. they are politing the idea that
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the fight against isil is a fight for all iraqis. but a few meters away, political parties for shia ma lurk as have put up their own posters highlighting the involvement of iran and promoting sectarian lang weufpblgt it's this kind of imagery that has the sunni population both worried and angry, imran kahn, al jazerra baghdad. iraq has exhumed the remains of 470 people believed to have been killed by isil last year at a base near tikrit. in what has become known as the massacre hundreds of shia army recruits were captured by armed men, men were then killed one by one. >> reporter: the bodies of 470 found in mass graves at the presidential palaces palaces in tikrit. the forensic officers are work to go identify the victims through their dna. it's a major task, we hope to
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announce by the end of next week the first list of names that we have been a able to identify. ♪ ♪ hospitals in yemen are coming under increasing pressure as the humanitarian crisis escalates. forces loyal to yemen's president in exile saying pushing houthi fighters back across several front but despite support in the form of the saudi-led bombing campaign, losses are mounting on both sides. kim vinnell reports. >> reporter: blood stains the streets in what was a busy shopping district in tiaz. yemen's warring sides blame each other for what happened here. civilians are among the wounded and the dead. amateur video from another part of the city shows the rubble of what is said to be a military commander's home. activists say it was once the headquarters for houthi fighters from outside tiaz.
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further inland in oil-rich forces loyal to the president in excited hadi are advances under the cover the coalition air strikes. they say they are moving forward but are still engaged in battle. the saudi-led bombing campaign is now in its 10th week. in the rudy-controlled capital. residents called for an end to the war. >> this is that shrapnel that hit working men not targets not military bases we must distinguish between the two. we must maintain our good defenses this, an tack on everything. an attack on the whole nation. what fault is it of the women and children inside the home. >> reporter: the united nations says it's listening to those calls and trying to reschedule peace talks. as the war rhetoric increases so too does the number of dead. kim vinnell, al jazerra.
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more than 1400 people have now been killed in a severe heat wave across india. southern states are the worst affected with temperatures close to 50 degrees celsius. now a report. >> reporter: funerals have been taking place across the southern indian states. nearly 1400 people have died there, because of heat-related illnesses. >> translator: this woman died because of sun stroke. most of the people who have died here are daily wage workers. they do small jobs and they have no financial security. the government needs to help them. >> reporter: it has been hardest hit by the heat wave with the state government putting the death toll at more than 1,000. india's meteorological department says temperatures have risen quickly and unexpectedly, catching residents in the region's hottest areas by surprise. people are doing what they can to keep cool, n.g.o.s and
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local governments are trying to raise awareness about illnesses like heat stroke. but in some areas, there are fears these public service announcements are a little too late. in other parts of india hundreds of millions of people are also struggling in sweltering conditions. >> translator: i had to cover up well when i am traveling by rickshaw it's easy with people in air conditioned cars these days i try to go out oath third morning or during the evening. >> translator: the sheet great for my business, people are buying a lot more and drinking cold drinks like lemonade to stay hydrated. >> reporter: here in the capital, temperatures have consistently risen over 45 degrees celsius. frequent power cuts have compounded the misery and led to criticism of the state of the country's infrastructure. the first rains of annual monsoon season aren't expected to hit the southern india states until next week. and it will be at least a month until the forecast improves in
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northern india. al jazerra new dehli. demonstrators have clashed with police in chile as the protest for educational reform continue. in the kansas tal santiago secondary school students led the protest. students are demanding better conditions and pay for staff. our latin american editor joins me live from santiago. lou see, a what is the mood there among the students? has the police response had any affect on their resoft. >> reporter: nine city is bracing for more trouble. as you can see the street behind me is almost empty. it's 6:30 p.m. here, it's rush hour, it would normally be packed people are rushing to get home early because another huge, much larger demonstration than the one you just talked about with secondary students is about to take place in about an hour
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and a half. this has been called for by university students. earlier in the day, there were at least 30 arrests, one super mark market was sacked. a lot of cat and mouse between the police and students, but what will happen at 8:00 p.m. local time when it's dark could be a lot more violent. that certainly is what the police are bracing themselves for. the reason that the students are protesting is not only to call for education reform on this occasion, it is to protest against what they call police brutality against student marchers, this is the third or fourth actually student march in three weeks. in the last one, two students were injured by police, one of them is still in critical condition in the hospital. the police are under orders to show restraint. >> they seemed to do that earlier in the day although they come out with their water cannon we'll have to see what happens later on in the everything when a lot of an arckists and perhaps even
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juvenile delinquents may join the protesters has as happened in the past and could cause lot more concern. >> what is the chilean president doing to address their concerns e the she has called on the police to show restrained and has gone out of her way to push forward the education reforms that helped to get her elected in fact. these students for many of them it's not enough. they say they are not going far enough or fast enough. they want absolutely free education controlled by the state rather than the municipalities and so far what the president is proposing is something that will take place over a 10-year period. they say she's not need glove. >> thank you very much, lucia newman our latin america reporter reporting live for for us there. >> reporter: thank you. reports of russia amassing military equipment close to the ukrainian border. military vehicles were seen being loaded on to trains in the southern region some
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20-kilometer to his the border. nato has said that pro-russian rebels are using a lull in the fight to go stock up their forces ahead of a possible new offensive. the kremlin has repeatedly denied that russian forces are fighting in ukraine it also says that any russians fight ago long side rebels are there as volunteers. men while vladimir putin has signed a career which will categorize military casualty as a state secret. no reason was given for the move. 220 russian soldiers have been killed in eastern ukraine over the last year. much more still top come on the al jazerra news hour. >> reporter: i am harry facet in nepal. one possible route for economic recovery after the earthquake, but the earthquake has highlighted the risks pose today installations like this. and in sports, success for serene at world number one is through to the next round in paris, find out who joins us
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>> but know we're following the research team into the fire >> they're learning how to practice democracy... >> ...just seen tear gas being thrown... >> ...glad sombody care about us man... >> several human workers were kidnapped... >> this is what's left of the hospital >> is a crime that's under reported... >> what do you think... >> we're making history right now... >> al jazeera america >> we're here to fully get into the nuances of everything that's going on not just in this country but around the world. getting the news from the people who are affected. >> people need to demand reform... >> ali velshi on target weeknights 10:30p et
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welcome back, you are watching the al jazerra news hour let's take you through the top stories fifa boss sepp blatter says he cannot be held responsible for the corruption scandal in football's world governing body. he was speaking for the first time since seven fifa officials were arrested in switzerland. iraq has exhumed the remains of 470 people believed to have been killed by isil last year at a camp near tikrit. hundreds of shia army army recruits were captured by armed men and killed one by one. demonstrators have clashed with police in chile as the protests for education think reform continues. the students are demanding free education and better pay and conditions for staff. well britain's prime minister david cameron is in france on a second leg of a whistle stop tour in europe trying to drum up support for the u.k. to negotiate looser terms of its membership of the e.u. cameron is under pressure from
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within his own conservative party to cut immigration from the e.u. and stop migrants from claiming welfare payments. cameron is promise to go hold a ref remember by the end the 2015. but the french president has warned against the e.u.'s plan. >> translator: well, of course franz hopes that britain will remain in the european union. a referendum has been announced and it will be the british people who decide on their future. we think it's in europe's interest and britain's interest to be together but we respect the people. >> jacky rowland has more on how cameron's visit was received in france. >> reporter: there have been warnings here in paris that the british prime minister may be pursuing a very risky strategy with this tour of european capitals during which he is warning european leaders that britain could vote to leave the e.u. in a referendum if there isn't fundamental change to some
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of the aspects of the way in which the e.u. is run. in fact, one member of the ruling socialist party here in france actually went as far as to describe what mr. cameron was doing as a threat. a blackmail if you like, to leverage his position in negotiations to gain more room for maneuver by warning threatening his counterparts that if, in fact, there aren't changes, then the u.k. might leave. so certain in franz a certain amount of concern about what the british prime minister is hoping to achieve. the next stop on hour hospital is germany and there he may find more of a meeting of minds with chancellor merkel. certainly the german point of view and the british point of view on issues such as finance business the economy are more close lay lined. however, chance her merkel has said there is no question of renegotiating some issues like, for example freedom of movement within the e.u. the right of european citizens
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to work throughout the e.u. and, of course, it's the whole issue of movement people from eastern union coming to work in britain. a british naval restlessal rescued more than 300 300 migrants cramed in a wooden boat in the mediterranean. it intercepted the boat as it attempted to cross the sea north of the libyan coast. 50 children were amongst those rescued. it was sent to the area to help with the increase in dangerous migrant boat crossings from north africa. the malaysian government says 139 people buried in graves found in abandoned detention camps over the week earned, eve grave appears to contain the body of one person not multiple as previously feared. located in a remote part of jungle on the thai border. two policemen have been detained in connection with the
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discovery. the dalai lama has urged myanmar's pro-democracy icon to speak out on behalf of the countries persecuted rohingya. he said they have discussed the issue on you multiple occasions so far they have remained silents. muslims by the predominantly buddhist country rim but some analysts say she's worried about alienated voters address of election on his in november. many who hut their lives in the hands of people traffickers are from bangladesh, they are not escaping% cushion like the row huh ga they are seeking a better life in countries like malaysia. a report whereas many as 4,000 people are believed to have been trafficked. >> reporter: it's been six months since he came home. where he had been was terrifying. he was tortured in thailand by human traffickers they beat him with a pipe. when he couldn't give them
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anymore money. >> translator: me and the others were all starve being. but we were all throwing up as welling because of the torture. everyone smelled terrible. it was like our skin was rotting. i saw two people die. their bodies were just jumped. >> reporter: he was lured to thailand by promises of better jobs and a better life in malaysia. about 4,000 people have been trafficked from his home district. according to migrant rights researchers. few families have been lucky enough to see their relatives return. these boats are filled with ethnic rohingya escaping religious-based violence but the bangladesh i migrants are them are trying to escape oppression that is economic and environmental. this is home to some of the worst river erosion in the country. many people here have lost their homes several times. >> translator: research found that only 20% of those who left knew how to sign their names. so that shows the traffickers are targeting uneducated people.
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who are easily fooled. >> reporter: unlike the rohingya who spends days sneaking through hills and forest to his get the to the boast. bangladesh is begin their journey in a sim burglary fashion hopping to a train or bus that take them to the coast. often with little clue about the dang that's await. it's been six months since she heard from her husband she's expecting her third child. >> the last time i spoke to him was when he got on the boat. and he called and said don't worry, i am in good hands i asked who was taking you? he said, it's an agent called. [ inaudible ] >> reporter: she is do you any day now and the only thing going around in her head is a question will her baby ever see his father. al jazerra bangladesh.. >> breaking news coming in to us now, we are getting reports two
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of large expositions in the iraqi capital baghdad. next to two high-profile hotels we'll bring you more on that as we get it. a report suggesting right now that 10 people were killed, those are medical sources quoted by the reuters news agency. there have been periodic attacks in the iraqi capital baghdad but nevertheless two bomb explosions of this side will cause a great deal of concern this comes, of course, as iraqi forces try to dislodge isil fighters from the city of ramadi. this is the capital of the western anbar province the largist province in iraq, they are also battling isil fighter to retake the facility, the oil facility of beigy, this is north of the capital back dad periodic a text, but nevertheless significant two large explosions in another iraqi capital baghdad at two hotels, medical sources suggesting that at least 10 have been killed, we'll stay across that and bring you more
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information as get it. moving owe now in attacks by the armed group al-shabab are intensifying along kenya somalia border. with al-shabab taking villages one at a time. kenyan forces have stepped up patrols along the board mohamed adow reports from garissa in northeast 10 concern i can't. >> reporter: the bushes and trees of northeastern kenya are teeming with troops. they are on the trailing of suspected al-shabab gunmen who attacks a convoy of police vehicles patrolling the border between kenya and somalia. >> translator: three al shabab gunmen were injured during the fight. we are following their trail of blood and footsteps, we will pursue them everyone in to somalia if need be. >> reporter: the shells of police vehicles destroyed during the attack are eerie reminders of the massive violence that took place here. villagers and settles along the
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kenya-somalia border have borne the brunt of attacks lately. al-shabab flags have been hoisted in some kenyan towns restlessresidents say they ask for them reports in support against the kenyan government. kenyan authorities say they are working on clearing al-shabab militias from the most eastern border region. the third largest region in kenya is not easy, there are no proper roads here, something that is proving an obstacle to the quick deployment of troops and officials are finding themselves relying more on aircraft as. [ inaudible ] success i feel kenyan governments comes back to haunt them. the kenyan government has a pointedappointed a new chief administrator to deal with the growing insecurity, it's his first day in offers. >> we want to able to get the confidence of the population. we want to win their hearts and minds.
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there is a disconnect between the security personnel the government and the population. >> reporter: in the past al-shabab fighters blamed the presence of kenyan troops in somalia as the reason for their attacks in kenya. the now al show back leaders say they want to rule northern kenya kenya. >> al-shabab are kenyans kenyan ruth who have been radicalizes. they know the terrain very well and are actually being used by the al-shabab leadership. >> reporter: and that is the reason ken january kenyan forces have at the pointed up pa rolls along the border, they cannot relax their opponents are keen to take the region one village at a time. mohamedmohamed a domohamed adow garissa kenya. the conditions are night right for a credible vote to be held. after weeks of violence, protests against the president's bid for a third term. elections have been due to be
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held next tuesday but postpone today 10 days, heavy police presence ahead of the vote. south african president jacob zuma will not have to repay the millions of dollars in tax payer money he spent renovating his home. the country's police minister ruled that the $20 million of upgrades including a swimming pool and animal enclosures were legitimate security features. opposition members slammed the refit of zuma's private residents as lashish and wasteful. nigeria it's new president will be sworn in on friday in the capital abuja after four attempts he beat the incumbent goodluck jonathan from, abuja alal jazerra has more. >> reporter: reversals underway at eagle square in abuja for the inauguration of nigh nigeria's new president. u.s. secretary of state john kerry will be attending along with leaders from across africa.
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after the celebrations he says he will get to work. he has major problems to deal w economists say the country is almost broke because of the falling price of oil nigeria relies almost exclusively on money from oil exports for income. and corruption cost the country billions of dollars in revenue. he promises to end it and improve security. >> there is a lot of expectations from nigerians nigeria has seen a huge decline in terms of its infrastructure condition, but also in terms of processes and in terms of the way government has been run. huge levels of corruption, decaying infrastructure, dwindling revenues. >> reporter: but the first problem he may have to deal with is the massive fuel shortage that's bringing nigeria to a standstill. hundreds of flights have been canceled. many banks and factories have had to close and analysts say the fuel crisis is link today
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corruption in the oil sector. >> there are going a number of measures, a range of or approaches to take in order to deal with crust practices those who hands have been found in the cook i jar would have to pay the price. but purely on the base of the rule of law. two, if you you have taken nigeria's resources you have to find a way to return it. >> reporter: there has been a huge improvement in the fight against boko haram in the northeast, so insecurity is less of a concern for the people. but over a million have been displace the like these people. he will have to work hard to get them resettled. the president's supporters say he's incorruptible and highly disciplined, so he will be able to deliver the changes he's promised. >> reporter: advisers to the new president say the first thing he'll do is to take stock and then tell the people in a nationwide address what he tends to do to solve the problems, al
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jazerra, abuja nigeria. animal welfare lobbyists are fighting back against a possible. [ inaudible ] in australia. an overcrowded colony of around a thousand animals in the southern state of victoria is being assessed for ill health this week, there are concerns many are under nourished as the population outgrows its supply of leafs. they are owe protected speed is with around 43,000 in the wild. >> you are seeing dead a kualas at the base of trees and them sit they go bottom of the trees dieing it smelled of dead koalas. >> we are observing on the ground is three or four as a minimum and up to 20. still on come on the news hour rory mackal are mcilroy did not have the day he was hoping for at the irish open. we'll tell you why in a minute.
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welcome back. an update on the breaking story we brought to you a bit early from iraq. there has been at least two large explosions in the iraqi capital bagdad, targeting two high-profile hotels being pictures coming to us right now from baghdad. medical sources quoted by reuters news exactlyagency right now are saying 10 people remember killed and 27 wounded. we are getting reports of 22 large bomb blasts, this comes of course at a time of great upheaval in the country. iraqi forces are concentrated in
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the western province of anbar trying to retake the city of ramadi. and trying to retake the oil facility. significant two explosions in the capital itself. we'll stay cross that and bring you more information as it comes in to us. let's catch up on all your sport now. sozoe is here. >> miriam. thanks very much. with sepp blatters refuse to go stand down as president he will officially run for a fifth term on friday. if there is to be a change at the top of football's governor body a majority of fifa's 209 member associations will need to vote in favor of blatter's only opponent prince ali hussein of jordan andy richards reports from zurich. >> reporter: sepp blatter's career at football's governing body spans 40 years the last 17 of them as president. but he's never had a 48 hours quite like this. the man who could unseat hem at the end of it all is prince ali
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hussein of jordan. >> there needs to be a change in fifa. we need to bring back its reputation. it's a game that is the most popular sport in the world. and i think with all that's happened, all the pretty i remembers of the organization. that it's commend sense to make the change and i am willing to be the one to do. >> reporter: brother of jordan action king abdullah, he's been the president of his country's football association since 1999 in 2011, he became fifa's youngest vice president. representing asia at the age of 35. his growing influence was demonstrate aid year later when he played a key role in overturning fifa's ban on women playing football in head scarfs. much has changed at fifa since blatter became president in 1998. fifa now has a cash surplus of over a billion dollars. and there are figure investments in football for developing nations. but his own goals are just as well known. he ones said that female footballers need to wear stater
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shorts. and in an al jazerra interview he suggested players should settle racism with a handshake. >> if the -- where it happened and if it's in the league then they have to make this investigation and then come to a solution. and what would say they say they bring the two people together and say shake hands. >> reporter: despite his survival instinct and political skills it's the corruption that is have seen many of fifa's most influential figures being banned it's overshadowed his presidency. but he's still popular amongst many football ahead minute straighters across the globe particularly in africa. this fight for power sees blatter and prince ali looking to land the votes from all 209 of fifa's member associations. two-thirds majority of 140 votes will result in a first round knockout. if that number isn't hit a second ballot will be held when a simple majority of at least 105 is all that's needed to end the fight.
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the vote that will take place here in zurich was set to be a formality for sepp blatter as a seeks a fifth term as fifa president. historically he has overwhelming sport from countries outside of europe. the vote will reveal if the turmoil of the last couple of days really has upset the status quo of world football politics. andy richardson, al jazerra zurich. well european football's governing body uefa has said they will seriously consider starting their own breakaway body if blatter wins friday's election. uefa already hosts the world's premier club competition the champions league and their member clubs feature most of the world's best players however such a move would also require them to launch a completely new tournament similar to the world cup. >> we have a meeting with all of the presidents, general secretaries already because we invite them to the final of the champions league. and on behalf of what could be the result of the petition for
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the srez hal election, we can take decisions. we can take the decision perhaps not it participate to the executive committee. perhaps other decisions, we have to think about that. but many people did not want to stay with this fifa. in brazil the country's gurring football body. removed the name of one zest men arrested from the front of their building. he stood down as president earlier this year, but is still vice president. most of those arrested in zurich were leading figures in the latin america football world. corruption is football there is deep rooted, but there have been few meaningful investigations so far. with the copa america the main national competition due to kickoff in chile in the few day's time, daniel looks at the repercussion the scandal is having in the region. >> reporter: once upon a time
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football in latin america produced great talent which was passionately enjoyed by the people. it still produces great talent, the passion is still there. but the game no longer belongs to the people. that became apparent after the arrests in zurich. >> they are all used to negotiating everything between them in a room, the four of them, four or five senior modgers of lat up -- managers of latin american football. they are used to negotiating television rights, marketing rights everything that had to do with money. >> reporter: hess he's talking among other about fifa vice president of uruguay. nicholas of paraguay, and this man, a former fifa vice president, and heads of the argentine football association for 35 years julio who died last year. he's accused of taking $15 million in elicit pavements concerning television and marketing rights.
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>> nowadays we know more than when he was alive. because the shadow of him still lives in argentine football. but he's no longer alive. so his enemies are beginning to talk speak loudly about his power. >> reporter: all trails leads here, at the argentine football association, they were not able to talk at this stage. though football is riddled with corruption will come as a surprise to no one here. where millions from player sales and television rights are unaccounted for. while officials flaunt their wealth in collusion with politicians and violent gangs. these fans will now be demanding answers. along with some of the lawsuitest royces in the -- loudest voices who have been battling to clean up the game. this man a staunch opponent of the fifa vice president arrested in zurich.
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>> translator: in south america, in particular, we have a confederation made up of functionaries and officials who have become rich from football. at the same time, we have whole clubs that have disappeared and whole leagues that suffer economic problems. >> reporter: club officials players and fans are hoping, praying, the investigation will save the game they love. >> translator: we hope this will see the beginning of structural changes in football that will allow the introduction of different organizations and at a world level that will bring greater transparency and clarity. >> reporter: the copa america tournament kicks off in chicago a in a few days time. with some of latin america's greatest players on display. an opportunity for redemption and reconstruction, or business as usual. daniel, al jazerra,. in tennis, former world number one caroline woes me action is out of the french open. the fifth seed lost in straight sets 6-4 7-6 to germany's
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julia in round two. no such problems for currents world number one serena williams the top seed was made to work, though. she had to come back backe from a set down to claim a 5-7 6-3 6-3 win. rafael nadal's quest continues to gather pace at roland garros. he is only seated sixth after a loss of fit and form, we he other easeed in to rounds three with a straight sets win over fellow spaniard nicholas sell marker. novak djokovic cruiseed in to the third round as women. andy murray also went through. alberto contador increased his lead it the geeky jai recipients giro de italia: contador is attempting to become
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the first rider since 1998 to win the giro and the tour de france in the same year, philipe gilbert won his second stage of this year's events, there are three more stages to go. rory mcilroy had a day to forget at the irish open as he shots a 9 over par 80 and is in danger of missing the cut for a second tournament in a week. it was his worst score of the season in what is effectively his home vents in northern ireland, he bogeys half of the holes and couldn't find a single birdie. paul carrington shares the lead with maximillian kiefer, both shot a 4 under par 67. and that is sport miriam. sey, thank very much i'll be back in a few moments with the latest on the breaking news in iraq, two hotels have been hit by suicide bomb, he reports coming in to us suggest at least 10 people have been killed, 27 wounds. this according to reuters back in a few moments of time with the latest on that.
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blasts hit two hotels in iraq's capital baghdad, at least 10 people have been killed. hello, i am area i can't remember and you are watching al jazerra live from london. also coming up. fifa president sepp blatter steps up to face the music but insists he won't step down. more than 1400 deaths blamed on india's heat wave with high temperatures set to continue for a month. and angry scenes in chile school students demanding
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