tv Weekend News Al Jazeera May 30, 2015 6:00am-7:01am EDT
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massive rescue operation in italy saving more than 4,000 migrants crossing the mediterranean in the last 24 hours. 22 different. live for us now in the sicilian harbour. what is happening to people as they arrive. >> they have to arrive and that could take between 24 and 48 hours since the moment they are picked up at sea. once they land here they should be identified and fingerprinted by italian authorities, and should wait in the country until
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they are granted asylum status. that does not happen that way. italian authorities relocate them across the country where there's an empty building. the migrants are free to leave this country and make it further north. most of them tell you that they want to join family and friends in some other country. others say they want to go to the north, to germany, holland, sweden. they feel there are more job opportunities in those countries. what about a plan for dealing with the root causes of the problem. has there been progress. where is the policy heading on that? >> there's a lot of talk. there's no firm decision.
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there's talk of military intervention off the coast. smuggler boats, trying to dismantle the networks. it will be difficult if the e.u. gets the green light from the u.n. and goes ahead with that. smuggling networks are elusive. you have basically 2000 kilometres of coastline that are departure points for the smugglers. adapting to the reality underground and we have heard from some of the migrants that they walk into the sea, then they get on a small boat and go to a bigger - it's complicated. if you ask the libyans what they think should be done they will tell you the southern border. if you want to stop the flow of
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migrants you have to stop that in the libyan desert. long and vast and porous and you have to stop the migrants leaving their home countries. it's a complicated issue. the libyans say once they have made it to our coast. the several countries that they have gone through, they are adamant that they'll reach europe. thanks for that. >> reelected president sepp blatter hit back at critics, shocked at the comments of u.s. prosecutors that core sungs -- corruption in football it rampant.
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they are set to hold a conference. we are joined from the f.i.f.a. conference. what more are they expected to say. >> far be it for us to predict things. we can go out on a limb saying this is a hate campaign as far as he is concerned, the football officials are out to get him. the u.s. he was involved in a conspiracy theory. he's been saying for the last few days that he is suspicious of the timing of the scandal, the fact that it broke two days before his re-election. politically at a sensitive time. and loretta lynch, the person leading the corruption investigation, and said that corruption is rampant, rife in international football. his respondents is as president
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of f.i.f.a. i would never dream of saying that unless i knew for certain, and she should extend the same courtesy to me and f.i.f.a. he has been in a meeting this morning. it was something that had been planned. they were due to talk about various things. of course, they will have been discussing the last few days. it may not have been an official item. we understand that he is now rejecting his vice president post here at f.i.f.a. because of sepp blatter's appointment. he is likely to be asked about that. it should get under way. >> as you are speaking there. we can see sepp blatter in the box next to you. i think he's about to begin speaking and a lot of attention focused on why he could have to
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say. this is a difficult week for f.i.f.a. scandals associated with names. it hasn't stopt sepp blatter winning another term as president of f.i.f.a. let's listen in. this is a man who between wednesday and thursday right up to the elections last night, as from 6: 30. wim. i would like to tell you that i am delighted to have been re-elected for another mandate of four years. a term of four years at the head of f.i.f.a. despite the troubles recently.
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nevertheless 133 national federations put their trust in me and also to try and. as i sit in my state yesterday, in the course of the day and after my election. it is essential that the head of the organization take responsibility but i insist that it is everybody's responsibility the organizations responsibility as a whole. everywhere and the president, and i, and i undertake to take
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that responsibility and discuss that matter as of today and in the coming weeks in contact with other negotiators in other areas to make sure the f.i.f.a. ship reaches more untroubled waters and make sure that f.i.f.a. is in a good robust situation and that we have a good f.i.f.a. and we have sac lying 2.6 -- something like 2.6 - sorry, is.6 the speaker says spectators who are concerned about football as a whole. to revert to the specifics of yesterday, i'd like to mention a
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couple of important points. the first is that for the first time now, we have been affronted in the congress about the difficulties of palestinian and israeli interags and according to the basic principles of solidarity yesterday israel or rather palestine act nobly. and they were convinced that i would win. it didn't happen they made an
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amendment to the proposal. and they withdraw it. it is an exceptional gesture, and i hope cech that the gesture could promise more collaboration and cooperation between the two federations and the two countries as a whole. and work towards a solution that everyone wants, which is that these two nations should be at mays. they have disappointed they can work together. another thing that was moving about the congress that took place in the context of the sportsmanship in solidarity was
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the statement made by sierra leone. about the help received in a part of the world from england, f.i.f.a. and asia to counter a problem which is now under and i'm talking about ebola, of course. ebola. assistance provided by f.i.f.a. i think you'll recall that she said that all the children - footballers have helped to counter the serious situation. i also said yesterday in future
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we are going to set up a department of professional football, because we have a memorandum of understanding between clubs. and i think that this is something which was really bimed by everyone concerned ins troificational football. it is important that be play a role here. it's all very well to make statements buts it's all the more important to have something on the ground. a would like to say a couple of cords also about the storm, as it were. i made or provided explanations all the way through, yesterday and the opening of the congress.
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all these actions would have taken place, and which - the process of which was a raid in zurich. strangely enough. there were three journalists as well on the spot. so the repercussions of the storm persist. it's not so acute. at the moment the effects, but the executive committee today decided that we should press forward in a spirit of solidarity and work with all the institutions. that is to say, the ethical
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commissions, the associations committee. but also the conformity or compliance group to avoid getting into a situation like this in the future. into a kind of bubble situation. that where we are at the moment. more the crimes the committed, it is to be determined whether they are skill or criminal in north america and south america and so on. in marketing company, activities
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which have been going on for a long time and i'm not clear how the organization was involved but it's strange all this happens two days before the opening of the conference. we had a meeting today of the executive committee, and we welcomed all members to begin with of the any committee. there were two missing. the interim or acting president of the conka caf -- c.o.n.c.a.c.a.f. who this to leave, and the vice president of wafa david gee.
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all the others - yes, mr delmero was missing, but all the other members were present and we had an excellent meeting and inter alia we decided that the slots for 2018 and 2022 should not change. it should be 32, and although there were some efforts of discontent, it was passed. moreover we made a decision with regard to the world cup of 2026. the f.i.f.a. statute plies, and
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the four year rule that says all associations of f.i.f.a. can ask for of world cup of 2026 apart from the continent where the world cup would have been played out in 2022 which would have been issua. we had discussions about the future of all this as well. how we can make sure the members of the committee, and the new ones asked how we can avoid surprise information emerging, how we could better the information service than we have
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at the moment. we don't very any more information than we give you, and we don't have any access to intelligence or security services. everywhere agreed that we ought to protect f.i.f.a. and that's what we'll do. >> the last pound i mention is this and this came up late because the government of indonesia yesterday had difficulty coming to an agreement. the association was suspended with immediate effect apart from those involved at the moment in a tournament. in the south-east of asia there you have it.
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to all intents and purposes that is it. i'm the new leader. i'll continue the work up until now. involving, of course fighting for good things now i have a great deal of responsibility to restore f.i.f.a. and its reputation. so those essentially are the main points which i wanted to autoline thank you. thank you. i cannot take every question but maybe i'll start with you first. tell me your name and company
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you are working for, please. kenneth with e.s.p.n. abc news. what impact will be absent the supporting of the u.s. chances of getting the bid much you've been quote as saying you forrive, but don't forget. what repercussions will there be. >> thank you for the question. i said i forgive but i don't forget when it comes to persons. i said yesterday i have been elected by 133 national associations. i'm also the president of those associations against me.
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and this has no impact in my view for the future. i will go to the competition, new zealand, canada and - when it comes to personal attack i say yes, that i was touched, i was touched. and you know the whole concept. >> reporter: thank you, dan rowan, bbc news. f.i.f.a.'s reputation is at an all-time low. there are two criminal investigations into allegations of systematic bribery and corruption totalling $150 million. you have senior footballing officials. all this happened on your watch. in many organization do you
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accept that the man, the person in charge would have to. why was it not time for you to go for the sake of the football. >> you have seen the results yesterday. they offer your opinion. i'm the man to go into this these problems and solve these problems problems. >> reporter: brian swanson, sky sport news. david gill an elected f.i.f.a. vice president believes you are bad for the game. he will not serve in any committee under you. what message do you have for him, u.e.f.a. who think f.i.f.a. under you are rotten to the core. >> i don't know exactly what are, let's say the projects.
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mr david gill was not present at the executive committee, he has given no excuse for the reasons for not being present. yesterday he was installed officially as a member of the committee. i am waiting. if you know more it's the only news that i have and the situation as it is today. >> reporter: sky news also. in the fbi indictment that has been published. it's a senior official f.i.f.a. organised a $10 million bribe to be paid to jack warner do you know who it was, was it you. >> i don't go into this allegation or your question.
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>> translation: i have been reelected, and this morning. there was a good move by the executive committee, and i think that proves i'm not alone in feeing good. what we are talking about is football after all. and any football team knows that if you lose today you may win tomorrow. and i am the president of the those people that did not vote for me. >> reporter: mr president. congratulations on convincing the congress to vote for you. can i ask about a $10 million payment that went through f.i.f.a. and you deny being a part of. some say you are the heat of the organization and should know if a $10 million payment is going through f.i.f.a. is that incompetence or intentional
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negligence. >> this is a problem i do not enter. we will not go further if this is an investigation on that. the only thing i can say that i have no $10 million. >> reporter: mr blatter, you spoke last night about the investigation into f.i.f.a. based on those concerns are you worried at all that they are after you, that this is personal and ultimately they will not stop until you were arrested. >> and jack warner was speak, and he said if i stole money from f.i.f.a. who gave it to
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me and was implicating that you gave it to him. can you answer both of those questions please. >> i cannot answer the second question, because this is a segment by somebody else. and i'm not responsible. the investigation. if someone is making the investigation. you have the right to do so. if you do so in the correct manner if you do it usually it is a right to have it done. i have no concerns about that. and i have no concerns about my person. >> mr blatter, steve scott from itv news. i was wondering have you got any
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contact with either the swiss or the u.s. authorities who are conducting the two criminal investigations. and if not, are you concerned you may be arrested? >> question number one no question number two, arrested for what? >> next question. >> reporter: [ speaking foreign language ] >> translation: f.i.f.a. has been continually involved in scandals about corruption. why haven't you done anything. >> i think that it is an
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individual case and this is not a context of corruption everywhere is responsible for ethical behaviour and tute. i cannot be responsible for others and i would like to repeat that the executive committee said this morning that it looked as if force has been used. i think there is a better monitoring of members activities at the moment.
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and we have to repeat that each association and federation is responsible for its own morality. >> reporter: mr blatter, owen gibson from "the guardian" it was said it was a cultural problem. you've been here 17 years, and is a culture you helped createment almost every decision has been mired in controversy in some way. do you accept that it is a culture issue and is a culture you created. >> definitely not. definitely not. we tried always. and in my tenure of office to eliminate all the elements. they have been looked at by the
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committees and you see how many members left all by themselves or by one of our committees. >> malcolm more from "final times", are you concerned about the relationship between u.e.f.a. and f.i.f.a. and do you think there's a possibility that the u.e.f.a. will boycott the world cup, or take any other action? i think this morning in the meeting the president was there. with the decision that we have taken concerning the world cup. announced today, and always we have to protect the world cup.
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it is income number one. this will help the relationship. we have two speaker one was european. we have to get together because u.e.f.a. is part of f.i.f.a. there's no need for them to be outside of f.i.f.a. they need f.i.f.a. f.i.f.a. needs u.e.f.a. >> last two questions. alex from cnn. >> this week a sponsor, visa they said if they do not challenge, they may pull their money out of the game. there has been no change at the top. how worried are you about sponsors deserting football.
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>> we had contact with the sponsors when the declarations came on. we had changed letters. and the start, the reputation to bring back f.i.f.a. and the contacts with partners they give money, it's give and take. i am sure we'll bring back the right situation, a personal visit to the organization of these sponsors. >> last one, please. >> reporter: grant from associated press. you said that you will take responsibility. you said the same thing four years ago, and you sought
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to take a sample. he stayed and stayed until it's proven he's a bribe taker. you have a new member of the committee, mentioned, named in an international tax evasion inquiry involving tens the millions and he passed an integrity check from the african confederation whom you never criticize. if you add them to what seems to be criticism of the u.s. attorney-general. what do you say that f.i.f.a. is not change it's the defines and determination to resist criticism and the culture is not changing. >> this is your stance that we are not changing. four years ago the situation was different. four years ago we started reform. and i said all members, and the
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older confederations they would have accepted that to control members coming into f.i.f.a. shall be done by an independent committee. this had been rented. if this was the case now, now the members are controlled by their own configurations. i said at the beginning that i'm not responsible for the people that are coming in. once they are in and something happens, they will not stay long. we'll go back to the list of the members in the wrongdoing what they have done instead of saying it's a culture, it's saying that in the control, the system which is in f.i.f.a.
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they must go to the national associations and only then when these will be implemented everywhere, then we can go forward and to say we can clean up. it must come in - it's a pyramid of f.i.f.a. but down there, even now, they don't have an independent. it should be an example. they've not accepted that. it is not the right thing to do. if you are part of f.i.f.a. you should be able to help organise
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the controls. u.e.f.a. is the biggest and richest and you have the best competition and players. when it comes to clubs. if you don't have the players, they will not be so rich. they have to be in an example. they shall help and come in and take responsibility you taent take when you are elected. this is no responsibility you are elected, you have to come whoever is the president of f.i.f.a. ladies an gentlemen, i thank you so much and i thank you so much i can't promise you, but we will be more common in the future. more information to lag. thank you for being here. thank you.
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the repercussions of the storm persist. 133 federations put their trust in me - some of the statements there by mr sepp blatter. reelected as f.i.f.a. president, and went on to call for people to press forward, as he put it in the spirit of unity and solidarity. casting doubt on the corruption rests and investigations that have been launched lately noting that it was strange that it happened two days before the f.i.f.a. elections. let's bring in phil lavelle joining us from headquarters there. host very hostile press corp and calls for him to take responsibility. >> very uncomfortable. you could tell sepp blatter did not want to be there.
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this was something he had to get out of way following the allegations. >> let's run through a few things said. he talked about the coincidence. that this happened two days before he was up for re-election. he pointed out that he said the three american journalists happened to be there at the same time. he was asked why should you stay. one of the journalists said in any organization why should you go. people want to meet me as the boss to go forward. there was mention of david gill. he rejected the vice president role at yewa. he brushed that aside and said david gill didn't turn up didn't give a reason as to why he wasn't here. he was asked about jack warner former f.i.f.a. vice president. jack warner has been arrested
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under the indictments. and he was asked clearly - did you - authorise a bribe to jack warner. he has gone on record and saying if i was taking millions in bribes who gave them to me. the reporter said "what is it you?" sepp blatter said i cannot comment on a statement by someone else and referred to the fact that there was an accurate investigation. and said you have to look at that investigation. he was asked are you concerned about being arrested to which he said arrested for what? he didn't ask the reporter to elaborate. he went to the next reporter for the next question. there was talk about the notion of u.e.f.a. may organise a protest and not take part in the 2018 world cup. he was clear saying f.i.f.a. needs u.e.f.a. but at the same time u.e.f.a. needs f.i.f.a. he wrapped up the press conference saying that is it. there'll be more to come. >> thank you so much phil
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lavelle in zurich. let's continue the discussion with rahal. watching this i guess the bottom line is as he said he has no intention of stepping down. clearly doesn't feel that he's responsible for any of the problems. the slots will go on. >> it will be a 32-team tournament. i'll read a quote from sepp blatter. we'll fruit f.i.f.a. back on the right course in clear transparent waters. we need some time to do it but we'll do it. this was from a victory speech in 2011. we heard all of this before. nothing has changed. a sournalized -- journalist talked about a culture of corruption and that has not changed. are we to believe he is the man to change it. we think they'll find it difficult to blef.
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he said he did a lot of change. there has been a lot of people that left f.i.f.a. can he continue to steer the ship. now, with the rumblings in u.e.f.a. and sponsors and so on. >> for those to point yes, the big difference between four years ago and now is the investigation. the fbi has a lot of evidence that they think they can push against f.i.f.a. and he admitted saying "i expect more bad news to follow. we have to be strong and cope with this. he thinks there'll be more television coming out. he sidestepped the issue of did you think the fbi are coming after you. he wasn't concerned. but i think he should be we may get more revelations and result in possibly him not seeing out
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the full term. >> stay tuned, i guess, is the message gary is a football commentator, joinings he live from acra on skype. good to have you with us. i am sure you heard the criticisms from journalists there. as sepp blatter pointed out 133 nations voted for him. tell us about the mood from those nations in africa. >> sepp blatter has one of support. regardless of the fact that yes, they knew that there may be some corruption allegations against sepp blatter. he says why has he not been mentioned. and the support for bld - f.i.f.a. says it's information up to 1973. it has been a euro centric
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organization. he went on a tour of 90 countries with pele in toe to galvanise support. africa has never been the same. ask anyone that follows politics. sepp blatter is the protege. when he came into power, he went on. he showed that africa had respect. he treated africa well and doubled africa's development by 40-fold. on that point. obviously in the west he's perceived with skepticism. tell us about the difference which five made to african and other developing football
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confederations. >> the stand out was to bring the world cup to africa it allowed three african countries to bid for the process. apart from that. there's f.i.f.a. gold project where f.i.f.a. makes sure that african countries get access to pictures. development in terms of balls, basing things that countries, western europe take for granted. it's a big deal and through the african cup of gagss sources -- nations courses and other things will come to the nation on a more increasing basis than before. >> thank you so much.
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to other news in nigeria, 10 have been killed by boko haram haram. they attacked a fill village near maiduguri. it came after plans to announce re-election of the command center. muhammadu buhari wants the army based there until they are defeated. the government fights rebels many blaming government forces for pushing homes and killing relatives. catherine wambua-soi reports. >> this man arrived at a camp in unity state. they come from a village and have been on the ready for 24 days. highlighting in the swamps in
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the day. they carry the weak. he died on arrive here. >> my dad's health improved. he was walking and talking. i went to look for his food. when i returned he died. >> after days on the road a young person arrived. her mother gave birth on the day they can't from the village after an assault by a man in military uniform. they beat us and killed people. we ran to the bushes. >> they had to have surgery. doctors without borders received patients with bullet wounds. >> my second was with other people at the cattle shed when the armed men came.
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my son lived in the swamp. >> reporter: thousands left the villages. a government offensive s.p.l.m. was going on. many came to sake refuge here 21,000 in the last few weeks. they are exhausted. draultized and afraid. they'll receive basic supplies like food blankets mosquito nets. those that talked said it seems like a never ending cycle of suffering. >> at the camp. the family is making funeral arrangements. he'll be buried in a town he never visited. and so far away from the home he lived in and loved all his life. she will start her own life here again, so far from home.
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in syria a barrel bomb dropped by bashar al-assad's forces killed 55 in the east. it hit a crowded market in a town under i.s.i.l. control. in aleppo 20 people mostly women and children were killed by barrel bomb attacks. >> the saudi-led coalition bombed houthi across yemen on saturday morning. planes targeted an air base and the strikes set off a secondary explosion. ment u.n. envoy arrived in the capital. they insist peace talks will take place despite the first round postponed last queek. >> human rights activist was on hunger strike and is heading to
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washington dv. >> a citizen of egypt and the u.s. was arrested when police came looking for his father a member of the muslim brotherhood. he didn't eat solid food for 400 days and miss family are indebted to people launching a social media page. >> several governments met in singapore, saying they have rights to parts of disputed waters. u.s. defense secretary ash carter criticized china for the way it was marking out its territory. >> reporter: angering the chinese, a u.s. plane flies over waters in the south china sea, capturing a portion of the chinese reclamation in the area. china built 7 man made islands,
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800 hectares where once there was rocky outrop. the u.s. calls the activity unprecedented. at an asia pacific conference ash carter the u.s. defense secretary criticized china's aggressive innocence. with actions in the south china sea. china is out of step with rules and norms underscoring the asia pacific security architecture and the regional consensus faring diplomacy. >> china disagrees, ignoring pleas for construction to stop. as far as china is concerned, it's the united states that is causing trouble. >> it is wrong to criticize china, and the stability of structural activities since china has never taken proactive measures. the disputes in the south sudan has been there for decades.
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>> and over the past decades, the region has been peaceful and stable because of china's great restraint. three of five claimants have their own installations, but nothing on the scale of china's reclamation. the dispute has been brought to an international tribunal for arbitration. china refused to participate maintaining it has sovereignty. >> the chinese are not quite trusted because on the face of it it appears that the chinese will say one thing, and in action do another. i think it doesn't square off. i think this is where the confusion lies and the mistrust lies. >> the u.s. and allies fear that the struggle over ownership of the south china sea could destabilize peace and affect
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trade and security in the rest of the world. >> no permanent solutions are expected at the end of the catholic church. it is hoped that the talks will give all parties the taste to share different perspectives and find a way to work together. china spent a big delegation and it is seen as a pi sold. >> plenty to talk about when it comes to football. >> a little more f.i.f.a. of course sepp blatter has had his news conference. the 79-year-old happened a fifth term as president at the congress. in this press conference he lit rated a dire for a farm in the organization but denied he was to blame for the scandals plighting his tenure. wednesday several leading officials were arrested.
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he claims the timing of the arrest and the fact that the u.s. president was present was not a coincidence. >> andy richard came out of the conference. i listened to some of the questions. they were tough. it was a prickly mood. >> it was, he kept his temper to the end, until asked whether he should resign whether he was arrested, whether he personally paid a $10 million bribe to jack warner. on all counts high said no no no and no. and he was asked at the end if the u.e.f.a. would push out of f.i.f.a. and the world cup. he almost lost his temper saying u.e.f.a. needs f.i.f.a. and f.i.f.a. needs u.e.f.a. he said u.e.f.a. should set an
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example, that although they have powerful leagues, this wouldn't be anything without players around the world. and one of their representatives not to turn up at the first meeting of the executive committee was not acceptable referring to david gill former manchester united any. he was elected on to f.i.f.a. yesterday, but said he wouldn't take his place if sepp blatter was reelected. david gill followed throw, he didn't attend the meeting saying his professional reputation was important and while blatter was president he would not take his position. >> he blamed u.e.f.a. for watering down some reforms he tried to bring in. do you think the comments about u.e.f.a. david gill indirectly about dade gill will make the possible meeting on june the 6th more likely that they'll raise
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the possibility of a breakaway or a boycott? i think it's a huge step for u.e.f.a. to take to pull out of the world cup. there's only five or six days until the meeting. michelle is a former ally. they had a fulling out. and he was asked to regip. for him to be in charm when they pull out may be a step too far. >> thank you for your thoughts. that's all your sport. more later. >> thauping. stay with us here on al jazeera. we come to the end of the newshour we are back with another full bulletin of news in a couple of minutes. and there's the website. we'll see if we can bring you a shot. you can see the lead stories that we are following.
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don't try this at home! >> tech know where technology meets humanity... only on al jazeera america sepp blatter takes a bat iring from the press -- battering from the press, but says he is of man to reform f.i.f.a. hello. i'm sammy, you're watching al jazeera. also on the show. more than 4,000 people rescued from the mediterranean in 24 hours. civilians in south sudan flee what the u.n. says is the worst fighting in months. washington hits out at
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