tv Weekend News Al Jazeera May 30, 2015 2:00pm-3:01pm EDT
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american dream hard earned only on al jazeera america ♪ >> this is al jazeera. >> hello i'm lauren taylor. this is news hour live from london. coming up, rescue from the mediterranean. more than 4,000 migrants are saveed at sea in 24 hours. and government barrel bombs are dropped. and people in south sudan
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face the worst fighting in month. we'll find out why sepp blatter is some popular around the conference. >> massive rescue operation has taken place in italy. over 4,200 migrants have been saved in the mediterranean in the past 24 hours. they were picked up in a number of separate boats between italy ireland and german. the u.n. refugee agency estimating 1,800 people are dead all have gone missing since the beginning of the year. emma hayward has more. >> reporter: there are more migrants being rescued in the mediterranean than ever. this weekend one of the busiest yet. here german vessel oversaw the
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rescue of hundreds from different boats off the coast of tunisia on friday. a baby is reunited with her mother. dozens of exhausted migrants take shelter on deck. the italian coast guard said that on friday 17 bodies were recovered from boats on the libyan coast. this is the british navy flagship entering the italian port on saturday. hundreds more migrants on board rescued by various ships patrolling the coast of libya. good weather is encouraging ever greater number of people to take their chances. many are escaping war in the middle east, many are gambling on better pick prospects in europe. mostly the coast of libya bound for italy but not all. in recent days dozens have been arriving on the greek holiday island politicians make plans to
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disperse them throughout the e.u. but many countries don't want them. and the plan to attack libyan people smugglers to stop migrants from getting on boats in the first place have yet to be converted into action. >> let's get more now from catania. the numbers are arriving in just one day are quite staggering, aren't they. >> not only are they staggering, but the migrants rescued earlier today, since there have been more rescue operations. italians say they have rescued 300 more people. as we speak more operations going on off the coast of libya by the germans and by other
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members of this tritan operation. we'll hear that that number could turn into thousands. this will continue for weeks to come. this is the beginning of the season where most of the migration happens. anything that happened earlier this year is of any indication, well, the numbers will be higher than ever. just to compare this time of the year last year, already there has been an increase of 30% of these people who have been rescued in the sea. >> we know that the european union has been struggling to deal with this crisis for a while. what is the next steps we expect in the short term there? >> you italy is the country struggling the most, and it has been saying so for a while that europe should share the burden.
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they'll go through a medical check to make sure that they have not caught a disease on their journey here, simply also they're simply exhausted from their journey. especially this year, the government has asked all the region to open its doors to pinpoint any kind of facility that is abandoned where they can relocate these migrants in order to start with the identification procedure and see what to do with them. but i have it also say by and large many of the migrants try to escape italy as quick as they can before they get into the system of fingerprinting, before they get their files open. by then they have to stay in the country where that file has opened. a lot of them want to go to german denmark wherever they own someone or wherever they think there is a better life.
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>> thank you very much, indeed, for bringing the status there from italy. >> 70 people have been killed in northern syria after government forces have dropped barrel bombs in aleppo province. the worst attack was on a marketplace under the control of isil. >> activists say bombs were dropped. this ambulance is rushing to help survivors. many groups fighting in syria are in aleppo. but in the province next door idlib, they have rover over run the area. >> we still have weapons we never used before. we promise our brothers very
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soon they will see the new weapons. >> syrian forces have been on the retreat in idlib province in recent days. thee military people are said to be heading into the province of hama and the coastal areas beyond. the area north could be next for the rebels. it lies between the power base of the mountains in the west and the rebel-held province of idlib in the north. but on the other side of the country there is a fast-moving battle battle between the kurds.
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activists have posted this video showing the church recently over run by isil. kurdish fighters led by airstrikes drove them out. this woman said she lost everything. >> i built this house with my sweat and blood and i'm barely surviving. they don't fear god. >> many syrians have lost their homes and livelihood during this four-year war and millions more could face the same fate. al jazeera. >> reports that isil has blown up a prison con for example in palmyra. the jail had been one of the most feared detention centers known for its harsh conditions and human rights abuses. it is believed to be empty at the time. sources close to isil and iraq say that fighters have repelled government attack east of ramadi.
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offensive in the area are part part of a taste to take over by theover the area taken over by isil earlier in the month. >> a suicide-bomber has attacked a mosque in maiduguri. eight people have been killed and 20 injured in the attack as people headed to the mosque for prayers. it's the second attack to rock maiduguri on a saturday. earlier rocket grenades killed 13 people. the attack comes a day after nigeria's new president promised to tackle a threat posed by boko
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haram especially in the north of the country. as well as security threats to regions suffering hugely from economic prospects and widespread corruption. we have reports on the optimism that residents feel about their new leader. >> forced from their home in burno state. now they have found refuge and will try to reorganize their lives. he wants one thing from the government. >> security, security. without it you can't achieve anything. that is my expectation for people like me. we've been through so much. >> six years of unprovoked violence have left tens of thousands dead, more than a million displaced and the rise in poverty all in a region already struggling with low high
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unemployment. six years after his graduation, he's still looking for work. >> i want to take care of my family. >> like millions of nigerians he puts his hopes in this man muhammadu but harry. >> expectations are very high right now. buhari can be expected to put in a lot of hard work. but expectations are on security, corruption and energy crisis. >> but he's inherited crisis, security, corruption and employment all need urgent attention. and they all know that it will be difficult. >> it will be difficult because
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people expect manuel to manuel tomagic to happen. >> the drop in the price of oil nigeria's prime export has left the country desperately short of cash. that will limit buhari's options, and no one knows how long the people's good will will last. al jazeera nigeria. >> the heatwave in india has killed 2,000 people over the last two weeks. the areas hit hardest with scorching temperatures compounding communities with problems of lack of water. >> in some of the most i am impoverished pockets of the
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area families are holding last rites for their loved ones. this man was 85. >> my father got sick because of the heat. he wasn't well for a few days. we gave him water but that did not help. we then decided to take him to the hospital, but he died on the way. >> stories of illness and death are being told across the neighboring stage states. doctors say they're not equipped to deal with the growing crisis. >> water food, basic medical treatment is required to treat sun stroke patient. >> but in the district what's been described as an
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unprecedented heatwave by meteorologists has once again raised questions about an old problem. water supply. for communities across this area pools like these are an important source of water for farming and drinking. but many have run drive leave villages looking for resources. residents here have learned to live with very little. >> over time our water problem has gotten worse. we've had drought and we don't get as much rain as we used to. drought water here has dried up and it's getting hotter. this is a very serious problem here particularly for the elderly. >> in a twist of irony it's water that village menus to cleanse themselves purifying themselves with a life-saving resource that is in such short
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supply. >> coming up on the news hour, the new treatment which could double the life expectancy of some cancer sufferers. plus... >> i'm in the netherlands where the young and hold are living together with benefits for both. >> i have no concerns about that and i have especially no concerns about my person. >> sepp blatter defiant as the corruption scandal in fifa continue. more of that in sport. >> government fights rebels the u.n. said that the fighting is the worst for months. catherine soi reports from pentiu. >> this man has just arrived in
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unity state. they come from a village across county. happened on the road for 24 days. hiding in swamps during the day and only daring to walk at night in fear of government soldiers. they cover their father who was too weak and sick. he died on arrival here. >> he was walking and talking. i went to look for his food, but when i returned he had died. >> after days on the route one-week-old has just arised. her mother gave birth to her on the day they escaped from the village after an assault. >> we ran to the bushes, and that's where i delivered my baby. >> hethis boy came with a wound to his arm.
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doctors without borders have seen dozens of patients with bullet wounds since april. >> my son was with other people at the cattle shed when the armed men came. they started shooting and took our cattle. my son hid in the swamp until the night we had to leave the next day. >> thousands of people come men have come to seek refugee here. 21,000 in the last few weeks. heavily burdening the overcrowded camps. they're exhausted. traumatized and afraid. >> they come here for registration to get humanitarian help. then they'll receive basic supplies like food, blankets and mosquito nets and utensils. some of the people have been through this process before, and those we talked to said that it seemed like an never ending suffering. the family is making funeral
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arrangements. he'll be buried in bentu, a town he had never been to before. so far from the town he had lived in and loved all his life. >> the coalition has been bombing houthi positions across yemen. strikes set off secondary explosions and fires. they also hit two compounds. dozens of houthi fighters were reportedly killed in those attacks. in mali, two civilians were killed by houthi shelling. the rebels have been boosted by arrival of reinforcements. there has been heavy fighting in aden. human rights activists who was
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on a hunger strike while in a prison is head together washington, d.c. he has citizenship in both egypt and the united states was arrested in 2013. his family has thanked those who launched a social media campaign demanding his release. a defiant sepp blatter said he does not fear arrest. he denied blame for the scandal rocking fifa, and he said it was his job to fix the reputation of fifa football. >> i said i forgive but i don't forget when it comes to persons and to facts. >> he chaired a meeting of fifa executive committee the panel that makes world football's
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biggest decisions. but david gill a newly elected member from europe had chosen not to attend in protest. he said he could not see any positive changes in fifa while blatter was in charge. it was just one detail in the growing split between fifa and european football he is governing uefa who backed blatter's rival prince ali hussein. >> we have the best competition and best players. but when it comes to clubs if you don't have the players from the other continents then they will not be so rich or so good in football. but they have to be an example not only to say fifa, but to help and come in and help take responsibility and responsibility you cannot take when you are elected and you don't come even to the first meeting. this is no responsibility. you are elected. you have to come. whoever is the president of
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fifa. >> blatter does have loyal support in many countries beyond european borders. that's why he was able to see a week that saw seven high-ranking fifa executives for corruption. >> congress, they are of the opinion that i am still the man to go into these problems and to solve this problems. >> uefa may find it ironic to be told to set an example by the head of an organization that currently has seven officials residing in prison on corruption charges. uefa member countries will meet next saturday the topic of pulling out of fifa will be discussed. andy richardson, al jazeera, zurich. >> china's claim over the larger part of the south china sea has dominated a security meeting in singapore. several governments say they have rights in different parts of the waters and they have
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criticized china the way its trying to mark out its territory territory. >> angering the chinese an u.s. patrol plane flies over the waters over the south china sea and captures portions of reclamation efforts. there are seven handmade islets where there was once only rocky outcrops. the u.s. calls the activity unprecedented. a conks in singat a conference in singapore ashton carter speaks out against china. >> china is outside of the norms and the consensus that favors diplomacy and favors coercion. >> china disagrees and ignores
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please to stop. as far as china is concerned it is the united states that causes problems. >> it is wrong to criticize china for construction activities since china has never taken any proactive measure, in fact the disputes of the china sea has been there for decades and over the past few decades the region has been stable just because china's great restraint. >> the philippines vietnam and malaysia three of five other claimants of the disputed waters also have their own claims. china has refused to participate in proceedings maintaining it has historical sovereign glit the chinese aren't quite trusted. i think simply because on the face of it appears that the
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chinese will say one thing and in action do another and i don't think it quite squares off. this is where the confusion lies and where the mistrust really lies. >> the u.s. and it's allies fear that it's struggle over ownership of the south china sea could destabilize the area. no permanent solutions are expected at the end of the security conference here, but it's hoped that the talks will give up a parties the space to share their perspectives and find a way to work together. china has sent a big delegation, and that is being seen as a positive sign. al jazeera singapore. >> the cost of elderly care in europe is rising and at the same time young people are finding it difficult to find somewhere to live. that's prompting some places to tackle both challenges together. in the second of a four-part
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series there is one project in the netherlands with an unique solution. >> max has found after a day at university studying marketing and communications, but home is not a messy shared apartment or a college dorm room. max lives in an old people's home. he's one of six students living rent free at the center. in return the students spend time with the elderly. >> sometimes before all this when i moved here i get a little bit annoying by elderly people at the bus, for example. but i'm here, i think about the time differently. 50 minutes for me is not so many but for some people it's 15 minutes of their lives and
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you can see the smile on their faces. >> the old people and the students have an easy relationship. they tease each other. the warmth is evident. >> we get along very well. they are just like our sons. it's like they're part of the group. >> the center has won prizes for the student-resident concept. it's the brainchild who came up with the idea when faced with the challenge of dwindling funds. she's been surprised by it's resounding success. >> when they have a bad knee and it hurts at 96, and the doctor can't fix it any more, but when the youngsters talk about music party in amsterdam they bring in life, they bring in stories they bring in joy. >> there is no down side to this experiment. the young and old benefit alike. so it's no surprise that they've had inquiries from around the
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world from people wanting to know how it works. like all great ideas it's so simple you can't imagine how it wasn't thought of before. the concept looks back to decades earlier in europe. when the elderly lived at home with multiple generations. but the scheme has been updateed for modern economics and more importantly it brings some benefits that can't be measured. the students learn caring skills and for the elderly the last years of life are much more enjoyable. jessica baldwin al jazeera. netherlands. >> still to come on the news hour. a common foe, ukraine and georgia make a deal amid tensions with russia. and fighting power through paint. finding a creative way to rally against corruption. and in sport top seeds take center stage in the french open in paris.
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>> a reminder of the top stories here on al jazeera. over 4,000 migrants have been rescued in the mediterranean sea in the last 24 hours. government forces dropped barrel bombs on aleppo province. a bomb exploded inside of a mosque in maiduguri killing eight people and injuring dozens more. no. in ukraine president poroshenko put in the former president of georgia as governor of the odessa region. simon mcgregor wood has this report. >> reporter: president poroshenko called his new governor of odessa a great friend of ukraine. the former president of georgia has been advising the government in kiev for several months
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already, and has long been a supporter for the country's move towards the west. he's also a foe of vladimir putin. his appointment is a clear sign of defiance to moscow and may be part of president poroshenko's continuing drive to root out local corruption. >> we all must build a new ukraine. without a new ukraine there is no future for the region nor for our town. everything is decided now. >> as president of georgia until 2013, he steered his country away from moscow's sphere of influence towards closer ties with europe. in 2008 they fought a war over the control of the se. the russians are stirring up tensions. military exercises taking place
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on ukraine's borders which have both kiev and the west fearful that russia will soon initiate another round of fighting in eastern ukraine. sporadic crashes continue. this hospital in donetsk was hit by shell fire on friday. the minsk agreement, which was meant to end the fighting and separate forces still has not been fully implemented. ukrainians accuse the russians of continuing to send weapons and regular troops into rebel-held areas of the country. the appointment will do nothing to improve the atmosphere. simon mcgregor wood. age. >> farmers in southern peru are refusing to give up their fight against a proposed copper mine. four people have been killed cross the country. the farmers say that the mine will destroy their crops. we have reports from the town. and they're convinced that the new mine will not bring promised
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jobs. >> 78-year-old has been farming in the valley for more than 50 years. in the time he said he has seen a decline in the quality of the land and the local water supply. >> the dust comes from the smelting facilities. it travels with the wind. >> the olive tree is covered with dust from the mine. he said its dying. farmers have abandoned their crops. they've been protesting for more than seven weeks against the projection which calls for the construction of a no copper mine farmers say it's too close to the valley. they fear they'll lose their livelihoods because of contamination. >> we want to live healthy.
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with the mine close by they will disappear. >> they say the mine will not bring new jobs. >> they say offer jobs but that's a lie. they bring people in to do the jobs. >> they fear that they will start the explorations here. >> people are afraid that one day they will be forced out of their property as it has happened in many other places. last year peru's government approved an environmental impact study. and the only course of action is to oppose the mine. now the rice is ready for the harvest. it will soon begin falling on the ground. but they say the protest is more important than saving his crops.
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>> it would not be fair that i harvest while others protest and they lose. i will go with them. >> the regional agency said that 6,000 hectares of crops are at risk. but they believe that the mine will never give them prosperity, health and a future for this grandchildren. al jazeera peru. >> thousands of people are expected to return to the streets of guatemala's capital on saturday to protest against government prescription. recent political candles are threatening to bring down the president. >> this is the sound of people power in guatemala. young people with spray cans and brushes in hand painting over political logos with art: it's
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a way for guatemalans to express their opposition to a corruption political system. >> we're painting the bridge because politicians painted it first. the politicians shouldn't have painted it. it's illegal to paint it. they would rather pay the fines rather than paint over them or not paint them at all. >> they paint over rocks and bridges with political symbols actions that are against the law. now citizens are fighting back, part of a movement that is sweeping guatemala. people gathered to protest government corruption. recent political scandals have rocked the country leading the vice president and several senior ministers to step down. calls for the president to resign continue.
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back in guatemala people say this art is a way of showing solidarity with protesters in the capital. >> we're here to express ourselves and retake these public spaces. and to let the politicians know that we're here that we're united and this is a peaceful revolution. >> in a country still scared by a bloody civil war the year has often kept people quiet. local members of the ruling political party appear and try to intimidate the group for painting over their logos. but they are certain of their legal rights and stand their ground. >> it's not nice to have to fight with other people. with what you're doing but yes i think as long as they don't have guns then we're fine. >> blotting out symbols of a
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political tem rooted in the past. a new generation of guatemalans looking towards the future. david mercer. al jazeera. guatemala. >> a new type of cancer treatment could double the life expectancy of some patients suffering from the most common form of lung cancer. it helps cells carry a trait to avoid detection by the immune system. the lung cancer killing 1.6 million people every year. the most common form is cancer that accounts for 85% of all lung cancer. however this, less than 30% of lung cancer patients are will still be alive a year after the cancer is detected. can you explain how it works and what type of drug it is? >> this drug is what we call
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immunotherapy. the drugs don't attack the cancer but rather reengage the immune system wake up the immune system and are have it treat the cancer as if it's a threat. effectively have the immune system fight our battles for us. >> so for any cancer to grow it has to find some way to avoid the immune system, and typically the treatment kills the cancer cells themselves but this strips of its ability to hide. >> is there a danger that this raises false hope and that it will only help certain glares the particular protein that we're looking at is program cell death. it's an off switch on immune
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cells. it's there for important reasons but in some lung cancer these cancer have evolveed away and effectively hit the off switch. so what these drugs do is they surround the pd 1 on on the t cell effectively acting like a plastic cover over the off switch. this will work best when patients have cancer that are using this pathway. >> are we talking about--this is going to sound glib--when we we say that it will double life expectancy if a patient only has months it could extend life from two months to six months.
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>> others who have moderate amount to live for substantial amount of time, so the overall effect is on the whole for patients across the board is double. >> could we see a treatment like chemotherapy if they applied it earlier, or do they use it towards the end. people try other things first and then they started this. >> this trial was used for patients who already--the first treatment didn't work. this is showing in this case on an one to one comparison this immune therapy drug may be better than chemotherapy. we need to find the best way of using immune therapy with chemotherapy or other immune theory drugs. which need to find which patients respond to which treatment and this is great for patients where there are not
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that many options available. >> it may look like a giant sea shell but wander inside. instead of hearing the ocean you'll experience a sonic reputation of space nor specifically the satellites there that are orbiting the earth. >> you hear it all around, right? that's where they are in outer space right now. >> nasa, the national air nottics space administration helped to design the pavilion as a way to connect with the taxpayers who fund the organization. >> if a nasa has been studying the earth. we know that they study stars and galaxy and other planets but earth is the most important planet out there. we've sent a hundred missions in space to help us understand where we live.
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>> the satellites study everything from weather to the amount of salt in the ocean. the pavilion is just one of the highlights of the world science festival that brings together scientists and artists. the goal is to make complex concepts more affordable to the masses. >> this presentation attempts to tell the story of albert einstein he's theory of relativeity. the festival also features big names in entertainment as well as signs and is spread over several locations around new york. >> it's very evocative emotional way. you don't need to be a scientist to appreciate the way scientists can create storytelling and dramatic performance.
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>> but it's the experience that capture the attention of those who might not otherwise think about science. >> it's amazing actually. it's very interesting to get an anan artistic representation. >> i think they just gave us gps and a little bit more, but it's much more than that. >> and if organizers have their way it will provide inspiration to the next generation of scientists. >> more to come after the break including. >> right behind me here is 83-year-old lieio bud welsh carrying on a musical tradition of mississippi blues music. the question is after men like lee are gone where does the music go from here. >> and in sport it looks like we have a winner in the 2015 diro d'italia.
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>> you hello again the funeral of bb king will be taking place in mississippi. his death earlier this month ended a chapter in blues music. now it's hoped that the younger generation will keep the music alive. >> on his front porch strumming his guitar his vocal chords in full throttle, leo bud welsh is in his element. he plays an unique strand of
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blues music about poverty growing up poor, for 60 years he was unknown to the blues world playing only in his local church and for friends at home. he mastered his craft that few ever heard. a dying breed of blues music few have ever heard. there is a rush toe preserve the music before it's too late but welsh was discovered and signed to a local record contract. his first album came two days before his 83rd birthday. >> it could die out but we're bringing it back alive now. >> leo tells me that he's going to be singing and playing his guitar until his final day, but he's still going very strong as you can see. but leo represents a whole generation of old time mississippi blues musicians and
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they won't be around forever. the big question becomes where does this music go after men like leo are gone. >> that will be left to people like leo's son leo welsh jr. who learned to play by watching and listening to his father. he's part of a younger generation who feel optimistic about the future. >> all people, black white brown,. >> self disscribe blues aficionado said that it won't be ease to replicate. >> not many people play the blues the way leo plays it. leo plays the blues the way it was played on the farm before blues taken north and urbanized so to speak. >> on this day leo was full of energy and wants us to hear one last song. the lyrics are titled a long journey. he's hoping his style of mississippi blues will be one with a journey with no end even
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after he's no longer around. gabriel elizondo al jazeera, mississippi. >> now to sport. >> fifa president sepp blatter has been holding his news conference and i has used it to say he's not concerned about the u.s. investigation in world football's governing body. the 79-year-old used the stage to question the timing of u.s. prosecutors who arrested seven top fifa officials two days before friday's election. they're accused of corruption and bribery after an fbi investigation. and blatter also hit out at europe's governing body uefa. >> i have said i forgive but i don't forget when it comes to persons and to facts. and i have said all through yesterday i have been elected by
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133 national associations, i am the president of everybody. uefa is the biggest program, you have the best competition, you have the best players. but when it comes to clubs if you don't have the players from other continents then it will not be so rich and so good in football. but they have to be an example not only to say fifa they shall help and come in and take responsibility and responsibility you cannot take when you are elected you don't even come to the first meeting. this is no responsibility. >> and in the same conference blatter announceed indonesia's suspension from fifa. news that could rule them out of the 2018 world cup. indonesiaen is being punished for. it's international team were due to start their world cup
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qualifying campaign in less than two weeks' time but they are being allowed to compete at the ongoing southeast asian games. sepp blatter continues to sound off criticism at many nations. one continent where his popularity has never been greater is africa where he had unanimous support in friday's vote. he took football to africa in in 2010 and continues to fund football facilities in many of the world's poorest nations. >> it's not the pitch where football champions are made in season senegal. skills are picked up from experience rather than former training footballers of african
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origin dominate in europe. it's not just a dream but an ambition. >> most of us have not played on a full football pitch but that does not stop us from playing on a club, earning a living doing something that we love. >> the training ground built thanks to fifa's funding. it's so special that no one including us, are allowed in. in a statement the senegalese said that fifa promised more investments. the announcement was made just days before the match contested election. senegal side with the incumbent president sepp blatter. >> fifa funding has not taken away the way football is being played here, and yet the election of sepp blatter has been seen as a victory for
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african football. africa has 54 votes. all of them went to sepp blatter. why, we favor those who seek cooperation and friendship first before profit. fifa has given us the world cup programs to help youngsters and develop football all under blatter's watch. >> blatter's re-election could mean more funds for africa football confederations. how much of it will benefit them is unclear. football continues to be played barefoot with an old ball. here skills, not many, set them apart. al jazeera. >> after all the football politics there is actually football action with the domestic finals in four of major
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leagues. >> it's halftime. in the final where they're hope hoping to sign up with a trophy. they scored an early goal. the french final kicks off in the next few minutes. to complete with victory copa del rey kicks off in over a half hour. seven of the french hope, the seventh grand slam serena williams playing against azarenka in the women's draw. the men's seed djokovic through a straight set win. the french open is the only
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grand slam djokovic has yet to win. zimbabwe's cricketers will pray their final match despite the suicide-bomb attack close to the stadium during the game on friday. pakistan won the match as they went in by six wickets to go two up in the three-match series. both sets of players were unaware of the bomb blast. security has been increased for the final match on sunday. this is the first tour of pakistan since the attack on the sri lankan team six years ago. on the second day of the second test against new zealand.
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cook was eventually out for 75 for 177. new zealand hit back late in the day with five wickets and still lead 97-1. alberto contadore will win the cycling contest for a second time. he takes the lead in all but two minutes into the final. the last time the rider had to tackle the mountain contadore closed in on his challenger, and was stage winner. it looks like his efforts will only be enough for second place. that's it for me, lauren. >> thanks so much, indeed. that's it for this news hour. from me, lauren taylor. julie mcdonald will be here for another full round of news in just a few minutes. thanks for watching.
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>> more than 4,000 migrants rescued from the mediterranean in just 24 hours. >> i'm julie mcdonald, this is al jazeera live from london. also coming up, isil blows up one of the most feared prisons in the ancient city of palmyra. people in the south sudan on the run in what the u.n. says is the worst fighting in months. why former french president
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