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tv   Weekend News  Al Jazeera  May 31, 2015 3:00am-3:31am EDT

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>> part of our month long look at working in america. "hard earned". >> a month after the earthquake, it's back to school for children in nepal. i'm sammy zaidan. you're watching al jazeera. arbitrary and unjustified. the eu heads out of russia after it issues atravel ban against 89 politicians. risking it all for a better life but is it worth it?
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>> schools are out. there's violence. >> in burundi a protest against the president. schools have reopened in nepal a month after the devastating earthquake which killed more than 8,000 people. over 32,000 classrooms were destroyed, and most children will be taught outdoors sheltered under tarpaulin. harry fawcett is there. what kind of schools or school conditions are children returning to harry? >> we are just on the outskirts of kathmandu. you can see the building in the background behind me. it looks relatively unscathed. it has a red sticker on it,
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means it has to be condisemed andcondemned andtaken down in the next couple of weeks. i'm joined here by the principal of the school. this must be an incredibly emotional and proud day for you and your staff? >> yes very good all the students come back to school and the government is so beautiful around nice sunny days. they are very enjoying games and songs and everything. there is a lot of independence here. so i think since last month in their mind you know, there are so many other problems like psychological problems. this is good for them. >> how importantly is it for them getting together again.
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>> a problem many from the village do not stay here. so from some other place they are not coming back from the village. so still we have very difficult to manage everything here. we try our best to -- >> the children from these other districts that have been so badly hilt? >> exactly, that's right. >> how about the school building itself i've mentioned it was issued with an order that it needs to come down. how quickly does that need to happen as far as you're concerned? >> this is a very old building, not that old but 80 years old building. a lot of cracks. so we need a lot of money and we need there government, trying to rebuild this house and this building so i think the students need to get back to their rooms
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and new buildings and not happy for that reason. >> reporter: how important the parents of these children, they are a little bit worried to start with about being separated from their children at this time. >> yes, parents mentally they are not re, after several times you know, parents are worried about students in order to send back to the schools and maybe sometime again they're not aftershock is coming and building collapse, students and children that's why they might be worried about it but they don't have to worry about here, we have a big sphwrowrched ground here. no problem for collapse. but we have a big building, right here might be to collapse
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sometime might collapse but this here -- >> you can make sure they stay away from it. >> yes. >> thank you sir. this is the situation at the school, there is a real sense that the kids are happy to be back here, because of away they've been through maybe or the that reason, 8,000 have been damaged and this won't be in that shape. some schools though it's just a question of teachers and staff meeting to chart a way forward to make sure that these kids will have the same kind of educational chances they might be looking forward to before the earthquake struck earlier in
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may. >> thank you harry. the united nations has strongly condemned the deaths of 70 receivables in aleppo. the worst attack was in a towncitizens in aleppo. found by one of the massive operations to save migrants in the mediterranean sea.
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hoda abdel hamid is there. hoda. >> about 2,000 migrants have died we are actually here in augusta, sometime later there is a we still don't know the circumstances under which they died. but often they do die either because water's coming into the boats or because sometimes they are sitting below deck next to the engine and they suffocate. for those who do make it here, it is such a relief but before crossing the sea they do spend some days trying to come to terms of all what they have been through. bus at salama, a young girl
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tells us the journey is still not over and many of the difficulties are still there. ness it's ait's a moment she's been longing for. her journey started four kilometers away in eritrea. it's a world away from where we first met in misrata's detention center in libya. salam is the girl in orange tense and silent. >> translator: the prison was all of, we knew nothing i was thinking all the time, what will i do, where will i go and how. this was the end. day came, we were happy and
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hoping you could get us out of here. they took us to tripoli. we weren't allowed out until we paid. he paid the guys at the prison and we left. first we walked into the sea. the water was up to my chest. we got to a small boat and then we reached the big boat. >> reporter: on her third day in italy by coincidence or perhaps by fate we meet again on the sidewalk, near the reception center. now travel companions, they met on the journey in the sahara desert. she is seven months pregnant. her final destination is
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holland. she says some are still eld in held in tripoli. they don't have the money for bribe or to make the sea crossing. soon she will be on the move again. she wants to meet her cousin who is in denmark. >> i found europe just like i dreamt of it. my country's nice. if there was not war i would have stayed there. whatever job will give me money. i have to pay for my mother to come here. there are people there so i can see, i have nothing now but i'm happy i'm out of libya. here i can walk around, even sleep in the street. no one attacks you. here there is peace and sanity.
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>> her most proud position is a piece of paper with names. hoda abdel hamid, al jazeera rome. >> this lady trying to get to denmark i think how? is it through an eu process or other means? >> no, she will still be illegal, she will try to get on the train and first she has to get the money and she's been telling us this over and over again and then she will have to get on a train and just hope no one will get her until she reaches denmark. along the road they have contact points people from the eritrean community, where they ask rest for a few days or it is a risk. eventually if they get caught in
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any other country along the way they will be returned to italy. they have no other choice, they have to go through process a file has to be opened, they have to be finger printed and get asylum process. the journey isn't over but most feel safe because they feel at least they can move around. i think these are the very early stages of these girls they are all very excited but reality will sink in at a certain point and they will realize that starting a new life even if you are in a safe environment will not be so easy. especially at a moment when the europeans are so worried about these migrants because of the numbers coming in, the economical problems so immigration won't be so easy.
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>> hoda abdel hamid, thank you. black list of politicians and security officials who can't travel orussia now. former british deputy prime minister nick klegg. >> s caroline malone reports. >> negotiations over ukraine the german foreign minister said they should be informed those involved. >> at least those lists should be made public. at a time when we are trying to defuse a persistent and dangerous conflict in europe this is not conducive of that. >> reporter: among the 89 people banned from traveling is uay kosipius, due to take over
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from german prime minister angela merkel. there is also the former guy bostad and swedish tax authority minister eva lindstrom adler. >> what we understand is it's some kind of response to the eu's list. it gives the reason why certain names are on the list. >> reporter: it's believed the list was drawn up introduced after russia took control of crimea last march. since then, 6200 people have died in eastern ukraine.
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caroline malone, al jazeera. >> still ahead the need for life's most are precious resoces plus. >> behind me is a person carrying on a transition of mississippi blues music where does this music go from here? here?
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. >> did welcome back. let's recap our headlines here
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on al jazeera now . schools have reopened in nepal a month after the devastating earthquake killed more than 8,000 people. most children will now be taught outdoors. the european union has confirmed that the travel ban for 89 minister are arbitrary and unjustified. one of the officials is nick klegg. monsoon rains are on the way but parts of india are still sweltering. liddy dutt is reporting from the section where 125 people have died. >> reporter: in some of the most impoverished sections of this country families are holding last rites ceremonies
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for their loved ones. >> my father got sick from the heat he wasn't well, we gave him water that didn't help. we decided to take him to the hospital he died on the way. >> reporter: stories of death have been told for this area, authorities are prepared to zeal with the growing health crisis. >> liquids or intravenous fluids, that is a became basic treatment. >> reporter: what has been described as an unprecedented
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heat wave has once again raised questions about an old problem: water supply. for communities across the area, pools like these are an important source of water for farming and drinking but over the years many have run dry leaving villages parched and struggling for solutions. as a result, residents have learned to live with very little. >> translator: over time, our water problem has gotten worse. groundwater is dried up and is getting hotter. this is a very serious problem for us, particularly for elderly. >> reporter: in a twist of irony it is water that village men use to purify themselves
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after cremating victims. liddy dutt, al jazeera. >> joins me from new delhi good to have you with us. >> yes sammy. >> why did so many people die this time? >> i think there was some difference this time from previous years. the first was that the temperature increased too rapidly. you know for past six months, india is going through some of the most unpredictable weather we have seen in many years. we had an unreasonably cold march and april heat should have increased and that didn't happen. the heat wave happened very rapidly in three weeks. people with disease people who are old and infirm, couldn't
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cope with such rapidity in heat. generally we have warning announced for heat wave and people are not allowed to work between 11 and 4:00. it took time for the government to release this warning. this happened in a very short period of time. i think the unpredictability and rapidity with which the temperature has risen in the matter of a few weeks is a big concern. >> let me pick apart your answer there. are you saying the weather is becoming a concern or is this an unpredict annal incident? >> very unpredictable. the last few weeks have been devastating for india not much
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has been reported about it. we have lost from 10,000 hectares of farmland because of rain and hail storm. some farmers have committed suicide because of unpredictable -- >> right, if that's the case, if you are saying wealth is becoming more extreme and unpredictable, the fact of life, surely the government has got to monitor doesn't it? >> it has to go to the grass root levels, very important for a country like india which is largely agrarian and agriculture is still the mainstay of large portion of our people. also from a health point of
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view whether it's extreme rainfall heat waves or floods, we feel this is the most important thing for the future. >> thank you very much for your thoughts on that, chandra buchan. blast in northern nigeria after an attack on the city suburbs overnight, after the inauguration of the new president, muhammadu buhari. the failed coup of burundi's president pierre nkurunziza. hawrmtharu mutasa reports.
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>> he looks like a boy but he is protesting. opposition has protests over president pierre nkurunziza's decision to run for a third term. >> they don't go to school, they don't eat enough anymore unfortunately, in this demonstration we have about five children who have been killed. >> reporter: despite the potential danger children are still on the street. sometimes children come onto the street because they're curious or get excited about the protest. but when the police opened fire to disperse the protesters, that's when children get hurt.
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many schools in bujumbura closed. >> it is very serious children experiencing violence, it is a real problem not only for now but for generations to come and this country has suffered so much already we had to stop it and we have to stop it with children. >> here is another angry group much protesters, another child is on the street on their own. parents have been told to keep their children at home and out of theof harm's way it will haru mutasa, al jazeera. after a car crashed past police barricades near the hotel, defense ministers and leaders from around the world are gathered there. in texas people have been trapped in cars and houses as floodwaters swept through streets. houses were pulled from their
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foundations and water flowed over cars, as rivers burst their banks. at least 21 people died and 4,000 buildings have been destroyed in storms. hundreds of people have attended the funeral of jazz great b.b. king. southern state is known for its unique style of blues. it's hoped the younger generation will keep the genre alive. gabriel elizondo reports from southern mississippi. >> his vocal chords in full throttle leo plays an unusual
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form of blues music for 60 years he weighs virtually unknown to the blues world playing for his church or church or only for friends. a dying genre there's a rush to preserve the music before it's too late. two years ago welsh was discovered his first album came just two days before his 81st birthday. >> we're putting it back to life now. >> leo tells me he's going to be playing his guitar until his final day. but leo represents a whole
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generation of mississippi blues musicians, where does this music go after he is gone? that will be left to leo's son who learned how to play by watching and listening to his father. >> young people, older folks chem blacks, whites, brown japanese are blues frieforts. favorites. leo plays the blues the way it was played on the farm before blues was taken north and urbanized you would say. >> he wants us to hear one last song the lyrics are called, a long journey. even after he's no longer around
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he hopes the music will continue. gabriel elizondo. al jazeera bruce mississippi. >> if you want to get more news, just head to is "techknow." a a show about intersection of hardware and heuvment and we're doing it in a unique way. this is a show about science, by scientists. tonight, "techknow" investigates mining the deep. dr. shini somara


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