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tv   Weekend News  Al Jazeera  May 31, 2015 9:00am-10:01am EDT

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movers and shakers. gripping. inspiring. entertaining. talk to al jazeera. only on al jazeera america. >> two down, one to go, after winning barcelona win but will
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they be celebrating after the champions league final? >> school children have begun to return to classes in nepal. it is a month since an earthquake killed more than 8,000 people. thousands are buildings were destroyed. teachers are working hard to make lessons as normal as possible. >> it's a big morning for the children time to take out uniforms taking out school bags and tie a tie. >> i want to play hide and seek with my friends. i want to hang out and find out what happened to their houses. >> finishes touches come from their mother along with a reminder not to panic if there
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is another either quake. >> i know they'll be safe at school but my mind is not at ease today. >> school start reassures students to the building was safe. earthquake drills practiced even this a welcome chance for a laugh with friends. throughout nepal schools were marking an important day. here the principal welcomed his students far more than he expect. he offered reassurance they were as i have in the open. if the ground shook it would be like dancing. >> they're mind is in fear, but we help them overcome their fear and trauma. >> class were held inside new bamboo huts put together in less than two weeks by the staff and
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two non-governmental organizations. this is in the shad low of the original school building. it was damaged in the quake the cracks are visible but worse inside. the red sticker means its condemned. the principal wants the government to act as quick as possible to bring it down to eliminate further threat to the schools coming to the school. >> 8500 schools across the country are damaged. many aren't in position to put on lessons or games but asked to do something today to show that the earthquake interrupted and didn't destroy the education that their children deserve. >> to sicily now, where the bodies of 17 people have arrived at port augusta. they were found during one of the large-scale operations to save migrants in the mediterranean sea. more than 5,000 people have been rescued since friday.
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we are live at the port. 17 bodies, any idea what happened to them and what it tells us about the sort of journey they've been on? >> well, the bodies for now have been taken to the hospital where the doctors will try to figure out the cause of this doing an autopsy. they were found onboard one of these rubber dingies that migrants often take, an overpacked rubber dingy. the commander of the boat did not know the cause but aid workers were saying with their conversations with the migrants, the story is not clear enough, but it appears that the dingy was overcrowded. there was also some fumes coming out from the engine and there was some fuel leak that go mixed into the water that was in the
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engine. they say that that is also what caused a lot of the blisters that we've seen, that some of the migrants coming off the boat had. some of them were pretty herifying to look at. this is the tragic side of this story. the other side is that many migrants do make it here, a tiny fraction of those who make it here no matter in what shape they are whether they are exhausted, whether they are depressed or tired once they touch land or once they see friendly faces as they call them italians, german, irish whoever is in the sea, there is renewed hope that comes to them that maybe this time they will get a chance for a proper life, as they say. they say they don't want much, they just want a chance in life. we met a young girl from eritrea. she was in jail, made it across the mediterranean and this is her story.
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>> it's a moment she's been longing for the chance for a new life away from the turmoil she was born into. her journey started across the sea. 4,000 kilometers away in eritrea. it took her nearly three years to reach the shores of europe. it's a world away from where we first met in the detention center in libya. it was a few weeks ago. she is the girl at the back in white and orange, tense and silent. there were no smiles at the time. >> the prison was awful. i was thinking all the time, what will i do, where will i go, how? i thought it was the end. >> the day you came to visit we were happy. we thought you would get us out. the next day they took is to tripoli. we were not allowed out until we paid. we paid the sea smuggler $2,000
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and he paid the guys at the prison and we left. first, we walked in the sea. the water was up to my chest. then we got on a small boat and then we reached the big boat. >> on her third day we meet again at a center for newly arrived migrants. with her some of the other girls she met they made the journey through the desert. they gave each other courage then and now are making their baby steps together. she is seven months pregnant. she says that some are still held in sicily. they don't have money to pay for the bribe to be freed or for the if you gears to make the sea
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crossing. soon she will be on the move again. she wants to reach her cousin, who's already in denmark. >> i found europe just like i dreamed of it. i still don't know how i will travel. there are other people. i might travel with them. then i will study first learn the language, and then work. any job. whatever will give me some money. i have nothing now but i am happy. i am out of libya. here i can walk around, even sleep in the street, no one attacks you. here, there is appeals and safety. >> at the moment, this is her most prized possession, a piece was paper filled with phone numbers along with a dream that her new life could come true. >> an incredible emotional
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journey there. what happens to the majority who do make it safely? >> well, in the very short term, they will be relocated by italian authorities in the many reception centers that are now existing around the country but by and large you'd be surprised how quickly that happens, they will try to continue their journey towards the end destination, often in northern europe sometimes because they know someone there sometimes because it's a big community of their own there or because they think there are job opportunities. it's still going to be extremely difficult, because the situation they were in in libya or even before reaching libya whereby they were illegal immigrants crossing borders illegally continues on this side of the mediterranean. they still don't have money but they do say most of them do say
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that once they have gone through in africa, coming here and this last leg for them sounds easy. they are probably not very much aware about the problems of social integration the problems of finding a job here, the problems are nothing how to communicate with people. i was very surprised at the young women i was speaking to that are featured in my report had really no clue where was denmark or holland or wherever they wanted to go, however it was, how to get there so it's really a whole new world that is opening in front of them. they were attracted by that the word europe, now they're going to have to find out what this europe means exactly. >> let's leave it there, thank you. >> let's go to iraq. eight isil suicide bombers attacked an army headquarters near new jersey. >>. at least 20 soldiers were killed in a separate assault another 13 soldiers died in a rocket attack on the air base east of
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ramadi. the city has seen some of the heaviest fighting in recent weeks. let's go straight now to baghdad. it seems as that nothing frightens them off now isil. >> that's absolutely right. they do seem to be announcing major offensives. they are where the army bases are and fallujah, also we're hearing reports there have been ambush attacks on the east of ramadi, 33 soldiers there. isil controls two border crossings with syria where allegedly they are bringing nothing extra fighters. they are using suicide car bombs to great effect.
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they seem to have really finessed it. they are reinforcing those weapons. that means some of the iraqi security forces are using are ineffective. the iraqi security forces are fighting back. they captured towns and villages, they are using those as staging points. they are shelling isil positions and also attacking ramadi from the outskirts from the south and north and east, so the iraqi security forces, they are fighting backing but we have seen an escalation in the clashes over the last 24 hours. >> if there's any fighting back, it seems they are losing the war, if anything are on the defensive. what are they hoping possibly now to get from the international community that could help them? >> well, there's a real issue at the moment when it comes to the subject of airstrikes. a lot of iraqis particularly within the military are wondering how effective these have been. these great for closing off roads. we've seen that in great affect
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to the road between raqqa and syria and mass as you will to the north but less effective when isil fighters are hiding in the civilian areas civilians that might die in any strike in collateral damage. the decision is going on whether to embed 10 or 12 special forces operatives within front line units to be able to call in airstrikes. that's a problem for the iraqis. you don't want boots on the ground here. what they are saying is can you give us the weapons the f16 planes that you promised us, can you allow us to take this fight to them rather than trying to manage it from walker to know. >> thank you for that from baghdad. >> there's much more to come here on the al jazeera news hour. sustainable solution for syrians, helping people feed themselves in an area where hunger has become a weapon of war. >> scientists say securing the damaged nuclear reactor of
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chernobyl is uncertain. >> could the chicago blackhawks shoot down the anaheim ducks? they try to reach the stanley cup finals for the third time in six years. >> u.s. secretary of state john kerry is receiving treatment in hospital after breaking his leg in a cycling accident. kerry was riding in france a day after he held talks with iran's foreign minister in geneva. he's canceled visits to madrid and paris to return to the u.s. for treatment. simon mcgregor wood joins me now from london. >> do we know more about what he was doing and how he is? >> he was conducts his morning routine, which very often on the road for the secretary of state includes a daily bicycle ride.
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we saw him doing it in lausanne in march and he was doing the same thing in the french alps this morning when he took a tumble and landed heavily on a curb cracking his femur the upper bone in his leg. he's 71. 71-year-old's tend to land heavily and take a little extra time to recover. sings the injury is quite close to the site close to a previous hip surgery conducted in a hospital in boston, his advisors decided he should go there for follow up treatment and as you said, that will have a serious impact on his schedule, which included a trip later today to madrid and then on tuesday, he was due to take part in this coalition of foreign ministers the u.s. is collating his trip. we understand he's in good condition. he never lost consciousness and
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he will participate in that meeting via a video conference link. >> thank you for that, simon mcgregor wood. >> russia's imposed a travel ban on 89 politicians and security officials from the european union. the decision is said to be in response to e.u. sanctions against russia and similar travel bans due to the situation in ukraine. stephanie decker reports. >> members of the european union have called a new russian travel ban against 89 europeans arbitrary and potentially pardon meful to negotiations over ukraine, saying russia should have warned the affected people. >> at the very least those concerned should have been informed about the reservations against them or those lists should be made public. at a time we are trying to diffuse a persistent and dangerous conflict, this does not contribute towards that. >> among the european's ban from
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travel are the secretary general of the european council in brussels due to take over as foreign affairs advisor to bedroom chance angela merkel. there are nine poles on the list and head of domestic security agency. there's the head of the swedish tax authority. >> we have asked for an explanation from the russian side and asked the russian ambassador to give us the motivation, what we understand is that it is some kind of response to the e.u.'s list, but that is transparent and above all gives the reason certain names are on the list. >> the russian foreign ministry confirmed the travel ban was imposed in response to e.u. sanctions and similar travel bans against russians introduced after r.b.i. took control of crimea last march.
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6,200 people have died in eastern ukraine where pro-russian separatistses and ukrainians are fighting for control. >> he said russia's travel ban is not a simple response to e.u. sanctions. >> this particular decision was taken just weeks before crucial e.u. summit, which has to decide on the future of the sanctions extend them for one more year or to abandon it. it seems that russia is feeling e.u. weakness. already inside e.u. are countries which are not happy with sanctions. it seems e.u. is now scared, so russia is trying to press her and send some members of e.u. clear signal, think twice before taking decision, because it can
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bite. >> scientists say funds are desperately needed to complete a new safety structure at the power plant an explosion at the site exactly 29 years ago set off a chain of events leading to what has been described as the world's worst nuclear disaster. andrew simmons reports from there. >> looming above a town where no one lives anymore a new average like structure dominates the skyline. it's meant to offer fresh hope in the long wake of nuclear tragedy left by its next door neighbor reactor number four. although the structure is heralded as a feat of engineering, it's missed several deadlines and still isn't finished. >> you have to walk a good distance back to take it in. this is the biggest movable structure on earth. eventually it will be maneuvered slowly on rails to totally encase reactor number
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four opinion the question is when that will happen. >> completion isn't the only issue. funding has halted progress. it's hardly surprising the budget has been colossal with it being such a challenge. >> we have got a huge amount of radioactive waste. >> there's no guarantee the concrete will keep doing its job. scientists assigned to monitor safety are worried. >> the longer this exists, the more it can collapsed. the engineers can't guarantee its stability anymore. >> it's likely that anyone doubting the urgency of this
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situation would change their view with a walk around the nearby town. this used to be a school in one of many areas evacuated. like the rest of the town, it's abandoned. 50,000 people had lived here. now it's the center of a nuclear exclusion zone. it all happened in a few minutes, one explosion. then three decades as one of the world's most contaminated places. there isn't an end in sight. with nobody sure how many lives were taken by chernobyl, more than 4,000 documented cases of terminal illness with thousands more suspected. it's a town frozen in time, where an amusement park was about to open. no one got to use it. 29 years on, it's spring, and taking over everywhere, trees and bugs that look like the only
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living things. there's stillness and silence. andrew simmons, al jazeera inside the chernobyl exclusion zone. >> let's get the weather with rob now. as the heatwave in india starts to abate where does this leave the monsoon? >> it's something tracked very closely every year, of course and the monsoon eventually will get rid of the heatwave by introducing the rain. the first we see is off the coast of africa. you see the showers bloom every day. the coast of somalia and tanzania all get the showers and the wind changes. ambassadors reporting 700 millimeters in 24 hours. when the wind starts to go along the coast southwesterly, you are thinking this is the first sign of the monsoon and indeed it is. that's already been broken in
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one of two places, the bay of bengal. where it should be on the first of june is this far north across to myanmar. where it actually is and we're only a few hours away from the first of june is right to the south of that, through sri lanka, just coming into myanmar so it's delayed. it's these showers now bursting more and more readily that are relieving the heat, so the signs that we have seen, a requirement for an awful lot more water daily has declined. the heat is around, but nothing like as bad as it was. we will see showers burst here and more especially in pakistan and northwest india, as well. back to. >> thank you rob. china has reacted angrily to u.s. criticism of construction on reclaimed land in the south
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china sea. this explains what is at stake. >> rich in marine resources and minerals a third of the world's shipping passes through here. the shoreline is shared by eight countries, each with claims to the sea many of which overlap. china's are the most extensive including the vast majority of the sea but it's these two small sets of islands that are the main focus of territorial spats and kind in a's ambitious land reclamation program. it includes a large runway, harborrion and sea walls but it is to the south in the spratleys where a base has been built. china says it will be used for search and rescue, but it will also be able to accommodate long-range fighter planes. >> i want to reaffirm these construction are well within the
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scope of china's sovereignty and justified, legitimate and reasonable. they do not pose to aim threat to another country or affect the freedom of navigation. >> china aircraft recently challenged a u.s. surveillance plane over the spratleys. that's fueled the chinese government plans to set up an identification zone or add it. this would mean all aircraft, military or civilian would have to ask permission to enter the area. >> in the past month a solar powered plane has flown on a mission to fly around the world. the plane is attempting the toughest leg of the journey. our technology editor explains. >> solar impulse two has a wing span wider than a jumbo jet but weighs little more than a car. it has completed six out of 12 stops in an attempt to be the
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first around the world journey in a plane powered exclusively by these vast panels on its wings. first stop, in oman. it flew to india setting the world record for the longest manned solar powered then it flew on and after a brief stop continued to mandalay and myanmar. on this leg it set another world record for the fast evident manned solar powered flight with a maximum ground speed of 216 kilometers an hour. from here, while flying over the mountainous area, the cabin temperature dropped to minus 20 celsius. it flew on to nanjing. a distance of 8,172 kilometers may be the most difficult part. it will take the plane 120
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hours, that's five days. enough remember, the plane that just one pilot onboard which means it's a feat of endurance. he'll grab short 20 minute naps when the plane is on auto pilot following a diet and using meditation to remain focused. more than anything, he'll have to rely on the team in sweatier land constantly plan being and monitoring the route. >> we can predict the weather two to three days out fairly accurately with a weather specialist software we have. predicting five days out is very difficult. if we did a five day flight across a continent and we encountered any problems, there's an alternate airport we can land. crossing the pacific there's no alternate airport. that keeps up the teams with the engineers, the pilots, this is a first-ever are we then going to be able to make it. >> still ahead on al jazeera could it be the end of the u.s.
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government's era of mass data collection? a measure brought in after 9/11 is set to expire within hours. >> we meet the african wine makers using a plant normally used for tea to create a fine vintage. >> in sport main rivals looking in good shape ahead of the world athletic championships in beijing. that is coming up.
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>> hello again here are the headlines. schools reopened in nepal after the devastating earthquake that
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killed more than 8,000 people. over 32,000 classrooms were destroyed. most children will now be taught outdoors. >> in iraq, isil fighters launched attacks in anbar tray vince, an army headquarters was attacked in fallujah and 13 iraqi soldiers killed by a rocket attack on an air base east of ramadi. >> the bodies of 17 people arrived at party augusta on the italian side of sicily. they were found during rescue operations on friday that saved more than 4,000 migrants trying to cross the mediterranean sea. >> in syria sources close to the islamic state of iraq and the levant say the group has taken control in northern aleppo. it is strategic situated on the road that leads to the opposition strong holds. 16 people are reported to have been killed in government shelling in idlib.
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local activists say more than 25 civilians have been killed in an explosion at a hospital. barrels of fuel reportedly caught fire in the hospital in the city. the cause of the fire isn't yet known. it happened when families were waiting to have their children vaccinated. >> the u.n. agency dealing with hunger said 10 million people in syria are in need of assistance after four years of war. a lack of security, funding and access mean its proving hard to help everyone. there's a new scheme underway that's designed to help syrians help themselves. >> this urban farm is help to go provide food for a few of the many hungry people in syria. it was set up in an opposition held part of aleppo eight months ago. around 30 families get a regular supply of eggs. others have the option of buying into a cooperative that make a living off the farm. >> the aim of the project to
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achieve fuel security for aleppo is a means of protection if a blockade is emposed on the city's liberated areas. >> it's funded by the foundation a u.s. based charity. they provide what they call smart aid finding the most effective and impactful way to help syrians based on their requests. >> of course it creates food security for syrians. it creates the kind of food security and also general life security for the people that we serve, and that's why we are so passionate about giving this kind of smart aid. >> people without food in war zones are vulnerable not just to malnutrition but exploitation. in this video rebel group nusra front hand out food to people, part of a campaign to win them over. the world food program i also providing aid to 4.25 million people in syria every month. because of the war many areas are inaccessible.
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the world food program can't get into other areas and only able to reach some in other areas. some people resort to eating whatever's available like in yarmouk refugee camp, one of many places blocked from food and aid. >> in syria what we're seeing is two types of tactics using food as a weapon of war. the first is that parties are confiscating the food production and the food distribution services. that includes farms and markets. the second is that they are impeding actions to humanitarian aid. >> the farmers in aleppo with the help of international donors have created something more sustainable. there are more than 4,000 people who need more food in this neighborhood alone. at least with this project a growing number of people know where they are next few meals
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are coming from. caroline malone, al jazeera. >> a suicide bombing in northeastern nigeria has blown off a mosque roof and killed 13 people overnight. in this report, it shows it is the first big challenge for the new president. >> as people gathered for afternoon prayers at mosque, a suicide bomber blew himself up. it's a market area in the city. witnesses say the bomber posed as a trader and was pushing a wheel barrel.
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so far no one has claimed responsibility. it wasn't the only violent attack in the capitol. most civilians were killed in a suburb when rocket propelled grenades hit homes. it is believed boko haram carried out this attack. >> it is the first major test in fighting a group that killed thousands and displaced more than a million people. in response to these attacks he promised swift action to punish those responsible. >> al jazeera nigeria. >> burundi's president won't be attending a summit in tanzania focusing on the crisis in his country. east african leaders are meeting to find a solution to end weeks
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of violent anti-government protest. most are children. we have a report from the capitol. >> he looks about four years old and he should be in school but he's in the street in the capitol, protesting. >> schools are closed. there is only violence. >> opposition members in burundi have been protesting for weeks against the president wanting a third term. some of those killed during the violence have been children. >> it is very bad. the children don't go to school. they don't eat enough anymore. they don't -- they participate unfortunately in the demonstration and we have about five children who have been killed.
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>> despite the potential danger, children are still on the streets. sometimes children come on to the street because they're curious or get excited by the protest. when the police open fire to disperse protestors, that's when children get hurt. >> when the protests started more than a month ago many schools closed. if this political crisis drags on children won't have basic to a basic write education. >> it is very serious what is happening, it is very serious that children are experiencing violence. it is a real problem not only for now but for generations to come. this country has suffered so much already. we have to stop it and we have to stop it with children. >> here's another angry group of protestors and another child is on the street on his own. parents have been told by officials to keep their children at home and out of harm's way. al jazeera burundi. >> in texas people are trapped
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as floodwaters swept through it is streets. houses were pulled from foundations and water flowed over cars and rivers burst their banks. at least 21 people have died and more than 4,000 buildings have been destroyed in storms. >> u.s. police have killed more than two people a day this year, according to a report by the washington post. the paper found that at least 385 people have been shot and killed by police across the united states this year. in baltimore last month riot's broke out following the protests are the death of freddie gray who died of injuries sustained in the back of a police van. >> at the stroke of midnight sunday the u.s. government is set to lose surveillance powers originally granted after the 9/11 attacks. the government says this bulk data collection, the scale of which was revealed by edward snowden was a keep americans safe. we have this explanation. >> it's dozens of terrorist
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events that these have helped prevent. >> we now know that both bush and obama administration officials were not telling the truth. inquiry after inquiry failed to find a single instance where bulk data collection in the u.s. made a difference to a counter terrorism investigation. not only that, the u.s. second court of appeals ruled that the entire program is illegal. >> a group led by the senate majority leader supports a temporary extension in its current form. that seems highly unlikely. there are two other possibilities. the usa freedom act has been hailed by the obama administration as a way to end the government drag net of private information. the f.b.i. would need a court order to access records held by telecom companies. civil groups say it is a start. >> the law addresses the most egregious abuses and puts in
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place transparency mechanisms that are not perfect but as least a step forward from an abysmal status quo. >> it failed in the senate by just three votes. apparently this his the only other option that can be voted on before midnight, which leaves a third possibility nothing new is passed and section 215 simply expires, along with all its other provisions, the armed phone record collection. the obama administration has been warning of dire consequences if that happens. >> some of the tools that we use to combat terrorism and crime are scheduled to shut down on sunday. >> yet the attorney general's own inspector general appears to contradict that statement. a study of the use of section 215 between 2007 and 2009 found the agent said interviewed do not identify any major case developments that resulted from use of the records obtained in response to section 215 orders.
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the investigation also revealed that the f.b.i. wasn't just collecting u.s. tax medical education, travel and library records, but suggested that the instant messages, texts and email information of americans was also monitored. all of this will still be collected under the u.s.a. freedom act. that's why calls have grown for 215 simply to expire. >> the time is really now for congress to put an end to this provision of law that has been used illegally and used to violate the rights of every single american. they have to turn to much broad eerie form. >> when edward snowden revealed the scale of the u.s. surveillance on its own citizens, as well as on the world, he was branded a traitor by some politicians but his actions have successfully brought the u.s. to the brink of reform. al jazeera washington. >> at first glance, people in a former mining town in the northeast of england might not have much in common with
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australians, but a british academic said they do. two prove it, he's brought the two cultures together. we have this report. >> one community lost its land, independence and identity when colonialists arrived more than 200 years ago. another lost much of its identity and independence when 30 years ago government actions took away that community's industry and purpose. there's a comparison between the two, is it too much of a stretch? >> it's crazy actually. [ laughter ] >> i thought how is this going to work? >> matthew johnson a british academic brought a group of people from a former mining town in england to meet aboriginal people in australia. >> if we are to understand aboriginal experience in australia, we have to understand historical context of the u.k., which may give aboriginal australian people cause to
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thinking differently about people in general like potential allies in different parts of the world who happen to be white. >> some said receive suffered discrimination on the basis of their identity just as aboriginal people in australia. karl is unemployed after a series of what he describes as dead end jobs. >> the worst part is not wanting to be unemployed, wanting to earn your income instead of going out and begging for it every fort night. >> what he learns from australians and what they learn from him will feed into the academic report. >> i know it's a completely different situation but there is still impoverishment in the north of england and how do those people cope with it? >> the british participants have taken part in demonstrations, consulting for indigenous rights
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and have been taken to sites of cultural significance. in june, the aboriginal people of australia will travel to england. >> on the face of it, they have very little in common, parallels can be found when it comes to solutions. one community's experience can inspire the others. >> the cost is made by public grants but it's not a free holiday. exchange work sounds cheaper than most academic conferences but this is real life research comparing those on the sharp end of change. >> stay with us here. the news hour still to come. in sport we look back to the career of one of the greatest players in the history of women's tennis who passed away on friday.
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>> you may have heard of the tea made from a native plant in south africa. wine makers are turning to the plant and it's proving beneficial to people with allergies. we have this report from the western area. >> in all those we used to add the wine to the barrel, but now we add the oak.
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>> what he means is they don't age it in barrels anymore. instead, oak chips or other derivatives are added to the wine. the people here have discovered they can replace oak with a native plant. >> it looks just like a giant tea bag. >> it does. >> the plant is known for leaves used to make tea. using it to make wine is similar to brewing a cup. >> we don't want tea flavors we don't want a cup of tea. we still want a cup of wine. >> these plants are grown only in south africa. for the process of making tea it's the leaves they want, but for the wine, it's the stems the wood they need. it's another reason it's proven beneficial eliminating the need for a preserve active, because it's so full of antioxidants. >> you find people are allergic
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to sulfur. when they drink the wine, it affects them. there's a consciousness throughout the world about using preserve actives in wine. >> this concept he hopes will give wine from this country a unique selling advantage. >> i specifically wanted to be african, because inherent, it's the right thing to do and if you do the right things in terms of our own people, we first need to look after our own people in the western cape. in africa, we need to find a way to create jobs. >> a lot of the wine is already sold to china. while it's won several awards and popularity locally he hopes his sulfur free wine will sell on the world wine making map. erika woods, al jazeera the southwestern cape, africa. >> i'm going to hand you over to a fan of the tea. >> thank you very much. in spain barcelona are still on
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course for the treble by clinching on saturday. a brilliant individual goal gave barca the lead. a second was added are before half time. he scored another as barcelona went on to seal a 3-1 win. with the la riga and titles already in the bag next up is the finals league next saturday. >> thousands of fans took to the streets of barcelona to celebrate their win. this was barcelona's 27th copa del ray title. it's very nice to make our
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supporters happy. one of the beautiful things about this job is to make so many people happy. we'll try to make them happier next week. >> in germany no fairytale finish. >> if he would count everything we experienced together, i am very thankful for that, but it doesn't consume me, because in such a moment, nothing can comfort you. >> saturday was an historic day becoming the first french team,
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even with the team of highly paid superstars, it took until the 64th minute to beat the team that finished ninth. scoring what proved to be the winner. >> arsenal celebrating with their supporters after becoming the most successful team in f.a. cup history. the 4-0 win giving them their 12th success in the world's oldest competition. with fifa's congress in zurich now over, seven officials are sitting in a swiss jail as part of the ongoing corruption investigation by the united states. the men can appeal their incarcerations within 10 days of arrests up until june 8. their chance of being allowed out on bail is slim.
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a meeting will be held in berlin where a potential boycott will be discussed. seth blatter resumes his presidential duties after reelected for a fifth term. he is due to be in new zealand for the final. blatter has been the subject of fierce international criticism in the past week but enjoys widespread support and backing in africa. in senegal his reelection has been celebrated. we have this report. >> it's not the pitch but the beach where football champions are made in senegal this dry country finding a grassy pitch is almost impossible. skills are picked up from experience rather than formal training. the african continent is a bleeding ground for talent.
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footballers dominate in europe, playing in the big european league is not just a dream but an ambition. >> most of us have never played on the full football pitch but that hadn't stopped us from earning a living doing something we love. on the outskirts of the capitol is a brand new training ground, built thanks to fifa's funding. there is astro turf to train year round. it's so special that no one including us, are allowed in. in a statement, the federation said fifa agreed to build several other pitches. the announcement was made just days before the much contested fifa elections. senegal sided with the incumbent penalty, seth blatter. >> decades of fifa funding hasn't changed the way football is played here. yet for may be commentators, the reelection of seth blatter is seen as a victory for senegalese
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football. >> africa has 54 votes all of them went to seth blatter. why? fifa has given the continent a world cup programs to help youngsters and develop football. >> blatter's reelection could mean more funds for african footballing federations. how much will benefit them is unclear. football continues to be played barefoot with an old ball. here skills, not money sets them apart. >> in dew nearby is that's government accepted responsibility after fifa banned the country from international football. the immediate suspension is due to government interference. they've been add odds over the running of the domestic league which started earlier this year. after protests in jakarta the ban means indonesia won't start
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qualification for the world cup and asian cup. >> on sunday, indonesia's youth and sports ministry said we must respect the fifa statutes, but this bitter experience has been a lesson for us all. the government is not ignoring the several strategic steps that must be taken. the government will work together with various related organizations to perfect a blueprint for national soccer reform. >> moving away from fifa-related matters, this year says finalist for the biggest price in ice hockey have been locked in, the chicago blackhawks booked their spot on saturday by winning game seven of the western conference finals against the anaheim ducks. the blackhawks were winners in california and will face off against the tampa bay lightning for the stanley cup the best of seven series will start in tampa bay on wednesday. >> tonight we'll enjoy this accomplishment.
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we know how rare and how much hard work goes into the long season getting to this point and how many things, little things have to go right to get to this point so it is a tremendous opportunity. >> athletics, two of the most sprinters are looking good at this world's championship in beijing in august. tyson recently completed a one dear doping ban. in his latest race, the 32-year-old won the 100 meters at the diamond league meeting in oregon in 9.88 seconds his fastest time since 2011. china becoming the first with a runner in under eight seconds. running the fastest 200 meters in the world this year in 19.68 seconds. >> she really is one of the
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forgotten greats of women's tennis. doris heart won a total of 35 grand slam titles in singles doubles and mixed doubles. the former american world number one passed away at her home in florida at the age of 89. in a career spanning the 1940's and 1950's, she became one of three players only to win every single title from all four grand slam events. only two others have equaled the feat. there's lots more sport on our website. for all the very latest, check out we've got blogs and video clips from our correspondents right around the world. that address again >> it's amazing not many people know about it. >> i didn't, but i know now. see you later.
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we've got another bulletin of news coming up.
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>> heavy fighting in iraq's anbar province as isil launches more techs on government forces. >> also ahead the bodies of seven migrants who died trying to cross the mediterranean arrived at a port in sicily. >> the e.u. faces travel bans of european politicians. >> back to school for children in nepal.


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