tv Weekend News Al Jazeera May 31, 2015 7:00pm-8:01pm EDT
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this is al jazeera america, i'm erica pitzi in new york. here are the top stories. a show down in the senate over the issue of national security and the collection of your privacy facing a midnight deadline. the u.s. and qatar work out an agreement to extend the travel ban on the taliban five. a bicycle accident causes secretary of state john kerry to cut short a diplomatic mission. and looking at the life of the vice president's son, as we
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remember beau biden. we begin in washington where the senate moved a bill forward that would change the patriot act. congress passed the controversial law in the wake of the september 11th attack. it's been known for the n.s.a.'s domestic programme. the senate has until midnight to extend it or allow another bill the freedom act. libby casey is following it. the countdown clock is on what is the latest? >> this is a fight with the republicans on whether to push forward with the patriot act, or change it. it's a bill that the house passed a republican-led house, there were lots of republicans
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and democrats, called the freedom act, over the bulk collection of phone records. not the content, but who you called how long it lasted. that can be very revealing about you and about what you are doing with your time. now, the big fighter of this has been rand paul libertarian, republican from kentucky, and tonight he ed back against calls to extend the patriot act temporarily. take a listen. >> president obama set this program up. the president obama who was once against the patriot act, the president obama who once said you know what we should have judges the president obama that once believed in the fourth amendment is the president now scooping up your records illegally, and then he faynes concern and says we need to pass a new bill. he could stop it now. why won't someone ask the president "why do you continue?
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why won't you stop the programme now?" the president has the ability to do it. >> rand paul talking about the data. the president wants the congress to modify and pass the freedom account, ending the bulk collection of data putting it in the hands of the telco companies. rand paul sounds like he's fighting against by and large members of his open party, namely mitch mcconnell, who has been insistent that the patriot act be extended as is. there has been push back from him. we heard from harry reid the top democrat not against rand paul but the senior senator from kentucky mitch mcconnell. listen to harry reid. >> we are not in the mess because of minority leader it's
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the majority leader. he should have seen this come even those in his party. the republican leader lectures on how to function but his actions helped the senate not to function. we can do without lectures and defiant statements. >> there's a lot of resistance to rand paul. here is a democrat denning him. mitch mcconnell, tonight, said he would let go of an idea of extending the patriot act. the votes are not there. he brought it up. rand paul shut it down. now we have seen initial vote on the freedom account, the mooed iffic -- freedom act, we have the modification but it hasn't happened yet. >> the midnight deadline, does it matter. >> it does if rand paul doesn't take to the floor offering amendments and speeches they
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can expedite the process and pass the freedom account -- freed act act. it's likely to see features and amendments. we heard warning from the fbi director john brennan, and he was on "face the nation", and he issued concerns about parts of the patriot act expiring. >> i think it's watched what is happening, whether it's disclosures of classified information or changes in the law and policies they are looking at the seems to operate within. >> basically the freedom act extends other parts of the patriot act that people like paul brennan say are important, roving wire taps and efforts to go after lone wolf suspects. the freedom act is advancing, the question is how quickly. the patriot act, as we knew it is pretty much dead. >> libby casey for us live in washington. thank you secretary of state john kerry is expected to fly back to
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the u.s. monday after breaking his leg in a bicycle accident sunday morning, forcing john kerry to cut short a 4-day diplomatic trip through europe. rosalind jordan has more were washington. >> reporter: the u.s. secretary of state john kerry broke his thigh on sunday morning during a break in his travel schedule in europe. the secretary had finished a round of meetings with the iranian foreign minister on saturday and was planning to be available for more talks if they became necessary. the iranians left geneva saturday. he took advantage of the break in his schedule to get in some exercise. it happened that his right thigh bone which was broken in his fall is the same leg where he had a hip replacement several years ago. the secretary of state will have his surgeon take a look at the break and figure out the best
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way to help him recover. the secretary will not be out of action for long. he'll take part via video conference on tuesday in a foreign ministers meeting in paris, to talk about the ongoing fight against i.s.i.l. rosalind jordan for us in washington. in texas today residents woke up to clear skies, and the forecast looks brighter for many areas after days of torrential rain. mandatory evacuations are lifted. people are allowed back in their homes. with areas flooded authorities are in for a major clean-up job. jonathan martin joins us from texas. how are things where you are today? >> well it appears things are getting better. the worst is over. you can look at the community where i'm standing. two hours ago, in fact the major in rosenberg lifted a mandatory evacuation order that had been in effect meaning the
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residents can return to their homes. look at the damage. that will be tough for people in this community. considering all the rain that fell many consider this here minor compared to what could have been sunday sun brought with it a sense of relief for neighbours along the bayou. >> it's a beautiful day, things will challenge and get better. >> after a week of downpours, the forecast gave gary still a chance to dry off and clean up. >> we'll still have to cut sheet rock out to 2-3 feet in the house. pull out the flooring. >> 30 miles south of houston, in the town of rosenberg. the river is still more than 20 feet above the flood stage. >> how concerned are you that the water will come to your home? >> i'm very concerned. >> the mandatory evacuation in effect was lifted on sunday. the river is expected to crest on monday. >> is the worse over? >> we hope so.
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we have been monitoring the level of the river. it's holding steady. >> in liberty county texas water is receding as crews rescue 500 head of cattle that have been stranded for several days. >> people in south texas are returning to normal, the epic piece of rain left its mark. >> we spent 8 hours on the kitchen counters. it caught us all, i think, by surprise. >> and many people will not forget the storm because of how deadly it was, 29 people lost their lives in the storm in memorial day in texas and oklahoma. tonight, 11 are still missing. >> let's talk about the damage how does it compare to storms they have seen? >> we know this was an epic rain fall. this was an epic storm.
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we had rain fall record-breaking. when you talk about wide-spread damage thing about to 2001, when tropical storm alison came through the area. it was more damaging in scope. 30 people lost their lives. it took $5 billion to clean up and 70,000 homes were destroyed. that was a bigger storm. in terms of recent memory this is the worse and a lot of people in texas say that they have seen jonathan martin in texas. thank you concealed weapons will be allowed on some texas university campuses. texas legislators passed the measure, allowing licensed owners to carry happened guns. the bill goes to the desk of governor greg abbott. most college kids will not qualify was the minimum age for a gun licence in texas is 21. the bill provides for an
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exception, letting college presidents declare schools gun free zones. >> nearly 400 have been shot to death by police. the paper is compiling a database of police-involved shootings in the wake of controversial deaths of unarmed african-american triggering protests. statistics are not tracked so the paper is relying on police reports and media accounts. of people killed 365 were men 25 women. the newspaper found blacks were killed at three times the rate of whites or other minorities. 49 had no weapon 13 carried a toy gun. the u.s. and its coalition partners carried out more than a dozen air strikes on islamic state fighters. 13 were in iraq including mosul, sinjar and ramadi. there were attacks in kobane and
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other areas. a combined task force says i.s.i.l. attacked the buildings and weapons buildings were hit by coalition war planes it comes as fighters launch a string of attacks in iraq. 20 iraqi soldiers were killed when i.s.i.l. suicide car bombers targeted on army headquarters near fallujah. >> with all the attacks across anbar. we see i.s.i.l. using car bombs to devastating effect. now, the iraqi security forces have a problem. iraqi military analysts say the security forces don't have the reconnaissance and intelligence to stop the suicide car bombs in advance. some of the weaponry they are using is ineffective or reinforced car bombs, and this is something that i.s.i.l. is good at. what they are doing is splitting iraqi forces in half and are able to attack military bases as well as civilian and military
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targets. we are seeing shelling of the air base, where the majority of the iraqi security forces are based. it's where they are reinforcing troops. it's not to say the iraqi security forces haven't had successes. they have taken over towns and using them as staging posts after clearing them of i.s.i.l. fighters. they are attacking the outskirts of ramadi from the north, south and east in order to cut off i.s.i.l. supply lines, it looks like we have seen an escalation in the violence in the last 24 hours. the italian coast guard rescued more than 24 migrants in the ma mediterranean sea, and are mostly from eritrea. 17 bodies have been found. nationalityies have not been disclosed for many boarding a boat is
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one of the steps to leaving a life of poverty. hoda abdel-hamid has a story about a woman. >> reporter: it's a moment she's been longing for, the chance of a new life away from the turmoil she was born into. her journey starts across the sea, 4,000km away. it took her nearly three years to reach the shores of europe. it's a world away from where we met in misrata's detention center. it was a few weeks ago. salam is the girl at the back in white and orange tense and slept. there were no smiles at the time. >> translation: the prison was awful, we knew nothing. where we were for how long. i was thinking all the time "what will i do? where will i go? how?" i thought it was the end the the day you came to visit we were happy, we were hoping you would get us out. next day they took us to
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tripoli, they put us in a building. we were not allowed out until we paid. when we got the money we paid the sea smuggler $2,000 and he paid the guys at the prison and we left. first, we walked in the sea. the water was up to my chest. then we cotton a small boat and then we reached the big boat. >> reporter: on her third day in italy, by coincidence or fate, we meet again, by the side walk in front of a reception center for newly arrived migrants. with her, some of the other girls held in misrata, now travel companions. they met along the journey through the sahara desert and they gave each other courage then and are making baby steps in europe together. she is 7 months pregnant. her final destination is holland. but she says some are held in
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tripoli. they don't have money to pay for the bribe, or for the smugglers to make the sea crossing. soon she'll be on the move again. she wants to reach her cousin who is already in denmark. >> i found europe like i dreamt of it, my country is nice. if there is no war, i would have stayed there. there is no work. i don't know how will travel. there are other people. i might travel with them. then i will study. first learn the language and work. any job, whatever will give me money. i have nothing now. but i am happy. i am out of libya. here i can walk around and sleep in the streets. in one attacks you. here there is peace and safety. >> at the moment her prized possession is a piece of paper filled with phone numbers, along
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with hope that her dream of a new life could finally come true. coming to terms on the taliban 5. why an 11th hour deal between the u.s. and qatar will keep former guantanamo prisoners under surveillance o.p.e.c. gets ready to meet this week. what it could mean for prices at the pump in the u.s. stay with us.
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an 11th hour deal between the u.s. and qatar extends a travel ban on the so-called taliban 5. the former guantanamo bay prisoners were part of a controversial deal last year to free american bow berg dofl. since then they have been under the control of qatar. including a chief and a man who was the chief of communications. the map was set to expire tomorrow. u.s. and qatari officials spoke
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about the threats posed by the individuals, the former qatari prime minister sat why fox channel's futures with maria. >> how they will behave or how after they leave, this is something we don't know how they will behave. because you cannot guarantee someone else after he leave the gaol, even in the united states what he will go and do the same things. >> we can't ever assume to have changed their thinking in the time they were in our captivity, any more than we would want on american held by america to change their thinking. we have to assume their bonds with their old organization will be strong and go from there. >> live from washington to talk about this is doug ollivant a retired army officer and a security fellow with the new america foundation. thank you for joining us. travel bans are extended.
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talks continue. are both sides buying time to come up with a better deal? >> that's probably it. in some ways we are seeking to extend the deal as i understand it. facts are fuzzy on what happened. as i understand it, they were sent to qatar with a 1-year travel ban, with the understanding that it was one year or we would ensure they didn't go back to afghanistan, and essentially gave afghanistan a one-year puffer to make -- buffer to make sure it didn't just show up. we are seeking to extend that. great if we can pull it off. we are thinking of extending the terms of the deed. we knew qatar was willing to renew the ban under the same conditions but the u.s. wants to add more restrictions and surveillance what do you think a new agreement would look like? >> it's hard to say. we are not really content. we believe that they've been making contact with various groups in afghanistan.
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we don't think restrictions are sufficient. it will be interesting to see what we can come up with. qatar seems willing to extend the ban at least for another year. we'll see if a compromise can be reached. >> let's talk about the real threat the taliban five pose. you heard about the qatari prime minister and retired army general. they weighed in plus mcchrystal pointed out that since the five men have been in captivity so long, it's unlikely they'd have key operational roles if they did, indeed went back to the taliban. what is the reaction to what these guy had to say? >> you hate to equifo kate. seems like there's two mutually exclusive sides. you hear the administration or some close saying these people were not that senior they were mid level and been out of the game for a decade how much harm can they do. on the other hand i talk to someone i trust very much who
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described this as the afghanistan national security council, that we were going to send them back. it's hard to term what the facts are, whether they are senior figures that would significantly plug back in and give capability or whether it's a bunch of retirees who would sit and draw a pension in afghanistan. >> we talk about the qataris and the americans. how much of a say does the taliban have in this. >> the taliban is in the loop talking. the taliban is out of power. a fairly marginal terrorist group in the big sense of things, very important to afghanistan, without a lot offam of and international negotiations. i think this is primarily between us and the qataris. >> so we know that these men have brought their extended families to qatar to put down roots, something like 70 people in total. is it likely... >> about 70. >> is it likely that they'd return to afghanistan, to the
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taliban if indeed they were allowed to be free to go? >> it seems unlikely. the current government is unlikely to welcome them. you can't fly directly into the mountainous hills where the fag has power, you have to fly into kabul or similar where the afghan government has control. it would be difficult for them or endurages to enter the hills where the taliban has control of territory. airport is in cities where the government has control. >> overall, how does it affect u.s. and qatari relations? >> the united states and qataris have a lot of issues on the table. there's concerns over al-nusra and this issue, everything with the world cup.
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there's a lot of diplomatic issues on the table for the united states and the qataris. i don't think either side sees it as a first-tear issue. both would love to have it off the table to move to more important, more central issues to both countries. >> doug ollivant senior security fellow with the new american foundation thank you for joining us this week o.p.e.c. ministers meet in vienna reports suggest that it's unlikely that o.p.e.c. will lower targets. in november, o.p.e.c. decided to stick to the target of 30 million barrels a day. in april it surpassed that goal churning out 31.2 million barrels. not all members are on board. venezuela wants cuts to bring the price up to $100 a barrel. the price of oil took a dive over the past 18 months. crude oil is up around 102 a barrel. it was over 108 a barrel.
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in june of 2014 and then it started to fall. it got down below $48 in jan 2015 before rising again. in may, crude closed out at an average of $60 a barrel there has been a $0.39 increase in the price of gas. that spike appears to be slowing down. the nation-wide price for regular gas is $2.84. that's down from around $369 at this time last year. experts say gas prices could remain low until 2017, if o.p.e.c. decides not to cut production at the meeting several banks have reportedly launched internal reviews in the wake of the f.i.f.a. soccer bribery scandal. investigators say soccer officials rested in zurich were involved in bribery schemes totalling $150 million. the fbi did not accuse the banks of wrongdoing, but played a role
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in wire fraud and money laundering. two banks are reportedly looking into the accusations. >> a chicago college is severing ties with long-time house speaker dennis havt ter days after he was indicted. his name from the public policy studies has been removed. he resigned from the board on friday. last week the fbi indicted him for paying a stupid $1.7 million as hush money to hide sexual abuse during his teaching years. >> remembering beau biden. the outpouring of emotion in response to the death of the vice president's son. another republican presidential hopeful prepares to throw his hat in the ring and a tale of two school districts, why one is trying to get fried food back on the lunch menu. the other is trying to take all
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welcome back to al jazeera america, i'm erica pitzi, here is a look at the top stories. the senate failed to reach a deal to extend the patriot act, at mid night the law will expire along with provisions authorising the n.s.a. to spy on private citizens lawmakers are considering a bill known as the freedom act. it's unclear when this will happen mandatory evacuations orders lifted. many saw clear skies, but several rivers are a concern. 27 deaths have been confirmed. qatar has agreed to a temporary extension of the travel ban for five former taliban leaders freed in a controversial swap
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with bow bergdahl. lawmakers are mourning the loss of vice president joe biden's son beau biden. the president and the first lady visited the bidens the president took time to pay tribute. >> beau biden was a dedicated public servant. loving partner of two and a devoted partner to the woman he loved, hayley. >> the world was a better place because of beau biden, our country a better place because of beau biden, and the world a better place. beau biden was a rising star a contender for governor of delaware in 2016. all of washington today remembers the close relationship he had with his father. we have more. >> good evening, i'm beau biden, and joe biden is my dad. the eldest son of the vice president was a public servant and prosecutor. beau biden served as attorney-general of delaware for eight years, and served in iraq
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and was awarded the bronze star. he was an advocate of veterans. >> veterans of our nation. every day is a day of service, and a day of sacrifice. >> beau biden has aspirations to become governor of delaware and asked to focus on a 2016 campaign he spoke about a close relationship with his father bringing the vice president to tears at the 2012 democratic national convention nominating him for re-election. >> my father my hero joe biden at the age of 4 beau biden and his younger brother hunter survived a car accident in which his mother and younger sister were killed. in 2012 beau biden ha a mild stroke and was diagnosed with brain cancer. in may he was admitted to walter reed following a recurrence and died on saturday at the age of
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46 leaving behind his wife hall hayley and two children lindsay graham is expected to throw his hat in the ring for presidency. the 3-term senator has not tested well. graham has not lost a race for 23 years. and his expected run could shake up the line of - line-up of g.o.p. candidates. eight republicans have declared. the race is only woman is former business executive carley fooeor eena. another six are expected to run, including jed bush and new jersey's chris christie. we have more than lindsay graham's expected announcement. >> reporter: he's been described as a leading hawk of the republican party lindsay gram the senator from south carolina. >> if i'm president of the united states and you're thinking about joining al qaeda
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or i.s.i.l. anyone thinking about that? i'm not going to call a judge, i am going to call a drone, and we will kill you. >> reporter: like other republicans, gram wants limited government and reduced spending. it's his former policy experience and blunt style that endears him to senate colleagues. >> do you agree with me when russia says there's no russian troops or weapons in the ukraine their lying? >> yes lindsay graham was born in south carolina, to blue-collar parents, the first to go to college erping an undergrat ute and law degree. he went into the air force, and joined as a lawyer working in court marshall proceedings. >> in 1994 graham ran for a seat in the us house and won. four years later he was one of the most outspoken house republicans urging the
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impeachment of president clinton. >> we believe he assaulted our legal system in every way. let it be said any president who cheats our institutions shall be impeached. >> graham's firm but conversational approach made him a star. when strom retired. gram ran for a seat and was elected. since joining the senate. he travelled global hot spots with john mccain and they are leading republicans on foreign policy. >> i'm here to talk to allies about their concerns about the u.n. security council defining the outline of a peace process. for 40 years it's been the policy of the united states not to let that happen. >> during the obama administration gram has been tough on the president, and was one of the harshest critics, accusing president obama of shifting policies and creating confusion on handling the war. >> for two years the president
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allowed this to become a debacle. when it comes to selling the american people, what we should do in syria, given the in difference and contradictions is going to be a tough sell. it's not too late. mr president. clear the air. be decisive be firm about why it matters to us as a nation to get syria right. >> on some issues gram is closer to president obama than the g.o.p. he helped to craft a bipartisan reform bill that passed the u.s. senate. it was never brought up for a vote in the republican controlled house. he breaks to the left on climate change. >> i said that it's real. al gore turned this into a religion. >> the senator says hume jng activity -- human activity contributes to global warming. he returned the republican party to take a stand. >> before we are bipartisan we have to figure out where we are
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as a party. what is the platform? i don't know either. i'd like to come up with one, have a debate within the party. >> his moderation on some issues could work against him. yet, one of those early contests is in south carolina. his home turf and a place where graham ran up usualing victories, it means if he reaches the top three his campaign could go far. >> a stunning report concerning the social security administration and nazi war criminals. the study found the agency paid $20 million from 1962 to january 2015. some 133 suspected war criminals and nazi guards living in the u.s. may have received the benefits. officials believe as many as 10,000 nazis lied about their
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past to enter the u.s. after the war. >> across the country, what kids are eating in school is the topic of fierce debate. >> a state official wants to keep deep-fried food on the menu. in new york city a school is getting rid of meat. we look at the school districts. we begin with david ari osto in texas. at this school in dallas texas, lunch is served one way, healthy. broccoli is steamed, oranges are fresh and salad in abundance. this is not always the case. texas recognised that a growing number of children were overweight and suffering diabetes state officials decided to take action banning deep fryers and soda machines in schools officials say the ban
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encouraged healthy alternatives where carrots replace potato ships. >> for years we worked in that direction and developed the stronger standards. it's not clear that it worked. one in six texas kids are considered obese. up from one in seven. enter sid miller former state texas representative and rodeo rider elected as an agricultural commissioner. ha made childhood obesity an issue. for some his plan may be a little hard to swallow. his idea is to allow school cafeterias to bring back the deep fryers and certain sodas. miller says giving local school districts a chance to decide what kinds of foots their kids
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should eat will queensland better results. >> the reason we are doing that we believe in freedom and liberty and everything deer to texans. the idea of soda and deep fried food is as unhealthy as you can get. don't you think allowing schools to put them in place creates the possibility of unhealthy kids. >> keep in mind if they bring back the soda machines whatever goes in the machine meets the federal guidelines. >> sodas. >> you can't put coca-cola, dr pep sis. >> but you can put diet. >> you can put diet fruit juices flavoured water. >> the deep fried access. >> no it has to meet the federal guidelines. >> health experts linked fried foods to obesity.
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o obese adults spend $1400 more in medical wills. >> assuming that the kids eat lump, they warn that the plan is not the answer now to new york city where two schools are leave the to be the first in the nation to go vegetarian kristen saloomey goes to the school. >> reporter: the kids at school 244 at queens are like most of the ask the feature subject. >> recess. >> and the favourite foods? >> i like the lettuce. lettuce. apple. >> reporter: wait what was that? >> i like the lettuce. and apple. >> reporter: that's right, no chicken nuggets or french fries here.
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on this day the menu includes chickpeas and pumpkin ravioli, the kids seem to like it. i thought healthy food doesn't taste good. >> it's really good. >> thanks in part to the principle, making healthy lifestyle choices. with the backing of parents, completely eliminated meat from the menu. >> it was one day a week plant based, two days a week. three days a week trying out menu items, the current is the healthiest option available within the system. >> a healthy diet has benefits for growing minds and bodies. the principal says there's a palpable difference since shifting. >> that includes kids with energy, focus and attendance. the new menu doesn't cost more than the old one.
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the school got some help. >> in manhattan's restaurant scene where vegetarian is gourmet, amy is raising money to teach schools to make the switch. >> the good things that we feel are very custodial... >> she is where the new york coalition for healthy schools. >> all schools must serve fruits vegetables and whole grains. it is a component where there's move for improvement. we feel offering option assist a healthy option. >> she said it's a great way to fight obesity. >> it makes you stronger. now that ps 244 paved the way, other schools in new york are following in their footsteps. next what india is doing to keep people safe during an oppressive heatwave and more than a month after the devastating earthquake in nepal, school resumes. also ahead - if you think you
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available for your apple and android mobile device. download it now more than 2200 people died from a heatwave in india over the last six weeks. officials are launching an information program to educate people on how to survive the high temperatures. most killed are poor. temperatures are starting to come down. they are above 110 degrees farenheit. there's a shortage of water and medical supplies it's the worst heatwave to hit india in 17 years. >> in nepal, children are going back to school for the first time since the massive earthquake hit. not all schools are safe to reopen it's a big morning to they
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were boy and his brother. after 40 days it's time to take out uniforms back bags and remember how to tie a tie. >> translation: i want to play board games and hide and seek with my friends. i want to hang out and find out what happened to their houses. >> reporter: finishing touches om t mother along with reminders not to pan if there's another quake. >> translation: i knowhey'll be safe at school. i'm still worried. my mind is not at ease. >> reporter: the family's house was one of many to crumble on the outskirts of kathmandu. >> our school is safe. >> reporter: schools are reassuring students that their building is safe. teachers took flow chances. quake drills practised and this - a laugh with friends. acro nepal, schools were marking an important day. here the principle welcomed the students far more than he was
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expecting and offered reassurance that they were safe in the open. if the ground shoo it would be like dancing. >> their minds are full of fear. at school they are engaged in activities like this and the focus is to help them overcome fear and drama. >> classes were held in bam boo huts put together in two weeks by the staff, and two non-governmental organisations. >> all of this is happening in the shadow of a school building. it was here. it was damaged in the quake. the cracks are visible. they are worse inside. the red sticker means it's condemned. the principle wants the government to act as quickly as possible to bring it down to prevent further threat to the children coming to the temporary school. >> 8,500 schools across the country he been damaged. many areot in aitiono put on lessonsnd games. asked to d somethg today to show that the earthquake interru and didn't destroy
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the education that the children desee. >> del walters joins u wit a preview of what isoming up in th next half ur >> tomorro begins june it's a flurry of res by theupreme court. in our segment "the k at somef e precedent-settg decisions tha uld com down is involving same-sex marriage obama care religious freedom and capital punishment. they are cases that could define the court. >> what about the fate of obama care. >> that is the issue that all eyes will be op that and the issue of same-sex marriage. with obama care there's 7 million that signed up in the state-run exchanges whose fates could be decided by the court, meaning congress may have to fix obama care or cut obama care. several million will look at it to decide what to do next. >> see you at 8 o'clock
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according to the e.p.a. the rate of recycling in the u.s. more than tripled since 1980 with americans ug millions of -- using millions of plastic water bottles. we want to find out what happens to the plastic when it goes into the recycling bin. >> reporter: for decades plastic was sold to consumers as a miracle material. today, foodntainers yes, billions of plastic water bottles - our land fills are overflowing with plastic waste. despite best efforts to recycle, you'll be surprised what happens to much of this material. the world is addicted to plastic. the earth is choking on it. it seems to have been a material developed for convenience. we are 100 years later paying the price. >> if you look at the population
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as a whole. probably a majority have not realized the magnitude of the problem. >> nothing symbolizes the problem like the omnipresent water bole. >> americans consume water from $50 billion bottles a year. >> made from pet or polyethylene two monimers and purr fied acid combine to create a polyme resulting in a lightweight material. >> why does it last almost to infinaly in a landfill? >> essentially it's the same bonds holding together diamond. >> if you are conscientious enough to throw a water bottle into a blue recycle bin like at techknow, you probably think it will be turned into another water bottle. it may not be the days. techknow wants to find out what happened next.
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we followed the water bottle. this is a facility near los angeles, california. located near a large metropolis it can take a lot of trash. >> if you take a football field from post to post 10 feet high fill it up with trash, about a third of that. a quarter of that comes over re every day. 3,00 tonnes a day. this facilit offers a glimpse into the world of single stream reg. all the material received comes from a single soue bin lik this. convenient bause all recyclables end up in one basket. there's a price. once materials mixed too much, like glass chards ending up in paper or plastic battles in the paper stream or aluminum cans in the plastic stream, all is
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detrimental to recycling. >> there's no full-proof system to recycling. we'll show you what happens when a plastic water bottle is you can see the full episode "the problem of plastic" monday on "techknow". 6:30 eastern, 3:30 pacific time on al jazeera america officials in beijing announced a new ban on smoking in restaurants, officers and buildings. businesses that fail to comply will be phoned. anyone that breaks the laws will be shamed on a government website. antitobacco advocates have been pushing for years. next - an inspiring art collection crosses the atlantic to offer patrons at a small museum a rare treat. and why native americans and transgender people are getting
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a facebook policy is under fair the social media giant requires use tors create accounts using their real names, drag queen's native americans and domestic violence survivors take issue claiming it leaves some open for harassment and plan to protest the real-name policy at the media company's headquarters in california on monday in new york an exhibit of rare renaissance culture is drawing a crowd. when it wraps up in june the museum will close its doors. >> this is an unprecedented once in a lift exhibition. the objects will never cross the atlantic again it is breath-taking. 23 rare works of art. three from donatello, considered the greatest sculpture. among his creations a larger
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than life statue of st. john's the evangelist and this work weather beaten and realistic. it's the first time they have left their home at florence cathedral. it is getting a facelift. what all the works have in common is the biblical inspiration, dovetailing with the moigs of the new york host the museum of biblical art. >> not just the sculpture, how beautiful and graceful. this was carved by so and so but saying this depicts abraham and isaac, the story from the book of genesis. >> museum director emphasises that mobia is not a religious institution. >> we have no religious agenda. we want to make it as accessible to as many as possible great
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works of art inspired by the bible so they can understand the underpinnings of western culture. >> mobia has struggled, sfoifs thanks to rent free space in the headquarters of american bible society. this has been a successful exhibit. described as sole steering. attracting hundreds of patrons. the success is bittersweet. when the exhibit ened in june the museum will close, because the principle sponsor is moving to philadelphia. >> when the american bible society decided to sell its building it was confront with a problem familiar to new yorkers, finding real estate it could afford. >> the curator said the demise is the latest in a series of art institutions squeezed out by the hot economy. high rent forced a museum from its home until it found new
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face. the american folk art museum was forced to move after selling its 53rd street building. and the museum. temporary hispanic art closed for good. >> you are describing a danger for small institutions. >> i think so. if they don't come in with a trust fund if they can't expand a patron base. >> richard hopes the influence continues, even after the doors are closed. >> i'd like to think that we have been a catalyst an inspiration for art museums to discuss spirit all implications. >> after bringing so much history to new york the museum of biblical art is a part of it a 1998 pointing by british street artist banksy is about to hit the auction block. the opener of app r.v. paid the
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artist $300 to paint the vehicle for the glastonbury music festival. the painting has been removed from the r.v. and an auction house is hoping it will sell for $400,000. the owner is hoping to use the money from the sale to buy a house. that does it for me in new york. i'm erica pitzi. the news continues with del walters. >> good evening, and thank you very much. this is al jazeera america i'm del walters in new york with a look at the top stories. showdown in congress - members of the senate meeting in a rare sunday session. the issue - the n.s.a.'s programme to gather bulk phone records. the patriot act to expire in four hours. >> a muslim woman accusing united airlines voginvolving a can of soda and whether it could be a weapon. and
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