tv News Al Jazeera June 1, 2015 1:00pm-1:31pm EDT
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>> i.s.i.l. attacks on the iraqi military kill more than 100 with bombers using tanks and captured american humvees. good to have you along i'm david foster. you're watching al jazeera live from london. as u.s. surveillance powers expires, the senate resumes talks on phone monitoring. bangladesh factory
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collapsing more than two years ago. technically bankrupt, malaysia airlines. we're starting the program in iraq, government forces there have suffered major losses as they try to drive i.s.i.l the islamic state of iraq and the levant out of anbar province. in the latest series of attacks an i.s.i.l. boarm bomber first of all killed 45 people there. this was a base supposed to be a secure position for the army. so that it could use it for offensive it launched in anbar last week. 42 policemen died, a suicide attack here north of fallujah. and on sunday, 33 iraqi government fighters died in an ambush east of the provincial
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capital, ramadi. few days in iraqi security forces appear to be struggling. here is imran khan on the tank attack in tikrit. >> one of the most brazen, that i.s.i.l. has waged. shia militia troops as well as iraqi security forces. i.s.i.l. has alleged to have driven a tank laiden with explosives all the way to the gate of the base. we are expecting the casualty figures to rise. we have seen throughout the days i.s.i.l. using humvees as car bombs. they are plenty of them, prime minister, abd rabbu mansour hadi hadi says they used them, but
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not usually as suicide vehicles. this is going to be a very controversial tactic. their own weaponry being used against them and indeed american weaponry that they bought from the americans used against them. it is the first time in a very long time that we've seen a tank being used as a delivery vehicle for explosives. >> i.s.i.l. also making gains in syria, aleppo and hasaka provinces. the united states national security agency has lost its power to collect phone records in bulk from american citizens, as the senate failed to extend the patriot act. the republican presidential hopeful rand paul led the attack but now what's known as
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the freedom act more targeted kind of data collection. which critics argue doesn't go far enough to prevent government snooping. more discussions on the freedom act getting underway, let's get the latest from kimberly halkett. tell us why the patriot act was not renewed and what it means to the average american citizen. >> well, it wasn't renewed because there was will on capitol hill to see it sunset, to use the terminology did you du jour. the technology that was exposed by edward snowden is for the moment no longer taking place. it expired at midnight last night. but there is legislation in the works to bring that program back albeit with some minor
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modifications, namely that this collection not be done by the government instead be done by private companies. the government would no longer have ready access to this bulk data. instead it would now require a court order to go to these private companies and get this. but this is only going if the u.s.a. freedom act that's being debated now in the senate passes into law. all indications are that that will happen and then president obama will make it the law of the united states. for the moment though, there is nothing in place so the program is not currently happening. >> in abeyance if we can put it that way there will be sphaings programssurveillance programs coming forward, the republicans in favor of, in quotes, snooping, rand paul said not this way. is he trying to bring forth his
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liberal leanings? >> sure, the fact that rand paul has been long interested in that weighs into the strategy. at the same time you'll have to remember he's a different kind of republican we've seen traditionally on capitol hill. more libertarian a wing of the republican party that is very interested in protecting the rights and freedoms that are enshrined in the u.s. constitution. he has held these fundamental rights dear. he's fighting for that, and while this may be part of a wider political strategy it is something that he has been fighting for for a very long time on capitol hill. late last night in fact was the
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reason why patriot act or sections of it were allowed to expire. >> kimberly, thawmed. thank you very much indeed. are bangladesh factory 41 others face murder charges as stefanie dekker explains. >> reporter: those who worked here earned close to nothing. they made clothes for some of the world's biggest brands. 1137 people decide when the factory collapsed. the worst bangladeshi disaster ever. bringing light to the clothing industry here, the owner sahal rafa was arrest, will be charged with murder along with 41 others. the lead investigator here says
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it was a last killing and all those in charge have be to be punished for the murders. he says. a disaster that was completely avoidable. stefanie dekker, al jazeera. >> the trial of two al jazeera journalists in egypt adjourned again until thursday. the prosecutors failed to produce any evidence depend mohamed fahmy and baher mohamed. accused of spreading false news and having ties to former president mohamed morsi's morsi's muslim brotherhood. in the city of onincha most of the victims were burned beyond recognition. central african president of burundi pierre nkurunziza, says
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the election will go ahead at the end of june. more than 90,000 people according to the u.n. have fled, all began in april when he said he wanted a third term as president. opposition leaders in that country say they will continue protesting. they plan a big protest on tuesday. here is haru mutasa in the capital. >> he is going out now it won't be safe on tuesday. planning to protest against pierre nkurunziza's decision to run for a third term, which violates the constitution. >> civil society and the opposition have called for a block. so we can organize. >> it's been sometimes hard for opposition reporters to break through the sometimes heavy security. on monday things in the capital
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seem to be back to normal but some people are scared to be out in public. some protest leaders have left the country. others are in hiding. the question is how many opposition meshes will be on the street on tuesday if -- members will be on the street on tuesday if they are not with him. he coordinates from home. >> they have been targeting me but thank god they have not succeeded to kill me. and since i don't know when i will die and in which way, it is preferable that i could just give my little contribution when still alive. >> reporter: officials from the ruling party deny they target opposition members. tell nkurunziza not to run for a third term, they didn't. instead they urged the president to delay the june 26th election. they asked some in the capital
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who shall support for a delay chance of relative calm, a chance to go back to work and to make sure president nkurunziza not run for a controversial third term. haru mutasa, al jazeera bujumbura. bankrupt and completely restructured malaysia airlines has been trying to rebuild. here is divya gopalan. >> that's what's set to emerge from malaysia airlines $2 billion restructuring. the new ceo christophe mueller describes his plan as a harsh reconstruction for reason. the changes involve two
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tragedies for in the last year. but the airlt has been airline has been rack up losses for years. >> i wouldn't put too much direct connection, it is the intensely competitive marketplace that airlines have to operate in, in order to remain competitive. >> reporter: being government-owned proved to be problematic for the airlines. it had excess staff due to powerful unions and handed out contracts to companies with political connections. operational cost at least 20% more than its rivals. more people than ever are flying nowadays, in fact industry revenue has doubled in the last decade but much of that growth has been driven by low cost airlines 25% of the worldwide markets and expected to get
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bigger as they are expanding at a much faster rate than major airlines. nearly 50 budget airlines, one of the most successful is airasia, competes directly with malaysia airlines on 75% of its routes offering better deals. >> it may not look like a startup but in fact we will be a startup, new shareholders, new strategy in large part new management everything will in fact be new. >> reporter: but winning back public confidence will likely be its biggest challenge. divya gopalan, al jazeera. >> stay with us, russian troop buildup in eastern ukraine and in beijing, who is make any attention?
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>> "inside story" takes you beyond the headlines, beyond the quick cuts, beyond the sound bites. we're giving you a deeper dive into the stories that are making our world what it is. >> ray suarez hosts "inside story". only on al jazeera america. >> hello i'm david foster this is al jazeera. headlines. major be owner moves against i.s.i.l. in anbar province. in the u.s. the senate there has failed to extend what is known as the patriot act which gives security services powers or at least it did to spy on american citizens. now talking about the freedom act which imposes more controls on a different form much is data
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collection. murder charges filed against the owner of the garment factory that collapsed in bangladesh. 41 others face charges as well. iraq the threat from i.s.i.l. forced many families to flee their homes now. now fears of revenge from shia militia, is causing concern as well. imran khan, our correspondent in iraq is looking at the toll that is taking on receivables. >> reporter: it is only half finished but this building in cirkt is home for hundreds, life under i.s.i.l. has left a deep psychological scar. >> translator: life was meaningless senseless. because of them all basic services stopped.
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we had no water no electricity. i.s.i.l. oppressed us. wouldn't let us even smile. they even stopped our transportation so we couldn't even visit our friends and family. >> reporter: but there's a twist to that story. i.s.i.l. why they left. fear of government linked security services that now rule tikrit is why they won't go back. >> translator: we wish we could go back to tikrit but there's nothing there. we're so afraid of the security. there's no local government. it just doesn't exist. who will exist? >> reporter: eight weeks ago shia militias known as popular mobilize services captured the city from i.s.i.l. be since then some members were accused of revenge attacks. the prime minister ordered the militia to return to their barracks. even then, some residents of tikrit are afraid to good home. >> they have to go back to their
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homes. what happened in the previous period it is just individual acts and that will not happen the and many of us right now watch all the people monopolization forces right now of course we will punish everyone willing to do this kind of works or this act. >> reporter: shia militias have been criticized for revenge attacks. after attacks took place in a variety of locations across iraq. despite prime minister haider al-abadi, this man with is alleged to be an i.s.i.l. fighter and was burnt. the man is said to be a shepherd. we may never know the truth of the man in the video but the fact that this goes viral shows you how scared the iraq shia
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are. add that to the fact that we are now hearing about this alleged shia militant attacks and atrocities and you can understand why many sunnies fear the return of the bad old days of sectarianism of '06 '07 '08. imran khan al jazeera be iraq. >> claim and counterclaim, russians saying it's all nothing to do with them. charleston stratford went close to the border of the two countries and discovered something very much to the contrary. >> reporter: russian military equipment on a train close to the ukrainian border. al jazeera has no way of verifying where these vehicles are being moved to or from. the equipment includes armored personnel carriers medical supply vehicles and tanks. the russian military insignia
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and identification are painted over. we drove to where there was a makeshift military camp, clouds of dust in an asian what looked like a farm. large military vehicles were moving in convoy along the mud traction. around 10 kilometers behind me is the russian border. they are conducting military exercises and it croiblg categorically denies doing so. completely inappropriate. a photojournalist with the news agency reuters shot these photos last week. death of military personnel on what it describes as special
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operations in peace time as a state secret. the government says the law has nothing to do with the conflict in ukraine. and radio recently released a recently released report, one of the authors of that report, boris nemtsov was shot dead in moscow before it was published. a close associate of nemtsov is in hospital fighting for his life. it is expected he may have been poisoned. reported violations being committed by both sides. and russia says it has the right to conduct military maneuvers wherever it wants in its territory. despite the sensitivity of the time and place. charles stratford al jazeera near the russian-ukrainian border. >> they banned smoking but as
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adrian brown tells us if anybody's listening it's smoke and mirrors really. >> china has been a smoker's paradise. now beijing's government is trying to enforce its ban. children have been at the forefront of the campaign leading up to the ban since they're considered to be most at risk from passive smoking. antismoking campaigners say there are now clear signs the authorities appear serious this time. >> for the first time, the regulations very clearly spell out what happens if somebody doesn't adhere to the regulations. and it's not only that the smokers themselves will be fined. the owners of a building will be charged quite hefty charges if they don't help to make sure that their places stay smoke-free. >> it's not just bars and restaurants that must comply, local tourist sites including the great wall and forbidden
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city are off limits to smokers. but in beijing the risk from passive smoking can be the least of your problems. some experts say breathing the air on a particularly polluted day can equate to smoking an entire pack of cigarettes. antismoking ban is something that doesn't go far enough. pointing out a packet of cigarettes in china costs on average just $1.50. the world health organization hopes that can change. >> the more expensive cigarettes are the lest people will smoke so for us the more expensive the better. >> reporter: but the industry is unlikely to be squeezed too hard. the taxes it pays accounts for 10% of all government revenues. china has more smokers than the population of the united states and on monday we found one of them openly violating the new law and the restaurant owner
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openly telling us to leave. adrian brown, al jazeera beijing. what happens to old people when all the young leave and go in search of work? declining agriculture in mexico john holman went to the south to investigate. >> at 88 years old francisco starts and ends her day fending for herself. looking for work which simply doesn't exist in her village. >> translator: i'm forced to provide the food because there's no one else but i can't go on. my foot really hurts me and i'm sick and weak. >> reporter: traditionally in mexico the family cares for elderly at home. heading to the city or the u.s. and leaving the old behind now. >> i don't sleep at night
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thinking about my sick sister, where we'll get the money and worrying about my son. he's left and hasn't come back to me. what will happen if i die? i'm already sick myself. >> reporter: government help is isolated in these isolated rural areas. francisca gets $35 a month. >> in southwest mexico many older people are living out their lives in poverty and isolation. >> basically elders are not in communication with their family members because they don't have cell phones, they don't have skype. they can't even express their needs. migration has left them to their own devices without the family support they usually would have had. >> a local charity gives out blankets carlos and food to clothes
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and food. >> i didn't go out to speak to people to make friends. i was just in my house. now i'm happy because i have people to chat to, to be happy with. >> reporter: mexico's rural population is growing older still. the average age of those working in the country side is now 55. without support of the government many are unlikely to enjoy their retirement. john holman, al jazeera temextec mexico. >> cuba, nick clark went to investigate. >> 56 rainy seasons have come and gone since the revolution and much has changed. back in the day when sugar was
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gold, even the like of che guivara, today in havana harbor the sugar ships are long gone and with them a chemical-laced system of big agriculture. on the outskirts of the capital an urban farm wholly organic supplying the entirety community. and worms processing animal manure. it wasn't that cuba was particularity enlightened about the land and agriculture. it was that cuba was isolated. big scale monoculture had to be replaced by small multicrop farms and cubans became expert organic growers. it is a lesson the world can learn moving towards sustainable
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methods of food production. >> it's a myth that organic farming can't feed the world. it's only 70 years ago that there were chemicals and 70 years ago is nothing. but organic farming is more labor intensive we must convince people to come from the cities back into the country side. >> blossomed into a biosphere reserve, here cubans come to enjoy the weekend and tourists can feast on locally produced organic food. but there is a threat looming on the small organic farms it's tough to deliver crops and make a decent level. >> there are a lot of crops we could grow if we had the benefit of chemicals. we lose a lot by not being able to apply artificial fertilizers. >> fear is that as diplomatic relations are changing as quickly as the weather
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pesticides and chemical fertilizers, farmers may be tempted to return to the old ways threatening cuba's long time organic revolution. nick clark, al jazeera cuba. >> all the stories from around the world >> expired. key provision of the patriot act are no longer law. what happens next with the legislation? when the supreme court ruled in favor of a man accused of making threats on facebook. and running for president lindsay graham becomes the ninth republican hoping to win back the white
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