tv News Al Jazeera June 1, 2015 2:00pm-3:01pm EDT
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apple 1 personal computer. the center will give her half of the proceeds. that's all. coming up news live from london. >> this is al jazeera. >> live from the show in london. i'm david foster. these are the stories we'll be focusing on. i.s.i.l. attacks using tanks captured american humvees many created attacks. now murder charges against
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the owner of a blrved bangladesh factory that collapsed and killed a huge number of people. >> and nadal v. djokovic in the french open, is on. sharapova is out. suffering from a cold. beaten by 13-seed sakarova. >> newshour begins in iraq where government forces have suffered major losses as they try odrive i.s.i.l, i.s.i.l. seel islamic state of iraq and the levant out of anbar province. drove a tank full of explosives into a military base south of tikrit. the base was supposed to be a
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secure position the army could use for the offense it launched in anbar last week. 42 died in a suicide attack north of fallujah and on sunday 3233 iraqi government fighters died in an ambush north of ramadi which i.s.i.l. seized two weeks ago. quick counteroffensive but in just a few days, iraqi security forces appear to be struggling. imran khan reports. >> this is perhaps one of the boldest most brazen attacks this air base is a very secure one, home to shia troops as well as iraqi security forces. i.s.i.l. is alleged to have driven a tank to the gate of that base where it exploded.
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we have seen throughout the last few days, i.s.i.l. forces using humvees suicide vehicles. there are plenty of them. prime minister haider al-abadi says i.s.i.l. stole around 200 of them after the fall of the area alone. weaponry that they bought from the americans being used against them. once again we have seen a number of these suicide aarticulates using humvees. but the first time in a very long time that a tank vehicle was used as a carrier of explosives. >> they now fear because of revenge attacks from shia militia, many won't return. and reports of revenge attacks
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we turn to imran khan once again. >> reporter: this home in be kirkuk life under i.s.i.l. has left a deep psychological scar. >> translator: life was meaningless senseless because of them. all basic services stopped. we had no water. no electricity i.s.i.l. oppressed us, wouldn't let us even smile. they even stopped our transportation so we couldn't even visit our friends and family. >> reporter: but there's a twist to that story. i.s.i.l. is why they left, fear of government linked security forces is why they won't go back. >> translator: we wish we could go back to tikrit but there's nothing there. afraid of the security.
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no local government, doesn't exist at all. who will protect us? >> reporter: eight weeks ago shia militias captured the predominantly sunni city from i.s.i.l. since then, some were accused of reverchg the aftermath, the prime minister ordered them to return to their barracks. even so many people from tikrit are afraid to go back. >> they have to go back to their home. ford in the previous period they say it's own just individual acts and that will not happen. and many of us watch all the people and mobilization forces right now. of course we will punish everyone willing to do this kind of works or this act. >> reporter: shia militias have been criticized for revenge
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attacks. after attacks took place in a viesht ofvariety of location across iraq. despite prime minister haider al-abadi bringing under control this man is alleged to be an i.s.i.l. fighter and was burnt. local forces have told al jazeera the pan is said to be a shepherd. we may never know the truth of the man in the video but they have complained that the government have ignored them, that they weren't given jobs in the army. add to that the fact that these ailgd shiaalleged shia revenge attacks. imran khan, al jazeera baghdad. that is the story from iraq, over the border of syria aleppo
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and hasaka provinces the government continues to bomb i.s.i.l. sites from the air. caroline malone reports. >> most major forces in the syrian war are now involved in fighting for parts of aleppo. rebel groups have lost the country side towns of soran al hassian to i.s.i.l. car bomb before moving in. i.s.i.l. has released this video, in the north of the province near the border with turkey. these advances by i.s.i.l. are blocking opposition supply routes between turkey and northern syria. turkish forces have made gains against i.s.i.l. in the east near rah raqqa and hasaka. troops on the ground have an
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advantage with their air force. activists say this is the aftermath of a syrian military attack in the town of maria. occupation groups are having to fight on the ground against daesh, raising questions about help from the are international community. >> the international coalition is supposed to be meeting tomorrow again. the big question is, where are the jets of the international coalition? i think this won't even wait until tomorrow to be frank. those air strikes really have to start today. otherwise syrians will really feel that they are really in this alone. >> reporter: for now syrians rather than consolidating their
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gains in the last years. caroline malone, al jazeera. >> saudi foreign minister says there will be meeting in geneva but no dates yet. talks taking place oman. night yemen no signs of fighting easing at all. osama ben javid recording. >> be yemenis running out of safe places, forces loyal to former president ali abdullah saleh, targeted several neighborhoods with rockets and tank fire. some believe they are punished in taking part with the uprising, which started when with sally stepped down in 2011. supplies and food are runding short and the fighting means aid can't be delivered.
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it's not just a fight for control on the ground. saudi-led air strikes are also targeting areas under houthi control. coalition planes have targeted areas of mared and capital sanaa. this is what was left from a former football stadium. >> fourth air strike led the residents to flee area intiecial entirely. >> reporter: amnesty international, rm says the bombing is happening near the residential areas. there are reports of talks in omanand hope the up united united
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nations will be able to negotiate. >> after the meeting in riyadh there are meetings in geneva westbound of which are being arranged. setting a date for this meeting. >> reporter: as powerful groups continue their battle for control, yemen citizens can do nothing but watch their country torn apart. >> a number of delays, prosecutors failed to produce any new evidence against mohamed fahmy and baher mohamed who have been accused of, quote spreading false news and of having ties to former president mohamed morsi's muslim brotherhood, something al jazeera and the men plement refute. the crisis in eastern
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ukraine, the u.n. saying 6500 people have died since it kicked off in april last year. russian military denies it's been helping the citizens on the ground there. charles stratford sent us this report from the area close to the border. >> reporter: russian military equipment on a traifn train close to ukraine border. the equipment includes armored personnel carriers melt supply vehicles and tanks. the russian insignia has apparently been painted over. across the fields we noticed clouds of dust in an area of what looked like a farm. large military vehicles were
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moving in convoy around the traction. now the russian military say the reason why there are so many troops in this area can is it's misconducting military exercises. dissents that it's fighting alongside separatist troops in this area. whether it's preparing for an attack as completely inappropriate. roirts shot thee pictures on what it describes as special operations in peace time, as a state secret. the government says the law has nothing to do with the conflict in ukraine. and a recently released report details what it says is proof the russian military is operating in eastern ukraine. one of the authors of that report opposition leader boris
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nemtsov was shot dead in moscow before it was published. a close associate of nemtsov is fighting for his life in hospital, it is suspected he made have been poisoned. russianrussia says it has the right to conduct military maneuvers wherever it wants in its territory despite the sensitive for the time and plays fx with. >> let's go to washington d.c one of the co-authors of that report the other we believe some people believe has been poisoned. so how far do you think the russian authorities are good at covering up what you think you've discovered? >> i would only make one small correction to what you just
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said. there is a boris nemtsov report which you just mentioned. in addition to that the atlantic council which is an independent wash-based tracks the movement of the border campaign on eastern ukraine. there are two reports which reached the same conclusion which is there's undenial proof that the russians are deeply involved in the with campaign building up military campaigns along the way. border. anything said to dispus that is a right out lie. >> do you feel they're not doing enough to sort of come out and support what you think you found? >> of course not. what we've seen the international community to
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respond, of course, the military tool has been sanction, and yes those stations have been affected in some degree in hurting the rurgs economy but they have not is helps negotiating table at places like minsk. and what we should see is that russia be treated as the aggressor. >> military exercises in and around that area. >> i mean of course they're carrying out military exercises but in fact as we show in our report called hiding in plain sight looking at google earth imagery what we sigh is empty fields about a year ago and now
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we have huge military bases many barracks, soldiers being transported. why would any government do this unless they are preparing for an invasion? >> when you spoke to our producer you said you believe an incursion is going to happen soon and anybody who pokes around will be punished. punished in what railway? >> what we're seeing in russian and the polls to i any one the murder of boris fest nemtsov and the death of his colleague everyone is being punished. we can't say that mr. putin himself pulled the trigger that killed boris nemtsov or that he
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poisoned nadima karamaza. the challenge is it's false narrative. >> thank you very much indeed about. >> thank you very much. >> coming up, after negotiations expire, phone monitoring, the company that has lost two of its planes 6,000 workers are no longer needed. in sports we see family revengs forrevenge. >> news out of africa, a fuel
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tank has gone up in flames, nearly 70 people we understand in northeastern nigeria. in the city of onicha. the red cross says most of those who died were burned beyond recognition. incinerating 11 niche vehicles. according to police it had been speeding and was out of control. central eask and african president of burundi's issued a warning elections will go ahead on june the 26th. the u.n. says more than 90,000 people have fled, when he announced he wanted a third term in office. two years after the building collapsed killing more than a
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thousand people, 41 others also face murder charges. here is instead of any be decker. >> those who worked here made close to nothing as they made clothing for some of the world's most famous brands. 1130 people died when the building collapsed. it was bangladesh's worth industrial disaster ever and brought the world's attention to the clothing issues here. the everyone will be charged with murder along with 41 others. the lead investigator in this case say it was a mass killing and all charged have a collective responsibility. whatever the verdict it will offer little consolation to those who lost their loved ones in a disaster that was
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completely avoidable. stefanie dekker, al jazeera. >> for the first time since the september 11th attacked of 2001 the national security agency has lost its power to collect phone in order bulk from in bulk from the american citizens. a republican senator who happens to be a presidential hopeful rand paul, led the attack against the bill. house of representatives which allows them to target data more directly. okay let's go to robert grenier joining us live from washington. what is the difference between what the nsa or government authorities in fact could collect under the patriot act from american citizens and what they will be able to collect under the other act that's coming in? >> well, in the past under the patriot act nsa and the u.s. intelligence community at large was able to hold all of the call
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data that it was able to acquire from u.s. and from other companies on its own and was able to can manipulate that data and examine that data in any way it chose to do. under the so-called u.s.a. freedom act that data will no longer reside in nsa databases but will stay with the phone companies. the government can then make specific requests to examine that data. when they are given authority under a so-called u.s. fisa court to do so. but they will no longer have immediate and unfettered access to that data. >> the difficulties according to those who wanted to see the patriot act continue, is that if you have to go to a court and ask for court to giver you the information so that you can have a proper look at it you're no longer to sort of able to follow the trails as you would if it was all in the open for you and
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you were collecting it in the first place. >> the that's exactly right. so whereas the nsa was able to look at these masses of data in three dimensioned an in swift time and very quickly put together patterns of activity, among group of people that were of interest to them, that process becomes more linear. about they have to start with a person of interest in a counterterrorism context make a query with the approval of a fisa court to examine data belonging to that individual and to as they say two hops outward in terms of testles connections and then only after examining that data can they make judgments as to what other trails they would like to follow and then they have to make additional queries of the fisa court. so what it means is that they will no longer be able to make
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these examinations as quickly as they did before and no longer in three dimensions and follow the trails wherever they might need. instead they may have to have specific trails and request permission before they do so. >> a terrible infringement on civil little liberties time to scrap the patriot act give us something different rand paul, why would he be in favor of that? >> well, rand paul is the champion of a relatively small current libertarian current within the republican party. now obviously he is trying to america himself acceptable to more wings of the republican party but those who support him enthusiastically are within that libertarian wing, he's hoping i
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think in effect that others in the party who disapprove of what he's doing will simply put that aside and focus on other parts of his agenda. >> robert grenier talking to us about moves on counterterrorism and snooping as it was known in america, thank you. a woman denied sales job with ab cromple because abercrombie. be necessitied out ofnecessitated against the need to serve customers. flight tenant refused to serve her an unopened can of
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soda. the passengers got angry and accused united of double standards. united said, we do not discriminate against our employees or customers. the flight attendant on board shuttle america flight 3504 attemptseveral times to accommodate the passengers's request. the in-flight crew met with mrs. ahmez to provide assistance and further discuss the matter. well the lady in question told al jazeera that the companies did not use the spotlight. >> i was hoping united airlines would use this as a teaching moment and recognize discrimination and bigotry
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whether it happens. acknowledge it, recognize that it's wrong. we havement other instances in the united states where people are in pain and suffering i think united could have used this as an opportunity to recognize discrimination when it happens and use corrective opportunities. >> still to come. it's a dark day for salary, why a plane had to abort an aattempt to cover the atlantic. >> we have lee the volume cantic event that's you trying to remain active after those are staying off. ing off.
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>> what was is like to do selma? >> selma was a blessing? >> acclaimed actor wendell pierce talks big screen politics and taking a stand >> do you think it cost you the oscar? >> ahh...yeah... >> do you regret it? >> absoloutely not... >> and his home town ten years after katrina... >> what's the biggest problem right now. >>, stop bullets... >> every tuesday night. go one on one with america's movers and shakers. gripping. inspiring. entertaining. talk to al jazeera. only on al jazeera america.
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in syria with intense fighting, we see here in northern aleppo and hasaka provinces. according to united nations comes as al jazeera finds evidence of a troop buildup on the russian side of the russia-ukraine border. a meeting in paris in tuesday and with i.s.i.l. gaining so much ground, model jamjun looks at what we can expect from those talks. >> reporter: with their fighter jets still taking off france's commitment to combating i.s.i.l. still continues. part of the coalition battling
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the group they are among the countries whose air raids promises to pummel the group. but in iraq the situation remains dire. critics say the coalition strategy is extremely misguided the administrative meeting in paris will make little difference. >> this conference is based on a myth on a dream. that there is still an iraqi army. no, there is nothing like an iraqi army. the iraqi army has been disbanded in 2003. it's journalist nicholas anna, taken hostage for almost a year. >> we are supporting an army that is not reliable and we are dwifg them weaponsaregiving them weapons they will eventually hand over to i.s.i.l.
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this is stupid. >> calling for the second meeting in paris to discuss the fighting against i.s.i.l. even after the fall of ramadi. stressed no military solution will be possible without a political solution, a solution he is still very much pushing. >> translator: this contract is what justified our military engagement and i say clearly here it must be better respected. >> reporter: and yet despite mounting pressure on iraqi prime minister haider al-abadi, sectarian divisions in iraq have only deepened. expectations for the talks were already low. they were lowered even further when it was announced that u.s. secretary of state john kerry would no longer be attending in person due to the broken leg he suffered. for now though, far from the ravaged streets of iraq and
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syria, diplomats will discuss search evereing for a resolution that is harder than ever to achieve. >> allegedly implied there was a link between qatar and the deadly attacks on the paris offices of chabd charlie hebdo offices in paris. >> we say enough is enough. the state of qatar which has the best relations with france does not support terrorism. >> russia is now saying a european union be mission against people-smugglers, before it can be agreed. the eu plans to use force against libyan boats but it
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requires the okay of the u.n. russia has the power to block such a resolution. our representative james bays, in new york, fair enough a lot of people may say enough, is that how everyone from your view views it? >> well, initially western diplomats thought this resolution was going to be reasonably straightforward. but as one security council diplomat told me a short time ago, it has now got stuck this rofnlings and it'sresolution and russia's objection seems to be historic. they remember what happened in 2011 when there was that resolution 1973, that was for a no-fly zone. they believe and they made it quite clear this is their position that that resolution
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was misused in order to attack gadhafi's infrastructure on the ground and to bring about the end of the gadhafi regime. and that i think is why they are now objecting it seems or causing difficulties for this new planned resolution. let's listen to the words from the russian foreign minister a few hours ago. >> translator: if such a proposal is made we will have to write down in the most minute detail the mandate of such a mission under chapter 7. we don't want a repeat of the ambiguity that was used for gross abuse of the libya resolution adopted in 2011. >> is is that james or other hurdles? >> there are other hurdles for this resolution, one the libyan government is not so ceern we thinkkeen wethink for having that
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naval force. we are told by diplomats that there have been more constructive meetings with the libyans in the recent past so maybe that problem is being overcome. but then there is another problem which is the problem of those migrants in asia. and that has been causing a problem which some on the security council see very similar to the european problem. and some are asking, if you're going to have a naval force to deal with the migrants in the mediterranean, why can't you have the similar in asia? remember the eu said they hoped to have the resolution in place by the end of june. that's going to be tricky. >> thank you very much, james bays. the new head of malaysia airlines says there's going to be a radical restructuring and says the company is technically
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bankrupt. this situation began long before the two air disasters. delisted in 2014 with $1.34 billion in losses over the three years before that, and it has faced stiff regional competition, consumer confidence badly hit by the disappearance of mh 370 and mh 17 shot down over ukraine. at least another three years before malaysia airlines will break even by then and he plans to cut 6,000 from the workforce here is city of yah gopalan. divya gopalan. >> possibly a new name, malaysia airlines $2 billion restructuring. the new ceo christophe the
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changes followed two tragedies involving malaysia airlines in the past 14 months but naments analysts say the carrier has been racking up losses for years. >> the need for it was identified long before last year so i wouldn't put too much direct connection. it's the intensely competitive marketplace that forces airlines to undergo restructuring exercises of this kind. in order to be competitive. >> it was forced to fly unprofitable routes to promote the country's foreign policy. it had excess staff due to the powerful unions of the country. analysts say all this made its operational cost at least 20% more than its rivals. industry revenue has doubled in the past decade but much of that growth has been driven by
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low-cost airline which has 25% of the worldwide market and that's expected to get bigger as they are expanding at a much faster rate than other airlines. in the asia pacific area there are at least 50 different airlines offering better deals. >> it might not look like a startup but in fact we will be a startup. it will be a new legal entity. new shareholder new strategy, in large parts new management, everything will be in fact new. >> but winning back public confidence will likely be its biggest challenge. divya gop gopalan, al jazeera, hong kong. unscheduled stop because of bad weather landing in western japan the pilot andre bushberg
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taking off on what was going to be the longest leg of the journey, but he decided to cut the journey short pnl still. still an incredible aircraft. >> it's fantastic you fly in the only airplane that can stay airborne day and night with no fuel at all. it's a triex triumph of technology. flying day and night. that is the dream i had since 16 years i completed the flight nonstop around the world in a balloon. to do this except in a plane with no fuel. the weather became worse in the pacific but in a few days we'll be in the air again and continue the mission. >> six hours? well six days. smoking, in china tough
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regulations means you can't light up in public places or public transport. about a million die from smoke related illnesses every year. here is adrian brown our china correspondent. >> china has long been a smoker's paradise. previous bans failed mainly by lack enforcement. now beijing's government is trying again. children have been at the forefront of this campaign since they are considered most at risk from passive smoking. antismoking campaigners say now there are clear signs the authorities appear serious this time. >> for first time the regulations very clearly spell out what happens if somebody doesn't adhere to the regulations and is not only that the smokers themselves will be fined, very importantly the managers and the owners of a business will be charged quite quite hefty charges if they don't help to assure that their
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places stay smoke free. >> reporter: it's not only bars and restaurants that must comply local tourist spots are now off limits to smokers. but in beijing the risk from passive smoking can be the least of your problems. some doctors say breathing the city's air on a particularly pluddedpolluted day can equate to smoking an entire pack of cigarettes. the ban doesn't go far enough, they want a significant rise in tobacco task. a pack of cigarettes costs on average $1.50. the world health organization hopes that can change. >> the more expensive cigarettes are, the lest people will smoke so for us, the more expensive the better. >> the taxes it pays accounts for 10% of all government revenues. china has more smokers than the population of the united states,
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and on monday, we found one of them openly voimenting openly violating the new law and the restaurant owner openly telling us to leave. adrian brown, al jazeera beijing. a treatment for skin cancer is being described a once in a generation advance. scientists say the u.k. trial is spectacular with more than half of patients with advanced melanoma seeing their tumors shrink. charlie angela has more. >> when pam smith was diagnosed with skin cancer she was terrified. given a choice of treatments she chose a new combination of drugs and haven't looked back. >> the drugs slunk from 9 millimeters to 4 millimeters. after that they found some
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lesions on my my lungs but even they have shrunk to a pinprick. >> what doctors discovered was that 58% of those patients saw their tumors shrink or stabilize for almost a year. but like any cancer treatment the drugs don't work equally on everyone and side effects include rashes fatigue and diarrhea. dr. harry has been treating his cancer patients with individual drugs and looking forward to using them in combination. >> this is a game changing set of results for advance skin cancer without a doubt. i think where the excitement is really coming though is in the broader oncology oncologyical perspective. you are enhancing the body's own immune system. there's no reason this shouldn't
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be effective against other skin cancers. >> one boosts the others reveal the cells allowing them to be attacked. for the doctor there's more work to do. >> there will be probably for the combination of drugs something like 40% tumor shrinkage, we hope it will get the number of people that benefit from these treatments to be higher still so we can help more of our patients. >> while the treatment is not a universal cure why cancers have been previously treated by chemotherapy, radio therapist this is another fight against the disease. charlie angela, al jazeera london. >> we'll have sport in just a moment. why one sport's fans got their hands on the trophy.
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>> weeknights on al jazeera america primetime. >> time for sport. >> david thank you very much. the top seed novak djokovic will play rafael nadal in a quarter final after both won their fourth round matches it's shaping up to be an exciting final week, with all the big names still there in the men's
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draw. second-seed rogerseed roger federer. >> i'm still physically fresh for the back end of the tournament. and i'm pumped up to be in the quarters again. last year i missed it, you know by a hair losing in the fifth so it's nice to be back in the quarters now. and looking forward to my next match tomorrow. >> andy murray is one of the form players with two tournament wins in the run up, number 1 seed is having his best season ever on clay. ending the hopes of area any jeremy sabu. murray meets david ferer. now let's watch the action. >> maria sharapova looked in
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good form with the winner of the rome event. she was well against already best, who took the first set on a tie-break. sharapova was struggling from a cold. her 7-6 6-4 victory after which the defeated champion had no excuses. >> just a tough day and a match that i lost. my opponent was at a much higher level more consistently than i was and that you know results in a bad day at the office. >> with the number 3 seed in last year's beatleen finalist, ramona hallet already out the way looks clear for serena
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williams. the player who knocked out her sister venus. serena looks in good shape for her third title. stewart silvers, al jazeera. >> former south african president nbeke says his country did not pay a bribe for sawrch sowrch cup. south african cup. jordan denied that money referred to in the u.s. justice department fifa corruption indictment was a bribe for warren'swrn'swarner's agreement.
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strong action against olympia. and malaysia's football coach is threatening othrow home win of his own players for spitting. spat at his east timor opponent, two game ban now faces tournament expulsion. new zealand's hopes have been hit by bad weather at leeds. rain ended play for the day shortly after lunch. there's one day left and england lead the two-match series 1-nil. a cross country endurance gig is 40 kilometers through snow. it doesn't get any easier when
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you throw an active volcano into the mix as is the case with one event in iceland. but as nat rumsey reports. >> only about 50 people took part but it's an event like no other on the planet. the course runs directly over an active volcanic landscape about. >> this is special the racers through an active volume volcano area and you can see the steam and smell, it's for everyone. from maybe five, six years old to 18. >> reporter: the geothermal obstacles facing competitors in the volcanic north of iceland include boiling mud pops, sculpted ice fields and
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impromptu ice springs. the scenery looks man made but i assure you it isn't. below the surface here is bubblingbubbling lava. an eruption took place in august of last year. the village was just reduced to 20 kilometers this year because of an unprecedented lack of snow. global warming is a controversial local debate here. >> all the cross country races for last two years the olympic games the world championship, they have all been in very warm temperature. and where there's a lack of snow. >> last two winters lot of snow. winter before that not so much. and now we have not so much snow. so it's not my feeling that it's always less and less. >> a former member of the icelandic ski team won this race
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by a considerable margin. only the remoteness of the location has prevented the race from becoming an international event. having so much snow, 60 kilometers from the arctic circle will be a clear icelandic marker of are climate change. >> that's sport. >> now to paris they've been removing pad locks from the river over the seine. people have been leaving them there as a declaration of love but they're a weighty problem. jacky rowland has the report. >> a bit of history is about to come to an end.
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the pont des arts, the weight of the locks is threatening the bridge so it's time for them to go. >> i he feel it a little ironic, we're here to put on locks of love they're cutting them down. maybe that's not an owe men on our future relationship. >> i came here today after 42 years of marriage to put a lock on my wife and i can't do it. >> that's rubbish. >> the whole saga has put the city in a trick y position. obviously it doesn't want to do anything to upset the tourists but has a responsibility for the people who live and work in the city. in the end it came down to public safety. the thraisk part of risk that part of the bridge could fall on a pedestrian. >> somebody else's expression of
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love shouldn't come at the expense of somebody else's heritage. that's the issue we have, not the locks itself. >> so the pont des arts, observer hopefully has a solution. >> i'll find another bridge. >> go to take a look at all of the news all of the headlines. felicity barr is you up next. but sport about two days spent in ireland enjoying the golf links there and the fact that so many people in ireland let me say thanks to everybody watching al jazeera from different corners of the globe. a particular thanks to billy and to ian making sure i got off the course right and managed to
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>> dozens of iraqi police and soldiers killed as i.s.i.l. suicide bombers attack using captured tanks and humvees. hello there i'm felicity barr and this is al jazeera live from london. also coming up: new evidence of russia's military presence on the border with ukraine. moscow denies it's there to help the separatists. murder charges are filed against the owner of a bangladeshi factory that collapsed
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