tv News Al Jazeera June 1, 2015 7:00pm-8:01pm EDT
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>> indigenous communities under threat. >> this not a peruvian problem this is a world problem. >> and the world wide campaign to clean up dirty gold. >> i really didn't want a symbol of love between me and my husband to be associated with such atrocities only on al jazeera america this is al jazeera america, live from new york city i'm tony harris. surveillance on hold congressional delays limit any nsa's authority to collect phone records. we look at the impact on national security. and travel restrictions could end. and freedom of expression two major decisions from the supreme court on what can be worn to work and said on facebook. ♪
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and we begin with congress curtailing the government's authority to sweep up american's phone records and track suspects. sections of the patriot act expired at midnight last night. libby casey joins us live from washington. libby what is congress doing now about the surveillance programs? >> reporter: tony we have seen the debate continue today, tomorrow the votes get started again at 11:00 a.m. and they tried to strike an optimistic tone on the senate tloor this afternoon. >> i hope by tomorrow afternoon we can have this completed and we can send it to the house and by the time we go to bed tomorrow night, this might all be back in place. >> senator mcconnell tried to
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get things moving and one man stood in the way, senator rand paul of kentucky. tony even though rand paul is not succeeding in shutting down this whole program, he is getting something he wants, the end of the bulk collection of american's phone data by the government. senator mcconnell wants to soften that blow a little bit. he has amendments of his own we'll see tomorrow. it would give the government a year to wind down the bulk collection program, they would require the telecom companies to let the government know if they plan to change their methods of collecting phone data. there could be contentious debate over whether to just go
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with those. rand paul and some of the liberal democrats will be pushing back against some of those provisions. >> how is the obama administration and the intelligence community reacting here? >> reporter: there was certainly lots of concern. and we are likely to see the winding down of the government's ability to collect phone data but being able to wiretap suspects and go after loan wolf suspects. they want to those ramped back up right away. we heard from the white house press secretary today. >> apparently there's some members of congress who look for an opportunity, members of the united states senate who looked for an opportunity to gain political advantage, they concluded the risk was worth it. the president doesn't agree.
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>> reporter: josh earnst clearly talking about rand paul politics certainly coming into play at this moment tony? >> for sure. libby casey live for us in washington. what does the debate in capitol mean on the government's ability to track its enemies paul beban is here to help us sort that out. >> there is now a high level of distrust about how the government collects information about us and then what it's doing with it and that's what has brought us to know the clock running out on these three key parts of the patriot act. the first and by far most controversial aspect was bulk phone collection. it allowed the government to
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vacuum up the metadata about the phone calls every american was making. this is what edward snowden exposed two years ago. and it is gone at least for now. another power that expired is a roving wiretap. this allows the government to track an individual who is using different lines. and a loan wolf season who is not after filled with any terrorist group, the fbi will need to get some sort of connection to a rogue group or terrorist nation. what does this all mean? are we less safe? has the government been abusing these powers all along? according to an independent government agency no. the privacy and civil liberties oversight board was created to ask just these questions.
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it looked at classified reports about the program, and while they didn't find evidence of abuse they didn't find any incidence where these programs stopped a terrorist attack. and this lapse may last just a few days as libby casey pointed out. >> paul, thanks. and talks between the united states and the governments of qatar and afghanistan are underway to decide the fate of the so-called taliban five. they were released from guantanamo bay in exchange for bo bergdahl. all five have been living in qatar under a travel ban that expired yesterday. mike what is the latest here? >> reporter: first of all, tony there were reports that surfaced over the weekend that a deal to keep the taliban five in qatar where they have been for the past year that it was premature or flat out wrong. negotiation continue all sides
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agree to that. there were quotes from the united states government, saying these five individuals are still in qatar and still living under the same restrictions that they had been. what are the obstacles? well who would take them if they were to leave qatar, that would be afghanistan where they are citizens. they probably wouldn't want to go back to afghanistan, because they are wanted there. there is also a u.n. travel ban on these individuals. and ever since they were released from guantanamo bay prison where they had been held since 2002 in exchange for bo bergdahl, they say president obama skirted the law by not giving them advance notification that these individuals would be released. there are members of the military who accused bo bergdahl
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of desertion. the army has now formally accused of bo bergdahl of desertion. so those talks still continuing now to determine the fate of the taliban five. >> what are the major issues on the table regarding a new deal? >> reporter: well as we mentioned it's where are they going, who is going to take them, those talks are undergoing now. one thing the white house really wanted to get across tony was that these individuals, though they remain in qatar, the clock has expired. they remain in qatar under the same security restrictions and tight supervision as they were before. under very close watch said the state department spokeswoman today. >> okay.
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great. >> to maintain the current restrictive conditions on these individuals as we continue the discussion to determine the path forward here. all five remain in qatar, where they remain subject to extensive monitoring as well as travel restrictions. i think the bottom line for us is that they don't pose a threat to the united states to our securities. >> reporter: these are said to be very high-ranking official in the taliban, including top military commanders who are implicated in the massacre of shias, and the intelligence chief of the taliban back when the taliban was still running afghanistan. >> okay. mike take you. and we should mention that al jazeera is funded in part by the government of qatar. >> reporter: isil attacked iraqi forces today. at least 42 officers were killed
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today. isil violence has forced hundreds of thousands of iraqis to flee but isil is not why they fear going home. many fear revenge attacks by shia militias. >> reporter: this building in kirkuk is already home for hundreds of people who fled tikrit. they came here to escape the fighting. life under isil has left a deep psychological scar. >> translator: life was meaningless, senseless, because of them all basic services stopped. we had no water, no electricity. isil oppressed us. wouldn't let us even smile. they even stopped our transportation so we couldn't visit our friends and family. >> reporter: but there's a twist. isil is why they left fear of government-linked security
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forces that now rule tikrit is why they now won't go back. >> translator: there's nothing there. we're so afraid of the security. there's no local government. who will protect us?. >> reporter: eight weeks ago they captured the predominantly sunni city. in the aftermath the prime minister ordered the militias to return to their barracks. even so many people from tikrit is still too afraid to go back. >> they have to go back to their home. for sure what happened in the previous period let's say, it's only -- just individual acts and that will not happen and many of us right now watch all -- all the popular mobilization forces right now. of course we will punish everyone willing to do this kind
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of works or this acts. >> reporter: shia militias have been criticized for revenge attacks. human rights groups say they should be reigned in after attacks look place. this man is alleged to be an isil fighter and was burned. the man is said to be a shepherd. we may never know the truth of the man in the video, but it goes to show you how scared iraq sunnis are. for a long time they have claimed that the government have ignored them. they weren't given jobs in the army. and now we're hearing about these alleged shia atrocities and you can see why many sunnis fear the return to the situation
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in 2006 7 and 8. a cruise ship has sunked in china. the chip was on the yangzi river. efforts are underway to find survooifsur sur -- survivors. a measure to allow people to carry consoled weapons weapons -- concealed weapons on campus is underway in texas. >> reporter: many have been pushing this type of legislation in texas for several years. on saturday it passed the house in a vote of 98-47. so now it goes before the government's desk for significantsignature, and he is expected to sign it. licensed gun owners can carry
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concealed weapons in campus buildings and classrooms. it came with a lot of opposition across the senate. and the final bill came with watered down provisions. it gives colleges the ability to create gun-free zones on campuses, but it does not allow schools to create wide-spread banned. we talked to students here at the university of houston and reaction was reaction was mixed. >> it anows people to protect themselves. it gives you the opportunity to even the odds. >> i know they want to protect themselves but is it necessary to carry it around wherever you go. you can misuse it whenever you feel like it. >> reporter: the governor is expected to sign the bill this
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week. it means that texas would join seven other states that widely allows concealed carry on campus. june promises to be one of the busiest months in supreme court cases. one case involved the man who was arrested for posting violent messages on facebook. lisa stark is in washington, d.c. for us. let's start with the facebook case. >> okay. that involves pennsylvania resident. he posted some very violent messages on facebook. he argued that it was therapeutic for him. it was rap language and free speech. but a jury convicted him because they felt a reasonable person would have seen these has
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threats. the court through out the conviction. justice roberts writing for the court argued that to prove a criminal intent you have to show that they intended to carry out a threat. but justice thomas said this failure to decide throws everyone from appellate judges to every day facebook users into a state of uncertainty. and the national network to end domestic violence said it was very disappointed in the court's decision today, saying this will make it more dif -- difficult to protect victims of threat. >> and then there was the abber
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comby case. >> a 17-year-old went and interviewed for a job at abercrombie. she was wearing a head scarf. she did not get the job, and she sued claiming it was because she was muslim. and the court agrees with her, and they said: and we spoke with the former assistant attorney about this case. >> eight out of nine justices which is pretty remarkable said the retailer in this case abercrombie has got to accommodate that and not use it to penalize the person who wants to work for them. >> reporter: in a statement abercrombie said they have changed their policy since then
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hired a lot of folks and given religious accommodation, including the wearing of the head scarf. the supreme court gets about 3500 cases a year tony alleging religious discrimination. >> all right. lisa appreciate it. lisa stark in washington for us. >>to a washington based company, he joins us now. lisa didn't leave much room for you there. but the abber comby case, decision what did you make of it? >> sure. the lower court, the united states court of appeal for the 10th circuit said you could only hold abercrombie
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reliable if not only did they know this woman was engaged in religious practice by wearing a head scarf, and they knew because she told them specifically. so it put the pressure on to letting an employer know about their views, and the supreme court said that's wrong. i think it's not a massive change in how the law will be implemented, but it is an important one, in that it clarifies who the burden is on. >> okay. i'm going to try this one on you. i have been talking about folks in our news room about this. so was this case about religion or about wearing a head scarf? samantha clearly scored really high and would have been we can
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assume a fine employee for abercrombie, but for the head scarf, not that she would have been a fine employee but for the fact that she's muslim. so help me here. i'm a little confused about whether this is a case about religion or a case about the look policy. >> well i think it's both and the reason why is that, you know samantha's view of her religious practices is that she has to wear the head scarf as an article of her religion. so it's a question of how individuals believe their religions work. and the supreme court and courts in general are very differential about those religious-held bebeliefs. so while there may be a debate among muslims about whether the
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head scarf is required that is not the type of thing that american courts are going to get involved in. so it became a case about religion because she expressed that belief and a court won't ever second-guess that. >> thank you. do you see this abercrombie decision impacting the outstanding court case on the affordable care act. the mange wage about states setting up exchanges? >> right, so there's a pass age in this case where justice scalia says it would require abercrombie to add extra words to the statute, and that's simply not what congress did. so some people said isn't the
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court asking the government to read extra words into the decision. and i'll give you the counterpoint there was another case decided today. a case about ambiguous language in deportation statute, and there the court says the literal language might be really brood, but we always read it in light of its context, so if you read the affordable care act in light of its contexts i think everyone would agree you have the better reading of the statute. judges use these decisions to shave their rulings, but how they apply any case is very very hard to predict in advance. >> wonderful. joinings from washington, d.c. thank you. good stuff. facing the death penalty, new charges against the building owner of a garment factory that collapsed two years ago in
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bangladesh. and then there were nine, senator lindsay graham enters the growing field of republican presidential candidates. weekday mornings. catch up on what happened overnight with a full morning brief. get a first hand look with in-depth reports and investigations. start weekday mornings with al jazeera america. open your eyes to a world in motion.
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>> the latest presidential candidate to make it official has never lost an election for public office and lindsay gram is just one of several candidates hoping to surprise the so-called political experts. ♪ >> reporter: going into the wild blue yonder of national politics in his south carolina hometown air force veteran and republican senator lindsay graham made it official. >> i'm lindsay graham and i'm running for president of the united states. >> reporter: he adds a hawkish foreign policy voice into the republican field. graham calls radical islam one
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of americas biggest threats. >> i want to be president to defeat the enemies that are trying to kill us. not just penalize them or criticize them or contain them but defeat them in. >> reporter: a year ago graham's own political career at first appears to be on the ropes. tea party conservatives were angry with graham and targeted the incumbent senator in the 2014 midterms. graham fended off the challenge easily. and now his candidacy could underscore the inexperience of fellow republican candidates. >> i'm running for president of the united states because i am ready to be commander and chief on day one. [ applause ] >> reporter: over the weekend in the democratic race hillary clinton picked up a populous challenger in former maryland
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governor martin o'malley. >> i declare i am a candidate for president of the united states and i am running for you. >> reporter: and by you, o'malley kept saying the working class. he noted that wall street banks including goldman sachs have foned over hillary clinton and jeb brush. >> i have news for the bullies of wall street the presidency is not a crown to be passed back and forth by you between royal families. it's a sacred trust to be earned by the american people. >> reporter: his tough on crime policies garnered nation-wide attention, during his two terms of government for he legalized system marriage strengthening gun control, and giving
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undocumented immigrants the right to an ed case. in maryland one of the enduring symbols of o'malley is his guitar. he plays in a rock band and his campaign website posed him strumming this. ♪ >> reporter: while democrat o'malley and republican lindsay graham may both dream of playing hail to the chief played some day in their honor, the fact is they are presidential long shots, and yet they each have the kind of experience that could conceivably help them break through. the secretary of state john kerry returned to boston today after breaking his leg in a bike accident in france. he will be treated at massachusetts general hospital. the state department said the injury will not change
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♪ the senate could vote as seen as tomorrow to approve a bill to change the national security agency's phone checkrecords check program. it would anow the nsa to search regards held by phone companies. >> i think the key distinction that has been at the heart of the snowden debate between the beginning, is one between mass surveillance which is where
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essentially the entire population have information collected and stored about their artiveties versus targeted surveillance which is where people who are thought to have done something wrong are under surveillance. and i think it's something that should be very concerning to all of us it keeps the fisa fort in place, so i think the u.s. secretary took a step in the right direction, but there's still a lot more needed. >> we are joined by a retired fbi and navy seal. are we less safe today because the key provision has expired. >> that information is still being collected, it's just being
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collected by the phone company? >> so why the fuss -- people are hamstrung, folks are going to conniptions, why is this happening? >> it's good politics. >> and theater? >> good theater, good politics but the reality is this absolutely works in certain areas, what doesn't work is when you have an act like the patriot act where they allow it to expire instead of saying what works and what doesn't work? >> what are you talking about as working here? no evidence the program has been abused -- >> right. >> -- okay or that the program stopped a terrorist attack? >> you have to remember. we look at things a lot like a police department would go out on the street and they act and they stop a crime. this is a war on terror just like -- similar to the war on
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the mafia, right? it's long term. so when somebody gets a phone call from a bad guy, somehow it's connected with a bad phone. then they then go back and create the puzzle. it's not all about stopping an imminent attack as much as it is kind of getting in the way of the enemy and stop their ability to flow and also building the puzzle of who all of these different people are. >> so you don't agree with glenn greenwald, when he essentially says the -- bulk collection program is still in place, it's just not as robust of a system as before this provision was allowed to expie. >> it's not as robust because they now have to get the subpoena to go to the phone company. plus that's a third-party that
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is holding that information, and it just takes more time. plus when we have the information in our hands, we have the ability to put it in our computers and analyze it our own way. >> let's talk about what really annoys you. it is the fact that so many of these issues in this country, usa freedom act, patriot act, it's a last-minute nation. we're always up against the clock and we don't think these things out. >> they are creative problems. >> so let me -- let me hear you out on this. what frustrates you about that? and how does it hurt let's say security or us in other areas in this country. >> throughout the years how this has become a reactive country. we should have had in place years before the patriot act ways we were looking into these
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different groups. does this is something that didn't just start on 9/11. we have been dealing with it since really 1979 when we had the hostages taken in iran. so we need to stop being reactive. and what i see is also politics. and when you put the two together the best example is the airline industry and hot it flows when there's security in an airport. it's bottlenecked. it doesn't work well. >> new information about tsa today -- >> exactly. a lot of smoke and mirrors and when they do have something that works and is in place, it needs to be evaluated when does it work and when does it not work. our whole strategic program on fighting the war on terror is similar to the war on drugs, and it just does not work. >> that gets me to the u.s.
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strategy to the extent that there's one that is obvious for taking on isil in iraq and i'm thinking about a peace from one of our correspondent imran khan earlier, and i know there was a debate as to whether or not there should be a ground intervention should ground forces will introduced into that theater. do you have any thoughts on that? >> i think there should be. >> you think there should be? >> -- as long as we have a strategic plan to stop this movement going forward. and that's a big problem. it's not just the united states we have had terrorist attacks in canada denmark, australia, france -- >> no question. >> each one has their own domestic part in this where they have to secure their borders and the online region. and very similar to hitler and his movement that was not just something that was going to stop
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where he said it would stop. it was going to continue to move. >> and you equate what is happening -- >> i do. >> you do? >> because you have to look at the fundamental beliefs of these insurgents they want to spread and move beyond the region. before with al-qaeda it was very regionalized. with isil and these different groups -- i don't differentiate between al-qaeda and isis and the different names, i look at it as one ideology and is going global. >> jonathan good to have you on the program. >> always a pleasure to be here. >> thank you. >> an american freelance journalist held by houthi shia rebels in yemen has been released. he was injured while in yemen and worked with the intercept, he is said to be in stable condition. the u.s. is working to free
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other americans still detained in yemen. >> we are doing everything we can to obtain the release of these individuals. obviously there are a number of ways question do that. secondly, we have been telling americaning americans not to go to yemen for a very long time. >> a video also surfaced in which a french woman is pleading for help. police in bangladesh filed murder charges against dozens of people in connection with the country's worst industrial disaster. more than 100 people died when the factory collapsed in 2013. stephanie decker takes a look back at. >> reporter: those who worked here earned close to nothing. they made close for some of the world's biggest brands. 1,137 people died when the
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factory collapsed. it was bangladesh's worst industrial disaster ever. and it opened the eyes of the world to the appalling safety standards of the clothing industry here. the owner of the plaza factory was arrested soon after and now we know he will be charged with murder along with 41 others. the lead investigator says it was a mass killing, and all charge have had a collective responsibility for the charges. if convicted they could be sentenced to death. whatever the verdict it will offer little console lags for those who lost their loved ones. more than 2,000 people have died in the deadliest heat wave to hit india in more than 40 years. our correspondent reports. >> reporter: this person has been sick for three days.
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dehydrated and weak she has been brought to this government-run medical center. she is one of hundreds of patients who have come here over the past two weeks with similar symptoms. >> translator: i work with my husband in fields near our village. it was very hot there, and we don't always have proper drinking water. that's why i'm sick. >> reporter: doctors here say the best they can do is advise their patients on how to not end up here again. >> in newspapers they are doing advertisements, what you should do and what you should not do. so of course it may be useful the literate people because they will go through the papers and a few people might be watching on tv also. >> reporter: we travelled to the village 5 kilometers away to find out if the message is
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reaching people who need to hear it the most. this person works here every day from 9:00 to 6:00. we asked her about the government's awareness drive. >> translator: no one has been here to tell me anything. no doctor or government official has warned me about the dangers of working in the sun. i have no choice but to work in the sun to earn a living. >> reporter: but she is used to tough conditions for years her village has struggled with a shortage of water. villagers only get water once every three days and have to buy their own drinking supplies. in villages like this it's a case of old problems being come pounded by the weather. the past few weeks have raised important questions about the capacity and willingness of the local government to deal with short and long-term problems. it has pledged millions of dollars to fix the state's infrastructure but the heat wave has put leaders under
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pressure. >> they don't have any disaster leaf mechanism. >> reporter: doctors say prevention is the best medicine. but in a state where millions of people earn a living working outdoors they have little choice but to accept a high case load. got to tell you there are severe weather watches and warnings again this morning for much of the mid-atlantic and northeastern parts of the united states. >> we had problems all across the northeast yesterday and tonight. you can see all of the rain pushing through. i want to show you what has been happening across the region. we have had some breaks with the rain but yesterday we had quite a bit especially in parts of new
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jersey. take a look at this they had fish -- >> oh come on. they did not! give me a wide shot. oh there's a wide shot. >> absolutely. they were rescuing as much as they could and putting them back in the water. they saw just over 5 inches of rain just last evening. a lot of transportation delays as well. first of all we had about 5.2 inches a little bit higher in parts of connecticut, newark harrison 3.51 and we do have flash flood warnings in effect for parts of southern new jersey but across the northeast we are looking for flash flood across the area. major delays across the seaboard because of the bad weather, and we expect to see anywhere
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between another 2 to 4 inches of rain some places higher than that. so flooding is going to continue. >> we saw that in texas and now it's the mid-atlantic and northeast turn. thank you. bad weather forced a plane to make an emergency landing in japan. the solar impulse two left japan yesterday, but the bad weather of the pacific forced a late-night landing. china is putting in new restrictions on spoking. as of today, lighting up is now illegal in many public places in beijing. it is a tough sell in a country where more than 300 million people smoke. adrian brown with more. >> reporter: china has long been a smoker's paradise. now beijing's government is
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trying for more enforcement. children have been at the forefront of the campaign since they are considered to be most at risk from passive smoking. anti-smoking campaigners say there is now clear signs the authorities appear serious this time. >> the first time the regulations very clearly spell out what happens if somebody doesn't adhere to the regulations. very importantly the managers and the owners of a business will be charged quite hefty charges if they don't help to make sure that their places stay smoke free. >> reporter: local historic tourist sites, including the great wall and forbidden city are also now off limits to smokers. but in bang -- beijing, the risk
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of secondhand smoke can pail to the environmental pollution. they want a significant rise in tobacco tax. the world health organization hopes that can change. >> the more expensive cigarettes are, the less people will smoke, so for us the more expensive the better. >> reporter: but the taxes paid accounts for 10% of all government revenues. china has more smokers than the population of the united states and on monday we found one openly violating the new law. and the restaurant owner openerly telling us to leave. wow. over the past several decades, scientists have made major advances in the field of cancer
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treatment. but some patients are taking a more experimental approach. >> reporter: when pam smith was diagnosed with skin cancer she was terrifyied she wouldn't live to see her grandchildren grow up. >> the drugs have shrunk the tumor from 9 millimeters down to 4 millimeters, and then afterwards they found some lesions on my lun -- lungs, but even they have shrunk now. >> the drugs were blind tested internationally on 945 patients with advanced melanoma. what doctors discovered was 58% of patients saw their tumors shrink or stabilize for more than a year.
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but the drugs don't work equally on everyone. doctor harris has been treating his cancer patients with the individual drugs, and is looking forward to using them in combination. >> this is a game-changing result for skin cancer without a doubt. i think where the excitement is really coming from is in the broader impact. you are enhancing the body's own immune system. there isn't any reason why this approach shouldn't be effective against other cancers. >> reporter: while one boosts the body's immune system the other reveals the cancer cells, allowing them to be attacked. >> there will be probably for the combination of drugs something like 40% of patients who don't have significant tumor
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shrink shrinkage, and we need to understand why, and get the number of people benefiting from these treatments will higher still. >> reporter: so while the new treatment is not a universal cure where -- this is a new weapon in the fight against the disease. we can tell you the white house has created a memorial page for bo biden. the 46 year old died over the weekend from brain cancer. it is one of the most unique races in the world, but there are clouds over its future because of climate change. plus why paris is bidding adu to the popular love not on one of his famous bridges.
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so iceland has one of the most extreme landscapes in the world, right? and every spring the country is host to a unique cross-country ski race. >> reporter: there wasn't even a gun to start the ski race in iceland, and only about 50 people took part but it's an event like no other on the planet the course runs correctly over an active volcanic landscape. >> the race is special. through the active volcano area and you can see the steam and smell. it's for everyone. from five, six years old to 80. >> reporter: the obstacles facing competitors in the volcanic north of iceland include boiling mud plots,
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sculptured lava fields and hot springs. the spring behind me looks man made but it is not. the skiers ski over the plates and below the surface is bubbling lava. the usually 60 kilometer push to the fishing village was reduced to just 20 kilometers this year because of an unprecedented lack of snow global warming is a controversial debate here. >> all of the races for the last two years, they have all been in very warm temperature, and where there's a lack of snow. >> last two winters, lot of snow, the winter before that not so much and now we have not so much snow so it's not my feeling that always less and less. >> reporter: this is a former
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member of the ice landic ski team won the race this year. having enough snow to race next year in april will be a clear icelandic marker of climate change. and for a look at what is coming up at the top of the hour john siegenthaler is here. >> hi tony is. the future of america's spy program. no solution likely until at least tomorrow. so for now the government has suspended its controversial collection of phone records. we'll explore the options to pass a new bill. plus memorial day weekend was the debtliest weekend
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chicago has seen in years. they are considering drastic steps to stop the violence also students and teachers are suing a school district. they say schools have failed people suffering from trauma. those stories and a lot more coming up in about four minutes. >> john thank you. for nearly a decade couples have been attaching padlocks to a pretty famous bridge in paris. >> reporter: it's early morning in the city of love and a bit of romantic history is about to come to an end. they are closing off the bridge. it was a popular destination for couples to attach a padlock to the railings as a symbol of their love but the weight of the locks is threatening the
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bridge, so it's time for them to go. >> i find it ironic that we are putting our lock of love here on our engage and they are cutting them down i hope that's not an omen on our future relationship. >> reporter: the whole [ inaudible ] of the pad locks has put the city hall in a tricky position. it doesn't want to do anything to upset the tourists but it also has a responsibility to people who live and work in the city. the risk that part of the bridge could fall on a pedestrian or a passing boat. campaigners against the locks say they were also defacing a public monument. >> somebody's expression of love shouldn't come at the violation of a city's heritage.
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hi everyone this is al jazeera america. i'm john siegenthaler. privacy and protection. >> the senate's failure to act, introducing unnecessary risk. >> key parts of the patriot act expire leaving a controversial surveillance program in limbo. taliban five freed in exchange for the release of an american soldier. should there travel been be lifted? mean streets. >> the blood of
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