tv News Al Jazeera June 2, 2015 9:00am-10:01am EDT
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a real look at the american dream hard earned only on al jazeera america >> good to have you with us, welcome to the news hour from doha. our stop stories this hour: >> iraq's leader tells his allies he needs more weapons to stop isil taking over his country. >> a chinese riverboat with 458 people onboard sap sizes. rescuers hear cries for help. >> south sudan expels a senior
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u.n. official complaining he talked down the government. >> scientists are saying a cancer treatment is a with once in a generation discovery. >> the iraqi prime minister is calling for more intelligence and assistance from international allies in fighting the islamic state of iraq and the levant. al abadi's been meeting diplomats in paris. the u.s. coalition aiding iraq said it's pledged support for an emergency plan. >> we have a report from outside that meeting in paris. the allies saying they will continue to work together, and
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the focus is on combating isil. there was talk of a plan emerging in anbar to bring all security forces together to take on isil. tell us about that. >> that's right. that was the question of the day here what exactly would the proposal be in order for the coalition against isil to better combat that group not just in iraq but also in syria. we heard from participants as the talks end the just about 15 minutes ago. there was a press conference, all of them reality rated their commitment to helping iraq fight isil. all of the participants said that this was a long-term battle that there have been clearly setbacks, that there would be setback the in the future but we heard a bit about this anbar action plan. what they've said so far is essentially there needs to be reconciliation that all the possible fighters in anbar province need to really be brought together and that there needs to be a stream lined
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weapon deliver system. now the u.s. had stated, they stated this earlier but said again today that they will be delivering anti tank missiles to iraqi ground troops in the weeks to come so they can more effectively combat vehicle-borne suicide bombers in anbar province. let's listen to a little bit more that we heard from the french minister and iraqi prime minister. >> we supported the iraqi forces with airstrikes and supplying equipment and training, allowing the iraqi forces to find the necessary scope to strike back against. the effort will be focusing mainly on the anbar province to
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recapture ramadi, but there are other objectives as well. the iraqi government announce add plan to bring together the tribal forces in the province. >> we need to disrupt the flow of international combatants. we also need to dry the financing sources oil trafficking, heritage antiquities traffic and great number of sites destroyed by daish. daish having already sold antiquities to get more money. we need to fight all this. >> so, those are the views from that summit in paris. let's go live to baghdad. while that talk was going on, emron, what's happening on the ground today? >> we've seen more attacks, one
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in fallujah and one in ramadi. that brings up the number to at least 400 who have died. for the most casual of observers, it might seem that isil do have the upper hand in anbar province. that's not to say that the iraqi security forces are on the back food. they have taken territory and they are fighting back. one of the big things that the isil are using are these car bombs. now, this is a real big issue. you heard my colleague there talk about the americans speeding up anti tank weapons as a way of combat these car bombs. there's script six here in baghdad that the americans will deliver those weapons anytime soon. the americans have promised for a very long time speeding delivery and it just hasn't happened so the skepticism among the baghdad military circles
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that the americans will deliver these weapons too. war bombs are being used with great effect by isil and we have seen that again here today. >> remind us how much ground isil does control across iraq and syria. >> it controls ramadi and the city of mosul which it took just under a year ago. now in fact, also parts of the countryside between mosul and raqqa in syria and it's taking over more territory as it goes on. what we're seeing is iraqi security forces try to take back towns and villages from isil before they go after the main towns and particularly in anbar province in ramadi. what size i will are doing is controlling border crossings. they've got two border crossings with syria into iraq, and without taking back those border
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crossings, isil do have the advantage of taking over more territory. >> thank you very much indeed for that. >> the u.s. says there are reports that the syrian regime is helping isil target rebel held areas. over the last few months, government troops have faced set backs in idlib which is now under rebel control. we have this report. >> a commander belonging to al-nusra front urges his fighters to stand ready for their next battle. he says defeating syrian president bashar al assad is just a matter of time. these are fighters from the army of conquest, a coalition that includes nusra and other opposition groups. they are on the offensive. they recently captured most of idlib province and are now focused on the coastal city, the
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heartland of president assad's support. the army of conquest has made gains in the last few months, forcing government troops to withdraw. fighting has in tensified on several fronts. in idlib the rebels face hezbollah and assad forces that are backed by iran. villages have been captured and isil's influence expanded. around aleppo, the syrian government and isil fighters are attacking rebels together. in areas like myria there appears to be joint fighting by eisel and assad government. >> aiding the extremists in their attacks on the civilian population. the regime avoids isil lines in complete contributions to the
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regime claiming to be fighting isil. >> isil controls half of syria. bottle hardened and well equipped fighters from the islamic state of iraq and the levant storm an army base. isil has recently seized the ancient ruins of pal mira. as the rebels gain more ground, government helicopters drop more barrel bombs killing dozens of civilians in aleppo. rescuers search for survivors. despite widespread condemnations, assad uses barrel bombs. four years since the start of the uprising, more than 200,000 people have been killed and vast
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areas destroyed. there are no signs of an end to any of it. al jazeera. >> coming up here on the program, hundreds more migrants like these are controlled on a boat and escorted by myanmar to an undisclosed location. we'll be live from yangon. >> we meet the kurdish campaigner trying to loose the strong grip on power. >> the french open serves up an exciting men's quarter final tie. robin will be here with action. >> china said they will not give up rescuing passengers from a
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ferry. five are confirmed dead. a 65-year-old woman are among the 14 rescued. we have more from hong kong. >> china's mighty yangtze river has seen tragedies before. what is uncommon in this case is the expected loss of life. hundreds was tourists, mostly retired workers were taking the trip of a lifetime to the popular three gorges dam area. >> the captain who was rescued soon after the vessel went down said it was struck by a freak storm, what he described as a tornado. motor of the passengers were asleep in their cab bibs below deck and had little chance to escape as the vessel sank in just two minutes. as other vessels and rescue teams rushed to the area, hopes were raised as sounds and shots for help were heard coming from inside the hull. >> the next step is to continue
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strengthening efforts in our rescue operation. not a second will be wasted. as long as there is hope, we will try our best. we won't give up. >> one woman was pulled out from inside the vessel, raising hopes that more passengers somehow found air pockets to stay alive. >> let's go live to rob now. what's the latest on that rescue effort? >> well, the operation is continuing as on this stretch of the yangtze river where it happened. while there is any hope of finding more survivors it will continue but not helped by the hours of darkness and also the continuing weather conditions, blamed for the initial sinking. there was earlier today the hopeful sign of the rescue of the one woman whose shouts were heard from inside the vessel. she was brought to the surface. that was some hours ago now. we have not heard of other people being pulled up from inside the hull, or even more reports of shouts from inside or
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noises from inside. that woman survived. she had found somehow an air pocket it seems. there is therefore the hope that others have found air pockets might still be alive. we are now approaching 24 hours since this cruise ship sank, as time goes on. obviously hopes will begin to fade. when we get into tomorrow and date hours again we may well be talking less about rescue and more about a retrieval operation, sadly. meanwhile, there have been reports from survivors accounts from survivors and they're starting to appear in the media in mainland china. one person, a tour guide 42-year-old tour guide interviewed reported scrambling out through a window as the vessel was being inundated with these crashing waves, he said all happening quickly. this all happened quickly in the hours of darkness. he had to wait an awful long time in the water trying to beckon and call for help.
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they didn't come, because they didn't realize the tragedy was happening, it seems. it happened so quickly the vessel wasn't able to send out an s.o.s. signal and wasn't until the early hours of this morning, that man just managed to scramble ashore, a lucky escape for him. sadly, many relatives are still waiting for news of their loved ones as we get into the hours of darkness. >> thanks very much indeed for that from hong kong there. >> hundreds of migrants drifting in their crowded boats off the coast of myanmar are being escorted by its navy, but not a bangladesh as earlier reported. they won't be taking further action until the identities of the 727 boat people are verified. they were found on a converted fishing boat in the sea four days ago. let's go live now. do we know what's going to happen to these people? it seems quite difficult to get
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information out of the myanmar government. >> absolutely, there's not a lot more we know. i spoke to the minister of information, also the presidential spokesman several hours ago and he said they would be taken to an undisclosed location. he didn't want to clarify whether they would still be on a bolt at sea or allowed to disembark. now, he also told us that they would then be held there until the government was ready to transport them to bangladesh, suggesting that a verification exercise of their identities had been completed. we hear that naval commanders are saying that the verification exercise is still on going. there's a lot of confusion and not a lot of clarity surrounding is this issue. there's been a lack of transparency in the way the government is handling this matter. now we know that there have been very few reports about the conditions that they're in.
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we don't know what sort of medical conditions they're in, from what we've heard about people who have been adrift at sea, a lot suffer from malno trig dehydration and some with illnesses. we don't know the condition of these people, the myanmar government has given them food and we're and what they need. when reporters tried to approach the boat over the weekend, they were turned away by navy boats and subsequently questioned. photographers and cameraman were made to delete whatever they had on their memory cards. >> we know that this boat has been afloat for a few days now. why is this such a sensitive issue for the myanmar government? >> well, the myanmar government essentially, they've been under a lot of international pressure coming from countries like the u.s., where barack obama has said that they have to do a lot more because myanmar is seen as really the root cause of this
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refugee and migrant crisis or rather a big part of the problem, because many people getting on boats to leave and making this dangerous journey trying to get to a third country are rohingya, a minority that faces persecution in myanmar. it is the policy of discriminating marginalizing making sure they state stateless with very little rights that is driving tens of thousands to leaf this country. myanmar's government does not acknowledge that they are the cause of this problem. in fact, the myanmar government's attitude is that this is a human trafficking problem. in fact, a lot of the people who have been found on boats only claim that they are from myanmar because they want to obtain international aid but in reality, they are all from bangladesh. this is how the myanmar government wants to address this issue, by sweeping it under the carpet. >> thank you so much. >> the italian coast guard is
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carrying out a rescue mission off the coast of libya the main route of people trying to across into europe. 20,000 migrants have reached italy this year. over 1700 have died in dangerous journeys across the mediterranean. other correspondent sent this update from an italian ship. >> we've been sailing for about 16 hours and we're about 24 nautical miles off the coast of western libya. the area where most of the migrant boats leave from. now along the road, we've seen for example a ship of the british royal safey. those of parts of the tries to know mission the european mission that is now in charge of -- search of rescue of these migrants who crossed the mediterranean sea. this vessel and this crew is not officially part of it, but what happens is that for example we've just received, the crew
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has just received a call from triton headquarters, telling them that in the area where we are, they've spotted a ship, boat full of migrants, so we're heading back from east to west towards that boat. we should be there very shortly but this is what happens here all the time. they keep the patrol back and forth along the coast and whoever is closer to one of these migrant boats has the duty to head there as quick as possible. >> south sudan's government expelled a top u.n. official, saying he expressed an extreme view in a television interview. tony lanza was the humanitarian coordinator and deputy envoy. the u.n. has condemned his expulsion. insta statement, ban ki-moon has said the envoy has been effective in addressing humanitarian p.m. communities in
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the country and asked for the decision to be reversed immediately and cooperate with all u.n. envoys present in south sudan. we have a report from south so dan. >> tony lanza has been a powerful voice especially in this conflict. his expulsion comes as a surprise but his term was ending anyway and he's not even in the country. i had a chat with a spokesman at the presidency who tells me that lanza was expelled because of his activities against the government. >> the expulsions came as a result of the activities that toby lanza has been carried out against the government of the republic of south sudan. he has called the leadership as failure when he was talking to the cnn in geneva. earlier before, he said south is a dan is now on the verge of economic collapse and is now
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printing its money. these are things to undermine the sovereignty and no country can allow such interference or mingling in their affairs of the country to continue. >> the united nations here and the government have had an uneasy relationship since the conflict started. aid workers are accused of being too critical and unfair in their analysis of the situation. the president's spokesman said he understands the critical role of the u.n. he says the state expelled an individual and not the organization. he says the u.n. is welcome here but the sovereignty of the country cannot be undermind. >> a new report is accusing sudan of supplying weapons by air to rebels battling the government is south sudan. the findings are based on a cache of weapons and ammunition
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seized last november. qatar has denied involvement in the conflict in south sudan. briefly. what evidence do you have that is a do not is arming rebel groups in south sudan? >> essentially, the weapons that we asked just before christmas in a place called malaka had two characteristics. one is that almost all of them were of types used by sudanese armed forces to the north or previously by rebel groups backed by kartoum.
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it is marked bilateral impact damage so consistent from being dropped from an aircraft. automatic it's not an absolute smoking gun it does provide physical evidence to support testimony that we've received from both rebel and government sides of weapon supplies from the north to the opposition forces in south sudan. there is a long history of that in sudan south sudan and the wider region. investigators found similar ammunition with sudan backed rebels in the last 12 months. >> if this is the case and this is happening, do you have any idea about the numbers the volume of weapons being dropped and whether they can make a substantial difference in south sudan? >> it's very difficult to know from these spot observations the scale of supply. we have seen this kind of ammunition in other places, for example, my colleagues
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documented it at the site of probably the conflict it is worst civilian massacre in the town last april. so, we have seen it in other places. it does suggest that this is not an isolated incident. i should stress that obviously we don't know who's dropped this this ammunition. >> i was going to say that the kartoum is denying any involvement at all in this, and presumably point blank that it's air dropped weapons into south sudan, so what can be done? >> it really highlights that this for all looks like a domestic crisis is really a regional conflict. on the government side, of course uganda troops and equipment are quite openly operating in south so dan president request of the government. if it is the case that the rebel countries are supporting the conflict, as well, it is up to regional powers to stop the
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conflict. >> mike lewis speaking to us live from london, thank you. >> thank you. >> burundi's government said it's looking into the possibility of postponing elections due june 26. the penalty's plan to run for a third term led to weeks of protest and violence. the u.s. isal locates $15 million in aid to help people fleeing the unrest. tens of thousands are in neighboring count beeries. >> opposition leaders called for a big protest on tuesday but it's very difficult for people to get on to the streets. you have the protestors who are on the road who are also trying to come on to streets and marsh in big numbers. he is telling people lets go, let's go. people are concerned the police could open fire on them.
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the police moving in to the space. the people are throwing rocks at the police in a cat and mouse game. he looks like he's about a fire tear gas and he's moving in, running. the canister goes off. people are throwing rocks at the police officers. now they are chasing them down the roads and alleys. this is how the protests have been going on. opposition members say they are defiant and they'll stay on the streets for as long as it takes. the issue is trying to get big numbers back on the streets. people are concerned about their safety. some say they are tired some don't feel like these protests are going anywhere. that was gunfire. that said, the defiant once on the street say they won't give up the fight and the police say they will do whatever they can
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to stop them from marching. >> breaking news happening now. royalties reporting that a bomb blast has hit a market in nigeria's northeastern city, no one claiming responsibility. it is one of the key cities in territory held by boko haram. up to 50 people are reported killed and some suggesting that it's a suicide bomb blast that happened there. >> let's get the weather now with rob. i gather a bit cooler in india. >> cooler and quieter weather final. the monsoon is later than it was expected to be. thunder and lightning, a little rain not much reported, a couple of millimeters but that was the picture. it's helped not in new delhi alone, but throughout india
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temperatures have helped to come down in the last couple of days. got to be a good thing. it's only a couple of degrees in new delhi down from 39 to 41. nowhere in india now is above 41. there is hot weather and new delhi is involved in it. it's generally the north rather than the eastern side. in bangladesh in particular, it was particularly nasty. the higher temperatures are in neighboring countries. nepal and india both tie at 41. nothing more than that. hot enough, i know. humidity as long as it stays down ok opinion it has also been hot here. we were up to about 46 today. tomorrow probably 47, but it will be cooler as the wind swings round the humidity goes up for thursday. >> still to come here. we'll tell you why this new hydroelectric plant in guinea could end protests like these.
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>> retaking ramadi from isil. >> china's transport ministers say rescuers will continue to try to find survivors in a cop sides river cruiser. five were confirmed dead. more than 400 passengers, many elderly are still missing in the yangtze river. >> reuters reported a bomb blast has hit a market in nigeria's northeastern city. up to 50 people are reported killed. it is the capitol of borno state, controlled by boko haram. >> nine workers including aid workers have been killed in afghanistan. the n.g.o. compound was are attacked by gunman on monday night. a woman is among the victims.
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no group has claimed responsibility for the attack. nicole johnston has more from kabul. >> this attack in the north of afghanistan targeted a government organization called people in need. it works on reconstruction in villages building bridgion and roads. the attack happened overnight. nine people were killed, all of them afghans, two drivers, two guards and five aid workers including a social worker. there's been no claim of responsibility so far. it's certainly not the first time these kind of softer targets have been hit. in may in kabul there was a hotel attack, 14 people were killed including nine foreigners, also a guest house has been attacked. there's been a great deal of instability in the north of the country. it seems that the taliban has opened up a new front for fighting in areas like kundu
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province. the government sent reinforcements from the afghan security forces up to the north to try and secure the area. still, there is isolated fighting going on and that instability and insecurity is indeed felt in the north of afghanistan. >> the saudi-led coalition has bombed houthi rebel targets in the mountains around the yemeni capitol sanna. these pictures appear to show airstrikes in the weapons depot and palses being hit. >> at least 20 have been killed in the southern area. >> the egypt court is announcing a verdict in the trial of mohamed morsi. it has received and opinion from the highest religious authority. it had sentenced him to death.
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this is one of several cases mohamed morsi is defending. >> national elections take place in turkey sunday. a mainly kurdish opposition party threaten to say loosen the party's 13 year grip on power. >> on the campaign trail trying to broaden the support of turkeys main kurdish party the h.d.p. one is by having women make up 50% of the party's candidates. another tactic is to reach out to poorer working class voters. >> the main concern is to get a fair wage. >> the leader is taking a huge gamble this election.
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his party must win at least 10% of the vote to get any representation in parliament. in prefers elections candidates rather than independents their overall share of the vote was never more than 7%. if the h.d.p. wants to advance a stalled kurdish peace process it needs for influence in parliament. >> with this decision to run as a party in this elections the h.d.p. force many turkish waters to realize that it is kurdish issue and their own lives are connected. so now, they will have to -- they have to pay more attention kurdish issue and decide how to cast their votes. >> for more than 30 years the turkish state fought armed kurdish separatists. 40,000 people were killed. so many ethnic turks still reward kurdish political leaders
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with suspicion. >> if the h.d.p. gets more than 10% have the vote, they'll deprive the ruling act party of its parliamentary majority, affecting the ambitions of the president to change the constitution in favor of a more executive presidency. bernard smith, al jazeera istanbul. >> china says live military drills along its tense border with myanmar are routine. they are taking place in the jungle along china's southwestern border across from where myanmar troops have been fighting ethnic chinese remembers. both the army and air force are taking part. bombs have killed five farmers on the chinese side of the border in march. >> government leaders in south korea met to discuss the
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spreading of mers. >> canada's supreme court chief justice said canada tried to commit genocide against aboriginal people, describing it as the worst stain on canada. >> a traditional ceremony tomorrow as the publication of a long awaited report in what is described as the aggressive simulation of canada's indigenous population, the so-called first nation tribes. this goes back to a court case seven years ago when the indigenous population won a case against the government, because they were taken away from their families taken from their parents and placed into state
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schools. state boarding schools. they had terrible abuse physical and sexual abuse. over the last five years a committee has been gathering evidence and spoken to more than 7,000 people. its evidence will run to thousands and thousands of pages. this was a scheme that was operated by the canadian government for more than 100 years. now, many people believe that the recommendations that are contained in the report will help point the way forward for the indigenous population and canada as a whole. it's expects to that there was cultural genocide, an attempt essentially, to wipe out what the indigenous people believed, what they did and their customs and traditions. for many people, this will be a watershed moment, something that they can celebrate but they know that they still carry the scars of what happened in those
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schools and that will be passed on for generations to come, so it's a cause for celebration but also a cause of great sadness, but it had to happen in the first place. >> a new hydroelectric power plant, which is expected to improve the supply in guinea has been partially switched on. we explain why the government is making the opening announcement now. >> we're on a government tour of a newly build hydroelectric dam. built by the chinese it's designed to bring much-needed electricity to people here. >> the first thing you need is that you be officially put into use today so today is a great day. >> that's a message guinea's government is keen to get out to the people, that the president is fulfilling promises. >> to show the people of guinea that the president wants electricity to reach the population as soon as possible, they sped up this project. it was supposed to finish next
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year and now it's almost finished in 2015. >> the room fills with excitement as a turbine is switched on. it all looks great but 24 hour power has been an issue here for years. >> if they give us electricity i don't think there is going to be anymore protests. i have electricity since this morning. if it continues it will be good for us. no more protests, no more kill ins, may god help us. >> he is referring to protests against power cuts that have turned violent in the past. these are pictures where paramilitary police are accused of using too much force. people are fed up and not much has changed. many struggle with a random supply. here they watch t.v. in a cafe because they cannot power their television at home. this man often has to work through the night because that's when the electricity comes on.
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as we speak to him as if on cue, there is light. fuel for the generator is expensive, he's. why this p.r. push to open the dam so publicly? it is an election year and the president is expected to run again. guinea is rich in man rails but the majority of its people are poor. this is a common sight. you can't charge your phone at home. if you don't have power or an expensive generator. >> we will not vote for the penalty if there is not electricity. also food and employment, up until now, we have not scene a change. >> if this hydrodam makes a difference it could assure the president a second term in office. >> we will hopefully have more on that from nigeria coming up after sport. sport is on the way.
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tonight, and we go live... >> delegates at a climate change conference working on a global deal. rising sea levels are threatening coastal communities including one of the oldest cities in the united states. we have this report from st. augustine in northeast florida. >> for the past three decades chuck has been diligently
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tending his ocean garden. it's a past time allowing him to observe the environmental changes here and he's witnessed the affects of storms and rising waters. >> the argument earlier way back when was it's not really global warming, just a natural chain of events. i've been here a long time and been around a long time and my wife and i are convinced that it's global warming. >> just down the road in historical st. augustine they've seen their fair share of change. the streets here fill with salt water as much as 10 times a year something that a new sea wall can't hold back. the civil engineer said the city gets little help from the state and without it, the future could be bleak. >> i wouldn't feel very good knowing that my property one day is not going to be worth much and the place i call home is going to be a memory instead of a place to live and work.
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>> the problem is one of skepticism over sea level projections and climate change science. florida's governor, like many in the republican party doesn't believe climate change is caused by human activity. many republicans say it's time to move fast that. >> it's a bad policy. it makes government look foolish denying what is obvious and failing to use the leadership that they have to address what is going to be a major issue in our state. >> what do you think this kind of severe beach erosion or physical damage is down to man made climate change or not, it's relevant to people in this community. florida remains on the front line of rising sea levels. many want to see some kind of plan of action. >> andy gallagher, al jazeera,
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st. augustine, florida. >> part of a bribery investigation, former fifa executive jack warner is alleged to have benefited from the money for saw the africa staging the 2010 world cup. a u.s. investigation into corruption a similar statement they've acknowledged the $10 million payment but that the funding and transfer of those moneys was handled by the football association and approved by fifa's finance committee and also that other senior fifa officials had absolutely no involvement. football legend pell lay believes cuba are not far from competing at the world cup in the future. it appeared last back in 1958. we are looking to a historic moment cuba's team hosting the new york cosmos.
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the match follows the reestablishment of u.s. cuba relations in september and believes football is set to flourish. >> i think cuba very soon will be in the world cup. >> top german manager will take a sabbatical after leaving dortmund. he'd been linked with a move to liverpool, but says he will take a break for an undetermined period. >> quarter final stage of the second grand slam of the year, the french open roger federer will take to the court in several hours up against the french competitor. nadal is calling is the toughest quarter final of his career. in the fourth round, that victory was a historical one.
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mr. djokovic lies in wait. >> it's probably the toughest quarter final of my career without a doubt but it's not the final. you know, that makes a big difference even if it's a special match. >> djokovic set up his quarter final after a comfortable victory over the french man. djokovic has never one the french open. it's the one title he needs to complete a career grand slam. >> i know what to do. i know what's expected me, the fact that i played him so many times and the player i played against the most. we played here as five, six times before, and so, i know, i
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know what i need to do to have a chance to win. it doesn't mean that i will win. you know, the future is unpredictable, it's something you can't influence but i can get myself in the right state of hind and prepare well and get on the court and give my best. >> to the nba with cleveland superstar lebron james believes this will be the year the cavs win the title going up against the golden state warriors. that's despite the recent form of seth curry who led golden state to an un defeated run. >> i haven't been in a good
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rhythm. the three-point shot is something that if i was a player that needed that shot, that would be an effect. i take a few. if i need to stop taking them, i'll stop taking them. i have other things to do to be effective. >> how i can help my team win and just the chemistry that we've built over the last three or four years to get our receivers to this point i'm going to keep roading that wave. in order to have 100% confidence in your abilities going into a series like this one all you need is four wins to get a championship. >> he will be ready for the preseason training camp despite suffering a fractured skull during the first round of the playoffs against the penguins. he has spoken for the first time after suffering bleeding of the brain after getting hit in the head by a puck. >> it was scary but the doctor
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was really good and made sure i knew i was going to be healthy. after a while there, i was just happy to recover. >> four more wickets need needed to win against england on the final day. england on 150 for six, they are over 300 runs away from victory. the host leads the series 1-0. >> defending champion fitzgibbons has reached the semifinal. all the more remarkable because of a nasty injury. she was rushed to the medical tent for treatment of a perforated ear drum. she went against medical advice, returned for a final heat. as you can see that paid off. the 20-year-old advancing to the next round. >> robin thanks very much
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indeed for that. >> let's get a bit more on that bomb blast on the nigerian city. give us the latest on that blast and the fatalities. >> these are eyewitness reports that we're getting of this massive blast at a cattle market a livestock market in the city which has been at the epicenter of violence caused by the boko haram group. it also managed to establish contact with a reliable source nearby the scene who confirms the blast did take place a serious blast but unfortunately, we've not been able to cooperate. what we're hearing from these eyewitnesses with the security services the military who have a huge presence in the area and of course the emergency services who would be helping out in any situation like this. this comes hot off the back of the attacks that took place over the weekend in the same area where at least 30 people were killed.
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on friday, he was sworn issue as nigeria's new president. he vowed to beat boko haram campaigned on beating boko haram and is traveling to the republic tomorrow to meet with country leaders to discuss how to stop the group's activities in the area. we are still trying to get further information about the extents of this attack, how many people may have been killed, and how many people may have been injured. it's clearly bad news, because the hope was that the coming of the new government and a fresh start in many sense in nigeria that there would be a reduction in these kinds of attacks. we're waiting for response also from the government officially, the new government about this latest incident taking place. >> it's not going to be long about the honeymoon period wears off for bahari, coming to power on the promise that he was going to defeat boko haram. >> that's right.
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when he was inaugurated on friday during that inaugural speech, i was there heard it myself he promised, as i say to beat boko haram. he also announced during that inaugural speech that he would move the command and control center the army's command and control center from here, the capitol to the capitol of borno state. he said it made no sense for military chiefs to be sitting in the capital with all the violence going on there. he has come in for criticism about this move. it's still discussed. today, he is meeting with the heads of the navy, army and other military service chiefs to discuss the way forward the strategy on defeating boko haram. >> thank you. >> at least five soldiers have been killed in the city of gomer in eastern democratic republic of congo. gunman attacked an army depot but the guards fired back. the government said it's believe
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add local militia was behind the attack. >> the u.s. supreme court has ruled in favor of a muslim woman denied a job because of her head scarf. samantha wore a head discover to an interview with the clothing chain abercrombie & fitch in 2008. the company said the scarf clashed with its dress code and refused to hire her. the court found the company violated the civil rights act. >> a new skin cancer treatment is described as a once in a lifetime advance. the drug shrinks tumors in cancer patients. >> when pam smith was diagnosed with skin cancer, she was terrified she wouldn't live to see her grandchildren grow up. given a choice of treatment she chose a new combination of drugs being trialed and hasn't looked back. >> the drugs have shrunk the tumor. they've shrunk it from mine millimeters to
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four millimeterser. afterwards they found leagues on my lungs but even they have shrunk now to tinier than a pin trick. >> the trial used a combination of drugs that allowed the bodies immune system to attack the cancer cells. the drug was blind tested internationally on patients with advanced mill momah. doctors covered that 58% of those patients saw their tumors shrink or stabilize for almost a year. the drugs don't work equally on everyone and side effects include rashes, fatigue and diarrhea. >> the doctor has been treating his cancer patients with the individual drugs and is looking forward to using them in combination. >> this is a game-changing set of results for advanced skin cancer, without a doubt. i think where the excitement is really coming, though, is in the broader oncological perspective. these are drugs not just
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specific for skin cancer. you're enhancing the body's own immune system. there's no reason this approach shouldn't be effective against other cancers. >> this animation shows how the drugs work. while one boosts the body's immune system, the other reveals the cancer cells, allowing them to be attacked. for the doctor, there's more work to do. >> there will be probably for the combination of drugs something like 40% of patients who don't have significant shrinkage and what we need to do is understand why and develop new approaches, so hopefully, we can get the number of people benefiting from this treatment and these treatments to be higher still, so we can help more of our patients. >> while the new treatment is not a universal cure, cancers previously treatment, this is a new weapon in the fight against the disease. al jazeera, london. >> promisessing news there in cancer research.
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>> translator: we need to fight not only in iraq and the whole region, but throughout the we recalled. >> iraq's lead materials his allies he needs more weapons to stop isil from taking over his country. ♪ hello there. i'm in doha with the world news from al jazeera. also coming up the latest on a bomb blast in a market in nigeria. we'll have more on that. plus a chinese river boat with 458 people on board capsizes rescuers hear cries
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