tv News Al Jazeera June 2, 2015 12:00pm-12:31pm EDT
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iraq's prime minister asks for more help from his allies to beat isil. ♪ good to have you along, i'm david foster. also coming up in the next 30 minutes. pull from the surface, three survivors give hope to rescuers has they search for hundreds missing in a chinese river. close to running out of cash greece's submits a new proposal to his country's
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lenders. i'm in st. augustine, florida, we'll show you how rising sea levels are threatening its very existence. ♪ his words were stark. we need more help to fight the islamic state of iraq and the levant. the message from iraq's prime minister to international allies as they got together in paris to discuss how in their opinion they could defeat isil. he said his country needs the support of the world, but simply isn't getting it and specifically he says he wants his allies to provide more intelligence. the situation in iraq and over its borders are becoming increasingly urgent. isil most recently conquered ramadi and the historic syrian city of palmyra.
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isil's territories stretching across vast areas of the countryside. it's controlled isil that is the city of mosul for more than a year and stretches down into anbar province. taking ramadi in may a strategic city as it connects baghdad to the syrian and jordanian borders. >> translator: we need to disrupt the flow of international combatants and dry up their finance sources. we need to fight all of this. >> let's go to our correspondent following the day's developments in paris for us. when he says abahdy that he wants more intelligence from those people that are taking the
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fight to isil with him, what kind of intelligence does he mean. >> reporter: he came out forcefully this morning even before the conference started here in paris saying that one of the key things that iraq needs besides just intell against sharing, in which he meant intelligence sharing when it cams to air strikes, targets struck by coalition forces conducting air raids against isil in iraq but more importantly that the iraqi army which many analysts say is just in tatters; that they will need more support on the ground that this fight cannot be won unless the iraqi army gets more support, but he didn't specify what that support entailed. throughout the day we heard from diplomats, and at the end of the day, the u.s. delegation particularly said that more anti-tank missiles would be livered to iraq although they didn't specify a time line but
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they said it would happen within this overall anbar action plan to retake anbar province from isil and the city of ramadi. let's take a listen to what more of what the french foreign minister had to say. >> translator: we supported the iraqi forces with air strikes and supply equipment and training allowing them to strike back against isil now the effort will be focusing mainly on anbar province. the iraqi government has announced a plan to bring together the tribal forces in the province. >> reporter: mohammed you know this area well. do you get a sense that while ah abdi may be frustrated those people who are supposedly part of his team the allies are equally frustrated of what appears to be the incompetence in the iraqi troops?
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>> oh absolutely. and that's a very important point, david. in the leadup to this conference there was much more fanfare before this actually happened. in the last few days it really seemed as though they were being extra quiet about what they hoped to accomplish. we knew there has been tension amongst the u.s.-coalition forces. the u.s. said on many occasions that they wanted abadi to commit to embracing more of the sunni community. as late as last week the french foreign minister had said there can be no military solution in iraq without a political solution. he has been pushing very hard to ensure that abadi is doing all he can to emil rate this recentment towards the shia-lead government. there was this undercurrent of tension in the lead up to the
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talks and even during the talks. and right now, even though there seems to be an action plan fighting is still consuming large swathes of anbar province parts of syria, and the coalition is very frustrated by abadi, and they are humiliated by the fact that ramadi fell and as much as they are investing and trying to combat isil it seems this group is still very much on the march and taking even more territory. >> indeed. we thank you. while that meeting was taking place, there were reports that 17 soldiers and fighters from the popular mobilization force had been killed in a shelling by isil it was east of ramadi early on tuesday. now those representing the u.s. and unesco the u.n. organization that protects world heritage sites are also meeting in paris trying to find ways of
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cutting off vital sources of money for isil. victoria gatenby has more on the selling of antiques. >> reporter: the men in the green jumpsuits are isil fighters. they have been arrested on suspicion of smuggling an enchant artifacts. the money raised may well have been used to fund isil's war. >> translator: the intelligence of infantry brigade 54 was able to chase and arrest four-member gang who smuggled relics making use of the current security conditions and prevennes of isil in some provinces. >> reporter: isil fighters attacked 3,000 year old strat chews with power drills and smashed valuable pieces at museums. the trafficking of age-old artifacts is a lucrative source of income for isil. >> we know it's very lucrative
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because isis has essentially evolved from simply just using it as a supplementary source by taxing what looting was already going on in actually being involved it's a, and investing its own resources. >> reporter: across the boarder in syria, palmyra is one of hundreds of places damaged by fighting. they have accused fighters of looting artifacts. it's difficult to put an exact figure on how much isil netings but experts say it's substantial. >> it might be anything from 50,000 to 250,000 or maybe even half a million dollars for a group of objects or items, and in fact some of those may go as high up as a million. >> reporter: the money raises funds not only isil's military operation but also pays for
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salaries and services in the areas that it controls. victoria gatenby, al jazeera. ♪ at least 17 people have died in a bomb blast in northeastern nigeria at a market in the largest city in borno state, and at least 20 people have been hurt. we will get an update on that now from our correspondent in the nighian capitol, abuja. i gave some casualty figures there. in this kind of situation they tend to become bigger and bigger. what is the situation on the ground there? and what about those dead and injured? >> reporter: well that's right, david. in the last few minutes we have managed to speak to an eyewitness on the ground who says at least 17 have been killed and that scores of people have been injured. they are being treated currently
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at the capitol state hospital in the area where the bomb went off was a busy market area full of people trading in livestock. we're being told the security services are on the ground trying to secure the area and to make sure that there won't be any more violence in that particular location. on the wider issue of what all of this now means, given the fact that the new president who was sworn in on friday has promised to deal with insecurity in the area and deal with boko haram, where are asking what will he now do. he has been meeting with military service chiefs here in the capitol to discuss a new strategy putting together a new strategy against boko haram. it's thought that many of these service chiefs are about to be relieved of their positions as is in keeping when a new president comes into office that he is planning on
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appointing new military chiefs we also know he's planning to travel tamale and niger republic on wednesday to meet with these leaders of those countries to discuss how to deal with the threat of boko haram. this new attack follows weekend attack in which at least 30 people were killed. so it's a really obviously terrible event for people living in the area and is creating more uncertainty. >> thank you yvonne. china's transport minister says rescuers will not be giving up the search for survivors from a huge river boat that capsized on monday. rob mcbride has now more from hong kong. >> reporter: china's mighty rooifr has seen tragedies before. what is uncommon in this case is the expected loss of life. hundreds of tourists mostly
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retired workers, were taking the trip of a lifetime to the popular three gorges dam area. the captain who was rescued soon after the vessel went down said it was struck by a freak storm, what he described as a tornado. most of the passengers were asleep in their cabins below deck and had little chance to escape, as the vessel sank in just two minutes. as other vessels and rescue teams rushed to the area hopes were raised and sounds and shouts for help were heard coming from inside the hull. >> translator: the next step is to continue strengthening efforts in our rescue operation. not a second will be wasted. as long as there is a little bit of hope we will keep searching.
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>> reporter: the scale of this tragedy is likely to raise fears about safety on china's rivers. a number of people on board will have been taking their first-ever vacation and as more and more people in china have the time and money to spend on holidays so the increased risk of tragedies such as this one, rob mcbride al jazeera, honk kong. syria's government is accused of teaming up with isil to launch attacks on rebel fighters. and the findings of a major investigation into canada's former state-run residential schools accuses the government of cultural genocide. ♪ >> do you think it cost you the oscar? >> ahh...yeah... >> do you regret it? >> absoloutely not... >> and his home town ten years after katrina... >> what's the biggest problem
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♪ time to go through the global headlines for you on al jazeera. iraq's prime minister has used a meeting of international allies in paris to appeal for more help in fighting isil. finding a way to cut off funding to the group is also being discussed in france. the united states and unesco trying to stop the sale of antiques stolen from iraq and syria. china's transport minister says rescuers will not be giving up the search for survivors of a river boat which capsized on monday. the u.s. is accusing syria's government of helping isil to attack areas held by opposition rebel forces. government troops have faced setbacks in idlib province in particular which is now under rebel control. hashem ahelbarra reports.
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>> reporter: the commander belonging to al-nusra front urges his fighters to stand ready for their next battle. he says defeating syrian president, bashar al-assad is just a matter of time. these are fighters from the army of conquest. a coalition that includes al-nusra, and other opposition groups. and they are on the offensive. they recently captured most of idlib province and are now focuses on the coastal city that is the heartland of president assad's support. the army of conquest has made gains in the last few months, forcing government troops to withdrawal. fighting has intensified on several fronts. in idlib the rebels face hezbollah and assad forces that
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are backed by iran. elsewhere isil has captured villages and increased its influence. and around aleppo the syrian and isil forces are attacking rebel held areas together. the u.s. says it has heard reports of the two working together. >> they are aiding the extremists on their attacks on the area population. beyond that we have long see the regime avoids isil lines in contradiction to the claims publicly to be fighting isil. the syrian observatory for human rights says isil controls half of syria. battle hardened and well equipped fighters from the islamic state of iraq and the levant storm an army base. isil has recently seized the ancient ruins of palmyra,
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raising fears they might destroy the site. in april, isil blew up artifacts of the ancient capitol in iraq. as the rebels gain more ground government helicopters drop more barrel bombs, killing dozens of civilians in aleppo. rescuers search for survivors. despite wide-spread condemnations, assad denies his army is using barrel bombs. four years since the start of the uprising. more than 200,000 people have been killed and vast areas destroyed and there are no signs of an end to any of it. now to canada and a report into that country's former policy of forcibly removing indigenous children from their families for school has branded the actions cultural genocide.
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the pollty began in the late 19th century, the schools were funded by the government by largely run by the church. the last school closed in 1996. >> today i stand before you and acknowledge that what took place in residential schools amounts to nothing short of cultural genocide. [ cheers and applause ] >> it was nothing less than a systematic and concerted attempt to distinguish the spirit of abbore original peoples, but as the survivors have shown us they have survived. the myanmarian navy says it issest sorting a boat full of migrants to a safe location. it initially said the boat would be taken to bangladeshi waters
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but now says it will decide what to do with the 727 on board once they have been identified. florence looi is in myanmar's largest city. >> reporter: the government hasn't revealed a lot of information about what it plans to do with the 727 people found on board a boat in its waters on friday. now the minister of information says they would be taken to an undisclosed location but refused to clarify whether they would still be on a boat or allowed to disembark, they will be held until all identities have been a verified. he told us earlier they would be taken to bangladesh suggesting that the a very indication exercise has already been completed. so there's a lot of confusion surrounding the entire matter and a lack of transparency. we do know reporters who tried to reach the boat and speak to the people were turned back by
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navy boats. they were requested. cameramen and photographers had to defeat whatever they had on their memory cards. this also comes days after there was a regional meeting in bang kong where one of the purposes was to tackle the root cause of the migrant and refugee crisis in southeast asia. myanmar is seen as one of the problems because of the way it treats the row -- rohingya. but myanmar government says it is not the problem. because these people are not from here anyway and it refuses to recognize that it is its policies driving tens of thousands of people to leave the country. the italian coast guard is carrying out an operation to rescue migrants stranded off of the coast of libya.
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our reporter hoda abdel hamid reports. >> reporter: we have been sailing for about 16 hours. and we're off of the coast of libya, the area where most of the migrant boats leave from. along the road we have seen for example, the ship of the british royal navy and helicopters in disguise. those are part of that european mission that is now in charge of -- in search of rescue of these migrants who cross the mediterranean sea. this vessel and crew is not officially part of it. but what happens is for example we just -- the crew has just received a call from triton headquarters telling them they have spotted a ship a boat full of migrants so we u-turned and
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we're heading back toward that boat. but this is what happens here all the time. they keep patrolling back and forth along the coast, and whoever is closer to one of these migrant boats has the duty to head there as quick as possible. hundreds of east african migrants who have been living in tents in paris have been moved by the french police. the numbers have since swelled to 250 tents. a presence which was causes anger amongst some residents. the migrants are expected to temporarily be rehoused. the greek prime minister says he has submitted a quote realistic proposal to the international lenders. earlier he joined leaders of germany, france and the lending institutions for talks in berlin.
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he says he has compromised. >> translator: we have made concessions, because a compromise requires concessions. we know they will be difficult, but we have submitted a realistic plan who's acceptance by the institution, the creditors and our partners in europe would mark the end of the scenarios of the division in europe. all of those who are attending the u.n. climate change change conference hope they will get a deal this year. andy gallagher reports from st. augustine in northeast florida. for the last three decades chuck has been diligently tending his ocean garden it has allowed him to observe the environmental changes here and like many he has witnessed the effects of storms and rising waters. >> the argument earlier was, way back when was it's not really
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global warming. it's just a natural chain of events but i have been here a long time and i have been around a long time and my wife and i are convinced it's global warming. >> reporter: joust down the road they have also seen their air share of change. the streets fill with salt water as much as ten times a year. civil engineer reubin franklin says the city gets little help from the state and without it the future could be bleak. >> i know i wouldn't feel very good knowing my property one day is not going to be worth much and the place i call home is going to be a memory instead of -- instead of a place to live and work. >> reporter: the problem is one of scepticism over sea level projections and climate change science. florida's governor like many in the republican party doesn't believe climate change is caused by human activity but other
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republicans say it's time to move past that. >> i think it's a bad policy because it makes government look foolish, denying what is obvious, and failing to -- to use the leadership that they have to address what is going to be a major issue in -- in our state. >> reporter: whether you think this kind of severe beach erosion or physical damage is down to man maid climate change or not, it is pretty relevant to people in this community. many just want to see some kind of plan of action. andy gallagher, al jazeera, st. augustine augustine, florida. in guinea they opened a new hydroelectric plant hoping it would improve the power supply in that country. >> reporter: we're on a government tour of a newly built hydroelectric dam.
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built by the chinese, it's designed to bring much-needed electricity to people here. >> it will be officially put in to use today. so today is a great day. >> reporter: that's a message guinea's government is keen to get out of the people that the president is fulfilling promises. >> translator: to show the people of guinea that the president wants electricity to reach the population as soon as possible, they sped up this project. it was supposed to finish next year and now it's almost finished in 2015. >> reporter: the room fills with excitement as a turbine is switched on. it all looks great, but 24-hour power has been an issue here for years. >> translator: if they give us electricity, i don't think there is going to be anymore protests. i have had electricity since this morning. if it continues it will be good for us. no more protests no more killings, may god help us.
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>> reporter: he is referring to protests against power cuts that have turned violent in the past. people are fed up. and not much has changed. many still struggle with a random supply. here they watch tv in a cafe because they cannot power their television at home. this man says he often has to work through the night, because that's when the electricity comes on and as we're speaking to him, there is light as if on queue. fuel for the generator is expensive, he says. so why this pr push to open the dam so publicly? well it is an election year and the president is expected to run again. this is a common site you can't charge your phone at home if you don't have power or an expensive generator. >> translator: we will not vote for the president is there is no electricity as he promises.
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also food and employment. up until now we haven't seen any change. >> reporter: presidential elections are in october, and if this hydro dam makes a real difference that could help ensure the president a second term in office. and do check out our website, ♪ ♪ demanding answers in an irs breach. how hackers were able to thief personal information of 100,000 taxpayers. getting passed security, the head of the t.s.a. is out after investigators get fake weapons through. and the senate debates giving the n, isa back it's authority to spy. why the white house wants them to say yes without amendments.
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