tv News Al Jazeera June 2, 2015 7:00pm-8:01pm EDT
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>> and expanding access to play... >> at the end of the day it's about the kids... >> every tuesday night. >> this is al jazeera america live from new york city. i'm tony harris. surveillance revised. congress keys to reform the patriot act and limit the government's rules for spying. amid the fifa corruption scandal, a surprise, and a call for help.
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>> we begin with an end stott fight of the international security agency scone records collection program. this afternoon the senate kills the bill that created the program, and not long ago president obama tweeted that he intends to sign the legislation right away. libby casey joins us live from washington. what does this mean for the nsa phone records program? for all intents and purposes that is over. the freedom act winds down the government's election of american phone records. we're talking about who you called when you called them. privacy experts say that can be revealing about the details of your life. the government can no longer do broad sweeping collection of that. instead it will be left in the hands of the telephone companies. the government also have to go specific request. it will wind down in six months
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time. but this sill being considered one of the biggest reforms since security the biggest since the law was passed after the 9/11 era. that is the most senior level patrick leahy talking about the significance. >> we past the most significance reform in decades. this is to protect the security of the united states, but it will also protect the privacy of americans. >> there are other provisions in this tony. it will declassify opinions come out of foreign intelligence surveillance court. that's something that got a last-minute push back by mitch mccome. he didn't want to see that happened. he tried to make other changes but the last-minute senators would not go for that, and it
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was finally able to pass because it's already passed the house. it goes to the president whose is eagle for sign this into law. because since 12:01 a.m. yesterday morning some of the government's ability to do surveillance on lone wolf suspects have been on pause. >> so much delay and by the senate as you mentioned to let the house pass didn't it feel like the government with a shut down drama. what did the delays in this case add up to? so often congress uses the deadline to clarify the mind and to make decisions. that really did not happen until the last minute here because they did breach that deadline. a lot of people thought they could get it done. but one man stood in the way in the last minute. rand paul, and on sunday he would not let the senate move
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forward in a quick manner. he's running for president. he's seen as the face fighting the patriot act. that's what this was all about and he dragged it out until the the last minute. many say to make a point. we we saw push back from people like mitch mcconel. they don't wan any roll back availability to do surveillance. mitch mcconnell ended up not voting for the freedom act today. >> i cannot support the freedom act, it does not protect american citizens and undermines security by taking one more tool in my view at exactly the wrong time. >> if this debate did one thing
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it brought attention to the operator act and surveillance, and people are giving credit for that not rand paul but edward snowdon. the nsa ability to collect phone records came to light because of the leaks that snowdon provided even people who condemn him at mitt this has really changed the conversation about government surveillance. tony? >> oh right, libby casey for news washington. libby, thank you. the government is also using a small feet of planes to keep an eye on america. the fbi uses planes equipped with video or cell phone surveillance technology. the aircraft registered to fake companies and the equipment is used without a judge's ability. a recent 30-day period the associated press found that the fbi flies planes before 30 cities. there has ban quick response from the homeland security department.
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a new report found security screeners repeatedly failed to detect items that could be used to bring down a plane. >> the transportation security administration after reports that airport screeners failed to spot fake explosives and weapons times times. >> we have confidence that these changes can start being implemented at this specific direction of the homeland security. >> so-called red teams undercover tsa agent positiving as passengers were reportedly able to get banned items through security check points in 67 out of of tries at major airports. >> it is question concerting when we're trained to identify those who fly with prohibited items and it does not work. >> homeland security is taking
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action. tsa director was reassigned. for now he's being replaced by acting deputy director mark hatfield. homeland security officials ordered other changes including revising standard operating procedures for screening providing intensive training for supervisors, retesting and reevaluating screening equipment, and more random testing at check points. >> the problem is that the technology that they use to screen people are metal detecters. and >> part of the problem is politics. >> we would have more confidence if we could have a permanent senate confirmed director on the job. >> in airplane nominated coast guard vice admiral to head the
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tsa. 's waiting for senate confirmation. john pistol said that the federal government has to get this right. >> the homeland security department is expected a full report on the tsa test this is summer. >> well, today members of congress were demanding answers from the at a takata corporation. we heard from the company's executive vice president. lisa over to you. >> well, tony, the executive vice president kevin kennedy was the man everyone wanted to hear from. he said that takata still don't know the root cause of the problem. six people have been killed worldwide and 100 injured.
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they think it's a combination of factors that include long-time exposure to high heat and humidity and they told lawmakers that they continue to use the sail propellent that they've been using. that'sthat did not sit well with law makers. >> the replacement could be as dangerous as the current. why wouldn't you replace it? >> as i said without understanding the route calls and continuing to test outside of the bounds of what we recalled. we're trying to determine that. >> should we do something different than what we're doing right now. >> kennedy insisted that the new bags are better than the old ones. he said this is a major improvement. and takata told lawmakers that
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it is going to stop producing one type of airbag inflatinger that they found to be the most problematic. >> gotcha. a government regulator was also there. what did he say to reassure lawmakers. >> well, that was the head of car makers. he said that ntsa are doing their own testing and for the first time the agency is coordinating this recall between takata and the 11 automakers whose vehicles are affected. >> lisa stark for us in washington. thank you. learning more about live anthrax shipped out. samples were debt to 12 states and three countries and they
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admit they don't know the extent of the problem about they insist it is not a problem. how are they going about investigating this case. >> we're learning more revelation of this potentially live anthrax samples. we're up to 30 laboratories in 12 states, three countries including canada, south korea and australia and what's happening is after the initial revelation last week, that they were able to grow live anthrax in what was supposed to be an inactive dead sample. they set off alarm bells. they went back to test the source batch to see if the results could be replicate: they could grow this anthrax.
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they've done three different batches of anthrax that was supposed to be inactivated by radiation going back not just a year ago but almost ten years they've been doing irraid ir radiating the anthrax and now they understand that it can essentially be brought back to life. they really don't know the extent of the problem. the investigation is still going on. >> my goodness, jamie how did this accidental shipment happen? so they have a procedure and what they're looking at, what they suspect may an problem with actual procedure. that is the people who are supposed to be doing this are following the instructions to the letter, but they're learning that despite the fact that they thought this radiation dose for
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whatever it was would till the anthrax. it it puts it to sleep. and they're looking at anything. that's what the investigation is all about. >> i'm reading these assurances, that these samples don't pose a threat to the public. how can officials know that these samples don't pose a threat to the public. >> well, they can't know for 100%. that's why they're being so cautious. this goes back almost ten years. the latest that we found out was a sample tiny sample sent to the police force right here at the pentagon that they use to calibrate their anthrax detection equipment. that was in 2006 nine years ago. no one has been sick. the reason they say is because even though it could potentially be brought back to life, it's not alive and kicking and it's not potentially dangerous in the state it was shipped in unless
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cultured in a laboratory. that sample used nine years ago probably destroyed and gone already. so far no one has shown any signs of illness or infection. >> jamie mcintyre for us at the pentagon. thank you. representatives from two dozen countries are holding a strategy session in paris over fighting isil with isil's advancement in syria and iraq, including the capture of ramadi. the issue is more urgent than ever. we have reports now from paris. >> in iraq the bullets and bombs continue. fight something severe it looks nowhere near over. the hot desert landscape, a tangleed web of militaries and militias all trying to stop the advance of isil. in paris a stark juxtaposition. in this or nate setting dims edit separate in its battle against isil. or as the group is called in
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arabic daesh. >> the international community the international coalition has to support us. up. >> iraq's foreign minister would call the gains a failure on the part of the world. by the end of the day common ground could be found. >> the exchanges we've had will help us. >> this will be, as we said a long campaign. >> but we'll succeed if we remain united, determined and focus, and we are. >> sending streamlined weapons to the province and vanquish imfor good.
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iraq also on the agenda, syria participates of this conference called yet again for a political transition in syria so that if imcontinues to take over mortar tore there it will become more dangerous both for iraq and the region as a whole. a region confronted by a new kind of turmoil and the threat the likes of which they have never seen before. >> a new video allegedly released by boko haram fighters shows the group killing soldiers and they said that they shot down a nigerian fighter jet. they're blamed for another attack that killed 20 people. boko haram claims to hold several northeastern towns and said that thousands of its fighters are still in the sambisa forest stronghold. rescuers try to find survivors of a capsized cruise ship. 158 people were on board the eastern star when it overturned
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on the yangtze river during violent weather monday night. rob mcbride with more. >> china's mighty yangtze river had seen tragedies before. what was uncommon in this case was the extensive loss of life. hundreds of tourists, mostly retired workers were taking a trip of a lifetime. the captain who was rescued after the civil went down said that it was struck by a freak storm. what he called a tornado. most of the performances passengers had little chance to escape as the vessel sank in just two minutes. as other vessels and rescue teams rushed to the areas hopes were raised as sounds for and shouts were heard from inside
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the hull. >> the next step is to continue efforts. as long as there is hope we will try our best. we won't give up. >> the scale of this tragedy is likely to raise fears about safety on china's rivers. a number of people on board will have been taking their first-ever vacation. as more and more people have the time and money to spend on holidays so are the increased risks of tragedies like this one. >> boy a stunner in sports. fifa's president said he's stepping down, just days after re-election. plus imprisoned in iran, what congress is doing to help get americans released.
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executives. when does it get to him? erica pitcy with the latest. >> this is quite the turn of events considering on friday sepp blatter sailed for re-election for a fifth term and then adamantly said he would not resign. but earlier today blatter took to the world stage and announced he would step down as head of soccer's global governing body. >> as teachly reflected on my presidency in the last 40 years of my life, which have been intimately linked to fifa, i've therefore decided to stand down as president as i'm convinced it's the best option for the organization. >> platters assuress resignation comes in less than a week.. today, new reports say that blatter is also being investigated. across the world fans are making
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their voices heard. some cheering the end of platter's 17-year leadership. others still thankful for blatter's hard work. >> he sold fifa. he sold soccer. he made soccer diddy. >> you still have to pay tribute to the president who exercised responsibility at a high level for a long time, who evangelized soccer in the world and created great, great i heard this was initiated by america. they started a scandal. of course it's not right. they shouldn't interview with such things. is it good or bad? it's not up for me to judge. >> as for america the u.s. soccer president reacted saying it represents an exceptional and immediate opportunity for positive changes within fifa. officials say that that new fema president may not be elected as late as march of next year.
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>> erica appreciate it. thank you. peter, you rocked this segment on fifa last week, and you end up on john oliver's show and a couple of other spots. let's have at it, right? this is a total reverse. do we see this happening? >> i said at some point i said he's going to go at some point. i was thinking a month or two. my believe is that he knew that he was going to win the vote. i believe that the advertisers and the sponsors got together and had a chat with every else. >> that's my question to you. what do you say after the vote-- >> before the vote they said look we'll get you a chance to vote him out. if you don't vote him out we're going to walk. >> this is your world what do they do? theft get on the phone and who are they calling? >> when adversaries are best
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friends. >> really. >> look, after the end of the day, when the department of justice can go to visa, budweiser and say we would like to see your vehicles, books i guarantee you they'll come in and say we'll band together. if you cut off the head, then they'll ban together. the doj just hung bratter out to dry--which is a terrible pun but you take the heat off the sponsors for now. >> in your mind did we see the tip of the ugly fifa iceberg with the indictment from the deal? i have a belief we're going to see cleaning house. the majority of people are either going to be indicted or compelled to leave. every single statement were mastercard to budweiser to visa, they all came out and said this is a great start. they didn't say okay now we can
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get back to soccer, they all said this is a great start moving forward and restoring the reputation of the game. no one of them said that we're pleased with it, which tells me that there is a lot more work. >> let me say a littlejohn roll letter veer, is it ironic that the country where socker is the least popular in the world the doj here is leading the investigation that ousts accept blatter. >> no, you do the to love it. >> could this be a situation where the oar football organizations can now ban together and i'm thinking uefa. bring about the kind of change that you're suggesting needs to
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happen? >> unfortunately money talks. money always talks. what you're looking at they could look at flat out bribery. >> on a scale of one to ten in terms of handling a crisis. how did fifa score here? >> not that great. you know, you have the crisis to begin with. you burn down the house you put out the fire really well. had they--they knew this was going to happen. had they said down the pike months ago they would have done a better job. but this is all reaction near. reaction near it's not all that great. >> peter always a pleasure.
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>> the united states has entered the negotiations over iran's nuclear program but many americans say there should be no agreement until prisoners are released. >> families of american prisoners in iran share their stories. they speak of torture lack of due process and reputation in iranian courts courts let me be clear charge against jason are false.
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jason did write about one but this is practiced in journalism. >> he has been charged with passing information to a hostile government. >> he became the first american to receive the death sentence since 1979. >> sara highways brother is a dual national of iran and served in the u.s. military. despite being issued a visa to visit family in iran he was arrested more than three years ago. his family reports that he has been tortured and held in con solitary confinement for being involved in a hostile government. as the u.s. negotiates a deal that they want concluded by the end of the month. >> we should halt these negotiations until the prisoners
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are released. >> they continue to poke us in the eye and spit in our face. it would be ludicrous and outrageous to have a deal with iran that does not include the bringing home of our hostages. >> but the white house has said it won't allow the prisoners to become bargaining chips and will race detainment separately. they say with iranian in negotiations in the final stages they're looking for a release. >> the wife of american pastor good to see you. you testified today before-- >> thank you. >> yes, a pleasure. >> before the house foreign affairs committee. we saw you there. you have a hearing on capitol hill. what are you ultimately hoping will come out of gatherings like this?
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>> that our government won't walk away away iran until and unless our the americans are secured. that my husband and other americans are on american soil. >> before this hearing you were in europe meeting with the e.u. in german parliament. they've offered their support but will that translate into any kind of action that will help win the release of your husband? >> yes i think so. i was able to meet with high officials at both the european parliament and german parliament. one of the vice presidents of the european parliament took son aon said as a political sponsor. german has a good relationship with iran, good trade
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relationships and diplomatic relationships, and they ashould me that said's cause would be something that they would press iran on in both during the talks of the next few weeks and other areas as well. >> you think that the iranians care about a house resolution? i mean, honestly, do you think the iranians care? the the iranians who are holding your husband i know that sounds tough, but did they care? >> well, you know, they might not show that they are care, but i think it makes a difference. i think being silent is worse. i think foreign relations committee, they define our foreign policy with iran, these are the people that will be looking at the deal and approving it with the nuclear deal. iran says they don't care, but i think ultimately it makes a difference. the resolution that was passed unanimously in the senate about the release of these--of my
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husband and other americans. >> here's what i want to ask you, the next few weeks are critical leading up to the june deadline for the nuclear deal. do you have any reason to believe that the release of your husband is on the table during the upcoming talks? >> no, i've been told it's not part of the deal. it's--it's being discussed on the sidelines and other american families have been told this as well. unfortunately, because of the nuclear deals issues like said's cause and human rights issues have been put on the back burner. i know they're discussing it on the sidelines but if this is not addressed by the time we do make a deal or do not make a deal if we don't use this crucial time when there is still leverage then i don't know when else we will have leverage to get my husband out. >> and to those who would say to
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you a nuclear deal with iran that has the potential to head off a war with iran, to head off a nuclear arms race in the middle east is with respect more important than the understandable wishes and desires of your family you would say what to those people? >> i would agree. i'm not not policymaker. i don't make decisions like that but i do think that as human beings as in humanity we have seen over time we have to speak out. iran has to--we can't just focus on the nuclear deal and focus on the violations that iran does. specifically as it relates to an american citizen who has been in prison tortured n and out of solitary. my kids have had to grow up without their father because he chose to be christian.
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which is protected the iranens have protected that under a different president. >> they say that a peaceful gathering of religious minorities is a threat to national security. how have they explained why it's a threat, the why question? >> well, you know, i don't understand that. first of all peaceful gathering of peaceful minorities is protected under iranian law. this is why they say iran is breaking their own law and international law by keeping said. i don't understand how it could be a threat to the national security but that's what they say to christians, to jews, to sunnies, they use that exact term to--for other reasonables including shiite muslims that they don't agree with. >> my understanding is june 2012 is the last time you saw said,
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september 2012 he was put on house arrest and then put in prison isolation told it renounce his christian faith. how would you describe the last few years for you and your two children with said in prison? >> it's been a nightmare. then we found out he's been in solitary and he has been moved around several times. i would say that my kids and i have woken up with this excruciating pain every morning and said as well, and we haven't--the pain we carry with us every day and unfortunately my kids have lost their dad in a way for the last three years but they've lost their mom as well. i've been traveling nonstop for the last three years. i can't give up. i can't imagine my husband being in prison one more day. it's been very emotional trying to be a mom being there for my
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kids when they need me most and at the same time advocating for my husband husband don't give up. it's been a pleasure having you on the program. thank you for your time. >> thank you so much. >> my pleasure. >> there is a bipartisan push in washington to to classify pages they say that the truth of the attacks will never be known until the pages are release. >> the terry estrada had three young children when her husband was killed in the collapse of the. twin towers. >> when he called me he was going through the stair well. i never heard from him since. >> her belief that the saudi government helped to finances the attack and she along with several others victims is suing the kingdom. >> i read that the saudis ties wita bin laden. he was the black sheep of the
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family. he left the country but the evidence now that we have proves otherwise. >> 15 of the 19 hijackers were saudi. raising questions early on about what their government knew former florida senator bob graham studied the issue but it's findings were never released to the public. they've been known as simply the 28 pages. >> the american people knew i believe there would be an outrage has engaged in so many actions that have been so extremely negative towards the united states. on tuesday they called on the white house to release the information. >> we cannot let page after page of blanked out documents we
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obscured behind the veil leaving these families to wonder if there is additional information surrounding these horrible acts. we owe it to the families and we cannot. a lou these to erode trust. >> they were never able to prove complicit of saudi government officials. saudi arabia said it wants the information released as well to help clear its name once and for all. the white house has been say forgive months that it's reviewing the material. >> what is in that's 28 pages that is so sensitive. for many americans who come to the world trade center memorial, the issue of final accountability was settled with the death of osama bin laden. but others say they won't rest until the full story behind the attack is known. >> it would just be bringing out the truth that we need. >> terry estrada said that the lawsuit will go on with or without those 28 pages in a question for justice for her
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husband. >> well, federal investigators say they're still trying to figure out what caused an amtraks train to derail three weeks ago near philadelphia. the crash killed eight and injured 200 passengers. there was nothing wrong with the brakes signals or the tracks. what's going on here. >> so far there is no sign of any mechanical trouble. >> this is the first hearing since the accident. republicans on the house committee on transportation and infrastructure really grilled safety regulators and amtrak officials. democrats blamed republicans for cutting funding to amtraks but the evidence suggests that this
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accident was the engineer's fault. >> 24 was probably human error. the mechanical malfunction. it's a relatively new train set but we don't know yet. the point is they could have prevented accidents like this, and prevented accidents from the last two decades since introduced. >> that is technology that would slow the train down before the accident. now the technology has been around since the 1960s. one thing we learned is that a similar system is in place on the other side of the frankfurt junction near philly. but the northbound side where the train went off the rails is not there because amtrak simply never thought that this kind of thing could happen happen the northbound track did not have
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the same protection installed because the approach speed was 80 mph slow enough that the train could round the curve at that speed without derailing if the engineer failed to slow down. at that time the notion that an engineer might accelerate into the northbound curve was not a circumstance we anticipated shoes we didn't mitigate for it. it was a reasonable decision reached by reasonable experts under reasonable circumstances. >> clearly there was a lot of focus on funding in this hearing. there were some fireworks right over the engineer's cell phone. >> it's been three weeks since the accident, and they say they have the engineers' cell phone but they still don't know if evans texting or taking calls right before the crash and republicans are saying that it's taking too long to find out. >> it's hard for me to imagine why it's so complicated to get the answer to whether the
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engineer was utilizing the cell phone at the time of the crash. >> the amtraks cars date back to 1975 and the reason why they had not been replaced is because the recall were trying to replace other cars that were built in in the 40s. >> now that brings us back to funding. thank you. in chicago leaders wore orange today to mark gun awareness day. as america tonight's reports surviving a gunshot can be expensive.
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>> it was july 27, 2005 a nice day. some guys were outside of my building asking me questions about the job. we were talking. the shots range rang out. >> darrell was just 21 years old when a stranger shot him twice while on his way home from work. doctors confirmed his worst nightmare. he was paralyzed and would never walk again. he was uninsured at the time of his shooting leaving the hospital to pick up the initial tab. >> if you were to add it all up, how much was that total bill from start to now? >> looking at, like, $10 million. >> $10 million. >> an universal of chicago crime lab study puts the cost of gun lie venezuela nationwide around $100 billion a year. shootings in the windy city alone costing $2.5 billion.
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or about about 2500 per household. that's over $1 million for just the first year of medical bills. added to that are court costs healthcare and unemployment. michael was driving through the suburbs when he heard the window crack. >> it felt like someone had punched me in my left shoulder in the the 55-year-old father of two had been hit by a stray bullet. >> i'm not a gang banger. i'm not a thug. i'm a teacher. i'm thinking why would someone want to shoot me? you know? i guess i figured out it was just an act of random violence. >> that bullet would leave brown without the use of his arms or legs changing his life forever. >> my wife, of, she was working full time, and she had to leave her job. it effected her tremendously. i don't know whether i'll ever be able to teach again or work
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again. you know. you're left in a state of wonder wonderment about your own financial future. >> brown had taught high school math for 34 years and pastored for 17 at the church he founded with his wife. losing his place at the pulpit may prove to be his biggest cost of all. how hard has it been for you not to be able to minister? >> oh,. >> o ministry is my life. and not to be able to stand there and do what god has called me to do, i can't describe it because it's heart wrenching. >> sara joints us now. sara that's pretty moving stuff, and the numbers are just shocking. you brought us this piece last summer at the time that ferguson was erupting, and i'm wondering what things are like.
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>> as of may 26th there have been 1,000 shootings. among that number, 154 were homicide. >> wow can i read these stats? 88 americans are killed by gun violence. 12,000 americans are murdered with guns every year. that's that's rate a more than 20 times higher than any other developed country. that's not the whole story. >> absolutely not. we're talking about in 2013 there were some 84,000 people were shot and lived. as you see with the people in this piece what that thanksgiving costs. >> right right right. stunning numbers all around. i can't wait to see the rest of the report. as a matter of fact you can learn more about the cost of a gunshot on american tonight at 10:00 p.m. eastern 7:00 pacific. new numbers reveal racial disparity and traffic stops. according to the state attorney
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general office, the police were 75% more likely to stop black drivers than white drivers last year. it was the large he is thest disparity in the last 14 years. and the police were more likely to search a black driver. officials say that white drivers were more likely to be found with contraband. coming up, what cyber thieves were able to steal after hacking the the website. and and the delayed. two world war veterans honored nearly a century after they served.
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been voidable. hackers stole information for more than 100,000 tax payers. john terrett is in washington for us. what do senators hear in today's testimony? >> they heard that the irs failed to implement dozens of security updates which meant that their security systems were vulnerable. they also heard that this may not be the last hack of its kind. that the irs and the real target was not this but not next tax season. >> i think something is wrong when you're not upset every day. >> a smile from orrin hatch after ripping into the irs as they face the difficult task of rebuilding their foundation. they use anapp to steal
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remounds. there were were 2,000 hacks 100,000 of them successful. at first it was thought they were going after this year's refunds. they got away with $39 million from 13,000 returns but now it seems that the thieves had one eye towards using the information to file fraudulent tax returns next year. >> we have marked the accounts of those attacked by the outsiders to prevent someone else from filing a tax return in their name both now and in 6:00. >> the irs suspect hackers in russia and other areas behind the breach and it's just behind "a" string of series attacks on government and major corporations. in 2007 thieves got away with the data of $94 million tj maxx customers in one swoop. another data breach was target just before christmas 2013 when hawkers got their hands on
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information taking two loads of customer information. and the department of energy where online gangs are said to have made minutes meat of security. onthe inspector general range out loud and long. >> this is a global problem and i don't see it ending any time soon sir. . >> well, i lost the sound. >> for the second time in a year walmart is raising wages for some of its workers starting in august the 100,000 store managers will see their pay increase by as much as 26%. they'll be earning between 11 and $25 an hour. and earlier the chain gave
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increases to its entry-level workers. john seigenthaler is here. >> coming up at 8:00 big news in the world of soccer. fifa president sepp blatter resigned after winning a fifth term as fifa president. we'll look at the investigation and arrest of his colleagues and what it means for fifa's future. >> i'll be 36 in september part of me it like maybe this is the end of my road. >> tell me, robert, did you kill officer neagle? >> no, i didn't. >> why should we believe you? >> i don't know, why should you think i did it? >> we'll have more on robert pruitt's story and why his defense said that he was framed. and will it become a new york city landmark. the center of the gay rights movement 40 years ago.
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if approved, the building to be the first landmark designated for the gay history. we'll talk about what it means for the community. all those stories and a lot more more come up. >> see you then. two american soldiers soldiers posthumously presented with medals of honor nearly a century after the men served. during world war i president obama blamed discrimination in the delay in honoring both men. >> we are a nation who remember our heroes. we take seriously our responsibilities to only send them when war is necessary we drive to care for them and their families when they come home. we never forget their sacrifice.
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and we believe that it's never too late to say thank you. >> private johnson's award was accepted by the command sergeant of the new york national guard where johnson enlisted in 1917. sergeantin 19 and salad o'brien takes a look at the honor delayed. that's sunday, june 28th at 10:00 p.m. you may see a flying saucer. nasa will test an aircraft that looks more like an ufo. they're testing out a roomiest spacecraft design in order to bring supplies to mars. the launch will take place in hawai'i. thanks for watching. john seigenthaler will be back in just a couple of minutes.
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