tv News Al Jazeera June 2, 2015 8:00pm-9:01pm EDT
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>> hi everyone, this is al jazeera america. i'm john seigenthaler. game over. >> i have decided to stand down as president as i'm convinced it's the best decision for the organization. >> fifa president stepping down. leaving the sports world but leaving the head of soccer. >> the tsa shake up after
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explosives and weapons get past screeners. claim of innocence. >> tell me, robert, did you kill officer neagle. >> no, i didn't. >> dna evidence and death row inmate convicted of killing a guard. what our special report reveals. plus making history the riots there spark the gay rights revolution. new york stone wall in takes a step closer to becoming a landmark. >> what a difference four days make. on friday sepp blatter was elected president of fifa sock arrestsoccer's governing body.
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and today he resigns. erica is here with the story. >> it was just a few days ago when the world heard sepp heard sepp blatter say that the boat is set for fifa. >> i decided to step down for president as i think it's the best option for the organization organization. >> joseph blatter better known as sepp, resigned tuesday as. blatter touted his love for the organization. >> i cherish fifa above all. i wish nothing but the best.
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>> while also acknowledgeing. fifa needs a profound restructuring. >> blatter's resignation comes less than than week after the justice department announceed an indictment of 14 people including top ranking executives. they are accused of accepting more than $150 million in bribes and kickbacks. they spoke after blatter and said fifa is committed to cleaning up its image. >> there is significant work that needs to be done to regain the trust of the public and fundamental reform the way in which people see fifa. the steps will insure that the organization cannot be used by those seeking to enrich themselves at the expense of the game. >> many fifa familiar have been calling for bladder's resignation. tuesday they reacted to news around the world. from france.
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>> at a certain point you have to leave the position to someone else who will clean up fifa and get rid of the corruption from this federation. >> so germany. >> it is good news because nobody has lost anything through this. he sold fifa. he sold soccer. he made soccer dirty. >> to russia. >> i've heard this was initiated by america. they started a scandal. but of course it's not right. they shouldn't interfere with such things 37 is it good or bad? it's not up to me to judge. >> and in america the president of the u.s. soccer federation said that the news represents an exceptional and immediate opportunity for positive change within fifa. and some of fifa's biggest sponsors echoed that sentiment visa coca-cola and and and adidas say they welcome blatter's resignation. >> the office of the attorney
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general told al jazeera tonight blatter is not under investigation. >> so what is the process in selecting a new president? >> well, this is not very quick. we're not going to see this happening very soon. the new president could come as late as march of next year. as far as a short list in terms of who would replace him there are people on that list including men who have a run against blatter. but they say you have to go outside of the soccer world completely in order to regain people's trust that this is clear of corruption. >> erica, thank you. so dog what's behind this in your mind? >> well, i think we have the con flew wednesday ofconfluence of the court of law and the court of public opinion.
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from evidentiary and court of law stand point we had advancement last week and then the court of public opinion the p.r pressure that your lead in hinted at. between the court of law and court of public opinion there has been mounting pressure to implement change. either without or within. >> do you think that blatter is worried about his legal situation? >> candidly, yes i do. and i think for good measure. whether or not the department indicates he is a person of interest or directly involved in the investigation as head of this global organization, the governing body of the largest sport in the world having just won his fifth term, many think he's guilty of mall malfeasance.
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>> what does this mean for fifa and what does it mean for russia and qatar and their world cups? >> well, from an organizational standpoint to start with fifa, this is a real concern. real concern. as mentioned this was not a quick process. as sepp blatter is stepping down, it's stepping down with an asterisk. what is happening in the short term they're going implement suggestions from the committee an organizational good governance chicago that provided these suggestions last year to improve the transparency of fifa, which is important to know that fifa rejected. now they'll begin implement them. and then threatening presidential candidates. presidential nominees for the ballot, which is incredibly complicated.
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all these consequences for fifa, ironically no one of it is good. there is a difference between progress and movement. right now fifa is experiencing movement but so far no progress. >> if there was corruption involved in those awards to russia or qatar what does it mean? could those world cups be in jeopardy for those countries? >> well, up to this point fifa has remained at hasn't that not only was there no wrongdoing, but they will remain intact. >> they did say that. >> it's important to note here here--it's important to note that there are two simultaneous investigations. one is the case regarding the undue influence and bribery, if you will, of sports marketing and media rights associated with the world cups. the other was in the actual site selections themselves. i think what's going to ultimately be most tell something how the forensic evidence the forensic evidence seized over those three locations plays out in the days ahead.
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that's what's going to ultimately determine the fate. that's the biggest possible three ring circus. that's a difficult endeavor in and of itself. >> we'll watch this even though it will take a lot of time. doug, it's good to see you. thank you for joining us. the congressional stalemate in the nsa spying has ended. it has revealed controversial sections of the patriot act. libby casey is in washington with more, libby? >> john, today's passage of the freedom act billed as a compromise measure marks the biggest changes to government surveillance since the law was put into place after the attack september, 2001. now,september11 2001. it has been a rocky road, and it ended because of a june 1st deadline. congress was able to push forward today a move that was
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billed as a compromise. >> there is widespread concern about privacy we're not picking it up. >> after weeks of debate that pushed up against a deadline but breached it, the senate passed a bill rolling back government surveillance. >> the "is" are 67, the nays are 62. the bill is passed. >> the freedom act. >> we passed the most significance surveillance reform in decades. we did it by setting aside ideology fear mongering to protect the security of the united states, but would also protect the privacy of americans. >> the bill revived some government surveillance roving wiretaps and tracking lone wolf subjects. those tools ended monday morning when the senate mired in republican infighting could not move forward.
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>> let us be clear why we're here this evening. we're here this evening because this is an important debate. this is a debate over the bill of rights. >> senator rand paul fought any continuing of the patriot act pre- provision. >> i cannot the so-called freedom act. it does not enhance the privacy of the protection of u.s. americans and undermines american security by taking one more tool from our war fighters fightfighters my view at the wrong time. >> mcconnell saw his attempts to soften the bill fail at every term. in the end it was a compromised version from the house the freedom act that moved forward. senators latched out at those who didn't support the bipartisan bill, including mcconnell. >> he's concerned as he should be about security.
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he should look in the mirror. we have a situation where he's tried to defer attention. >> and plenty of senators frustrated with rand paul. >> enough is enough. we as senators are not here to deserve as extras in a presidential campaigned commercial. >> despite disputes and delays many are hailing the legislation. >> the most senior member of the senate i've seen a lot of fights, it's so nice to see something where senators come together. >> the biggest change to government surveillance in a decade. >> john, as soon as the president signed the freedom act into law surveillance programs can kickback in. the ones that were halted yesterday morning including the government's collection of american phone records. even though that part was canceled by today's vote, the government has six months to
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officially wind it down. john? >> libby casey, thank you. a major shake up today at tsa. the acting administrator was replaced after reports of undercover agents found alarming holes in airport screening. the department of homeland security which runs the tsa secretly tested screeners at dozens of airport. they tried to sneak weapons and fake explosives past check points and they succeeded in 95% of the cases. in one test an undercover agent was stopped when he set off an alarm. but screeners missed a fake explosive taped to his back. chad what's wrong. how does this happen? >> it's damaging to the agency and frankly it's quite dangerous. what we see here is red team testing that course weekly and monthly basis. this is nothing new to tsa.
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what we have here is a high failure rate that is capturing everyone's attention and is turning a spotlight on what are the systemic problems at tsa either with their screens procedures or with their technology. >> what do you think of the problems? >> well, i think its both. i think the more time that we get away from from , the more time that goes by by come complacentcy sets in. how do they keep their eye on the ball to keep security in mind and don't tip the balance of customer service and customer security. >> when they fail 95% of the time who should be held accountable other than head of the tsa? >> i certainly believe that it starts with the head of the tsa. you have to look at other
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individuals within the organization. >> what about the screeners the screeners themselves? >> well, i think that's the question. are they following the screening protectly o or is it not designed to detect these tests. i think its more of the former than latter. testing has been around for 10- 10-15 years and more prior to tsa. there are only so many ways to test the system. the question is why is tsa failing at such a high failure rate? what has changed over the last several years. >> what about the standards for screeners? >> well, i think that's something that tsa can look at. do the standards need to be higher? does the pay need to be higher? do requirements need to be more enhanced? does that necessarily equate to enter security. i don't know the answer to that, but my guess is that this is more of a training issue. this is more of a technology
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issue. >> these jobs are critical. we all know they're critical. how do you motivate them. is this a paid problem, is that what you're suggesting? it's security versus commercial service. they want to move through the lines through. >> hire more people. >> the pendulum goes back and forth. has it swung too much to the commuter service side when they try to speed up the lines. >> maybe they need more lines. >> maybe what these tests show is perhaps they're sacrificing security and the screeners are more paying more attention to make sure that those lines move
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fast and they are missing things. >> chad, it's good to have you on the program. thank you for sharing your insight. we appreciate. authorities shot and killed a man who the fbi said was under investigation. he was being approached for questioning and was shot while threatening a boston officer and fbi agent with a large knife. they said they open fired when he refused to drop the weapon. >> he. >> i don't think anybody expected the reaction that we were getting out of him. >> after fbi spokesman said that there is no reason to be concerned for public safety. now to china. an increasingly desperate search on the yangtze river.
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cruise ship cap capsized. just 15 people traveling on the eastern star are known to survive. some were found alive inside the ship's hull including a 65-year-old woman pulled from an air pocket inside the wreckage. 200 diverrers are expected to join that search on wednesday. six people dead from defective airbags. why some lawmakers say that the replacement bags could be just as dangerous. >> i'm heidi zhou >> i'mi'm heidi zhou castro, a murder that may have landed the wrong man on death row. row.
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in april just hours before the scheduled execution a judge gave pruitt what could be his last chance to prove it. more more heidi zhou castro in dallas. >> he entered the texas adult prison system at age 16 to serve a 99-year sentence for being an accomplice to murder. and it was in prison that he was accused of the murder of correction officer daniel neagle. other inmates who have been promised preferential treatment said he did it. >> robert pruitt is one of the youngest offenders to enter the adult prison system. in april he made the 42-mile journey to the execution chamber in huntsville. usually the last grips of
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sunlight for a condemned prisoner. >> i'll be be in september. part of me thought maybe this is the end of my road. >> a last-minute stay kept him from going the final ten feet. and a chance of doing new dna tests in hopes to prove that brew wit did not kill prison guard daniel neagle. >> did you kill officer neagle? >> no, i didn't. >> why should we believe. >> you i don't know, why should you think i did it? >> the state of text september pruitt to prison when he was just 16. locked up for 99 years for being accomplice to a murder committed by his father. he was a small and skinny prisoner others abuseed. within years the two lives collided. it began with an argument over a
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bagged lunch in 1999. officer neagle stopped pruitt then 20 from taking a peanut butter sandwich into the prison yard. >> he's yelling, what am i doing eating in the hallway. we got into a confrontation. there was an argument. >> what did you say to him? >> i cursed back. i don't remember the exact words but it was heated, you know what i mean. >> the exchange ended with neagle writing pruitt a disciplinary note. it's not clear what happened next but later that day officer neagle's body was found stabbed eight times with a metal shank. the disciplinary note nearby. bill lisonby was the investigation leader. >> this was found with the body. >> it could be that you tore it up after you killed him if that's the case. >> why wasn't answer of my fingerprints or dna on it? >> none of pruitt's dna was
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found at the scene and his fingerprints were not on the murder weapon. no guards saw the murder but many inmates came forward claim claiming to have knowledge of the crime. >> you had five inmatesyou had nine inmates who came forward is five of them said that they saw you do it. four said you confessed to them. >> well, first of all all of them said that they had seen nothing at first. they all had a signed statement saying that. then i don't know. every case is different. every situation might be different. i'm not really sure what all happened but all of their stories are different. >> but there was one thing that they all had in common, they all received preferential premium for testifying against pruitt.
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a charge was dropped some were transferred out of state. and some recommended for parole. >> when he went down, he was down on top of him. then just got up left the change and left. that's not uncommon to drop a shank and walk off from it. >> is it possible to do that and not get a drop of victim's blood on you? >> at that time that was about the time they were issuing fresh clothes to inmates. >> they found discarded pants with pruitt's blood on them. pruitt said that he used the pants to stop the cut. he said he cut himself on the weight machine. >> a guy i was working out with, he was playing around. >> what do you think of that claim. >> i think he lied.
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>> perhaps most problematic for pruitt's story investigators say that the cut was an exact i am present of the metal shank's blunt end. >> thenwhen you push down, it tattooed this weapon tattooed his finger. >> among the boxes of evidence al jazeera was granted special access to, we find a letter pruitt wrote to his supposed gym partner spelling out the exact alibi that he needed in court. you pushed up on the press so i could put the pin in, and i cut my thumb on the weight. i would not ask you to testify if i didn't really need your help. again, you know my head is on the line. >> why would you feel compelled to write that letter? >> what did i was hey all i said was hey nobody wants to
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testify for me. nobody is trying to go to bat for me. you were there when that happened. >> but he didn't. >> that's right. that's my whole point about this case. people are saying this situation is an opportunity to gain. >> someone had to have killed daniel neagle. >> sure, sure. >> that's the problem. there is no one else under suspicion besides yourself, who is convicted. >> right right no doubt. no doubt. >> but could there have been someone else? as it turns out others at the prison and not just the inmates, may have had a reason to want neagle dead. that's heidi zhou castro reporting. a look at a positive motive for the killing of officer daniel neagle and for frameing pruitt for the crime. coming up, a look at
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>> hi, everyone, this is al jazeera america. i'm john seigenthaler. >> doubt and dna. a last-minute second chance for a death row inmate. we talked to a man fighting to prove his innocence and save his life. amtrak investigations. >> i think these families are owed answers. >> tough questions about last month's deadly derailment as investigators reveal new clues about the crash. airbag safety. >> every morning. >> congress demand answers for a takata recall. plus landmark decision. new york city is one step closer to honoring a burst place of the gay rights movement.
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>> we begin in texas with the death row inmate given what could be his last chance at survival. robert pruitt was convicted of murdering a prison guard. he was granted a stay to allow for a new dna test. now his attorneys are suggesting that he was framed. more from heidi zhou castro. >> who was daniel neagle, the man who led the investigation into the guard's murder knew him him. >> officer neagle was a very by the book the officer. now in prison that could be good that could be bad. >> neagle spoke at the texas state capital calling for prison reform. he was quoted aas aing someone will have to be killed before they do anything about the shortage of staff in texas prisons. neagle would be dead 13 days
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later. inmate robert pruitt charged with his murder. pruitt's attorney hints that his client was framed. there were others who would have more reason to want neagle dead. >> there were those who had a motive to have officer neagle silenced. he was in the process of writing a letter of grievance concerning several things. >> after neagle's murder three officers were arrested. >> officers martinez, he was in charge for gathering witness statements, asking what did you see type of thing. he got indicted the same day i did. >> martinez was caught in a sting operation carrying $60,000
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of what he believed to be prison drug money. he was convicted and sentenced to eight years probation. did he not respond to al jazeera's request for comment comment. >> what other motive would there be for someone to kill neagle. >> some say that he was on to something that was been og there? >> can you elaborate. >> i don't knowin 2013 nine more employees were arrested for receiving bribes to allow drugs and cellphones to enter the prison. the federal indictment note agriculture of corruption. >> there was still a lot that have goingen. >> the state said that the theory that pruitt was framed by rogue guards does not hold up. >> how far down the road of then alternative theory that this could have been a hit covered up by prison staff. how far down the road in that
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investigation did go? >> i can't tell you exactly my focus was mainly on this scene. i hado recollection that have. >> as they drove pruitt the 42 miles to the death chamber in huntsville where he was expected to be executed, a texas court was having second thoughts thoughts. >> how close did you get to the death chamber. >> maybe ten feet. >> just hours before he was scheduled to die an unexpected stay of execution. >> i allowed myself to do a little dance. >> getting pruitt's legal team 30 days to initiate new dna testing on the metal shank used to kill officer neagle. a previous analysis of the sharpened only found the victim's in a. but the handle had never been tested. >> our hope is that there are skin cells on that masking tape,
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and it will allow for a genetic profile to be constructed. >> if someone else's dna was found on the weapon that could open reopen that investigation. >> how confident are you of the case. >> that's a big charge. >> pruitt landed in prison at age 16 16 you were convicted accessory to murder. then convicted as another murder in prison. why why we believe your word now. where is your credibility. >> you said it all. i've been twice convicted of murder. >> if you have no credibility
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why are you doing this? >> because i didn't do it. >> you deserve to die robert? >> no. >> it's very hard to know who to believe, who to trust in this case. that's why this dna evidence is so important. the metal shank used as a murder weapon that's been tested twice previously but the first time it came back only with the victim's results. the second time it was it was inconclusive. >> when are we going to hear about this dna evidence? >> right so that is anyone's guess. we know that the evidence has been transported to the dna lab but according to pruitt's attorney, that process could take months. >> in the first murder pruitt is serving 99 years for murder. any chance he'll get out of prison? >> right if he's found innocent of neagle's murder he would
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still have that 99 year sentence, even even with parole he would be a very old man before he stepped out of prison. >> thank you very much. the amtrak crash outside of philadelphia killed eight and injured 200 people. in a preliminary report investigators say they found no anomalies in the tracks, the signals, or the breaking systems. paul beban is here to tell us more. >> so far there are no signs of any mechanical troubles. investigators paid a lot of attention on the engineer's cell phone, trying to determine if he was talking or texting moments before the accident. meanwhile, amtrak officials and safety regulators got a grilling this morning on capital hill. >> the head of amtrak vowed to make rail travel safer. >> i still believe the the greatest contribution that my
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generation of railroaders can make to this industry is to implement as rapidly as possible. i promise you that by the end of this year this system when so dramatically enhance safety, will be complete and operational. >> ptc or positive train control is the technology that could have prevented the deadly derailment on amtrak's northeast corner line. amtrak has already installed a part of the track but not where train 188 went over the rails. >> i think the committee expect answers. i think the families are owed answers. i think the american public are trying to make sure that rail is safe across our entire nation. >> tuesday's hearing of the house was tense and confrontational, with republicans and democrats taking shots at each other over the pace of the investigation and
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over federal funding for railroad safety. >> we can't say that it was caused by lack of investment. >> quite a number of people died in preventable accidents around the country because of the lack of positive train control. yes, human error. that's what positive train control is designed to prevent. human error. this was probably human error. >> the human in question here is engineer brandon bostian. and the question is why was his train going more than 106 mph in into a curve where the speed limit is 50. bostian said that he can't remember anything following the accident. they're looking at his cell phone, and they still can't figure out if he was using the phone, making calls or texting in the moments leading up up the
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crash. >> it's hard for me to imagine why it's so complicateed to get the answer whether the engineer was utilizing a cell phone at the time of the trash. it it seems like it should be just a simply matter. >> they noted that the last fatal accident was 28 years ago. >> we run a safe railroad. and safety will continue to be our top priority. >> there were also a lot of questions about the train cars involved. at least one of them almost completely shattered. others survively mangled. what emerged in tuesday's hearing is that cars in the philadelphia wreck date back to 1975 and weren't built to month modern safety starks. the reason why they're still not reed is because they're trying
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to to reother cars built in the 19 40's. >> today's hearing lasted more than three hours but lawmakers say they want answers in writing from amtrak and safety regulators in 13 days. now back on on the 13th they voted to cut amtraks. president obama said that he will veto that bill if it makes it to his desk. >> thank you. there was also testimony today by the different kind of security. a government watchdog told a senate committee that the irs failed to implement dozened of upgrades. thanks that would make it easier toeasier. >> in the house of representatives, tough questions about defective airbags.
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lawmakers pressed federal regulators over the largest auto recall in u.s. history. they grilled a takata corporation executive by fixing the safety device that turned deadly. lisa stark in washington with that story. >> well, that takata executive apologized for the deaths and injuries caused by the company's airbags. he said it's a small percentage that is defective but he said one rupture is one too many. they tried to reassure lawmakers that the agency is on top of the problem. >> that shows where the shrapnel came out out causing six deaths and 100 injuries. the latest death carlos solis in texas in january.
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>> his airbag deployed. it was supposed to save his life. it took his life. >> it began. >> it has mushroomed to 11 manufacturers and 34 million vehicles. >> every morning i feel like i'm flailing headline roulette waiting for another rupture another depth. just last month takata finally finaladded for the hoot fabulous. but they say it appears to be a combination of factors. exposure to high military, of the takata will stop making one style that appears to be problematic, but it is not
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changinging propellent. it's still being used for takata's new and replacement airbags. >> well, the replace am to be as the replacement. >> we're trying to understand the factors that lead to this. should we do something different than what we're doing right now. >> takata said that it's adding a material to the propellent to make it more stable, but that is still being phased in. >> we're working to move away from those as quickly as we can. but in a vehicle it's not just as easy as changing the color of a car or a vote. >> takata will be replacing 1 million recall a mop.
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in the middle east it will be difficult torecalls. >> we'll coordinate and privatize to make sure that the supplies are available and they get out there as quickly as possible. >> they are starting their own testing to make sure that the new airbags won't have the same problems as the old ones. >> and also there is legislation on capitol hill that would give ntsa more at the time and more authority when it comes to these recalls. they testified that they could use more authority and use more resources as they try to handle recalls and make sure that the vehicles' new drive are safe. >> lisa stark, thank you. president obama will provide
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the eulogy to joe biden's son. beau biden succumbed to brain cancer. he will be buried saturday after a funeral mass in wilmington, delaware. now to a problem a to common to parents with children with autism. looking at the nightmare parents face when their child disappears. >> in her brief life, savannah martin reached far beyond the experts expectations. when savannah was diagnosed with severe autism at two they told her mother not to expect too much. >> she's never going to look at you. she's never going to talk with you. >> insive therapy helped.
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>> you want to do everything to keep her safe. >> yes. >> beth remembers a bright, sunny sunday. savannah was still in her church dress when beth put a bowl of instant noodles in the microwave microwave. >> four minutes. enough to answer the call of nature. >> by the time i flushed the toilet i could hear the front door close. and i knew something was wrong. panic hit. i couldn't find her. anywhere. >> savannah and her two-year-old brother tommy who doesn't have a disability, didn't respond. they had gotten past a barb wire fence and into a pond not 50 yards from their home. but the desperate mother could not breathe life back into savannah. savannah's story was a classic
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case of what autism experts call eloping, wandering or bolting. >> my name is laurie macway. i'm the co-founder of the autism association. >> it was autism at this moment, could be making a break for it. happens every day every week. >> 35 wander once a week. >> parents have begged lawmakers for things that could go a long way to saving lives. compounding the pain, suspicions about the parents' role when a child bolts. >> a lot of our parents are afraid of dialing 911 for fear of being accused of neglect. >> child protective services concluded that it was beth's fault.
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>> you were negligent. >> i didn't take my three children to the bathroom with me. >> that's your negligence. >> yes. >> in the end she was cleared but it is a hurt that will never heal. >> she's-- >> she is. >> joie chen, al jazeera. >> you can see more on joie report at 10:00 eastern time tonight. now a former beauty queen leaving her mark leaving her voice for the voice. >> kimberly motley is the only western lawyer working in the court system in kabul. she was drawn to the country after attending a education system program in the early 2000s. she has taken on egregious cases of human rights in afghanistan. giving legal assistance to
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is one step closer to becoming a city landmark. there will an public hearing later this month to vote on the issue. the bar served as a flash point for riots and groundbreaking demonstrations that helped to spark the gay rights movement 40 years ago. it will be the first landmark for its role in the city's lgbt history. michael, the columnist for. tell us about this building. >> this is where the police would come to do many raids. they would always raid nightlife but the lgbt nightlife was always target: it was not legal to be gays, and it was not popular to be gay. this is when the gays would fight back. it became a defining moment when
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they would fight back. it was a group of drag queens, gay men homeless gays, oppressed fringed disenfranchised people, they fought back that week. there was another rally protest protest/riot the next nightnight and it did change the way the gay community was viewed. >> what would it mean if it becomes a landmark. >> this is the transitional place where gays went from being illegal, oppressed and put down to fighting back and gaining momentum as a community. as a result of stone wall riots we had publications that arose and organizations activist groups. it really became a community because no longer did we have to hide in the shadows. >> there is no other place in the country that compares in your opinion? >> this is the most important edifice or structure in terms of the gang moment. >> it was a chinese restaurant for a while.
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>> that's important. they had great chow mein. now it's a bar. they've had interesting events. >> but is it busy? does it do well? >> it does. and some of the people there have no idea of the historical significance but it does not take away from that. >> can we talk a little bit about the movement in the last 46 years since stone wall? so that's a long time. >> it's really taken baby steps and it's moved faster and faster. but since that time when i was a kid in school and i was not aware of stone wall a lot of issues were not out on the table. no one was talking about gay marriage. if you held hands if a same sex couple held hands, they were arrested on site.
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so naturally nobody was talking about gay marriage. going forward 30 years later gays in the military, gay marriage. all kinds of protection against hate crimes that are developing, it's it's the progress that has been made. >> other big cities in the united states, but do you think the rest of the country has moved. >> if you listen to the polls that are not just urban polls people are getting on board. the supreme court is currently evaluating gay marriage for the whole country. the whole country is changing. i don't want to target red states. >> well, i understand. >> that people are out of there or not board this bandwagon because the whole country is changing. people will look back and say it was illegal to hold hands hands if the supreme court say guy marriage is legal across the united states what other issues are important for the gay community. >> i thought it was strange that
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it was marriage and fighting in the military were the things we would fight for that's the last things i want myself. >> what else is important. >> protections at the workplace against discrimination. protection against hate crimes. and the right color scheme in your apartment i think. >> what what has to--what legally needs to happen in this country? how do you get those protections. >> the importance of marriage is not symbolic, it's something that needs to be put on paper. there are specific rights when it comes to marriage. that's why it's so important "o" important to the gay community. but in the workplace protection against discrimination and every aspect of every-day live. >> michael, it's great to see you. we'll find out whether stone wall becomes a landmark in new york. we appreciate your time. >> thank you so much. >> thank you for being with us. >> that's our broadcast. we thank you for watching. i'm john seigenthaler.
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> soccer stunner... >> f.i.f.a. needs a profound restructuring f.i.f.a.'s chief sepp blatter steps down as the u.s. steps up its investigation of the organization, reportedly making him the central focus. the winning strategy... >> i emerge from this meeting confident we'll defeat them through unity, determination and commitment to create a future of opportunity
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