tv News Al Jazeera June 3, 2015 2:00pm-3:01pm EDT
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sporting including the latest from the french open. the king of clay is out. >> amnesty international is accusing the nigerian military of committing war crimes in its fights against boko haram. it said that the military including senior commanders must be investigated for the murder, torture starvation and suffocation of thousands of people. the report said that since march march 2011 more than 7,000 men and boys died in detention and 20,000 20,000 were arrested under suspicion of being boko haram members and were tortured.
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the nigerian military has rejected reports calling it biased and concocted. we have the latest from the nigerian capital abuja. >> the military just responded in the last few minutes. what they're basically saying is that amnesty's report is biased, that it's not based on syria evidence but that their sources are questionable, that they're relying on many unnamed sources that they're not giving any specific details as to how they came about the 7,000 men and boys have been murdered at the hans of the military. amnesty talk about making six various missions to the region where there has been fighting. they don't say where exactly those missions were in the northeast. they say that they spoke to over eight military officials. the nigerian military are saying who are those individuals? and then this line of 800
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officials documents leaked to amnesty. the military is saying let's see these documents. >> let's get nor from amnesty international senior director for research. how do you answer some of the claims that the nigerian military has put to importance in response to your report? >> the military response is unsurprising although truly disappointing. the military is basically treating it as business as usual while we are calling on them to take it very seriously. the allegations that were presented in our reports are not just mere words. they're based on years of research. they're based on document that we have in our position. we believe at this point they should be responding to the specific allegations. >> they say it's provided by
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certain disgruntled elements or faceless collaborators who have an axe to grind to the system. >> i could not hear your question. >> the nigerian military said that it's answer fair to rely on records or reports provided by certain disgruntled elements or faceless collaborators who have an axe to grind with the system. >> right. >> can you answer that? >> yes, what they fail to acknowledge is that this report is not just based on this military document or interviews with specific military sources. and that's very important. it is based on six field missions that our researchers conducted to all of the three states. it's based on more than 400 interviews with victims and witnesses of abuse. it's based on analysis of videos and photographs and imagery and all of this corroborated by the military documents by the
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information that we got from the military sources, it leads us to the allegations that we're making in this report. >> what do you expect the government to do when the new president said he's going to look into allegations like this, have you had any kind of response to far from the presidency? >> we've not had a response so far, but the secretary of met with the president with the key findings of this report and we do hope that president will act on his status commitment to combat impunity we're giving him all the facts. we're giving him all the information he needs to launch investigation into the military commanders high ranking military commanders that we're naming in the report. we're also calling on nigeria's counterparts to support these efforts including those who
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provide support to the nigerian military. but we're also submitting this information to the national criminal court in the hope that international criminal court will expand it's ongoing inquiry to war crimes, possible crimes against humanity committed by the military. >> thank you very much for talking with us. fbi's investigation into corruption into fifa has been expanded into the bidding process behind the next two world cups. russia and qatar won the rights to stage tournaments in 2018 and and 2022. meanwhile, sepp blatter has been back at work in europe where he has received a standing ovation from staff a day after he announced he would be resigns as resigning as fee at a fifa. >> sepp blatter was at work.
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it was a mixed youth game on the ground suggesting the kind of sporting purity fifa's critics say vanished years ago. >> sepp blatter's announcement that he would go was followed by red notices against several figures from the americas. >> we know that the $45 million spent by fifa was effectively wasted because of a corruption and tainted bidding process. >> it is a decision that shouldn't have been made given what is surrounding him. look i'm not in blatter's shoes, but it did not seem to be a good idea that this took place. >> who should replace blatter? michel plantin of france
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perhaps. prince ali? perhaps someone from the united nations kofi annan should act as a control figure to offer reassurance to everyone. >> we have made a proposal back in january when we launched in bruceel that is there was the implementation, the creation of the implementation of an superintendent reform committee. that needs to be lived by. someone such as mitt romney. mitt romney took on the role in salt lake city of the ioc and did a great job there. >> blatter has not actually gone yet. it's not clear how long he'll hang around or if he intends to find a successor. but the trouble there is no obvious unifying figure in football to move fifa forward. none of this is going to be
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resolved quickly. the question in global cooperate football is whether it's actually possible. >> we're joined live from laurence lee in zurich. >> well look, if you think about the events of the last 24 hours in the timeline it was about this time last night that sepp blatter was resigning. shortly after that he was the subject of the fbi investigation, then this morning the red notices went out. half a dozen of football officials from latin america with links historically with blatter, and then you get the news that the fbi seems to be subassuming the swiss inquiry. it has been a very significant
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day in terms of law enforcement and the scope and breadth of the fifa inquiry. in the end it's very complicated. there are three main questions. one, sepp blatter it could be a while before we know the truth of that. and two what will it mean for the next two world cups. and that's a very difficult question to answer. and does it make the successor of blatter's job easier or more difficult because of all the divisions emerging because of the inquiry now being fronted up by the fbi and the states. >> you mentioned the impact of the next leader. talk us through the process and when will we know how it's going to work and who is going to stand. >> no, it's a very good question. that is not entirely clear either. seth blatter has not said how long he'll stay for. that is a reflect of the fact that there is no other figure in opposition to him who can stand up and say i have the support of
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all these other federations and we demand that you go now so we can get on with this. what it means is that blatter could stay in place whatever he is choosing to do in the meantime is not exactly clear. while all there is all this jockeying for position. prince ali of jordan has some sport but not that much. michel planti with the same amount. the groups that want to see fifa changing are saying that the next president should not come from within football but is someone of the stature of kofi annan to offer transparentcy unity to get over these divisions. >> laurence lee live in zurich for us. >> events in zurich will have no impact on the country's preparations to host the 2022 world cup. they said there was no way that
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qatar would be stripped of the right to host the tournament. he said calls into the process of the bid of qatar. i was not surprised when he was elected. i was surprised yesterday because it was just a few days after his re-election. yes, quite surprised. i find it amazing that he was re-elected after seven members of fifa was arrested last week. you are responsible of everything done all of the decisions made in within fifa.
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that's probably why he decided to resign. hopefully with more democracy that's important too. the three key words back in january when i stood for the presidency. i said transparently democracy equality and as i said, that would be the start of a new adventure for fifa. if we want to see a brighter future at fifa we need to clear everything out. that's very important right now. the next people involved, the next thing that will be done within fifa, must be known by full of fifa people. you cannot make indications behind--decisions behind closed doors.
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the press will be there the public will be there. that decisions will be known by everyone. i was there in january. i think people didn't take my candidacy very seriously. they thought it was a commercial for me or something. but it wasn't. it was straightforward. i'm a genuine person in the way of everything that i have said. i will ask for it. i will say it. i will do it. >> coming up in this news hour, isil captures more ground, an u.s. general explains how they could be stopped. we'll get a front line view of the mediterranean migrant crisis. and will football go on without sepp blatter? the under 20-matches in
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new zealand. we'll have more from that later. ukraine's defense minister said that the rebels try to take a town using tanks and up to 1,000 fighters. they were stopped by forces loyal to the government. a cease-fire deal was agreed to in february. separatists are accuseing groups firing at rebels in donetsk. electricity has been cut off trapping hundreds of miners underground. we have more from moscow. >> the supports person from ukraine military speaking to the russian news agency said that the fighters 4:00 a.m. local time large scale attack using ten tanks and up to 1,000 fighters on ukrainian forces positioned around the area of
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maryinka near the city of donetsk. they were forced to redeploy heavy weaponry, and both sides were supposed to have been called back from the front line as part of the minsk agreement signed in february. they say that the forces were not behind this attack, denied all responsibility for start t and said that a number of civilians have been killed up to 17 fighters. there were reports earlier today possibly up to three coal mines have suffered blackouts as a result of the fighting, and there were reports of hundreds of miners trapped underground. this sudden escalation can be described as that. it can be expected amongst military analysts that we've spoken to here in moscow, the organization for security and economic cooperation, which is monitoring the cease-fire talks about almost daily violations of
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the cease-fire by both sides. it was only last week that the separatists claimed that in one given day they had suffered shelling around 30 attacks in various positions in separatist fighter positions around the region. this is a worrying development as both sides so we're told, try to forge some sort of long-term political peace settlement to this conflict. >> all four forces should fall under the command of the iraqi government. general john alan speaking from doha. >> isil fighters capture a village on the outskirts of aleppo. they say that they are determined to expand their task in syria.
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this isil video is said to show live in the syrian city of palmyra days after it was seized by isil. the group controls huge areas stretching from mosul to iraq, and from villages in aleppo in northern syria. the former u.s. general in charge of coordinating global efforts to defeat isil knows that taking on isil or daesh as it is known in the arab world is not easy. >> daesh is not an iraqi problem. it is not a syrian problem. daesh is a regional problem that is trending towards global implications. >> the international alliance was formed after isil fighters swept through the city of mosul last year. the coalition launched airstrikes against isil in iraq and syria but it's ultimate goal was to help iraqi security forces counter isil.
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drain isil's financial resources resources, prevent foreign fighters were crossing in to syria and iraq. and under mind isil's propaganda machine. in iraq they would recruit more fighters. >> why people were not supporting but accepted is because they were suffering years and years from a sectarian government. >> for the time being fighting is escalating in iraq and syria. two countries divided along sectarian lines that divide and play into the hands of isil. >> in syria 20 people have been reportedly been killed and
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several others injured in barrel bomb attacks. government forces outside of aleppo. it also destroyed several buildings. meanwhile, the refugee camp south of damascus has been reportedly hit by six barrel bombs injuring many people. the camp is home to many palestinian refugees and suffers frequent attacks by syrian government forces and isil fighters. well the 4,000 migrants rescued from the mediterranean in just one day last week during some of the heaviest sea traffic this year. most set off from the libyan coast fleeing violence in the middle east and africa are seeking a better life in europe. we went out on the water with the italian police to get a better look at the crisis. >> it took 16 hours to reach this trip of the mediterranean sea. we're in international waters. the crew has no doubt that
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somewhere in the vast blue there are helpless migrants stranded. it's just a matter of finding them. the camera combs the water. and here they are. the commander says that there are two boats in the area. as we approach the closest one it becomes here that the rubber dinghy is over crowded. 142 people are packed into a small ten-meter space. they have been at sea for eight hours. >> they're saying that they left at 8:00 in the morning 6:00 in the morning and the skipper abandoned them. they have no more water. the reason why we came on this dinghy is because the water--the sea is slightly rough so they would rather escort the dinghy to the main vessel than actually bring the vessel which can
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create more waves they'll panic and then it could capsize. >> it's a deal kate maneuver, slowly pushing the fragile vessel towards the ship. the migrants do not know how to swim. they're tired. language can often be a barrier. some asked to help. in arabic i passed on the message. they are safe but they need to sit down and above all stay calm. the first one off is the only child on board. [ yelling ] >> at times it's a struggle for the rescuers. the last one off is this eiretrean man. he has a broken leg. he has been lying on the bottom of the dinghy.
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it's plywood, soaked and water is seeping in. within hours they would have sanked. north is another dinghy. here there are 110 somalis. they have little fuel but it would never have been enough to reach the closest coast. the engine broke down so they were floating aimlessly. there are many women here. some are pregnant. they have been in the water for around 20 hours. everyone is exhausted and frightened. their legs legs are numb. some need to be held. in little over at hour 234 people were saved. the crew is also tired but proud that yet again they saved lives. the people here are hungry but they can't eat yet. the sea is getting rougher and they could get sick if they had food. in the meantime they fall into a deep sleep. the first rest without fear in a
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very long time. al jazeera at the mediterranean sea. >> migrants found driving off the coast of myanmar has disembarked in rakhine state. it's not clear if the migrants on the boat are rohingya. they were found stranded five days ago. thousands of ethnic rohingya are leaving myanmar and looking for a better life in india. traveling over line is faster and safer than journeying by boat. >> every day he leaves home with the hope of finding work. he is ethnic rohingya who came to india last month. after escaping by boat and arriving on photo to india. he said he's safe now but it has
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not been he easy. >> i can understand a bit of the local languages here but i can't speak them in frontally. that's why i get picked up as often as the locals. i've only had five days of work. >> other rohingya are just settling in to this refugee camp. mohammed said he arrived here three days ago from rahkine state. >> we've been tortured back home. i knew about the rohingya community here. i have some relatives here and thought i would be safe. >> in recent years thousands have rohingya have escapeed to india. some in this camp are registered as refugees with the united nations. others are not. while conditions are basic most people are happy to give up comfort for safety. >> just a few minutes away away
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from the refugee camp, this represents the hopes that many rohingya come to india with. being able to rent property here is sign of stability and acceptance for the wider community. >> it is testing some people's patience. >> the local people find that it is competing for the jobs. the local work for daily wage and the rohingya work for daily wage. coming here the housing stock is going up. >> like many of the locals they'rethey are missing out on finding work today. he's just another face in the crowd. but compared to so many others his journey to get here has been longer and harder.
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old demons... >> i am really really nervous... >> lives hanging in the balance... >> it's make or break... i got past the class... >> hard earned pride... hard earned respect... hard earned future... a real look at the american dream hard earned only on al jazeera america >> an are minder of the top stories here on al jazeera. amnesty international is accusing the nigerian military of committing war crimes. more than 7,000 young men and boys died in military detention. nigerian military is rejecting the report. fbi's investigation into corruption at fifa has been expanded to include the bidding process to host the world cup world cups awarded to russia in 2018 and qatar in 2022.
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there have been fighting in eastern ukraine between government forces and pro pro-russian separatists. greece's prime minister is trying to strike a deal to save his country from going into financial ruin. but the e.u. has bigger plans. >> the difference is debt repayments. greece is prepared to pay 0.8% of the economy. but creditors want 3.7% of the economy. greece said they can make payments of $1 billion.
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creditors say they needs to double that. it early retirement will end and the pension funds will streamline benefits to forwardable levels. but athens is determined to make it's own documents in the talks. they say as long as proposals comes from their creditors. small businesses in greece are closing every day and with the economy barely growing many more are barely surviving. we met some operators who are waiting for the government to solve the crisis. >> for three generations the family caught fish and told them to restaurants but the restaurants stop buying two years ago in the crisis now
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they sell to high-end customers. but this is an exception. most don't have the money to invest their turn around, and the recession has fallen more sharply. >> since the elections were declared the market began to freeze. it's been dead for six months. people could rent a film for a week for $1.50. that gives people pause now. the government to make their decisions so we can make our decisions, too. >> greece's economy was supposed to grow by 1.5% this year. the election has cut that to just half of one percent. the new study by greek economists find that greece has found .4 of their income in the early years of the crisis.
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this government was elect to bring more growth and less austerity. but the longer the talks drag on the further it departs from that goal because people aren't spending money and businesses aren't hiring or investing. as they wait for greece taoistic its new deal. that's especially troubling for those who create jobs and a quarter of million businesses have gone under and those that remain really aren't in business. but it's not all the fault of the government. >> we knew from the beginning that this program could provoke deeper recession than the europeans were expecting. i think that everybody understands with further uster i have measures austerity measures we cannot put more on track for
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greece. we cannot accept further salary caps or pension cuts. >> it looks like most greeks won't be living off sushi any time soon. >> egyptian president fattah el-sisi was confronted by protesters in his trip to germany. some even refused to meet with el-sisi. >> president sisi with a greeted with military honors. at the years of political turmoil egypt is pinning its hope for economic revival on foreign investment. but the trip to germany which has europe's largest economy is not about just attracting money. it's designed to improve egypt's image abroad. >> i have been in talks with the president and chancellor, and i understand they hope they know
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how much we appreciate them in the region. >> sisi saw protesters against human rights in egypt where some have been sentenced to death since mohamed morsi was deposed two years ago. >> egypt as a country are important players in the world that's correct but it's ability cannot be reached out human rights protection. we cannot have a a country where human rights abuses are persuasive. >> there were canceled meetings following concerns of egypt's diplomatic reform.
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>> we discussed the question of the death penalty. a this is something that we think should be avoided and it is important that all egyptians ought to be able to practice their own religions islam and other religions. >> it would appear that some european leaders are prepared to overlook egypt's human rights record in favor of economic interests. al jazeera. >> cyber crews are taking advantage of the ability to take a victim's computer hostage. another worrying sign of how prevalent e crime is becoming. in london security officials open new lines of defense. >> what does a cyber criminal actually look like. him, him them? who knows but they are trying to find out. this team of experts from all
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over the world all in london, all searching for the same answer. >> organized crime has moved in big time. you think probably it's bigger, it's more involved in cyber crime than drug crime now because they weren't just ruthless businessmen. there is a bigger return on their investment. why go in to a bank with a shotgun when you can do it from another country at a lower risk. >> it's just getting worse. by 2019 they reckon cyber criticals will be stealing 721 trillion-dollar globally. last year five out of every six big businesses fell victim to some form of attack. that's 40% more than the year before. the biggest tactic is a thing called cyber ransom wear where you inned advertently give your machine to a hacker, then they take all of your data and say
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pay up or we'll delete everything or perhaps worse they'll share it with the outside world. >> it has been increasing, and especially businesses. that's a real threat to the industry also. probably more profitable to do this once and get $1 million instead of trying to attack 1,000 people and get less. >> another concern is the internet of things. from kettles to toothbrushes to light bulbs our homes are getting more and more plugged in and more and more hackable. even where our cars will one day be online it's a worrying time for the experts. they have a long and unpredictable road ahead. phil lavelle al jazeera, london. >> the fertileity treatment commonly called egg freezing is becoming more popular in western europe as more and more women
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delay motherhood. there has been soaring demand up 400% in 12 months. we met one mom who went through the treatment. >> a number of women are delay delaying motherhood until later years. education, careers and simply finding the right partner have a part to play. as melanie approached 40, she decided to preserve her eggs. >> things are getting later and later, and i was not living a settled lifestyle but i didn't want to grow old without a wild or children. >> melanie continues to keep some of her eggs frozen for future years. >> that time that you think is going to last forever and then you realize you're too old to sort certain things out. it gives an insurance in a way. >> egg freezing has been around for decades mainly to help patients undergoing harmful cancer treatment but now private
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fertileity clinics are offering their services to young women. >> freezing your eggs when you're starting out on your career will set your life at rest. after you've achieved your place in the workplace you can achieve pregnancy later on. >> the eggs removed and storeed in liquid nitrogen up to ten years. when a woman wants to have a baby the egg is carefully thawed fertilized and transplanted into the body as an embryo. something that can cost up to $10,000. >> the treatment has more than doubled with egg freezing topping the list of popular forms of fertility treatment. in the last 12 months alone clinics like this has seen a 407% increase in people interested in freezing their eggs. the figures are doubled that in spain. most women are 40% between the
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ages 25 and 34, and the number of women even younger is on the rise. but despite soaring interest the success rate remains unclear. one of the leading pioneers has a stark message for women thinking about egg freezing. >> don't do it. there is a lot of evidence to suggest that it's very unreliable. it may be very unsuccessful, and it may bring considerable pregnancy loss. and we may be creating babies that might be at risk for diseases we didn't expect. >> some experts believe it's too early to know the full effects of egg freezing. but as the science of fertileity develops it could help women make decisions between work and family life. >> we'll talk more about this. i'm joining by professor of complex obstetrics. thank you for coming in. people who do freeze their eggs this way how likely is it that they would get pregnant if they
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did eventually use them. >> it's a miraculous technique for someone who may have gotten cancer of the ovary or something like that to have an egg. but for someone who is young and fertile, the egg may staying in 20 to 25. but by the time she's 35 or 40 the body is older. her body will be older. so it's very invasive treatment. >> let's talk about that. the egg freezing term, you don't just pop them out and put them in the freezer. >> no, you're required to take injections. the ovaries are stimulated which can cause fluid on the bottom. you have to have transvaginal scan that's invasive, and needles to collect the eggs before they're put in the freezer.
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>> do you think the interest in this is actually--you were being misled into being sold a false hope that it will be fine down the line. >> i was interested that it was described as insurance. it's an odd thing to plan for fertility. it's like buying insurance because you're planning on your house being burn down. we're hear about market review not scientific review about the numbers of successes of egg freezing. >> and if and when people do do it, is there some danger, it was alluded to there that there could be concerns in a we don't know about. >> i think the professor is right to point out there are unknown health risks. only a few thousand babies have been born by this technique. we haven't got the data on it, and we're growing eggs in secret culture media and we don't know the content that have. and within days of the cell dividing could change metabolism
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for life. i think i would cautious about chooseing to have a pregnancy this way rather than the casual dinner for two. >> for those who talk about it, it's delaying motherhood. but some women would say i'm not in position because i'm older and it is quite an emotional area. it's an emotive subject. >> it certainly is. the birth of a wanted healthy baby is a joy at any age in any way. but i think that it's important that at the start of reproductive--when you're young you actually understand that your career can last for 50 years, but the window of healthy pregnancies is probably between 20 to 35. after that you're taking extra risks. if we're a risk-averse society we should be supporting younger women being able to work and
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have children more than we obviously are. >> thank you for coming in and talking with us. still to come on the program. >> this is a trader's paradise. this is the new silk road. >> new trade ties on the border of china and kazakhstan. and it's rafael benitez the homegrown manager. sana will be with all the sport.
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paradise a special economic zone between china and kazakhstan. shoppers can cross over borders without video sass and buy duty free goods. but not everyone is happy. >> this is still frontier territory between kazakhstan and china, but it's not the wild west. a free trade zone where old barriers between chinese and central asians are breaking down. >> we used to fear the chinese but for no good reason. now it's quite the opposite. in kazakhstan people became less trustworthy. but couple here chinese citizens are here ready to help with any issue you might have. >> all you can hear around me are the sounds of plastic taping wrapping around boxes and bags from everything from bicycles to car tires clothes and building materials. this is a trader's paradise. this is the new silk road.
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>> china has invested $4 billion in the venture building malls and hotels for tourists to enjoy duty free shopping visa free. but on the kazakhstan side chinese tourists can only buy novelties like honey and flour. kazakhstan has less consumer good to offer. >> if you compare the official trade turnover figures of china and kazakhstan there is a difference of five or six billion dollars. the chinese are counting everything, and we're simply not counting part of the trade. they're calling it unaccounted for trade. it's not unaccounted for. it's corruption. >> compared to other plans the free trade zone is a drop in the ocean. nearby hundreds of thousands of railway cars will transit from china to europe in this dry port
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when completed. this is where china's relentless expansion westward into kazakhstan and onto russia and european markets begins. and there's no looking back. al jazeera. >> now sna in sport. >> thank you very much. fifa secretary jerome barker said he will not stand down. this follows accept platter's announcement that he would resign his post. 14 men have been indicted on bribery and corruption charges.
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now that blatter has left they need a new fifa president. >> the process to find a new permanent fifa president is going to take at least four months because that came directly from the head of compliance at fifa. he explained it to us moments after sepp blatter spectacularly resign: but it could take longer. he admitted that it could take six and nine months. answer only then might we have a new fifa presence. there is a lot of time for candidates to consider if they definitely want to be involved. if it's the right thing if they think they can win. the situation involves the uefa president. always seemed likely he would take over from sepp blatter. he backed prince ali, a strong candidate. will there be a deal between prince ali and miche platini
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where platini is the man backed by the people and prince ali takes a backseat job. others might fancy their chances as well. we need to be careful about really the merits of the likes of footballers. others are looking into the candidacy. we've seen south korea's former fifa vice president and a power broker of asian football, he's considered to be coming in, too. others might think this is my time but can they get the votes they need? >> the controversy surrounding corruption in fifa has overshadowed one of its trophy events under way in new zealand. the under 20 world cup has more.
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>> these are dark days for government's governing body fifa. the wintery conditions for new zealand for the under-20 world cup are the least of the organization's concerns. fans are still coming to watch but the resignation of the president accept blatter is what everybody is talking about. >> yes he's corrupt. >> i think that it was the best thing for the game in the future. >> this tournament is supposed to be all about showcaseing the best up and coming talent in football. instead all of the attention has been on the other side of the world. on those who are charged with running the game. >> although members of fifa have re-elected me as president this mandate does not seem to be supported by everyone in the world of football. supporters clubs players those who inspire life in football as much as we do in fifa. >> blatter resigned less than a week after several fifa
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officials were arrested on corruption charges. >> he was re-elected for a fifth term as president only on friday. sepp blatter is said to be coming to the latter stages of this tournament, but that seems unlikely now. even the host of this tournament nulled football isn't keen on hosting him. if he comes it will be awkward on many fronts given that new zealand did not vote for him in last week's election. officials are unashamedly happy he's resigned. >> surprised at the timing, but great news. i think this would happen on friday. >> ticket sells were lower than expected. that has more to do with the weather than scandal at head office. but fifa officials have been seen as abuseing their powers,
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many will not look well on this game. >> whoever takes over as president will have the job of rebuilding fifa's image. that's something that the economythey will need to do. >> they need to take control and be the leader in the process that changes that need to take place at fifa, and not be backed into it by foreign governments by the sponsors, by other influences outside of fifa. fifa has got to own up to the problem and come up with a solution and drive drive the reform process. >> in other football needs rafael benitiz will take over
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from ancelotti. real madrid has signed benitez for the next three seasons. >> many people say i'm defensive. we have not scored a game, 104 goals puerto rico104 goals. i think the team has phon offensive. we'll see in the opposition which player player is the striker. striker. the first set was crucial. djokovic in an early lead. nadal would fight back only to lose the opening set 7-5. djokovic was in charge the next two sets, winning 6-3 and 6-1. djokovic will play andy murray after murray's victory won over
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ferrerer on clay. serena williams will reach the semifinals williams needed 27 minutes to take the first set 6-1. but the 17th seeded italian who lost the final in 2012 tested her more in the second sets and would williams would win and to go to the semifinals. >> that's it for me. >> thank you so much, indeed. we'll be here in a few minutes with more news. bye for now. .
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>> nigeria's military is accused of killing more than 7,000 people in its fight against boko haram. i'm barbara serra. this is al jazeera live from london. also coming up. how russia and qatar won their world cups now under scrutiny in the fbi's fifa investigation. fighting in eastern ukraine cuts electricity trapping hundreds of miners underground. and
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