tv Weekend News Al Jazeera June 7, 2015 5:00pm-6:01pm EDT
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balance... >> it's make or break... i got past the class... >> hard earned pride... hard earned respect... hard earned future... a real look at the american dream hard earned only on al jazeera america >> this is al jazeera. ♪ >> hello this is the news hour live were london. coming up live in the next 60 minutes, supporters for turkey's ruling party celebrate their election result. raising a glass to greater cooperation, g-7 leaders meet in germany and stand united with what they call russian aggression in ukraine. smiles and applause for migrants as they arrive in italy, some of the thousands rescued from the mediterranean sea over the past 24 hours.
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>> and the champions head home with the champions welcome. >> we begin in turkey where the final votes are being counted in a parliamentary election. with most ballots counted results suggest that president you are do wan's akp has most the votes but has fallen short of the majority. >> i would like to congratulate our nation on this election. i send my respects to everyone
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of turkey's citizens. if we have fought for one cause in the past 13 years it was the will of the nation. they tried to influence the government by intimidating us, but we'll always continue to fight for the will of the nation and we will continue to do so. >> let's talk to omar now because he is at the main chp headquarters in istanbul. we've been hear from the hdp. they said that this puts an end to the system in turkey. they said they don't want to be in coalition with the ak participate. this is not the result that the chp was hoping for but what are you hearing from party officials over there? >> well, they're able to form a
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single party government. they are very optimistic that if all of the parties in turkey keep their promises they made during which they say they will not join the ruling act party for any coalition it will be the chp who will be able to form that because the first party couldn't form a government. i think it's a wild chance for them but it is a possibility. so they are putting a result on that in this regard. in terms of their own result, they really didn't do that in the last election. they want more or less 25% of the general vote. >> so they didn't do as well as they were hoping for omar. why was that? why was the chp not able to really capitalize the discontent with the ruling party and produce a better result?
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>> well, that's because of a number of religious. the chp has not won an election to enable us to rule this country on its own for the last 65 years. now the leaders of the parties realize that big problem. so for the first time during this election they did put an impressive campaign. they were focusing more on the economy, putting plans--solid plans to lead turkey. however, the results suggest that the plans did not resonate with the power, not only with their power because the chp is you had widely widely seen as a secular party that did not go really well in with the conservative muslim in this country. >> omar, thank you very much,
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indeed. at the main chp party headquarters in istanbul. let's go to the akp headquarters in ankara. jamal, the ak party a very significant election for him. the message coming from ankara is that they didn't have the support for rallying? >> it is the people's will that should be respected. they should respect whatever the outcome. even though the outcome is not
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what they would have hoped for. despite this they have several reasons to celebrate. the ak party is still the largest party including the chp. and the ak party has won albeit not the same margin they had hoped for. there is no identifying the fact that these results. >> thank you very much. jamal for us at the ruling ak party headquarters. leaders say they won't consider
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a coalition with the ak party and as a result puts an end to the discussion of any presidential system. >> at this point the argument of the presidential system in turkey a system of dictatorship comes to an end. this is a huge victory. millions have voted. this result is not because of a conspiracy from now on we will stand up for the people of turkey. all of our efforts will be for the happiness and freedom for the people of turkey. >> bernard smith has more now. >> so a huge political campbell led that had a paid off. a 10% show of the vote needed to get representation in the turkish parliament. that means for the first time in the history of turkey, a pro turkish party has representation at the national level in a turkish party. and hdp managed to do this by
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broadening their support base. this is a party that essentially ally to an outlawed turkey separatist organization the pkk. a terrorist organization considered by the u.s. and europe european union. now with representation, it says it will be able to push forward and one of the biggest challenges faced by the turkish government. >> we've been hearing from the turkish prime minister. people rallying around party officials. what is the message from the party and it's leaders? >> basically the ruling justice
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department tried to protect an image of confidence in a very bad light for president erdogan and the ruling party. we saw that the prime minister blamed the defeat on conspiracy, on international conspires on domestic opponents on the media. same narrative has been played again and again by the ruling party. >> we're likely to see a coalition government now being formed in turkey. how do you see those discussions materializing? does it look like the chp will be trying to rule out the other parties request. >> i think the pro secular republican people with the other opposition parties including the star of tonight's election of
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today's election. i think it's such a coalition that looks unlikely. and it looks extremely volatile. >> what we looking at? will they be going to the ballots pretty soon? >> if the likely candidate to set up the next government the current prime minister is not able to do so within 45 days, then a new election will be--must be called. i suspect there will be early elections in turkey because the ruling party has been governing on its own for at least 13 years, and i'm not sure that they have the ability to establish coalitions in turkey. >> just to be clear about this, you don't anticipate that the ak party will make any attempt to form governments with the opposition party that we're
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likely to see announcements fairly quickly? >> i think that any coalition if it's established might be--it will be extremely volatile will be extremely turbulent, and suspect that it will see early elections in turkey. >> the fact that this election was seen in many ways itself as a referendum on the ak party's own performance, but as president erdogan's move towards a presidential system. we know that the ak party wanted to push through changes to the constitution. is that not now going to happen? or will they try to resurrect those assets in some way? >> it's president erdogan's ambitions for a particular type
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of government, these elections were a defeat for erdogan's ambition to transform turkey to a different system, i don't suspect it will happen in the future. >> thank you for sharing your thoughts. >> still ahead for you a crucial call for help. iraq's prime minister takes concern for his country to the g 7 summit in germany. also a major test for this man. mexicans head to the polls for this country's midterm elections. and in sport row row row your boat all the way across the pacific, zoe has that story and much more on your sport.
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>> the houthi rebel controlled news agency said that 44 soldiers were killed and 100 people wounded. the base is used by soldiers loyal to the former president ali abdullah saleh and his houthi allies. other airstrikes targeted military positions loyal to the ousted president are stationed. >> i think as we said from day one there is only one solution, a peaceful solution. we believe the only way to get this war stopped is by yemeni coming around the table agreeing to a cease-fire and agreeing what we've been discussing from day one. they've been saying that the troops--now when they come
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together that's what would make us very optimistic. when they come together, they will be able to find a solution to this. we see one side, the houthi who are saying we need cease-fire. from the other side we're seeing implementing otherwise we don't go to any discussions. what we're seeing let's go to geneva. see the package on which we have a cease-fire, an agreement and i can tell you that the security council member, we need that decision.
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>> this is also destroying yemen's economy. lack of imports and fewer jobs are making life hard for millions. >> the simple process of making red is becoming difficult in yemen's capital sanaa. they run a small bakery and they're struggling. a kilo of flour used to cost $0.40. it's now gone up to $0.60. it is hurting small businesses like this bakery. >> the difficulties we face are shortage of fuel. now we're using gas which does not only make things slow but it's expensive. even the price of gas is higher. power outage is another problem.
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on top of that the shortage of fresh water is a difficulty that we face, and above all the workers' spirits are down. >> people will wait for days to fill up their cars. it's showing how bad the power shortage is getting. >> first the absence of fuel and power. now there is no state. total vacuum. that's why big companies have come to a halt. secretary, purchasing power has decreased substantially. the conflict continues from last year when houthies took over the
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capital. basic services have been suspended and prices have skyrocketed due to the fighting. some aid has come through but u.n. said that 80% need aid to survive. >> we're living in a catastrophe. how are people living. >> yemen's war has taken its toll on everyone in the country. al jazeera. >> a german and u.s. government said that sanctions will remain in place against russia.
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>> you this is the village transformed into a venue for two world leaders. germany's chancellor and u.s. president. >> despite differences of opinion we have today the united states of america are our friend our partner and such an important partner that we closely cooperate because it is our common interest, we want t and we have shared values. >> and on sunday morning they shared a sample of the food and drink this part of bavaria are renown for. but despite the good humor these leaders do have serious issues on their plates.
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>> maintaining a strong and prosperous european union standing up to russian aggression in ukraine combating threats from extremism to climate clang. change. >> here at the summit, high on their agenda is the potential of what is where greece might be forced out of the eurozone for failure to pay its debts. the e.u. president had grave words over what he feels are unfull filed promises in reform. in the for rests all around
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them hundreds of protesters were trying to get as close as possible with the aim of disrupting the deliberate deliberations. but they were prevented from doing that, allowing leaders to continue talking. on monday they'll discuss how to deal with the islamic state in iraq and the levant, and managing climate change. dominic kane, al jazeera, at the g 7 summit. >> the situation in iraq is also on the agenda of germany. iraq has appealed for more help to fight isil. british prime minister david cameron said that the u.k. will send more troops to train local forces. meanwhile on the ground in iraq the country's joint forces have captured beiji from the islamic state in iraq and the levant. this according to iraqi military spokesperson. but the fight to control anbar province continues. with each day that pass the battle takes a greater toll on
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iraq's economy. we have reports from baghdad. >> iraq is not only a country at war, it's a country in economic crisis. a slump in oil prices has left iraq with a massive budget deficit which could be around $22 billion. aid agencies are warning they're running out of money to help 3 million iraqis affected by war. add the cost of the war itself and iraq finds itself in real trouble. prime ministerialed aprime minister al abadi said that it is a failure and wants international leaders to step up. >> coalition airstrikes and helping iraq reconstruct its war-torn infrastructure, and for humanitarian aid. >> the u.s. has 3,000 troops in iraq training and it has sent equipment to curtail isil's car bombing and the administration has pledged to speed up other
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weapons shipments. replacings between u.s. and iraq has been strained of late. the u.s. has accused iraqi army of not has the will to fight. iraqis say that is not fair. >> iraq needs more support and needs the g 7 to support iraq financially and to bridge the debt gap. >> the meeting between the prime minister and u.s. president barack obama and germany is supposed to be a review of what is happening in iraq. here in the call in the capital this side line meeting means very little. what people are worried about here rising food prices, energy and electricity. iraq's deficit and it's budget influenced every single decision it makes from fighting isil to paying government salaries, all of which have a big impact. the real question, however s how much can the g 7 help?
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al jazeera baghdad. >> politicians from country borderering libya are trying to come up with a plan. they say stability in libya would reduce illegal migration to europe. they also said that libya must form an unity government. well, n the last hour migrants have been arriving in italy after being picked up from make-sift boats while trying to cross from africa into europe. it was a maltese vessel that brought 400 to shore from to italy. well these pictures are from a british vessel which
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launch admission to rescue 500 migrants from boats in the mediterranean on sunday. britain's prime minister said that the cause of this crisis needs to be addressed. >> the royal navy flagship is in the mediterranean because we want to save lives. we also need to do more to stop these people from leaving their countries in the first place. >> these migrants, they're tired, they're exhausted. they're dehydrated. when i was on board one of these ships many were suffering from sea sickness. that will have to be taken into account. also they'll have to get the green light from the italians of where to dock these ships or if it's at full capacity and they'll have to move some of them to mainland italy. this is incredibly challenging
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logistic operation for the italian authorities local authorities are a bit squared because a lot of local politicians and northern league are using this issue of immigration for their own political process. they mix it with the fact that maybe members of isil may be among these immigrants. that's a security concern an economical concern. >> now saudi arabia's supreme court has upheld a sentence of 10 years in jail and a thousand lashes against a man. his wife said that she was shocked by the decision. the judgment was handed down despite international criticism. he was assault with insulting islam after an internet discussion group he cofounded when it criticized the saudi police. still ahead, a country at a
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>> we were drugged water boarded, dogs they throw at you the whole book. >> one of the youngest ever held at guantanamo bay >> a guy would go for a few days you'd hear screaming he would come back a destroyed person you can only imagine what happened to him... >> accused of killing an american soldier at 15... >> i start hearing americans and their screaming and i thought, umm i'm just gonna throw this grenade... >> after 13 years, he's now out on bail an exclusive interview guantanamo's child - omar khadr
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>> i am really really nervous... >> lives hanging in the balance... >> it's make or break... i got past the class... >> hard earned pride... hard earned respect... hard earned future... a real look at the american dream hard earned only on al jazeera america welcome back you're watching al jazeera news hour. the results in the turkish elections is showing that the ak party is in front but with potentially far fewer votes than it had hoped. and hdp look to win seats for the first time. and leaders from the group of seven industrialized nations are in germany for the g 7 summit with the ukraine conflict high on the agenda. in turkey, i'm joined by turkish analyst we've been hear
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from the turkish prime minister he's been calling for a new civilian constitution. that's just one of the comments that he's been making as he has been addressing supporters in ankara. what next for the ak party? they remain the largest party after these elections despite the ground they've lost. >> i think the ruling party leader will be tasked by the president to try to set up the next government. they'll negotiate with the other opposition parties in particular with the pro turkish national movement party. perhaps trying to reach in formal coalition arrangement so the government will be led by the ruling party but the opposition party national movement party would provide support in parliament. however, such an arrangement is
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likely to be unstable and short lived. >> because the opposition parties made it clear they would not want to enter into a coalition with the ak party. would they be more open to something unofficial? >> they could be a potential for informal arrangement between one of the main opposition parties. and the ruling ak party. however, such an arrangement would be extremely short lived unstable. i think there is a lot of bad blood between the ruling party and the main opposition party. and turkey is extremely polarized political environment which makes coalition building very very difficult. >> such a government would be unstable unlikely to last very long but from what you're saying the scenario that we're likely to see knew is that they'll go through the process of building a coalition. they are the largest party. should this government fall apart how quickly would we see elections again in turkey?
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>> extremely quickly. if the process falls apart especially in a 45--day window, if no government is set up in that 45--day window then new elections must be called and the whole motion is repeated. >> describe for us the significance of this selection for the ak party in particular. this is something that has dominated turkish politics for 13 years and in particular president erdogan who has been a towering political figure for so many years what does this mean now for their grip on power in turkey. >> i think the party's grip on power has been loosened. president erdogan did something he managed to increase the votes of the ruling party. it reached 50% almost 50% in 2011 general elections. it's the first general election where his votes have gone down quite significantly.
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the main reason, i think is the economic stagnation now gripping the turkish economy. >> potentially significant shift in turkish politics and important for the ruling party itself. thank you very much. >> thank you. >> well, despite sporadic protest mexicans are going to polls for midtown elections. in guerrero states demonstrators through rocks at polling stations. and the vote to elect members of congress governors and mayors has become a focus of national and loam unrest. candidates have been killed. electoral and party officers have been attacked. various factions have been showing their discontent from teachers demanding better conditions and hearing from
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families of the 43 missing since last september. >> israel has launched rockets on gaza. they say it is in retaliation. israel has closed the crossings into gaza. >> key opposition leader in burundi has aasked to allow the media to operate freely. protest began in april when the president announced he would seek a third term in office. we have reports. >> he doesn't want to be recognized. afraid he could be targeted because he protested against burundi's president.
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>> you don't know if you're going to be arrested, shot and killed. >> despite the danger protesters say they'll continue until the president gives up his plans to run for a third term. other parts of the capital are calm and tense. burundi has been relatively peaceful since the civil war ended ten years ago. this situation is not like the civil war whereth nicety played a huge role in the violence. now this crisis is political. that means that it can be resolveed through dialogue and that it's not too late. >> the former president is part of the team trying to get the government and opposition to talk. he was president before they came to power in 2005. he believes if there is going to be peace the president must step aside.
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>> it's hoped that all burundians that we give enough pressure so that he would be obliged to stop stop. if this is not done, if he will not accept, i cannot assure you that--no i'm afraid that it will bring burundi to another war. >> opposition members say they're systematically targeted by militia from the ruling party. the ruling party says that is not true. >> we saw many, many cases where people have been attacked by members of opposition.
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>> despite a security crackdown and several arrests they say they'll stay on the street until he goes. this could be a long stand off. al jazeera. >> officials in china will hold a memorial service for those killed in monday's cruise ship accident on the yangtze river. 431 people have been confirmed dead. just 14 survived. more than 1400 relatives have come to the city with many saying they're frustrated by the lack of information from the government. rescuers in nepal have found the bodies of 55 people in the rubble of a village more than a month after the earthquake. the four foreigners and nepal lees were found the magnitude 7.8 quake killed more than 8,760 people.
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nepal's government said it will cost more than $10 billion to rebuild the country. south korea said it will track the mobile phones of hundreds of people under guarantee to prevent the spread of mers. five people have died from the disease. 14 new cases have been reported since may. that's brought the total of people infected with the virus to 64. caroline malone has more. >> the outbreak in south korea is the largest outside the middle east. people are worried and many have gun wearing masks. >> we should not go near places where mers patients have been. also isn't the virus airborne? and isn't it contractible with contact? >> there is no evidence that mers can be transferred through the air but it can be transmit transmitted by droplets such as if someone sneezes or touches a surface with infected hands.
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the virus has spread quickly from one man who visited middle east. >> if people will wash their hands. >> mers can cause fever, diee are a and in worst cases pneumonia and kidney failure. 1800 people have been guaranteed in south korea and the government has closed hundreds of schools as a precaution. the first mers cases were diagnosed in people in saudi arabia in 2012. 900 people have since been infected there. the virus was traced back to people in jordan but it's thought to originally come from bats and camels. it has appeared across the united states and uae and qatar as well as small numbers in europe. the world health organization said that there is no evidence that the disease can spread easily between people, but it is sending a team of ex-forts south korea next week to help stop the outbreak from spreading. caroline malone, al jazeera.
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>> rescuers in malaysia are searching for six missing climbers on the country's highest mountain after a strong earthquake. 13 people died when the 5.9 magnitude quake shook boulders. around 60 rescuers using four helicopter have been searching for trapped climbers. a recent study in hong kong has found nearly two out of three young people show signs of depression. for some talking about mental illness is a taboo. but psychologists think they have found a new way to approach the problem. >> having suffered depression as a teenager, this counselor is well equipped to deal with young people's mental health problem. part of the problem is a failure to recognize it. >> talking about it, schools might feel if we talk about it, that indicates we have a problem so they rather not talk about it. or if they do, they kind of
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never really use the words like suicide or depression, but it's always side stepped. >> with her partner she's developing a computer game that aims to help. in this desert island adventure young people who are at risk of depression or suicide can be identified by the choices they make. >> it's a taboo topic in many cases. we thought if we approach it from a very game that is fun and engaging it opens up this dialogue with schools. >> the pressure to excel academic in this highly competitive and overcrowded city starts as soon as children put on their first uniform. although suicide rates among the young are no higher than elsewhere, they have been on the rise. and one study found up to 60% of students surveyed showed signs of depression. >> if young people here did not face enough stress there is the political dimension of life in hong kong.
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last year's street protest demanding full democracy were a source of social upheaval. the demonstrators may have left the streets but the sense of palestinian uncertainty political uncertainty of the future adds to the stress. >> when people--when they see the hope and it helps them to put up with the stress, because they see a hopeful future, i have a difficult life, i still have the motivation to live on. to continue. >> there may be growing causes for depression and anxiety among hong kong's young but creating ways to deal with them are being developed to help the young people. >> in the usa all the branches of the military are not just restricted to men. they're training a new army unit that will see men and women
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training together to prepare for front line combat. >> it's a long way to the top but scaling a rock cliff is all in the day's work. part of the marine ground combat unit integrated task force angle experiment in integration. 600 marines train side by side for combat roles never open before to women. >> really exciting, thrilling. i love to do things like this. >> still, she admits that it has not been easy. >> the hardest part was when we arrived, showing up to an unit full of males that had never seen a female marine let alone worked with one. >> and then there is the heavy gear. >> when he were in the desert we had over 100 pounds on our back. that's close to my body weight.
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and now we're carrying our body weight. so the body never gets a chance to recover. >> they train in grueling environments. at these altitude breathing can be hard. even the most basic task become more difficult. on every march heart monitors record vital data after marines are asked to record how they're feeling, the information collected to be used to set gender-neutral standards. >> we have found looking through these that all of the marines who are out here are capable of performing the task. what we're trying to ascertain is to what level are they able to perform the task. what person thrives in this environment, and what do they look like from a physical standpoint? what is their height, their weight their lean body mass? >> harder to measure is the impact of women on what the
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military refer to as unit cohesion. but in this group they've earned a grudging respect. >> when i look over my shoulder might be smaller shorter and they're pushing it keeps me pushing on. >> the women say they'll keep pushing on to prove that they are not only willing but able to serve. kristen saloomey. bridge port, california. >> still ahead for you this hour, a very private pilgrimage, risking the possibility of violence to honor their faith. and in sport did lewishamel ton bounce back with victory in tadin canada.
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movers and shakers. >> we will be able to see change. >> gripping. inspiring. entertaining. "talk to al jazeera". only on al jazeera america. >> welcome back. now, up to 1 million people are braving threats of violence to attend a festival in southern pakistan. it marks the death of a popular saint. we met up with one man who told us why it's so important for him to make the annual journey. >> my name is saeen. i have been coming here since the past 20 years for a spiritual inspiration. the people who are coming here should refrain from drugs and
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restrict themselves to prayers and follow the teaching of the saint. they may visit others saints and other important shrines. >> i never beg or ask anyone for anything because we never beg. he finds all his needs are taken care of but allah is the real provider. we're not allowed to visit shrines because it's forbidden in islam. these saints did not have visitors. no one who can control their temptations are closer. and those who come with a pure purpose will take up blessings
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here. but those who just come, they go back without anything. they will not see anything unless they come here to seek solace. >> and now we are all the sport. bad news for nowak josh djokovic djokovic. >> interest is a new open--there is a new open championship champion but it's not who everyone thinks. let's watch the action. there is a new champion, but it was stanislas wawrinka in the nowak djokovic.
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only seven men in tennis history have ever done that, but they seem to be going to script as the serb takes the first set 6- 6-4. wawrinka has been an awkward opponent for djokovic before. the swiss star beat his illustrious countryman roger federer in the quarterfinals and was daring to dream of a new famous victory as he moved in 2-1 sets lead. now after some ill judged comments after last year's davis cup final not to mention beating two frenchman on the way to this final he was controversially booed in those matches but now he was forcing the public to change their minds. there was no stopping him as he stormed to victory in four sets. a second grand lamb for
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wawrinka who can now take his place among the modern giants in the game. >> it will take time for me to realize that i have won the french open. it's a great feeling. but at the same time you need time to realize what i did and i'm proud much winning tonight against nowak. >> djokovic received the ovation of a trophy winner despite his defeat. >> obviously it was not easy to stand there as a runner up ben again, but i lost to a better player who played some courageous tennis and deserves to win. >> for world number one there is always next year. al jazeera. >> well, roger federer was not in paris to see his friend and rival play, instead he was supporting his favorite team
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barca in the cup final. federer has a week off of tennis before his next tournament. lewis hamilton has won the grand prix to increase his lead to 17 points. starting from pole the defender world champion led from start to finish to claim his fourth win of the year. it's also hamilton's fourth win in montreal, and he got his first-ever formula victory. rosberg was second. the newly crowned champions barcelona had received a rapturous welcome back home in spain. barca claimed their title 3-1. >> and what a welcome they
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received. thousands of fans filled the streets of the catalan capital for of the victory. having already won their domestic cup. after the game, enrique refused to confirm whether he'll remain manager despite that victory. but the captain is optimistic that he'll stick around. >> 's our coach. he's our manager. my hope is that he'll continue with us next season. he has not said anything to the contrary, so i really do hope that. so that again next year we can face new challenges. we have to make the most of them of the team and all the work we've done we've had a spectacular season in every sense of the word. >> now germany getting off to a flying start on day two of the women's world cup in canada.
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the two-time champions are finishing 10-0 up against ivory coast. that's 10-0, the final score. that's in the capital just one goal short of the tournament record but also held by germany against argentina in 2007. norway up to a 5-2 and ahead of thailand 4-0. what a match that could be their next match on thursday. >> we're going to take the time to prepare ourselves very carefully for game against germany. we want to be ready for the next game against the germans. today the thailand team had the attacking opportunities. too many opportunities in my opinion. while we were good defensively sometimes, on occasions we were not so good. >> well, group c will kick off between japan and switzerland and cameroon and ecuador.
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in england the withdrawal of double olympic and champion mo farrah. he said he was emotionally and physically fatigued following the allegations of doping. on the records there was plenty of drama. the world championships with marvin brace bracy. gemili taking a tumble and leaving him with a torn hamstring. is the biggest shock of the day is the defeat of the felix. and start of the tour de france is less than four weeks away and many of the pop riders are in action in preparing.
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one of the traditional warm up events. stage one along with 2013 winner. but it was another british rider who's team sky won the first stage of this week's race. they would hold of the speeding peloton to take the yellow jersey. the opening stage of the tour de france begins july 4th. and finally an american rower is on the pacific on route from japan to the united states. in her bid to become the first woman to row single-handed across the world's biggest ocean. the 29-year-old set off from tokyo, and her specially
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designed meter goat. hoeing between 14 and 16 hours a day taking advantage of the counter. only solo rowers have crossed the pacific. all of them have been men. well. >> well good for her. rowing 14-16 a day. >> in boat. it's tiny. i wouldn't want to catch any of those massive waves. >> good luck. we'll have a full bulletin news for you at the top of the hour. that's just a few minutes' time. we'll have latest on the action in turkey. pictures coming to us from ankara. you can see the supporters of ak party rallying in ankara. their spirits are not down despite the fact that the ak party has lost ground in what will be a historic election for the party's grip on the country and of course, for the position of a president erdogan. more on that at the top of the hour. stay with us.
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