tv News Al Jazeera June 8, 2015 9:00pm-10:01pm EDT
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>> summit meeting in germany. the pressing challenges facing president obama and the other world leaders. >> support for ukraine. the threats of i.s.i.l. and boko haram, reducing har bon emissions. >> the historic election outcome in turkey. >> i was really impressed yesterday seeing people so actively going to the polls. >> the rise of the pro-kurdish group supporting women and
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gays. the pristine waters off of ftc cuba. cuba. >> hello everybody this is al jazeera america. we begin with an intriguing summit meeting in germany. this is second g7 summit since the group reviewed russian president vladimir putin from the group previously known as g8. violence there was high on today's agenda, the violence in ukraine. honoring the truce known as the minsk agreement. in the battle against i.s.i.l president obama said he and others are confident that the group will be defeated but a complete strategy has not yet
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beenbeen finalized. and slowing down the average rise in temperatures and making energy sectors greener. on the threat from ebola which has killed over 11,000 in west africa the group pledged to eradicate the virus. by all accounts, this was a picturesque and busy meeting. dominic kane. >> the group was joined by the leaders of eight outreach countries. the fight against islamic state of iraq and the levant was at the forefront of the talks. speaking after a meeting with the iraqi prime abd rabbu mansour
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prime minister prime minister hadi. gls. >> then it doesn't serve the problem in the long run. >> one of the situations was climate change. both germany and france have pushed for tougher targets. angela merkel said she believed real progress had been made. >> the g7 had clearly stated that we need binding rules the world doesn't have binding rules that is why this has to be the aim of the u.n. meeting in paris, so the global average temperature remains under a rise of 2° celsius. >> the situation in ukraine had dominated the first day of talks and it returned as the summit drew to a close. the french president called on the russians to implement the minsk ceasefire agreement in full. >> translator: if it is shown
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first of all that russia has continued to arm and have a presence in the east of ukraine and it has partially shown this is already the case that the eastern region does not respect the stages of the minsk agreement we could increase the sanctions. >> reporter: the question is: will putin heed that message? this is the second meeting he has been secluded from. it won't change the situation on the ground in ukraine. dominic kane al jazeera at the g7 summit. >> for more on the discussions at the g7 summit we turn to mike viqueria in washington. >> good evening david. the reason it was called the g7 because vladimir putin was banned from the g-8 prior to this g7 meeting in the bavarian
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alps, violation on the be searvetionceasefire. to continue with the sanctions that have been in place for almost a year now the president urging the allies to maintain a unified front. there is a thought that vladimir putin thinks that unified front is going to crack over time and extend those sanctions. that is what president obama wanted, he appeared to get that as well. when he went to europe talked to the g7 leaders here is what he said at his press conference at the conclusion of the summit. >> there was discussion about additional steps that we might need to take if russia, working through separatists doubled-down on aggression, inside of ukraine. we -- those discussions are
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taking place at a technical level, not yet at a political level. because the first goal here going into a european council meeting that's coming up is just rolling over the existing sanctions. >> and president obama is holding out the possibility that if russia were to continue its destabilizing actions there could be more sanction he placed on russia. meanwhile, more domestic sanctions for an arming of a ukrainian army, calling the united states to transfer lethal aid to ukraine. president obama silent on that issue. david. >> another squabble with the west creactor in crimea just being listed as being in ukraine. outraged, refusing to sign off on an annual report by the international atomic energy
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agency. president obama sees training iraqi troops as crucial to fighting i.s.i.l. but mr. obama admits the plan is incomplete. >> we don't yet have a complete strategy because it requires commitments on the part of the iraqis as well, about how recruitment takes place. how that training takes place. and so the details of that are not yet worked out. >> joins us live from the pentagon and jamie what will the pentagon's strategy look like when it is complete, finding enough iraqi recruits, what's the strategy for solving that? >> well, david the strategy's going to look -- it's going to have three main prongs. the linchpin is training up more iraqi troops a lot faster to get them into the fight against i.s.i.l. the u.s. is convinced the u.s. trained troops if they are properly trained properly properly
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equipped and properly motivated. that's one leg of the stool and the other leg is inspiring the troops in anbar province, moves that will give sunnis more authoritiesauthority over their own security and the last part of the strategy, you heard that in the earlier report, is to stop the flow of foreign fighters that seem to be able to endlessly replenish i.s.i.l. on the ground. that involves the u.s. ally turkey. a lot of those fighters come through turkey into iraq. if i.s.i.l. can keep getting reenforcements it's going to keep the battle going a lot longer. that is prongs of the policy. the big question is the u.s. can train more troops, equip more, but it needs more trainees, more
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people to train up. that's the commitment the president was talking about until iraq can show that it can produce more raw recruits to go into training then it doesn't matter how much traij capacity the u.s. has there. -- training capacity the u.s. has there. david. >> jamie putting forward air controllers on the ground in iraq to try to help, essentially try to show the iraqi military that there's more the u.s. can do. last that thought or plan changed at all given concerns so many in congress about iraq not having confidence itself? >> no, it hasn't changed. and it's because of one thing: the risk of u.s. casualties. because it's not just those spotters ton ground but the u.s. troops that would have to protect them and that would shift the u.s. into a combat role. the u.s. is not ready to do that although i've talked to a wide array of air power experts they
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all agree that if you put forward air controllers spotters on the ground you could greatly increase the effectiveness of those air strikes. right now not something the pentagon is considering. >> jamie mcintire, rorkt from reporting from the pentagon thank you. >> james vogel what can be done to tbich the iraqis more confidencegive the iraqis moreconfidence in their own military, never mind the risk, let's put forward air controllers on the ground in the front lines even if that exposes them to risk of being killed by i.s.i.l? >> i don't think we should rule out the idea of putting forward air controllers on the ground. i think that's a perfectly reasonable thing odo. the question is do we have a
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strategy? start from the basics. is our goal to leam to eliminate i.s.i.s? i think we have to have a clear robust goal of destroying i.s.i.s. after we have that, we need to work together with the allies in the region and discover how we're going to do that. once we work out what we're going to do then that drives what's necessary on the ground. is it forward air controllers? maybe, is it more bombing maybe, is it tarming kurds arms the kurds directly maybe. that will be the strategy that effectively destroys i.s.i.s. >> al abadi was at the g7 meeting today he and president obama met. what about doing what you just talked about? >> you know there is
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disagreement everywhere including between iraq and the united states, but also, with the kurds or with the turks or with others. everybody has their only angle often this. that's why it's a heavy lift but an important lift to try to stitch it together. when you look just at the iraqi-u.s. equation the iraqi government right now is heavily influenced by iran. they are therefore leery of a large, long term u.s. presence. but they do want more american support in the short term. what we want is the assurance that the iraqi government if it is successful genetics i.s.i.s. will be an iraqi government for all iraqis not just for the shia not just dominated by iran. so we've got some trading to do and some discussions to do here and it's important that it happen with other allies in the region as well. we're not going to defeat i.s.i.s. with just the iraqis. we need turkey, we need jordan,
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we need the syrian are rebels that are on the ropes with both syria and i.s.i.s. someone's going to have to pick up the pieces and we've got to put all of that together as a coalition. >> the other big issue of course at the g7 summit at least for president obama and angela merkel of germany involves russia. they are willing to impose tougher sanction he but not going so far to help military aid against russian backed rebels in ukraine. was that a mistake? >> first off it is not a surprise. that is a position both angela merkel and president obama have taken up to this point. sanctions yes military add it to ukraine no. my view it is a mistake because even though sanctions have had some impact on the russian economy, they have not had an impact on russia's decision making. they are still continuing to press forward in ukraine.
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they have neamed annexed crimea. they have amassed troops on the be frontier border with ukraine. if we want russia to feel more pain, more cost to its intervention we have got to put in the steps to arm ukraine. responding more correctly to russia aggression and putting in multilevel observers so we have a clear independent internationally verifiable picture of what is happening. when we get into the he said, she said, we miss the being reality of ukraine. >> be ambassador kurt voal kerr thankvolkerthank you. >> thank you.
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>> system from iraq, system can spot is invaders miles before they reach the border. also along the jordannian syrian border. the iraqi phase will be completed later this year. in belgium police say they have detained 16 people in raids similar to i.s.i.l a upon attack in belgium. prosecutors launched the attack in january after intercepting messages most of which are from chempchechnya. years of violence tearing the country apart first meeting caimed today in a resort in morocco. u.s. en voy bernardino leon presented a be proposal,
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ceasefire and power-sharing agreement. just ahead winners and losers we'll take a look at the surprising election results in turkey, for some the country appears to be running in a progressive direction the results could be huge if turkey and across the region. plus u.n. make a report on the abuse of children and making a controversial change. ial change. is su
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seats, stripping the ruling party of its simple majorities. the turkey's grappling with these results the organization for cooperation and security in europe osce, said is pre preelection situations by the president should be investigated. which set the lira to hit a record low against the dollar in stock market trading. bernard smith reports from diar bakir. >> in turkey's largest kurdish city, it is hoped that the election will bring new momentum to a stalled three year peace process. 40 years of fighting between turkish state and turkish separatists have caused thousands of lives. >> i think things should be done to reestablish the peace
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process. we all live under the same flag, peace and prosperity is what turkey needs. >> they should keep their promises for freedom of thought and religion and establishment of trust in turkey. the akp disappointed us. >> though the image of hdp leaders solomon dematash is an indication of how much hope supporters have in this charismatic leader, he has led a pro-cushtdkurdish parliament into parliament for the first time in this century. >> we have economic problems now in turkey. and we have to solve that problem. because if you don't solve that problem people will go into the street again. >> reporter: minority groups
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and ethnic turks were also persuaded to throw their support behind the hdp. that's how it launched over the threshold to get 80 seats. if no government is formed there will be fresh elections and the hdp will have to try to turn off the same result again. turkey's parliament isn't short livid. >> the people's democratic party was found three years ago as a prokurdish party the 15 million kurds in the country make up about 20% of the population. the hdp had the only openly gay candidate and 40% of its nominees were women. co-founder of policy interrupted. joins us in our studio, let's
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talk first about the pro-kurdish hdp party they won 11% of the vote how big of a surprise and game changer is this result? >> i don't -- the hdp actually won 13% of the vote and i think one of the reasons they were able to get 13% which was not surprising is the inclusive message that the hdp leader has been campaigning on. the curds for a long time have kind of marginalized themselves talking about kurdish whites and their own issues. last time when saladin demataj ran, he adopted that message he very much ran let's talk about rights for all minorities, women women, gays.
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>> absolutely. >> 96 women parliamentarians were voted into parliament yesterday. why did this progressive message resonate now as opposed to the past? >> in 1992, recep tayyip erdogan who was before prime minister and now is president came in on a message of concludes youivity. he really concentrated on turkey's growth and you saw thousands of turks moving from the poor into the middle class. now that turkey has a substantial middle class they have demands like most middle class people do, they think about democracy a lot more. i think that you are -- i think yesterday's vote was very much a signal to not only erdogan but
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i think to all turkish political parties who have always pursued narrow interests that the time has come when turks are actually interested in a wider vision and talking about not only the economics of it but how are they going to move turkey forward in terms of its democracy and its civil society. >> in other words there's a more progressive general attitude in turkey and there you have erdogan moving away from his political past and towards a more be future, conservative future? >> it resonates with the american constituency in the heart land. he has moved his beliefs into islamist and reaching out to the curdskurds and the only leader that's actually reached out to the
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kurds. he's abandoned that language and that backfired on him. >> again, a lot of americans would think wow there was a party in turkey who had someone openly gay and that party won seats. is there evidence of how significant this is? >> i think yesterday's election was historic and significant for that very reason. for first time turks come to a point where they're really interested in seeing a political party that is talking about a be national platform and inclusion and protecting rights and civil little bit. i don't think you -- previously before the akp came to power you saw them going against a snare owe constituency and pursuing very narrow interests. i think yesterday's vote is going to show that turkish political parties have to really abandon that and really kind of
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adopt a wider message. >> thank you very much for coming on we really appreciate it. >> thank you. >> the run up to turkey's election was marked by violence, a bombing killed two people and wounded more than 100 others. now according to multiple reports a third person has died, a 13-year-old boy who apparently died at a hospital today. the twin explosions at the people's democratic party rally came from ball bearings, they have one person under arrest. bother crossings into syria have been cut off. stranding civilians facing a barrage of syrian barrel bomb attacks. and environmental attacks dangers facing coral reefs. there is danger for all of us to be concerned.
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>> reporter: welcome back to al jazeera america. i'm david schuster. coming up in this half hour of international news, a report on women and children who are making an exhausting and dangerous journey to escape violence in south sudan. first, here are stories that are making headlines in our american minute. officer is indicted, officers michael slager arrested shortly after the killing remains in jail. never before surveillance video that shows a terror suspect, 26-year-old osama rahe rvetionm moments after officials tried to question him
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relating to terrorist activities. drawing a gun on unarmed black teenagers and threw one 15-year-old girl to the ground. authorities responding to kids who were not invited to the pool police prepared a report. the assad government has bombed rebel controlled areas killing scores of civilians attacks if three cities killed more than 80 people some of them died in barrel bottom attacks. many people in syria have escaped the violence by crossing niche borders into turkey. but as osama ben javid reports that is no longer a reasonable option. >> a bomb has just been dropped on this neighborhood in northern syria. the dense smoke and dust made the search for the injured and
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dead even further. tnl forces of bashar al-assad have dropped dozens of barrel bombs in the last week, escaped from the nearby city. injured have been taken to hospitals in turkey. but that's been difficult to do since march when the turkish government closed all entrance and exit points from syria. there have been some exceptions for severely wounded. for those displaced in northern syria the only escape from the conflict remain shut, only ones under the control of northern syria under the control of opposition fighters. >> translator: border crossing has been closed by the turkish authorities who only told us one day before the closure. the relief materials cannot go through. also the passengers cannot
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travel or go anywhere. >> it's heart for many people to -- hard for many people to return to the border. syria answer opposition groups, hopeful that the crossings will open soon. >> translator: there are promises from the turkish government to open the border crossings after the parliamentary elections. >> reporter: besides security there are also concerns about people joining the islamic state of iraq and the levant and i.s.i.l. returning through the border but crossings closed means the civilians are stranded. i.s.i.l. is simultaneously advancing towards opposition held areas north of aleppo and idlib. across syria only shells remain of what were once busy towns. this is the neighborhood near the capital damascus. it has been bombed for months. out of the thousands of families here only a few dozen left and
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they remain because there is nowhere tolls go. >> all of jabar has been targeted. >> similar stories are repeated all across syria. presidential assad's government has shrunk but remains. osama ben javid, al jazeera. >> more than 4 million have fled to neighboring countries 600,000 are in jordan. the government there is considering proposals to allow the syrians to work, the jordanian government has said there's not enough aid to support the rfqs. the united nations has just produced a list of countries that allegedly violate children's rights in conflict. until are just recently, the
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names of the israelis and palestinians were included. bus they have just been recently removed. >> in total the u.n. said 540 children were killed, yet u.n. secretary-general ban ki-moon in his annual report of children in armed conflict around the world has not included israel on the damning list of countries and groups that kill children. gina dejesus understands that both israel and palestinian groups were on the list drawn up by the u.n. special representative. >> the draft report had israel and palestinian armed groups on it. whether it came back downstairs it didn't have them on anymore is that true? >> yes bus this means that the decision of the secretary-general, we are supposed to prepare the decision
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of the secretary-general. we are not one who decide. >> reporter: al jazeera's learned the was high level lobbying by israel and the u.s. to persuade ban ki-moon to keep israel off the list. >> there's really no explanation for it other than a political decision. the overwhelming distribution should be include a listing. >> member states have never been shy in expressing their opinion to the secretary-general what should be in or out of the report. whether this year or previous years, ultimately it is secretary-general's report. he stands by it. >> reporter: you just need to read this full report to see the obvious contradictions. the report says the number of palestinian schoolchildren killed in 2014 was the third highest anywhere in the world. it says the number of schools damaged or destroyed was the highest anywhere in 2014.
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and then you look at the annex the list that's supposed to summarize it all listing among other things parties and states that kill or maim children or engage in attacks on schools and israel's name is not there. james bays, al jazeera at the united nations. >> a new study shows the cost of conflict for israelis and palestinians. the report for rand corporation says both nations are supposed to gain billions of dollars with a feas agreement if they could reach one. israel would see $120 billion over ten years the palestinians $50 billion but israel is says to lose $50 billion of economic opportunities and the palestinian economy would be decimated. u.s. supreme court has overturned a law that allows americans to list israel as their birth place on their passport. the justices voted 6 to three saying the law violated the
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uman workers were kidnapped... >> this is what's left of the hospital >> is a crime that's under reported... >> what do you think... >> we're making history right now... >> al jazeera america >> the nigerian military is moving the headquarters of its antiboko haram headquarters closer to the front line. ordered the command center to maiduguri. judge for many residents of war torn be south sudan can reach emotional scars. crinlts reports. >> they avoided the main roads
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walked only at night when they felt safe and ate water lillies. they will spend the night here 50 road side in bentu without shelter and not enough food. they are heading to this camp for displaced people. it's already crowded and the living conditions are tough. this woman her children and grandchildren are trying to cope here. she says before her house was banned she was raped by men dressed in military uniform be two of her grandchildren are also missing. both are under ten years old. she asked us not to identify her. >> i can't compare my grandchildren's life to my own. life without knowing where they are is not a life. i'm afraid but i need to go back to see if they are dead or alive. and hiding somewhere. >> reporter: children here cope any way they can but it's not easy. most of those who are coming are women and very young children. some of them have been here at
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this u.n. registration area for days waiting to get registered so they can get humanitarian aid, there are no shelters, sometimes it rains sometimes it's too hot and the sanitation is also very bad. there are more than 60,000 people in this camp and about 60% of them are children but aid workers say they're worried that there are very few teenage boys and girls among the thousands who are arriving. >> we're deeply concerned about the adolescents. we are seeing a round of many many young children but nowhere near as many young children we hear. they may be hiding in the bush but based on the stories we're hearing they may be killed. >> murder burning their homes looting, but many deny human rights violations with by the sbla the sudan arms forces.
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>> they are not protecting the lives of civilians. >> almost all the children here have been through so much. for now this camp is the safest place they have managed to find. catherine soy, al jazeera bentu in south sudan. >> tomorrow night child brides in bangladesh. why a government hailed for reducing poverty and increasing access to education still has the 4th highest rate of childhood marriage. >> the trial of an american working for wachts resumes washington post reduceresumes today,.
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>> criticizing saudi religious police online, last november he was sentenced to ten years in prison and 1,000 lashes. after the first round of 50 lashes subsequent rounds were postponed because of his injuries. in south africa. olympic sprinter oscar pistorius could soon be released from jail. officials are recommending he be set free this august, he has so far only served ten months of a five year sentence. under the deal he would serve the rest of the sentence under house arrests. last week the indian government banned a popular nestle noodle product.
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consumer rights groups have welcomed the development though as liddy dutt reports in india it highlights a much big are problem. >> for ten years jalal has been preparing food at this stand. he pace special teafntion ocleaning his ingredients sourcing ingredients el. >> i cook only once all of the cleaning is done. >> but jalal admits he has little training in the dangers of spotting food in this environment. >> i don't know much about hygiene issues. >> indian street food is legendary for being cheap and delicious. many people depend on it for their daily meals but food safety is an ongoing concern. >> people should not fall sick because they eat here. that would be wrong. it is the vendor's
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responsibility to make sure the food is not harmful to consume. >> be be the prevalence of lead in magi noodle lead indians to be question what they're eating. the country's recently established food safety authority shows that india is finally getting serious about food safety. all food producers in india is governed by the standard set of food regulations. food stall operators many operate without clearances but consumer rights activist says it's impossible to compare street vendors to big brands like nestle india. >> has the manufacturing brains
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the marketing brains, the packaging brain the branding brains the advertising brains. the street food vendor is one man with his life trying to make a living. >> but street food from new delhi has tested positive for e e. coli bacteria. >> common infections related to the food being acute gastroenteritis, diarrhea vomiting dehydration going on to renal failure. >> with many people's health at risk hoping the indian government's action he against nestle india will drive changes across the food industry. liddy dutt, al jazeera new delhi. >> coming up.
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>> to becoming president of the us tennis association. >> we're about getting rackets in children's hands... >> building the game... >>'s the limit for growing tennis in america. >> and expanding access to play... >> at the end of the day it's about the kids... >> every tuesday night. >> i lived that character. >> go one on one with america's movers and shakers. >> we will be able to see change. >> gripping. inspiring. entertaining. "talk to al jazeera". >> now our global view segment a look at how events around the world. the daily sava, this perspective what the hdp victory tells us, the success of the prokurdish people's democratic party which sends a message to the people about their reconciliation to the kurds. the reconciliation has quote started and it's too late to pull it back. the south china morning post editorial is criticizing south korea for their mers outbreak.
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compares it to hong kong's outbreak of sars years ago. lack of response in the current outbreak is not reassuring for east asia. criticizing human rights bedawi, 10 years in jail and 50,000 lashes 50 after prayers demand bedowi's release understood the risk he took his courage should be recognized and we are and we remain raif bedowi. there was a symbolic effort, those in the eastern shores flag company, later this week the workers will plant the pole which will eventually fly cuban flag. after 54 years the building in
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washington will officially become cuba's embassy. partly due to its isolation cuba has been able to maintain its environment in ways other nations have not. one crystal clear example involves the coral reefs off shore. they remain in perfect shape even though other coral reefs is not. nick clark reports. >> you probably hear that everywhere you go in this extraordinary island nation you'll see an historic stretch of coast the bay of pigs rooted in cuban identity as a sign of victory over u.s. backed mercenaries in 1961. but here too another legacy of cuba's histories and years of isolation, pristine coral reef. around the world more than 50% of coral reefs have disappeared. it is a different story here in cuban waters where marine
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ecosystems have had the opportunity to thrive. >> cuba has engaged in an enormous program of environmental protection. world-leading. so here in cuba they are protecting 25% of their waters in marine protected areas. and that compares to maybe about 9% currently in the united states and only 2% worldwide. >> the lack of chemical fertilizers in agriculture has also meant there's very little toxic runoff into the ocean. >> it's almost like a time machine going back in time to see what these coral reef ecosystems used to look like. and that really gives knee hope for the future-- me hope for the future. >> further out to sea you go so the abundance of marine life grows. >> i see this as a great opportunity at a very opportune moment in history to help cuba leapfrog all of those mistakes the rest of us have made.
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>> right here is another pristine ecosystem intact clean and totally unpolluted. the zabata wetlands are one of the most extensive biowet lance that remain. shallow waters act as a nursery of marine life. >> it's huge. >> it is here, we are watching just a very small area. you go there you have kilometers on kilometers of the same environment. we see very shallow waters so it means the seaweed receive plenty of solar energy fm this is well protected in general. >> the wealth and beauty of cuba's natural environment is staggering. it is a huge source of potential revenue especially from ecotourism. the trick will be tapping its wealth without destroying its integrity. nick clark, al jazeera the bay of pigs, cuba.
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>> coral reefs are one of the most important and endangered ecosystems in the world. they occupy less than 1% of the world's dispas but home of a quarter of the world's species. jobs ecotourism and helping to protect shorelines. but we also pose the greatest threat to coral reefs. destructive fishes practices playing havoc with the reefs and in some parts of the world they have been completely destroyed. jeff corwin joins us, host of ocean mysteries on abc. jeff how much in danger are the coral reefs and especially in the caribbean? from three >> david they are in terrible trouble. these tropical bath like waters
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warming even higher. it changes the acidity the chemistry of the waters. the foundation for life coral reefs can no longer collect the calcium carbonate they need. this goes for other ocean species. you have the impact of pollution, the impact of over-fishing, all of this comes together to create a perfect storm of extinction for coral reefs. >> people may be familiar with the great barrier reef along the coast of australia. the change in ocean temperatures is it affecting those as well? >> well, globally, we're seeing dramatic changes in water quality, water temperature and the impact that has on coral reefs. you could think of a coral reef ecosystem much like a rain forest is to a terrestrial ecosystem. a small little enclave of life
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that quaints just contains a great number of different species. southeast asia, indonesia and thield thethailand the ecology is in real jeopardy. >> as far as fishing or tourism is there something from the cuban model of simply leaving the reefs alone? >> i think there's a lot we can learn from the cuban model. cuba has been this hidden little jewel undiscovered for sox years and as we open up the pages it's revealing to us not only in tact healthy ecosystems, but strategies. when you're a well balanced ecosystem, you're much better dealing with dramatic changes in your environment. if you are smaller more stressed
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those changes are far more dramatic. so by merely trying to maintain those ecosystems and make them healthier can be an improvement. but by regulating our fisheries having international treaties, but others things, costa rica, protected national park in the cocos national park. it is ground zero for sharks and shark finning. caribbean very important off the coast of belize, is the second largest coral reef in the world. >> after they've actually seen a reef by themselves, gone diving or snorkeling.
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oh my goodness, how can you destroy this? you have to have people see the reefs in order to have that attachment and experience with it. >> david, you're touching on the conundrum of ecotourism. there is a huge benefit to bring people here, get underwater, by knowing what it is, you are empowered to make better choices. by caring about it you're more apt to become a environmental steward but the great challenge is making sure these people learn have that experience and don't love these coral reefs to death. there is a protocol, there's an etiquette and i'm hoping that as cuba opens up and i've been to cuba once been on an expedition with cuba and sat down with fidel castro and had a great conversation about ecology there. but our challenge for cuba and cuba's challenge is when they get this great deluge of well meaning visitors the really ensure they are armed with the
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right behavior so that they're learning and not destroying. >> jeff corwin wildlife biologist, thanks for being on with us. >> thank you. >> fifa's troubles didn't get any better this weekend. they released a movie called united packs he, earning $38 passions, earning a total of $600 in the u.s., cost $38 million to make. called unwatchable. >> morocco's prime minister shas ordered ahasordered a investigation of jennifer lopez's performance. reportedly being pressured to
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