tv America Tonight Al Jazeera June 10, 2015 10:00pm-10:31pm EDT
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career. a public service will be held in hamburg in coming weeks. that's it for the international news i'm imran garda good night, "america tonight" is next, stay with us. with us. >> on "america tonight," to tell the truth. the tussle in a texas yard exposes the warning many parents feel forced to give your kids. be your best behavior may not be good enough. >> watch out because i would be looked at in a certain way. i haven't really caught onto that until this year when i was actually stopped by a police officer. >> "america tonight's" shoig on sarah hoye on black kids their parents and the tough talk.
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lori jane gliha indicates indiana's primary health care system and the allegations one of its former top doctors made against it. >> they new knew they were preying upon a vulnerable population and they felt they could be sacrificed. why? >> were the lives of mothers and babies put at risk for money? thanks for joining us, i'm joie chen. the most vanl moment valuable moment in any new mother's life is to hold her healthy baby but in indiana some low income mothers felt their babies were put at risk for profit and they have found an unlikely champion, a physician who oversaw care at their facilities and now allegation they were part of a cost cutting scene to compromise their are
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health care. lori jane gliha reports on that government paid a high price too. >> reporter: this was supposed to be the happiest moment of nancy koge rferg's life. >> you could see where the suction thing was on her head. >> the birth of her only child denise. >> during this time you were over here. what was going on in your head? >> i couldn't hear any baby noises which alarmed me. >> yes she's breathing. >> reporter: within seconds of her emergency c section the new mother could tell something wasn't right. >> there is your baby. >> i was worried i wouldn't see her again she wasn't breathing wasn't moving, they wouldn't let me touch her. i was worried i wasn't going to
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know her without tipping her first. >> reporter: nancy said that little denise breathed in fecal matter while in the womb. now at two and a half she is unable to walk or talk. and she's fed through a tube. >> it's really hard seeing other kids. being able to do stuff that she should be able to do. i feel really cheated. >> you feel all that warm sunshine? i know it feels so nice! >> nancy believes her story is no random tragedy of a birth gone wrong but that her family were one of several caught in a complex financial scheme that
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allegedly put the bottom line over proper medical care. her case is one of several named in a $100 million federal lawsuit in indiana the suit charges indiana healthy and two health organizations healthnet and mdy was putting poor indiana women and their babies at risk. judy robinson is the former mel medical director of where nancy gave birth. >> i'm filing this lawsuit after the abysmal care i saw these patients receiving. >> she was an ob-gyn for more than 30 years she became medical director of services
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where many low income women received prenatal care. >> i saw various cases that were promsed and i was having my colleagues physician colleagues approach me. >> what were things you were noticing over a period of time? >> people who should have had certain monitoring during their pregnancy because of risk factors, high blood pressure or diabetes and that monitoring had not taken place. >> from what you could tell why was this happening? >> because there was little or no physician involvement in the obstetrical care of these high risk patients. >> nurse mid wives may not provide services to members with medically high risk pregnancies but nurse mid wives handled patients in violation of those
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regulation is. in twefn explains the mid wives are -- in 2011 explains the midwives are cheaper get paid a third to a half of what ob-gyns make he wrote. filed false claims for doctor services the patients never received. in other words the hospital is accused of using midwives while being reimbursed for doctors. "america tonight" attempting to verify dr. robinson's account by talking to numerous other doctors at the hospital. none were willing to speak to us on the record. how under your watch was it possible that these patients weren't being seen by a doctor? >> it does seem impossible, doesn't it? that was my question. why didn't they? so then when this person didn't do it then i went to that person and that person and that person. and my error was that i trusted those within iu health to guide
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me to lead me. >> could you have just instituted a policy as the medical director, the person in charge and say look, because i'm concerned about patient care we are going to do it my way? >> that was not allowed. >> dr. robinson said she believes at least three babies suffered permanent neurological damage and 17 infants nearly missed a tragic outcome. >> sit possible that just there were some horrible incidents that happened? regardless of who is taking care of them there could be just is something unfortunate that happened? >> no, there's too many. >> one of those cases was nancy koger's. >> she had various risk factors including high blood pressure towards the end of her pregnancy. the standard of care is to not let anybody go over 39 weeks with that kind of blood pressure. she was admitted when she was like 40.6 weeks for induction of labor. >> what have you got to say for
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yourself? >> but dr. robinson says nancy was sent home by a midwife after attempts to induce labor. >> i didn't seefully doctors any nurses but i was trusting what they told me to could that's their job. >> when you look at the monitor strip from are when she was in she shouldn't have released home. >> dr. robinson says the baby's monitor strip showed abnormal vital signs. in extreme pain nancy said she went back to the hospital three days later for an emergency c section but the damage to denise was already done. >> i feel like in the hospital they treated us like we didn't matter, we were just secondhand people just throw-aways that if i died or she died oh well they still get paid. >> and "america tonight's" lori jane gliha tells us, the death of a baby during child birth
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one that could or should have been prevented. she investigates the allegations that have been firmly denied by the indiana hospital system. it plans a very vigorous defense against the claims that it prioritized money over mothers and their babies. we'll have more in-depth coverage after the break. break.
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>> on al jazeera america >>'s a vital part of who we are... >>they had some dynamic fire behavior... >> and what we do... don't try this at home! >> tech know where technology meets humanity... only on al jazeera america >> before the break one mother's sadness and sorrow for her only child. a former top doctor at methodist hospital in with its focus on profit. here is "america tonight's" lori jane gliha. is. >> for la don nah mills and her grandchildren chase and aleah staying strong is a challenge every day. >> it's just really hard because of what happened to tanae but we have to keep moving forward and
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i want to do with her baby. >> mills daughter tanae tyler who is the babies mother decide at methodist hospital last year. >> she was friendly, she was outgoing very active. she was amazing daughter. >> details of tanae's case are mentioned in a $100 million lawsuit involving the lawsuit. the former medical doctor there judy robinson, allegation one of the biggest hospitals in the state of indiana, put financial gain against patient welfare. robinson blames nurses for permitting tyler to eat dinner in the hospital and failing to realize her high risk pregnancy could require emergency surgery. >> had she already been induced
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when you guys had dinner? >> yes. >> and did anyone say to you this is not a good idea to have pizza? >> no. >> you don't feed them anything because of the risk of as operation and the risk that they're going to have something done rather urgently. you engage anesthesia, even you know weeks before they deliver. you have a plan. >> robinson allegation tyler as aspirated or drew food into her wind pipe. >> what is tyler's situation now? >> he is not meeting his milestones cptszmilestones , crawling, holding a bottle standing on his own. just those things. >> one two yay you made it!
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>> what do you hope for him down the line? >> i want him to have a normal life. i want him to be healthy. >> when he's old enough what are you going to tell him about tanae? >> i struggle with that every day. god, i have to have a plan. i don't know what it is yet but it has to be amazing. >> reporter: the three organizations at the center of the lawsuit all declined our request to sit down for an interview. they wouldn't discuss specific cases. but saying in part the health and safety ever our patients is top priority, we deny allegations of wrongdoing and a spokesperson for iu health says we deny judy robinson's claims
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and intend to vigorously defend against her claims. tops itself as one of the best health care organizations in the nation. but despite iu's statement of safe quality health care, dr. robinson says when she brought her concerns about patient safety to life, she was first told to keep quiet then fired. >> they knew it was wrong they newknew they were preying upon a vulnerable population and they could be sacrificed. is the almighty collar that importantdollar thatimportant to them? >> what do you hope comes out of this lawsuit? >> that the patients get the right health care and all of this stops now. this is not the methodist hospital i knew.
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this is a very empty feeling empty feeling. >> there is also an empty feeling in la don nah's house. >> she touched a lot of people's heart. >> she made this website to raise awareness and to help these kids grow up. >> it is going to take a community to help me with these kids. >> reporter: the lawsuit may bring them hope of some financial relief but it will never bring back chase and aleah's mother. >> mommy's in heaven, it's okay. >> "america tonight's" lori jane gliha is here to follow up. give us an update, where do these allegations stand now? >> this is just a lawsuit these allegations need to be proven, these organizations vigorously dispute this, but the lawsuit involves looking through the medical records and complex financial records to figure out whether or not anything she's
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saying actually could be proven. >> this is a bit confusing to me. after all we understand situations where people sue for medical malpractice for instance they might sue a doctor or a hospital, individuals who say they have been hurt, that is quite typical, but this was a physician who wasn't directly involved in these particular cases who is suing and suing on behalf of the government. explain that. >> this is filed under the federal false claims act which allows the private citizen to sue on behalf of the government and because the government was -- because the accusation was the government was defrauded the government has an opportunity to enter in to join this lawsuit. so what's been happening for a whole entire year before this case was made public is the federal government has been investigating this case in secret. they have an opportunity to join the case if they want to, to intervene. the state government also will have an opportunity to do that and both of them have said they are still going on their investigation, they are not done looking into all the allegations
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yet but soon they will make a decision whether they will join in. with our without judy robinson says she will carry on anyway. >> the federal government would take over the case from the doctor? >> correct they would handle that case from the point forward judy robinson could get a benefit as a result of being a whistle blower, if they were to be successful. >> that is pretty unusual i don't think i've heard about that before. >> yeah, it is a unique law that is in effect that you don't hear about all the time, many times government does not get involved but it is an opportunity it goes back to the lincoln era to give credit to citizens to come forward as whistle blowers to come forward if they feel something isn't appropriate. >> exposing the tensions between
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a lot of midwives and physicians in their practices. what is happening there? >> the reality is midwives are very qualified. >> and the doctor isn't challenging that. >> the doctor is giving props in many cases but high risk involving women on medicaid, these midwives were giving care to these patients and the doctorsdoctors weren't involved enough and they wants them investigated. >> "america tonight's" lori jane gliha. >> next the tough talk, the difficult decision facing parents in minority communities. what about being on your best behavior isn't good enough. and the little pink pill. thursday on "america tonight," what's behind the delay in bringing the so-called female
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now it's easier than ever to manage your account. get started at >> a tough talk now about some hard truths. the clashes we have seen repeated between law enforcement and unarmed teenagers of color. places like ferguson and recently mckinney texas. a white kid was the cameraman here he said he felt invisible the officer unaware of his presence told some to get on the ground, cursed others,
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wrestled one girl to the ground, pulled his gun on some kids, they are unarmed in swim suits parents having the talk with their young men what should they do or not do when confronted with the police. "america tonight's" sarah hoye on that conversation. >> did you speak to many men black men they will usually have a story or two. are you okay with that? >> not okay with that. >> brooklyn native kim van and her husband of ten years reggie ose, are the parents of three boys, the ose family talks about race started the days their sons were born. >> an ongoing discussion and i thank goodness we've had the discussion already because i
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feel like my sons are not completely shocked by the news. >> for a country that brides itself on having justice distributed among the land, but doesn't have justice when someone kills someone that's close to my age and of my skin color, that's scary. >> i want to leave you with this point. >> reggie, an attorney and host of the podcast combat jack, says he has taught his sons how to protect themselves. >> you think they'll be perceived in some way? >> i know they're perceived in some way in some instance he. i can't be with them, i can't chaperone them in every instance but i can at least impart upon them some type of what's the word some type of practical mindset practical body movement, practical way of acting. my sons have all been police since third grade.
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>> i my parents told me to stay out of trouble because they kind of knew i would be looked at in a certain way. i think i haven't really caught on to that, until i was stopped by a police officer. i was going to the train and they stopped in front of me, and they said could we please check your bag? i said okay, sure. i was kind of in shock. >> how did that make you feel? >> i understood what my parents had told me. it clicked it made sense. >> there's two stages of learning. you learn you hear you recite, there's a realization in the real world okay this is how i can apply what i have heard. the kids have gone through the realization stage what they have been instructed what they have been taught for so many years. >> there is a fear there, that
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is i can just walk down the street and you know get shot, and die and nothing will happen. and that, i think is probably one of the most depressing things that i've had to deal with this year. as a 17-year-old in america you shouldn't have to think to come to terms with the fact that if you get wrongfully killed, nothing will happen and that person who kills you wrongfully will not be held accountable for their actions. that's just terrible. >> two ivy league grads four children accomplished in their own right. all facing the harsh reality that for them, race matters. >> unfortunately, some everyday, everyday experiences have to be i think sometimes met with caution for my sons. >> do you fear for them? >> i don't want to raise my children to operate out of fear. what i want to raise them with is with awareness.
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>> the osay boys say whether they're in the street or in the classroom, people see color and a threat. >> what are some of the misconceptions that people see in you guys? >> the mundane things are we're good at sports basketball or track. we are thieves and just evil people, you know, every time i get on the train and i happen to be a little too close to somebody even though it's really crowded, that person has to clutch their bag closer move it to the front so i don't steal what's in their bag. i think it's ridiculous to assume that. >> they probably think that i'm dangerous and i have to live with that. i can try to change it but at this point in my life i'm going to have to live with it. >> i feel like very little hope is given to us. and i feel like if we embrace that we are just feeing into
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this psychological cycle where we're lesser, that black is not beautiful and black is criminal and i feel it's up to us to redefine ourselves. >> race and racism in america is almost akin to a religion. people are going to brief what they want to believe and i hope that my boys have heard that they have to be excellent. so that at the end of the day regardless what fool projects whatever type of bias on them that their track record is undeniable. >> "america tonight's" sarah hoye with that toughest of conversations. that's "america tonight." tell us what you think. at talk to us on twitter or facebook and come back. we'll have more of "america tonight" tomorrow. tomorrow.
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i'm ali velshi. "on target" tonight no end in sight. additional u.s. troops are headed back to iraq but the question remains: can iraqis defend their own country? i'll ask the man who wrote the book on iraqi forces whether this latest strategic shift will work. a year ago today i.s.i.l. fighters routed iraq's military and seized the country's second largest city mosul. in the year since, president obama has launched a campaign
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