tv News Al Jazeera June 11, 2015 4:00am-4:31am EDT
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and she never made it... >> a former cop speaks out... >> if you had taken steps when a man was assaulted, maybe freddie gray didn't have to die. >> is there still a blue wall of silence in american cities? >> did somebody get shot? fault lines baltimore rising only on al jazeera america hope no greece, bolts athens and top e.u. officials say a debt deal could be just and the corner. hello there welcome to al jazerra. we'll be live in athens in just a moment. also coming up reports from around the world including in northern iraq, we meet the sunnis ready to fight isil but say they need weapons now. taking action, pope francis sets up a panel to hear cases against bishops accused of covering up child abuse. pollution getting in to the named of a genius, albert
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einstein's personal letters up to auction. ♪ ♪ al jazerra has learned there could be a deal in brussels to prevent greece from defaulting on its debt. athens has until the end of june to pay over $1.8 billion i.m.f. total at the time of $352 billion. of it 8 1/2 bill january has to be paid by august. john what are you hearing about a possible deal on the table? >> reporter: greek officials are sounding optimistic after last night's meeting. that they may have now agreed to separate the instance gents issues of pensions and debt restructuring from the more urgent issue of financing greece through the next three months, the larger issues will be sent
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down the road nine months from now while an interim deal that may be announced as early as today or tomorrow would deal with how to finance greece from now until the end year and that would contain a couple of elements, first of all addressing a tax revenue shortfall of two to two and a half billion dollars grease would be called upon to raids from from can consumer tax. the amount of serviced dead would be hard. greece would taye 12 pay 12 to $13 billion wraths in 24 or 25. but that remains to be clarified and condition firmed. >> it sounds more optimistic. the creditors have been keen to link deals to reforms in brees greece does that mean they are more willing to practice comprise on
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things like pension cuts. >> greece has been saying it's willing to extra news to a number of issues. there are large herb larger issues pensions and labor law and minimum wage which is more difficult for a left wing government to agree upon. that's why they are being conduct down the road. the significant of the 9-month gap between now and next march is the time left for the mont tear fund's oversight to run. once that is over greece would ask for a deal with only its european counterparts. we are hearing that it would seek to transfer the amount of debt overred by the -- owned by the i.m.f. in to european mechanisms that's the body that currently owns most of greets'
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debt that is institutional. greets would i think and for all of the debt in the i.m.f. to be transferred there. then in march of next year, greece would be talking only to european leaders and would have essentially a one to one negotiation process rather than a 3-1 negotiate process, i think that's the plan the greeks are hoping for. >> thank you very much for that, john in athens there. the news is being welcomed in brussels, the e.u. economic officials has warned athens to step up its efforts to find finalize a deal. he said: the speaker of iraq's parliament says the u.s. decision to sends extra troops is part of an iraqi plan to boost sunni volunteers to fight
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isil. celine was in washington where he held talks with the deputy of state. 450 u.s. will be deployed. they will set up a fifth site in anbar one of the few areas in the province under iraqi government control. the iraqi army has suffered a number of setbacks in the fight against isil. zeina khodr went to meet some sunni trials in northern iraq and found men on who didn't want to be left out of the fight with isil. >> reporter: these men once helped the iraqi government and u.s. troops fight al qaeda in iraq. sunni tribal fighters part of the so-called awakening councils. but last year when the islamic state of iraq and the levant arrived in their city they didn't have the arms to fight back. they were forced to leave. and are now displaced and jobless. they blame the government for not formally integrating them in to the security forces. and providing them with the arms needed to prevent isil's take
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over. >> there were sleeper cells waiting for the right time to emerge. so when isil came from syria between five to 6,000 men joined the group. [ inaudible ] many of the people were once locked up in jails and opposed the government. >> reporter: while some did join isil, he was among those who chose to leave instead. he hides his identities because his daughters are still there. he is a map who couldn't accept isil's brutality but also against the government which he says is no different from the new rulers. >> translator: in the beginning people are happy to be liberated from the iraqi authorities. the army and maliki treated us all liar terrorists. there is no government. it's a militia no different from isis. >> reporter: they have a long history of opposition to the shia led government in baghdad. a year ago this was a battle
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ground many people were killed and arrested by the army. like many predominantly sunni towns there were months of protests accusing the government of neglect and pursuing a second sectarian general. isil exploits what sunnis say are legitimate demands. it's not clear if the tribes who did pledge allegiance to isil did so out of conviction or fear but what is clear is that it was a strong hold for al qaeda and other armed groups who fought both the eye rag i government and u.s. forces when they were in the country. for sometime they were able to secure sunni areas, these men are now asking for arms so they can recapture their district. but arms may not be enough to bring peace. part of isil's strength comes from the government's inability to bring the sunni community to to its side. zeina khord, al jazerra northern iraq. the italian prime minister has urged nation as cross the ire a pacific region to fight
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armed groupings. include isil. continue to go lure thousands of fighter to iraq and syria. tony abbott was in sydney and warned that isil has global ambitions. >> we have sent a strong military force to the middle east to hit them from the air. and to try to assist the iraqi army to retake their own country. we are talking about air friends and partners about how the air strikes might be more effective. and how the iraqi forces might be better helped. american leadership is indispensable here as in all the world's trouble spots. at home, we are trying to insure that australians don't leave this country to join the 15,000 foreign fighters already in syria and iraq. wayne hayes sent up this update from sydney. >> reporter: the theme of this summit is challenging terrorist propaganda and really all about
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combating the message spread by terrorist organizations like isil over the internet, isil, for example is believed to send out 10s of thousands of messages through social media every day. hoping to attract new recruits to its fight. australia has been particularly concerned about its citizens here heading over to iraq and syria to join isil, so far it's believed around 100 australian citizens have done that. there is also a lot of discussion at this two-day summit about a community-led response. of course governments in the region include australia have been very busy over recent years passing tougher anti-terror laws being but also a agreeing awareness that there needs to be a community-led response to this problem particularly when it comes to vulnerable people in those communities being targeted by terrorist organizations. the lead are of turkey's pro kurdish h.d.p. says he's open to all options for a coalition government other than with
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president erdogan's ruling a.k.p. party. he also says turkey has no reason to fear a coalition or early elections. his comments come ahead of president erdogan's first public speech since his party lost their overall majority in general elects at the weekend let's speak to bernard smith in istanbul for us, it sounds like the htp is saying they could form a coalition without the a.k.p. party, is that right? >> reporter: it sounds like it but it's extreme arely unlike, they are the still the largest single party in turkey. and so therefore it would being expected that they would being involved in any government that is formed. now, the htp have said, they have reiterated that they are not prepared for work in a co defense with the a.k.p. but then it looks like they wouldn't be in government. we know that there have been informal talks taking place with a couple of the other opposition
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parties and the a.k.p. party. a long way to go in all of this. the official results aren't announced until june 21st and after that, there is 45 days in which to come to a an agreement in formings a coalition government. all the opposition party parties said they were not going to work with the a.k.p. but 45 days say very long time in politics, so there is perhaps some room for maneuver somewhere somewhere. >> in dealed and we are due to hear from president erred juan shortly, he will address the people. this will be the first time he has spoke then public since his party's disappointing election results. >> reporter: yes, it is. as president he's supposed to be party politics but he was
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campaigning in the elect, it was clear that he was campaigning for the a.k.p. party that he helped found. he's kept a very low profile sense then, after the election results were known on sunday he issue aidissued a con sill conciliatory statement. we don't know what he is going to say but his role now is essentially constitutional supposed to be some sort of facilitator and son sill 80er, he could also meet with party leaders, he met one leader of the c.h.p. opposition party. he's already done that. so he could be used to try to bring the different parties together. it would be a new role for him. he's never had to do this before. this is the first time that the a.k.p. party had to look for coalition partners because, of course it's ruled on its own with an absolute majority since
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it first came for to power some 13 years ago. >> indeed big changes in turkey. thanks very much for for that. bernard smith in istanbul there. hundreds of syrian refugees have crossed the board never to turkey. it's the first time crossings between syria and its northern neighbor have been open since the ninth 9th of march. they said it was closed for security purposes. there was speculation the crossings would be reopened after the turkish election. france's foreign minister says france won't sign off on a nuclear agreement with island until inspection -- iran until inning specses of the sites are included in the deal. the a target date is set of june 30th for the deal to be reached. if it is iran will restrain its nuclear program in exchange for the lifting of international sanctions. still to come here on the program. >> reporter: i an andrew thomas
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interim agreement would log their payments. the iraq says the decision for the u.s. to sends extra troops is part of their plan to boost sunni fighters to join. they will be based in an air base in anbar province. pope fran us has created a new tribunal to deal with church leaders who fail to protect children from sexually abusive clergy for years the church has been criticized for failing failing to take decisive action on the issue. this is the biggest move the vatican has taken to hold bishops accountable. diane effect brook has the story. >> these are photos of us at the age we were when the priests sexually violated us. >> reporter: barbara blaine points of members of her network. they still have scars from what they suffered at the hand of priests, she was one of those kids, blaine says if the vatican
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is serious about rooting out abusive priests it doesn't need a special tribunal. >> we know that pope francis has complete authority to take whatever action he wants. if he wanted to, he could have sacked any bishop at any typed. and he is the boss. >> reporter: bowing to criticism to victim its and advocacy group they say the knew tribunal will examine claims of covering up. they can deal with the negligent handling abuse cases in their districts. but blaine is demanding mayor transparency from the pope and resources from outside the vatican as well. >> he should open up the files and turnover all information that would he has about sex crimes to police and prosecutors. there shouldn't be investigations within the church. we are talking about criminal
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action here. >> reporter: the pope's actions come more than a year after the united nations issued a scatheing report calling on the vatican to end a code of silence on sex abuse cases and enforcing rules requiring local church leaders to report abuse to authorities. also last year, the chicago archdiocese released thousands of pages of secret documents alleging abuse by dozens of priests against more than 350 children dating back to the 1950s. it's paid out more than $130 million to settle claims by abuse victims. the most recent coming a month ago for more than $1.2 million. blaine says her organization gets more than 6,000 calls a year from victims in nearly 80 countries. while she is skeptical about the tribunal she hopes it will do some good. >> it's hard to think that they are good at policing themselves. but it sure would be nice if someone would hold them
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accountable. >> reporter: diane estebrook, al jazerra, chicago. tunisia's navy has rescued nearly 400 migrants off the conduct i are you's southeastern coast. the group of mainly africans left libya for the italian island of lampedusa the vessel they were traveling in broke down. an update from tunis. >> reporter: well, this latest rescue reminder that tunisia is not immune from the crisis that is affecting libya and also europe. now, the coast guard manages to rescue these people almost 400 have been brought back to identityidentity neesha plane from subsaharan africa, some from syria, morocco and tunisia. we understand in the past that six months the tunisian coast guard have rescued hundreds of people in a similar way. the problem is, once they get to identity newertunisia what happens
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to them next? those that are economic migrants they will probably have to be sent back home. those who are asylum seekers from eritrea somalia and syria can claim asylum here in tunisia but they are unlikely to do so because identity near i can't doesn't have the resource to his look back to them. they nigh try for get back to lib request through the desert and make another attempt of the perilous journey to italy. the retrial of three al jazerra journalists inky jump has recalled the defense has began their closing arguments. they were charged and convicted last year of spreading false news belong to go a terrorist organization and operating without a permit. the first convictions were threw out and order the a retrial. south korea's confirmed 14 new cases of the mers virus
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taking the total number of infections to 122. more than 2400 to have closed as a result of the outbreak, so far nine people have died from the virus across the country. alison clemens-hunt is the spokeswomen for the world health organization she says the government is taking important steps to contain the outbreak. >> since the beginning of the outbreak the government has done contact tracing which is incredibly important to trace the contact and have anyone who has come in contact with a mediciner case in isolation that can be self isolation in the home or if the personal is ill it can be in a hospital, in a clinic. that's very important. also getting the message out to the public that if they do feel ill if they have any symptoms, of mers, which would be fever kneeing,sneezing covering, they need to take action to get in touch with health authorities and to isolate themselves as much as
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possible until it's checked whether they are positive for the virus the w.h.o. does not recommend any sort of travel ban at this time. we do expect that we will occasionally have a case of mers exported from the middle east where this is circulating. but countries can be on alert can survey -- put in surveillance mesh source measures owe that we can stop any outbreaks we have stopped all previous outbreaks through good infection prevention controls mesh 1234urs? south korea's a central bank has slashed the cost of borrowing to a record low because of concerns that the troubled economy could take another hit from mers, many consumers and core tests are staying home. it's a fourth time since august last year that the interest rate has been cut. it now stands at 1 1/2%.
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undocked following the completion of its truck value construction. the u.k., u.s., russia, and are the only other countries capable of building a similar vessel. owe iofficials from the european union are in thailand. andrew thomas reports, there is growing evidence that hundreds of fishermen are effectively working as slaves at sea. >> reporter: being on dry land is not what he is used to. before he was rescued in march he had been at sea for 18 years. effectively working as a slave. his fishing boat was thai but those on it fished illegally in indonesian waters. what they caught would be collected at sea by bigger vessels and take own a two-week trip back to thailand. but never won't with it. only moments he got on shore two days every three months on a
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remote indonesian island. his pay about $300 a year. >> translator: i was a slave. i was forced to work. i was told to do this and do that. i had never been at sea before. i didn't know how to fish. >> reporter: the thai charity labor rights tex 24e9 work rescued 60 a men in march. but illegal fishing is not just about the abuse of workers according to monitors with the european union serious shortcomings in thailand's inspection systems means unsustainable over fishing too. in late april thailand was given six months to turn it around or face a ban on its exports to the e.u. it's boats like these that bring fish to the thai shore the trouble is it's often unclear where those fish were caught. so whether a particular cash is legal. thailand seafood exports are
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worth about a billion dollars a year a billion dollars worth is sold to europe lose that go market would hurt. to try to prove it's taking the warning serious they have a toughened up monitoring process more checking on boats gps tracking and tougher penalties with those caught with workers or fish they shouldn't have. >> translator: the government is sincere about solve this is problem. that's why the may have is a here. if the european union isn't satisfied by october, we will keep running this operation until it is. >> reporter: but not all are convinced. >> they are not doing enough. what they are doing is just. [ inaudible ] >> reporter: european union is being urged to make sure thailand's efforts are genuine and effective. as for almost 20 years fishing is all he now knows, he wants to
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go back on a boat, but not as as as a slave and not as part of a dark industry illegally plundering the sea. football south america's biggest tournament kicks off in chile later on thursday with the host nation to open against ecuador in group-a. the three-week competition will showcase some of football's finest including a matchup between barcelona teammates lionel messi and neymar. the pair are fresh from champions league victory. a collection of personal letters by albert einstein are going on the auction block. the writings cover many subject ranging from religion to relationships to politics. rob reynolds reports. >> reporter: his name is a synonym for towering intellect. albert einstein, whose theory of relatively at this changed forever our knowledge of space time the universe and our place in it, was also a prolific
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letter writer. 28 of his personal letters are up to auction in los angeles this week. incongruously the letters from the 20ing centuries greatest genius are stored here in a warehouse stuffed with hollywood movie memorabilia. brian is head of the firm profiles in history which will auction the letters. >> what makes them so extraordinary is they get in to the mind of einstein on an intimate level about very intimate and personal things. >> reporter: here is einstein on god and religion. in my opinion the idea of a personal god is a child-like one. the self described agnostic writes. i prefer an attitude of humility corresponding to the weakness of our intellectual understanding of nature and of our own being. write to go his ex-wife and fellow physicist einstein laments miss inability to reconcile relativity and quantum
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mechanics saying theoretical physics is currently enormously thorny. as adolf hitler takes power in the 1930s and begins the persecution of german jews, the jewish-born sign fine wrote to family members explaining he would never return to his homeland. decades later he denounces senator joe never mccarthy's anti community witch hunt in the u.s. calling it a systematic move to detroit the political rights of the individual. these letters also shed light on the human side of the great scientist. in this one einstein writes to his young son hanz, congratulating him for his interest in mathematics and reminding him to brush his teeth. and it's signed papa. einstein, who was twice married and had many mistresses muses about sects telling one correspondent he believes men are not naturally monogamous.
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einstein was an earth bound human being just like the rest of us. even as his minds wandered through the limitless cosmos. rob reynolds, al jazerra calabasas, california. and you can keep up-to-date with all the news on our website. >> it's christmas eve and u.s. soldiers are preparing for their last month in afghanistan. about 40,000 are still here. by the end of the year there
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