tv News Al Jazeera June 11, 2015 3:00pm-3:31pm EDT
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frees' prime minister the last ditch talk with the e.u., but the i.m.s. says an agreement is no nearer. this is al jazeera live from london also coming up. fall from grace, the former security chief is sentenced to life in prison. for bribery and abuse of power. the body of osama bin laden right hand mind stolen days after his death. and the u. n. report finds peace keeping troops regularly trade goods for sex, with women they
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desperate by poverty and hunger. talks on the greece's debt repayment has run into trouble withdrew it's team. european union officials described the talks between the commission president and greek prime minister as a last attempt to reach a deal. his part sounded an optimistic note, saying he is still working towards an agreement with greece's creditors to stave off default on the $1.8 billion loan repayment due this month. it's team has broken off talks to return to washington because there's been no progress. >> there are major differences between us. is there has been no progress in narrowing these differences.
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thus we are well away from an agreement. the prime minister is trying to find a deal that is successful to lenders but also to the voter whose elected him on a promise to end austerity. the great with the policies of the previous government came with the reopening of greek state television that was shot down two years ago to save money. john reports from athens. >> unscripted they unfalterred as if unsure whether they were really on air, or perhaps overwhelmed by the emotion of the moment. but it is a different count down that really concerned greece's creditors. the country will become
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insolvent after the end of june when it has to pay them billions of dollars in debt, prime minister was in brussells making a last ditch attempt to bridge differences. the differences in the finance industry, and we are working in order to assure an agreement. to come to an agreement that will assure that greece will recover. and viable public debts. it is my opinion that a weak government i think has to be more realistic. there's no more space for gambling there's no more time for gambling. the day is coming i am afraid that someone says that that game is over. >> even if he strike as deal, he may have serious difficulties selling it at
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home the communist workers union occupied the ministry on thursday saying he is about to become the third prime minister to sell greece down river. >> cash for deals have become political poisons shortening the life expectsy behalf during the crisis. socialists and conservative governments last add little more than two years and now that the poison sits before a left wing with government, almost four in ten say they want to turn away from it. >> that includes back benches that can bring the government down by voting against any deal and split the party. such as relaunching the broadcaster can only take them so far he has to fix the economy and to do so he has to convince creditors to finance it. al jazeera athens. >> a man once with considered one of the most powerful in the country has been sense is
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tensed to life in prison. chine can that's former domestic security chief can appeared in a court in the north eastern city to hear the verdict, he was found guilty of abuse of power bribery, and leaking state secrets. joe is the highest ranking politician to face corruption charges in china. >> the defendant who is suspected of bribery is sentenced to life in jail, deprived of political rights for life, and confiscated of personal assets. he is sentenced to seven years on jail on the charge of abuse of power, he is sentenced to four years in jail in the charge of intentionally leaking secrets. >> i accept is the verdict and not appeal, i realize the fact that i violated the law and committed crimes. i confess and regret. >> until his retirement, joe
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was with considering one of china's most powerful figures, a closer look at this fall from grace. >> deep in the lush country side of eastern china this is the an zest royal village of a politician once arguably one of the most powerful men in china. a vast and now empty compound stands on the spot of joe's childhood home. accord canning to state media it was built with with government funds. a charm to ward off evil spirits still hangs above the front door. many villages resent the media scrutiny. that's made the village infamous. >> and it is about the only place in china where people are prepared to speak up for him. >> he made our village much better he contribute add lot to our village. he was good, now people think he is bad. i don't understand.
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>> is he a good man. >> even if i say he is a good guy, it is useless. the government says he is bad, and that's the conclusion. the chinese character on the wall beside the village entrance says be loyal to your master. and to joe this village remains just that. until three years ago he was master of the secrets. this community prospered from his patronnage, beside the village ad mo earn by largely empty highway. and fact that i am is a measure of how far he has fallen. >> enjoying the thrill of doing what would once have led to arrest.
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but unlike the villages they have little sympathy for joe. >> if joe had been executed he could have ended up here. the family grave site, instead, he will intend the rest of his life in jail. his down fall as much to do with politics as corruption. al jazeera in eastern china. >> two of the soldiers have been killed in an attack by houthis forces. it happened in the saudi city near the yemen border, there have been reports of a number of clashes across the boardner the past 24 hours. meanwhile, fighting in the yemen city has left 27 houthis fighters dead, seven loyal to the president have also been killed. hundreds of syrian refugees
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have crossed the border into turkey it's the first time crossings between syria and it's northern neighbor have been open, since is the 9th of march. at least 100 people are dead and suspected isil positions. wheritis sill is believed to have a security compound, they also struck the bridge, isil says many of the dead and wounded were women and children. it can be replicated elsewhere in the country. the top u.s. military officer confirmed the option is under consideration, and they also require more troops to be
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deployed. joses the possibility of more hubs is part of prudent planning he says work is already underway to assess roads airfields and other infrastructure with an eye for setting up the site. >> the parliamentary speaker says the decision to send extra troops is part of a plan to boost sunni volunteers battling isil. reports now on some of the tripes they have been marginalized during the fight now want to help these men once helped the iraqi government fight al quaida tribal fighter whose are part of the awakening council. but last year when they arrived in their city, they didn't have the armed to fight back. they were forced to lease and are now displaced. they blame the government for not integrating them and providing them with the armed
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needed to prevent the takeover. waiting for the right time to emerge, so when isil came from syria there have been five to 6,000 men joined the group. and propose the government. >> and while some did join isil he was among those who chose can to leave instead. he hides his identity because his daughters are still in croatia. he is also against the government which he says is no different from the new rulers. >> in the beginning people are happy to be liberated from the iraqi effort thats the army treat us all like terrorists and to me there is no government, it is a militia. the district has a long history of opposition to the let government in baghdad a year before this district in west with became an isil strong hold, it was a
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battleground. many people were with killed and arrests by the army, like many predominately sunni towns there were months of protests accusing the government of neglect. isil was able to exploit who sunnies say were legitimate demands. >> it is not clear if the tribes who did pledge allegiance did so out of con can vices or fear, what is clear that that it was a strong hold for al quaida and other armed groups who fight the iraqi government and forces when they were in the country. for some time they were able to secure sunni areas these men are now asking for arms so they can recapture but arms may not be enough to bring peace part of the strength comes from the inability to bring the community to it's side. the family of former pine minister says his body has
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been snatched from baghdad international airport where it was waiting to be flown to jordan reports suggest it was taken minutes before it was taken minutes. he died on friday following a heart attack and arrangements were made for his body to be flown to jordan. for more on this, only the line from the jordanian cap can toll, what do we know about what happened? what we doe know according to sources official forces at the baghdad international airport, they suspect that the body has indeed been taken from the airport minutes before putting the casket where the body was in on the plane leaving this evening this is according to official sources in baghdad
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who said that the armed group that apparently took his body were permitted to be at the airport. there are no further details on what has exactly happened at and airport but from our understanding and talking to sources the body was about to be lettedded on to the plane this was the flight from baghdad which can we expected the body to be flown back to aman with his wife, where he was going to be buried. from a source at the royal jordanian airline saying that the flight left this evening without his casket. and he spoke on condition of anonymity because he believes we also have heard who said that the body has gone missing after it was snatched
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in baghdad while it was supposed to be loaded ton to the plane heading to aman. >> why was the body heading to amman for burial. >> well, he has been living in amountman fir several years. he has been a resident in jordan and while he was sick he had said in his will that he wanted to be buried in jordan. and his son had backed down with officials in the government well before his father passed away, asking them to bury in jordan for fear that that armed group -- so this was a request by the family specifically his son
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who lived here in jordan, and the jordanian authorities that know there are no issues with burying him in jordan few hoon plantain issues but there has been complications. he died last friday and it has taken almost six days the ever the body to be transported and never made it. >> thank you so much stilt to come why the high schools in the biggest classroom in cabbing bowl are lying empty and finding how falling water levels are effecting one of the last great willernesses.
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negotiators are no closer to a deal on greece's debt, the greek prime minister says he is still working to reach an agreement with with the creditors. negotiators have walked out saying major differences remain. channa's chief can has been sense is tensed to life in prison on corruption charges. he was found guilty of abuse of power bribery, and leaking state secrets. saudi military sources tell two of the soldiers have been killed in aattack by houthis fighters it happened in the
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saudisy near the boarder meanwhile fighting has left 27 houthis fighters dead a dart respect has revealed peace keepers regularly pay for sex is with with cash and other goods exploiting women who they are supposed to be helping. it found poverty and hunger are driving hundreds of women in haiti and liberia with to sell their bodies the u. n. currently has more than 125,000 troops and civilians deployed around the word. in 2003, it placed the ban on peace keepers paying for sex in countries where they were deployed because it underminds their credibility. dip lo t maic editor sent this report from the u.n. >> the u.n. is making no comment, they say this is a leaked report and they can't comment on it until this is formally published. this is a report from the
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office of internal oversight that is a part of the u.n. that is there are to investigation gait other parts of the united nations. clearly it is embarrassing comes just weeks after allegations of sex is wall abuse in the central afternoon call republic. they were serving there at the time, but they were serving in a country where the u.n. was present. i suspect question will once the formal report is publics get comment from the u.n. spokesman and also from the office of the high commissioner of haw moon rights. he was the man ten years ago last time there were allegations of abuse and exploitation by u.n. peace keepers who conduct add review of the whole system. so his comments will be interesting. >> the leaders of chad, are meeting in nigeria's capitol to discuss setting off joint military force the nigerian
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president has made defeating the armed group his top priority he has told regional allies they should remain in command at hostile hosting a iran nuclear talks. the cyber security firm says there's evidence technology involved was so sophisticated that it must have been creates by government. iran and six world powers are trying to seal a deal on the nuclear program by the end of the month. an egyptian court has sentence add policeman to 15 years in jail over the killing of a teacher male protestor. at a rally marking the 2011 egyptian upridinging the policeman is being charge canned with actions that led
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to her death a lesser charge from that of murder. the retrial of al jazeera journalists in egypt has been adjourns until the twenty-fifth of june, the defense has yet to finish closing arguments they were charged and convicted last year of spreading false news belonging to a terrorist organization, and operating without a permit which they deny. teachers in afghanistan are on strike for the 11th day, they are demanding better paying conditions. which include as free plot of land something promised to them last year the strike is is putting a strain on the country ossifrage jail education system. there has been no classes at the largest high school for over a week, corer doors are quiet, and classrooms empty. but on the steps of the school, it is rally. teacher are on strike,
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government officials are trying to convince them to go back to work, they are not listening and the strike has spread. we want our salary, we want to distribute the land. >> the president prompted that within with six months every teacher would with receive a free plot of land the government says it is doing something about the etch tooers demands. the minister of education is here and he is giving away 300 blots of land. >> the process is continuing in the provinces. we have $13 million to meet the demands like overtime pay and bonuses. rocky undeveloped and a one hour drive from kabul. the government with more land
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than people. i am hoping it is not just on paper these teachers have more than 30 years experience. question don't know when this will happen. thousands of students are out of school. i am this third place in my class. >> so while teachers wait for the government to respond to their den mas students wait to be taught. nicole johnson, al jazeera kabul. >> landslides triggered by heavy rain have killed dozen
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of people. two area had escaped serious damage which kilted over 8,000 people. 21 bodies have been recovered but it is still estimated three dozen are miss. french prosecutors have given more details of the medical condition suffered by the german winged pilot who deliberately flew his plane into a mountain, killing 150 people. they met investigators in paris to discuss compensation prosecutors say the co-pilot wasn't fit to fly buzz didn't tell his employer they say he was concerned he was going blind which caused him huge anxiety. he continued to lose his eye site. he said he only slept two hour as night and sought help to get to sleep and he doubled his dosage of anti-depress sents.
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he also mentioned his fear of becoming blind on march 10th he had a long appointment with his doctor who said the diagnosis was a threatening psychos issue accompanied by poor eyesight onot explained by any organic causes. to chili knew where major roads have been blocked. the president wants to bring public schools under national control and make university free, the students and teachers want to brace reforms. two protests coincide with the soccer tournament. the battle is taking center stage, it is a new festival in iraq's capitol organizers are hoping performances will educate entertain and reflect what the fight means for the country. reports from baghdad. isil has banned all forms of
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expression and the territory it controls. in baghdad. iraq it seems is fighting back against the cultural tyranny. these are rare but the everything. >> the proper -- 100. >> it was very hard to put on we had no money from the government or the ministry of culture can because of the budget deficit. we reached out to the community, and they funded this whole thing. it took us four months to secure the funding but everyone has been so generous. the message has cap can churred the family whose have risked the security situation to be here. >> i came with my family because i want withed to show
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the terrorists they have not won. the blood spit has not been in vain, we sup is port them. >> a musical dominated the opening night the theme is patriotic. system broughting those who are fighting, no sectarianism is visible here. >> more by design than accident the three main groups of iorack, sunni, and curd are represented here. as well as iraq's minorities both on stage in the audience. tonight is a celebration of the rich cultural heritage and a homage to those people who are fighting isil. what it isn't is about politics. there is no sectarianism here simply a message from the artistic community against those who are trying to divide iraq. al jazeera, baghdad. >> now a european space agency astronaut has set a new record for the longest time spent in space by a
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