tv News Al Jazeera June 11, 2015 5:00pm-6:01pm EDT
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of the economy. >> every tuesday night. >> i lived that character. >> go one on one with america's movers and shakers. >> we will be able to see change. >> gripping. inspiring. entertaining. talk to al jazeera. ♪ ♪ this is al jazeera. health low. this is news hour, live from london coming up. the high stakes game takes another dramatic turn, as the delegation flies home. fall from grace the security chief sentenced to life in prison. for abuse of power. peace keeping troops regularly trade goods for sex, with desperate women. plus. >> first european games it is
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the height here being eclipsed by controversial. >> with the other sports news is copper america is about to get underway. as the timeframe for a new president is kept. as another day with fifa in crisis. talks in greece have run into trouble. the european union officials describe the talks and greek finance as the last attempt to reach a deal. an on optimistic note saying he is still working towards the creditors and they can stave off the default on that $1.8 billion loan repayment due this month. while the i. m. f. said it is
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negotiating team has broken off talks to return to washington, because there had been no progress. there are major differences between us in most wee areas. there has been no progress in narrowing these differences. and that's what our -- away from anagram. >> the prime minister is trying to find the deal not only to international lenders but also to the voter whose elected him in an promise to end austerity. the latest break with the policies of the previous government and with the reopening of greek stale television. it was shut down to years ago to save money john reports from athens. unscripted the presenters faulted at the end of their count down as for unsure they
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were really on air or perhaps overwhelmed with the emotion of the moment defind palpable as 2.5000 people were allowed baaing to work. but it is a different count down that really concerns greece's creditors. the country will become insolvent when it has to pays millions of dollars in debt, making a last ditch attempt to bridge differences. especially the differences in the fiscal and in the finance issue. and we are working in order to assure an agreement but it is sure, that greece will recover. with social deficient. and viable bank debt. it is my opinion that a weak government has to be i think a little bit more realistic there's no more space for
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gambling there's no more time for it the day is coming i am afraid that someone skies that the game is over. even if he strike as deal, he may have serious difficulties selling it at home, the communist workers union occupied the ministry on thursday saying he is about to become the third prime minister to sell it down river. conservative governments a little more than two years and now the left wing government almost four in ten greeks say they want to turn away from it. >> that includes back benches that can can bring the economy down by voting against any deal, making good on morale promises such as relaunching the national broadcaster can only take it so far.
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you have to fix the economy and 20 do so you have to convince creditors to finance it. increasingly though, they are choosing sovereignty over prosperity. at least 100 people are dead after air strikes on suspected positions. war planes hit 2004 targets southwest of the province. witnesses say the planes attacked a targeted market. they also struck the bridge isil says many of the dead and wounded are women and children the new u.s. military help plans for the on anbar province could be replicated elsewhere. won can firmed the of is under consideration it may require more troops to be deploys. he says the possible of more hubs is part of prudent plans, he says work is
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already underway to assess roads airfields and other infrastructure with an eye for setting up the sites. come iraq's speaker says the u.s. decision to send extra troops is part of an iraqi plan to boost sunni volunteers. sunni factions or the so called awakening council. but last year, the i idolaterric state arrived they didn't have the arms to fight they were forced to leave, and are now displaced and job less. they blame the government for not formally integrating them into the security forces and providing them with the armed needed to prevent the take over. >> waiting for the right time
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to emerge, so when ice skill came from syria we can fight for 6,000 men joined the group. many of the people were once locked up in jails. while some did join, he was among those that chose to leave instead he hides his identity because his daughters are still there. he was a man that couldn't accept the brutality but he is also against the government which he says is no different than the new rulers. >> from the iraqi authorities the army treat us like this. and to me there is no government, it is a militia it is no difference. >> a year before this district became an isil strong hold, it was a battleground. many people were killed and arrested by the army, like many predominately sunni towns there weren't mos of
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protests accusing the government of neglect and pursuing. isil was 80 to exploit what sunnies say were legitimate demands. >> who did pledge allegiance to isil, did so out of conviction, or fear. but what it was a strong hold, and other armed groups who fought both the iraqi government and u.s. forces when they were in the country. >> for some time, they were able to security sunni areas these men are now asking for arms so they could recapture they district, but arms may not be enough to bring peace. part of the strength comes from the government's inability to bring the sunni community to it's side. al jazeera northern iraq. >> now the body of former iraqi prime minister has been located after being snatched from baghdad international airport, it was waiting tor flown to jordan.
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he was a top aid of the iraqi leader. two family lawyer says that the body is now in the government's possession. what we with have is contradictory information today the body received the body. took the body to the airport where a plane was ready to transfer it to a man. the director of shipping refused to receive the wood body and said i can't take responsible unless you get the documents from the government. this took about two to three hours. then a known cause came can and took the body, according to my information those that took the government are not a
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government entity. but the latest information that we have is that the body is now in possession of the government. way don't know where the body or is what will happen next. saudi military sources in an attack by houthis forces it happened in the saudi city near the yemen border, there have been reports of a number of clashes across the boardner the past 24 hours. meanwhile fighting in the yemen city has left 27 hougthi fighters dead, seven fighters loyal to the compiled president have also been killed. hundreds of syrian refugees have crossed the border into turkey, it is the first time in the northern neighbor have been opened since the 9th of march.
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a mother and five children are among eight people who have been killed. they died when gunman forces targeted the town with shells and their strikes. in the northern province, it's been under opposition control, since is 20/00/12. still ahead on al jazeera combating boko haram leaders discuss a joint military force. and find out how falling water levels in california are effecting one of america's last great wildernesses. world qualifying action coming right up. to china now where a man once considered most powerful in the country had been
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a closer look at his fall from grace. >> deep in the country side, this is the ancestral village of the poll six once arguably, one of the most powerful men in china. the vast now empty compound stands on the spot ojo yang's child hoop heed. according to state media, it was built with government funds. charmed to ward off evil spirits still hangs above the front door. many villagers resent the scrutiny. it is about the only place in china, where people are prepared to speak up for him. he made our village much better, he was good, now people think he is bad. i don't understand. is he a good man.
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>> even if i say he is a good guy, it is useless. the chinese character says with loyal to your master. and to joe this village remains just that. he was master of china's secrets head of the country's vast security opera us the. this community progression perked from his patronnage, beside the village a modern but largely empty highway. earn year ago it would have been impossible for a foreign journalist to stand outside the home of the man who was once with one of the most feared and powerful in the land. the fact that it is a measure of how far he has fallen the only other visitors are sight seers enjoying the thrill of what would have once led to arrest they have little
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sympathy for joe. if he had been executes he could have ended up here, the family grave site instead he will spend his life in jail, his down fall as much as to do with politics as corruption. adrian brown am al jazeera in eastern china a draft report has revealed peaces keepers regularly pay for sex with with cash can and other goods exploiting women they are supposed to be helping. in 2003, it placed a man on peace keepers paying for sex in cunning where they were deployed because it undermines it's credibility. our diplomatic et tor has this update from the u.n. >> the u.n. is make nothing
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comment, they say this is a leaked report and they can't comment on it until it is formally published. this is a report from the outs of internal oversite, that's the part of the u.n. that is there to investigation gait other parts of the united nations. clearly it is embarrassing coming weeks after allegations of sexual abuse in the central african republic they were serving there at the time not under u.n. command but they were serving in a country can where the u.n. was present they are accused of sexual abuse of young boys i suspect we will get comment and also from the office of the high commissioner of human rights. now this is interesting because the prince was the man step years ago last time there were allegations of abuse by u.n. peace keeper whose conduct add review of the whole system.
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so his comments i think will be interesting. >> banned some journalists entrance to the country a couple of first european games that are due to start on friday the oil rich nation is hoping the event will put it firmly on the world map but there's a rising tide of criticism over the rights record. for a small country bet etchner for it's oil reserves than it's prosperity, these are feeling euphoric. >> i believe the games will change opinions in europe, and it will become recognized around the world. because athletes are coming from 50 countries. 6,000 of them in fact, competing in 30 events the official price tag is around $1 billion but that's just a fraction of the amount that's been spent transforming the
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capitol. the government want withs to create a big impression, image is everything last month a fire in this paramedic block took a shine off the celebrations. it raises questions about negligence, it was one of dozens given a facelift using a highly flammable material, and nepotism to ohave close links to the president who lost everything in the blaze and grandchildren are still recovering from smoke inhalation wants to know what happened to $15,000 worth of promised compensation. >> the president has given the order for us to receive this money but somebody is not listening he finds out he didn't get it, he will punish them hard, i know that for sure. he seems concerns speak volumes about corruption.
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popular cartoons have lampooned the authorities for lavish spending on the games at the experience of safety officials have banned some journalists from attending the games. they have just one with purpose, to cast a shadow over the success it is not just disrespectful it is about disrespectful from society. we will show them that the main is meaningless. >> showing --. >> al jazeera. >> emma hughs is an editor at the magazine red pep ear few days ago she was arrested and detained for 12 hours. >> the official reason they
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they didn't let you in. >> and said that they had to check some things and that should wait. and would not be allowed to enter the country in which point i was put back into detention. >> did you tell why you why. >> they didn't give me any reason i mean i can have a guess, both in my writing and also in my other job at platform london, i had been very outspoken about and represcription and b. role in supporting that repression and enabling the regime there. all right, now authorities say there is a western campaign to distort the image to hijack what is supposed to be a northing event what motivated you to go was that
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in fact your mission? not at all. what motivated me is the people that i got to know, while i have been working there, people and incredibly courageous creative campaigner who founded the sport for rights campaign, which worked to highlight political prisoners. three weeks after he founded that campaign, he found that he was one of the political prisoners. he was put into jail, he has now been sentenced to 25 years in jail. there are a whole generation, academics, lawyers bloggers, activist whose are all now in jail because of this regime. and that's what motivated me. >> presidential aid said all they have a rule of law uh but these people have fallen
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foul, they have broken rules rather than them being political prisoners how do you respond to that that's a farcical response. the president tweeted that today just after he had banned the guardian from travels to cover these games they want no criticism is during these games at all. courageous journalists. and he has worked to expose the corruption which goes right up to the family. >> if you look as these trials you will see that it is completely allowed to give the evidence. now the french prosecutors.
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>> compensation. a pilot andrea wasn't fit to fly. >> they are saying he is concerned that he is going flying which caused him huge anxiety. relate today his doctor on march 10th and he said that he only slept two hours a night, and sought help to get to sleep and he doubled his dosage of anti-depress sents he also mentioned his fear of becoming blind he had a long appointment with his doctor, that said that the diagnosis was a threatening psychos sis accompanied by poor eyesight. the battle against isil is taking center stage, it is a new festival in iraq's capitol organizers are hoping performances will educate entertain, and reflect what the fight means for the country.
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isil has banned all forms of artistic expression in the territory controls they call this the first theater festival again terrorism held at the national status in baghdad iraq it seems the fighting against isil cultural territory. these events are rare, but the organizers want with to take a staged against isil, however, iraq's in death and the war against the group is training ever limited resources organizing this has been a tough challenge. >> it was very hard to put on, we had no money from the government or the ministry of culture because of the budget deficit, we reached out to the artistic community and they funded the whole thing. it took us four months to secure the under thing but everything has been generous. the message has capture fire department imagination of baghdad residents and family whose have risked the
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security situation to be here. >> i came with my family because i wanted to show that terrorists they have not won. and blood spit by our soldiers has not been in vain we support them. >> . >> semibroughting those who are fighting isil now sectarianism is visible here. >> more by design than accident the three main groups in iraq are represented here, as well as iraq's minorities p both on stage and in the audience. tonight is a celebration of the rich culture heritage and a homage to those people fighting isil. what it isn't is about politics. there is no sek tame, simply a message from the artistic community, against those who are traded to divide iraq.
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getting the news from the people who are affected. >> people need to demand reform... >> ali velshi on target weeknights 10:30p et >> welcome back let's recap the headlines here. now to negotiators are no closer to a deal. two greek prime minister says he is still working to reach an agreement with the creditors but negotiators. the body of former iraqi ribster is now in the iraqi of the government snatched from baghdad international airport, the body was taken minutes before it was to be loaded on to a royal flight,
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bound for aman. china's former domestic chief has been sentenced to life in prison on corruption charges he was found guilty of abuse of power, and leaking state secrets. saudi military sources tell al jazeera two of the soldiers have been killed in an attack by houthis forces from yemen it happened in the saudi city near the yemen border. the fighting has also left 27 houthis fighters dead. for more now on our top story those negotiations on greece's debt. good to have you with us, what do you make of the i. m. f. walking out of talks and going back is that the end of the road. >> i don't think it is, but it is pretty dr. t maic, there are significant differences there are as we read what has come out of the various delegation whose were there, some issues to do with tax, of course, still and
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also mentions and -- yes absolutely and labor laws and that's quite an important aspect but i suspect a lot of what is going on is reaction to the greeks and systems. once again which hasn't happened for a bit to link any negotiations and releasing the money and reforms that they have to do with tieing the creditors with them looking again and saying something quite sort of positive about renegotiating the group debt and perhaps inch doing write offs so by linking the reforms with a fundamental rethink, about the enormous debt basically renegotiateing the bail out. >> maybe but wasn't necessarily the bail out. >> because there is this huge debt. >> right. >> the greeks can't -- if the president looks at the growth rate, they have not service for the longer term.
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and if they are due to service this huge debt, then they would have to be continued to put measures in greece. not only from the i. m.f. but even from the e.u., is this -- are things really looking slim for greece to reach a deal and avoided -- >> everyone -- when i was in greece, everyone thought that this was doing negotiations and also the european way in the sense that everyone would with stick to their lines and then at the end of the day you have some agreement and then all is fine by everyone compromising a bit. now it seems to me that just looking over the last four months there's been no movement. almost from either side, they have offer add little bit more in terms of opening up the professions that have change add bit but fundamentally they haven't moved and interestingly
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beneath very the europeans so the goal to me is just as big as before. what is the worry is at the end of the day that is keeping the banks going is going to say enough is enough we can't can support them so we will say no more, andless something happens to make the people negotiating with in the this case the greeks, agree to the form ands that i think where we with are now. the issue in some ways has always the card cans and it can can force some negotiations to take place by simply withdraws assistance. >> there's also a point here, most people most analyst will tell you that it is very difficult, if not impossible for greece to pay back all the debt, at some point there
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will need to be debt cancellation, what is wrong with with doing it now? well, it is partly, because nobody is going to want to admit that they just won't get the money back. exactly when they would want to but the truth is if you look at what is going on right now with payments to the bank, and repayments to the imf. once those go, and there is enough money given to be able to do it, then you end up with just having some longer term debt which doesn't need to be repaired you don't vern to pay the interest. so there is time to renegotiate. and would leave that aside for the time, and get the agreements so the economy can normalize again. not necessarily specifically made but at some point they would have to look at the overall debt. >> here is looking for something to take to his voters.
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the head of social media platform. for company treated news of it's c.e.o. departure says they would act at interim c. e.o. although the company didn't give a reason after six years at the helm, he was facing pressure from investors for slower than expected growth in recent months. he will remain on the board of directors. going to step down as the head of the twenty-first century towards the end of the year, murdock is widely expected to hand the role. >> they will discuss leadership in suggest session after the net meeting. environmentalist in the u.s. state of west virginia with have secure add victory in their campaign against coal
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mining by mountain top removal using explosives to blast off the summer of the mountain. they have long argues the practice is harming the environment. now several big banks say they are pulling their money out of the project. >> this is the ground we are standing on. >> another mountain in west virginia that will soon be blown up. just a few hundred meters from the state forest and the appalachian mountains the depressions creating by mining companies searching for coal. >> what we are seeing here will be taking down to near that level. >> but in recent months several banks have announced they will no longer lend money for the detonation of mountain tops. these documents the devastation of an extraction that appealed to mining companies for it's cost effectiveness. why some thousands of workers underground when explosives can can do the job with a
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dozen. >> i never get over seeing this. every time i look at it as just as devastating to my soul as it is to the landscape. >> mountain top removal is a particularly dangerous form of mining. toxic dust, billows into neighboring communities-velocity metals leach into water sources and the test nateed layers of rock are pushed into nearby hills and valleys. >> the life expectsy for people that live here is one of the low nest the entire united states, of any demographic, and it is all the a as a result of this. it is information that he took to the shareholders meeting of several banks after groups managed to get in proxy attendance rights from sympathetic shareholders. when i take a stack of studies and say here is the science, how we are injuried
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and how we are dying now always the history is shown that the sign shows up first, and then the lawyers are right behind it. what will happen when the attorneys come, they are looking for deep pockets the deep pockets are you how much of this are you willing to take. >> the strategy is effective as the coal industry comes under threat from climate change regulation, and fuel services an a share diversement movement every time a bank gets out of this, if it's too big for them, maybe it is too big for us. going after the banks instead of the mining themselves was a novel strategy but it is making real progress al jazeera, west virginia. >> the leaders are meeting in nigeria's capitol to fight
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boko haram the nigerian president and made defeating the arm group the top priority he has called should remain in command of any joint military effort, instead of the suggestion six month rotation structure between five nations. south korea has report add further 14 cases of middle east respiratory system. bringing it to 122 so far the virus has claimed the lives of ten people, the outbreak is the worst to date outside the middle east, more than 3,400 people remain in quarantine more than 1,000 schools and capitol are to be fumigated by the end of the week. division and austrian authorities are investigating allegations of signer spying at hotels hosting the iran nuclear talks. a cyber security firm says the technology involved was so sophisticated it must have been created by
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government. iran and six world powers are trying to seal a deal on the nuclear program by the end of the month. teachers are on strike for the 11th game. including a euphroe plot of land. assumed the campaign as nicole johnson. >> a strain on the fragile education system. >> there have been no classes at kabul's largest high school for other a week. corridors are quiet and classrooms empty. on the steps oif school it is rowdy, teachers are on strike. government officials are trying to convince them to go back to work. they are not listening and the strike has spread. >> we want our salary, we want to distribute the land. >> during last year's election campaign, the
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president promised that within six months every teacher would receive a free plot of land. the government says it is doing something about the teacher's demand, the minister of education can is here and he is giving away 300 plots of land on the outskirts of kabul. >> the process of distributing land is continuing in the provinces we have $13 million to meet teacher's demands like overtime pay and bonuses. this is some of the land, rocky, undeveloped and a one hour drive from kabul. the government is more land than people, vast land, i am hoping it isn't just on paper but is real. >> not everyone is so optimistic. these teachers have more than 30 years experience each, and earn $120 a month.
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>> it is just for show. we don't know when this will happen. how can we build a house with this salary. and then deduct the cost from our pay. students are out of school. it is closed and there are no lessons. i am sad about this because i am in third place in my class. al jazeera, kabul. landslides have triggered dozens of people in the mountain region. the area had escaped serious damage during the recent quakes which killed over 8,000 people. 21 bodies have been recovered but it is estimated three dozen people are still missing.
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the riskiest areas have been evacuated. to chili now a major roads have been blocked in the capitol after athletes. >> chill layian president want withs to bring public schools under national control and make university free students and teachers want a greater say in retomorrows the protests coincide is with the stop of the america soccer tournament. the effects can be seen all around.
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>> more than 20 years he says water levels are usually twice as high. >> look at this and seeing that the river level is just over three feet, and here we are it isn't even summer yet and we are looking at warmer temperatures. it just tells me how much of a drought we are really in. they can cut con can sumpsion by 25%. it is managed by the federal government but the park is appealing to visitors not to waste water. >> everybody is very conservative, if we have left over water bottles we are not throwing it away we are using it for coffee in the morning. so there's just little things you can do to conservative. >> the the trout isn't just effecting nature, tourism has
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also taken a hit these visitors are going on one of the last trips of the season, with outings ending a month earlier than usual. >> when the water gets down to 1.5 feet that's when the wattser not enough flow, the algae starts to grow in the river, and the rocks are starting to protrude out. you have to get out and pull the raft, so we stop at a foot and a half. >> people are bracing for another parched summer, and as beautiful as this is. the resigned from the position at the british university following comments that scientists out to work in gender segregated laboratories. when he made the remarks about women's saying three things happen when they are in the lab you fall in love with them, they fall in love with you. and when you criticize them, they cry.
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the 72-year-old bio chemist won the nobel prize in 2001, he was an honorary professor at university college. >> quite interestingly you look at the history of computing, women were quite well represented in under. >> graduates. and then in the 1980's, computers come into the home they just drop off the map and now there's very few numbers going into computer science, and not because women can't do it or don't do it it's just been seen as a male thing to do. you look at other parts of the world, there's a lot of women in computing because it does haven't that reputation, so people are making decisions all the time about what they want to do with fire lives what they would with like to study and these say well this isn't for you
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and this is, dust strongly influence what people think they can and can't do. >> well, there are apparently a lot of women who have not been discouraged by the comments and inspired something of a twisted storm female scientists from around the world have been posting picture under the #distractingly sexy. showing themselves at work in their laboratories. >> it is worth noting all of this is happening on a day when a female european space agency set a new record for the longest time sent in spice by a woman. the fellow astronaut and cosmo not returns from a 199 day mission on the international space station. christopher is degrees in mechanical engineering and aeronautics. it was longer than expected because of a failed launch in april. >> well, still ahead the best golfers on the european tour are looking forward to next week's u.s. open, find
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billion dollars. >> this is their dirty little secret. >> all right welcome back, let's catch one all the sports news. >> thank you very much. the 44th cup digs off in chili. first played in 1916, it is the word's international competition, some of the games biggest names will be playing including sanchez. but the event has been overshadowed by the corruption scandal.
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now. >> the highest quality. >> that is certainly the case you may be able to see behind me. and a short time they will be the opening ceremony. >> . >> the football overshadow of what has been going on and certainly the plan, not to give the fans the opportunity to shout abuse and even their own president or the south american football officials with the hope that it is the football is that try jumps in the end. back to the world cup last year, and is exciting time.
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>> well with there is certainly that great expectation here, them we aware. and upsetting actually but they haven't won the tournament. but they are well aware of the fact that this is their big opportunity. with with the likes of sanchez playing so well, they can builden oit what they achieved in the world cup last year, but they feel ready for it, great expectation among these fans the three group games the chili rah playing will be playing in the national stadium behind me, where they will get the biggest crowd and if all goes well they will be there for the semis and the final. they are well aware of the fact that they are here, brazil have won the last ten games to they will be tough competition, but let's say the hope and expectation is there that chili can win the first ever cup.
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>> really quickly who co you fancy, brazil and argentina? you can never rule them out. whow do you fancy. >> columbia -- i have to go for argentina in this one. you can never write off uruguay, and swarez is not going to be here, suspended serving the suspension for biting an italian last year, but yeah, i have to go with argentina. >> look forward with to it all, thank you for joining us. between december this year and february next year, it is announced the executive committee meeting and an extraordinary one to finalize that presidential date, will be on july 20. meanwhile, the director of communications and public affairs at fifa has suddenly
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left the organization. with the man left to face the media after that wave of arrests last month he has been fighting an increasingly impossible bat toll protect the batters reputation of football's world governing body amido claims he was sacked by the outgoing president. secretary general thanked him in a statement and said fifa was grateful for his hard work. it was a world cup qualifier and infished 11-ny north korea one. this is one of 14 asians on qualifiers that has been played on the road for the 2018 world cup. hong kong scored seven, and is the other result is fill teens beating 2-1 in group h. there was disappointment for india, beating 2-1 at home. who opened the scoring after
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20 seconds. india pulled level and the visitors from the gulf always have their class, and they won it with a the penalty start that was scored. elsewhere a resounding victory, a goal nine minutes into injury time, gave them victory confirmation yemen were beaten by north korea on their return to action, and saudi arabia peat palestine 3-2, and their goal was four minutes into injury time. one of the great footballers of the last two decades has officially started to move the phase of his career into qatar. he has joined our set he signed an initial two year contract and will do some coaching as well as playing. >> a lot of reasons firstly i get to keep competing secondly a brilliant coaching like the juan i have
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done in spain before. that's great for me and my teammates. thirdly as a global ambassador it makes me happy to be an ambassador for the 2022 world cup. my contract is to be here for two years so those are the three main reasons. synchronized swingers have been injured on the eve of the european games. this after a shuttle bus hit them on a payment inside the heats village, one of them 15-year-old suffered multiple structures and has returned to vienna for treatment, one of the three has been able to return to the athletes village, the austrian committee said it was deeply shocked. 6,000 athletes from 50 countries are due to compete at the event. shot a seven under par, 65 to
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lead the winner from three years ago likely to do so a seven over par with a shot of the day his second shot is deferred and it goes in for an eagle. but it is birdie by 2 after day 1. roof fall nadal turned his attention to golf, and got back to winning ways after his disappointment on the clay. a had earned three set victory over marcus the spaniard needed two hours 40 minute day two of the test was washed out leaving india threw 239 to that loss, better weather for the test against west indies and australia. during taylor to remove both australia, and didn't con can seed the run in the first six overs.
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responded with a century partnership, australia has moved on still returning three for four, with schmidt 126, not out they won the first test. finally the stanley cup series has leveled off the chicago black hawks beat tampa bay in game four theyen worker it in front of their home fans it was 1-all going into the third period. the win tore make it 2-1. just behind the gap the black hawks were able to hang on thanks in large part to their goalkeeper. who made 24 safes including a crucial one late and that's all the sport for me. >> thank you so much. you can find much more on our website as you head over to web address, we are back at the top of the hour with another full bulletin of news. and don't go too far.
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another day of talks renders no results. officials say this is their last attempt at striking a deal. >> this is al jazeera live from london. also coming up, china's former security chief can sentenced to life in prison for bribery and abuse of power. u.n. report finds peace keeping tools regularly trade goods for sex, with desperate women. and a chance to see inside the mind of a 20th century
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