tv Weekend News Al Jazeera June 13, 2015 7:00pm-8:01pm EDT
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with a revolutionary new technology >> there de-watering the ground... >> this is the first time anybodies done this before >> techknow's team of experts show you how the miracles of science... >> i'm standing in a tropical wind storm. >> can affect and surprise us. >> wow...these are amazing! >> "techknow" where technologyrachel dolezal approximately this is al jazeera america, i'm jonathan betz in new york. here are today's top stories. the gunfight in downtown dallas a heavily armed lone shooter ambushes police. with war ranging in eastern ukraine, the u.s. is one step closer to sending heavy weapons to other european countries. >> america can't succeed unless you succeed. >> hillary clinton makes her
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case for president human rights group shedding light on young girls forced to marriage cuba remembers the bay of pigs - now preparing for another kind of invasion tonight we start with the shoot-out in texas. after midnight gunmen attacked a dallas police department with bullets and bombs. it led to a chase, hour-long stand off, negotiations and fiery ending. it started south of downtown dallas in a heavily populated neighbourhood filled with restaurants, bars and apartments. melissa chan is live with more. what is the latest? >> well we are standing in front of the dallas police department. earlier they took us past the yellow tape to look at the crime
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scene. we looked at the front floor, the front of a lobby where the glass - you could see the bullet holes and a vehicle where explosions took place. the entire vehicle, the front took place. you get major standoffs of this size. how often does it happen where the actions start at the front of the police department headquarters. >> reporter: the blaze of bullets in the night caused such chaos at first that police officers thought they had been attacked by multiple gunmen. it was one lone man who rammed his armoured vehicle into police cars. before leading officers on a car chase. and then a standoff.
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>> this was an on again-off again negotiation. he would get angry during negotiations, hang up, stop talking. he would rant for a while, not having a conversation, and rant during the conversation in hutchins. at some point negotiations ceased. at 5:07am our swat snipers shot at the suspect in wilma hutchins, the front windshield... >> reporter: that's the dallas police department headquarters. how often does a police department of a major city become a crime scene? we understand the gunman shot through the ground floor lobby, second floor and police in vehicles. no one was hurt including officers seated here blitzing through the windshield into the seat. >> some officers say they are lucky, i believe we are blessed
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officers survived the deal. there are bullet holes in swat cars where officers were sitting there are bullet holes in the front reps where the stapff was sitting. a member walked away to get a coke. if they had of been there they would have been killed based on the trajectory of bullets. >> reporter: three bags were found, one contained explosives. one went off when moved, the other detonated by the bomb squad squad: erica and jeremy live next door. >> there was bullets, yelling "get inside the house" and the van shot inside the police station. >> it was something we... never witnessed.
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>>..first time we have been through that. that's the most exciting on the whole street. it was a lot of action. we had front row seats. >> like a movie deal. >> reporter: in the end a police sniper killed the gunman. it took hours to secure his vehicle. it had been booby trapped with explosives. just to give you an idea. the fiery vehicles you saw. challenges for police. they were looking at the vehicle, trying to figure out and assess the situation for hours. the suspect at that time stopped communicating, and they believed he had died from the sniper bullet. they couldn't confirm they were looking at the windshield and talking about breaking it with bullets, shooting at it to break the windshield and get a front view of that driver's seat. so, you know in terms of suspects himself, officials - police have not provided official confirmation of who that person is. we know from statements provided
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that they do not believe the motive was political and this incident was family related. something about this lone gunman and a child custody battle. >> melissa chan live in dallas. thank you let's talk about this with darren a retired n.y.p.d. law enforce. expert. this is a complex attack. how difficult would it be for someone like this to pull off on aggressive attack? >> you have to look at the dallas police department headquarters. the fortification was soft. when we look at new york city 1 police plaza, you have guard post fortification is strengthened. it allowed the individual to come in and commit the attack. >> is it a mistake for a police department to have lobbies that people can walk into? >> it's fine but there should be a perimeter.
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this may appear to be an aberration, but the department has a responsibility to protect their own. >> are police department building stronger departments. putting in bulletproof glass and other measures like that. >> i wouldn't go so far as bulletproof glass, but a perimeter, checkpoints, making individuals let's accessible to commit the act. we have someone in an armoured vehicle, crashing into police cars in front of headquarters. >> since there was no officers injured in this fortunately, having things like checkpoints, and things that are expensive, it can take up more real estate. >> protections need to be put in play. because you have two types of people coming to police headquarters. one, victims of a crime, and, second people that are arrested coming to pick up property. when you look at this
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individual, he was upset over domestic violent issue, some kids taken, something to that effect. he felt he had an axe to grind. the police department was the focus. >> in was an issue, people with mental illness, and how people are able to get access to firearms. what can be done to prevent things like this happening, and better track individuals. >> it's a slippery slope. we thing about background steps. you look at a state like texas, it's easy to purchase a firearm. background checks conduct for individuals in the purchase of firearms are non-existent in a place like texas. firearms are accessible to the public in a place like texas. >> the fact that he had pipe bombs, clearly they did not detonate. are you surprised by that, is it difficult to get the materials to build pipe bombs? >> not at all.
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it's easy to construct a pipe bomb. when we look at this incident a pipe bomb was placed in police headquarters. an officer was tripped over and could have been blown up. pipe bombs are simply to create, and you can place them anywhere. here in new york we have a statement. you see something, say something. the same could hold true throughout the cores of the rest of the -- course of the rest of the country. >> when you see a pipe, any unknown able to. you have to make the notification to the proper authorities, one of the pipe bombs - there was a robot that removed one and it exploded. >> i was sfruk by that how -- struck by that how sophisticated they are, i didn't realise they could take apart the vehicle as they probe inside to see what is going on. >> in a new wave of technology, the robots are of an essence.
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working in the n.y.p.d. i have had instances where there has been devices whereas the bomb squad retrieved them with a robot. same holds true in iraq. they are confident in the task they perform. snow and a useful tool. >> absolutely. >> retired n.y.p.d. expert. thank you for your time. >> hillary clinton held a first run for president pressing many buttons firing up the liberals. search income quality among others. and focused on her family. >> that is why i'm running for president of the united states. >> reporter: in front of a cheering flag-waving crowd, hillary clinton made her case for winning the white house. [ chants ]
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>> reporter: throughout her 45 minute speech the former first lady, senator and secretary of state balanced populous promises to build a fairer america with personal history. >> my mother taught me that everybody needs a chance. and a champion. she knew what it was like not to have either one. her own personality abandoned her and by 14 she was out on her own works as a housemaid. >> reporter: again and again she returned to drawing strength from her family, especially her mother. >> she would remind me why we keep fighting even when the odds are long and opposition fierce. i can still here her saying life is not about what happens to you, it's about what you do with what happens to you.
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so get back out there >> reporter: it's part of her campaign's plan to reframe her personae as more of a hard-working woman, and less as a cold policy warrior, and wowed to tack the climate change and financial reform. while republicans have been taking shots at her age, clinton embraced it. >> i may not be the youngest candidate in the race, but i will be the youngest woman president in the history of the united states. few needed convincing that the time has come. >> we are here to see history making. >> and the idea of hilary as history maker was one with cross-generational appeal. >> are you excited to see a woman running for president? >> yes. >> do you think she can do it? >> yes.
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>> do you think it's important to see a woman in the white house. >> i think it's apparent if a man can be in the white house, a woman can be too. >> it's a beautiful park. dedicated to the nation we want to be and in a place with absolutely no ceilings. up until today hillary clinton's campaign focused on smaller events today you have more than 500 members of the media, and thousands crowded into a landmark that on a normal day what receive a hand full of visitors. what did you think of the rally? >> i came in undecided about who to vote for. i think hillary is running the campaign for 2016.
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and should have run in 2008. >> reporter: driving home the theme of family when all was said and done hillary was joined on stage by those who might just be the most famous family history let's bring in michael shure, our al jazeera political correspondent, he's in los angeles. good to see you. a lot of people buzzing about the speech did she accomplish what she set out to do. >> absolutely. this went as well as it could have assuming that she didn't see paul beban's package, where you saw the gentleman come out undecided. if that kind of - you know i was kidding about it if that message resonates with voters people that didn't like her as much voting for president obama against hillary clinton, that's what he wants.
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>> what do you think will be a hard selling point for her as she moves forward? >> i think specifics will be a selling point. when you have a big field for the also ran, not just the democrats and the republicans, to get specific it's difficult when you are the front runner, for fear of alienating a block of voters it happens to the favourites, it's difficult to be specific. if she is able to get her message, and connect with voters as she did today. it's june, we have a long way to go. that'll be good to do. >> mrs. clinton brought up her family talking about her mother as well. is this a calculated effort to show a different side to hillary clinton? >> i think it is. you have to assume that anyone forget hillary clinton, anyone would learn from a defeat. ronald reagan ran in '76, and won. these things happen all the time in politics you learn from what
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you did wrong. that's what she is doing here when you are in a race like she is with bernie sandiers, o'malley, you'll address the liberals, the progressives she's doing today, she coopted some of their message. yesterday bernie sanders said he would never nominate a supreme court justice in favour of citizens united. what does hillary clinton do. she says "i would want a constitutional amendment to overturn citizens united", taking an issue away from the liberal wing of her party saying i want that myself that's what the party wants. >> she moves to iowa and gets the campaign in a full swing. how much of a challenge will she face from democratic contenders. >> she'll face a bigger challenge from bernie sanders, people will know these people in
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iowa. dick didn't do well there, howard dean people with big factions - whether it was union, liberal or young or yoifrty voters. that will happen in iowa. but, when they want to send somebody, the democrats in iowa like to send someone to the rahs who could win the race. they have done it before. in that regard and with the organization still in place, it will be difficult to defeat her if the playing field stays as it is. >> it's early, the caucuses are many months ago. thank you so much for your time. >> thank you so much. tomorrow we look at political dynasties in america, would sa bush or clinton in the white house hep or hinder. join us for "the week ahead". the u.s. is planning to prevent n.a.t.o. with a proposal to send heavy weaponry to
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eastern baltic states. daniel lack joins us. what can you tell us about the proposal daniel. ? >> we know that it exists, the proposal exists, it appeared in the "new york times" as a leaked story. it's significant. the on the record comment that they made to al jazeera is the u.s. military has increased prepositioning of equipment in europe for some time. they are not saying whether a decision can be made. it will be taken to the u.s. secretary, to president obama and n.a.t.o. itself. a significant step because it is putting equipment in states that russia considers to be within it's not quite sphere of influence. the baltics, and the eastern european states. >> the focus is russia what reaction do you expect from vladimir putin of. >> vladimir putin has been saying, you know it's insane to
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do anything to rile n.a.t.o., he can be expected diplomatically rhetorically to have a problem. the states were cleared of u.s. and n.a.t.o. forces and weaponry, and it represents a return to a presence there, if not soldiers immediately, their capacity, tanks, infantry vehicles and so on. vladimir putin has an eye on a bigger and longer game. it's a move. probably his reply will be symbolic. there's a long way to go. >> live for us in washington. thank you. >> fighting wages ron in the ukraine, despite a 4-month ceasefire. ukraine's military says six of its soldiers were killed and wounded in the east of the casualties were the result of landmine and shelling by the
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pro-russian separatists. rebels accuse ukranian forces of firing across a buffer zone and killing civilians. >> straight ahead, back to iraq. american veterans on the front lines, volunteering to fight i.s.i.l. from africa to south-east asia why are so many girls forced to become wives? why some partly blame the weather.
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six guantanamo detainees have been transferred to oman. the men were held for more than a decade without a trial. the detainees were classified as low risk and killed. president obama promised to close the prison and his administration transferred out nearly half of the prisoners. the u.s. government has been clear it no longer want american soldiers fighting in iraq. for some, the threat of i.s.i.l. is too great to ignore. former u.s. soldiers are returning to the battlefield,
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volunteering to fight. zeina khodr spoke to some in southern kirkuk. >> reporter: they once fought in iraq. years later they are back. this time they are here on their own. these men used to be in the u.s. military. a few months ago they came to the north as volunteers, to help the iraq kurds fight the islamic state of iraq and levant, and brought their experience with them. >> so you can guarantee that this field is laden with i.e.d.s, they utilize ghosts a lot, what we call ghosts, hidden snipers, they could be out here, in the trees, in the bushes, or crawling up to us now. >> reporter: they are a small unit, but the kurds welcome any help they can get. that's what the former soldiers say they want to do. >> i just thought it was the right thing to do. i saw a lot of the atrocities
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happening via the news, the slave trade. the beheadings. i found a group helping to facilitate the travel of westerners, called frame. it's disbanded now, but pretty much is a group i utilised to get here. >> reporter: since arriving the volunteers have come face to face with their new enemy and experienced what they described as a deadly force. >> they have a lot of volunteers from different countries, a lot are prior military service. they understand flanking, basic battlefield tactics. >> reporter: the men have military experience, but don't have the weapons to match i.s.i.l. the arms they carry are good for urban warfare, not a battlefield like this one, where it is open to terrain. >> this is realistically only good up to 200 meters. these are good up to four, if you have a nice one. >> reporter: the volunteers operate in southern kirkuk. this sector is controlled by the patriotic unit of kurdistan. one of the two kurdish parties in northern iraq. the american volunteers are not
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welcome on other front lines. the iraqi government doesn't want foreign groups on the ground. this doesn't concern the men. they say their decision to come is nothing to do with politician or money. for these volunteers, they say it's not a job, it's a duty. they say the islamic state of iraq and levant is a danger to the world, not just iraq. the u.s. has been bombing i.s.i.l. from the skies, and has ruled out deploying combat forces as part of a strategy to defeat the group. the americans who are on the ground don't represent the government, but say their presence is a message that troops are needed if the war is to be won. not all of the volunteers have served in the military. earlier in month deon broomfield a man from massachusetts was killed fighting along side the kurdish troops the first american to die fighting i.s.i.l. courtney kealy looks at foreigners fighting on the front
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lines. >> reporter: chanting martyrs don't die, supporters of the kurdish militia, the y.p.g., bid farewell to deon broomfield. the 30-year-old massachusetts man died in battle in a syrian village, and is probably the first american killed fighting alongside the y.p.g. along side i.s.i.l. broomfield's body was received at the tuckish border. >> what is interesting is the state department has not cracked down or spoken out against these forces. they are not well equipped. yes, it is dangerous, people do die, and i imagine that there's going to be more casualties as more people head over, and more skirmishes take place. the syrian observatory for human rights says more that 400 volunteers joined to fight
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i.s.i.l. >> keith broomfield, i'm from the boston area. my mother is donna father tom. >> reporter: broomfield joined the fight on february 24th. >> i'm here to do what i can, to help kurdistan, with everything going on it seems the right thing to do. >> reporter: friends and neighbour say he had no military experience, but went to fight i.s.i.l. because of his religious faith. condolences were offered to the family. >> she's upset and shaken up but she has a strong faith. in her words, he's in god's hands now social media like facebook office information and encouragement for foreigners that want to join the battle. this is a group that welcomes foreign fighters to join in a fight against i.s.i.l. it's illegal for kurds it recruit foreigners. according to some from the
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peshmerga, some have been turned away. it doesn't stop people like broomfield prepared to die for their faith saddam hussein's top aid was buried in jordan hundreds gathered for the funeral of tariq aziz. families worried about attack. he was buried in iraq. he was saddam hussein's right hand man and decide of a heart attack in '79 tunisians kidnapped, 10 employees taken captive when militia stormed the embassy. libya is in turmoil with two rival governments fighting for control. still ahead, teenage girls forced to marriage. the problem of child brides and how widespread it is. gun rights expanding in texas, where people can now
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welcome back to al jazeera america. here is a look at the top stories this half hour n.a.t.o. has a plan to send heavy weaponry to eastern europe. in an attempt to deter russia making aggressive moves against their neighbours. the baltic states have asked for protection in the light of crimea and eastern ukraine hillary clinton giking off a second run tore the white house kicking off her grassroots campaign promising to fight for workers a violent ambush in texas ends with a man killed. police attacked the suspect with guns and bombers. after a standoff, they were fired on today in texas, the governor signed bills into law to make it easier to carry guns including
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on college campus courtney kealy has more. >> reporter: governor greg abbott signed the open carry in campus bills on saturday. campus carry allows licensed gun owners in texas to carry concealed handguns on college and university campus including inside dorm and classroom. supporters had been pushing for this legislation for several years. because the wide opposition from top universities in texas, it gives colleges the ability to create gun-free zones. and private colleges an opt out. >> it allows people to sprelent themselves and those around them -- protect themselves and those around them. it gives them the opportunity to even the odds. at the university of houston, students have mixed reactions. >> it is scary to me. it's a powerful weapon you have
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in the backpack. you can misuse it. >> reporter: open carriers allows a handgun to be carried anywhere. some businesses can prohibit guns in their storm. open carry goes in effect on jan 1st, and campus carry, australia 1st, 2016. in upstate new york the massive manhunt for two escaped convicts continue. 800 officers hunt for david and richard. they were moved to a cell in a different country. joyce mitchell appeared before a judge, pleading not guilty. she smuggled power tools for those inside the correctional facility investigators released a report into the death of tamir rice. rice is a 12-year-old boy when shot dead by a police officer. the report says that the friend
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that leant rice the pellet gun warned him to be careful because the gun looked real. moments after the shooting the gunman told investigators he had no choice. despite that, there was no hard evidence that the officer ordered rise to raise his hand before firing. few places in the world is child marriage a bigger problem than in bangladesh. the government promised changes many fear they are going in the wrong direction. >> as bangladesh's economy has grown, poverty has dropped. still the united nations says about a third of bangladeshis are poor forcing girls leg this to marry young. she is 14. two years later, she has a daughter. >> translation: what could my parents do, they couldn't feed me, they gave me away.
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two-thirds of bangladeshi girls marry by 15 and two-thirds by 18. >> in bangladesh the situation is exacerbated by natural disasters, such as river erosion, cyclones flooding. what happens is livelihoods are washed away by the rains and the rivers. in bangladesh there's a perfect storm where natural disasters and poverty fuel the cycle of child marriage. rising river waters rushed away the family home. >> translation: so we moved to another property and built a home there. a few years later the river took that house away. >> translation: my parents would have never let me get married. they had to. we became poor. >> reporter: activists blame child marriages on social pressures and a lack of family planning. the prime minister promised to end child marriages, critics say the government has not done
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enough, and tried to take a step in the wrong direction. >> surprisingly we found there was a government initiative to lower the age of the child of a marriageable girl. and the plan is to lower it to the age of 16. activists say it increases the risks that girls face by marrying young. >> what is so sad is pretty much every girl we spoke to said their lives had been destroyed by marrying so young, to have babies at 13 and 14. a lot suffered physically and psychologically because of that. >> some faced domestic abuse, and many have to drop out of school. >> without educating girls, we can't educate our next generation. >> reporter: she hopes her younger sister will have a chance to study, get is job and make her own decisions. statistics show 700 million
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women alive were married as children one in every three girls in the developing world. if nothing changes by the end of the decade, estimates are that 142 million girls will be married. the highest rates of child marriage are in africa and south asia, niger is at the top of the list. three out of four young women were married before they were 18. chad and the central republic are tied at second place, and the rate in bangladesh is 65%. they have the highest percentage of brides under the age of 50 here in the u.s. there's no official statistics but a 2011 survey found 3,000 cases of reported or suspected forced marriages involving girls under the age of 18. >> in some parts of ghana, 40% of girls are married before the age of 18. it's widespread made worse by tradition, culture and poverty.
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some people are working to change that. >> reporter: this girl finds it hard to speak about what happened to her. she tells me her father took her out of school when she was 14 to prepare her for marriage. some of her family members were angry when they saw her talking to a boy. >> reporter: she is back in school. it's been a difficult time. she got pregnant at 16. like many young girls, she thought that was the best way to get someone to take care of her financially. this person runs a non-governmental organization that works with young girls in the northern region of ghana,
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she and her colleagues mentor and teach girls about their rights and rescue those forced into marriage. >> if we do not find a way to let children stay in school and complete, certainly we are going to still have a lot of dropout of school. a lot of women, economical empowered not to talk about representation and decision making. this is a farming community and a poor region in ghana, many believe in order to marry off their sons they need to offer up daughters regardless of their age or whether they are in school. the government admits that until recently efforts to tackle the problem have been ineffective. >> we agreed for a period of three years to start with there'll be action. so community engagement is ongoing, working with institution, like the police
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the social welfare that decide services. we are doing it jointly. >> these girls know where to go if they need help. they want the government to fulfil promises to change attitudes across the country. joining us from washington is a senior director at the international center for research on women. good to see you tonight. so we have seen the effects on the young girls. what kind of impact can these child marriages have on the societies, on these countries? >> yes, thank you for having me and tackling this important issue. child marriage is first and foremost a violation of human rights. what it does is typically take a girl out of school. she's married to someone she soften doesn't know who is
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older, and it puts her health at risk. girls married young have sexual activity young, and have early pregnancies, and repeated pregnancies. they are out of school away from peers and social networks. they are not gaining the skills they need to engage in society and contribute to their economies. they are subject to more violence than girls married later because they are violated within their households their husbands their in-laws and this of course, has harms for them and their societies. and their are economic costs. if the girls are not educated or engaged in contributing to the societies and economies, we lose their engagement in the labour force and productive value they could have. >> reporter: as you look at the issue across the planet. are you seeing areas where countries or governments are
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making improvements and are cutting the numbers of young girls forced into marriage? >> yes we have seen significant changes over the past decade for the positive. so on the whole on a global level, child marriage is declining. middle eastern and naff ka is doing -- north africa is doing the best job. latin america and caribbean is a region you rarely here about when talking about child marriage, but the rates are steady, while most other regions decline while we see rates drop in other countries, what is behind it is it is case of the counties coming to grips with it or is it families don't feel inclined to marry off children because economies are improving. >> the more the economy grow typically you see girls and women in the labour force.
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it's a question of gender equality. in societies where girls are undervalued, seen as lesser than boys, and men in their communities, you see practices like these that continue to take place. in some of the countries that made improvements, you see policies, not just laws as you have in bangladesh you see the laws implemented to prevent girls being married. and you see parents and communities recognising the value of their girls, and the value of education, keeping the girls in school, and the value of keeping them in jobs and equal members of society. those are the trends that we have seen. the fact is that child marriage takes place off over the world. 51 countries somewhere a prevalence rate of child marriage of 25% or more. that means that in 51 countries on every continent a quarter of the girls have been married before the age of 18.
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it's context specific. what works is going to be different between countries and within countries to prevent the practice clearly a huge issue affecting many over the planet. numbers are stunning when you look at some of these countries. susan petrone, director from the international center for women. thank you for your time. >> thank you for having me ready to rule but not retire. a look at the ageing supreme court. >> and we are dealing with flooding severe weather and a new storm that could become a problem as it makes its way to mexico and texas.
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you are talking about more rain for texas and oklahoma. >> that's right. we have seen flooding past flooding at the end of the week. i think coming up oklahoma which has had extraordinary flooding in may, may get more. we'll get into that in a moment. this is what we are looking at now in terms of where the warnings and the watches are in terms of flooding. the areas in blue and parts of utah in red. you can see colorado has a bit of flooding warning and watches in effect. take a look at video coming in out of denver. this was the end of the week the denver area. in some hours we were looking at two inches per hour falling in the area. of course that is too much for men of the drainage and sewers to handle, causing a lot of problems on the road, and a lot of problems with the businesses in that area. we have seen denver get a bit better over the last several hours, but take a look at the rain we are seeing in western colorado, as well as all
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the way to parts of new mexico. for parts of colorado the big concern is to the west and south to der anningo, where the watches are in effect now. in terms of severe weather, new mexico and texas. the storms are beginning, watches and warnings are out for severe thunderstorm warnings - that means hail and gusty winds. we don't expect to see tornadic activity but expect it to move east through the next couple of hours. tomorrow the same threat is in the area. the rain threat we talked about with jonathan we'll watch for that in oklahoma. as we go towards sunday and as well as monday you see the dark green areas. more rain falling in that region. we have a storm system that potentially could develop here towards the peninsula.
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as we go through the next couple of days we'll watch it carefully. the models have it crossing the gulf of mexico which is warm. as it hooks, we could see the system make its way to texas. we are into hurricane season two weeks. the supreme court prepares to hand down landmark rules, some observers raise the appellanty that one or more -- possibility that one or more justices will soon expire. the timing could have an impact on the court's future. >> reporter: of the nine justices on the supreme court, four are over 75 years old. anthony scalia 79, anthony kennedy, a sent rift 78. steven brier at 76. and ruth bator ginsburg a favourite, is 82. >> she's the oldest member of the court, and there has been a lot of pressure on her from
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liberals to think about retiring this year. there has been pressure in years past also so that president obama would have a chance to name her successor the theory is if a republican wins the next election and ginsberg has to retire her replacement would inevitably be more conservative and shift the court to the right. as it stands with ginsberg the court has four retirable votes. to the right, led by chief justice roberts, there are four reliable conservatives and the wildcard in anthony kennedy. appointed by ronald regan, kennedy has been the swing vote on some of the biggest 5-4 decisions. he cast the deciding vote in case upolding abortion employing affirmative action and giving the 2000 presidential election to george w. bush. >> if justice ginsberg retired
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and a republican president replaced her with a conservative there would be in almost all cases five conservative votes before you get to justice kennedy. >> reporter: justice ginsberg was panted by president rooeg jan, and has seemed tired. at this year's state of the union speech, she seemed to fall asleep. she blamed the episode on a few glasses of wine before the event. she told friends and interviewers, that despite heath scarce, she is feeling great. >> i think i can do this job as long as i can do it full steam. when i begin to slow down i think i will know. hasn't happened yet. >> reporter: the last supreme court justice, john paul stevens left the court at age 90. by all lents the job has prestige, great hours, a long
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summer vacation and provides the judges with tremendous intellectual stimulation. >> for many buying a supreme court justice, as you get past the traditional retirement ages it probably feels like it helps to keep them sharp. supreme court retirements are usually announced at the end of the term and gives the president a chance to name a replacement and resume hearings in the full. the counter supreme court term is slated to wrap up at the end of this month. >> tomorrow night, host of "third rail," imran garda has a guest debate whether shorter periods maintains shorter elections. >> two election cycles ago if we had a short campaign season, we could have elected jed edwards and found out all the horrible things we found out about his
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fallantering and character. >> test of character. >> but there's doubt date i believe there is... ..i believe there's something to be said for giving the americans a long period of time if they choose to pay attention, to get to know the candidates and know what the candidates stand for. we have a question going on and on and i suspect we'll here it through 2016 where people will say who is the real hillary clinton. when will we find it out. she's been a public official for decades. >> i argue part of it is a journalism problem, that journalism. i agree there needs to be a strong vetting process. and in this country it's weak. we have a long campaign season we have a lot of stenography, learning about the candidate, it means taking a picture of
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a lot to do this weekend. del walters with the next hour. >> this past week the house of representatives repealed a law about wheat labelling, seems innocent, but it's not. they want to get rid of the requirement that all meat be labelled without the country of origin, it's more about country or origin labelling we'll take a deeper look in the next hour the u.n. peacekeeping missions stretching around the world. there's a report saying that some of those peacekeepers are trading goods and services for sex cuba's embassies could open
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as earlier aas next month. there has been a boost to the coastline. that stretch of sand fended off americans. some cubans are looking forward to this invasion. >> reporter: there are beaches like this across the caribbean, here on the south coast of cuba, nothing looks unusual. this is an infamous stretch of coast. it is a bay of pigs, emblazoned on cuban identity. in april 1961, mercenaries backed by the cia made land fall here, aiming to reverse castro's ruling. it was a total failure. the invasion smashed. invaders surrender. it bolstered fidel castro's position and set the scene for the cuban missile crisis. it's a victory marked across the island. signs of the intense animosity between the two countries litter cuba. this one says the first defeat
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of yankee imperialists. in latin america. you have to wonder how this new relationship will develop. at the museum, tourists looked back on one invasion while the island braces for another. they reckon 2 million u.s. tourists will descend on the island as soon as the door is fully open. for those in the business, an immense opportunity arrives. >> the u.s.a. will be the first trading partner of cuba in the next 10 years when things get better. >> imagine not only a flood of american tourists, but american investment in the tourist infrastructure, for example. we don't call them imperialists any more. it will be good not only for me, but the cuban economy. but it's a big challenge for cuban operators, tourist
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operators, we have to be ready. >> already, numbers of american tourists are picking up. coming in before things change. >> money rules, eventually i think it will be american. i don't think there's any way you can stop it, if the government joins. >> reporter: things moved slowly in the 54 years since the bay of pigs incident. now, suddenly, cuba has to work out how to defend its identity while embracing the benefits brought by a modern day american invasion. thank you for watching the finally a birthday fit for a queen. 1,000 soldiers marched and flew overhead to celebrate the birthday of queen elizabeth the ii. marking the 26th time the queen has attended the trooping of the guards. a record. she was joined by the family
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including 22-month-old prince george. that baby stole the show. dressed for the occasion and a bright blue outfit. that's not him. the same outfit that prince william wore to his first balcony showing 30 years ago in 1984 when they were about the same age. the legacy continues. that does it for us tonight. i'm jonathan betz in new york. stay here, the news continues with del walters. thank you. this is al jazeera america i'm dell waltiers in new york with a look at the top stories. we are watching a developing story out of pentagon. reports of perhaps to send heavy weapons to eastern europe as a message to vladimir putin ambush in downtown dallas a lone shooter goes after the city police. >> that is why i am running
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