tv News Al Jazeera June 15, 2015 5:00pm-6:01pm EDT
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maybe freddie gray didn't have to die. >> is there still a blue wall of silence in american cities? >> did somebody get shot? fault lines baltimore rising only on al jazeera america this is al jazeera it isthis is al jazeera. >> hello there i'm felicity barr and this is the newshour live from london. coming up. sudan's president al bashir flies home flouting the international criminal court. kurdish forces say they have driven i.s.i.l. out of a key border town. talks over yemen open in
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geneva and after delay the houthi delegation are finally on their way. plus, jeb bush confirms he will run for the republican nomination for president but why no surname? >> you know who is still at fifa and intep sepp blatter could stay if there is no credible candidate for his replacement. >> hello sudan's president oem al bashir is back in his home country. bashir arrived at the capital khartoum. flew out of the johannesburg earlier on monday. johannesburg's high court is to
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investigate why he wasn't kept in the country. he is known on an international arrest warned and wanted by the international criminal court claiming he committed atrocities during the darfur conflict. more details from johannesburg. >> the south african government has five days to respond. bashir was in south africa for an african union summit. allowing for his arrest by the south african government, despite that, bashir left on monday and since then a high court has said south africa's south africa's conduct has not been consistent to that. in line with south africa's
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sentiment as well as with the african union to say it wants to pull away from the international criminal court where bashir wanted for crimes against humidity. >> and earlier a representative told barnaby phillips that they are looking into whether south africa flouted the directions of the international criminal court. >> which they ignored with impunity. >> and that has been made very well to them. now it would be for the chamber of the international criminal court whether there was a noncompliance by south africa and whether such a finding is made it should be conveyed to the united nations security council for any measures they deem appropriate to ensure this cooperation. >> but sudan's foreign minister
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was critical of attempts to send bashir to the icc. >> translator: these attempts are meant to disturb ar our harmony and we believe that the sudan government will have a firm, strict instance against any country taking such a decision. simply for this and that, it is a matter of sovereignty. we are a sovereign state the president is elected by the people of sudan. and you have been all following all these statements of lame and meaningless. >> executive director of the global center for responsibility to protect which focuses on protecting populations from genocide and crimes against humanity. thanks very much indeed for being with us on the program. given that south africa has been earlier indicated that they
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would be willing to turn over bashir how surprised are you? >> a little surprised and disappointed i should say. this was an opportunity for south africa to be send the message to the world that it stands by the be icc c.c. and the commitments it's -- international criminal court and the commits it's played to international criminal law. i don't think it's been a good day for south africa but a pretty good day for icc which shows he can run but cannot hide from the indictment of the international criminal court. >> the african union has made it very clear that it believes the icc is biased against africans and doesn't want to be able to hand over any africans to the
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ike. does it mean that any african nation wouldn't be prepared to arrest bashir and he will arrest be able to escape arrest? >> i think the world is getting smaller and smaller for bashir. let's keep in mind a lot of these african union states are part of the international criminal court, 34 of them. keep in mind six of the eight case he involving africans in front of the international criminal court were actually referred by those african states themselves to the international criminal court. so there actually is a lot of support for the international criminal court as well and when we talk about africans and whether it's antiafrican or whatever, what about the.200,000 people that have died in darfur, and the international criminal court believes that bashir is responsible for those deaths.
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>> let's remind folks what it is that bashir is accused of. >> well the indictment is for genocide crimes against humanity in the early 2000s in an estimated 200,000 have died, that war is still going on. there have been u.n. security council resolutions that haven't been fully complied with. although the icc indictment is focused on darfur, also in sudan is the great neglected atrocities in the world the situation in blue nile, again as in darfur, the owner court is engaged in prosecution of crime against civilians. >> isn't this a huge set back that they firmly believed i guess that south africa would be
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prepared to carry out that order and they would be prepared to hand him over? this is a set back isn't it? they're no closer to getting their hands on bashir now than they were yesterday. >> yes it's a.disappointment, clearly a disappointment, let's be slum clear bashir went to south africa on the understanding that he would be operating on impunity, at the end of the day he had to cut his visit short and exit by the back exit and it's not clear how he got out of the country and he had to leave under threat of possible arrest. that's not a good day for him. i think i.t. shows the sense of international justice is -- it shows the sense of international justice is growing. >> thank you very much for joining us from the u.n. in new york. >> thank you. >> thousands of syrians have fled across the border into
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turkey as kurdish forces against the islamic state of iraq and the levant. tal abyaz. and reports from the turvegd turkish side of the border. >> these are fighters from the syrian kurdish ypg. their flag now flies over this border crossing. the three week be assault by the ypg to talabyad, have helped the ypg push through. the price these people is have paid are homes turned to rubble. >> we lost our home ten days ago. fierce fighting forced us to leave to save our children.
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before that life was okay. >> we were terrorized by i.s.i.l, we left because of the heavy bombardment from all sides. but i'll never go back. in there you die 100 times day. >> the ypg has had talabyaz in its sights as a strategically important connection between tushed border and raqqa 80 kilometers away. i.s.i.l. have now lost control to the only route to their city. this is the fourth time that turkey has opened this border, most people have waited at least 24 hours to get through they are carrying everything they can manage. for the most part they are looking releafd to relieved to have mate id played ithave made itthrough.
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>> more than two years ago. and for the kurds it means for first time, control of an increasingly large area of syria territory along the border with turkey. bernard smith, al jazeera turkey. >> most refugees even when they reach turkey, have a struggle to survive. kim vanel reports. >> the main street of the refugee scamp lined with life. young gamers play inside. next door, older ones do the same. several beachseveral barber shops peens means there's be competition for a close shave.
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not all are convinced things are looking up. heaven is four years old has siblings, her playground is a tent. >> when i took her to the hospital they just gave us something to clean it with and sent us home. that's because they don't have enough medicine. >> there's just one health center for the 10,000 mostly kurdish syrians who live here and one personand most persons share one toilet between ten families. is this scamp was set up in august 2013, but there used to be many, many mors. the camp stretched for as far as you could see here. the government started moving them on building them permanent accommodation in another part of the compound. >> there we immediate mohamed his three daughters and their
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wife. their home has a kitchen a modest backyard and a walled toilet they don't have to share but building a life he says requires more than cement. >> in the past when we first got here it was fine because i worked very hard and had a very good income. 800 to $900. but now i can't find a jab. i can only find enough work to earn maybe $200. >> reporter: mohamed's experience is a common one. most syrians refugees are illegally allowed to work but in iraqi kurdistan unemployment is rising, more than a million have flooded the be autonomous region autonomous region. >> they were given more facilities and wert chance he. asylum letters residency permits and there's nothing to make their life more difficult everything is getting easier for
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them. >> reporter: with the kids in school many parents have no plans to return to syria. believing life is or at least will be better here. kim vanel, al jazeera northern iraq. >> be amnesty international had described the situation as grossly inadequate. report by the human rights group say 4 million refugees are be struggling to survive in turkey, jordan lebanon iraq and egypt. almost 2,000 have decide so far this year. and hundreds more have decide in southeast asia answer andeman sea. ae-mainly rohingyan muslims. global issues and research, amnesty international she said in the case of syria it's
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imperative that international help is made available. >> most of the refugees from are syria are currently living in just five countries neighboring syria and the international community has not provided resettlement places outside that region anywhere near the amount that need to be resettled according to the u.n. refusing agency. the refugee agencies isn't funding this either. the u.n. appeal was only 23% funded so you have countries like lebanon struggling to cope with more than 1 million syrian refugees but not getting support from the international community. that's what we're looking to change. >> still to come, a top commander is killed. 800 years after the plag that carta one community is
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struggling to survive. lee will have details on world cup news later. but first u.n. sponsored talks aged ataimed at ending the conflict in yemen. as hashem ahelbarra reports the pressure is on all sides to agree to an end to the conflict. >> reporter: the united nations secretary-general was hoping to meet all factions in yemen's war. that didn't happen. because the houthis and allies of former president ali abdullah saleh were stranded in djibouti. they missed the first day of the talks in geneva because the egyptian government refused permission for their plane to fly over to switzerland.
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for ban ki-moon the gathering is a crucial opportunity to pull yemen from the brink of disaster. >> today yemen's very existence hangs in the balance. while parties bicker, yemen burns. the parties have a responsibility to end the fighting, and begin a real process of peace and reconciliation. >> reporter: ban ki-moon called or the a two week truce to allow for delivery of aid to the needy. >> unless they are stopped all fighting on the ground. unless they release all hostages prisoners.
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>> meaningful talks will start when the houthis arrive in geneva. for now neither the houthis nor the government seem to be willing to make concessions. >> we are not happy with this burden of taking the security matters in our hands. who is going to fill in this vacuum? this state institution police and army are not able even to protection themselves. -- to protect themselves. >> fighting continues across yemen. in the city of ta'izz, force he loyal to president hadi said they repelled a houthi offensive. the united nations feeshz fears all out civil war if the talks collapse. they don't seem to have a united approach on how to sof solve the country's problems but all agree the situation must end. hashem ahelbarra.
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al jazeera. >> investigating sexual abuse and exploitation by u.n. peace keepers. the report which was widely leaked last week alleged what the u.n. workers widely pay for sex with women using cash anden goods. in 2003 it placed a ban on peace keepers paying for sex in countries where they were deployed. well earlier we spoke to stefan de ja jarek. >> peace keeping is a situation with those member states who give us the troops. the u.n. has no legal authority over those soldiers. so once those soldiers go back home after they may be expelled it is incumbent on those countries to help us track down what is actually happened. have they gone to court have
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they gone to jail? have they paid a price for crimes they've committed? it is the secretary-general's intention to name the countries of origin of troops who have committed sexual abuse in his next report that's coming out next year. but again the relationship cannot be adversarially it needs to be a -- adversarial it needs to be a partnership and a lot of the responsibility falls on member states. >> the former florida governor jeb bush has launched his campaign for twean presidential election. both his father and brother were presidents and he is the be bookies favorite to win the election. record amount of money to fund his campaign. the election to succeed barack obama is still 17 months away. >> the presidency should not be passed on from one liberal to the next.
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so here's what it comes down to: our country's on a very bad course and the question is, what are we going to do about it? the question for me -- the question for me is, what am i going to do about it? and i've decided i'm a candidate for president of the united states of america. [cheering and applause] >> live now to al jazeera's andy gallagher who is in miami for us. andy what else was in jeb bush's message to his supporters? >> well, if there's one sound byte to take away from his first speech of his campaign it's this. jeb bush said pretty early on i know that i can do it because i've already done it. what he's talking about there is his two terms as florida's governor where he said he created jobs, he created common core values in schools, no child
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left behind, and really, really that's what he is running on, running on experience as two terms florida governor. this is a man who's now seen very much as a moderate within the republican party and as you look at his campaign poster, you it says jeb. no notice of his family name. that's good for some people and bad for others because of the bush legacy. but he did talk a lot about america's direction and the direction he will take. he didn't say that president obama was weak on foreign policy that he wants to take control away from big government and go down to spaller government. it was obviously a rouseing be rousing campaign at miami dade college. he is married to a hispanic
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woman, within the party he is seen as a moderate, someone who wants immigration reform, someone who is soft, on it not on his own ten other candidates some of whom are much younger. in the weeks and months ahead he will have a hard time. just last week he had a shakeup in his campaign group he fired some people and rehired some people. a couple of weeks ago he tripped up on a question, he would have raidiraq as his brother would if he had the information he wouldn't haveth vaided, the bush legacy is one of the biggest challenges he will face. even before the campaign started today jeb bush has repeatly said, i am my own man and he's got a long way to prove that's the case. >> he faces many other people of course in the race to be the
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republicans nominee. but he is among bookies favorite and we could see yet again a bush versus clinton campaign for presidency. >> it is, and frankly that's disappointing a lot of people, that amongst the two parties there are in this country that all we can possibly do is come up with a clinton versus bush. of course hillary clinton's husband served as president and of course jeb bush's father and brother served as president. there is this dyanistic question of yet seeing another bush in the white house. has to convince republican party members that he is the candidate that's best suited to win in 2016. that's a difficult battle because of the issue of immigration reform. 20 people got up and made a lot
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of noise protesting immigration reform. i'm going omake these people happy, i warrant to give 12 million people a pathway to citizenship. that's not going to sit well amongful republican voters. >> andy thank you very much. >> niernlings, killed in the northeast past of part of the country. -- nigerians killed in the northeast part of the country. boko haram has been behind similar attacks in that area. at least 20 people have been killed in a series of explosion in chad. witness he say suicide bombers on motorcycles simultaneously tacked two buildings in the capital agina. chad has taken a leading role in regional efforts to confront boko haram. update from the capital.
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>> the explosions happen in two places at chadia information capital. national police headquarters was attacked by suicide bombers using motorcycles. the chadian authorities believe the attack was carried out by the group boko haram. this is the first attack carried out by boko haram in chadia information capital since chad joined the original campaign against boko haram. al jazeera anjemina. >> kenya says it has killed an al shabaab commander believed to be responsible for an attack that was responsible for the death of 60 people. >> some of the images in her report are disturbing.
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>> people in pekatoni queue in a mob, to view fight are who were killed. one of the dead was a kenyan who also led a series of attacks that started in pecatoni about a year ago. a british national has also been identified. thomas evans converted to islam when he was 15 and came to fight alongside al shabaab 74 years ago. thousands of people have come to view the bodies. the air is thick with a stench. now, the government says the reason the public viewing is going on is so people can help in identification but also to boost public confidence in the ability of security forces to deal with al shabaab. symon's brother was shot zed during the attack, along with seven other men. >> translator: people here did not believe that the government
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was doing enough to pursue those who killed our loved ones last year. today we came to see four ourselves and now we go home feeling that we are being protected. >> more than 50 gunmen planned to carry out multiple attacks. these are some of their weapons. security forces are pursuing the gunman who escaped into the forest which stretches all the way into somalia. >> situation is ongoing. we cannot relent, we can't sleep and we can't even say we are calling over the cooperation. >> esther came to this memorial plaque put up to honor those who died in last year's attack. her husband for 30 years was band in his car. croints catherine soycatherine soy.
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>> a reminder of the top stories on be the al jazeera newshour. bam in khartoum, omar al bashir hoped to have him arrested and sent to the international criminal court on war crimes charges. fighters from the islamic state of iraq and the levant, kurdish forces are reported to have taken most of the border town of tal abyad. u.n. sponsored peace talks in geneva have been delayed because heubts be were detained
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in djibouti. >> explain house how sudanese president omar al bashir was not detained in south africa. >> sudanese president omar al bashir was wanted for war crimes. despite a high court order that he should stay in south africa until it rules on whether or not he should be arrested. >> the impact of his leaving can be regarded as defeeting the ends of justice or committing continualcontempt of court because he is member of you united nations apart from being a member of au and being a head of state his country is part of the united nations. >> the court has now ordered the
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nation to investigate why he was allowed to return to sudan. the government chose to ignore the resume of law in favor of an agreement with the african union that sitting heads of state should not be arrested. this is in line with growing au sentiment that the icc unfairly targets african states and lacks credibility. >> this is 2015. it is not 1715. the concept of a european funded ngo trying to enforce a european directed european funded courts, trying to force black africans to send other black africans back in chains, that is afternoon incredible sort of travesty. >> the au plans to set up an african court of justice.
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be. the zimbabwen dollar, have becoming collector items. a small fortunate compared to the 40 u.s. cents the central bank is offering for same amount. hyperinflation peaked add 500 billion percent back in 2008. a rift is growing over australia and's supposedly bribing people smugglers. >> did australia pay smugglers to return these asylum seekers
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back to indonesia? asked to confirm or deny such allegation the australian prime minister refused. >> what has been done to stop the boats. >> but stopped by bribing smugglers? the allegation is that six crew members on a boat carrying asylum seekers were paid $5,000 each to turn around. >> we spoke to the boat passengers in the group and they did confirm to us that the australian authorities did pay money to the boat crew. and if that was in fact the case and they were turned back wa away into the open seas it would go against everything that we are advising and urging states to do in this type of situation. >> reporter: turning boats around means not hedge helping asylum
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seekers on board. >> such payment if true could become an incentive for fishermen in indonesia to get into arun for cash to help asylum seekers. >> probably breaches international and australian laws although any prosecution would probably need to be led by australia's government so it's not likely the happen. >> there's a question of legality or right or wrong on any face of it this would be wrong. >> demanding answer he and summoned australia's ambassador in jakarta. >> i need the opportunity otalk to him because we are really concerned if it is true. >> indonesia has launched its own investigation too. would australia's government really pay criminals not to commit a crime? last week the very idea seemed
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ludicrous but the prime minister's nondenial and mounding suspicion e-suspicious are leading people to stay firm and to widespread dereiteration at home and abroad. andrew thomas, al jazeera sydney. >> students have returned to class despite the mers outbreak in south korea. 440 schools will remain shut. are students have been taught how to stop the spread of the disease. from the capital of seoul s-ahil rahman reports. >> the mers scare forced up to 3,000 schools and universities to shut their doors as a precaution. some parents seem cautious.
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>> i'm a little worried about classes resuming resuming but i hope our children can resume in a secure environment. >> teachers are looking for symptoms. lessons begin with an introduction as to why they have been off school. the aim is to reassure both children's and parents this they have nothing to be concerned about. >> schools are closed too long that would pose difficulties in running the school curriculum. >> reporter: thought every school's reopened. many more like this one kept their doors firmly shut. this is more than 400 schools that's closed across south korea. no case of mers has been reported in any educational establishment but while the mere suggestion of mers looms large some are taking their chances.
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it is here where the focus of attention remains the medical center in seoul one of south korea's largest busiest and most prestigious hospitals. being identified the center of mers the middle east respiratory syndrome. this city on high alert every precaution has been taken to stop the spread of the outbreak. some sports fans were undeterred. >> i'm not that worried about it. >> so far the virus is confined to hospitals medical staff patients and their visitors. the world health organization says there's no evidence to suggest that mers is spreading in the wider community or that the virus is mutating into one more easily passed between people. while doctors continue to keep a close watch on all infections all that everyone, young and old, can do is try ocarry on as
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normal. sahil rahman, al jazeera seoul. >> a north korean has walked over a heavily militarized border to defect to south korea. it's rare for north koreans to defect over the demilt tried demilitarized zone. hunger strike to protest against pension entitlements. they want the government to pay a uniform pension to personnel with the same rank regardless of when they retired. be liddy dutt has more from new delhi. >> these former indian service men say this hunger strike they're on is their last desperate measure. for more than 40 years many of them have been campaigning for one rank one pension which means
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they want officers or serving snelts whoservingpersonnel who retired at the same rank to retire with the same pension. they're still waiting to receive their dues. >> we will professional agitation. we will definitely go for action and that's not going to be in the interest of nation. >> consecutive indian governments have reneged on the agreement with former indian army service men and women. this has ramifications for the bjp party keep in mind it has eblalienated farmers between them these are millions of voters many of whom brought the bjp and
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prime minister is narendra modi to power last year. >> pentagon is deciding whether to store 220 vehicles which would include m-1 tanks bradley fighting vehicles and howitzers. is. the number of people known to have died in flooding in the georgian capital of tbilisi allowing animals to escape, one of the most dangerous was a hippo, who was tranquilized and returned. many other dangerous animals have not been found.
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catholic church in the french at this time of nantes has been partially destroyed by fire. no injuries have been reported, but the roof and rear of the church have been badly damaged. as many as 90 fivers were needed to put out the blaze. celebrations are being held here in the u.k. to mark the 800th anniversary of the magna carta. establishing the principles that no one is above the law and everyone is entitled to fair judgment under it. jonah hull is there near where it was formed, saying its freedoms are being infringed. >> an ecocommunity gathers around the fire. deem among the sycamore trees
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they live in home made dwellings, subsist off the land with well water and solar power. >> built by mary young woman of 26 years of age that built this beautiful, beautiful home. >> a short distance away at runnymede, it was a document that came to represent the freedom of the individual from the arbitrary authority of the monarch. it's a notion that is beginning to wear thin here as the owners plan to develop the land and this community faces eviction four years after they arrived. >> chief disciplinarian twist has put in this edict. >> this is tyranny, this is tyranny, this is an abuse of your power. >> sir i'm here to -- >> i'm delivering my message back to you. this is abuse of your power. >> the villagers say they face
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frequent harassment by the police. >> the establishment is stamping their feet over us in a way you think you'll free me? here is some of our law. and they're dirk it hard now. today we have been told we cannot have our celebrations by conestablishes wearing the crown. they're doing queen's work. >> across the valley lies windsor castle the queen's country seat. her majesty's laws viewed with disdain. >> i don't believe that anyone has the right to draw lines on amap and to decide that this is mine and this is yours. the land is everybody's. >> they're not judgmental. you go out there and you're judged so much from your class you know, rich people are judged, poor people are judged. and we're all equal. and this sort of environment
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enables that to be created. >> as magna carta celebrates its 800th anniversary in the presence of the queen herself it is unlikely the village will see its fourth. as far as the 80 or so residents here are concerned the arbitrary exercise of authority is alive and well. jonah hull, al jazeera runnymede. illustration of how reforms on the island are make it possible for artists to earn a real living. collectors from the u.s., europe and the middle east are buying up cuban art like never before. lucia newman has more from hooive. hooive. havana. a fake beach across the street along the city's main coastal drive. these installations and other works of art are cuba's highly
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anticipated 12th bianale. an international event, this year as never before cuban artists are taking center stage in these times of chain on the communist island. >> there were so many regulation is prohibitions and these situations are seen as drops of water on a very dry desert. being absorbed at lightning speed. >> today he has the freedom to buy and build his own studio. his latest paintings examining seductive relationship between many cubans and foreigners especially tourists. >> she is pure, beautiful but dangerous like a jellyfish. jester who seems so hospitable and can greet you in five languages but ends up selling you cigars and women.
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>> cuban art auctioned at sotheby's is. >> like so many others, in this year's bianale it refers to cuba's complex relationship with the ocean and it also refers to the tens of thousands of cubans who try to cross these waters to make it to the other side. >> michael uses american and cuban flags with empty bullet casings. to describe the birth of a new relationship. >> this is called fiesta, that's what we're living now wondering if it's really possible to be friends and not enemies. >> exhibited in his own studio
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>> the cops is a legalized gang... it makes me scared for everybody >> fear and distrust in baltimore... >> they've just been pepper spraying people at very close range... >> years of tension between the community and police erupt... >> she was on her way home to her kid, and she never made it... >> a former cop speaks out... >> if you had taken steps when a man was assaulted, maybe freddie gray didn't have to die. >> is there still a blue wall of silence in american cities? >> did somebody get shot? fault lines baltimore rising only on al jazeera america >> lee is here with sports.
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>> felist city thank you veryfelicity, thank you very much. a close advisor of sepp blatter believes he can stand for president again if a convincing candidate isn't found. advised blatter that he no longer officially represents him and this is his personal opinion. but on sunday, the person who is overseeing the situation reminded blatter that he needs to stick with the scrip. fifa needs to follow through with the change of leadership as announced. meanwhile, the man in charge of technical assessments of the 2018 and 2022 world cup bids says that qatar should be able to keep the bids. he's currently at the copper america in chile and spoke to al jazeera's daniel swirnld be swinld.
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schwindler. >> here we will face trouble. anyway, qatar has the right they won it and i can think we will do a wonderful world cup a beautiful one unless they discover something really, really wrong. but before that, i don't see they can take it away from that country. it is a country i'm sure they'll do their best to have a wonderful world cup but unfortunately controversy they have been unable to stop it. >> what are the fundamental values that fifa needs to rediscover to make it truly representative of world football and overcome this scandal? >> it is a very, very sad moment. but i think the is first one is transparency 100%. i don't know how they will do it
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but they need to do it. for instance, it's for me it's very clear. be we need to improve our democracy. if we don't do changes that have happened on the field, what happens on the offices but the credibility of the big organization would be every year will be worse and worse and suddenly there will appear a second organization and another one and then it will be very difficult to recover. >> the accreditation football federation is to face a hearing after a swas swastika incident. they have been charged with racist behavior after the nazi cross was imprinted on the pitch, and behind closed doors after crowd trouble. in the women's world cup
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two making their way through to the last 16. winnipeg finished top of of the group, germany beat thailand 4-nil, header from sal ifertionaalia satich. enough to qualify for knockout stage. norway safe to finish behind germany. they beat ivory coast and hegaberg. ivory coast is out of the tournament. with wimbledon only two weeks away roger federer's bid for another grand slam, off to a winning start again but less
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than convincing fashion actually despite a trick shot in the third set. it took two tie breaks to finish off general an contendedder. 7-6, 3-6 7-6. >> i waited to match point then i saved a break point 5-0 it's been a roller coaster at the first end. i'm just happy i could still go for defense of the title here. >> in london, andy murray rafa nadal, are three set crick ivictory as a fellow spaniard roberto agusta. golden state warriors are
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one victory away from winning their first are victory in years. leading by three games to 2. the final game is needed will be back on their home floor in oakland. and four days after three austrians were injured winning a silver medal 17-year-old twins came in second in the duets competition. the their 15-year-old team mate was the most severely hurt after being run over by the bus. she remains in an inseduced coma with spinal injuries. that's all for from me for now. i'll be back felicity. >> that's about all for me, i'm coming back with more of the day answer news, see you then,
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>> sudan's president bashir flies home from south africa, thwarting teams to bring him to justice in front of the international criminal court. hello again i'm felicity barr and this is al jazeera live from london. also coming up: thousands of syrians flee into turkey to escape the fighting and kurdish forces say they've driven i.s.i.l. out of a key border town. talks to end the war in yemen begin in
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