tv News Al Jazeera June 16, 2015 12:30pm-1:01pm EDT
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web address you can see our front page there with the lead story the court ruling upholding a death sentence against deposed egyptian president mohamed morsi and the international reaction from countries like turkey and others. we are back in just a couple of seconds. stay with us. >> deadly collapse a balcony gives wave at a late night party. investigators are trying to figure out how it happened. dangerous weather, tropical storm bill brings more rain and wind to water logged texas. he's running donald trump said he wants to be the next president of the united states.
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>> this is aljazeera america live from new york city. i'm john henry smith. investigators are at the scene of a balcony collapse in berkeley california. at least six people dialed when it gave way. seven more were hurt. officials are just starting to piece together what happened. >> the collapse happened before 1:00 this morning, tearing the front railing off the believe's fourth floor balcony. >> it looks like it struck the third floor balcony just below it. we don't know specifically how it's happened at this point. >> according to the ireland foreign minister a group of irish students here in the u.s. on temporary visas were attending a 21st birthday party. a police department spokesperson said many of the hurt have critical, life threatening injuries. the building is in the heart of downtown berkeley, blocks from campus.
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neighbors described the chaos when it happened. >> they are all trying to notify parents and things like that and cell phone activity is hot and intense and they're trying to figure out who was on the balcony and their condition. >> irelandles department of foreign affairs won't release the names. they are trying to contact their families. >> a new name in the race for president. >> ladies and gentlemen, i am officially running for president of the united states, and we are going to make our country great again. >> donald trump joins republicans vying for the white house in a long and wide ranging speech, he talked about jobs to immigration. he also said he will reimagine america's foreign policy and
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reform its health care system. for more, let's bring in michael shure in washington. michael, you can't say that that speech wasn't massively entertaining. it was aggressive and boastful at the same time the way politicians usually are. tell us what we can expect from trump the candidate. >> it was an entirely different kind of choreography than from jeb bush and hillary clinton this weekend. in effect, it was different. it was very trump in its execution. you have to go into what he talked about and said. people didn't know if he was going to run. there are a lot of skeptics out there. a lot of people say he's a showman and now he has to show with his ideas that he can move the country forward. >> trump has floated the idea of running for president in the past. why do it now? >> he did run for president in
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2000, for the reform party nomination and lost it to patrick buchanan. this is not the first time he's run for president. i think now it's because the chronology of his life. i think that he's done, he's had a lot of success he's well known. he has his ideas for what should be done about the problems plaguing the country now. on immigration he's talking about building a wall between america and mexico. has he ideas on obama care and he doesn't like it one bit although at one time in his career, he was for universal health care. he's going to have explaining to do but this seemed like the right time for him. he wasn't impressed with the field, with the field of republican canned dates. >> he used the term stupid a lot if i recall his speech from a few moments ago. >> yeah. >> there are questions over his finances. he had casinos go bankrupt in the past but today he displayed that he is still a billion air and very rich.
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why did he do that? >> he's going to have a file a disclosure, which isn't due yet. fox is demanding that be done before the first debate. he is doing it to answer questions and say he can finance a campaign and not take money from lobbyists and be a clean capped date, and get opponents particularly hillary clinton in a way to declare how many money she's worth and to have as much disclosure and transparency as possible. he has not yet released his tax forms and says that he will do that. >> michael shure, thank you so much for your time. should be a very interesting race. >> another vote, the president's fast track trade authority was supposed to happen today but pushed back because republican leaders are having trouble rounding up the votes to pass it. mike viqueira has more from washington. >> it's an issue that i guess splitting the democratic party in two and now the politics of
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the presidential race are bleeding into the debate over trade, threatening to derail a major initiative from president obama that he says would be a major boost to the american economy. >> i have said from the beginning, the t.p.a. is a process issue. the issue for me is what's in the deal? >> as the battle over trade rages with that the democratic party, monday in new hampshire hillary clinton left her position unclear. she called the bitter defeat for president obama in the house on friday a chance to make a better deal. >> i hope that we can see this time as one to take advantage of and try to make it stronger on behalf of our country. >> the democratic rebellion is coming from the base. rib release and unions, socialist senator bernie sanders has been out front drawing bigger and bigger crowds in ireland and elsewhere blasting the big trade deals the president wants and calling out clinton as he challenges her for
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the democratic nomination. >> i would hope very much that secretary clinton will side with every union in this country virtually every environmental group, many religious groups and say that this t.p.p. policy is a disaster. >> friday, president obama laid part of his prestige on the line with leader nancy pelosiy at his side, meeting with rank and time democrats to make a last minute plea for a streamlined process to pass through a deal. hours later she pull the the rug out. >> i would vote against it and wanted you to know where i was on that. >> the president is struggling to find a way forward, going over options with john boehner while the white house continues to make a public push. >> the president's determined to make sure that whatever the final agreement that it's clearly in the best interest of our national security and in the best interest of middle class
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families in this country. >> after president obama's bitter defeat, the plan was to move forward today for a do-over. the plans are up in the air. the votes are not there to mover the agenda forward. >> patricia is here to give us the big picture on what is at stake. what is fast track. >> it puts a trade agreement to an up or down volt and prevents lawmakers from going in web cherry picking out the parts they don't like or attaching other bills to it. in the case of the transpacific partnership, this is an agreement between the united states and other 11 pacific nation. makes this any lawmaker could jet tyson this or attach a provision, nothing would get done. >> can we say it is a procedural matter then? >> yeah, it is largely
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procedural. without fast track if you killed it or don't give authority to the president forget it. that kills the trade deals in its tracks. >> is it safe to say that this vote has become a referendum of sorts in general? >> it does feel like a referendum especially considering presidents back to nixon have been granted fast track authority to move trade deals through congress. what you have now is the whole concept of multi-national trade deals. it has to do with democrats are concerned about the jobs shifted overseas as a holt, and about wages. you also have concern about the impact on u.s. sovereignty because many now allows multi-national corporations to sue governments for regulation that could harm potential profits. >> opponents seem to have
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focused on the transpacific partnership, but really the impact is much wider grander. >> it is. we hear a lot about the t.p.p. and the president obama that put a lot of emphasis on it, but there is another monster trade deal right now the transatlantic trade and investment partnership. >> so many lovely acronyms. is the loss of aren'tty a concern on the other part of these agreements? >> it's a concern in the e.u. last week, the e.u. parliament had a debate and one of the big concerns is this investor state and are these tribunal able to sit above governments. it could have a chilling effect on financial regulation or environmental regulation. in the u.k., they are very concerned that this dispute
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mechanism could be used to try to private ice the national health service which is so beloved in the u.k. definitely concerns on the other side of the atlantic as well. >> ttyl, talk to you later. thank you so much for your time. >> an army veteran who jumped over the white house fence and made it into the mansion will spend eight more months in jail. omar gonzalez was just sentenced to 17 months. the judge said he will be subject to intersection for three years after he gets out of the jail. his attorney said gonzalez has a history of mental health issues. >> tropical storm bill has made land fall in texas threatening the flood battered state with as much as 12 inches of torrential rain. winds could reach 60 miles per hour. all this just three weeks since historic flooding in undated many parts of the state. kevin has more. >> late morning we did see
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tropical storm bill make landfall along the texas coast. the big problem with the storm is not only heavy rain, we're seeing thunderstorm activity up here past houston. it's those thunderstorms where we expect to see severe weather the possibility of tornadoes in the area a possibility. at 11:00 the national hurricane center put out its latest hurricane advisory where it was a tropical storm. it did increase in intensity a little bit before making landfall. the track hasn't changed too much over the last six hours. as you can see very, very close as a tropical depression towards dallas and making its way up on the same path towards oklahoma, as well as towards parts of illinois. it's that particular path that we are going to be seeing incredible amounts of rain, leading to flooding all along the central and east were parts of the accident. >> thanks very much, kevin.
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we're hearing today from rachel dolezal, the woman who stepped down from the spokane naacp amidst accusations are lied about her race. she told the today show she identified as african-american as a very early age. >> i would say about five years old. >> you began identifying yourself as african-american? >> i was drawing self portraits with the brown crayon instead of the peach crayon and black curly hair. >> in 2002, dolezal filed a racial discrimination suit against howard university, claiming the school discriminated against her because she's white. >> billionaire kirk corcorian has died.
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>> a third map is charged in an attack on a cartoon contest in texas, a federal indictment alleges the man hosted the two gunman in his phoenix area home in january. it alleges he provided the guns they used. the two drove to garland, the accident to attack the event featuring images of the prophet mohammed. police killed them after they opened fire outside the contest. >> the white house said
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al-qaeda's second in command is dead. a u.s. drone strike in yemen killed nasir wahayshi. u.s. officials say his death is a major blow to the group considered al-qaeda's most dangerous branch. we have more. >> wahayshi was among four al-qaeda members who luggaged al-qaeda in yemen in 2007. two years later it merged with the saudi arabia branch to become aqap with wahayshi as their leader. in december of that year, a nigerian man tried to blow up a plane in michigan with plastic explosives hidden in his underwear. aqap say they trained and funded him. wahayshi was and would to the most wanted list in 2010, described as a specially designated global terrorist whose aqap leader was
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responsible for recruiting members and allocates members to carry out attacks. under his leadership, aqap carried out attacks on yemeni security forces, including this one on a military post in 2013. the group also claimed responsibility for the attack this year on charlie hebdo in paris that killed 11 people. as aqap leader wahayshi rejected calls to join the islamic state of iraq and the levant, he'd spent many years with osama bin laden and remained loyal to al-qaeda to the end. >> the muslim brotherhood has called for a mass protest on friday egypt after a court today sentenced deposed president mohamed morsi and leaders of the now banned brotherhood to death. the court also sentenced mohamed morsi to life for spying for ho mass hezbollah and iran.
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>> death by hanging. this judge upheld the previous verdict against egypt's deposed president mohamed morsi. >> the court has ruled firstly that in presence, first and with consensus of opinion to punish each of the following defendants by execution by hanging. >> morsi along with other top leaders of the muslim brotherhood was sentenced to a mass prison break in 2011. the muslim brotherhood said the case is politically motivated. >> this verdict is a shocking one decided today and it's coming from a judiciary who is subservant to the military. i strides. the trials are groundless and
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there is no chance for any of the defendants to defend himself. >> in a separate case, morsi and senior brotherhood members were sentenced to life in prison on charges of spying for hamas hezbollah and iran. many question the independence of egypt's judiciary. the judge accused morsi of pursuing satanic goals and demonized the muslim brotherhood. some politicians say it is a trial of the january revolution which topple would mubarak. after mohamed morsi's overthrow egypt designated the muslim brotherhood a terrorist group. mass trials and death sentences were handed out to hundreds who support the group. rights groups, the u.s. and the e. uconn deem the the sentence and questioned its credibility. egypt's president al sisi said the judiciary is independent and he can't interfere. egypt is divided.
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many still support the muslim brotherhood, but many back using an iron fist against an outlawed group. >> an american killed fighting isil is being honored today believed to be the first u.s. citizen to die fighting isil. his family is holding a wake for him this afternoon. he'll be buried wednesday. broomfield was fighting as part of a syrian kurdish militia close to kobane, syria, when he was killed. >> still ahead the mers joust break. the illness is claiming lives. how it's also hearing the countries economy. >> as they get set to take on the u.s., the challenge women's soccer faces in nigeria.
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cause that is your job. >> only on al jazeera america. >> the fda has officially banned transfats in foods, saying they are known to increase the rick which heart attention. the agency is giving companies three years to fully take transfats out. most companies have already pulled them from products. the f.d.a. said consumption
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decreased 80% in the last three years. >> plasma treatment has begun for mers. officials are scrambling to contain the outbreak not only to save lives but to save the economy, as well. we have this report. >> trying to balance the books and pay the salaries, for this man, it's been a difficult month. his small boutique has seen a 90% fall in tourists and 50% drop in sales compared to the premers period. made to order leather shoes and clothes are sitting on the shelves. his main customers are staying away from south korea. >> there is no solution but to hope that the mers outbreak can be put under control as soon as possible. there is nothing we can do but wait and see. >> businesses from department
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stores to hotels are all feeling the effect of mers. some tourists and the public convenientiture into the shopping districts many are taking precautions. it seems those going out are doing so out of necessity and are careful about who they come in contact with. >> people to be more careful about having contact or coughing in public places. that's why i feel uncomfortable to go out in public. >> the tourist season will begin at the start of july and scenes like this are supposed to reduce worry for visitors. officials hoped to attract as many as 16.2 million visitors from japan china and hong kong. that seems unlikely now. the government is offering those visiting after june 22 full medical expense and complimentary health coverage should they catch mers and $90,000 if they die. government officials are eager to reassure anyone at home and
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abroad. >> support for the tourism industry really from mers can never be sufficient. we are taking two emergency measures. one is to provide assistance to the tourism industry and the other is to reassure foreign visitors that south korea is safe. >> some of those visiting the country now are not bothered by the situation. >> not at all. i think the chance of actually being i am effected with mers are to iny. there's more of a media scare than there is an actual possibility of getting the disease. >> the government decided to provide $64 million in loans to tour operators travel agencies and hotels experiencing mass cancellations. south korea is weeks away from its peak tourist season and the country finding itself a hard sell as a safe tourist destination. al jazeera seoul. >> bahrain sentenced an opposition leader to jail. he was arrested 16 december for
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holding a rally against general election he is. he faces four years in prison. bahrain is facing growing pressure to give shia muslims a greater role in the country. >> nigeria's women's club is one of three african teams in the tournament yet the women say they face major discrimination in the game the world calls football. we have more. >> she place for the football club and is excited that the national team, the enter tall consist are currently in canada playing at the fifa women's world cup but she and her teammates face many challenges developing their own careers. they say women's football doesn't get enough support from the football federation. >> what they give the guys, the girls are not even getting one third of it.
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