tv News Al Jazeera June 18, 2015 10:00am-10:31am EDT
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♪ on the run the manhunt is under way for a gunman who killed nine people at a south carolina church. ♪ i'm july and you are watching al jazeera live from doha and also coming up on the program. >> each displaced person is a tragic story. >> reporter: 60,000 people displaced by war and persecution and they do not expect things to get better. call for action against global warning and pope francis pushes for a cultural revolution to
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save the planet plus. >> canada's oil patch and looking at how low oil places is effecting places that have become reliant and some say too reliant on a barrel of oil. ♪ detectives are treating the shooting of nine people in a church in the southern united states as a hate crime. the hunting for white gunman after the attack in a historic church for black worshippers in charleston south carolina and erica wood has more. >> reporter: people were holding a nighttime prayer meeting at the emmanuel ame church when police say a lone gunman opened fire. >> looking for a white male approximately 21 years old, sandy blonde hair and he obviously is extremely dangerous. >> reporter: police have released these photos of the suspect, they say he had been in the church for about an hour with worshippers before he
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started shooting. it's a historic black church in downtown charleston and police and church elders were no doubt the motive behind the attack. >> i believe this is a hate crime. >> the only reason someone could walk into church and shoot people praying is out of hate. the only reason. >> gun, violence has to stop. >> reporter: the street people have voiced their anger about what appears to be yet another attack on the united states' black community. >> people are scared to talk about the real issue which is race. that's what we duck from and don't want to talk about the issues and they are here and in the community. people dislike other people simply by the color of their skin and what is bad. >> reporter: there has been a string of cases of alleged rights related violence in resent months including an individual are video showing police brutality at a pool party. community leaders in charleston stressed this must be a time to
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unite. >> stand in solidarity and prayer for members who lost loved ones tonight. >> reporter: jeb bush who started his presidential campaign was to appear in charleston on thursday but cancelled because of the shooting and twitter says our thoughts and prayers with the individuals and families affected by the tragic events in charleston and hopeful hillary clinton tweeted heartbreaking news from charleston and thoughts and prayers are with you all. people gather on the streets in solidarity for the victims and to voice the anger at the crime. police admit they have no idea where the killer is. local, state and federal resources including f.b.i. have been called in to help in the manhunt, erica woods, al jazeera. almost 60 million people worldwide were displaced by war and persecution at the end of last year, that is the highest
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number ever recorded. that's according to the u.n. refugee agency, 8.3 million had to flee in 2014 along and the conflict in syria is seen as a major factor that is roughly 42 1/2 thousand people have been forced to abandon their homes every single day. worldwide one person in every 122 is a refugee internally displaced or seeking asylum and turkey hosts under 1.6 million refugees that is around 11% of the world's displaced people, more than any other country in the world. since the fighting began in syria in early 2011 nearly 3.9 million people have been forced out of the country. here is what u.n. high commissioner for refugees antonia said. >> u.n. agencies and ngo and society we do not have capacity and resources to respond to such a dramatic humanitarian needs in the world.
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countries are showing an enormous solidarity with the people fleeing and they need financial support because they are having a dramatic impact in their economies and their societies. >> reporter: well bernard smith is near the turkey/syria border. >> reporter: so turkey has over taken pakistan to be the world's largest refugee hosting country, almost 1.7 million syrian refugees are now in turkey. most of them living with the turkish community and along the border between syria and turkey some 350,000 are though in turkish government provided refugee camps. we are now in the 5th year of syria's civil war and in the time the government said it spent $5.2 billion providing for and managing these syrian refugee situations and says it's still not getting help from the international community
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particularly from the european union and wants them to take more refugees. while the camps that turkey provides provide good accommodation, people are fed and there is education for children, many of the refugees there will tell you their lives are in limbo and want to be able to settle and a long time before they can go back to syria but in the camps work is difficult to find and need a sense of permanent to move with their lives. i.s.i.l. claimed responsibility for car bombings in yemen's capitol and dozens reports to have been killed that hit mosques near houthi rebel headquarters in sanaa and delegates from the warring factions meet in geneva where they are struggling to make my progress on a peace deal. catholic church in northern israel damaged in a suspected arson attack. the fire broke out overnight in the church of the multiplication
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of the loafs and officials near the see of galilee andrea -- graffiti on the wall and where christians believe jesus had a miracle. thailand has the first case of respiratory syndrome known as mers and it's a 75-year-old man who traveled to bangkok for treatment and dozens are being watched including his family who traveled with him and mers killed three more people 23 koreans died and in home and medical centers and doctors are doing all they can with the outbreak which began last month, discovery of new cases raised questions about the government's ability to control the spread. politicians in hong kong have rejected a beijing-backed election reform bill and would
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have given voters to directly elect leader in 2017 but could choose from candidates approved by beijing. adrian brown reports. >> reporter: after to days of intense and passion debate it all ended very quickly and chaotically. the government supporters and legislature voted with their feet and walked out of the chamber ensuring a comfortable majority for their opponents. the government's plans were now in tatters. >> translator: at this point i feel painted and disappointed that the political reform plan has been vetoed. i cannot predict when hong kong democratic document development can step forward again. >> reporter: politicians who spend years campaigning for full democracy voted down the chances for more of it. the opposition say the motion they rejected offered hong kong fake democracy to select the next leader but with no more
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than three candidates vetted by beijing. >> the community is deeply split split. it's very sad. there are half who support it and others oppose it. >> reporter: the government's disheartened supporters knew it would be a formality because they didn't have numbers and for now hong kong leader will be appointed by a select committee generally loyal to the government. >> when it's elected by 1200 people they will start screaming why wasn't there universal sufferage and have themselves to blame. >> reporter: this is the last chance for democracy but the proposed fell well short of what the main opposition parties were prepared to accept beijing had already warned there would be no more political concessions. it was either this package or nothing. it's been a tushrbulent few years
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and the strain of the difficult and complex relationship with china. the streets were occupied. there were violent confrontations with police, all in the name of what they call true democracy. which after today seems further away than ever. >> occupied for 70 days we still can't get consultation for sufferage. >> reporter: no winners here a relentless war of words between rival groups left a political stalemate and simmering anger, adrian brown, hong kong. finance minister says it would be a catastrophe for greece if it leaves the euro and it continues as financial system gather in luxonberg and failure to reach a deal will set greece on a painful course towards default and the euro exit. pope francis called for radical change in human behavior in
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order to tackle climate change. the leader of the roman catholic church urges of all faiths to save the planet for future again generations and replaced with renewable energy and says time is running out for humanity to address global warning and allen is the rome bureau chief for the catholic news agency and the pope news will shake the debate on climate change. >> this is a call to humanity to take responsibility for the world around us. now the timing of it comes before this climate conference in paris at the end of the year to take place in november december, the pope said he wanted to get it out before then so people could debate what he talks about in this letter ahead of time. he wants people to talk about it. he said it does not replace the science and it doesn't replace the policies or politics and wants to instigate debate and speaks in the letter about
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politicians and how legislation should better reflect and protect the common good and asking everyone from world leaders to people of good will everyone outside of the catholic church as well as inside of it to take a little bit of responsibility for the world around them to realize that everything is interconnected as he said and to make policies that better protect the creation that is around people. still to come here on the program we will tell you what is forcing hundreds of somalia civilians to cross over plus no longer a male domain but not everyone is happy about the rise of women in the gaming industry. stay with us. ♪ >> they teach you how to
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♪ welcome back, i'm julie and the top stories on al jazeera, the man who shot dead nine people in a church in the u.s. has been identified as 21-year-old dillon roof and police released his picture and accused of shooting black worshippers during a bible city class in charleston south carolina. number of people displaced by war and persecution has hit a record high. the u.n. refugee agency recorded almost 60 million worldwide at the end of last year. the war in syria is seen as a major factor. pope francis is calling for a radical change in human behavior to tackle climate change and wants fossil fuels replaced with renewable energy and the catholic church is asking everyone to act for future
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generations. it's the first ethics scandal for india's one-year-old government. the foreign minister accused of abusing her position to grant favors to disgraced former the cricket boss modi no relation to the prime minister and he founded the indian league and help make it the game's richest competition and now he lives in exile in london and we have more from new deli. >> reporter: this controversy goes back all the way to 2010 when modi the then head of the indian league left india amid an on going investigation of financial irregularities in the world's richest cricket league. going forward to 2014 without an indian passport in the uk modi required clearances from london to portugal and did with the signing off of india foreign minister and there in lies the crux of the controversy that is
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fast spread across various party involving a state minister as well as a member of parliament in the uk. the significance of this is not lost. it's being described as one of the first scandals to hit the bjp party and keeping in mind this is a party that came to power last year promising cleaner government and promising no corruption now the opposition parties are turning around and saying it doesn't seem there is much difference in bjp government and what they accused us of many years ago. north korea announcement it's facing another major drought, the worst in a century comes as a surprise to the international community. rainfall across the whole peninsula has been up normally low resulting in extensive damage to agriculture and we report from seoul on how serious the plight of north korea may really be. >> reporter: ♪ a rare announcement only north
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korea television and all is not well and government official says we are establishing and ac-fox5ly actively caring out to prevent drought damage and despite the pictures of lakes and general greenery it's facing the worst drought in centuries. >> translator: the first drought damage in my 20 years of farming experience and normally the rice should have five or six leaves and be about 30 centimeters high by now. as you see the seeds are too small for rice planting. >> reporter: backed up by ambassador to north and south korea. >> yes i was in north korea a few weeks ago and could see with my own eyes the drought is a serious problem. fields are drying out. there is definite shortage of water. so much more needs to be done from the north korean government in order to protect and help their own people from this
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crisis. >> reporter: he went on to say that while he is not crying wolf the government could do more to help the wider population. in all about a third of the country's rice patties have dried up. low snowfall last winter and low rainfall now have added to the problems. and he runs a charity and until 2010 helped north koreans cultivate their land and stopped by seoul after they were accused of destroying a navel vessel killing dozens of seamen. >> translator: basically looking at statistics of food production productivity on the increase over the past 3-4 years reducing shortages. of course they lack 100-200,000 tons of food and it has increased a lot. >> reporter: the river is alarmingly low and images are
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remembering the drought and thought to have killed hundreds of thousands of people. more than a third of children under the age of five are malnourished in north korea, international aid has fallen sharply in recent years because of xinjiang to allow food distribution to be monitored and if the drought continues there are fears more lives may be lost if the monsoon rains don't come soon enough south korea. ukraine parliament voted president porteshenko request to fire this man and appointed chief last year and never seen as a supporter of porteshenko. voting has started in den mark's tightly contested generally
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election and coalition of prime minister schmidt is neck and neck in the polls with center right opposition. the economy and immigration are key election issues. the main parties want to crack down on giving unemployed immigrants access to the welfare system. the u.n. says it doesn't have the capabilities to effectively carry out its peace keeping mission in mali. the force is regularly targeted by separatist rebel and al-qaeda fighters in the north and forcing hundreds of people to cross over and we have met some of the refugees. >> reporter: life in the camp is precarious but elements are nothing compared to the dangers that drove people from their homes. >> translator: men came and began to destroy our homes and tortured us and looted our property including women's
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jewelry and fled to a village that came under attack from the army. >> reporter: most new arrivals are for land and have a tribal component in mali and their lives have a new emerge of al-qaeda or simply many asna and the group never clearly stated its ab objectives but target the army and when they capture some locations they raise the al-qaeda flag. when they attack the army the soldiers reportedly take revenge on the ethnics for land. >> translator: we are poor people who never have done any harm to the government. but the army attacked our homes, abducted our men and forced us to pay ran somes and accuse us with ties of al-qaeda but that is not true. we know some arms attacks areas but we don't have any links with them. >> reporter: the resent attacks can be seen here in this refugee camp on this side of the border. behind me you can see some of
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the latest arrivals that are being hosted in this makeshift camp pending final registration some of them came two days ago and they still speak of continuing acts of aggression and arrests by the mali army. u.n. says a new wave mostly of refugees has joined the camp of late. >> translator: during the last two months we have received small groups of refugees who came fleeing the conflict. we now have 107 families. we do our best to provide food water and health services to these people. we call on the world to support this effort. >> reporter: the refugees complain of serious shortages of food and medical services and say that entire months passed without any distribution of operations by relief agencies. peaceful resolution is promised by leaders and people so far see only more difficulties in their lives here mohamed with al jazeera, camp for refugees.
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researchers in scotland have discovered a new andtianti-malaria and cost as little of a dollar and works different than existing drugs and targets the parasites in different stages in its life cycle and researchers say it's effective against drug-resistant strains of malaria and hope to begin human trials next year. falling oil prices having a dramatic problem in the world and means lower petrol prices but for oil workers it's costing their jobs and daniel reports from the province of alberta where businesses are being hit. >> reporter: an empty factory where once they produced components for the booming oil industry and with prices low almost everyone has been laid off and by june when the final project is complete there will be no one here at all. >> very disappointing to have all of that growth chopped off
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and right at the knees when things were getting good we were getting a good reputation and we had a very good crew that have been working together for years and coming very efficient. >> this is all we have in stock right now. >> reporter: at the local food bank it's certainly busy and worried that donated supplies of groceries won't match demand all because unemployment is growing in an area that once had too many jobs not enough workers. >> here, yes, 80-90% of our clients are clients that have been laid off. pretty much everybody coming to us has been laid off. >> reporter: 30,000 lost jobs already, more layoffs and closures are expected even if prices continue to stabilize. and here is part of the impact too, on politics. election in early may brought a landslide victory for the socialist democratic party and end of 44 years of conservative government and what always has been canada's most business friendly province. >> if you look at alberta's
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history, one thing really stands out, when there have been changes in government and even when there have been periods in which there was more political unrest with say the rise of an opposition party, they -- those periods do tend to correlate with economic hard times and in alberta that means low oil prices. >> reporter: it's more of an economic main stay and boom and bust it's part of heritage here at the site of the very first strike in 1947. in the town at the heart of that historic industry there is both concern about a declining economy and relentless optimism that oil prices will rise again and good times will return as they have before. >> we are seeing small business close and layoffs happen but we know that once again this will change. it's just a matter of timing. >> reporter: low prices don't stop or even slow the extraction of oil.
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whether it's the human rich shaktar sands of the north or conventional wells companies produce more to keep their cash flow up and canada reliance or over reliance on this controversial resource is not going to change any time soon. daniel lak, al jazeera alberta. gaming industry is known for macho image and dominated by men since it began, as women try to join in some are finding themselves targets of sexual harassment and threats and rob reynolds reports from the gambling convention in los angeles. >> reporter: a look at the e 3 international gaming expo shows how white male dominated the gaming world is and there are few women game designers and technicians in the fast growing, high paid industry. >> 50% of game players are women and only 20 percent of game makers are women. >> reporter: it's an issue that has been debated within the industry for years with little
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to show in the way of diversification. but as more games meant to appeal to women are made, the content of games overall is slowly changing. >> traditional image of a 15-year-old guy in his basement playing call of duty has been with us so long and we are a very young industry and maturing and evolving very quickly and for sections of the audience that is really tough to take. >> reporter: the gaming industry's gender problem was thrown in sharp relief last year when female game designers and critics of video game were subjected to an organized campaign of on line harassment that included death threats. that episode became known as gamer gate. blogger and critic anita was harassed after writing about the depiction of women in games as sex objects and about the predominance of macho game characters. >> i had death and rape threats and family and my colleagues
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harassed and threatened. what we have seen simmering up is that the game industry is changing and doing everything they can including throwing violent aggressive temper tantrums to stop the change from coming and want to stop the progress of us having conversations about representations of women, about what having more people of color in games, what are stories telling us and what messages are they sending. >> reporter: international game developers association director kate edwards says the harassment came out of a hate movie lurking in the internet's dark belly. >> gone to countless games and events which we talk about the issues and never really happens. well because of gamer gate frankly i think we are finally going to see change happen because i think it was the thing that broke the camel's back so to speak and people just said do you know what enough of this. >> reporter: critics like this one says the industry is changing but very slowly.
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industry officials say they are taking steps to encourage more women to work in gaming and that their goal is having those who create the games better reflect those who play them. rob reynolds al jazeera, los angeles. and you can get all the latest news and developments on our website, al police searching for the shooter who killed nine people at a bible study in charleston south carolina. >> this is unfathomable and unspeakable act by somebody filled with hate and with a deranged man. a downpour from tropica
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