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tv   News  Al Jazeera  June 18, 2015 10:30am-11:01am EDT

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slowly. industry officials say they are taking steps to encourage more women to work in gaming and that their goal is having those who create the games better reflect those who play them. rob reynolds al jazeera, los angeles. and you can get all the latest news and developments on our website, al police searching for the shooter who killed nine people at a bible study in charleston south carolina. >> this is unfathomable and unspeakable act by somebody filled with hate and with a deranged man. a downpour from tropical
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depression bill leaves parts of oklahoma flooded and prepared for the worst and hope francis takes a stand against climate change calling for decisive action to stop manmade global warming. ♪ this is al jazeera america live from new york city i'm stephanie sy there is a massive manhunt going on right now in south carolina after a white gunman opened fire on a prayer group inside a prominent african/american church last night. the f.b.i. is assisting charleston authorities and justice department opened a hate crime investigation and happened downtown charleston at the emmanuel church on calhoun street. the f.b.i. has identified the suspect as 21-year-old dillon roof. police say he sat with the prayer group for about an hour and then started shooting
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killing nine people including the pastor. john henry smith has more. >> active shooter and multiple people down. >> reporter: reports of gunfire at the emmanuel african church at 9:05 wednesday flight brought police out to what was a grizzly scene. >> identified eight victims inside of the church that had suffered gunshot wounds. earlier we told you that there were two victims that were transported to musc. there was actually one victim that was transported to musc and that individual is deceased as well. >> reporter: confirmed among the dead is the church pastor pickney and father and married of two is a democratic state senator who campaigned for police body cameras. >> influence of church and a great loss to the community and
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others. >> reporter: they asked to pass out the wanted poster with the public help to find the main suspect and a younger white male 5'9" with a slender build. >> he has only distinctive sweatshirt that has markings and i would point out also the vehicle you will see has a distinctive front license plate. >> reporter: police chief and mayor say they believe this is a hate crime. >> this is an unfathomable and unspeakable act by somebody filled with hate and with a deranged mind. >> reporter: overnight officers blocked off streets and warned people to stay in doors or away from the downtown area as the search for the shooter went on by ground and by air. >> these people were this church. they were this church. and they violated the sanctity of that. >> reporter: meanwhile pastors
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gathered in a pray circle down the street from the church. they had no doubt that race played a role in this tragedy. >> well it's obvious. it's obvious. >> what else could it be? you have a white guy going into an african/american chufr, that is choice. >> reporter: john henry smith, al jazeera. the emmanuel african methodist church or mother emmanuel as it is known is housed in a historic place, it is the oldest ame church in the south and opened in 1816 when african/american members of the church founded their own congregation and six years later the church building was burns to the ground one one of the founders was in a slave revolt and rebuilt in 1934 and martin luther king took to the pulpit in the church back in 1963. naacp president is responding to the tragedy and brooks says the naacp was founded to fight
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against racial hatred and outraged that 106 years later we are faced today with another mass crime and heart felt prayers and condole -- condolence go out to the people in the church. jaims johnson is the president of the network chapter of charleston and joining us on the phone this morning and pastor good morning and thank you for your time and how are you and your community are coming this morning? >> it's a very sad day in charleston, south carolina and listen to prayers around the world to help us with in this grieving and we have people in the street that are crying. this church is an icon in the community because of the history of this church and in the early days a lot of people got killed in the city. so it's really an icon in the community and it's going to be hard for the people to overcome
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this. and as you know we are talking with the police department and just trying to get over that grief in less than or 60 days we are having this so the community is really saddened so what the community leaders are trying to do is keep the community calm and let the police department to its work so we can try to catch the perpetrators in this case. >> refer to the shooting death of scott, an african/american man who during a traffic stop has been killed by an officer and have racial tensions been increasing in charleston since that death? >> well the racial tension has always been here and always been here because of occupying the force of the police department within the community and they have always been here and as community leaders we are always trying to calm thal racial
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tension so we don't want it to get out of hand because words are being said in the community because this is known as a hate crime so people are very angry and you can see our sitting president is hated because he has more hate threats than any president. so you know that trickles down to the community, you know. so black folks will be there and come together and we can come together and deal with the racial problem we have across america that nobody wants to talk about. >> you were close to the pastor who was also killed in this shooting. tell us about the man. >> we work together on civil rights issues. he was a man that loved helping
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people and loved the community, his community and he wanted the best for everybody. we are going to miss him because he is great and when you have somebody who care about people and is the youngest senator in the history of south carolina and the youngest pastor of that church so it's a great loss and our prayers goes out to the family. this is a tragedy and we won't be getting over it any time soon. >> condolence to you and your community, elder james johnson president of the national action chapter of charleston. license plates are in fact government speech in 5-4 decision the justices said texas can refuse to issue certain groups they vicinity plates and walker versus texas division of the sons of confederacy was a battle of right of states to let
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drivers choose specialty license plates which bear a memorial confederate flag for sons of veterans and they are a celebration of independence and southern heritage and texas deemed the plates offensive and jonathan has more on the controversy that led to the decision. >> no hate in our state. >> reporter: exercising the right to free speech versus what others call offensive. >> white power. >> reporter: and even hateful, the latest battles about what can appear on your license plate, this specialty plate with a confederate battle flag is at the center of the u.s. supreme court case. >> different courts have come to different conclusions about how much freedom the authors of specialty plates are permitted under the first amendment. >> reporter: the sons of confederate veterans in texas proposed the design but the department of motor vehicles rejected it saying many found the flag offensive and part of
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the issue is free speech. >> the question in this case is whether a specialty license plate that is designed by a private person but approved by the government counts as private speech or government speech. >> reporter: the organization says it is private speech and the state is violating its first amendment rights and r james george representing the sons of confederate vets told i don't think the government can discriminate based on contents and texas has a history of honoring confederate vets and heros day is a state holiday in texas. falling and january 19th the birthday of general robert e lee but scott keller says they make the plates and own them and they are government speech and are not protected by the first amendment and texas has its name on every license plate and car owners remain free to express any message they wish by attaching bumper stickers and specialty license plates are big business for texas bringing in
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over $17 million last year. the state has approved over 400 different messages on specialty plates from fight terrorism to choose life. >> the real question is whether texas really has to allow every license plate and so the oral argument a bunch of examples were raised for example do you have to have a license plate that says jihad or a swastika and they said yes you would have to allow it and it troubles the justices on the court. this morning the search is resuming for a toddler who may have drown in flood waters in oklahoma. she and her father were caught in a rising creek when she was swept away. flash flood warnings are in place in numerous oklahoma counties as tropical depression bill moves through the state. bill is reaching missouri now with the same strength starting back on tuesday the storm inundated eastern texas with some places getting up to a foot
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of water and stephanie talked to some of the people effected. >> reporter: flooded streets and roadways filled the small texas town of el tempo after tropical depression bill made a visit and law enforcement got stuck in a ditch. afternoon flash flood warning was the latest blow to a town that say a wave of storms passing through the area and the creek that runs through el camp poe is normally dry. >> we experienced the last 24 hours 9 1/2" of rain in a short period in that short period of time. >> at least a foot and a half higher. the water has gone down tremendously. >> reporter: eugene a lifelong residents of el canpo rushed to his daughters house to rescue her and the family from flood waters, did they evacuate and get out quickly? >> yes, when i got here i told my son-in-law, look at my running boards on my truck and went this and got clothes and ten minutes come back and i said
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now look at the water. he said god we better hurry. >> reporter: put furniture on blocks and flood waters narrowly missed their home but emotions ran deep. >> it's rough and means a lot to everybody, of course my family is very important so i got to make sure that everybody is safe and everybody is sound. >> reporter: down the road his yard turned into a small lake. >> we could probably go fishing here. it's never this high. >> reporter: it's no where near the devastation that struck central texas three weeks ago, dozens of homes were flooded, some washed away. more than a dozen people died during the deadly round of memorial day storms. this time no lives have been lost but texas governor greg abbot warned residents to continue to be vigilant. >> this event is not over and there will be a lot of rainfall that will still come and could be potential tornados and people need to be on the alert about the possibility of rising water
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and people please do not drive into rising water. >> reporter: advice well taken by residents like eugene who is hoping the worst is over. >> we don't know what it's going to do through the night, hopefully it's not going to be as bad as it has been. >> reporter: stephanie stanton, el canpo, texas. >> in the world 1.2 billion catholics pope francis calling for swift and need a new dialog about how we are shaping the future of our planet and it's manmade and hurts the poor the most and he called earth our common home and he said short sighted politics that stymi climate action and put it in controversy and say it's the most divided church in 50 years and we have more from rome. >> reporter: pope francis is not pretending that this is a scientific treatment. what he is claiming in this 184
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pages is that climate change that has moral and ethical consequences as it is caused mainly scientists say, by resent industrialized countries but those suffering the consequences of climate change now are the poor in poor countries and therefore he is saying the industrialized region and countries have a moral obligation to address the issue. and this is why he says he is perfectly entitled to address the problem. >> reporter: claudia reporting from rome. european finance ministers gathering today for a meeting that is seen as one of the last chances for greece to strike a deal with creditors and patricia is joining us with more and before this meeting got underway, greece finance minister said a deal is unlikely. >> he did say that stephanie and let me under score i said it's crunch time but believe me now it is. >> this drama involved five
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months of fruitless negotiations and finger pointing on who is to blame nor the impact but today imf piled the pressure on athens saying it will consider greece in default if it fails to pay the $1.8 billion due to the imf at the end of the month and cutting off possibilities for extentsion and they need the european creditors to unfreeze $8 billion in bailout funds and takes a deal and yet yesterday anti antiausterity went to athens to hold the lines on pension cuts and tax hikes and europe is demanding in exchange for a deal and demonstrations came the same deal as greece central bank urged the prime minister to accept europe's condition warning that the country could crash and possibly leave the eu if it defaults on its debts and that is chilling stuff but no indication they will been to creditors.
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he is accused of pillaging the country and austerity measures and it hammered the markets and rushed to withdrawal from banks but fall out of a default could stretch beyond greece and a point under scored yesterday by janet yellen and said the global economy could experience significant disruption if greece and creditors fail to reach a deal. >> i wonder who is more intimidating for the thousands of protesters on the streets or angela merkel. all right patricia we will leave it there, thank you. president obama is looking for some backup on capitol hill from house republicans. the unusual alliance to help the president has some major trade bill.
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welcome back to al jazeera america, it is 10:49 eastern and taking a look at today's top stories thailand confirmed its
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first known case of mers the patient is a 75-year-old man who had previously been in oman and he and his family are being kept under quarantine and tie land is the fourth country to register the deadly virus this year. a friend who had dinner with the boston marathon bombers after the attack has been sentenced to 2 1/2 years in prison. he was convicted of misleading investigator investigators by deleting computer files after the attack. wood rot probably led to the balcony collapse in berkeley, california earlier this week that killed six people and the beams that were supposed to support the balcony are being examined and an engineer says there is evidence of water damage. the house of representatives is expected to vote later this morning on a bill that would help president obama pass major trade bill and house nearly passed the fast track bill last week but democrats stood in the way of an overall trade package voicing concerns of the impact on american workers and
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republicans are trying to push this through congress a second time with a different approach and let's go to libby casey on capitol hill and what is different about republican's tactics today? >> stephanie, they were actually able to get fast track authority past last week. what they couldn't get past with a companion bill that went with it to help workers who have been displaced or out of a job because of globalization and that is a top priority of democrats but they voted against it because it was the only shot at shooting down a bill that they just don't like they don't want to see this overall trade package move forward so now republicans are separating the two pieces of legislation and just having a vote on fast track today. that will pass. not a problem. the question is what happens next. because the senate passed these two bills as one so we will be wafing to watching to see if the senate can move on the fast track component before the 4th
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of july recess coming up, pretty soon and it's a question mark because over in the senate there are enough democrats who might try to keep the two connected, a lot of democrats over there say we shouldn't pass this priority of republicans without the component, protecting workers on board as well. so this is a maneuvering process that will we will all be watching to see just how far it can move forward. >> so you sort of drew the battle lines against the partisan lines libby but who is supporting the fast track bill and who is against it? >> not as simple as party lines for sure because president obama really wants to see the fast track authority move forward and he has been working the phones he has been meeting with members of congress, both in an official context and also a casual events like a baseball game and picnic yesterday to push for them to get on board. there are some trade democrats who are willing to see this pass but there are enough democrats who are align with unions and are interested in making sure that this isn't another they say
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version of nafta they believe hurt workers and there is tension in the democratic party just how to move forward. >> libby casey for us live at capitol hill and thank you. faa this morning is investigating a near collision at chicago's midway airport involved two planes filled with passengers on two runways. both pilots thought they were clear for take off and started rolling down the runways at full take off speed towards each other. other. >> stop stop stop. >> reporter: from that transmission it sounds like the plane's similar flight numbers created confusion and controller had warned the pilots of risk for potential error ahead of time. on the heels of the pope's climate change warning we look at rising temperatures in the pacific ocean plus do you know who is on the $10 bill? that answer is soon going to change. more details in just a moment.
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gripping. inspiring. entertaining. talk to al jazeera. only on al jazeera america. ♪ when we think about climate change storms and melting ice
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come to mind but there are unseen effects which are no less severe and one is increased acid in the world's oceans and threatening marine life in the pacific northwest and america tonight lisa fletcher has more. >> so this is basically the hatchery where we grow under controlled conditions our larvae. >> reporter: he oversees what may be the world's most prolific nursery. on any given day hundreds of millions of sea creatures begin life under his watchful eye. 20 million larvae per tub. >> yes. >> that is incredible like between this tub to the enthere we have about 600 million larvae right there. >> reporter: a marine biologist raises oysters for the taylor shell fish company and is located in shellton washington and the largest producer of shell fish in the united states. processing some 60 million
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oysters every year. these oysters begin life in tanks filled with seawater. the larvae so small they can only be seen with a microscope. but now his newly-born oysters are under threat from a phenomenon known as ocean acidification and one-third of carbon e miss emissions are absorbed by the ocean and 21 tons of c 02 a day. what does it do to the chemistry of the water? >> basically the c 02 carbon dioxide desolves in the water and doesn't stay carbon dioxide and becomes an acid. >> reporter: can be lethal preventing them from forming shells and it's not just ocysters but clamps and the taylors use juvenile oysters for the vast
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tidal beaches and here they will grow into adults, ready to harvest. according to the taylors, ocean acidification cost them dearly in lost oyster production. >> what it meant for us is we didn't have any oysters to plant on the beach and there was a period of time where the babies were dying off and you didn't know why. >> it became a norm and put that to the corrosive water coming in the hatchery. this is a global issue and all the world oceans are going to have to deal with at some point. so it's important to us but you know, it's important to a lot of other people too. >> reporter: lisa fletcher al jazeera, shellton, washington. tens of thousands of people born in the dominican republic could be deported to haiti in the coming days and migrants and haiti decent are targeted after
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they say they will resume deporting noncitizens and today was the deadline for migrants to register official residents and must show they have been in the country before october 2011 to qualify for legal residency. a judge has issued a tentative ruling for ellen pow to cover opponent's legal fees and lost the high profile discrimination case to a firm and talking about gender bias in silicon valley and received $275,000 and a hearing is scheduled today to finalize the matter. for the first time in a century a u.s. bill will have a face of a woman on it. a new $10 bill will be released in 2020 and treasury secretary says it will replace the founding father alexander hamilton with the image of a woman who contributed to and represents the values of democracy and 2020 is gaining the right for women to vote in
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america. the news continues next live from doha. >> announcer: this is al jazeera. ♪ >> hello there, welcome to the news hour i'm shiulie ghosh in doha. america's most wanted the hate crime gunman who is suspected of shooting nine people in a church bible class. >> each person is a tragic story. >> the number of people displaced by war and persecution hits a record high of 60