tv News Al Jazeera June 18, 2015 11:00pm-11:31pm EDT
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sir, sir, sir. >> reporter: wow, that went so fast more of that and philadelphia police commissioner charles ramsay joins us "on target." that's our show for today, i'm ali velshi thank you for joining us. why did you do it behind bars the 21 accused of opening fire on a church is in gaol confederate controversy, the civil war battle flags flying at south carolina house, it's the tart of fresh outrage. >> sounding the alarm. pope francis calls for a revolution to fight climate change.
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saying the planet has been pushed to a breaking point. >> crackdown, they bill for equipment that wasn't provided or care not needed or services not rendered a sweeping investigation rounds up hundreds suspected of medicare fraud. a cost to taxpayers of $700 million. good evening, i'm antonio mora this is al jazeera america. a man suspected of carrying out the horrific massacre inside a south carolina church is behind bars. 21-year-old dylann roof was captured in north carolina and flown to south carolina this evening. police say he shot and killed nine black commissioners at the emanuel a.m.e. church and may face hate crime charges. robert ray joins us from charleston. what has been the reaction to dylann roof's arrest.
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people are happy he's back in south carolina and he'll have a bond hearing at 2:00 pm. justice will move forward. a lot of people gathering in front of the church pop up vigils, conversations on the streets about what went wrong, how this could happen again in the united states and how we move forward as a country. >> i am very very pleased to announce that we have made an arrest in this case we arrested dylann roof from lexington south carolina. >> it took authorities 14 hours to track down the 21-year-old man suspected of opening fire inside the historic emanuel a.m.e. church near charleston's main square. police say officers picked him up during a traffic stop in north carolina. >> that awful person, that
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terrible human being who would go into a place of worship where people were praying, and kill them is now in custody where he will always remain. >> reporter: police identified dylann roof as the man caught on surveillance entering and leaving the church. he spent about one hour inside a one-time prayer meeting before opening fire and killing nine people including rev lend clementa pinckney also a state senator, and the pastor. the killer reloaded five times saying "i have to do it you rape our women and are taking over our country and have to go." the department of justice and fbi opened a hate crime investigation into the attack. >> i want to personally thank the law enforcement community because you have allowed us to start healing, and we can tell our children that that person is in custody. >> reporter: the place of worship is known as mother
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emanuel, and is one of the oldest black churches in the south. in a statement the president of the n.a.a.c.p. said there is no greater coward than a criminal entering the house of god and slaughters innocent people engaged in the study of scripture. >> the suspect waved his right to extradition in north carolina, and is in south carolina, and decided that he will not have representation public attorney he'll have to decide whether he himself, represents himself or hire an attorney. meanwhile outop sis are set for the next couple of days for those murdered in the church. father's day the weekend ahead, it will be a hard few days for the family members, and the people that knew those murdered in the church behind me. >> it's sad.
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authorities are trying to uncover what promoted the shooting rampage, records show that dylann roof had a criminal record. authorities are looking at other aspects of his background. >> a portrait of dylann roof is emerging, it's troubling. education shows he changed schools multiple times and dropped out after ninth grade. he has a criminal record and a felony drug charge and the man was not shy about displaying his affinity for white racist regimes. >> in his facebook photo, dylann roof is in a swamp, his jacket has two flags on it one from apartheid era sav coe, the other from rowed eesha, a county becoming zimbabwe. in another, he hits on a black hoounti, with a confederate
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number plate. the same car outside the church. dylann roof's uncle described his nephew as quiet and soft spoken. he worried that his nephew was too introverted. he was 19 years old, he didn't have a job or driver's licence, and stayed in his room a lot of time. for his 21st birthday in april, dylann roof's father gave him a pistol. it's not clear whether that's the weapon used wednesday night. i talked to him on the phone: according to court records, dylann roof has been in trouble with the law, convicted of misdemeanour trespassing in may, and in march on a felony drug charge. that case is pending. the lawyer representing ruth tells mother jones while he had
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limited deals with him, he has known dylann roof's family and saw no signs he'd carry out the crime he is suspected of committing. >> there's reports that dylann roof had a reputation for making racist jokes and remarks. a high school class mate tells the "daily beast" that no one took him seriously. the remarks are seen in a different light. president obama was emotional sharing his thoughts on the shooting this after noon. >> there is something about death happening in a place we seek peace or solace. mother emanuel is more than a church. it is a place of worship founded
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by african-americans seeking liberty. the president said he and the first lady personally knew one of the victims, clementa pinckney pastor south carolina does not have the option of pursuing hate crime charges, because they don't exist in the criminal code. but the justice department says it will pursue its own investigation to see if federal charges apply in this case. >> this is a crime that has reached into the heart of that community. we stand ready to offer every resource, means and tall that we possess. suspect dylann roof waved his right to be tried outside charleston, as robert ray mentioned, his bond hearing is scheduled for tomorrow, when he
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is expected to be charged with nine counts of murder. dylann roof once posed on a car with a confederate flag licence plate, the same flag that flies at the south carolina capital building. coming up in a few minutes, we take a closer look at the common and controversial symbol the justice department began a large crackdown on health care fraud. more than 200 people have been carriaged with defrauding medicare, the federal programme for senior citizens. the cases involve $712 million. lisa stark has more from washington. >> the government says the fraud involved doctors, nurse, pharmacists and home health care workers and others. here is attorney-general loretta lynch. >> they are accused of an array of crimes ranging from conspiracy to commit heath care wire fraud and money laundering. they bill for equipment that was not provided care not needed
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and services not rendered. >> this massive sweep involved individuals and heath care facilities in some 13 states. here is a couple of the alleged schemes. in miami, for example, the owner of a mental health facility billed the government nearly 64 million supposedly for psychiatric services that were never provided. some of the patients had alzhiemer's, they had dementia and were in no shape to talk to therapists. michigan, a fraud over the medicare drug benefit. a doctor getting patients who didn't need it hooked on prescription pain medication and threatening to cut them off if they didn't allow the doctor to use their personal medication to bill medicare for things they were not providing. medicare fraud was not used but eight years ago the government launched a coordinated effort. the justice department working together. here is fbi director james
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comey. >> in these cases we followed the money and found criminals attracted to doctors' offices, clinics, hospitals and nursing homes in search of what they view as an atm. a freebie to them but filled with taxpayers' money. >> the maximum penalties ranging from five years to 20 years gaol. the government says in these cases a 95% conviction rate. >> the house of representatives gave a green light to the trade agenda. the vote was a narrow 218 to 208, granting fast-track authority. many democrats opposed to the plan the president found support. the contentious vote is expected next week. we are learning about the c.i.a. drone strike in yemen, in the arabian peninsula. the attack was what is known as
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a signature strike. the national security correspondent jamie mcintyre explains pentagon officials have not confirmed the rorp but did not wave me off it. frankly it has all the ear marks of a signature strike, where the u.s. uses patterns of activity to identify targets they believe al qaeda or other potential enemy forces gathered in one place. the practice is somewhat controversial, because the u.s. doesn't find out who is killed until after the dust clears. you may recall two months ago the white house announced in january, 2 hostages held by al qaeda were accidentally killed in a so-called signature strike. the president apologised, and the white house said protocols for carrying out signature strikes were followed to a tee, but yet resulted in unintended but tragic consequences. back then the drone strike hit an al qaeda compound in
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pakistan, along the afghanistan border, unaware at the time that two aid workers were held captive. the protocols require near certainty not only that there are legitimate targets, but near certainty that no incident -- innocent civilians will be killed. in january, the protocols failed to protect warren weinstein and an italian, giovani laporto. there was no reports of unintended casualties, and al qaeda announced the death of its leader in yemen. a pentagon spokesman wouldn't acknowledge that the c.i.a. carried out the trike, but cited it as evidence as it had to pull all of its troops out of yemen. >> thank you. according to the u.n. refugee agencies, nearly 60 million have been forced out of their homes because of conflict. 16% more than a year ago, and more than ever recorded. more than half the refugees are children. most of the conflicts are getting worse, meaning more people will be displaced.
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>> it is dramatics to see shrinking and dying in the mediterranean, or the andaman see, or gulf of aiden, seeing the refugees drowning. it is dramatic it see xenophobia golf of course and many seeking protection and seeking to rebuild a new life finds unfortunately the death in the movements they made. turkey has more refugees than any other nation taking in 1.6 million syrians. greece has less than two weeks remaining to strike a deal or face being in default. greece owes 1.8 billion to the international monetary fund. the parties failed to reach an agreement at a meeting of european finance minister but stress there's a chance to strike a deal. >> it's possible to find an agreement. and extend the programme before
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the end of the month. but the ball is clearly in the greek court. to seize that last opportunity. >> the big state may very well allow the budget execution to be derailed again, and go back to the in dignity of primary deficits from primary surpluses. this is something that our government is determined not to do if greece fails to repay the debt the country risks leaving the eurozone and maybe the e.u. >> 150 years after the end of the civil war, the confederate flag is a site across the south. next how the powerful symbol reminds americans of the divide. and and a man facing deportation to a country he can't remember.
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today that texas can rejected the licence plate design showing a confederate flag. a group called sons of confederate veterans argue the plate was protected. in a 5-4 decision the court says that licence plate designs constitution government speech and they are allowed to restrict what the plates show. south carolina lawmakers are under fire for keeping a confederate flag flying at the sit house. critics say the presence is insulting to nine black people shot dead at the emanuel a.m.e. church. the government says it does not have the authority to do anything about it. opponents say the flag represents oppression and support for slavery. advocates call it a symbol of southern heritage. we are joined by a professor of african-american history.
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good to have you with us. >> thank you for having me. >> the debate over the priority - it's a debate going on for a long time but it exploded because of the fact that the confederate battle flag is flying at full staff, while the u.s. and south carolina flags are attached. >> this is interesting for me. i'm a native of south carolina. i have been following this closely. i would say that there is a desire i think, by most americans to have the confederate flag at hast mast or removed. for me the historical truth around that is that there has to be - there's a kind of incongruous behaviour around the principles of what the confederate flag means, but in light of the massacre. in essence, the confederate flag supported a white ruled government. right.
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that was about like nationalism. that was about, kind of race pride, and so in many ways it's oppositional to lower the flag when you are going to be honouring the lives of black people, who many of those 19th century supporters of the confederate states of america would not have wanted to memorialize. >> this is a battle fought in south carolina and for a long time involving the confederate flag, but symbols of black pride, because there has been issues of where statues of - you know, people are placed. >> this is really interesting. i was speaking with family members, and made a statement on social media about dillon understanding a black liberation symbol. the fact that he would choose eman all axe me church.
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moth americans don't understand the history of the church but dylann roof did. picking a church co-founded by denmark vc planning a slave revolt. during the week 1822 that the slave revolt was to take place. >> he ended up being arrested in south carolina. >> in shelby the birthplace of thomas dixon junior the author of the klansman that became birth of a nation. so he is really knowledgeable about the symbols. >> and he had other symbols, not only did he fly confederate flags on his car, his facebook had a jacket with emblems are apartheid south africa and rhodesia an apartheid state before d became zimbabwe. a point you are making and a lot are making is that the symbols are powerful it's absurd to
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thing they inspired him to kill he is people but it can spoke racial hatred. >> they are inanimate, but he was embonded by their history, the symbolism of the flags or apartheid, you know nations in africa. the confederate flag a 19th century symbol. his car had three iter rations of the flag. >> president obama said that confederate flags belong in a museum. they fly in certain places and the mississippi flag has part of the battle flag as part of the official flag. it's incredible that we are still having the debate. i understand the position of some people in the south. given the racial hatred and something like what we saw today, it's difficult to believe that this is still - a lot of people are debating this online. good to have you with us.
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>> thank you very much an unusual legal battle in argon is raising -- oregon is racing questions about adoption involving a 40-year-old man that lived in the u.s. he is fighting deportation because he's not legally a u.s. citizen. >> reporter: it's another day of stress and questions for adam hoping to find answers about his future in federal immigration court. how is the uncertainty, how do you handle that? >> it's terrifying. i will not lie. i probably look like i have it together. but as soon as i get home i'll be a mess. >> reporter: he's 40 years old and brought to this country at age 3 from a native korea. a string of failed adoptive and family placements left him traumatized and vulnerable. >> reporter: no one made your citizenship official the crapp zer family didn't the adoption
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organization didn't. a criminal record makes him a target for deportation. he has a wife, a family and no connection with korea, he doesn't speak the language never has been back. >> i don't know how else to prove to america that i'm an american, that i made mistakes, and i paid for them. this is one more step in what could be a long process. >> with resolution and stability nowhere in site. >> my hopes for the future are just to stay healthy for my family. and to be able to get through this in one piece, and there'll be some form of affair and reasonable and practical solution. >> adam is scheduled to be back in october. in the meantime the judge tells him and his attorney to try everything they can think of in
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and outside the federal system to get answers about his status in the country. they'll look into a pardon from oregon's governor and continue with an application for asylum. pope francis says people are ruining the earth, and it's time for a change. the pope's encyclical on the environment and the reaction next it's up to americans to decide who will be the first woman in a century to grace u.s. paper currency.
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heavy rains from tropical storms bill hit the states. large parts of texas, oklahoma and missouri is dealing with blooding. one person died. including a 2-year-old boy. missouri declared a state of emergency. the weather service issued a flood warning from everywhere from texas to illinois. hundreds of mountain residents. campers and others have been evacuate as a 10,000 acre fire burns west of los angeles. officials say the plays is 5% contained. and they are worried about 40 minneapolis wind gusts creating embers that could turn trees. the pope weighed in on climate change and they published an
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encyclical on the environment. in the document pope francis said humans are turning the earth into a pile of filth. he said wealthy nations should take most of the blame. some intererpted that as a challenge. i spoke with a former congressman. he thinks it's an opportunity for the go perform. >> we have good answers to things like climate change. we suffer with an inferiority complex, they are good on energy and climate. it's a matter of fixing economics. and the environment will take care of itself. >> how likely is it that we'll see a change. as you go in unless you stake to the conservative orthodoxy, that manmade events are not leading to climate change that the can't get through the primaries, because the conservative base shows up to
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vote, and most american conservatives do not believe that climate change is the result of manmade efforts. >> it's changing because young conservatives are with us on this. we at the bub lick have a great following on young conservatives. that is one thing coming our way. the other thing is the recession is leaving us and people focussing longer term. >> republican congressman took a different position. he said he did not appear the pope to be an expert. >> the government is asking the public for help in designing a new $10, one featuring a wellon. which is up to the american people. citizens suggest women have contributed to american democracy. the bills will be introduced in 2020. martha washington was the last woman whose portrait graced paper money, way back in the 1890s. i'm antonio mora, thank you for
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joining us. for the latest news any time head to ray suarez is next with "inside story". have a great night. [ ♪♪ ] the president was dealt a stinging set back in his efforts to negotiate a massive new trade agreement with a dozen pass iic rim countries, it was -- pacific rim countries, members of his own party denied him the authority to strike a deal. now the house, led by the republican charge
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