tv News Al Jazeera June 19, 2015 9:00am-10:01am EDT
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al jazeera investigation. >> i can't allow you not to go into that because that is your job. >> only on al jazeera america. >> hello there welcome to the news hour live from our headquarters in doha. coming up in the next 60 minutes, yemen peace talking about in geneva collapsed. warring factions failed to reach an agreement to stop the fighting. >> israel eases restrictions to allow tens of thousands of palestinians from the occupied territories into jerusalem for ramadan prayers. >> the suspect arrested in the
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church shooting in south carolina has confessed. >> business leaders in south africa spend the night out in the cold to raise awareness about homelessness. >> talks in geneva to end the war in yemen have collapsed. the foreign minister of yemen's government in exile told al jazeera the houthi representatives never left their hotel room. the delegation plans to leave the negotiations and return to riyadh on saturday. hashem has been following those talks. clearly a lot of frustration in geneva right now. what happened? >> basically it's been almost a week that the international community and the united nations have been trying to bring the war be factions to agree on a
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political settlement or ceasefire that would be implemented across the country. that didn't happen. as we speak, they haven't been even able to sort of initiate talks with the houthis and have them onboard for the time being. most of the talks have been basically as follows. the united nations envoy would shuttle back and forth go to the hotel of the houthis and the hotel of the yemeni government in a desire to try to see how to move forward. this is exactly why the yemeni foreign minister is skeptical about any break in the near future. >> i can assure you, there is no progress for the time being. this is due to the houthis' refusal to respond. we don't receive any proposal to
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discuss. i think still now the opposition is -- >> all of that has a wasted effort and all the while the situation in yemen is deteriorating. what was said about that? >> well basically we know enough that the united nations envoy is holding a meeting with the yemeni government delegation to stay and extend four extra days to salvage a deal but skepticism is high. in the eyes of the international community, without a ceasefire it would be impossible to deliver aid to the country. there is concern if the fighting continues, there could be more instability, playing into the hands of al-qaeda, which has been tapping into the discontent among people in different parts of the country. it's a very delicate situation. this is why there's been a push by the international community
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by the group of 16 to force all the parties. if they don't want a settlement in the meantime, at least please agree on a ceasefire. it doesn't seem to be the case now. of the chance for a way out are slim. the only chance now for the international community is in the coming hours to convince the different parties to at least have the ceasefire implemented. that would be a positive signal to yemenis and to the warring facts. >> thank you for updating us on that situation. those talks are collapsing in geneva. >> tunisia will close consulates in libya following the kidnapping of 10 of its staff. seven were freed friday, the
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other three a day earlier. the foreign minister says they are all back home. the release comes after a tunisian court granted the extradition of a member of the libya dawn militia allied with the tripoli government. >> tens of thousands of palestinians have packed the al aqsa mosque. israel is allowing men aged over 40 and women of all ages to cross the border without permits. we are covering the gates. >> israel has significantly eased restrictions on the movement of palestinians from the west bang in gaza in what it is describes as a good will gesture after what it calls a positive security affectment carried out by the israeli army, allowing palestinians from the west bang, thousands of them to come to jerusalem to perform prayers atal raqqa mosque during
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ram don without obtaining preapproved permits except for men under the age of 40. they are supposed to get permits beforehand. women are not facing any age restrictions at all coming fro that the west bank. as for residents of gaza, israel has also resided restrictions of movement on them. hundreds of them over the age of 60 will be able to come every friday during ramadan to pray atal raqqa and a few hundred others will be allowed to visit family members in the west bank during the holy month. now, israel is describing this as a good will gesture. analysts are saying israel in the absence of talks between israeli's and palestinians is trying to contain and absorb frustration by palestinians living under occupation and living under these restrictions. if you talk to palestinians who have made the long journey to al aqsa today whether from the west bank or gaza. they will tell you that while they are happy about an opportunity to pray at al aqsa,
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which is considered a privilege for muslims they say that this is their right and the restrictions on their movement should not be placed by israel in the first place and that the rights to worship and the rights to movement is guaranteed by international law. >> the gunman arrested over the church shootings in the u.s. state of south carolina has confessed. police are investigating the shootings as a hate crime. dylann roof is due to face murder charges for the attack in charleston. prayer vigils have been held across the united states for the nine victims shot during bible class. the govern of south carolina is calling for the 21-year-old to get the death penalty. let's go to andy gallagher in charleston in south carolina. bring us up to date with what that is happening with this suspect. >> we're getting a clearer picture of who dillon roof is
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and what he attitude for. we know that at 2:00, he will be arraigned in a local court. he has confessed. interestingly, we're just hearing reports that he almost didn't go through with this. remember, he went into the church here behind me and sat for an hour with this prayer group before opening fire and apparently told investigators that they were so nice to him that he almost didn't open fire. that hasn't been confirmed by law officials yet. we are hearing from a former friend of his who said this is a man who thought black people were taking over, who wanted to start some kind of civil war so we are getting er cluer picture of his motives. one question is why he drove from his home two hours away specifically to this church. >> this is a community that's still grieving. we're seeing prayer vigils, memorials, how are they coming to terms with what happened?
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>> well, i think defiance and healing are the two key words here. i say did he if rance because the church leaders say this is a church established by black slaves who were fighting for their own liberty and this won't be enough to crush them. this believe will stand long after dylann roof is gone from this earth. we met some amazing people last night, hundreds lined up laying down flowers. let's look back at the past few hours here in charleston. >> outside the church in charleston residents came to pay their respects. this is a community in deep mourning. they were gunned down allegedly by this man 21-year-old dylann roof caught following an intense 14 hour manhunt. he was flown from a neighboring state after his arrest. the authorities are now investigating this as a crime
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motivated by hate. it's a charge few in the african-american community doubt president church leaders say the entire city is pulling together as one. >> it's been a very good outpouring of emotion from the community. we had a mass prayer today probably 800 folks and it was 50-50 black-white. >> the regulars at this church, among them pastor pinckney, also one of south carolina's leading politicians. president obama talked to the areas dark racial past and once again raised the issue of gun control. >> at some point we as a country will have to reckon with the fact that this type of mass violence does not happen in other advanced countries and it is in our power to do something about it. >> there are so many unanswered questions, why a young white male should specifically choose this church and take the lives of nine people.
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here and now people don't want to concentrate on the crime. for charleston, this is a time of healing. >> for many, it's laying flowers and showing solidarity. >> this happened in our community. somebody came here to harm us, to start trouble with us and we're not going to let it happen here in charleston. >> we are going to show humbleness and lineup. that's how we're going to be able to pass this moment right here. >> it may be a painful and long process. obviously much of the focus is on dylan rough and his appearance in court here this afternoon but the people of charleston don't want to focus on the crime. they simply want to remember the lives of the nine people they lost here. >> thank you very much for that. andy gallagher in charleston there. >> still to come on this news hour georgia warns some wild animals may still be on the loose after floods destroy the
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zoo. >> eyes to the sky why this fight be machine is a soaring success at the paris air show. >> tiger woods gets his worst ever score as a u.s. open. we've got action coming up later this hour. >> in mali, rebels have been fighting for autonomy in the country's north due to sign a peace deal with the government saturday. the they are know mads. the most recent uprising was three years ago when they overan large areas in the north seizing towns and villages. they are fighting for more territorial control over an area in northern mali. we have a report about an armed
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rebellion on the ground that continues despite calls for peace. >> the camp in the wilderness, quiet homes like this are rare and brief. the leaders just agreed on a new deal with the government, which is supposed to end the conflict. as the politicians prepare to sign peace. these fighters get ready for war. >> whoever talks of ending the conflict only talks nonsense. it's a big lie. this war cannot be ended with the stroke of a pen. as long as we're denied territorial accept separation, there be no end to the war. >> rebels are in control of the major town as well as large areas of northern mali. recently they made new territorial gains pushing the army further south. the majority of them rejected the new peace treaty and issued this statement. >> let our political leaders sign what agreement they want to sign and give whatever
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concessions they want to give but for us here on the ground, these fighters tell me this is not the end of the war and not the end of the strike. >> the rebels announced an independent state in northern mali in 2012. under the present agreement they get only a type of local administration. perhaps the biggest sticking point of any deal is the disarming of the fighters, which is strongly rejected here. >> as long as there's no separation, there will be no disarmament. we paid for the weapons with our own blood. >> we handed over our weapons in 1993 and 1994 but the result was that they destroyed the weapons and two years later began to kill our people. we're not going to return to that situation. >> those statements and complexity of the situation on the ground provoke the prospects of peace in northern mali. with sporadic fighting taking place including confrontations
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around the town, some go as far as to predict a new and major war across the north. al jazeera northern mali. >> the european central bank has raise the the amount of emergency money greek lenders can access for the second time this week. greek banks are facing a cash shortage as doubts over the country's economic future grow. paul has more on why greeks are rushing to with withdraw their as i havings. >> the run on greek banks has accelerated to a stampede. more than a billion dollars was withdrawn from accounts thursday alone penalty the total is $3.3 billion. if withdrawals continue faster than the emergency liquidity assistance, it could force he athens to impose capital controls, a cap on withdrawals as cypress did in 2013. >> capitol controls are very possible.
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there are huge outflows in greek banks. it is very possible this will happen. if it happens the next step is chaos and catastrophe. >> it will be tough for a period of time, that's for sure. we are entering into a new era that is unchartered territory for me. it is completely unknown. >> the athens government must make a $1.8 billion loan repayment to its creditors by the end of the month or become the first euro zone member to become broke and be potentially forced out of the european currency. athens is refusing to i am poles tax hikes and pension cuts creditors demand. athens said that would deepen its economic depression and make its debt problems worse. the greek prime minister, alexis tsipras is on day two of a visit to rush. the meeting has already seen greece and russia sign a gas pipeline deal worth hundreds of millions of dollars a year to athens. tsipras will have a meeting with
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vladimir putin to discuss further financial assistance. >> we'd like to use our position as a springboard. russia is one of the most important partners for us. >> closer tiring between athens and moscow will be closely watched by greece's european partners and the greek crisis is at the top of the agenda in luxembourg. >> we hope for the best but now must be prepared for the worst and in the united kingdom we've taken the measures to increase our economic security so we can deem with risks like this from abroad and clearly now we must go on and complete that plan. >> the finance ministers are expected to make scant progress and all eyes are on monday's emergency summit of leaders. right now it's brings manship rather than compromise dominating proceedings. paul brennan, al jazeera. >> as we said, the greek prime minister on a two day visit to
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russia, we are joined live from moscow. tsipras man meeting with vladimir putin. does that mean russia is helping greece out with its financial problems? >> we'll have to see. at the moment, it seems there are a lot of messages telegraphed in this meeting as you saw in paul it is report there, we had alexis tsipras sharing the stage with vladimir putin, following vladimir putin's key note speech immediately with his own speech. now, most of these messages seem designed specifically to scare the e.u. into action. in tsipras's speech, we had a rather long lengthy metaphor about the greeks as a sea faring people. what he said at the end of that metaphor was that the greeks are not scared of going to new seas in search of new safe ports and by that clearly he meant the
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potential of a partnership of some sort with the russians. what we did to sharpen that particular point, what we got was a deal on a pipeline that is called turkish dream which would get russian gals through turkey and into europe over freak territory. then he also talks about various other deals and things like that that were going to be made between the russians and the greeks, and we've also heard from the russians the kind of careful live floated suggestion that possibly moscow, if greece specifically asked for it might be prepared to lend some sort of financial assistance to greece. we'll have to see whether any of that transpires. of course, there are people within russia in the russian government who suggest russia does not have enough money for such assistance. >> indeed, the russian economy that taken a big hit because of the sanction over the ukraine
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crisis. as far as the economic forum is concerned today did vladimir putin give pointers about russian economic recovery? >> well, what he said was that at the end of last year, people were doom saying, doom mongering about the future of the russian economy and saying that it was head of some sort of catastrophic collapse. those predictions proved unfounded, according to vladimir putin, the russian situation has stabilized. russia, he says is open for business and is ready to do business with anyone that comes to deal with russia on an equal basis of mutual respect. he did acknowledge as putin has acknowledged through most of his two terms, three terms sorry as president that deep reforms are needed within russia, to wean russia off its eeliance on exports of natural gas and oil
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and other such resources. in the terms putin that done very little about that, but he keeps on talking about it and he has been talking about it again. interestingly, we also heard yesterday from a former finance minister who is considered to be pretty reform-minded, he suggested that maybe presidential elections scheduled at the moment for 2018 be moved forward, so that the president would have a proper mandate a serious mandate to ram through difficult, painful but necessary financial reforms. we'll have to see what comes out of that. >> thanks very much indeed for that rory challands in moscow there. >> denmark's center to right opposition is celebrating its victory in thursday's general election. the block includes the anti immigration danish people's party which wants to limit
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europe's influence over denmark. the social democratic party leader resigned. >> zoo keepers in georgia warn that some dangerous animals may be still on the loose. a tiger was one of many which escaped during last weekend's flooding. we have this report from the zoo. >> a smear of flood marks the spot where a predator killed the first man to walk into this flooded warehouse across the road from the ruined zoo. al examountedder heard the screams. >> we broke the windows and saw how the tiger had bitten the man on the neck p.m. i threw a brick at tyler and he jumped away and ran. it took police two hours to find and shoot the animal. >> zoo managers claimed that all animals were accounted for but last weekend's day luge caused chaos in tib the area.
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rescuers are still recovering dead animals from the mud. >> we treat them just like our children. we knew their names their stories, so we cared about them really like parents so of course, it's very hard to lose all of them. >> it looks as if they've had to cut open the cage to say get the bodies out because the river floodwaters brought through huge amounts of mud rock and debris and the water level went to the top of these cables. the animals didn't stand a chance. >> volunteers are still cleaning neighborhoods. 15 people are known to have drowned, others are still missing. this has been a human tragedy.
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>> they are sisters and one had a little boy. >> there is still concern that out there somewhere may lurk another predator. those animals that have been found like the now famous hippo are safe. al jazeera tiblisi. >> we have had wild weather. massive cloud right up the western gaps, heavy rain, a little further norse keep your eye on this white cloud top that we have, white bright cloud top right over mumbai. it's been pouring for hour after hour after hour. on thursday, we had 310 millimeters of rainfall in 24 hours that led to widespread flooding. masses and masses of water out
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on the streets. good news if you didn't want to go to school that day and university exams were canceled, as well, all government buildings closed because of the widespread flooding, which has brought india to a close for the time being. >> mumbai, you can see trees down. that wet bindy weather continues to be driven in through saturday, so further heavy downpours here. notice the circulation around this producing rain. a little further northwest as we go through sunday, further heavy showers coming in here and wet and windy on sunday. shealy. >> everton thanks very much indeed for that. a volcano in western indonesia continues to spew clouds and hot gas hundreds of meters into the
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air. the area has been at the highest alert for two weeks. it could be on the verge of a violent eruption. thousands living nearby refuse to leave their homes. >> in south africa, business leaders spent the night on the streets to raise awareness about homelessness. after they struggled to stay warm, they are criticized by workers who faced sacks. >> the chief executive of africa's large evident telecommunication advisor is spending the night in the cold, part of the global campaign to raise awareness about homelessness. >> the symbolism of it, obviously one night and a few hundred thousand bucks won't change the world for people, but the symbolism is the right symbolism. >> preparing to make at least 4,000 workers redundant, one of
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them has been at the company for many years. he's worried about losing his job and tells us about the hardships of life in the township of ivory parking. >> here, if you don't have the money to buy a coupon, the electricity's off. it's too risky to leave. the water and sanitation is stinking. >> top management sleeping out for a night means nothing say workers. this is the first time the event is taking place in africa with more than 240c.e.o.'s taking part each donated at least $10,000 to charity. >> the leader of the communications doesn't agree with the sleepout and said more needs to be done for employment and social welfare. >> it's a mock rip to the poor. they go out and sleep somewhere just demonstrating. i've seen this, one minister
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went and demonstrated he would sleep there. poor people face this on a daily basis. >> while chief executives get just a taste of poverty for some it is part of daily life. >> still to come, how can the european union use its influence to address the issue of migrants? we'll speak to the director of human rights watch in the u.k. >> schools back in session after a deadly earthquake, but many schools are empty. >> chile faces bolivia at the copa america. we'll have the details in sport.
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>> the foreign minister of yemen's government said the houthis never left their hotel at peace talks. >> israeli allowed palestinians into jerusalem to say friday prayers for ramadan saying it's a good will gesture to allow older palestinian men to visit without permits. >> in the u.s., a 21-year-old confessed to the charleston shooting. nine people were killed in a bible class in what is said to be a hate crime. he faces multiple murder charges. >> let's go back to the collapse of the yemen peace talks in
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geneva. joining me is political analyst and editor in chief of yemen post. good to have you with us. what has been the reaction over there to the collapse of those talks? >> very worrying, for one main reason, that the houthis are not willing to cooperate with the international community let alone the yemeni factions. this is the biggest obstacle right now facing talks at a the houthis are not scared of the political factors in yemen are also not scared of the international community and the u.n. this is the main reason these talks collapsed and both sides have not even met yet. we do expect these talks to continue for months, if not weeks, even. they are very far behind. they have not reached even one single sitting at a tail. the u.n. has not been able to do
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that yet. the factions are expected to remain in geneva for the next couple of days at least. at least four more days to try to come up with a ceasefire that would at least give the people of yemen a chance for a breathing area or breathing room during the holy month of ramadan without any serious result on the table being resolved. >> it seems the houthis were not cooperating, but all accounts, didn't even leave their hotel room. the question is what use are the airstrikes that are taking place by the saudi-led coalition in sanna and aden? these don't appear to be achieving what the goal is supposed to be, i.e., bring the houthis to the negotiating tail. >> the air strikes have done nothing, only destroy yemen kill civilians 90% of those killed have been civilians. it also raised the anger of
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yemenis toward saudi arabia. millions respected them as a powerful neighbor but because these airstrikes killed civilians and not houthi fighters majority of the population right now is angered at saudi arabia why it is destroying yemen and not the houthis who have until now not only stood steadfast in the war against saudi arabia but also attacked. these airstrikes are useless. the houthis will get used to attacking and this is very, very critical for saudi as a nation. >> it is a bad situation. thank you for speaking with us there from sanna in yemen. >> human rights watch has called on the eu to use influence and resources to address the major
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drivers of migration. this includes systemic human rights violations that force people to three their countries. the mediterranean sea is the most dangerous migration route. tens have thousands still make the journey hoping for a better life. more than 219,000 people made the crossing. 10.5000 were children traveling alone to italy. in the first five months of this year 60% of migrants crossing the mediterranean came from four sonsy be witness syria eritrea afghanistan and somalia. >> let's speak to the u.k. director of human rights watch. good to have you with us. this report by human rights watch spoke to many, many people who were making these journeys in flimsy boats trying to cross the seas. what were or what are the major factors that drive them to do this? >> yeah, as you say we have viewed a number of people, significant numbers that arrived
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recently that arrived cross the mediterranean in greece and italy. what their testimony told us was really a whole range a multiple series of push factors of drivers that were forcing people to flee. you mentioned the four countries from which 60% of migrants were coming. syria, we are aware of the tremendous violence. eritrea have atrocity that is may rise to crimes against humanity. somalia, similarly is convulsed in ongoing violence. very significant factors about insecurity violence and civil rights abuse that is forcing these people to make the journey across the mediterranean. >> the e.u. response, the report said the e.u. is contributing to it because of its responses. >> there is a conceptual problem that many e.u. leaders including
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david cameron persist as describing this as border patrol. there is an issue about smugglers and traffickers. the issue is often overstated. many people actually want to go, they are not forced to go against their will, but europe has failed to provide with sufficient generosity and responsiveness an effective response to the people that are arriving on europe's southern borders. europe has a responsibility to resettle more people as well as addressing the drivers of migration. when you have a situation in which lebanon and turkey and jordan are hosting vast numbers of syrians it seems to me unacceptable that the europeans won't do more. >> the e.u. said they stepped up rescue efforts and try to do more from discouraging people to cross in the first place and targeting people smugglers by seizing and destroying boats. are these effective measures at all? >> no, i don't think so they are
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effective. i think they are focusing disproportionately on law enforcement. what they should be doing is yes, address the underlying drivers of mass migration but also respond appropriate and with compassion and decency to people that are arriving in desperate situations, often very vulnerable people. these people are arriving in greece and italy and deserve to of their claims properly assessed. there will be circumstances in which many people need to be sent back. countries have a right to protect their own borders but let's start with a response looking for people's claims for protection and europe needs to be doing considerably more than they are doing at the moment. >> good to speak with you. >> thank you. >> many migrants are using italy as a transit point to reach other european destinations. james bays sat down with italy's
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foreign minister and asked him if european migration plan needs a political solution in war-torn libya first. >> now you mentioned migration. the european union is also trying to deal with the problem of all these people coming towards the e.u. by sea across the mediterranean. does the migration plan the e.u. has now have to wait for the political agreement in libya? >> well, in some parts of this plan, europe is working since long time and has to multiply its efforts. what is linked to where more general international framework i guess the initiative, the defense initiative that the european union will probably decide next monday against traffickers and smugglers to
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identify these criminals and to try to neutralize their boats. >> you had hoped originally that you would have this u.n. resolution before you amounted the other european foreign ministers meet monday. you decided to go down that security council route but don't have the agreement of the libyan government and russia for example has certainly some questions about your plan. >> we are not talking about the smugglers and human traffickers to hide. >> russia thinks it was fooled in 2011. >> i can't i know that. this is why i am trying to
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reassuring the permanent members of the security council and in russia and china specifically of the fact that our goal is to fight these criminals and this should be a common goal. >> around 150 migrants marked the first day of ramadan while stand in the italian border town. they came across into france because police blocked border crossings. the migrants live in makeshift accommodation by the sea. some of the hundreds of thousands of migrants who face deportation from the dominican republic protested. a new law aims to stem immigration from height tee. many haitians have rushed to register with the government, hoping to stay and work legally. we have this report.
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>> dominican government officials said they have not yet begun deportation operations in the first 24 hours since this deadline passed, despite the fact that hundreds of thousands of at risk of deportation to the haitian side. the government says about 300,000 people filed their paperwork trying to prove their status by the wednesday deadline, but only 10,000 of those had all the necessary documents. we spoke to a man who falls into that category early on thursday, a man who said he was there up until the deadline, filed his paperwork but told it lacked some of the proper documentation. he is very worried and afraid he could be sent back to a country he knows very little about, not even speaking creole. the government is sending mixed messages, government officials say they are going to patrol areas where people of haitian descent are known to live and
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work and those people could be sent to haiti. we are not seeing these deportations. that could be because they are wary of all this media attention and scrutiny showing massive deportations. it might be done much quieter or may be this risk hangs over people's heads for days and weeks. we saw a protest here outside of the haitian embassy. many people of haitian descent were saying that they feel dominican, are dominican and that this should not be allowed to happen that they be sent back to this country that they know very little about. >> in india, 40 men died after drinking homemade alcohol. several other are ill. police arrested three men. one is suspected of brewing alcohol. sometimes they are spiked with chemicals to increase potency. >> an electrical short circuit
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is blamed for a fire in a hotel. at least nine were killed and 13 suffered burns trying to escape. many guests were asleep when the fire started. >> in nepal some schools forced to close soon after reopening. many buildings are too unsafe for students after of the earthquake which struck eight weeks ago. we have this report. >> he is petrified. when the earthquake shook, he was playing with his friends. his father, younger brother and a neighbor were all watching t.v. and their house fell down, killing all three of them. now he doesn't want to stray far from his mother, not even to go to school. he is scared of mother earthquakes. >> even in the shelter, he panics and asks me to run with the slightest after shock.
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with his father gone, it's been difficult for him. he keeps saying he misses his younger brother. he looks at his picture and starts crying. >> the earthquake in april killed at least 555 school children in this district alone. more than 90% of the schools were destroyed. unicef says 1 million children may miss class all across nepal. his school is considered too dangerous to enter and temporary classrooms have been set up. >> the government says that schools have resumed but this one was forced to close down after rains destroyed the participate on these temporary classes. >> the government ordered schools nationwide to reopen on may 31 but many are still closed. the buildings aren't ready. neither are teachers.
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>> students share experiences. fear is deeply rooted in the psyche. they are really scared. it's not just the children. >> the government plans to reopen the classrooms before the rain makes it impossible. >> we need manpower and to start working with our development partners. many students do not have textbooks. collection of data on migration of earthquake is another priority. >> the loss of family, friends and homes weighs heavy on the minds of these small children, and new classrooms may not be enough. al jazeera nepal. >> still to come here on the aljazeera america news hour, find out who came out on top between peru and venezuela on a
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>> my name is imran garda i am the host of third rail and you can find it on al jazeera america >> let's get to sport now. >> thank you very much. the joint leaders after round one of the u.s. open, tiger woods with his worst season in his 18 year career has just got worse. >> a frustrating first day for
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tiger woods at the u.s. open. his 10 over par 80 is his words ever round in a major. it's the third time this year he's carded in the 80's. the 14 time champion got a trim bogey in washington state. only ricky fowler finished blow woods after round one. >> it was a tough day. got off to a bad start. just couldn't quite get it turned around today. >> tiger's 15 strokes behind the leaders. the american card add five under par 65, joined at the top of the leader board by henrik stenson.
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masters champion speith is three shots behind the leaders. victory on this links course would make the 21-year-old only the sixth player in history to win the masters and the u.s. open in the same season. phil mickelson is trying to complete a career grand slam. he's one under. the american has been a runner up at this event six times. >> i'm very pleased with the way it went. the first round was the round i was going to be the most nervous at getting started. you don't want to have to fight to come back all the time. you want to get off to a solid start against par. i got off to a good start and shot one under. >> rory mcilroy is looking for a second u.s. open crown but is seven off the pace with two
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over. >> over to the copa america in chile where peru has won in group c. there was one player seeing red. with the one-man advantage peru got the winner in the second half netting to give them a 1-0 win. both teams along with brazil and colombia are level. >> chile hosts bolivia on friday. two countries have plenty of problems off the pitch. bolivia and chile have political disputes. >> bolivia has been trying since 1879 to regain access to the
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coastline it lost to chile in the war of the pacific. it's been trying since its last victory 15 years ago to beat chile in a game of football. they're level with four points each from their opening two games going into their clash at santiago's national stadium. >> definitely, beating chile would be a greet achievement not only football, but symbolically, too. >> they signed a treaty designed to resolve the issue of the disputed coastline but more than a century later it's far from resolved. these oblivion children sing their countries hymn to the sea. the oblivion navy restricted for sailing the waters of the lake. chile holds am the negotiating cards and more than 6,000 kilometers of coastline. >> when bolivia says it must get
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its sea back, you have to interpret that. what they won't is a sea that was never theirs and they know perfectly well at a chile can never give them the territory because that would cut chile in two. >> thee clue has long been the area's success story because of copper. bolivia claims that came from land that is rightfully theirs. >> here in santiago, there is little desire to negotiate with bolivia. chile that its owns problems. they are happy for now to deal with their differences on the football pitch. >> those countries are waiting for the international court of justice in the hague to rule. that ruling is unlikely to resolve the 136 year long dispute. >> at the moment, relations are not at their best, but i would say that at the popular level
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chileans are not being against bolivia. >> 22 men kicking a ball about but there are those who believe that the 90 minutes of play may symbolically at least represent something more than just a game of football. al jazeera santiago. >> the national football league could ban helmets in the future. the doctor said it's not around the corner, but he does see a time without helmets. some experts believe that the head gear gives players a false sense of security. the nfl recently reached a $1 billion legal settlement with explayers suffering with head trauma. >> cricket now in pakistan in trouble at the end of day three of the first test against sri lanka. sri lanka managed to reach 300
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in their first innings. top scorer for them hitting 125. in response, pakistan struggled. removing both openers as they collapsed to 118 for five. they trail by 182 runs. >> the nhl's new champions have been celebrating their stanley cup, parading through chicago on thursday en route to a championship rally. they secured their third stanley cup in six years with a 4-2 series win over the tampa bay lightning. that's all the sport from me. we'll have more later on. >> see you later on. >> the paris air show wraps up this weekend. while the focus has been on how many planes bowing and airbus cancel there are more deals going on behind the scenes. military sales are a big part of any air show. the big push is to push some
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more of its homegrown fighters jets. we have a french aviator success after many years of trying. >> it is a french fighter jet used predominantly by the french air force. up until recently, no one else wanted it. performance wise, it didn't stack up against the euro fighter or f.a. team, even if the boss of the country which makes it thinks otherwise. >> i see it's capability to be recognized by our customers. problems in some areas in the world as opposed to push from government to buy and to reinforce their own defense. >> this is the key not so much in-air success but its export success. the wear in libya in 2011 was a key moment when middle east herb countries saw what the plane could do in combat and that they
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could buy them with much more flexibility. >> we are ready to give up and then propose in their contract, obviously we need permission, authorization from french authorities to sell to these countries. >> the sheer number of people who come to see it at an air show is testament to the amount of interest in it. $45 billion were spent just on developing it, but that is money well spent when you consider at a qatar bought 24, egypt 24, india 36 of them and there is talk of a major deem in the pipeline, as well. while the nobody of the in a planes in the sky is less no one. >> we could say a modern fighter like this could cost $80 million to $120 million, but it's
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difficult to say. negotiations are very secretive. when people buy the plane basically, the company will in vest some of that main money back into the host government. india, they'll have to put 30% have the contract value back into india. these governments that they spend all these money want something in return, not just the aircraft. >> no doubt it has become a popular plane. the view from the paris a irshow is that what's good in the sky is also good on the ground for the french economy. al jazeera. >> you can see more of the paris air show in a special on friday. >> celebrations to mark the 200th anniversary of the battle of waterloo kicked off with a bang in belgium. actors tack place in a sound and light show. the battle of waterloo confirmed the rise of the british empire. >> i'll be back after the break.
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