tv News Al Jazeera June 23, 2015 7:30am-9:01am EDT
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worldwide audience but they see that art as mere contents and pay artists as little as they can get away with how that will effect music going forward remains a work in progress. rob reynolds al jazeera, los angeles. much more to be found on our website, there it is al >> retiring the confederate flag in the south. politicians unite across party lines for taking the flag down. >> down to the wire for a debt deal with increase, holding off default with growing optimism a deal can be reached. >> hawaii is a beautiful state
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but people say their land i go being destroyed by chemical plants. >> good morning live from new york city, i'm randall pinkston. >> it's called a symbol of history and hate. southern states are considering making big changes over flying the confederate flag. in south carolina, where the flag is flown over the statehouse ground for years now top state leaders are calling for it to be removed. this action comes days after a gunman was shown posing with the rebel flag, allegedly expressing hatred for african-americans. dillon roof is accused of killing nine people at the emanuel a.m.e. church. we have more from charleston. >> monday, the governor taking a major step forward announcing what many believe will be an end
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to the painful past with the con fed red flag. >> for good and for bad. whether it is on the statehouse grounds or in a museum, the flag will always be a part of the soil of south carolina, but this is a moment in which we can say that that flag, while an integral part of our past does not represent the future of our great state. >> there is relative calm on the streets of south carolina. the officers who patrol the church have dwindled to one. the crowds have dwindled as well. most of the funeral preparations have yet to be made. there is talk that some will be combined. the focus now shifting to friday when the white house confirmed that vice president biden and president will be on hand for the funeral of the state accept tore who also happened to be the pastor of this church, clemente pinckney. the president will deliver the eulogy.
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>> the debate is also brewing in mississippi over the flag. an on line petition is calling for it to be removed. it flies over almost every government building in mississippi. the republican leader of the state legislature also wants it gone, but the governor said the flag should stay because mississippi voters approved it four years ago. the flag controversy has spurred changes at the nation's largest retailer. walmart is removing all confederate flag related merchandise from its stores and website. in a statement, the company said we never want to offend anyone with the products we offer. at times items make their way into our assortment improperly. >> sears announced ill will stop selling products bearing the confederate flag. >> we are learning more about the accused gunman in charleston. investigators believe dylann roof was self sad calendarized, not part of any hate group
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however one white supremest group that influenced his thinking was the council of concerned citizens. >> what he said was black people are raping white women and he's absolutely right about that. according to the bureau of justice statistics, every year, there are about 20,000 rapes of white women by black men. that means 50 a day. that means even at this very moment, a crime of that crime is probably taking place. >> there are also thousands of rapes by white perpetrators on white women. >> i'm talking about perpetrators of rapes of white men on black women. that number is so small it statistically rounds to zero. >> the leader of the council of concerned citizens has given thousands of dollars to top republicans including ted cruz, rand paul and rick santorum.
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>> the pentagon says a key suspect in the 2012 benghazi attack has been killed. the tunisian native died after being targeted by a u.s. drone strike in rack. he is believed to have been present when the compound was attacked. four americans were killed, including u.s. ambassador christopher stevens. >> this is cautious optimism today that all sides could be close to keeping greece from defaulting an its debt. the latest proposal includes big cuts in pensions. time is running out for greece to hatch a deal because it needs bailout money to make a huge debt payment to the international monetary fund next week. we have more from athens. >> this greece accepts its
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creditors proposals as now stands, it will have to extract another $3 billion from an already heavily taxed economy this year and $5.5 billion next year. that's over and above budget predictions. that's because rather than growing as predicted, this year, the economy is again shrinking to the tune of half to three quarters of a point of g.d.p., which means tax revenues are smaller than they would have been because total economic turnover is smaller than it would have been. that presents difficulties to city government. they were elected in january promising no more austerity measures but now have been presented with increased taxation increased pension contributions and possibly more spending cuttle, which we'll have to see along the way should they become necessary. this will be a difficult plan, one it may not be able to sell to all the party members
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particularly the hard left which has drawn a red line and said we will not vote for anything that involves more tax extraction or more austerity in any form. this may mean that syriza has to go to the opposition in order to get this plan passed. if that happens, it is a split in parliament, can it then remain in power and can tsipras remain. it's a politically tense time. there will be another battle here in greece in order to get measures passed. >> former federal reserve chairman ben bernanke is crying foul over removing hamilton's picture from the $10 bill. he extolled his legacy as a founding father and first secretary of the treasury.
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he called him the most fore sided policy maker in u.s. history. >> privacy advocates are sounding the alarm about changes to uber's privacy policy. the center filed a complaint with the f.c.c. among the concerns that uber will soon collect location data even when the app is running in the background or the g.p.s. turned off. it will also access contact lists, something the company touted in a statement last month. these changes would allow uber to launch new promotional feature that us contacts, the ability to send special offers to riders' friends and family. the new policy goes into effect july 15. >> natives of a small island
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chain in the indian ocean await a ruling from britain's highest court. they say they have been forced from their homes in favor of a u.s. air base. they say they just want to go home but united kingdom's government won't let them. >> their legal battle's lasted 20 years but they refuse to lose hope. the compare island population lives in exile. the campaigners are confident of overturning a decision seven years ago that they did not have the right to return home. >> at monday's supreme court hearing in london, lawyers rejected the idea that returning would create a marine protection
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area. britain removed 2,000 people from the archipelago in the indian ocean including the main island, leased to the united states to build an air base. they were taken more than 1500 kilometers away. some still live there in poverty, but the largest community now lives here in the town in southern england. home to the office of what he calls the island government. >> we had the affairs of the magna carta and it didn't apply to us at all. i believe it's high time that this country do the moral thing and that moral thick is to return that back to their country. >> the island and shear supporters say they could easily
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make a living if they returned at bare base or in tourism. >> there have been many twists and turns in their legal fight to go back home. it could be a long time before they get ahead. >> desperate times in chile. air pollution is so bad the government is restricting driving and stopping kids from playing outside. >> people in hawaii say major corporations are poisoning their land.
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third rail and you can find it on al jazeera america >> welcome back. it's 7:43 eastern time. the senate is set to vote once again today on whether to grant fast track trade authority to president obama. supporters need 60 yes votes. the house revived the legislation last week after democrats successfully derailed it. the bill will give broader authority to negotiate foreign trade deals. >> 14 brands of bottled water are recalled over e-coli. it is for spring water products
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produced at a pennsylvania manufacturing plant. brands include 7/11, blue and so far there are no reports of illnesses. >> search and rescue efforts underway after a severe storm passed through illinois and michigan. a tornado touched down at least five times west of chicago. it left damaged homes and downed trees in its path. at least seven people were hurt, thousands were left without power. >> in today's environmental impact reports experts warn there are serious health risks associated with climate change. a study in the medical journal the lancet said weather is reversing gains over the last years. floods and heat waves are spreading infectious disease and wiping out food sources and crowded polluted cities causing respiratory and mental health problems. >> chiles capital is
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experiencing its worst environmental emergency in decades. major pollution comes as a huge soccer tournament is heating up. >> it looks just like what it is, a thick cloud of soot suspended in the air. the capitol santiago is in a valley and its dryest june in 40 years plus for air circumstance lakes has driven levels to their highest level. >> it impact the respiratory system, can provoke heart problems and lung cancer. >> for the first time in 16 years, authorities were forced to declare an environmental emergency. 40% of vehicles were banned from circulating. 90% of heavy industry was forced to shut down, using fire wood for heating was forbidden and people told not to exercise outdoors. >> i am having a hard time
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breathing. >> high levels of smog are common in sand i can't go, especially during the southern hemisphere's winter months. the timing of this emergency could not have been more in opportune. chile is hosting the copa america, one of the most widely viewed sporting events in the world and poor air quality is a concern for the quarter final match, due to be held wednesday. >> you cannot see the stunning view of the andes mountains on a clear day providing a picture postcard view of the city. another thing missing are clouds, which would indicate that desperately needed rain is on its way. >> the air quality is not
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improving. we need rain. >> there's no telling how long this emergency will last. al jazeera, isn't i can't go go. >> maryland governor says he is battling cancer. >> a few days ago, i was diagnosed with cancer. it's an aggressive b. cell non-hodgekin's lymphoma. >> he said he recently discovered a lump on his neck. he plans to begin treatment immediately but for now he says he's going to continue working. hogan has only been in office for six months. >> a new study said the number of over bees people in the u.s. is growing. researchers say nearly 2/3 of americans now fit one of those categories but 67 million people are now considered to be obese. the largest increase in obesity in the past several years has been among african-american
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women. the researchers are calling for policies that call for healthier eating and exercise. >> >> hawaii's food problem it imports 90% of food despite one of the best climates for growing crops. it hosts one of the greatest concentrations of bio technology and chemical companies. the hawaiian people say that is poisoning their land. >> hawaii is known os the garden island of hawaii but has also become a center of big business, big agricultural business. this island is a factory for big chemical companies for creating seed crops and not the kind of seeds you would expect, not pineapple or coconut. the seeds are almost exclusively for corn or soybeans. they export those all over the world. that is the number one
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agricultural commodity of hawaii. as much as $200 million in revenue each year. it's pretty clear why you would want to grow seeds here. hawaii's beautifully warm weather here means that you can grow year round. if you develop seeds on the mainland, you need as much as 15 years to grow the many, many generations you need to develop a new seed product but here you can do the same work in three years. it's logical you would want to do it here. kauai's residents say the pesticides and herb sides being afraid are poisoning the island. this is a pretty remote crop, but a lot of these are grown right up next to the schools and churches and homes and hospitals where people spend their days, and in fact, kauai tried to pass a county ordinance and succeeded that would have mandated a buffer zone, minimum hand story
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distance and a full accounting of what's being sprayed. that is when lawyers began flying in to fight against that ordinance. we'll show you our special report that looks at the science and controversy that makes kauai the center of a global fight over the billion dollars business of big agriculture. >> you can watch the full report tonight at 8:00 p.m. eastern. >> the nun who led mother teresa's missionary work for more than a decade has died. the sister took the helm at missionary it is of charity after mother teresa passed away in 1997. she led the organization until 2009. she died in the indian city of calcutta last night. she was 81 years old. >> the battle for gay rights in cuba, how the daughter of president raul castro is leading the fight. >> just when pete rose hoped he was on the brink of being
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>> rose thought his confession would allow him to enter the hall of fame, but the new report may shatter those hopes. >> pete rose has always denied betting on baseball while he was a player, admitting only to betting on the game while he was managing the cincinnati reds. >> did you bet on baseball? >> yes, i did and that was my mistake, not coming clean. >> but now espn said it's seen
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copies of a notebook showing rose bet on his own cincinnati games while his playing career was winding down. at the time, he played for and managed the team. the espn report backs up the conclusion of the 1989 investigation by lawyer john dow that led to his lifetime suspension from the game. just two months ago on an espn radio show, rose said this. >> you got suspended for gambling on the game as a manager and i never understood why they kept you out of the hall of fame as a player. the report said that you gap belled as a player on baseball, as well, what's the truth? did you ever gamble when you were a player? >> never gap belled when i was a player. that's a fact. >> pete rose! >> as long as rose is on the permanently suspended list, the he will never be allowed in the hall of fame. he tried to have that ban overturned several times most recently in january of this
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year. in a statement issued through his lawyer, rose says the pending application means he can't comment on the new allegations. since we submitted the application earlier this year, we committed to mlb that we would not comment on specific matters relating to reinstatement. i need to maintain that. >> reinstating pete rose is entirely within the control of baseball commissioner robert manfred. he will meet privately with rose to consider his request. >> writer ernest hemingway's home in cuba is getting a major upgrade. the state received $1 million from an american foundation to help build a state-of-the-art facility to preserve his books letters and photos. he lived and worked on the island for more than two decades. >> times are changing in cuba. the country once criminalized people for being gay but tuesday towards gays, lesbians and their
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rights are shifting. a member of the castro family is partly responsible. we have this report from havana. >> hundreds of cuban dance to a conga beat, wave rainbow flag and flair their same sex love as an annual parade in havana against homophobia. >> we've been together 14 years i give you have my heart and my love before god and owl forever. >> raul castro's daughter has become a strong add have debt, speaking out for lgbt individuals. >> independently of the fact that not everybody is in agreement with the law for the rights of the lgbt community this will not create a split. it will generate a cultural enrichment ideological enrichment of the cuban society. >> for decades after the
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revolution homosexuality in cuba was criminalized. some openly gay cubans are forced into work cans. beginning in the late 1990s the state began softening its stance. cuba altered its criminal code, removing provisions that allowed police to arrest people for being gay. >> i will be proud to see an improvement in the gay community behavior in every way. >> at his job in old havana, artist was not carlos rodriguez acknowledges that times are changing in his home country. >> thanks to movies and you understand documentaries that people have seen, things have developed in the world and people are seeing us in a different view of life. the determination and sexuality of a gay person. >> art is chosen to show the struggles of the lgbt community. >> i have been very surprised
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lately how organized everything is. >> his provocative retelling of a classic cuban play explored the internal strife in the family of a gay man who finally revealed his sexuality. >> i have seen a lot of situations that were seen as repulsive. this is not acceptable, so better to put it in a movie. >> activists say there is a long way to go. there is no protection in some sectors of society such as housing and education. same-sex marriage, as well as civil unions remain illegal. >> there will have to be a lot of knowledge cultural, social and visual to be able to accept something. we are still very behind in that aspect. >> as relations thaw between the u.s. and cuba, juan carlos and
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removed from the state grounds. >> syrian kurds threaten isil deep in its home turf. fighters scare a rare victory and push the armed group back to raqqa. good morning. this is aljazeera america live from new york city, i'm stephanie sy. you're rezone leaders are optimistic that a deal with greece will happen this week. they are reviewing a proposal put forwardly alexis tsipras. we have more from athens. >> if greece accepts its creditors proposals as they now stand, it will have to extract another $3 billion from an already heavily taxed economy this year and roughly five and a half billion dollars next year. that's over and above budget
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predictions. that's because rather than growing as predicted this year, the economy is again shrinking to the tune of half to three quarters of a point in g.d.p., meaning tax revenues are smaller than they would have been, because total economic turnover is smaller. that presents particular difficulties to the government, because they were elected promises no more austerity measures but now presented with increased taxation, increased pension contributions and possibly more spending cuts, which we'll have to see along the way should they become necessary. this means tip as will come back to athens with a plan it may not be able to sell to all party members, particularly the hard left which has drown a red line and said we will not vote for anything that involves more tax extraction or austerity in any form. this may mean series does a has
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to apply to the opposition in order to get this man passed. it's going to be a very politically tense time once this negotiation is over in brussels, because there will then be another battle in greece in order to get measures passed. >> greece's former finance minister joins us this morning. thank you so much for your time. how optimistic are you that this proposal will resolve the crise and get the bailout money flowing again to greece? well, first of all it's important to know that we don't have a deal yet. we'll know on thursday or maybe friday whether this latest proposal i also fully accepted. we'll probably get a deal and after it passes from the euro group and from the summit, the european council then the tough
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work begins, because it's got to be approved by the greek parliament, and before tuesday it's got to be approved by foreign parliaments notably the german parliament, which has to agree to an extension of the program. that's difficult especially the part with the greek government approving it. we know that there's a lot of pensioners who expressed disagreement to what is a very heavy package, four percentage points of g.d.p. it will likely pass, but there's a question about whether mr. tsipras will lose his parliamentary majority and be forced to call elections after that, even though the program itself will have passed. >> you bring up some of the domestic political sacrifices that tsipras appears to be ready now to make. the current ruling party as was
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elected with calls for no more austerity. >> when we came to power in 2010 and discovered a debt double be what the previous government was claiming and a huge deficit we did everything we could to reduce the deficit and managed to. the reason the country has a primary surplus this year, the reason the economy started to grow is because of all the hard work done in the previous years. with all the terrible suffering that the greek society and population had to endure. unfortunately, the last five months a lot of that has been thrown out the window. mr. tsipras came into power promising way too much. it took him time to figure out how it works in europe and now he's cut a deal worse than what he could have gotten at the
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beginning of his tenure. the price of that has been high, but it's still better than bankruptcy, because if there was no deal, if there is no deal this week, two things will happen. one after the third year, with greece not being able to pay the i.m.f. liquidity will be pulled off the banks, we will have to go to capitol controls and the government in jill will not be able to pay pensions and salaries. that's not a prospect that the majority of the population wants. >> g.d.p. shrunk 21% since 2010 in your country. you negotiated the bailout agreement in 2010. could you have foreseen back then that it would lead to the country possibly leaving the euro doan? >> no, in fact what's really disappointing is after 2012, it
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was no longer on the agenda. the greek economy was getting better. it was growing. indeed g.d.p. fell almost a quarter. this is the kind of fall that nobody expected. the three institutions all had predicted a lower recession. unfortunately it was deeper, parry because of mistakes made by the institutions and successive government and because the international environment deteriorated with ireland and portugal getting into the mechanism. you know that's what happened in the last five years. the question is can the economy now grow and we cannot lose this last chance that we have. it's a very heavy package but it's still better than the alternative. fortunately, the structure of the package is also wrong it's all taxes. in 2010, it was half taxes half
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cuts and expenditures, now all on the cuts. >> do you think the people of greece are ready to take this package? >> well, i think that there's a resignation in the country. if you ask people on the street, there's relief because in the last few days, you've seen people taking money out of the banks in droves. we've had something which was close to bank run, not quite but lost $4 billion or $5 billion in the last week alone. that cannot continue. the big rally in the square last night was an indication of many greeks wanting to stay in the euro, even with sacrifices, because they cannot fathom the alternative, which is a country which loses its european destiny. >> thank you for your time. >> the south carolina general assembly returns to work today with new pressure to remove the confederate flag from the
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grounds of the state capitol. the governor along with religious and elected leaders say it is now time for the flag to go. >> it has been an incredible week here in charleston, south carolina especially when you consider the fact that just six days ago a gunman walked into the church, killing nine inside. then on sunday, they opened the doors of the church and held a service, but on monday, many say the governor took a dramatic step forward when she announced that the state should get rid of its confederate flag. >> it's time to move the flag from the capitol grounds. [ cheers and applause ] >> surrounded by a by part 17 group of state and federal officials, south carolina governor joined the growing chorus of calls to move the confederate flag. >> for good and for bad whether it is on the statehouse grounds or in a museum, the flag will
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always be a part of the soil of south carolina. this is a moment in which we can say that that flag, while an integral part of our past does not represent the future of our great state. >> she says if the general assembly doesn't act soon, she will call it back for a special session. the governor's comments came hours after religious and political leaders called for action. >> the time has come to remove this symbol of hate and vision from our state capitol. >> south carolina's use of the confederate flag became an issue once again after pictures emerged showing a church gunman waving confederate banners. dozens gathered to call for the flag to be taken down. some spray painted the words black live matter on a confederate monument in charleston. in 2000, charleston mayor led a
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march to columbia, calling for the flag to be removed from the top of the capitol dome. the protest led to a compromise moving the flag to its current location at a nearby monument to con fed red soldiers. any changes required two thirds majority. there are a growing number of lawmakers in favor of removing the flag. the sons of confederate veterans will fight to keep it. the group issued a statement saying in part there is absolutely no link between the charleston massacre and the federal banner. >> some say removing the flag is only the start and that there is more work to be done. >> it will not solve the racial divide in south carolina. we need a positive discourse on the problems that continue to playing our state. >> one other thing to consider,
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even though it has been less than a week, funeral services for the nine people inside have yet to be finalized perhaps the only thing that seems to be certain is that on friday, according to the white house the vice president and president will be here to eulogize the state senator who died. that man also happened to be the pastor of the church hint me, reverend pinckney. >> the debate over the confederate flag is brewing in mississippi. the republican speaker of the state legislature there said it's time to take the emblem off the state flag. it is the first time a republican official has called for the removal. some say it should stay because mississippi voters approved it four years ago. >> the nation's large evident retailer walmart tells al jazeera it is removing all confederate flag-related
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merchandise from its stores and website. the company said we never want to offend anyone with the products we offer. at times items make their way into our assortment and this is one of those instances. sears announced that it will stop selling products bearing the confederate flag. >> this morning, we are learning more about the accused gunman. investigators don't believe dylann roof was a member of any hate group. one white supremacist group that influenced his thinking was a group we talked to. >> these days, for young whites like dylann roof who have no hand in creating the society in which we live, most of them think this is nuts, this is going to make them angry. the idea of the left seems to want to have all whites on their knees begging forgiveness.
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that might work for some, but not for all and this one way street narrative of whites being responsible for everything that goes wrong for blacks, that, if that is repeated and pushed consistently, that's only going to make things worse. >> search and rescue efforts are underway this morning after a severe storm passed through illinois. seven were injured. a shelter has been set up for people with damaged homes. >> are you all right? >> yeah, lost a house, you know. >> how long have you lived here? >> 40 some years. it was brand new when we moved out here. it is pretty much destroyed. >> a tornado touched down five times. that left thousands without power. >> the pentagon says a key suspect in the 2012 benghazi attack has been killed. a drone strike targeted him in
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iraq last week. he is believed to have been present three years ago when a u.s. diplomatic compound was attacked. four died, including u.s. ambassador christopher stevens. >> a setback in syria for isil, kurdish forces driving them from a military base near raqqa. that city has been isil's stronghold for a year. the kurds were backed by u.s. airstrikes. >> this kurdish fighter have discovered a tunnel used by islamic state of iraq and the levant on the syrian, turkish border. it's not clear whether isil smuggled in people or materials from turkey into syria. the kurdish have been making gains on the border and taken back territory from isil. they took this border post in the nearby down. now that the fighting is over, hundreds of families have returned. turkish authorities reopened the border for the residents and its sounding areas but despite
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kurdish forces pushing back isil there are concerns over their advances. syria's main opposition group accuse the kurds of driving out sunni tribesman. rights groups were blocked from entering. >> we are asked to communicate with the y.p.g. forces. they refused to allow members of the fact finding committee to enter, claiming there is a political position towards the y.p.g. unit and committee is biased. >> fighters deny discrimination and abuse. they say checkpoints are for security. >> we share the administration of the town with all as this country is for all. y.p.g. is for arabs before it is for the kurds. >> the gains are alarming turkey, accusing forces of ethnic cleansing.
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if the occurred issue forces make gains in raqqa you'll find the americans and europeans investing more sources in particular president erdogan is saying they are helping the kurds in the area. this has become a major security concern inside turkey. >> they have advance to the outskirts. the y.p.g. have taken villages in raqqa province from isil control while opposition fighters are consolidating their gains in the nearby idlib province. at people return to where isil used to carry out public executions, there are lingering concerns of ethnic biases, they go back home, hoping the worst is over. >> members of the house committee on homeland security meet in washington to debate if the u.s. should accept syrian
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refugees. turkey lebanon and jordan have the highest number. >> chicago residents will march in solidarity with the charleston shooting victims. the rally against racism will protest excessive use of force by police officers. new york city mayor bill deblasio is expected to add the lunar new year to the public school calendar. it's a holiday important to asian families. >> in today's digit albeit, is looking at the drought in california and a new project that turns to the ocean for a solution. a desalination plant is gearing up to produce water by the end of the year. the $1 billion project will delivery 50 million gallons of water a day. environmentalists say it harms sea life and consumes too much energy. >> the u.s. and china sit down for talks while beijing flexes its so-called soft power. >> accused of putting profits ahead of safety, japanese air
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>> welcome to al jazeera america. it is 8:20 eastern. the heir to the sum sung foreign apologized for failing to control the mers outbreak at a hospital run by his foundation. 27 people have died across the country since the outbreak began. >> for the second time in as many weeks egypt will open gaza's only access point that is not under israel control. the crossing will be open for three days. cairo opened the border last week the first time since the 2013 coup. >> the death toll from intense heatwave in pakistan tops 450. temperatures have hat 113 degrees in karachi. hospitals are overflowing with victims and authorities worry about the outbreak of disease if bodies aren't buried quickly. >> chinese and u.s. leaders kick
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off dialogue today talking about military power to cyber security. beijing has an increasingly powerful women persuasion. >> china state run t.v. on american airwaves, a new bank to finance development in an emergency economy. soft power place beijing hopes. >> china is being examined under a microscope, so that's why you heard those nasty rhetorics over the years. >> beijing is spending billions to change the conversation, pushing into overseas media
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markets with state run news outlets in china. >> international media has been bombarded by western u.s. organization and china's voice cannot be heard clearly and loudly. >> the soft power message can get mixed reviews. the government-funded institute teaches mandarin and chinese culture to 300,000 students in the u.s. alone but the program has been clouded by controversy. >> many host universities where they are established in the united states have learned to be wary of the fact they are rather applied sides at least in certain times and places. >> china's had more soft power success funding development banks. pouring $40 billion into the new development bank with partners
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brazil russia, and south africa. $40 billion into the new silk road fund and $50 billion into the newly created asia infrastructure investment bank, which u.s. allies rushed to join despite discouraging signals from washington. >> it's a brilliant move on china's part. it's attracted a very great positive response from most of the countries of the world. >> the launch of the asian infrastructure investment bank was a p.r. coup for beijing but for all the billions it's spending, soft power investment is tempered by old perception of repression at home and new concerns about muscle flexing over disputed territories in the east and south china seas. >> a senate committee is set to look at the takata air bag recall.
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it's costing the japanese company billions. it agreed to the large evident recall in u.s. history 34 million cars. the air bags are linked to eight deaths and hundreds of injuries. the senate released a report on takata practices finding the company may have skipped global audits for financial reasons and ignore warnings from employees. the vehicles involved in the recall had defective airbags that could explode and spray shrapnel in passenger's faces. lisa stark spoke with one motorist who said he was badly injured. >> this is what the air bag was supposed to do, protect him in a crash. this is what he says it did. >> all i remember was hearing a big explosion sound. it sounded like a shotgun and my right side went black pitch black. >> his car was moderately damaged with a low speed
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collision in florida. when the air bag deployed, a three-inch shard of metal part of the air bag inflator slides into his face. >> i realized i was bleeding out of my face. i went down to sit on the curb. i thought i was going to die on the curb. >> he survived, but is now blind in his right eye. >> this is one of the most lethal defects that we've seen. if the air bag inflator module explodes, you are likely to be killed or seriously injured. >> clarence ditlow said takata has shifting explanations. >> we believe it is the chemical used. >> the air bag had been recalled before his accident, but his attorney claims those recall
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notices did not show up until after he was blinded. >> if there was a rule that required in all circumstances when there's a potentially deadly recall that there be a phone call or piece of registered male, we could save lives. >> he said the recall system should be strengthened. as for berdych he's suing honda and takata. >> you have to teach yourself how to do things all over again. >> he is adjusting to a very different life than he expected. lisa stark, al jazeera washington. >> hundreds of muslims swept up in a national dragnet looking for answers. a lawsuit against the federal government tries to expose by so many were arrested, and allegedly abused in the weeks after 9/11. >> we go back to the border, a year after texas sent troop to say stop the flow of migrants.
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>> welcome to al jazeera america. euro zone leaders are reviewing the latest proposal by greece to avoid a default set to meet tomorrow. athens offered its biggest concessions, call for new attaches and cutting pensions. greece needs the deal by next week to avoid defaulting on a $2 billion payment to the i.m.f. >> south carolina's governor joined in calls to remove the confederate flag from the state capitol, saying it should be moved to a museum. republican senator lindsey graham and president obama voiced their opposition to the flag. the state legislature could take up the issue today. >> kurdish fighters in syria are closer to an isil stronghold. the kurds seized an isil military post. >> a federal appeals court is
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letting a lawsuit on behalf of immigrants swept up in post 9/11 investigations go ahead. the judges say high level government officials can be held to account. the lawsuit details alleged abuses on hundreds of muslims. lawyers say they want to show how frightening it was for the men who were detained and abused despite having no ties to the attacks. 762 people were detained nationwide after september 11, 2001 including 491 in the new york area. many were held for three to eight months. the suit alleges detainees were slammed into walls and their limings and hands bent. they say leg restraints were stepped on and their religion insulted. among the government officials named, john ashcroft and former f.b.i. director robert mueller. the co director of the liberty and national program at the center for justice joins us.
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what is the significance of the second circuit court of appeals allowing this suit to go on? >> it's actually a very important case. one of the things that we've seen since 9/11 is that there have been a number of attempts to bring cases to try and hold government officials to account for abuses that happened in the wake of 9/11. these included lawsuits about rendition, or where somebody was tortured overseas under the auspices of the united states in some way or the other. generally speaking, these lawsuits get blocked at a very early stage either because the court finds that the plaintiffs haven't alleged enough facts to allow them to go forward or sometimes the government claims that letting the lawsuit go forward would reveal state secrets and so at a very early stage, this gets blocked. there's no accountability, at all for some of the abuses that happened in the wake of 9/11. this is one of the first lawsuits that's actually moving forward. it hasn't been blocked at an
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early stage and so that allows the full story to emerge. >> what are the chances that the officials named in this lawsuit which include the former f.b.i. director and former attorney general are actually prosecuted. >> it's a civil case. they are trying to get damages. it's something called a biff convenience case a way to hold federal officials responsible. >> under the bivens clause, even though those at the top did not promulgate the alleged abuses, she could be held responsible. >> if i'm say a prisoner and abused in some way by a prison guard, i don't necessarily know who that person is who's doing things to me, right? and the issue is whether or not that responsibility goes all the way to the top. is the reason that these men
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were abused in the way that they're claiming the result of policies that were put in place from the very top of the justice department. >> hundreds of people were rounded up after 9/11 because people were calling the f.b.i. hot line. >> right. >> and giving tips. given the climate back then post 9/11 can the government make a valid national security argument here? >> well, national security isn't a reason to abuse people, right? national security may be a reason they rounded up these people in the first place but we shouldn't be slamming people into walls and in other ways sort of physically molesting them in the name of national security. >> a victory for these plaintiffs all of whom i believe are south country now will that be damages? >> at a trial if it gets that far, they are seeking money damages among other remedies, so that would be what they are
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looking for. one of the plaintiffs in this lawsuit actually settled his claim earlier this year, and got an apology and a payment of something like i don't know, $380,000 or something like that, so that's very much within the realm of possibility. >> let's talk about these people were all of brown skin for the most part, profiled because of their race. do police ever round up en masse far right extremists of the sort that killed those nine people in charleston? >> no. it's a lot easier to round up a minority community than it is to round up the majority. as far as i know, that's never happened and that's one of the disparities that people are remarking on in the wake of the charleston shooting. >> in fact, a lot of studies have shown there might go a greater threat from far right extremists. >> for law enforcement officials, state and local officials on the front lines of dealing with these issues, they rate the threat from right wing
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groups, as being the highest threat. twice as many are worried about that than al-qaeda terrorism. >> al jazeera journalist ahmed mansour vows to keep reporting. he spoke in germany 24 hours after he was released from custody. he was detained at egypt's request. >> before all free honest journalists, to continue to maintain holding steadfast to the ethics of free journalism and continue to shoulder my responsibility towards you and towards my viewers. >> egypt wanted mansour sent there after he was convicted and sentenced in absentia for allegedly torturing a lawyer in 2011. he and al jazeera reject the
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charges. >> mom familiar and baher mohammed are being retried in egypt. she was falsely convicted of aiding the muslim brotherhood. >> in iran, the countries conservative parliament passed a bill to safeguard iran's nuclear rights. the president is calling the draft allow unconstitutional. the deadline for a nuclear deal between iran and six word powers is just one week away. >> a delegation of democratic congressman say they are determined to shut down family detention centers. the group spent several hours monday talking with central american women and children held at the detention center in the accident. today, they will tour the largest family detention center in the country located in texas. they've asked the department of homeland security to stop using those centers. >> texas governor perry sent
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1,000 national guard troops to patrol the border with mexico last year, to stop the influx of undocumented migrants including children traveling alone. we look at what's happened since the crisis along the border. >> do they see everything going on? >> i'm pretty sure they do. they have eyes everywhere. >> even now? >> i'm pretty sure we're being watched. >> the officer says hidden scouts for the drug and human smuggling cartels across the river constantly monitor his patrols along the rio grande. he sees signs everywhere of immigrants crossing from mexico on to u.s. soil. >> that blue pump over there around the bend is usually the high traffic areas. >> he doesn't see any sign of the national guard. since their deplacement a year ago, the presence on the border that shrunk from 1,000 to just 200 soldiers and air man
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scattered in small pockets along the border. then texas governor perry ordered the guard here as a statewide response to the record number of immigrant children crossing into texas. >> in some areas, they have little rests in the grass. >> the number of people trying to cross dropped dramatically. the flow is now down 50% from last year. even with the downturn, thousands continue to make the attempt. almost a year into the national guard's deplacement to the texas border, you're signedding evidence of frequent crossings across the rio grande. a migrant's first step on to american soil are places like here with a climb up these makeshift steps. >> do you think this is really a solution? >> they're going to find a way to get across. it's big money for the cartels and drug traffickers. it's easier, more convenient for the bodies, so they can charge
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more. if they get picked up, they've sometime got their money. >> you are saying people will continue to try no matter whether? >> yes maim. >> at police headquarters, the chief said even if the flow has not stopped he's grateful for the slowdown. >> you were, i would say averaging about maybe two chases a day approximately. they managed to stop. i mean, they are taking a lot of our traffic which is a good thing for us. >> not everyone in the community believes the deployment of national guard was a good thing. just up the road in san juan texas, people say the troops only brought problems. many here are or know undocumented immigrants who have lived in the community for decades. >> it's a sort of terrorizing effect to some degree. they're afraid i will drive
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somewhere and not come back and they'll wonder what happened, did they pick him up. >> when they take on that risk, shouldn't they expect to be on that presented? >> i think you would expect that. >> what's wrong with that being a reality? what's wrong with that being the reality is that those resources that the state is using for that could be used to alleviate a lot of problematic situations in our community. >> it's just a low income area. >> it's a dilemma the officer is aware of. he says poor neighborhoods on the texas side of ripe recruiting grounds. >> you do see them as more than just illegal crossers? >> we're all brothers and sisters, aren't we? >> divided by a border, sympathies are put aside to enforce the law.
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al jazeera texas-mexico border. >> the obama administration removed a road block to the scientific study of marijuana and the move hailed by those in favor of leading pot and those against it. john henry smith joins us with the details. why is this such a big deal? >> it's a big deal because of this. since the public health review requirement was instituted by the clinton administration, researchers have had to jump through impossible hoops just to find out the effects of marijuana. >> 20 million americans are regular pot users. aaron is one of them. he was 18 years old when he went to fight in iraq. >> some mortars came close a couple of times. people in my company got killed. >> after initially turning to alcohol and prescription drug to say cope with his anxiety he turned to pot and found peace. >> it allows me to focus on daily tasks. it allows me to enjoy my life. >> for decades scientists could
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not conclusively prove or disprove pot's effectiveness. the department of health and human services has lifted its public health review, a process that made marijuana much more difficult to study than other illegal drugs like heroin, cocaine or ecstasy. the move is hailed by supporters and opponents of marijuana legalization. marijuana had been the only so-called schedule one drug predicted by the d.e.a. from being produced by private laboratories for research, that was a source of great frustration for researchers. >> studying aspirin or l.s.d., that's it, all we have to do is get the study drug and start the study. for marijuana, we go into a whole other series of reviews. >> the following statement was released: for aaron he's not
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worried if new research highlights any harmful effects. >> if i didn't have pot as a coping mechanism if you took it away, i would have turned to alcohol. i might have turned to something harder. >> no new policies will apply only to private studies. any federal funded study will have to go through the more stringent approval process. stephanie. >> thank you. >> a warning today about the cancer risk from two well known agricultural chemicals. the w.h.o. cancer agency said the insecticide is carcinogenic in humans. the agency said d.d.t., used to keep pests off cops probably is car jenic, it is still in use in many parts of the world.
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>> on the tech beat, hundreds of thousands of japanese keep ablers are believed to be addict toed internet. therapists say the damage may already be done. >> at the newly opened internet cafe in tokyo the individual booths are largely empty during the day. the manager tells us it's at night that the place comes alive. when the customers come, they can exchange this capsule for one in a hotel down stairs, never leaving the premises. that's if they can sleep. an inability to sleep is a symptom of internet addiction. this clinic is one of a handful in japan treating internet addicts. >> in the worst cases kids drop out of school and are not able to catch up with curriculum.
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they are not able to sleep which needs to be tackled in addition to the addiction. >> tokyo's district on a busy weekend offers the latest devices for a gadget obsessed generation. views here vary on what counts as too much on line time. >> if you use it too much, it's not good for you. i'm on line about 10 hours a day, which is ok. i don't think it's wrong because it's just the way we live. >> as with any addiction it seems part of the problem is failing to recognize it as a problem, but the government now estimates more than half a million teenagers may be addicted to the internet and in need of help. for some of the most extreme cases, the solution may be the tough love of complete digital detox. >> advertising their services on line, of course, are centers to treat addiction with complete
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internet fasting leaving your device at the door can be a wrench. at the height of his addiction website editor would be on line up to 15 hours a day. his battle with digital dependency led him to write a book encouraging others to cherish off line time. >> even at weekends when you are meant to be resting if you are connected on line, you are not really resting. people need to take time away and disconnect. then you can nurture imagination and encourage face-to-face communication. >> advice from someone who has been there to a generation increasingly connected to the world and disconnected from the person next to them. rob mcbride, al jazeera tokyo. >> ghana's addiction to herbable medication. why the country's doctors want the government to step in. >> a hard takedown paves the way
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>> welcome to al jazeera america. new york city is set to hire 1300 new police officers. city officials say the goal is to increase so-called community policing though overall crime is down 6.7%, shootings and murders are up. the new officers will join a force of 35 35 uniformed officers. >> sean combs was arrested. his son plays for the college's football team. reports say diddy confronted a coach with a kettle bell. no one was seriously hurt. >> the nun who led mother teresas missionary for more than a decade has died. she took the helm after mother teresa passed away in 1997. she led the organization until 2009. she died in calcutta late last
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night. she was 81 years old. >> breakfast cereals are getting a makeover. >> we made the decision to remove all artificial flavors and colors from artificial sources from the entire line of general mills cereals. they will be getting a new look. instead of chemical dyes, they will turn to blueberries and strawberries. general mills insists it will not affect the police officers flavors. >> the world health organization said 70% of people in ghana used herbal medicine before seeing a doctor. medical professionals say the industry needs to improve its regulations. >> starting to learn about the healing power of herbs from her grandfather, she is now in her 90s and passing her knowledge to
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her ground daughters. they run a herbal farm. they try to protect herbs with healing properties that are dialing out. >> we know what we are doing and we try helping people and they are doing well. people like to come to us. they will like to go see a doctor, it is a problem for them. >> the government is trying to work with traditional healers many doctors recognize they contribute to a health system under pressure but say regulation is a problem. >> people just go to them and start curing people. even the dosage of the drugs that they use is something that i have a concern with. >> herbal medicine has grown into an industry. consumers are bombarded with isments. the products that profess to
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cure a wide range of sicknesses with no science to back up the claim. >> you can find all kinds of herbal products along the roadside, and even processed and packaged, it's supposed to be registered and approved. often that's not the case. >> the government is warning people did the dangers of unregistered herbal medicine. some patients have few options especially when medical services are too far away and too costly. she's calling on the government to do more to integrate the different kinds of health care. al jazeera. >> team u.s.a. is moving on to the quarter finals at the world cup. the team beat colombia on monday. scoring in the 53rd minute, team u.s.a. scored first. a penalty kick sealed the deal.
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>> in the first half, it was really hard for us to break through their defense. in the second half, p.k. and not converting, we knew we had the momentum behind us and thank god we got in a little earlier. if it was going to be done in the last 10 minutes, you know colombia was going to use tactics to slow the game down. >> team u.s.a. faces china friday night. there are no more south american teams left. when it comes to teams from the middle east, none have ever qualified for the women's world cup. jordan nearly missed out on this year's tournament although they are best placed to get in next time. we have this report from amman. >> jordan's women's football team may only be a decade old but has become the strongest female team in the middle east. jordan is a socially and religiously conservative country and many believe football is not
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appropriate for females. >> i don't think it is going to change. there is a goop of people that have a negative side of not encouraging women's teams. what keeps us going is our parents, friends our passion for the game. >> the team credits the growth of women's football in jordan to the prince, the president of the country's football association and the former fifa vice president. playing football for eight years, she had to stop for a while before fifa lift add ban on headscarves. >> his royal highness, the prince interceded fifa when several female players refused to wear a cap instead of a head scarf because that is against our reege practices so we stopped playing. >> the country's making big strides in women's football and getting exposure and will be hosting a major world football event for female teams you should the age of 17 on act
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2016. >> the first world cup ever to be held in the middle east for female footballers will kick off next year. these women hope the award of such a significant tournament will win the game more acceptance and recognition across the arab and muslim worlds. >> the football associations' goal is to make the sport more widespread for women. there are now 13 women football centers in every province across the country, as well as junior girls teams. >> we completed in the asian cup last year and almost qualified for fever too world cup. our success has made other arab countries interested in developing their women football teams. >> they hope to encourage females who are shy and fearful of society to join a football
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center. >> the nfl will hear tom braes appeal today. the quarterback is fighting a four game suspension. the league punished him after their investigation found brady and the team likely knew of jim prosecutorly deflated footballs before the championship game. the commissioner will hear the appeal. >> james horner has died. he was the author behind the song from titanic and scored countless other films. he was nominated for 10 academy awards. his private plane went down in california monday. >> kurdish fighters are making new gainsual the turkey-syrian border. thanks for watching, have a great day.
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>> bold... >> he took two m-16's, and he crawled... >> brave... >> what you gotta do... >> then betrayed... >> why do you think you didn't get the medal of honor? >> a lifetime without the honor they deserved... >> some say that it was discrimination... >> revealing the long painful fight, to recognize some of america's bravest... >> he say.. be cool...
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>> ...proudest moment in my life.. >> honor delayed a soledad o'brien special report only on al jazeera america >> welcome to another news hour. coming up in the next 60 minutes, occurred issue fighters make gains in syria as they capture a key town close to isil's main stronghold. >> the death toll in pakistan's heatwave rises, more than 400 people have now died in the southern province. >> european leaders
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