tv News Al Jazeera June 23, 2015 11:00pm-11:31pm EDT
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tomorrow, 10:30p.m. . >> that is our show for today. i'm david shuster in for ali velshi. thank you for watching. moment of capture. >> it's ahead of us we circle on the front. >> reporter: new images of dylann roofs as police closed and arrested the suspect first steps - south carolina lawmakers vote to debate removing the confederate flag from capital grounds, as a
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growing number of people and companies take a stand paradise lost. >> they are mere in our backyard. they weren't here when we got here big fears how big agriculture is using pesticides in the hawaii silds surprising surge, donald trump is among the leaders of the gop pact good evening, i'm antonio mora this is al jazeera america. tonight we are getting a first look at the moment police captured a man accused of carrying out deadly church shooting in south carolina. john terrett joins us now. remarkable video. >> it is remarkable. once again we are grateful for the dash cam videos showing things that wee would not know otherwise. police in shelby north carolina releasing the dash cam video from a police car that shows the arresting moments of shooting suspect dylann roof.
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and concluded a 14-hour manhunt that began 250 miles away after the 21-year-old allegedly unleashed a shooting spree claiming the lives of nine african-americans inside the historic emapual a.m.e. church. >> reporter: last thursday shelby north carolina dash cam video reveals the moment police closed in on 21-year-old dylann roof, prime suspect in the murder of nine african-american churchgoers the night before in charleston south carolina. officers are seen approaching the black hyundai, one has a gun drawn, pointed through the rear window. another officer goes to the driver's side door. dylann roof is seen backing away from the car and the officer frisks him. he is handcuffed led to a place vehicle and this is the 911 call that led to dylann roof's arrest:
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he tells police that one of his staff is on the food following what he leaves is dylann roof's car. back at the car, the police cam shows police searching the hyundai for evidence. they open the trunk, check around the vehicle. eventually it dawns on them they just arrested the country's most wanted man, and give themselves high fives all around. dylann roof appeared in court via tv link and was charged with nine counts of murder. no one that saw it will forget the families of some of the victims were in court and publicly forgave him. in the days that followed. dylann roof is in photographs
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with clags. a man -- confederate flags, and a manifestier emerged, and details about the gun used at mother emanuel church in charleston wednesday night. sources telling n.b.c. that it was bought in west colombia april 11th, a week after dylann roof turned 21. although he had an outstanding drug charge under the law the purchases legal. >> the charleston city council passed an ordinance banning protests or picketing at furniture for the nine killed at mother emanuel. president obama will be in charleston on friday to deliver the yule any for the pastor and the senator clementa pinckney, one of the victims. for more than a half century, the confederate flag flew at the south carolina state house. that may be nearing an end. state lawmakers voted to consider removing the flag days
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after attacks on the church stirred a heated debate over the heated presence. diane eastabrook joins us from charleston. how are people reacting to this? >> well tonight there are people gathered for a quiet vigil at the emanuel ane church the sayings where people were shot less than a week ago. in charleston we talked to people. they said that there's no place for the confederate flag in south carolina, and they want it to come down. >> reporter: the canons from a civil war honour the city's role in a war that divided the nation. it is a part of history and d.n.a. some say it's time to leave the past behind. >> that flag does not represent the black culture. >> reporter: charleston neighbours leave baskets on the street. they say the war is part of
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charleston's rich history, they thing the confederate flag is hurtful and divisive. >> it means, like slavery to me. and we still being oppressed. oppressed by that demrag and it's not -- flag and it's not representing us. >> it is kind of hurtful when i think about the negativity going behind it for the wrongful use. >> reporter: after governor nickry hayley said on monday that the flag should be removed. lawmakers voted to do that. mississippi's house speaker wants the stars and bars removed from his state flag. virm governor said thee -- virginia governor said he wanted it removed from licence plates. >> as governor hayley said her state can ill afford to let the symbol divide the people of south carolina.
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i believe the same is true. corporate america is weighing in. following wal-mart's lead amazon target sears says they'll stop selling merchandise featuring the confederate flag. in a statement we believe it has become a temporary symbol of decisiveness and racism. n.a.s.c.a.r. popular in the south, will not allow official use of the flag at its races. n.a.s.c.a.r. acknowledges that freedom of expression is the right of all citizens we'll strive for an inclusive environment at our events. >> reporter: one of the things that bother her is seeing younger people. she sees a lot of young men, teenage boys driving around charleston. with the confederate flag and said, you know she wants it to stop, she doesn't want it passed along to another generation of people in south carolina.
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>> reporter: there were intense moments when members of the black panther party held a rally outside the church. >> that's right. and these people - they were probably maybe between maybe 100 and 150 of them. they walked down the street to the church. they were chanting "no justice, no peace." some of the same things we heard last year during the ferguson protest. while they were strident in their approach than the people that have been gathering at the church, it was actually a rather peaceful gathering. they made their point they spoke to some of the people at the church and moved on down the road. so again, they were a little louder than the people that we a seen. but all in all. it was a peaceful protest. >> diane eastabrook in charleston south carolina thank you. >> new details on what caused the death of freddie gray a
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baltimore man that died after taken in police custody. an autopsy showed freddie gray most probably suffered a high-energy injury and may have occurred when a police van transporting gray suddenly slowed down. it was called a homicide because police failed to follow safety procedures. legislation giving president obama authority to fast-track major trade deals is a vote away from approval. it puts the white house within striking conditions of a key goal. >> the senate's vote on frayed really brought back to life the president's agenda it looks dead in the water. president obama and republicans on one side. democrats on the other. president obama and republicans believe that he should have fast-track authority to move
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trade bills through congress with an up or down vote. the democrats have broader concerns about what international trade deals mean for american jobs and worker. the majority leader mitch mcconnell, the top republican in the senate described the fight today. >> this has been a long and rather rather twisted path. it's app important accomplishment for the country. >> today's vote was procedural but it had a high threshold to succeed. 60 votes is what it required to move on. that is what the senate got. no room for error. now, we were watching democrats to see how they would weigh in. 13 pro-trade democrats sided with republicans, but a lot of democrats said they would not vote for fast-track authority, the president's agenda. one is a presidential candidate
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bernie sanders. >> i disagree with the majority leader who calls it a great day for america. it's not a great day, it's a great day for the big money interest, not the working families much >> reporter: despite opposition the senate is on track to pass fast-track authority. it's not the only bill. the white house wants legislation moved forward that will help workers who have been displaced because of globalization. the president wants the two bills to go hand and hand and would like it signed by the end of the week. setting up a larger debate. for later this summer one over a massive trade deal with asia the trans-pacific partnership. it's not going on this week. a lot of members of congress see that coming down the pike and they know that giving president obama fast-track authority send signals that will be received over the coming months.
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wiki leeks published top-secret documents showing the u.s. eavesdropped on the last three french presidents. they have not been independently concerned. francis hollande scheduled is meeting with his defense council to discuss the reports. the who's has yet to -- white house has yet to shoned. respond. the u.s. government is still to decide what will happen to cyber criminals that hacked the white house database. there are reports 18 million were affected, four times more than what the office of personnel management announced last week. among those, white house press secretary josh ernst. >> the numbers 4 million or 18 million regarding the office of perm management the -- personnel management were you among the individuals who was notified that your data may have been compromised. >> i was. >> u.s. officials blamed chinese
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hackers. china called the allegations irresponsible. cyber security was near the top of the agenda at a meeting between chines and u.s. leaders. tensions between the two superpowers have been strained on a number of fronts. >> as officials in the united states and china sat for talks in washington amid attention over cyber attacks and island building in the china sea. the vice president sought to sound a conciliatory note. >> let me be clear. we do not fear china's rise. we want to see china rise. to continue to rise in a responsible way to benefit you most, china, because you have an important role to play. >> the fact that secretary of state john kerry, was joined by jack lew signals economic and security issues. while the u.s. has not formally accused china of the hack that compromised personal, financial and medical records.
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of the federal employees for its part the pentagon is more focused on china's rapid build up of conventional forces. in a speech a day before the china talks, the number two civilian, deputy defense secretary bob work said: work could have been reading from the pentagon's latest report to congress which says china's officially disclosed military spending averaged 9.5% growth, white the pentagon has been hamstrung by sequestration cuts imposed by congress. the rising china threat card is one often played by the military services as they plead for money from congress, arguing while
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china's air force is growing, the u.s. air force is just as quickly shrinking. >> when we deployed operation desert storm in 1990, we had 188 fighter squadrons. this will take us to 49. the bottom line is there's no bench left. >> while america's technological advantage may be dwindling, the u.s. insists it will never allow china to intimidate america's allies in the region. >> china's assets are increasing in new ways. they are increasing demand in the asia pacific. we'll meet it. we'll remain the principal security power in the asia pacific for decades to come. the u.s. and n.a.t.o. are boosting military presence in eastern europe to confront an
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assertive russia. the defense secrete ash carter said dozens of tanks and artillery will be sent to the baltic nation a show of support for america's newest n.a.t.o. allies. >> you lost your independence once before. with n.a.t.o., you will never lose it again. that's because the united states and the rest of the n.a.t.o. alliance are absolutely committed to defending the territorial integrity of estonia, latvia and lith wania, just as we are committed to defending all n.a.t.o. allies. >> the move marked the first time heavy military assets have been placed in former russian nations. most do not give trump a chance of being elected president. but he may shake up the polls. and the cover up of faulty devices to pad a bottom line.
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the 2016 presidential election is a long way off. right now hillary clinton is leading democrats and republicans in new hampshire, where the in addition's first primary will be -- nation said first primary will be heard. clinton is shown to beat bernie sanders by 60 percentage points. in a match-up with the republicans, she leads jed bush which 8, marco rubio by 10 and scott walk e by 16. another poll shows bush leading among republicans, with donald trump in second not far behind each though he just entered the race. for more on donald trump and the republican field we are joined by joe, a former aide to the bush campaign. are you surprised that trump is pulling this well? >> well, it's early on but you
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have to realise that donald trump has huge name i.d. he's self-funded and is a wealthy guy. and is a decisive person. he speaks his mind this is a time when americans don't like the plain speaking and he's talking about the economy. something that the americans care about because the economy has a lot of weakness. he's saying i can produce jobs and put people back to work. he can resonate with pollsters. he's a polarizing figure. more hold an unfavourable view than a favourable one. if the field were smaller, he may win. he only needs 15% of voters to choose him. >> the field will get larger at this point. there's candidates that have not announced that they are running for the presidency. we expect them to announce. it will get larger.
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donald trump has staying power, because he has money. if he's smart. he's a smart business person he'll capitalize on the name i.d. and the popular culture, and will work hard in newhampshire. >> is this an issue for republicans, if it is going to be a field, that candidates could win the primaries with a small part of the electorate voting for them. doesn't it mess up the primary process? >> it doesn't mess up the primary process, this is what america is about. everybody should have an equal chance to win the primary. the candidates able to make sure that voters can vote. they are the folks. >> that people could be winning the primaries with few voters going for them. >> that's right. >> it's split among many people.
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>> not necessarily. >> let's go to trump. if he is unelectable. couldn't he fellow a wrench in the works for republicans. the debates will be limited to the top 10. at this point it seems likely. >> you raise a great point. the top 10 candidates the top 10 polling candidates will be included and i expect them to be polled in the top 10. i suspect that given this latest poll showing strength early on. he'll make the top 10. he will be in the debates, and will be a forced to be reckoned with them. >> what would a debate with trump be like. certainly it's entertaining. could it hurt the party. >> i think what has to happen is all the candidates forced in the
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early debates need to stick to the issues not each other. they'll talk about what they would do in effected president. heal or fix the economy. they'll talk about where they stand on issues like gun control. he'll have a chance like every other candidate to talk about where he stands on the issues. >> thank you, good to have your perspective. >> reporter: damming accusations on capitol hill against autopart takata. they have been pressed for answers on why deadly airbag flaws were ignored. a congressional report says in the years before the recall sack arta skipped safety checks to save money. eight deaths have been tied to the exploding air backs and more than 100 have been injured. >> it explodes with such force that it actually breaks open the medal and the medal goes out, and then of course instead of
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the air bag, saving lives. it's killing people. >> this is about blatant incompetent ms management. >> regulators were slammed for failing to uncover the defects. the takata recall is thought to be the largest safety recall history some hawaiians want to know what is coming off seed farms. >> they are here in the backyard. they weren't here when we came here we'll look at the evidence and concerns about massive amounts of pesticides.
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genetically modified seeds have grown to be the biggest cash crop in hawaii. some that live near the seed farms say the business boomed at the expense of their health. our jacob ward wnt to hawaii to investigate what's happening. [ sings ] >> reporter: hawaii - the world's number one tourist destination, is also the center of a fight between the companies that make crop seeds to feed billion, and residents that say they are poisoned by fields next door. >> they are here in the backyard and they weren't here when we cape here. hawaii's number one product is no longer pineapple or sugar cane it's seeds for coyne and
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soy beans, modified to resist weed killers sold with them so farmers can spray without harming their crops. sprayed year around with herbicides and pesticides those fields often bump up against homes and schools. carol heart suffers dizziness and headaches when she works in her garden. >> i have been tested for gliso sit and the level in my urine was 1.2 parts her billion. three times the amount in farmers that spray cliko sit who sell it in round-up. according to a study by the center for food study, it receives 17 times more restrict use than mainland corn does. the chemicals are toxic in the wrong doses, many dangerous to
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children and in high wind can drift beyond the intended fields. in 2008 at this elementary school students and teachers came down with headaches, dizziness, vomiting 10 had to go to the emergency room. there were fields over the way here who regularly worked and there was spraying going on on that day. do you have enough investigators to figure out what is going on? >> the legislate our gave awes finance for another four investigators this year and four next we are. >> reporter: 8 investigators in charge of 3,000 site. sounds like a lot of work for a small savvy. -- staff. >> no one in the country investigates every pesticide
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application that is put down. >> reporter: a nurse practitioner said the department of agriculture and health does not have the numbers. >> you are a committed healthcare worker. >> i'm telling the truth, i don't for sure. what it says to me is investigation needs to be done. >> reporter: when county officials tried to force the information out of companies doing the spraying, they found themselves locked in battle finally tonight. new york city granted status to the stone wall in that helped to launch the modern gay rights movement. on-june 28th customers fought back against a police raid. it's commemorated at gay pride event every year in new york city. it's the first time a new york city site has been designated a
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landmark because of its role history. >> i'm antonio mora thank you for joining us for the latest news head to ray suarez is next with "inside story". have a great night. [ ♪♪ ] n.a.t.o. troops practice repelling a russian invasion. the united states sends weapons to eastern europe. russia's leaders cultivate and support american enemies with high-profile visits. sounds a lot like the bad old days of the cold war, but it's really right there in today's headlines. could it be cold war ii. it's "inside story".
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