tv News Al Jazeera June 24, 2015 8:00pm-9:01pm EDT
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>> hi everyone. this is al jazeera america. i'm john siegenthaler. american captives. dozens held around the world and now the white house is changing the rules about talking to hostage takers. breaking his silence. >> what he said showed no remorse, no regret and no empathy for what he had done with our lives. >> the boston bomber speaks to victims and their families in court. >> when a call comes in for a white community they go out and
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investigate. if a call comes in and it's a community of color they put an imment carempty car seat in the car. >> and pesticide fears. some in hawaii say it's making them sick. we confront the billion dollar biotechnical companies. biotech companies. we begin with major changes in u.s. policy when it comes to hostage negotiations. changes in part because of last year's murder of hostages. one of the monumental changes the government will no longer threaten to prosecute families trying to play ransoms to terrorists. more now from mike viqueria in washington.
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mike. >> reporter: well, good evening john the president says there will be no concessions made to hostage takers but he also says there will be no threats for pros accuse prosecution to those who try to save their families from hostage takers. >> these families have already suffered enough and they should never feel ignored or victimized by their own government. >> mr. obama ordered the review last year, a response from dozens of complaints from desperate and angry families. that they received conflicting information from the government, were an afterthought or even threatened by some government officials. the parents of james foley went public after i.s.i.l. murdered
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him last year. >> all i'm saying is what we are doing to sedate is the enough. >> a hostage recovery fusion cell to coordinate the government's recovery efforts a hostage envoy to work with foreign governments on hostage recovery and a family engagement team to share information with families. mr. obama says he won't change the long held u.s. tradition of not negotiating with hostage takers. >> but the families can assist, to assure the safety of the family members and to make sure they are not defrauded. >> even if the government won't pay ransoms will it help families that do? a top white house official says there is no contradiction. >> am i bad guy in the middle
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east is that a distinction with a difference? >> the government will not facilitate the payment of a ransom. what we will do however is work with families to try and advise them to give them the benefit of our best advice. >> michael scott moore spent two and a half years as a hostage in somalia. he was released last september after his captors demanded and got a 1.6 million ransom. the government will help families cope. >> and they give advice, they give support. there's absolutely nothing wrong with that. it would be terrible if a family was just on their own. >> john not everybody is on board with these new changes that the government announced today. there are advocates for many of the families who call it window dressing and they wanted to see a stronger centralized authority
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a so-called hostage czar within the white house walls. >> thank you. christopher vos voss is ceo of the black swan group. he's in washington tonight. so chris is the president right? did he make the right decision? >> is. >> i >> i applaud them for the steps they have taken. the real issue is accordance behind the scenes. it was pretty much a train wreck last year. >> is this a huge policy change for united states of america when it doms to comes to what it's willing to do to get a hospital staj back? >> in point of fact it's no change at all. it is coordination behind the scenes and in a very polite way the president was telling the
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people to get together and put people in very specific locations to make sure that happens. >> i understand you believe this government was never going to prosecute these families anyway. >> no, they never would and behind the scenes no one has ever said that they would who knew what they were talking about. in all of these threats to prosecute that happened last year the interesting thing about them is none of them were being made by attorneys from the department of justice who were in charge of those prosecutions. they were all done by people who had nothing to do with prosecution he. >> does this make hostages saver or put them at risk? >> i think it's making hostages saver. to put some authority and is thability in very specific positions which means the families will get more support and they will get feedback and help from a government other than be worried about being prosecuted which was the only thing the government had to say
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last year. >> so do you believe if this policy was in effect some hostages would have made it home? >> well that's a great question and i'm not sure if even a better job would have been done last year that it would have made any difference. so that should not stop the government from getting better all the time because ultimately the reason those hostages were killed was because i.s.i.l. chose to kill them and not because of mistakes the government made. >> chris voss, good to you have on the program. thank you very much. >> today, a surprising apology from the so-called boston marathon bomber. disoarkz saysdzhokhartsarnaev says he was sorry for the lives he took. erica pitzi has the story. erica. >> he was speaking so softly as he was apologizing.
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meanwhile, the families of the victims who died in the marathon bombings alongside the survivors were listening closely to what tsarnaev had to say. some were shaking their heads in anger. others had tears streaming down their faces. >> for the first time since police named him as one of the people responsible for the boston marathon bombings two years ago dzhokhartsarnaev spoke public lawly speaking to the court i'm sorry for the lives i've taken and i pray for your relief, for your healing for your well-being and for your strength. before he finished his statement he askeddal la asked ah la. allah for strength. >> i feel very sure he acknowledged our suffering. >> tsarnaev's final words came
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few minutes from gut wrenching speeches of survivors. while many talked about their physical loss they also touched on their emotional loss, many still suffer from flash backs and panic attack. ozarkobviously you're intellectually very bright and you could have helped to get your brother helped. the youngest victim eight-year-old martin richard who wanted the court to give tsarnaev life instead of death said this, he could have stopped his brother he chose hate, he chose destruction he chose
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death. the final victim to speak was young amputee rebecca gregory who refuses to call herself a victim. she said terrorists like you do two things in the world one is create mass destruction the second is really quite interesting. you know what mass destruction does? it brings people together. we are boston strong, we are america strong so how is that for your victim impact statement? when the judge officially sentenced tsarnaev to death he told the convictboston bomber that he would always be remembered for something evil, representing the federal government, the u.s. attorney from massachusetts carmen ortiz reactto tsarnaev's statement and is he she was shocked what tsarnaev left out of his statement, that he never denounced terrorism. john. >> erica thank you. attacks like the boston bombing reinforce the wisdom that self
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proclaimed radical muslims pose the most threat to the united us. paul beban has more. paul. >> since 9/11 people of various stripes and ideologies have carried out attacks in the u.s. and nonmuslims have table more lives according to the results of a study. when a gunman opened fire during a late night bible study session last week, nine names were added to america's tally of killings apparently moiivetted by race. -zmotivated by race. a line of attackers attackers attackers
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motiv attackers attackers motivateby race. than by those who self-identify as muslim extreme is. tray to 26 -- 48 to 26. and there's a mismatch between public perception and the actual numbers. >> when we really look at the numbers we see that the domestic terrorist and the people who sort of fit under that umbrella have fit a much more grerve campaignaggressivecampaign profile. >> in 2012 neonazi before shooting himself. in june, 2014, jarrod and amanda miller killed two police officers who were having lunch in a las vegas restaurant.
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on the body they left a note saying, this is the beginning of the revolution and a swastika. they then headed to a walmart before police killed jerald and amanda committed suicide. just month earlier are,. >> no repercussions. >> and in australia texas last november a man named larry mcwilliams found off more than 100 rounds at government buildings including the mexican consulate and other government buildings before a police officer shot and killed him. police said the ifn employed mcwilliams had ties to a christian hate group. more concerned about so-called right wing extremists than muslim extremists. that's according to a survey to be released later on this week. murders in charleston from all angles as a hate crime and as an
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act of potential domestic terrorism. >> paul, thank you very much. let's talk about south carolina. mourners there are paying respects to one of the nine victims of last week's shooting at the historic black church. the church pastor who is also a state senator received a special honor in the capitol. diane eastabrook is at the state capital with more. diane. >> thousands turned it to pay their final respects to clementa pinningclementapinckney. >> just after noon. honor guardsmen from the state highway patrol carried pinckney's casket inside. his family and two daughters walking behind. the line to view pinckney's body stretched from the state hoation house rotunda to the street.
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standing in the heat. >> for all of south carolina's for all americans. >> i represented the university of south carolina up at the state house for years and he was always interested in the well-being of the people of south carolina. >> this tragedy has affected not only south carolina but the whole nation. so being in colombia i felt to come over. i didn't know him. >> the confederate flag flying on the state house grounds has become a flash point since 21-year-old dylann roof gunned down pinckney and eight others last wednesday. governing nikki haley wants it taken down and the state legislature is expected to debate the issue later this summer. and senator thurmond said the flag must go. >> i'm proud to take a stand and
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no longer be silent. i'm proud to be on the right side of history regarding the removal of this symbol of racism and bigotry from the state house. but let it not satisfy us to stop there. justice by halves is not justice. >> republican katrina shealy, the only republican in the state house. >> i have a lot of constituents in the state house that really respect the flag. to a lot of people it means racism and hate. >> the charleston post-courier says two-thirds of its readers favor removing it. may feel good and play to our emotion butter it accomplishes
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absolutely nothing. mourners remember pinckney as a compassionate man who tried to do right. but the removal of this divisive symbol could become his lasting legacy. pinckney's wake will be tomorrow in charleston. his funeral will be friday and it will be open to the public. john. >> diane thanks. while south carolina debates be roofing the confederate flag from the ground of grounds of the state capital, robert bentley used an executive order to have flags removed from the graves of con confederate soldiers. also a movement to remove confederate symbols in new orleans. mayor mitch landrieu wants a statute of robert e lee removed.
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>> the number of children infoster care is dropping dramatically, from 600,000 two years ago to 400,000. but despite this progress, one object remains african americans are twice as likely to be put into foster care than white children. roxana saberi has the story. >> today some african americans argue this is used as a weapon to take their children away from them.
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>> oh, i remember that. >> joyce mcmillan and her daughter courtney have two sets of family memories. >> before you were coming home, before your braces. >> memories before courtney went into foster care when she was eight and after she came home two years later. >> that changed me a lot from that day just because you don't forget being taken from your mom. >> it was very difficult to wake up in the morning and not see her smiling face. not having her cawlg call call mommy mommy. >> joyce does say she was using an illicit substance when her daughter was taken away. >> there was a substance issue but not one that kept me from taking care of her or supplying her from her daily needs. we had an apartment we were doing well. >> was it marijuana?
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>> it's not that i'm uncomfortable saying what it is. but regardless what i used, there were things that they could have put in place none of those were given to me as an option or opportunity to keep my family intact. >> she says the state wouldn't have separated her from her family if she was white. >> what makes you feel that white parents don't face the same scrutiny? >> my daughter would maybe fall or twist her arm or something and i take her to emergency a call would be placed asking questions of me as to how this truly happened. >> not just about one person. >> joyce's weekly support meeting we felt other parents who felt the same way. >> how many of you think you were judged more harshly than white parents when the decision was made to put your children in foster care? in new york city the total number of children in foster care has dropped dramatically in 15 years.
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but the children going into foster care are disproportionatelyproportionately african american. a black child is five times more likely than a white child to be in foster care. critics blame bias, social workers and judges, who decide whether to remove them from their families. >> when a call comes in, it's already predetermined that the child would be removed. and yet how would we know that when a call comes in, for a white community they go out and investigate. if a call comes in and it's a community of color, they'll put the infant car seat in the car. >> gladys carriollon says she's aware minority make up the majority of the city's foster kids. >> african american and hispanic
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children primarily. >> why is that? >> there are lots of issues. one is that poor families in this city and across the country are subject to more surveillance. and oversight. i think the other part of it is really the racism. i think we should be honest about that. >> reporter: she says all of the agency's 6,000 employees have to go through anti-racism training. >> the next step is what do we need to do to move that needle more? >> how much do you think you have moved the needle in foster care? >> i don't think we've moved it a hell of a long way quite frankly. large bureaucracy change the difficult. and really, it's just not the administration of children's services. there are lots of other people that are involved in our system. >> the title of this morning's session is, child welfare and
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implicit biases. >> irina is the top judge of new york city's family courts. >> we are make critical decisions whether or not children go into foster care or stay with their parents. >> she says everyone is biased in some way so she's training new judges how to check. >> we need to check in our own heads and our own hearts to make sure we're removing because it's dangerous for a child to be at home with a parent. >> i know it will be a challenge because i know how little time will be for each case but that will be my focus and to keep my focus on why can't this child go home yet and what can we do to change that. >> joyce mcmillan says more must be done to help parents like her. >> the fact is utilized when from the time that courtney was removed, we wouldn't have the same issue with kayla.
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>> joyce's second child was put in foster care when she was three months old. >> your first child was put in foster care because you are were using drugs. you didn't stop. why not? >> it was a time i felt very alone. i wasn't supported. >> did foster scare help you to come clean? >> absolutely not, it didn't help me come clean. what it did was tore my family apart. i found the strength inside of me to do what i needed to do to fight them. >> by the time kayla returned she was nearly two and didn't recognize her mother. >> when i picked kayla up that night i can remember the gut-wrenching screams like it was yesterday. >> reporter: kayla still remembers. courtney finished college and is working in new york city. still, she feels her family was
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unnecessarily separated. >> ripping kids from their mother, from their home, it's annal extremely wrenching experience and i don't wish that on anyone. >> many studies suggest long term foster care puts kids at a greater risk of dropping out of school unemployment and prison. john. >> roxana, thank you. we confront the biotech companies for an explanation. and 6 million americans could lose their health insurance because of four little words. we meet the man who seized on that phrase and considers the president's signature achievements.
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>> hi everyone, this is los angeles. i'm john siegenthaler. retracing his steps. be dylann roof visited before the charleston massacre. >> four words. >> i noticed the tax codes mentioned these four years. growing fears the year round spraying of pesticides in hawaii and people who say it's making them sick. and eye in the sky. >> when we fly airplanes the poaching stops. >> how drones could stop the africasn elephant from becoming extinct. >> long lines to view the body of a pastor gunned down at a charleston church.
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body of clementa pinckney. president obama will deliver the eulogy. first lady michelle obama and vice president you biden will also be in attendance. photos of the site showed are dylann roof visited a number of confederate sites in the months before the charleston attack. morgan radford is in charleston tonight. morgan. >> that's right john. before the shooting at emanuel ame church right behind me dylann roof as you mentioned posted about 60 photos to that website chronicling his visit to the south,ful of which locations were old slave plantations. i retraced his steps to two of them. >> we are here. mccloud plantation. this place was unique, during
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the civil war black soldiers were stationed here as the north made gains in the south and also unlike the other plantations it was less as you ten taishes. ostentatious. he let's check this out. thanks so much for having us. tom o'roarke is the head of charleston's mccloud plantation. one of the areas that dylann roof visitbefore his visited before his attack on the charleston church. >> somebody filled with hate felt they needed to end the lives of nine pretty important people in this community. >> the man came here and has a photo at this very plantation. >> he came here more than once. >> one of my co-workers remember speaking to him. i didn't, thankfully.
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>> sarah is a tour guide at mccloud. >> sarah, would you come here, i'm saying so many great things about you, you have to introduce you. >> she says they awlgt all have it wrong. >> you can't leave here not knowing what we endured and our hopes for the future. and i'm sure if he got out here and looked around and read the things he would have seen something very different than the rhetoric and narrative that he had for his own hatred and choices that he made. that's not what we're talking about here and we're really trying to educate people so they know better. >> which is why o'roarke says, people with prejudicial leaning should come to mccloud. >> this site is not for people that all think like us. it's for people who don't think like us, it's for people who might have a little bit of hate in them.
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they want them knowing the african american contribution, what they contributed to the area. >> ing magnolia plantation, another historic site dylann roof vistaed. >> what went through y'all's mind when you saw this photo? >> we were just stunned that he was here. we know that based on the narrative that we tell here, we tell a positive history. we talk about the contributions that african americans played. >> so you think dylann roof just got it all wrong. >> there's no -- you know, if he's looking for hate, i don't think he's going to find it here. >> reporter: because hate both men agree is an ugly part of a carolinian pras. past. >> the person that drives in is
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not the person that drives out. i know that will happen . >> the manifesto last rhodesian has been since taken down. >> morgan, thank you. french president president.francois hollande response to wikileaks that at least until 2012 the nsa eeiveseves dropped on hollande and his predecessors. 6 million americans could possibly lose health care coverage under the affordable care act.
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be michael shuresmeush michael shure ismichael shure is live. michael. >> now as they look at health care there's some opponents of the affordable care act john who i've spoken to who aren't even sure they want these four words to stand in the way of the affordable care act. now we'll see if the court takes those literallily or if they defer toliterally or defer tolegislative intent. >> it was sensible for knee to be the go-to guy on the affordable care act. that's why i read the statute as closely as i did. >> immersed this south carolina employee benefits lawyer into the middle of one of the most anticipated rulings of the legal season . >> once you read it the words leap off the page at you. >> tom christian christina is referring
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to four words. established by the state. >> i noticed the affordable care act contained these four words. >> it's been known as the four words. how did that happen? >> i think it happened because of a headline in the new york times. there was an article written about the case and the headline was something on the order of you know meet the lawyer who discovered the four little words and it's taken off from there. >> lawyers have now spent over four years on those four words leading to the case of king v. burwell, the latest supreme court challenge to the affordable care act commonly known as obamacare. established by the state seems to indicate that subsidies are only available in states with their own health care exchanges 18 states and the district of columbia.
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meaning at least be people in those other states might lose their coverage. >> hey symptom six million people may lose their health care, what would you say to those guys? >> some people get very little subsidies, it may be as small as two figures. some people ask find that extra $28 a month and continue their coverage. finally the thing i would say is look congress can fix this if it turns out they didn't mean this literally. >> however, some republicans like olympia snow who helped craft the legislation believe that this would supply in the face of legislative intent. >> do you find these words what do you do with it, what happens
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then? >> suppose the next step that led us to where we are is that, i appeared at a program presented by the american enterprise institute. are and the subject of theand the subject of the discussion was what would happen if the government wins the florida case, the nfip case, are there other avenues other approaches to challenging portions of the act? >> reporter: the government did win that 2012 floridaing challenge to obamacare brought by the nfib, the national federation of independent business but the case had already begun to defy law. launching oral arguments in king v burrwell. >> people who know more about these things than i do are
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watching the chief justice and there are some who are watching justice caig kay kagan. given the respect i have for her just in the brief time she's been on the court i think law really matters to her and getting things right really matters to her. >> the case of king v burrwell may well be over soon. then the only four words that matter should be the other four words that appear on the front of every supreme court ruling, $opinion of the court." i asked christina, what was the quickettes fiction he said they could send it back to congress and congress could make a limb change to the words. but the congress who put this in
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is very different than one that sits here now. john. >> thank you michael. louisiana governor bobby jindal announced his candidacy today. jindal said he would not shy away from his party's core values. >> republicans must stop being afraid to lose. is if we try to hide who we are again, we will lose again. we have tried to mask our conservative ideals and we have failed. >> he joins a field of candidates that includes former florida governor jeb bush and florida senator marco rubio and many others. congress is giving the white house new powers for negotiating trade with foreign governments. today the senate finally passed a bill granting fast-track authority to the president. lisa stark is in washington with more.
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>> reporter: john, the bill gives president expanded powers on trade and it passed the senate 60 to 38 with a lot of renal support and just 13 democrats joining in. it allows mr. obama to negotiate a trade deal and then when it comes back to congress they only get an up or down vote. they don't get any changes to the deal. this is important because the administration is in the midst of negotiating a massive trade agreement with 11 other nations called the taips transpacific partnership. here is how speaker john boehner. >> i think it's a big win for the american people. it's good for american farmers for manufacturers and small businesses. was it an easy lift? we've got a lot left to do to make sure we're helping the american people address their
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priorities. >> reporter: democrats were opposed to this so-called fast track bill, so were labor unions. to try to kill the measure nancy pelosi was holding another bill hostage that actually the president and democrats support. it would help workers who are hurt by trade giving them education benefits and retraining. today nancy pelosi threw in the towel saying she will support that work he retraining bill. in the statement she explained i support its passage because it can open the door to a full debate on the tpp that transpacific partnership. 40% of all trade worldwide so the focus anonymity shifting to what that deal will actually look like but again a big win for the president who gets two bills he wants expanded authority on trade and also the bill to help workers who are
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hurt by trade. john. >> lisa stark, thank you. more tonight about our fragile planet and genetically modified seeds. some people who live near the seed farms say the industry is costing them their health. jake ward has more. >> in 2008 at this middle school waimea canyon dozens of students and teachers came down with headaches dizziness and vomiting. dozens had to go to the emergency room. >> i feel sick i feel sick i feel like i'm going to throw up. >> nothing you've seen so far makes you think that things have to change in the way it's regulated when it comes to the biotech company? >> haven't seen any of the assertion is that were made be founded. >> no more pesticides!
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>> by 2010 there was a full fledged political movement against pesticide spraying in hawaii and protests have spread up against the state. kauai congressman gary. >> behind me is wa ifertionmea canyon middle school. on several occasions children and teachers got sick after smelling odors. no one really knows what caused that illness but they were spraying pesticides in the fields nearby. >> as well as full disclosure of exactly what chemicals were being sprayed. >> i'll take silence as a no, is that fair? is that fair? okay. >> when we passed it the mayor vee stowed it, we overrode it and the company took us to
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court. >> syngenta, dow and basf filed a federal suit to block the enforcement of the local law claiming hayes's laws couldn't go beyond state or federal law. >> that's being appealed and it's difficult for me to understand. we weren't saying, you can't use your chemicals. we are saying, disclose your use and don't do them around schools, hospitals and houses. >> the federal judge agreed with companies that state law preempts federal law. in fact in the u.s. federal rules force agencies like the epa to submit a cost benefit analysis to the office of management and budget on any regulation that would have an economic impact of $100 million or more. these analyses weigh the monetary value of a chemical against the risk of disease.
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in an industry trying to feed an additional 3 billion people over the next four decades the monetary value of a pesticide is almost incalculable. notifying workers of what was being separate at the time it doesn't require being disclosed to the public. even microscopic amounts of these chemicals could have terrible effects. >> we are at a heliport in ka ughai. we're going so look at what's being sprayed where. jake ward. nice to meet you. kirby kester who leads the hawaii crop improvement association shows me the fields that he and the companies he represents maintains. >> you are basically delivering sort of a refined product to the mainland for further refinement,
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further testing but you get it started out here? >> we do the product development out here. we make thousands and thousands of different breeding combinations in hawaii every winter. it's a numbers game searching for the highest yielding components that you want. obviously you guys are scientists, you are in the business of using science to make products. why not get out ahead of this, why not look at the growing body of evidence that this stuff is really, really toxic even in vanishing quantities, than say okay we're going to get a distance going on, reeventually what it is we're spraying, why not get ahead of it? >> that's where we disagree. you say growing body of evidence against it saying they are really toxic. there isn't. >> there is a growing body of literate saying it is really dangerous. buffer zones would be a good
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idea, there have been buffer zones put in by county ordinances in california. other states. i guess why do you guys get to say whether or not that's safe? >> i wouldn't say that it's us guys get to say. because ultimately, these products are all regulated heavily and approved by the epa. >> to be clear though it was your industry that filed suit, it wasn't that the state came down and clamped down. your industry stepped in, filed suit to make sure that that ordinance was overturned. >> to refute the ordinance yes. but what we're about is working well with our neighbors. working within our community and the neighbors right next door the people who live beside our fields and work around there. you know that's our employees. >> so why not -- so if the people living in those communities say that they want a county ordinance not a statewide ordinance, just a county ordinance to keep a distance, why oppose that if that's who
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you're trying to protect? >> the -- the reason for opposition was if you think grander, it's more than just our industry. okay? a lot of that bill seemed to really just target our industry. and it's -- we're a bigger part of agriculture in hawaii. so you can't just think of us. we're thinking of all of agriculture, in everything that we do. >> around the sometime kauai introduced the ordinance the state department of agriculture introduced a good neighbor program, around the use of epa restricted pesticides. >> product name i recognize promethrin. >> they live half a mile from a field they say is affecting their health. >> regulation number the total use and another name. >> it doesn't say where and it
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doesn't say when. >> no, no. >> other than the month. do you think you would have used this in some way to i don't know, be out of town on the right day or -- >> no. so there's really no information in here that's going to help me. >> the couple says federal and state laws haven't done enough to protect their health and for the moment even county officials are helpless. they have no choice but to sell their home and abandon the garden island after 30 years here. >> john when we first arrived here the question was whether these massive companies would do so much to block a county ordinance. the official answer used to be trade secrets if they had to expose what they were spraying it would give away the recipe of their product. that's not the reason. one coin member on ka ufergai said akauai saidthese companies operate
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on a worldwide scale . if you look around some of the leaked language around the transpacific partnership basically, anything e-any country signing on to this agreement would allow these companies to seek compensation if a company, in the business of producing plants for billions of people and making money in the progress and small regulations like the one they managed to kill on quay could kauai could mess that up. >> thank you jake. >> in one of the first major moves of what would become the cold war joseph stalin ordered a blockade to drive the west out of the city. no food no power no fuel for millions of people. and today 67 years ago today
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the united states and its allies began the berlin air lift. coming up in the next hour a powerful account of the air lift from a man who volunteered to save west per lynn. >> we don't consider ourselves the heroes. we considered the people of berlin the heroes because of what they put up with, to keep their freedom. >> we'll have more of that emotional conversation coming up at 9:00. they were heroes john even though he doesn't want to call himself one. >> antonio we'll look forward to it. coming up, a bird's eye view, how drones are being used to watch over elephant herds in africa.
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poachers killed over 40,000 elephants last year but john l. peterson said he has a way to stop the poachers, using drones. first person report. >> our shepherd is a new attempt to use drone aircraft to counter the extraordinary kind of poaching problems in africa. the poachers operate at night. what our drones are able to do is for first time see at night. and so they can see the thermal signature of these poachers and their cars and the animals. and we're able to get to the poachers, and to call the rangers, before they have a chance to kill the animals. the aircraft are controlled from a mobile command center and they then can either tell the aircraft where to go, or, in some cases the aircraft as an autonomous flight plan and it goes on its own and the operator
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views the video from the camera and decides whether the aircraft should stay and loiter, or continue on. within the next eight or nine years, all of the wild elephants in africa will have died from poachers. and the same is the case with rhinos. a single rhino horn is worth a half a million dollars in vietnam. you know, the thought of having no elephants or no rhinos in the world is just kind of extraordinary to me. they would go extinct and particularly because of poaching and because people honor them for minor kind of things like trinkets and stuff is so hard to believe. if we can do something like this, we really need to do so and that's why i'm so excited about the air shepherd campaign.
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