tv News Al Jazeera June 25, 2015 9:00pm-10:01pm EDT
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>> dear mr president... >> this is a thoughtful letter and certainly is worthy of consideration. with a deadline for a nuclear agreement with iran days away five former obama advisors sent the president is letter urging him to seek a stronger deal athens adversity. >> it doesn't matter to us that drak mar or euro it makes no difference. we never had much we are not going to have much while political leaders in europe work to hammer out a deal
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on financial problems we look at real-life stories of people struggling to survive taxi struggles, taxi drivers in france block roads and clash with riot police protesting against the u.s. online app uber. leaving thousands of travellers caught in the middle the nomads of the sea. >> they live on the sea, from the sea, off the sea the existence of an ethnic group that lives on the water in south-east asia is threatened. a human rights group singles out philippines and thai lands for exploiting the mokan people. good evening, i'm antonio mora this is al jazeera america. we begin with a dire warning obvious the iran nuclear deal as the negotiations come down to the wire. five former advisors to
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president obama on iran wrote an open letter expressing concerns that the agreement falls short of starts. others argue the u.s. is conceding to much to tehran saying the bill would weaken international inspections of the nuclear facilities and allow them to begin nuclear fuel production. >> it cams as secretary of state john kerry is in vienna to resume talks. negotiations may slip behind the june 30th deadline. paul beban has the latest. >> reporter: it's a deal that has been a decade in the making or not making depending how you look at it. since 2006 iran and the group known as p5+1 the u.s., russia china, france the u.k. and germany have been negotiating over iran's nuclear programme. the deadline has been extended time after time but the latest plan is to wrap it all up by the
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end of this month. and now, with less than a week to go some of president's obama best-known former advisors are saying not so fast. in an open alert to the president, 19 former high-ranking advisors diplomats and officials - among them former c.i.a. director david petry us senator joe lieberman and dennis ross wrote that they want a stronger deal, warning that the counter one will not stop iran building a nuclear bomb. they lay out five more elements they say the plan needs, including tougher verification standard and action to iran's military sites and tell the president to keep negotiating until he gets them. the white house says the former members of the inner circle on iran are not saying something new. >> what this letter ilstralts is it il -- illustrates is that they have worked on the issue, many looked at this closely and
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arrived at a conclusion that's broadly consistent with the kinds of principles that the president establishes. >> reporter: the basic outline of a deal has seen in contrast of lifting sanctions iran will agree to slow down enrichment of material material that the u.s. and others fear could be used to build a nuclear bomb. iran denied they want to make atomic weapons. earlier this week the supreme leaders seemed to back away from areas of agreement. >> translation: the americans offered a complicated multi-layered and odd formula for the lifting of sanctions, the depths of which is not clear, and it is not clear how it would work. >> at this point analysts stay the devil is not in the detail but public reception. secretary of state john kerry, still recovering from a bike accident is sounding a note of
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cautious optimism. >> i'm hopeful. >> reporter: as for the ayatollah khamenei's remarks, the white house is brushing those off saying actions speak louder than words. with secretary of state john kerry prepared to head to vienna tomorrow, it is clear that skepticism and debate over the deal is far from over thank you. patrick klossan is the director of research at the washington institute for middle east policy and was a signatury to the letter to the president that was published on the website. good to have you with us. some of the words that are concerning is you say the terms of a nuclear deal may fall short of meeting the administration's own standard of a good agreement. what do you hope to achieve with the letter? >> the alert is broadly consistent with what the administration has proposed in the past. it suggests a number of areas
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where the negotiating stance with the iranians could be made more precise, and more effective. so what we are hoping to do with the letter is provide the u.s. negotiating team some reminders about what the administration asked for in the past and some suggestions about specific points on which they can push. >> let's talk about some of those points you want them to push. your group say that's one of the things that needs to be met is that sanctions need to be lifted only as iran complies with its obligations under the deal. >> just this week. iran's grand ayatollah khamenei says the sanctions need to be lifted immediately for there to be a deal. it's tough to see how those conditions can be rectified. >> a little creativity which diplomats are good at. the ayatollah khamenei said that sanctions must be lifted the day the agreement is signed. okay postpone the formal
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signing until phase one is completed. that is discussed. that the sanctions will be lifted after iran completes phase one. don't do the formal signing until that day. >> that may be a solution for that one. but you call for the i.a.e.a. inspectors to have timely access to any sites in iran to determine compliance with the deal. ayatollah khamenei said no foreigners will be allowed in for inspections. >> if you look at it he kav yachted this. he said black caveated this saying we don't want unusual inspection so we'll call it the usual inspections. >> in the letter you say most importantly that it is vital for the united states to affirm that it is u.s. policy to prevent iran from producing fissile material for a nuclear weapon and the u.s. needs to use
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military force to make sure it doesn't happen. the framework agreement, doesn't it allow iran to produce that material in a short period of time? >> and we want to say to iran while we have the ability to do that, don't you think about it. don't even think about it. so you can have certain capabilities, but don't use them in a manner of producing the material for obama. >> do you think there'll be an agreement by the deadline? >> bit the deadline almost certainly not. we are talking about a 60 page agreement. negotiating every page of 60 pages will take a while. >> what will happen if the buildings agrees to a weaker deal than what you have described in the letter. >> in past arms control agreements, what congress or the senate did was to provide guidance about how the united states would interpret certain provisions so the senate can't
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renegotiate an agreement, but provide guidance about what the u.s. would interpret things to mean. and i would hope that that is something that we would find a way to do in this case as well. the letter addresses the general u.s. policy towards iran and the region. it's words a read. thank you for being with us. >> thank you south korea's foreign minister was north korea to return to the 6-party nuclear talks. he made the comment during the start of the nuclear test ban meeting in seoul. he says north korea is the only country to conduct nuclear tests in the 21st century and says pyongyang should follow the example set by iran. >> for north korea, guaranteeing security through nukes will be a pipe dream. i fully hope they will wake up and open the eyes to reality.
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nukes bring nothing but international sanctions. a nuclear arms north korea will not be accepted north koreans unleashed a wave of anti-american sentiment as they commemorated the 65th anniversary of the korean war. more than 186,000 rallied inside a stadium i.s.i.l. re-entered kobane taking part of a city. the surprise attacks were meant to divert kurdish forces in the area. kobane is a key city because it's located on the border with turkey. we have more. >> reporter: injured in kobane after another attack by the islamic state of iraq and levant. there are also reports of villages executed after i.s.i.l. fighters stormed in. others are brought across the border for medical care in
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turkey. suicide bombers in cars hit kurdish forces in the town. they struggle to fight off those in uniform, of those known as the y.p.g. kurdish fighters have been fighting i.s.i.l. for control of kobane since last year. they have been backed by u.s. air strikes and are under attacks again. i.s.i.l. launched an attack on hasaka a last-remaining town in the north, under the control of syrian government. >> translation: there has been clashes between the military against islamic state terrorists in the district. it's home to many areas that came and comes as islamic state terrorists entered from turkey. turkey's government crossed the border and said i.s.i.l. fighters entered kobane inside syria. >> translation: claims that
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d.a.e.s.h. crossed in from turkey is lies. we deny it it's not true. i.s.i.l. had setbacks on the kurdish border. kurdish fighters took control of the province the capital of i.s.i.l.'s caliphate. i.s.i.l. lost supply lines on the border. >> i.s.i.l. need to show it still has influence, and that's why it's on the defensive again. also the regime is retreating from some areas, because it's overstretched, giving i.s.i.l. a chance to advance. finally we have the anniversary of the caliphate on monday. i.s.i.l. needs to show that it is influential on the ground. >> again they are caught up in the fighting including cam police. kurdish families have been are forced to leave their homes. 8 million syrians have been
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displaced inside syria, and there seems to be no end to the fighting. as for groups that say i.s.i.l. has been pushed on to the back foot kobane becoming a flashpoint is a cost for concern iran and cuba are among the country that made the state department's annual list of nations violating the freedoms of their people. the report was several months late causing speculation that the administration was trying to avoid angering iranians. the u.s. in the report was charmed as being hypocritical. >> political rivals arrested and gaoled in russia. government opponents subjected to brutal punishment in saudi arabia. crackdowns on the freedom of expression and right of assembly. these are some of abuses highlighted in the u.s. state department's human rites report in 2014. >> my advice to a leader upset by the findings is to examine
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them. to look at the practices of their country. >> reporter: what's more u.s. officials say government human rights violations made it easier for groups like i.s.i.l. boko haram, and al-shabab to commit their own abuses. >> yes, you have a right and a duty to do everything you can to defeat organizations like i.s.i.l., you have to do it in a way that respects human rights. otherwise not only are you committing injustices, you'll undermine the fight. >> human rights activists say the reports are valuable. they share out the sips of allies -- sins of allies and enemies, saudi arabia - is a case in point. the u.s. supports the air war. saudi denies women the right to drive. it flogs and executes people that do not toe the government line. u.s. officials say the report
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empowers them to talk honestly in this and other countries. >> we are not just singling you out, egypt. you out, saudi arabia you out, china. we put out the reports n every county, and try to hold everywhere to the same standard and ourselves to that standard as well. >> that is not enough for human rights activists. >> there are countries where there's huge strategic interests like iraq and egypt. and even nigeria. where you have facets of the human rights abuses and the administration decides to ignore the abuses as far as other decisions go. not ignore them uing. they raise issues, but net don't do enough. >> others will weigh in on the analysis, and accuse the u.s. of not doing enough to fix its own human rights problem. even sow, these reports set the bar for ethical good behaviour, even if improvements are slow to
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come. meanwhile, amnesty international criticizes the u.s. over its human rights record. the group says there's an estimated 80,000 people held in solidary confinement in u.s. gaols every day and cites the days of albert wood cox, an inmaid held in isolation for 33 years. >> all without meaningful review of the reasons he was placed in solidary confinement. beyond that his conviction has been overturned three times, and recently a federal judge ordered his unconditional release. however, the state of louisiana continues to stand in the way of his release. >> amnesty international's calling for a nation-wide review of the use of solidary confinement. >> greece and its creditors are deadlocked over a debt crisis. the prime minister failed to broker a deal with the european finance leaders, and greece is five days away from defaulting
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on a 1.8 million debt payment to the i.m.f. if the country defaults it could enter the eurozone resulting in negative affects. half the households in greece rely on income from pensions to get by those that are endangered by budget cuts demanded by greece's creditors. barnaby phillips spoke to people in athens struggling to survive. >> reporter: this country is now on the edge of a cliff. but in a working class neighbourhood of athens when we visit the weekly street market and ask about negotiations in brussels, the replies are wary and even defiant. >> translation: it doesn't matter to us the drak mar or euro, it makes no difference. we never had much we are not going to have much. >> translation: you got your two, come back later and you'll see people rifling through the dust bin to pick up the food
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that we throw out. >> reporter: no signs of panic outside the banks in central athens. their balance sheets are looking alarming. greek banks are in a critical condition. in recent days nervous depositors have taken out billions of euros, and the banks rely on the store of the central bank. it's the condition of the country's banks that make the needs for a solution urgent. just a trickle of people at the cash machines. clever investors took their money out long ago. there are the greeks with no savings anyway - like the kostaki family. maria is a widow with diabetes, her daughter is unemployed, and so is her husband and two grown up children. the entire family lives off maria's pension.
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half of all greek households rely on pensions to make ends meet. >> translation: if it wasn't for my mother i wouldn't be alive now. i would have put an end to it so i'm not a burden. do these people care about me do they come to my house to see what i'm going through. i don't want to go out and beg. i have never done that. i have dignity. >> it's a metaphor for a humiliated nation. greeks are dignity, but little else to negotiate with. a unique culture under threat. coming up next - we'll interview you to the mokan people nomads of the see. and rwanda's chief spy is it in britain, facing charges of genocide in a british court.
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a new report points the finger at thailand and myanmar for violating the rights of nomads that live on the see. we look at the plight of the moken people scribed in the study as stateless at sea. >> the lives of the motorbikingen -- mokken men revives from around the water. >> they live from the sea, off the sea and develop this spiritual attachment to the sea since childhood. >> reporter: their way of life is threatened. the massive indian ocean tsunami in 2004 robbed the sea of many resources the mokken rely on. commercial fishing depleted the waters more. now a new report from human rights watch says the mokken are experiencing serious violations of their rites.
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the mokken face poverty. most are stateless, making them vulnerable to human rights abuses. depriving access to other right, including medical care education and employment. 3,000 mokken live on small boats along the coast of southern myanmar. 800 settled inland. they are listed as 135 recognised races in myanmar. human rights watch says the government only inconsistently gives them national i.d. cards. it gives them better access to services like schools and hospitals. the advocacy groups says the mokens have been the victim of violent attacks by the navy. one told the organization:
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in thailand the mokken are facing eviction from their land. even though they've been here for generations. this 78-year-old has been living in phuket. he may have to rule. the court ruled the land he lives on does not be long to his family. >> translation: i want to stay here i don't want to go anywhere. i want the court to help us. human rights watch wanting thailand to recognise the rites of the mokken people and protect them from abuses. phil robertson is the deputy director for the human rights watch asian division. some of the mokken have given up their nomadic ways most spend their lives on the sea, they are unique and there's few. why aren't they left alone. >> that's an excellent question.
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we have seen restrictions on movement and live styles in thailand -- lifestyles in thailand in the name of conservation. mokkens are the rest preservers of resources but are targeted as the people causing the problem. we see the predation by the burmese navy who is another group that can steal and abuse. it's unfortunately the burma navy is unaccountable and essentially has not been called to respond to these kind of abuses by the navy against the moken people. >> some of the persecution has been state sponsored. some came from unscrupulous people including the burmese navy, the myanmar navy. who should protect them if they
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are nomads and don't belong to a state. >> they should be gip citizenship. in burma they are eligible for citizenship, but the government doesn't take the steps to ensure they be given i.d. cards allowing them to go from place to place. in thailand it's difficult. they are not given citizenship and they are suffering, being deprived of access to services and facing eviction from lands where they lived for generations. >> do they want to become a part of myanmar or thailand. the report is titled stateless at sea. they live out there. most really aren't identified with either of those countries, they have their own language. >> well they have traditionally moved back and forth. and i think that the importance is that they be given a status be recognised as an indigenous
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people with rights. i think that given their brothers, they'd prefer to remain at sea. but the main area where they live will increasingly be opened by development as burma opens up. they are beautiful pristine undead man ocean and -- andaman beaches and ocean eyed by resort developers around the region. i expect the moken will come under pressure from development, and need to have status and protection so that they can maintain their lifestyle and be able to continue the way they have for literally hundreds of years. >> they are unique. that is a word thrown around very easily. they are unique in the way they live. when it comes to their children. some are - kids apparently have underwater visioning something that is different to what the rest of us have.
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can they possibly continue to survive. as their numbers have dwindled, and there are few of them. >> we believe that they can. if they are afforded the necessary space. i think for the children they can be educated. there is a university in thailand that had an innovative education project for moken children teaching thailand children about moken history. there's ways to proceed, but we need commitment from the governments of thailand and burma to do so. that engagement has been lacking. they've been uninterested in where they do get interest it's to take advantage of them or try to push them from place to place. >> phil robertson from human rights watch. god of you to join us in -- good of you to join us in bangkok taking their case to the international criminal court. the palestinian authority presents evidence of what it
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welcome back to al jazeera america. i'm antonio mora. coming up in this half hour of international news - placing blame for one of south africa's worst massacres since apartheid. first a look at stories making headlines across the u.s. in the american minute. president obama's heath care reform law scored a victory at the supreme court. justices upholding the tax subsidies that help americans buy health insurance. the high court says it applies to anyone buying a plan through a state for federal exchange. president obama says the law is here to stay
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a victory to civil rights act visits - in a 5-4 vote -- activists - in a 5-4 vote it rules housing discrimination does not have to be intentional in order for is to be illegal. this will help to combat segregation. the first funerals for victims of last week's shootings at a church in south carolina. security was tight at services for eth ol and sharanda. president obama travels to charleston tomorrow to deliver the yule any for clementa pinckney the -- eulogy for claement the past or at the emanuel church findings on israeli criminal courts have been reported to international criminal court. it's hoped to speed up the inquiry. the i.c.c. is investigating war crimes by both sides. israel denied the allegations
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against it and must decide whether to cooperate with the investigation. al jazeera's imtiaz tyab is in south hebron with more. >> reporter: this is as close as this man can get to home his family owned for generations. israel took the land and an electrified fence was built. i was shown how it prevents access to the property. he has not given up hope of taking the land. >> we inherited the land from our grandparents we want to cultivate it. i'm not glad we are going to the capitol hill i want a solution israel settlements make up a key component to the international criminal court. dozens of settlements have been built across the territory, and are home to 600,000 israelis. the key argument in the col
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plaint against the settlement is based on article 8, section 2 of the i.c.c.'s roam statute stating the transfer of an occupied population into territories it occupies is illegal. >> the file is broken down into three main categories of complaints. the first is - deals with the illegal settlements that you can see here. the second deals with the status and treatment of citizens, and the final last summer's war with gaza israel is accused of breaching international rules of law during the bombardment of the gaza strip. more than 2,200 palestinians were killed mostly civilians. a u.n. report found israel and hamas may have committed war crimes of the the palestinian submission to the i.c.c. alleges dozens of violations of international law. >> the goal is to prove that
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israel committed war crimes and crimes against humanity and our goal is to help the i.c.c. initiate an investigation as quickly as possible. >> israeli officials refused to provide information requested by the i.c.c. saying the court has no authority to investigate palestinian complaints because in its view palestine is not a state. it will be up to the i.c.c.'s chief prosecutor to decide whether there's enough evidence to order a preliminary examination, and then a fuel criminal investigation into the allegations. a process that will no doubt be long and complicated. only individuals can be indicted by the court, not states. which means prosecutors will have to determine which israeli military and government officials can be prosecuted for war crimes or not. >> meanwhile, south africa is reviewing its membership in the i.c.c. coming after the country
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failed to arrest sudanese president basheer this month while visiting. south africa cited illegal warrants. a warrant was issued state that he organised the genocide. also one of the worse police killings 34 minors gunned down in a massacre after police opened fire. a position of inquiry blamed the police and miners for what was called a tragedy. the commission wants the police chief investigated. >> the wife of former commissioner tony blair is on the defence team of rwanda's spy chief who was arrested over the weekend for war crimes. sherry booth accompanied him to
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a court. claims of genocide goes back 20 years. we were at the court today. >> reporter: general emmanuel karenzi karake's supporters gathered early, chanting slogans and holding banners. the spanish indictment accuses him of torture, terrorism and genocide. to these people he's a hero who helped to stop the genocide in the mid-1990s. >> these guys put their lives on the line. they are telling me that stopping the genocide they committed genocide themselves? >> no. >> reporter: emmanuel karenzi karake is a close ally of rwandan president, whose rebel soldiers helped to halt the 1994 genocide. in 2008 a spanish judge indicted emmanuel karenzi karake and other members of the military for offenses related to rpf reprisal killings.
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in court, emmanuel karenzi karake was asked whether he would voluntarily agree to the extradition "i do not" was the answer. bail was set at half a million, the judge released him, to the delight of supporters. emmanuel karenzi karake will have to return to the court in december. outside the attorney-general accepted the legal proceedings, but insisted the country doesn't need spain's help to investigate the past. >> we do not need less job, pushing, prompting by anyone to oblige by international obligations. legal groups are monitoring the case recording it as an important step in addressing events of 1994. among the groups was human rights watch. >> it's a huge deal that a senior official from the government has been arrested for crime. it's a reality that very few rwandan officials have been held
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to account for crimes committed by the rpf, the group of individuals that helped to stop the genocide. >> there's a process that the case will grow in its scope and will take months before reaching an outcome. >> at the center of this is a question about which jurisdiction has the drive and capability to try a person for crimes happening more than 20 years ago. it appears having a senior figure within the system in europe is focussing tanks on this. -- attention on this. >> niger's army reported it killed 15 boko haram fighters and captured another 20, coming a day after five civilians were killed and 100 homes were set on fire. boko haram controls much of northern nigeria, and has been launching attacks across the boarder since niger joined in the fight. the white house announced
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president obama will host the newly elected president to discuss boko haram. >> a chaotic scene outside the u.s. embassy in burundi where hundreds scaled its walls seeking protection. they were defying an order to leave an encampment set up near the embassy. one of burundi's two vice presidents inned the country, saying he fears for his life. >> reporter: another grenade attacks in burundi's capital before the parliamentary elections, unlike last week city center shoppers were hurt. >> translation: the grenades were flown into the streets by a car that drove past. we heard a loud explosion, it was terrible. >> reporter: the government appealed for calm. some people feel one thing can stop it. >> the only thing to stop the
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attacks is if the op opposition and the government talk. >> the second vice president has fled to belgium. he says he fears for his life because he criticized the president's unconstitutional bid for a third term. >> translation: i was no longer ability bear the attitude of the president of the republic his will to lead the people on the way to illegality and as everyone nose since he launched his candidacy, which is forbidden by the constitution, a crisis was caused by some demonstrations. it was becoming violent by those close to him and the international community. government insists there could be nothing to worry about. university students who took parts in weeks of protests sought protection at the u.s. embassy, when police tried to arrest them for trying to
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overthrow the government. police tried to prevent them berg the embassy. they confiscated its left behind. >> some people could not get inside the u.s. embassy. officials closed the gate. the students were locked outside. saying they have nowhere to go. many do not want their faces shown, afraid their families could be victimized. they don't know how they'll survive the night without blankets and other essentials to keep out the cold. security ci has been increased in the city center. days and weeks leading to elections could be difficult the toll from pakistan's heatwave reached another milestone. more than 1,000 people died. morgues are running out of room for bodies and officials told al jazeera they are piling bodies one on top of the other. hospitals and clinic are struggling to cope with the rush of heat-related patients. despite the rising death toll
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cooler conditions on thursday brought relief in the second-largest city karachi. the high temperature 93 degrees, but that is down from 113 a few days ago. >> confrontation on the streets of paris. >> taxi drivers clash with police as they protest uber. and... >> a woman can't be a taxi driver in here or any other city. >> coming up a brave woman challenges conventional wisdom in
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electricity grid in armenia. this is something that people know. >> reporter: it's not the relationship between armenian russia that is the problem, it's the terms of the relationship russian officials are playing down the process saying it could be a western-backed revolution. protests by french taxi drivers turned into onfront stations with police. the smartphone app uber put their survival at stake. >> reporter: places are quieter. the paris metro busier because of this a strike by the city's official taxi drivers coming out in force blocking what is normally a busy intersection notice heart of the city. they are angry with pro-ord, pre-pay -- pre-order prepaid companies like uber. what we see over the last hour is running battles between the police and taxi drivers.
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certain cars parked around here bore the brunt of the anger. there has been suspicions that the vehicles have been pre-order taxies, and many upturned. some smashed. >> uber has no business here. in france we have regulations up to here. they recovered the streets. police are on standby for further signs of trouble. there are concerns that there'll be a repeat performance in calais, when french workers held a strike. they were worried about job cuts. the onus is on the government whether or not they make concessions to the striking transport workers or run the risk of chaos in the heart of paris. neave barker reporting from paris. wendy patrick is an ownery and international business specialist. good to have you with us. the protests in grans are the extreme of what we see in the
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anti-uber protests that happened in a number of place, including the u.s. why is uber a lightening rod? >> uber comes into a city - they are cheaper, faster easier but are not following the same rules that traditional services have to pay. there's a lot of resentment that they can come in scoop up the business, but not play by the rules. that's what we are seeing. here is the problem. the solution to that is enforcement. violators will be prosecuted. they should be hit with a fine not a baseball bat. that is what distinguishes what is going on in paris. >> in places where uber has been declared fully illegal, as in france, why isn't the law enforced. there's a flipside to it. can't uber the company, be sued by the french government? >> well the problem is there are legal challenges that are still pending. on the one hand you have uber
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representatives saying "no, a judge has not ordered us to stop, we'll keep going" other taxi companies say it's been illegal since january this year but the law is not enforced. complaints are made that it's a law that is all bark no bite. they want it to have teeth. they want it to be enforced and drivers to be incited. i think you'll see more. you have seen a lot of promises that it will happen. >> in the u.s. uber face a whom possibling of -- hodge-podge of laws and restrictions that they are under, differing from state to state. do you think uber is here to stay, at least in the united states? >> uber is not making friends everywhere they go. wherever they go into a jurisdiction, they are the subject of people complaining they are not following the licensing rules, they are not following rules as to insurance you have to get. despite that the customer base
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likes uber. they are getting a lot of business. after what we saw in paris, turning a tourist zone into a war zone it may not be long before customers are afraid to get into an uber because they fear they'll be attacked. uber drivers are not facing a magistrate but a mob. >> could not the business model survive by following licensing requirements that regular teaches undergo? >> absolutely why not. if they follow the rules and law they'll be welcome. they'll be a competitive model. it will be healthy, not unfair. >> uber provide a service in a lot of places income to a lot of people. it may take money out of cab drivers's pockets. what do you see happening in the short and long runs? >> well lots of companies come in and by following the rules, getting into compliance they
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cap provide healthy competition, and the other companies may want to look at business models to compete with uber. the fact that you can order an uber on an app is a sign of the times, and something picked up around the world with other companies. they could foster healthy competition instead of a dangerous situation that they follow. >> good to have your insight on all of this. >> off the radar - a woman breaking stereotypes in afghanistan from behind the wheel of a taxi nicole johnson reports on the risks she is taking is provide a valuable service. >> reporter: it's a typical day for this woman. quick look under the bonnet much wipe away the dust. and she's ready for her shift driving a taxi. this job is anything but typical for a woman in afghanistan.
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>> translation: i feel happy behind the steering wheel. how can i say it, i'm proud. i share this with other women. i want to give them more courage. >> reporter: this driver is like a sister to us. it is better to drive with her than a strange man. sara borrowed money and bought her first taxi two years ago, after her brother-in-law was killed. she was determined to support 15 people in her family. >> translation: many male taxi drivers tease women or girls, giving them their phone numbers, check them out. other women encouraged me to become a driver. >> reporter: it's hard to imagine it that 30 years ago during the communist period, there were women in kabul driving electric public buses. now it's rare to see a woman behind the wheel of a car, let alone a taxi. in this dusty field on the outskirts of town, she's giving
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driving lessons. sara says 20 women told her they want to learn. >> translation: my message to the brothers that won't allow women to drive is they should allow us. how long do women have to sit at home in dark houses? >> reporter: changing society's attitude about women driving will not happen quickly. >> translation: a woman can't be a taxi driver here or in any other city, because there are security problems. >> reporter: still, sara says nothing will stop her, not even threats. >> translation: they punctured four of my tires, scratched the car and stole registration plates. other drivers cut in front of me on the road. >> reporter: if she's afraid, she doesn't show it. anyway, sara is too busy picking up passengers.
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four days after a small plane went down in a colombian jungle rescuers found two survivors, a woman and a months-old baby survived on coconut water. she wandered away from the wreckage afraid it would explode. search teams found her with a trail of material left behind. a cell phone, a shoe and coconut. >> hindus writes of the afghanistan government's struggle in the taliban challenge. it says monday's attack on the parliament is the latest in a series of brazen attacks since the withdrawal of foreign troops last year saying the afghan
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government has to establish its own credibility and suggests the international community needs to offer a strategy supporting the afghan government with recon instruction and building infrastructure. >> in an editorial titled failure to protect - indonesia's jakarta post denounced a court ruling raising the age for girls to marriage from 16 to 18 and failing to allow interfaith marriage writing that the decision fails to protect children and provide legal certainty and the possibility of happiness to citizens and interfaith unions. greece's paper writes in recent days they have shaken the faith of supporters of the governing syriza party and opponents. both sides are learning there's no happy ending to the debt crisis, and greece will only be happy when they unite and fix the problem themselves. >> hot ash from mt sanaa bounding volcano forced -- m
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sinabung volcano forced many to leave their homes. stephanie dekker and her team witnessed an eruption. >> reporter: the army came to sol of the villages outside the danger zone to hand people masks, to people which is supposed to protect them. you will not see it. if you look down some of the areas, lush green, everything is turned a very sandy dull colour. as we interviewed a military commander, something seems to happen. it was quite an intimidating site. so we decided to leave the area. there has been a big eruption of the volcano. we were talking to people in a
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village up the road. we are driving to get away with it. it's scary seeing the cloud moving towards you. it moves fast and highlights the power of mather nature and makes you release there's nothing to do but to try and get out of its way as fast as you can. >> over 10,000 people have been evacuated from their home. no one knows when mt sinabung will go back to sleep he was an avenger of a different sort. british actor patrick mcnee who rose to fame as john stead in spy fi tv series "the avengers" died in his home in california. he was a veteran of theatre, film and television and served in the british navy during world war ii. he was 93 years old. tomorrow night the world
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drug report where narcotics are made and trafficked across the glop. >> that's it for al jazeera. i'm antonio mora. "america tonight" is next. see you again in an hour on "america tonight" - closing the doors. hundreds of thousands afraid of being deported or arrested in the dominican republic. correspondent david mercer on the front lines as haitians are fleeing the country in fear. also tonight - dying to seek safety. >> will you see the same number of people you saw last
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