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tv   Weekend News  Al Jazeera  June 27, 2015 11:00pm-12:01am EDT

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some of america's bravest... >> he say.. be cool... >> ...proudest moment in my life.. >> honor delayed a soledad o'brien special report only on al jazeera america this is al jazeera america, i'm del walters in new york with a look at the top stories. uncertain future the greek parliament making a move that has e.u. states refusing to extend a bail out programme. >> there's doing the right thing and the wrong thing. >> outstanding support for an activist arrested for climbing a pole and removing the confederate flag and in deeper look - the
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psychology of racism and reforms and what more could have been done. we begun in greece where the sun is rising on a new day and possibly a new direction for the debt crisis. three hours ago the parliament agreeing with the prime minister's plan for a referendum over the plan. e.u. will cut off credit to greece and the country is expected to default to the i.m.f. on tuesday, which could destabilize markets in the europe and u.s. andrew simmonds reports.
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>> reporter: one finance minister from greece sent to brussels for a day that takes a place in european history. not everyone shook hands. after five years and an estimated 242.8 billion euro of - is this how it ends. greece alone with its debt could be about to default and potentially go out of the eurozone. the finance ministers say they have no alternatives. the bail out stops. >> the process was not finished as far as we were concerned. the proposals weren't definitive. they weren't formally discussed or decided upon by the euro group. the greek government broke off the process, rejected the proposals, and is now putting them, which is an unfair way to put it, putting it to the greek people in a referendum with a negative advice. given that situation we must conclude however regretful that the programme will expire tuesday night.
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>> from the moment ministers started to arrive, there was a pessimistic mood. only france was against the bailout extension. ministers were asked by greece to give it one month's grace to allow the referendum to take place. greece said it was europe's fault there was no deal. >> the refusal of the europe group today to endorse our request for an extension of that agreement for a few days, for a few days, a couple of weeks to allow the greek people to deliver their verdicts on this institutions proposal, especially given that there's a high probability that greeks will go against the recommendation and vote in favour of the institution's proposal. that refusal will damage the credibility of the euro group as a democratic union of partner member states, and i'm afraid the damage will be permanent.
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>> so after a week of political drama, this has ended acrimoniously. the greek prime minister told angela merkel that this was a day of shame for europe. but greece was the home of democracy, it shouldn't have to seek permission of the euro group to hold a referendum. >> the greek finance minister was asked if it was a sad day for him. >> is it a sad day for europe. >> there has been many sad days for the long-suffering people of greece, and it looks like getting worse before it gets better . >> europe's finance minister say they'll do what is takes to stablilize the euro if deprooes defaults and leaves the eurozone it could hurt the economic recovery in the states e here is why. a weakening of euro could make u.s. exports to europe more
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expensive. last year america did $276 billion in trade with europe. a reduction could lead to job losses at us manufacturing companies. u.s. banks are heavily exposed to a european debt, and many are scrambling to limit their exposure by buying insurance. on the days that victims of the charleston church shooting were laid to rest a protestor of the confederate flag took marts in her hand climbing the poll and bringing down the flag. while arrested she getting a tremendous amount of support. tom ackerman has more. >> ma'am bree newsome, a 30-year-old activist climbed up a 90 meter high flag pole outside the carolina state house on saturday and removed a piece of cloth, symbolic of a wider debate. she and supporters said they
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were taking down the confederate state battle flag a mark of supremacy culminating in the death of 5 bible study workers. the flag was put up she was released on a bond. a crowd fund raised more than 60,000 more her. some civil rights groups praised her move others say it could delay exchange. the authority is scheduled to debate the issue in two weeks. >> there's doing the right thing and the wrong thing. >> it's time for people to have the courage. everywhere has to step up and love, else it will not stop. every day that flag is there is an endorsement of hate. >> the protest follows president obama's yule any in which he -- ooulo any and which he called the flag a reminder of
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subrogation. in nearby towns governor's ordered flags down. several turned out ♪ i wish i was in the land of cotton ♪ singing the anthem of the confederacy that fought and lost the civil war 150 years ago. those objecting to the flag say it's more than a symbol. >> for many in the country it represents oppression, not just from the oppressed side but the side of people who choose to oppress. >> the funerals of three victims of the gunmen were held in charleston. in his eulogy the mayor said the deaths would lead to change. >> this community of prayer and love set a desperately needed message to the world. that is "you respond to hate with love." the world leaves that message,
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that it's coming from you, as from this community. >> the republican governor pledged to join the campaign for the flag's removal investigators are looking into a string of church fires in the south. most of them in black churches. the latest destroying a church in south carolina. in the past few days black churches burnt in georgia, charlotte north carolina and the fires were set on purpose. >> the episcopal church lecting a first african-american bishop. michael curry elected by a land slide at the convention in salt lake city. it has its roots in the church of england, and the church of many founding partners. curry will be ipp stalled in november the weather a factor in catching one of the me who escaped from a prison. hiding may be tougher for dade sweat now his partner richard matt is dead. john terrett joins us with the latest.
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>> yes if you have stepped outside in new york you'll know it is a foul night in this state tonight, and so fugitive david sweat, who has been on the run for a full 21 days is vasing bad weather -- facing bad weather. police hope that the poor weather and his exhaustion mean that they'll locate him soon. >> reporter: about 20 miles in the canadian border, population 14,000, malone, more than 1,000 police are hunting david sweat. the net is thought to be closing after a border patrol officer shot and killed fellow escapee richard matt after a brief stand off friday afternoon, gunned down in a wooded area, about 30 miles from the maximum security gaol they fled. matt's half brother said this is the outcome he's been praying for. >> i only think of the man that threatened to kill me and others and escaped. there hasn't been a night gone by that when i put my head on
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the pillow that i wasn't worried. >> meanwhile helicopters and canines and police are searching dave sweat. the area around malone is dense woodland, spotting him will not be easy. >> we have no reason to believe that mr sweat was not with mr matt at the time, but we don't have any confirming evidence that he was either. there were several leads tracked down as we speak, to about - about mr sweat and his possible whereabouts. we don't have anything to confirm where mr sweat is at this time. [ siren ] >> reporter: neighbours in malone say the peace and quiet of their normally tranquil town has been shattered by the manhunt. >> there's police and rangers up and down the road. with guns pointed up my driveway. yes, there's people behind my
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house. it's straight up a mountain, there's a lot of rough terrain and thick wooded area. . >> night has fallen within malone and within the 22 mile lockdown zone where they think sweat is hiding a full search will resume in the morning, and pouring down rain in new york. can't be pleasant out there. >> john terrett, thank you. coming up on al jazeera america, why we hate who we hate. we look at the psychology of racism. plus thousands of tourists flee tunisia after a deadly attack at a beachside resort. >> explorer and environmentalist jean-michel cousteau. >> we are visitors and we need to respect that. >> surprising secrets of the ocean. >> if it wasn't for the ocean, we would have a lot of problems today. >> and the harsh reality facing our planet. >> enough is enough. >> i lived that character.
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>> we will be able to see change.
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it's saturday night, time to take a deep e look at the psychology of racism. why we hate and who we hate.
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what caused baltimore and ferguson to burn and charleston to heal. jonathan betz has more. >> reporter: rage on the streets of baltimore after a black man dies in police custody. anger in ferguson, missouri over the shooting death of an unarmed black man by a white police officer. in the aftermath of those cases and others, the director of the f.b.i. spoke out about racial bias. >> many people in our white majority culture have unconscious racial biases and react differently to a white face or a black face. in fact we all, white and back, carry various biases around with us. >> reporter: studies backing it up. according to research at stamford, 75% of whites and asians demonstrate a bias in favour of whites compared to blacks. it's a fundamental part of how the human brain works, the way we organise our world, categorizing people and experiences. knowing danger from safety. friend from foe. it is essential to survival. but the instinct feeds into stereotypes, those negative for judgments about groups leading us to deny the reality that all humans are individuals with singular failings and virtuous.
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-- virtues. we put labels on groups of people, and that affects how we treat them. >> if we can't help biases, we can help behaviours in response to rehabilitations, which is why we work to design systems and processes to overcome that very human part of us all. >> and overcoming bias when you don't realise you are bias takes extraordinary effort on the part of individuals and society as a whole. >> things can change. look at the hard-fought battle to end discrimination against gays and the supreme court decision legalizing same-sex marriage, an effort to bring communities closer together, rather than keeping them worlds apart. when dr martin luther king junior was assassinated in 1968 a third-grade teacher put together an exercise known as
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the blue-eyes, brown-eyes experiment, and it got a lot attention and became a documentary on abc called "the eye of the storm", and "a class divided" follow-up on pbs. here is a bit of the programme. >> i'm in the blue-eyed people are the better people in this room. oh, yes they are. is your dad brown-eyed. one day you came to school and told us he kicked you. >> he did. >> do you think a blue-eyed father would kick his son. >> yes. my dad would. >> his dad is blue-eyed. he never kicked him. this is a fact. blue-eyed people are better than brown-eyed people jane elliott joining us from seattle, washington. that was a sample of what happened. tell us what happened as that film progressed.
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>> well, the first thing that happened was i watched the brown-eyed children treat me the way i have been seen treating people of colour. i found how i looked toother people. my brown-eyed children became brilliant, antagonistic, over bearing ugly people i never saw or knew before. my blue-eyed children became timid, frightened, withdrawn, absolute totally different from what they had been 15 minutes previously. >> let me ask this question - based on your findings, why do we hate? we hate because we are taught to hate, we are ignorant. we are the product of ignorant people, taught an ignorant thing, which is there are four or five different races, there's only one race on the face of the earth, and we are all members, the human race, but we have separated people into racist so some can see ourselves as superior to the others. we thought it would work. it hasn't.
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it's bad for everywhere. it's time to get over to the business. >> i hear parents say this all the time. my kids play with black kids and white kids and they grew up. am i to take it that you are saying kids are not born racist. >> you are not born a bigot. you have to learn. anything you learn you can unlearn. it's time to unlearn bigotry and get over this thing, and we best get over it soon. >> based on your research, is there a place on this planet where racism does not exist? >> i haven't studied this whole planet or researched this. i'm not a researcher, i'm an educator, it's my business as an educator to lead people out of ignorance, the ignorance of thinking you are better or worse than someone else because of the amount of a pigment in your skin. pigmentation in your skin has nothing to do with intelligence or worth as a human being. it's time to get over there. >> stand by, we'll look at how
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hate crimes break down in the u.s. half, we are told, by the federal bureau of investigation based on racial bias, 20% aimed at sexual orientation, 17% on religion, 11% on ethnicity, the rest at disability, gender identity or gender itself. >> it's a good time to introduce our second guest, a former skinhead and wrote the book on hate and racism entitled "my life after hate", and he joins us from milwaukee. we met in charleston, you drove 20 hours to be there. you said they reduced you to tears, they being black people, in shock after the gunmen opened fire, killing nine. a suspect who espoused the same views you espoused. why were you the one reduced to tears? >> it was really just such an amazing example of what it means
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to be a human being. i completely agree with whta jane said, there's an until race of human being, and we appreciate and cherish human qualities like compassion, and illustrates the commonality that we are share, and the reception that i got upon visiting the me in charleston was a powerful example of that. it moved me, a human being bearing witness to that suffering and sees and sees a response of love, would have been brought to tears. >> i want to show our audience what you looked like at a skinhead. at one point in your life you hated blacks, jews, gays and hispanics. explain why, what made you feel that way. the gunman in charleston saying blacks were raping white women,
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did you know it from personal experience, and why didn't you hate white men raping white women? >> i was involved in white supremacy as a means to anger people, as a means to repel and repulse. i had a mohawk that was not well received. if a mohawk got people angry, a swastika did it. i was involved for the shock value. once i adopted that ideology as my identity, the world reflected my hostility back, and that seemed to validate everything. i was a hateful violent kid before i was involved. i was - i had been getting in fights since i was little. i hated the town i lived in. i hated society, the police.
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my school. i kind of had a contrast. >> your racism was born out of ignorance. do you think at that time you were an ignorant person. . >> absolutely. i don't think you can be racist otherwise. i don't agree with ms elliott entirely. once you understand what human being have in common. i think racism is nonsensical. >> if we are teaching our children to be racist. what was he taught to be racist. what are the things that parents should look out for, so the cycle that has been going on for 40 years, according to your documentary, doesn't continue for the next 40. >> it must not continue for the
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next 40. parents need to look at the kinds of things they are saying around their children. fathers need to listen to themselves and the words used around their children. they need to watch the television shows they let their children watch. they need to look at what is going on in the classroom, and the map which is absolutely a racist map. we need to look at that and change that one thing. if teachers look at the legend at the bottom of that map where it says south america is nine times larger than greenland it would blow their minds to realise they have been miseducating children for 400 years. it's time to put a stop to it. education means to lead people out of i ignorance, that is not what people are doing. when we celebrate colombus day, as though he discovered america. you can't discover a place where people are living, it's the kinds of things we are teaching in the schools are insane.
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we need to put a stop to it, and sop watching the language. i hear politicians saying i'm not changing a textbook based on what jane elliott says, are you saying that politicians are part the problem in the united states? >> have you been watching politics in the last three months. of course they are, you can't say the things donald trump says without exploding internally. that is blatant racism, the things he said about the people coming across the border from mexico. are you asking me whether they are racist. give me a break. >> i want to go back to something you told me in south carolina. you said that politicians talk in code and people that want to use race an a weapon understand that code. give me an idea of what happens when a politician says obama care versus the affordable care act.
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>> i think the idea they are taking their country, something that dylann roof said as he was shooting, is something that the right prays upon. i try not to generalize. i know a lot of human being that are very right-wing and are very good people. as a practice you see a lot of politicians trying to up their base, and get people rallied up. they think people with dark skinned are taking their country away, people with dark skips.
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- skin, and that's why the aca is referred to as obama care by a lot of politicians. >> let me ask the question this way. why did you buy into that mentality, why would you buy into something and intentionally allow yourself to be manipulated. >> i felt that i was actually bucking the status quo. and i imagine you will chuckle at this. for me in the late '80s, as a teenager, i felt the status quo in the united states was one of multiculturalism. it was a time when a lot of white kids listened to wrap. i was one of those kids in the mid '80s. seeing that happen before my eyes in the late '80s, in the context of white supremist ideology, it helped lead me to buy into taking the country. i felt like i was being a rebel, that i was pushing back against
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what i perceived as the status quo. i understand that the status quo for the country, long before is -- it's inception was one of white supremacy. that is a common thing. for a lot of white people that have historical myopia, if you don't understand the roots of white supremacy, it's easy to see the status quo of one of multicultural. >> this nation has been having a dialogue about race and racism. for the last five decades. my life to be precise. what, in your opinion will change things. what is missing. >> education. >> education will change things. education, telling the truth will change things. realising the truth will change things, refusing to be affected by peer group pressure will
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change things. watching president obama become what he has become against all kinds of odds should change things. just because right and bright rhyme doesn't mean it is. everyone on the face of the earth has the ability, the power and the potential to be great. we assign that greatness to white people, it's time to get over this, we have to get over this. there's a book called the birth dearth, saying it's a major problem effecting the united states, is that there are too few white babies born in the country, you should read the book and realise who the enemy is, then you'll realise what the right to life is about, and the refusal on the part of the politicians to change our immigration policies is all about. it's about keeping the united states, a white man's country, i'm concerned about this. so should you be. >> thank you very much,
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ms elliott. arnold joining us from milwaukee. thank you coming up on al jazeera america - the iranian nuclear negotiation deadline days away. what is at stake, and what happens if an agreement is not met. plus - severe weather in the mid west power is coming on for tens of thousands in indiana, but now others are in the storm's path.
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the clock is ticking in vena, where negotiators are gathered to meet a nuclear deal with iran. james bays is there with more on the obstacles that lie ahead. >> reporter: back around the negotiating table for what should be the final round of talks.
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>> i'd like to see an agreement. we have to work through some difficult issues. >> we are determined to do everything we can to be able to make this important milestone. >> reporter: earlier, he used tougher language when he spoke to reporters. >> the other side needs to implement and abide by it commitment particularly on the remove sanctions, security council sanctions, and they must be terminated immediately. detailed technical negotiations are under way, with energy secretary ernst monez representing the u.s. >> reporter: are you confident you might get a deal? >> no answer, he and all delegates know there's a great deal of work before the deadline, days away. >> there's significant parts of a deal that have not been agreed. and i'm told they are negotiating on the overall
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direction and some of the precise language of a u.n. security council resolution, which would deal with the issue of sanctions. one expert says the idea is to have the language of the resolution locked in, so there's no way negotiations can be reopened when it goes to new york. >> it can be presented to diplomats in new york, not as a fait accompli, but a document that political leadership in the capitals approve, and you can move it to new york without jumping through hoops that are necessary. >> reporter: the french foreign minister arrived in vienna. russia, china and the u.k. counterparts are thought to travel soon, all needed for the final and hardest part of the process. a professor of iranian history and politics, thank you for being with us. if you were a betting man, would you bet deal or no deal?
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>> i would bet heavily for a deal, but not necessarily by the july deadline, that is not actually - has to be a final deadline, it could be moved up. it has been moved before, and can again. eventually there'll be a deal should we be concerned if it's moved again, if that's the case? >> i don't think so. both sides have grievances they want to settle. both are determined to have a settlement. there's more bargaining back and forth to see what each side can live with. basically they outlined the parameters set a few months ago is what they are going to get. >> based on what we are hearing, will it be a good deal? >> it will be an excellent deal. both sides rarely get what their priorities are, and what president obama and kerry achieved is fantastic.
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>> when you talking to our producer, i was curious about something you said, you said they don't want to fall into the same trap that saddam fell into. what do you mean by that? >> the one sticking point is inspections. if you remember with saddam hussein, there were inspections that the u.s. was determined to convince that their worse weapons of mass destruction. they were going from one place to another searching. when they didn't find a place, they went somewhere else, what the iranians want is if there are inspections, they accept. where the inspections would be carried out, under what conditions. so they are willing to have inspections of nuclear installations. when it comes to military installations that are not nuclear, i think they'll say no, no. the question becomes if u.s. suspects there's nuclear
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activity in a military base what mechanism to set up to have an inspection, that's a sticking point to be sorted out. >> we found out that saddam hussein did not have weapons of mass destruction, and a reason he didn't say it, he was concerned what his neighbours in the middle east might think and whether they would attack. are we seeing the same bluster from iran? are the hardliners being hard line because they are worried about other countries in the middle east? >> no, the concern is not immediate like that, it is long term to have the capability to bake a bomb, if it leads to long term. let's say in 20 years time. they don't want to be defenseless like they were before. so what they want is a basic ingredient to make a bomb if necessity depends it, which is
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not in the short run. >> would a bad deal be better than no deal or no deal better than a bad deal. >> the worst is no deal. >> you believe that. >> yes, if there is no deal, we'll be back to the old situation of talking about war, and under the obama administration, there's no desire for war, but who knows what the next president might do. and one has to looking at this down the road. if there is no deal, iran will actually then have incentive to pressure up and start to build a bomb. in which case then the war would be here, there'll be demand for invasion and, of course, the invasion of iran will make the invasion of iraq look like a child's gain, it's a bigger country, better defended, and we'd talk about an army of
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a million americans of draft conscription to carry out. that's the bottom line in one thinks ahead. professor of iranian politics and history. thank you for being with us. yemen's houthi fighters staging a deadly attack in an oil refinery firing missiles at oil tanks, starting a fire near the southern port city 14 were killed between the rebels and saudi-led forces. yemen is suffering fuel shortages after months of conflict. thousands of tourists are fleeing tunisia in a town of sousse hundreds demonstrating against extremism after a gunman killed 38. locals are feeling the pinch.
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we have this report. >> reporter: this man is dealing with the biggest crisis in his career. his family owned the imperial hotel where 38 tourists were killed in an attack. he shows me where the gunman came from and started randomly firing at the guests. he says he's determined to keep the phone running to honour the memory of those killed. >> as you can see, there is maybe 50 tourists who are still at the hotel. i would say that even if we have zero tourists in the next week. or in two days we are not closing the hotel. this woman has been a waitress of the hotel since it was 22 years ago. she nose the victims and treats the guests as if it was members
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of her family. >> translation: as the bodies of victims were playing on the ground i was rushing from place to place to see if they were alive. i never treat people as clients. we are one family. >> most of the tourists left the hotel. a few chose to stay. the impact on tourists is felt everywhere. this man had a business. it was a good business. now he barely makes a few dinars to buy food for the chin. >> translation: business is almost gone i spend hours waiting for clients, and hardly anyone shows up. bad times. >> reporter: bad times indeed. for investors, the only way to protect tourism is have the
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government beef up security across the country. >> it's a tough climate. all that is under threat after tourists were shot as they lay on the beach and there is stepped up security in britain after reports surfaced of a bomb attack foiled. police increased security for events marking armed forces day, coming after a report that police stopped an attack on a military parade. >> french officials say the suspect in the beheading took a selfie and sent it by text. yesterday they crashed a truck into the factory and beheaded an employee. the suspect is in police custody with his life and sister. french ministers holding an
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merge session of a security cabinet in paris. the interior minister saying they are wrapping up security at industrial sites. yesterday's attacks coinciding with a bombing. in syria, kurdish forces have pushed i.s.i.l. fighters out of kobane for the second time. battles continue south of town they lie close to the border. nearly 180 people have been killed since i.s.i.l. stormed the town. dangerous weather hitting the east of the country. kevin corriveau joining us with more. >> it's cold cooler. i'll take you and show you the radar and the satellite. look at the eastern sea bored. we see the rain from eastern new england and virginia. i want to take you back to this morning, to fort wane indiana and show you the damage
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sustained, and they saw 65 miles per hour winds pushing through there. over 30,000 people were without power. the power is coming on as the road crews get out there. they saw heavy rain and flooding that went on. that was a trend with these storms as the system pushed through. coming back to the wall - i want to show you the satellite and radar. look at the rain pushing through. there were watches and warnings out. we saw a toronto. even though the rain is beginning to subside as it pushes up here we are seeing flash flood warns in effect for parts of new jersey where they saw over four inches of rain across the region and towards maryland. that will be the problem overnight, and tomorrow we'll see a lot of heavy rain to the
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north-east. for new york it will be lighter rain. towards the southern states we are looking at severe weather that will be a problem along the eastern seaboard. not necessarily on the coast. we are looking at warm temperatures across the north-west. towards seattle. 88 degrees, and the temperatures are expected to stay above average across the region. for spokane washington in the next couple of days we looking at triple digits and that's 20-25 degrees above average. >> our closets are schizophrenic. thank you this is shaping up to be a big backhand for l.g.b.t. pride event on the heels of that groundbreaking supreme court decision to legalize same-sex marriage. in chicago, they held the proud to run 5km raising money for charities, there'll be a parade in the windy city tomorrow.
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some politicians into the too happy, greg abbott condemning the decision writing a memo to make sure that people or businesses are not punished for refusing service to same-sex couples because of religious exceptions. louisiana governor bobby jindal warning that the decision could be an all-out assault against religious freedom. he announced a run for president. neither telling county clerks to stop issuing the licences to same-sex coups. -- martin boyce participated in the stone wall riots, and many believe that's where it began. erica pitzi talked to boyce to discuss religion and same sex
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marriage. >> well, it's - i believe that the problem is if they can deny gays, like a florist could deny gays the right to order, they could deny these people, fundamentalists, considering their religion the only true religion, and many others are in danger of losing their rights. it's a narrow definition of what religious rights are, and whether the other cultures can accept it or not. i mean, i'm reading this book by john boswell about same-sex unions in premodern europe. and it's interesting that it is the catholic church at the time, spiritualized marriage, and that's the first time it was done. marriages were not spiritualized in other cultures in ancient greece or rome or china. there's no prohibition, but cultural prohibitions. they are on bad ground when they decide to base it on tradition, because we are a young country, and what does the traditions mean if we don't research what it means.
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coming up on al jazeera america - why u.n. secretary-general ban ki-moon says there needs to be change at the u.n. security council. and a dance party in taiwan taking a terrifying turn when an explosion sets off a blaze. stay with us.
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it was supposed to be a dance party, and things went wrong. the images you are about to see are disturbing. >> fire officials in taiwan say an accidental explosion involving powder set off a blaze at the dance party, several hundred spectators running for their lives, no one died. it's not clear if the powder was part of the performance or how it exploded a group of u.s. senators are meeting in cuba to discuss economic reforms and social
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changes. senator patrick lay he and met with the cuban vice president. a number of cuban initiatives are pending in the senate. including removing a travel restrictions on americans an important anniversary had weekend. it was 70 years ago that they signed is it the u.n. charter lead toing birth of the united nations. melissa chan taking a look and talking to u.n. secretary ban ki-moon about what is next. >> reporter: when the great powers of world war ii tried to agree on a place to meet, they settled on san francisco, equal distance between asia and europe. the signing of the charter was never assured. >> today we take the united nations for granted. but bringing it to life required
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huge statecraft to breach differences. >> reporter: some of the negotiations took place here at the fairmont hotel. it took eight weeks to hammer out and brought together delegates from over 50 countries. the premise was radical. countries would have to give up some powers for the greater good. the u.s. is the u.n.'s biggest financial supporters, supplying a quarter of its budget, a fact unknown to most americans or the rest of the world. with celebrations on the 70th anniversary of the u.n. charter this weekend, al jazeera caught up with the secretary-general on his final stop in the bay, a private visit with the pattinson family, who hosted a family in 1952. >> i am so proud. i watched him. he was a very wise young man when we got him at 18.
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>> the merry reunion aside, we asked some of the weightier challenges facing the u.n. when you read the preamble of the u.n. charter, it said a goal was to save and succeed in generations from the scourge of war. it must be frustrating because the syrian conflict has been going on for half your tenure. >> i should have done more, better. united nations has been trying our best to, first of all, save lives and deliver life-saving humanitarian assistance. that can be one of the weakness the united nations. it has been divided. >> the world changed so much in 70 years, i thing of india, surely it's a country the p5 would not oppose as an addition, what do you think about that? >> the reform of the security
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council has been discussed in the united nations at least longer than 20 years. and the security council, which is bearing primary responsibility for peace and security should have been changed. >> while the secretary-general acknowledges the need for institutional changes, the organization has achieved much, despite the failures. countries signed the u.n. charter in the final days of the world war ii, when people desired peace. one of the organization's challenge in the 21st century is reminding the world the value of that unity coming up organ donations that can save lives. the difference between life and death might depend on where the patient lives.
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there are more than 123,000 americans waiting for organ transplants. every day 21 die because they don't get the organ in time. all too often the availability depend on locations.
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doctors are trying to change that. >> reporter: tyler blight was getting ready to start college when an unexpected illness caused him to drop 35 pounds in three weeks. >> it was rough. i didn't want to ate, couldn't sleep, day or night. >> reporter: his doctor says he's lucky to be alive. >> his liver was barely operating. >> reporter: the kansas native went on the liver transplant wait lift and within 20 days a donor organ was identified and tyler was in surgery. >> i never had anything serious. tyler was able to get his liver relatively quickly, it was a heated debate about the way donor livers like his are alio kated. >> a lot of people are worried there would be a big sucking sound. >> the network for organ sharing, an organization that
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manages transport convened a meeting to discuss an inequity of livers available around the country. >> counter regions don't allocate and distribute the livers in a way so that everywhere has optimal access or equal action and we are trying to reduce that. >> the midwest, south and south-east have higher donor rates and there's talk of shipping organs to lower donor areas. >> we may reduce that. there'll be more deaths in the area from which organs are moving, to less deaths to areas in which they go. >> the country is divided into 11 property regions, they are thinking of reducing the 8 or 4 to serve areas that have fewer donors. dr shane coomber is director of liver transports at the university of kansas hospital and says remapping does little to address the problem, a finite
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number of donors. >> you are shuffling things across the board, and moving the chairs, not the titanic. we have not increased organ transplants. the only way do that is increase donor awareness. >> reporter: in kansas city educating high school students about the benefit of organs through campaigns has helped to increase donor numbers. >> there's a small percentage that says no. again, they have the right information to make the informed decision. >> that has been a problem in places like new york and california. a study released last month indicates that organ donation rates are lowest in new york. about 65 to 70% compared to other parts of the country where rates are between 85 to 90%. among whites it's 70-75% compared to 88 to 92% in higher
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areas. >> one of the things that has been a nice consequence of the project, to try to reduce disparity and access has been to recognise that we haven't done anything substantive that has increased organ donation in a meaningful way. fortunately for tyler. the gift came quickly. >> it gave us hope. we are happy to be here. on this side of the transplant mountain. >> the analysis is on going. it could be months before a proposal is reached. the difference between life and death depend on which part of the country a patient lives with. >> thanks for joining us. stay tuned. more news from al jazeera, you can find us 24 hours a day by going to
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from new york goodnight. greek parliament votes for a referendum on its bail out. is the country heading for a default? hello, i'm darren jordon you are watching al jazeera live from doha. hundreds gather at a tunisian resort to pay tribute to the victims of friday's massacre houthi rebels in yemen set fire to a major oil refinery as heavy fighting continues across the country. >> a football shock from brazil


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