tv News Al Jazeera June 29, 2015 4:00am-4:31am EDT
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show you how the miracles of science... >> i'm standing in a tropical wind storm. >> can affect and surprise us. >> wow! some of these are amazing. >> "techknow", where technology meets humanity. tomorrow, 6:30 eastern. only on al jazeera america. polling station open in burundi for parliamentary lexes but the african union says they won't be free or fair. i am shiulie ghosh you are watching al jazerra live from doha. also on the program. close today business, greek banks will be shut for a week and cash withdrawals are restricted. >> we are waiting for our government to act, we are waiting points national body to act. >> trying to bleach the naval
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blockade on gas actual plus. >> vehicle on course on, track. >> a commercial space rocket explodes on the way to the international space station. ♪ ♪ burundi's parliamentary vote has got off to a slow start with widespread delays respected a polling booths, several attacked overnight some by grenades, but all voting stations are now open. theup is concerned that the vote is going ahead and the african union pulled out its observers on sunday saying the vote won't be free or fair, op sanction parties are boycotting the poll. the currents president wanted to run for a third term, protests began the next day saying it's against the constitution, within
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weeks there was a coup attempt which failed. the president ordered a massive security crack down, more than 120,000120,000 burundians have fled to neighboring country at left 70 people have died. let's go to haru, we are getting reports that there has been violence at a polling station what's going on? >> reporter: well, there was a grenade thrown at police who were standing near a polling station it happened here in this neighborhood an area that's seen the worst violence and protests in recent weeks people here saying they are boycotting, they are just sitting on the streets. saying they are not going to go and vote at the polling stations because they don't believe that these elections are legitimate. they say they are not free and fair and don't want the president to have a third term when he goes to the presidential election. on the 15th of july. there are lots of police and soldiers behind us, they don't want to be seen on camera but
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they are here they are aggressive and stopping people from come on this streets people are afraid because of the heavy security presence. in other neighborhoods people are voting not huge numbers but people are turning up to vote and they are saying one man said base three that just because opposition members don't want to vote it's their right, but it doesn't mean you must stop me from voting. but that says are said there are many areas in the capital that are still tense. police say this man was killed by opposition supporters who accused him of spying for the government. it's alleged they beat him attacked him several times with machetes. >> translator: this war this fighting doesn't make sense. now i have lost my son. >> reporter: in a separate incident an opposition member was shot and killed by suspected members of the ruling party's youth wing. there is tension and fear in burundi. the head of the catholic church here says his organization will not par knit in monday's par almost are you election or the presidential vote in july where the president wants a third term
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despite a constitutional two-term limit. that is why we are asked not to show the faces of the people in the church they can afraid of action taxed. most people say they just want one thing. >> peace in all people. yes, ba run ba run deeans wants piece. >> reporter: some people are not changing chances. the government said the elects are going ahead. but people are worried what will happen after. theup is trying to mediate talks, those that dough want the president are frosting despite the -- are protesting despite the heavy crack down. >> went to take in to account the seriousness of the situation, because we believe that if there is no dialogue the country might be at the brink of
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a further deterioration of the situation: opposition parties are boycotting all elections. some burundians say that won't solve anything. >> translator: i am asking all muslims and burundi asans to vote so we can choose a leader that's the only way out of this cries 67 the president's supporters say they will vote on monday. they won't los legitimize the attempt to stay in power. >> so opposition parties saying they are going to boycott the vote. what impact is that likely to have? i do apologize we have last her reporting live for us there. now, the doors remained firmly closed for greece's banks on monday and will continue that way for the next week following a weekends of turmoil that sow
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the introduction of capital controls, markets have been reacting. we'll have the latest that from frankfurt but first let's go to barnaby in agent ends. there must ab lost worried people in greece particularly the ones being told they can't get their money out of the atms. >> reporter: yes, that's right. these measures may have been necessary inevitable even to save greece's banks after the drip drip, drip bank return the last five months, which accelerated dramatically over the weekend. but they will hurt the greek economy hard. banks are going to be closed for at least a week. and during this period individual greek savers will only be able to take out 60 euros, what's that, about $80 or so a day with their bank cards in theory. we'll have to see how that progresses. it's a political blow for a beleaguered prime minister and it increases the tensions on the greek streets as i have been
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find beingfinding out. they have come to the european union office in athens to shout their defiance. these left wing protesters say no to a bailout. no to the i.m.f. but this crowd is small. the majority of greeks are simply frightened of what could happen in the coming days. and the prime minister is struggling to reassure his people. >> translator: what is required over the coming days is sobriety and patience. deposits in greek banks are fully insured as are the payments of pensions and salaries. whatever difficulties might arise should be faced with resolve. the more coldbloodedly we face these difficulties the quicker we'll overcome them and the milder the consequences. >> reporter: even as the prime minister spoke more greeks were rushing to the cash machines to get money out while they still could. sophia told us she had been here for four hours waiting for the
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machine to be restocked. she said she never thought it would get lying like this. the government has to go. so are we really talking about a return to these drachmas on sale at the athens flea market. beautiful old main, did you but it doesn't evoke much nostalgia. most greeks see euro zone membership as proof of progress after the turmoil of the 20th century. greek people are now in a very difficult position. their government telling them to vote no to what it says are inning tolting simms from insulting terms from the creditors. the government says it's the creditors that have done that. imagine trying to run a business in this environment. this lighting company is doing well, perhaps because it exports most of its lamps to other parts of europe and the middle east. but the man in charge tells me the uncertainty is now
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crippling. >> translator: if you don't have stability in business you can't operate. the prolonged negotiations over the past five months where ever day something different is going on it's creating huge uncertainty, not just to us businessmen but to our customers as well. >> reporter: athens is now humming with rumors about what will happen next. euro or drachma economic collapse or belated salvation. the week ahead could shape greece's deft nay for destiny for decades to come. >> the immediate deadline is the june 30th repayment due to the i.m.f. any sign that his that will be extended? >> reporter: we don't believe there will be an extension from the i.m.f. andif we take the greek government at their word they say we don't have the money to repay them. if they don't they will be in a rear to his the i.m.f. it's not
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yet a technical default but it puts greece in some pretty miserable economic come i have to say. the only precedence is is zimbabwe somalia and cuba. it would be another sign of greece sliding out, if you like, sliding away from the euro zone. don't also forget that tomorrow, theoretically, is the expiring of greece's bailout agreement. as of wednesday morning any form of nothingal agreement with european creditors will also have expired. then we go forward to sunday and the referendum think does the greek have the logistical means to organize this referents dumb in such a short time. will the greek people really understand what they are vote on. alexis sip respite will tell them it's a vote for or against is stair at this if you vote no against the creditors terms i can going back evening at this
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late stage with my hand strengthens with greek democracy behind me if you like. >> the opposition saying don't believe your prime minister this is a straight vote between the euro and drachma and the drachma would be a disaster for this country. >> and so the crisis deepens barnaby, thank you for that. let's go to dominic kane who is in frankfurt for us. dominic, how are the stock markets reate to go all of reacting to all of this? >> reporter: monday in germany in frank ford is an ordinary day. but it's not ordinary. it's an extraordinary day. it's not business as usual the stock exchange here in frankfurt opened down more than 4%, which is the worst opening of more than three years. it has recovered a little bit. but it's still considerably down from where it was just a few days ago. following on from the decision that was made behind me here at the e.c.b. yesterday in a teleconference that lasted several hours involving the
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bankers of the euro zone effectively not to, tends and further the emergency liquidity assistance that greece has been surviving on for some considerable time as we have heard barnaby describe to us. to give you a sense of what the newspapers are saying this morning, this is the love newspaper which has greek ruins as it's a headline a play on the fact of the culture history of greece and says this will be a hard week for greece and mentioning the closure of banks and stock he can changes in exchange in agent since. it's worth pointing out use shiulie, we understand that angela merkel the german chancellor will be ming the leaders of the parliamentary in her chancellor-y this afternoon at around 1:30 where she is apparently going to brief them about the situation in greece. now, barnaby has told us about the vote the referendum on the weekend coming for the greek people to decide what they want to do. if there is a long lasting deal to be done at some point, there are those who say that that deal
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must also be voted on by other parliament such as the german parliament and although angela merkel has a grand coalition and therefore a large majority in parliament normally, there are suggestions that she would have trouble scraping together a majority in to vote for anymore german money to be put towards any bailouts that gives you the sense of uncertainty around here both in the media market and politically. shiulie. >> come nick thank you for that. dominic kane in frank ford there. as we have been hearing world markets have been reacting to the vents in greece as they began trade on the ground monday. in asia stock markets fell sharply as greece shutdown its banks and imposed capital controls tokyo down 3%. the euro down also by 2%. the u.s. territory of puerto rico is also facing economic troubles a report by former i.m.f. economist says major reforms need to be made to cut its $73 billion debt. islands is facing crunch time
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this week because several bond repayments are due and could face default. puerto rico's governorrer is expect today give a televised address to the nation later on monday. isreali defense forces have intercepted and stopped a boat from trying to break gaza's navel blockade. it's been escort today the israeli part of ashdod. activists on board the vessel have released a video on associates media saying they are not safe. these pictures were fill offed on the vessel before it was intercepted three other boats in the flotilla have turned back on their way to the greek eye crete. 20 people are aboard the mary ann the israeli army said it doesn't use force activists have released a video calling for international help. >> if you see this video it means that the israelis have bring international law again. it means that they took us as prisoners act like pirates. it means that, again, they have prevent us to reach gaza. to reach palestine. it means that we are now sitting
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there and waiting you to act, we are waiting our government to act. we are waiting the international bodies to act. more coming up on later on in the show. including a shine a-backed bank seen as a rival to the world bank is staking shape. and shock and shame the family of the tunisian gunman say they can't believe he's a mass murderer.
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>> "inside story" takes you beyond the headlines, beyond the quick cuts, beyond the sound bites. we're giving you a deeper dive into the stories that are making our world what it is. >> ray suarez hosts "inside story". only on al jazeera america. ♪ ♪ welcome back to. i am shiulie ghosh let's remind i of the top to stories now.
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widespread delays in burundi as polls only in the parliamentary election several poms were taxed overnight. some with grenade. opposition is also boy boycotting the bombs. the doors are close odd banks in greece following a weekend of turmoil. the prime minister made pleas for calm. the world banks reacted on monday. is heel as stopped a boat from trying break their navel blockade. activists have released a video saying they are not safe. 20 people are aboard the mary ann. israel's box aid of the gaza strip began in 2007 after the palestinian faction hamas won elections the previous year meaning rails controls land, sea, and air around the territory. the movement in to and out of gas is restricted. border crossings are controlled
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by israel and he just a minute. the united nation says the living conditions of nearly 2 million pal stun i didn't know in the gas strip have been adversely affected bite blockade. israel also present end are you of goods including construction material in to the strip making it difficult to rebuild homes after the 2014 gaza war. there have been similar attempts to break the blockade beyak at this vies in may 2010 a flotilla of six vessels were taken over by israeli defense forces. nine turkish activists were killed in the raid. from the campaign group that organized this latest flotilla describing how the people of gas are suffering. >> we believe it is an unfair blockade on gaza. this is again against international law. gas strip is a small area with a population of around 2 million. for eight years now, there is a siege on gaza, with no reason, people of gaza suffering
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borders closed, a lot of people lot their lives because they cannot go out for medication, a lot of student there lost their future because they cannot get out of gaza. and a lot of medical aid is not reaching gaza because of the blockade. then our campaign to try to end the blockade in gas a now when we talk about mary ann the swedish boat, this is a sweeter boat with a sweden flag, swede sen the only european country recognized palestine. and they have the right to have a normal. [ inaudible ] towards gaza or towards palestine. now, if there is israeli stop the boats or mary ann in the international water this is against international law.
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>> israel says it plages to release a prominent palestinian prisoner who is reported on the verge of death. he has agreed to end his 55-day hunger strike and is due to be freed on july 12th. he's been held for 11 months in so-called administrative detention. which is used by israel to detain palestinians without charge are trial. chinese president has met delegates from member countries of the newly formed asia inning extra structure investment pain the iaab. more than 50 countries have signed to join the chinese-development backed bank. it's seen as a rival to the world bank and asian development bank. a senior research fellow at the china institute of international studies he says the aiiab should not be seen as a rife toll other at any time institutions. >> actually china sees the establishment of a new bank as kind of complementary measure to
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nation the regional financial institutional like the record bank and asian development bank. this move does not seek any exclusive interests and hopes this can be a win-win approach for the building of infrastructure. certainly, you know, they can be competing in some sense to world bank and asian development bank in the infrastructure building in asia, but isn't that kind of constructive. it's good kind of a favorable policy of competition. you know, it's not a rivalry. syrian activists say isil is losing territory. as fighting rages in the northeastern city. isil launched a an offensive to capture government-held areas on thursday but regime troops have pushed them back in the south of
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the city and kurdish forces say they are making gains in the east. closing arguments are expect ed in could i try as the trial against three al jazerra journalists resumes in egypt. mohammed that me and ga there are ma ho em are accused of helping the now banned muslim brotherhood. peter greste is being tried in ab then that. the journalists and al jazerra reject the charges. the tunisian interior ministry believes the 23-year-old gunman had accomplices. the police have launched a nationwide man hunt for them. at at that beingers' father and roommates have been detained and are being questioned. the tunisian government says it will arm its tourism police and move additional reinforcements to boost security. interior ministers from britain france are expectedded to visit the scene of the tack. 38 were wide mostly british nationals. the relatives of the gunmen say they don't understand how he
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could have turned ed in to a killer. >> translator: i would never have guessed he would commit such an atrocity. we did not notice anything. we did not feel he would do anything. >> the day before at attack he was normal he came here to work, went to pray, and he sat with the guys in the cafe. the second of two murderers who had escaped from a u.s. high security prison is now in custody after being shot by police near the canadian border. david sweat was transport to hospital for treatment. he was cornered in the same area as the other prisoner who had escaped with him. richard matt was shot and killed by police on friday. the men escaped from the prison in new york state on the sixth of june. now, earlier this month researchers warned the earth is in the midst of a mass ex-things period directly link today human activity. climate change, pollution hutsing, destruction of habitat are threatening the very existence of many animals. in san diego california, rob
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reynolds visited one species at severe risk. >> reporter: she's literally oe of the last of her kind. no los angeles a 41-year-old 1800-kilo northern white rhino lived in the san diego zoo's safari park. >> know los angeles is actually pretty naysing. he's share in that in that you can get close to her. >> reporter: nicky is one of her devoted keepers. >> she's very quiet. nice, quiet girl. >> reporter: frenzy demands for rhino horn in east asia has driven the subspecies to the brink of ebbs things. >> these animals are killed for the horns. people think they have ma disnatural purposes in certain countries and cultures. leterally they are made out of keratin sale thing as your hair and nails. there are only five northern white rhinos left on earth. all living in captivity. the remaining rhinos are like nola, past their reproductive years. all efforts to coax them to breed has failed. there is only one chance left
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for the survival of the northern white rhino as a species and it lies not far from here in an advanced genetics laboratory that scientists here at the san diego zoo call the frozen zoo. in stainless steel cylinders genetic material from more than 300 species, most of them endangered are kept safely frozen. >> here is a long tailed weasel. this is a cavendish. >> reporter: barbara turn rapt is the director of reproduction tiffaniesology at the zoo's i want suit for conservation research. >> it's like a treasure chest. >> reporter: that's part i've future us tick rhino revival plan. >> she has cell lines they can be convert ed in to stem cells and we could fertilize those eggs, we can potentially have sperm and eggs from two animal that have died many years ago
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create an new embryo and transfer it in to a southern white ryne on. >> reporter: it sounds like science fix. but durandt says it's scientifically feasible. >> we are not doing it reckless i, werecklessly, we have science did he behinds it we know it wail ache a long time. >> reporter: samples are take friend nola. she may be a mother after all perhaps one day? >> we certainly hope so, yes that he the goal. >> reporter: preventing poaching and preserving habitat are essential to stop species from disappearing. but with an assist from genetic science, the northern white rhino may one day again roam wild. perhaps in a wiser world. rob reynolds, al jazerra, san diego, california. an investigate is under way in to why an unmanned rocket exploded shortly after lift off from cape canaveral in florida. it's the late nest a series of mission failures by private companies who have entered the commercial space business, tom
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ackerman reports. >> reporter: the falcon nine rocket owned by space x broke apart about two minutes in to its flight from cape knapp rail. the company said the upper section of the two-stage vehicle apparently blew up due to over pressure in its liquid ox oxygen tank. >> there is no negligent here, no really problem with this, it just shows the challenges that we have facing engineering and challenges of space flight in general. >> reporter: the rocket was carrying more than 1800 identity lows of food, flies and scientific experiments to the international space station. this was the seventh such mission by space x which has a within $.6 billion resupply contract with nasa. all but this one have been successful. on two previous flights the country was unable to carry out a lands on the ground a drone ship out in the sat lan tax marking a significant advance in the quest to we frequent
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reusable rockets a big cost sever for eventual trips to mars. it was the third launch failure of commercial space minutes in recent months. a rocket opened by another company exploded last october. and russia's bow roe bot i can progress 59 vessel fell back to earth in may short of reaching the station. nasa officials say despite the latest setback the i.s.s. crew is not running short of provisions. >> we are in a good position on board of i.s.s. in other words of continuing to house the crew. continuing to protect the schedule going forward. continuing to do research. >> reporter: and the space agency is still on track to carry astronauts to the i.s.s. by 2017 again on u.s. vessels rather than to keep depending on russian rockets. mean while while the russians plan to send eight shipment to the i.s.s. next week if that succeeds a new three-man crew
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will be sent in late july. bringing its staffing up to the regulation six astronauts, tom ackerman, al jazerra washington. ? you can keep up-to-date with all the day's news and sport on our website >> every year, the u.s. imports more and more produce - fresh fruits and vegetables - from mexico. and every year, wages have stayed the same for the people that harvest that produce - sometimes the last people to touch the fruit bought by u.s. consumers. but after years of long, hot days and stagnant pay, workers left the fields and took to the streets to demand better working
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