tv News Al Jazeera June 29, 2015 12:00pm-12:31pm EDT
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>> egypt's prosecutor general dies after a bomb attack on his convoy. hello, i'm maryam nemazee. this an al jazeera live from london. the e.u. commission chief said that he feels betrayed by greece as banks are closed for a week. low turn out as burundi goes ahead with elections. the action that african union said should be postponeed.
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in the tunisian attack several people have been arrested. hello, egypt state process dutier has been killed after a car bomb in cairo. he was a controversial figure with some seeing him as the architect of egypt's clamp down on defense. he sent many muslim brotherhood supporters to trial. >> this is the aftermath of the explosion that killed the prosecuteor. they believe that the explosion was detonated by remote control. five others from injure: he was appointed to the position of
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prosecutor general in july 2013. he has referred thousands of murders from the banned muslim brotherhood to trial since the overthrow of president mohamed morsi. they have described the group as highly politicized and hundreds have been sentenced to death or life in prisonment in the crackdown on muslim brotherhood. he is the first to be assassinated in recent years in egypt. >> first of all how significant is the targeting and killing of someone in this position? >> well, it's a very serious matter that sends a very strong message regardless of the sender. it is a very strong message and very serious one. >> and so how is this message
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then likely to be received? how might the authorities in egypt respond now? >> well, okay, let me answer this question. but before answering this question, we have to raise certain questions. the circumstances that surround it that crime impose more questions than answers. i mean, the location of the crime scene is very strange. and whoever chose that location, they chose it for a very, very special reasons. it's residential area, but in spite of the fact that it's a retention area it's almost like a military bear red soxes. nobody i mean, the no suspected person can get in or out of this area. it's almost a military barracks without being investigated and
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searched. if this thing happens in such area that means only two things. either there is a serious breach in the security, which is totally most likely to be discarded or there is suspicious, something suspicious about the crime itself. first and foremost we have all to condemn that heinous crime. i forget to start by condemning that heinous crime whoever did it. >> the location is very significant. and it took place in cairo outside of a military college and this would have been--the timing, i mean, the when you review and investigate and scrutinize every murder, every murder and terrorist attack that happened during the last two years, usually they precede the major call for sit in or major demonstration.
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i wonder if this path has any implications or any meanings at all? >> we've seen sporadic attacks on police and security personnel in egypt over the past few years. this attack is significant because it's the first top. level official to have been targeted since mohamed morsi's over throw in 2013. do you see these sort of attacks continuing? >> people being persecuted for the last two reasons is a reason go not justification for such terrorist attack. but we have to investigate reasons with such attacks if they're being staged by
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so-called terrorists. we have to investigate reasons why. >> thank you very much. now an egyptian course will announce it will the trial of three al jazeera journalists. peter greste was released a after 400 days behind bars. mohamed fahmy, baher mohammed were released on bail but cannot leave egypt and must check in with police. al jazeera reject the charges. >> now, with just one day to go before greece's bailout program expires, there seems to be no hope of last minute compromise. they say they felt betrayed by
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the greek government and urging the greeks to vote in favor of the referendum. thebanks in athens remain closed in order to avoid a financial collapse. from athens barnaby phillips reports. >> this petrol station on the edge of athens is closed until a tanker turns up with new supplies. as we drove around the city we saw about a third of stations were closed. the result, panic buying over the weekend. but without the free throw of cash the greek economy could grind to a halt. >> they need to pay up front and in cash now that banks are closed. >> for now the banks are firmly shut with confusion on the streets outside some people could take the daily limit of 60
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euros from the machines. others weren't so lucky. most vulnerable the pensioners. many of whom don't have bank cards. antonias 82, waits outside of the bank to collect his pension with friends. >> he heard a report that it would open at midday. it didn't. he waited an hour then gave up. so there are a lot of questions for the greek finance minister although he was not answering them on his way to work. instead, we heard accusations of betrayal from the european commission in brussels. >> egotism p tactical games took precedence over other aspects and after all my efforts and the efforts made by the commission and other constitutions involved in the process i feel a little betrayed. because due consideration is has not been given to personal efforts and the efforts of
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others who are numerous, and made a sustained effort. >> in germany angela merkel does not want to go down in history as the leader who presided over the break up of the eurozone. >> if the euro fails europe fails. we have to fight for our principle. we can forget them for a second, maybe, but i say in the mid or long term we will suffer damage. we will suffer because we will not be a key player in the world any more. that's why we have to call for compromises and principles in europe again and again. >> in theory there is still time for the greek government and it's creditors. in practice there is no trust and a lot of bad feeling between them. so preparations are now under way for sunday's referendum. and after that it's anyone's guess what will happen in greece. >> well, as you mentioned there has been a strong reaction on
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european stock markets to the events, let's just take a look at what has been happening at the moment. this is the picture in europe at the moment. you can see the german is down. and we know that greece closed it's banks and capital colts after failing an agreement. and it's down by over 3.5%. that's just check in on the 100 in london. just a short time ago down by 2%. what we're seeing across the board is that shares in banks are the hardest hit and really feeling the brunt of this. a strong reaction on the markets. let's speak fernando giuliano. it seemed that they would reach some sort of deal in the last minute. is there a rising possibility that greece might fall out of the euro? >> the possibility has gone up
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over the weekend. we have a payment in a comes due tomorrow. then on sunday we have a referendum in which alexis tsipras the greek prime ministers, has called for a vote. if they say no, then the probability that greece may crash out of the euro will increase substantially go you mentioned the deadline for payment tomorrow. does it look as though--what would be the inapplications of a default particularly on other eurozone countries? >> well, at the moment the direct consequences of the default on the imf are pretty limited. there is no--the credit rating agencies have said they would not trigger any default on private bonds, and it looks like
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the institutions which holds some greek debt is forgiving. they were requesting immediate payment back when the imf when there are reached default in the imf. >> it won't be a default in practice. >> not on the other institutions. just on the imf. now for the other countries the question of contagion or not. there was a sell off of peripheral bonds but it waws not as dramatic as people expected. the yield from countries like portugal, italy and ireland widened, but not as dramatically as people expected. because the central bank is playing a different role. the european natural bank is prepared to buy unlimited quantities of bonds from this government, which means that they're more assured of holding
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these papers rather than selling them off. >> what happens comes sunday. polls have shown very difficult to predict this, and that the greek people are enthusiastic about the euro, and this is something that they want to be part of this club. on the other hand there must be contingency plans behind the scenes to assert a possible state collapse if they vote against the deal that's on the table. >> it would clearly be a rejection of the packages but also in a ways europe would proceed it as rejection of the euro. they have said very clearly today saying no to. ref run dumb means going back to the drachma. it would be catastrophic for greece. now, the question is what happens with a yes? well the yes vote will deliver some acceptance of the creat the
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creditors demands but will it bring a solution? no. now the government which has been placed for a no, will they resign? will there be new election and will the new government necessarily implement these reforms? this is a referendum that some people worry will never end. >> the result in favor of the current deal doesn't necessarily resolve the problem and could have a host of implications. thank you for giving us yours thoughts today. there is still much more to come in al jazeera this half hour. isil may be gone from their town. but residents in northern syria say that they now fear a new conflict. we'll explain why. also coming up, israel intercepts an international eightaid ships.
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>> welcome back. let's update you on the top stories. one of the key figure notice egyptian judicial system has died after a car bomb targeted his convoy in cairo. he played a central role in the crackdown on the muslim brotherhood. with just a day to go in the greece's bail out program expires there seems to be little hope of a compromise. well now report by imf
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economists say that major reform needs to be made. it suggests cutting the number of teachers and raising property taxes. the island is facing crunch time because their imf payment is due and they could face default. in burundi blasts and gunfire were hold just before votes began. the election comes weeks after violent demonstrations who is seek angle unconstitutional third term next month. in burundi's capital where the polls have now closed. what can you tell us about the atmosphere. how is the process generally unfolded?
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>> well, in the ruler areas you see people waiting for hours to vote. that's where the president is popular. that's his stronghold. he voted in his hometown, and he arrived riding a bicycle. he came with his wife and children, which is significant because some people thought that his wife had fled the country. this confirms that she's still in the country. they had voted and then said you are my supporters people in the countryside, that's why i'm here for you. in the capital it's very different. a grenade was thrown early in the morning on monday, but some people try to trickle in to vote. numbers were very low i must say, because opposition boycott boycotted. they asked people weresome were afraid to come out and vote. >> what are the fears that this election could bring about in
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the country? >> could be a day or two before results are announced. for ordinary people this is a basically do-or-die result for them. last night there was gunfire in some volatile neighborhoods. some are concerned that opposition supporters. and the presidential election seems like it will ahead according to the president despite those who say it must not go ahead. the polls could be violent tense, ordinary people are concerned. >> thank you. >> the syrian army said that it's captured territory from the islamic state in iraq and the levant in the northeast certain
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city. regime troops have pushed them back in the south of the city, and kurdish forces say they're making gains in the east. well growing tensions between kurds and ethnic arabs are threatening to carry another war. the main syrian kurdish force ypg is accused of ethnic cleansing. we have reports from the turkish syria border. many are choosing to live in these conditions rather than return. this unfinished building is home to 12 families. they're scared to reveal their identities. they came here with syrian kurdish forces launched an offensive against the islamic state in iraq and the levant in early june.
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these people are afraid of the new authority on the ground. >> i don't trust the kurds. we are afraid of them. we here that they're sunni arabs. >> many of them don't want to speak on camera, but tell you that the kurds burned and looted arab homes to prevent them from returning. and the ypg has listed many of them as suspected isil collaborators. more than 20,000 people fled the area during the fighting. only 2,000 have returned since kurdish forces captured the town earlier this month. the syrian national coalition the main opposition in exile is accusing the ypg of what it calls violation against ethnic arabs. it is now demanding that the
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united nations sent an investigation mission in to the area. >> this doctor is hoping that that will happen. he says he has documented evidence of evidence from 2014. he wants to present his findings to an international human rights organization. >> they are allies, and they're being supported by the u.s. coalition. >> concerns are growing over the territorial gains made by syria's kurds. the ypg has categoryially denied the accusations of forcing arabs from their home with plans to create a state. but perceptions are just as
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dangerous. it could lead to complications in this war. >> thedavid cameron said that isil posed an extension threat to the u.k. and other countries. cameron promised a full spectrum response to the attack in tunisia in which 30 british nationals are thought to have died. a group of suspect linked to thearrested linked to the attack. >> what happened here was a despicable act of cruelty. how could a place of such beauty, of relaxation and happiness be turned in such a
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scene of brutality and destruction. sadly we know that at least 18 british tourists died in this terrorist attack, but we know also that that number will rise. >> israel navy has intercepted a swedish boat carrying activists protesting against block said of gaza it controls the land, air and sea around the strip. the movement of people in and out of gaza is restricted with border crossing controls with israel and egypt. israel prevents entering of goods especially in construction. in 2010 nine turkish activists
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were killed when the israeli army took over thraves. >> well, activists hope that this fishing troller named the marianne would sail into the port of gaza. they were planning to donate it to the fisherman's union. by all accounts the fishing industry like the rest of its economy has been hit hard by the eight-year long israeli blockade blockade. instead the israeli navy seized the marianne in international waters, and redirected it to its port at ash dod. this activist and sailor owns the marianne. he explains what happened while an israeli custody during a similar protest in 2012. >> they tried to make you afraid, of course,. >> the trillionth government promised to take all measures
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necessary in what organizers called the freedom flotilla three. prime minister benjamin netanyahu calls it a publicity student and provocation in. >> i'm glad to say that this flotilla generates less public and prop began at a input because people around the world begin to understand. >> in 2010 israeli commandos boarded the first freedom flotilla protest. they prevented hamas from smuggling weapons. >> i would say hey you need peace. we need peace. all of us, we. >> activists say yes this was a publicity stunt even though the marianne never made it to the
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shores of gaza they consider the protest a success. they say it turned the world's focus to the plight of the palestinians, even if only for a short time. al jazeera. >> a woman has died from her injuries after a fire ball engulfed a crowd at a music event in taiwan saturday night. she's believed to have burns to 90% of her body. 200 others are still in hospital. they were injured when the ball caught fire and it waws thrown into the crowd. it waws suggested that there would be charges brought against two of the organizers. >> how does one know that so many people get hurt. it makes me feel so sad. i'm really sorry. >> french police are questioning two executives from the car
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booker company uber. they're cracking down on the private unlicensed taxi service and has filed a legal complaint against it on friday. last week large demonstrations were held in central paris where traditional taxi drivers were thought to be used by uber drivers. detain is the company's manager and general western europe manager. now a solar-powered plane has taken off for japan on its seventh leg around the world. it past a point of no return and would now have to complete the five-day flight across the pacific. the plane landed a month ago after it waws forced to cross the pacific. if the departure has postponed several times because of poor weather. you can find the latest on that story and anything else we're covering at our top story there is the killing of egypt state
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prosecutor. this is the highest-level egyptian killed since the over throw of morsi. in greece banks have closed, and negotiations continue to find a bailout solution for them. >> the ruling on the final cases of the year. the justices allow the use of a controversial excuse drug. and three states take a tans against the high court's ruling on same-sex marriage refuseing to grant religious marriage licenses
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